/* * The freedesktop.org Trash, implemented using the 0.7 spec version * (see http://www.ramendik.ru/docs/trashspec.html) * * Copyright (C) 2006 Mikolaj Zalewski * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "shlwapi.h" #include #include #include #include #include "wine/debug.h" #include "shell32_main.h" #include "xdg.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(trash); static CRITICAL_SECTION TRASH_Creating; static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG TRASH_Creating_Debug = { 0, 0, &TRASH_Creating, { &TRASH_Creating_Debug.ProcessLocksList, &TRASH_Creating_Debug.ProcessLocksList}, 0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)__FILE__ ": TRASH_Creating"} }; static CRITICAL_SECTION TRASH_Creating = { &TRASH_Creating_Debug, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const char trashinfo_suffix[] = ".trashinfo"; static const char trashinfo_header[] = "[Trash Info]\n"; typedef struct { char *info_dir; char *files_dir; dev_t device; } TRASH_BUCKET; static TRASH_BUCKET *home_trash=NULL; static char *init_home_dir(const char *subpath) { char *path = XDG_BuildPath(XDG_DATA_HOME, subpath); if (path == NULL) return NULL; if (!XDG_MakeDirs(path)) { ERR("Couldn't create directory %s (errno=%d). Trash won't be available\n", debugstr_a(path), errno); SHFree(path); path=NULL; } return path; } static TRASH_BUCKET *TRASH_CreateHomeBucket(void) { TRASH_BUCKET *bucket; struct stat trash_stat; char *trash_path = NULL; bucket = SHAlloc(sizeof(TRASH_BUCKET)); if (bucket == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; goto error; } memset(bucket, 0, sizeof(*bucket)); bucket->info_dir = init_home_dir("Trash/info/"); if (bucket->info_dir == NULL) goto error; bucket->files_dir = init_home_dir("Trash/files/"); if (bucket->files_dir == NULL) goto error; trash_path = XDG_BuildPath(XDG_DATA_HOME, "Trash/"); if (stat(trash_path, &trash_stat) == -1) goto error; bucket->device = trash_stat.st_dev; SHFree(trash_path); return bucket; error: SHFree(trash_path); if (bucket) { SHFree(bucket->info_dir); SHFree(bucket->files_dir); } SHFree(bucket); return NULL; } static BOOL TRASH_EnsureInitialized(void) { if (home_trash == NULL) { EnterCriticalSection(&TRASH_Creating); if (home_trash == NULL) home_trash = TRASH_CreateHomeBucket(); LeaveCriticalSection(&TRASH_Creating); } if (home_trash == NULL) { ERR("Couldn't initialize home trash (errno=%d)\n", errno); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL file_good_for_bucket(TRASH_BUCKET *pBucket, struct stat *file_stat) { if (pBucket->device != file_stat->st_dev) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL TRASH_CanTrashFile(LPCWSTR wszPath) { struct stat file_stat; char *unix_path; TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_w(wszPath)); if (!TRASH_EnsureInitialized()) return FALSE; if (!(unix_path = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszPath))) return FALSE; if (lstat(unix_path, &file_stat)==-1) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, unix_path); return FALSE; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, unix_path); return file_good_for_bucket(home_trash, &file_stat); } /* * Try to create a single .trashinfo file. Return TRUE if successful, else FALSE */ static BOOL try_create_trashinfo_file(const char *info_dir, const char *file_name, const char *original_file_name) { struct tm curr_time; time_t curr_time_secs; char datebuf[200]; char *path = SHAlloc(strlen(info_dir)+strlen(file_name)+strlen(trashinfo_suffix)+1); int writer = -1; if (path==NULL) return FALSE; wsprintfA(path, "%s%s%s", info_dir, file_name, trashinfo_suffix); TRACE("Trying to create '%s'\n", path); writer = open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL, 0600); if (writer==-1) goto error; write(writer, trashinfo_header, strlen(trashinfo_header)); if (!XDG_WriteDesktopStringEntry(writer, "Path", XDG_URLENCODE, original_file_name)) goto error; time(&curr_time_secs); localtime_r(&curr_time_secs, &curr_time); wnsprintfA(datebuf, 200, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d", curr_time.tm_year+1900, curr_time.tm_mon+1, curr_time.tm_mday, curr_time.tm_hour, curr_time.tm_min, curr_time.tm_sec); if (!XDG_WriteDesktopStringEntry(writer, "DeletionDate", 0, datebuf)) goto error; close(writer); SHFree(path); return TRUE; error: if (writer != -1) { close(writer); unlink(path); } SHFree(path); return FALSE; } /* * Try to create a .trashinfo file. This function will make several attempts with * different filenames. It will return the filename that succeded or NULL if a file * couldn't be created. */ static char *create_trashinfo(const char *info_dir, const char *file_path) { const char *base_name; char *filename_buffer; unsigned int seed = (unsigned int)time(NULL); int i; errno = ENOMEM; /* out-of-memory is the only case when errno isn't set */ base_name = strrchr(file_path, '/'); if (base_name == NULL) base_name = file_path; else base_name++; filename_buffer = SHAlloc(strlen(base_name)+9+1); if (filename_buffer == NULL) return NULL; lstrcpyA(filename_buffer, base_name); if (try_create_trashinfo_file(info_dir, filename_buffer, file_path)) return filename_buffer; for (i=0; i<30; i++) { sprintf(filename_buffer, "%s-%d", base_name, i+1); if (try_create_trashinfo_file(info_dir, filename_buffer, file_path)) return filename_buffer; } for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { sprintf(filename_buffer, "%s-%08x", base_name, rand_r(&seed)); if (try_create_trashinfo_file(info_dir, filename_buffer, file_path)) return filename_buffer; } WARN("Couldn't create trashinfo after 1031 tries (errno=%d)\n", errno); SHFree(filename_buffer); return NULL; } void remove_trashinfo_file(const char *info_dir, const char *base_name) { char *filename_buffer; filename_buffer = SHAlloc(lstrlenA(info_dir)+lstrlenA(base_name)+lstrlenA(trashinfo_suffix)+1); if (filename_buffer == NULL) return; sprintf(filename_buffer, "%s%s%s", info_dir, base_name, trashinfo_suffix); unlink(filename_buffer); SHFree(filename_buffer); } static BOOL TRASH_MoveFileToBucket(TRASH_BUCKET *pBucket, const char *unix_path) { struct stat file_stat; char *trash_file_name = NULL; char *trash_path = NULL; BOOL ret = TRUE; if (lstat(unix_path, &file_stat)==-1) return FALSE; if (!file_good_for_bucket(pBucket, &file_stat)) return FALSE; trash_file_name = create_trashinfo(pBucket->info_dir, unix_path); if (trash_file_name == NULL) return FALSE; trash_path = SHAlloc(strlen(pBucket->files_dir)+strlen(trash_file_name)+1); if (trash_path == NULL) goto error; lstrcpyA(trash_path, pBucket->files_dir); lstrcatA(trash_path, trash_file_name); if (rename(unix_path, trash_path)==0) { TRACE("rename succeded\n"); goto cleanup; } /* TODO: try to manually move the file */ ERR("Couldn't move file\n"); error: ret = FALSE; remove_trashinfo_file(pBucket->info_dir, trash_file_name); cleanup: SHFree(trash_file_name); SHFree(trash_path); return ret; } BOOL TRASH_TrashFile(LPCWSTR wszPath) { char *unix_path; BOOL result; TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_w(wszPath)); if (!TRASH_EnsureInitialized()) return FALSE; if (!(unix_path = wine_get_unix_file_name(wszPath))) return FALSE; result = TRASH_MoveFileToBucket(home_trash, unix_path); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, unix_path); return result; }