/* * Copyright 2000 Corel Corporation * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define NONAMELESSUNION #define NONAMELESSSTRUCT #include "config.h" #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "twain.h" #include "sane_i.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(twain); #ifndef SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR SANE_I18N("Color") #endif #ifndef SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY SANE_I18N("Gray") #endif #ifndef SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_LINEART #define SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_LINEART SANE_I18N("Lineart") #endif static TW_UINT16 get_onevalue(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 *type, TW_UINT32 *value) { if (pCapability->hContainer) { pTW_ONEVALUE pVal = GlobalLock (pCapability->hContainer); if (pVal) { *value = pVal->Item; if (type) *type = pVal->ItemType; GlobalUnlock (pCapability->hContainer); return TWCC_SUCCESS; } } return TWCC_BUMMER; } static TW_UINT16 set_onevalue(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 type, TW_UINT32 value) { pCapability->hContainer = GlobalAlloc (0, sizeof(TW_ONEVALUE)); if (pCapability->hContainer) { pTW_ONEVALUE pVal = GlobalLock (pCapability->hContainer); if (pVal) { pCapability->ConType = TWON_ONEVALUE; pVal->ItemType = type; pVal->Item = value; GlobalUnlock (pCapability->hContainer); return TWCC_SUCCESS; } } return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } static TW_UINT16 msg_set(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT32 *val) { if (pCapability->ConType == TWON_ONEVALUE) return get_onevalue(pCapability, NULL, val); FIXME("Partial Stub: MSG_SET only supports TW_ONEVALUE\n"); return TWCC_BADCAP; } static TW_UINT16 msg_get_enum(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, const TW_UINT32 *values, int value_count, TW_UINT16 type, TW_UINT32 current, TW_UINT32 default_value) { TW_ENUMERATION *enumv = NULL; TW_UINT32 *p32; TW_UINT16 *p16; int i; pCapability->ConType = TWON_ENUMERATION; pCapability->hContainer = 0; if (type == TWTY_INT16 || type == TWTY_UINT16) pCapability->hContainer = GlobalAlloc (0, FIELD_OFFSET( TW_ENUMERATION, ItemList[value_count * sizeof(TW_UINT16)])); if (type == TWTY_INT32 || type == TWTY_UINT32) pCapability->hContainer = GlobalAlloc (0, FIELD_OFFSET( TW_ENUMERATION, ItemList[value_count * sizeof(TW_UINT32)])); if (pCapability->hContainer) enumv = GlobalLock(pCapability->hContainer); if (! enumv) return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; enumv->ItemType = type; enumv->NumItems = value_count; p16 = (TW_UINT16 *) enumv->ItemList; p32 = (TW_UINT32 *) enumv->ItemList; for (i = 0; i < value_count; i++) { if (values[i] == current) enumv->CurrentIndex = i; if (values[i] == default_value) enumv->DefaultIndex = i; if (type == TWTY_INT16 || type == TWTY_UINT16) p16[i] = values[i]; if (type == TWTY_INT32 || type == TWTY_UINT32) p32[i] = values[i]; } GlobalUnlock(pCapability->hContainer); return TWCC_SUCCESS; } #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE static TW_UINT16 msg_get_range(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 type, TW_UINT32 minval, TW_UINT32 maxval, TW_UINT32 step, TW_UINT32 def, TW_UINT32 current) { TW_RANGE *range = NULL; pCapability->ConType = TWON_RANGE; pCapability->hContainer = 0; pCapability->hContainer = GlobalAlloc (0, sizeof(*range)); if (pCapability->hContainer) range = GlobalLock(pCapability->hContainer); if (! range) return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; range->ItemType = type; range->MinValue = minval; range->MaxValue = maxval; range->StepSize = step; range->DefaultValue = def; range->CurrentValue = current; GlobalUnlock(pCapability->hContainer); return TWCC_SUCCESS; } #endif static TW_UINT16 TWAIN_GetSupportedCaps(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability) { TW_ARRAY *a; static const UINT16 supported_caps[] = { CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS, CAP_XFERCOUNT, CAP_UICONTROLLABLE, ICAP_XFERMECH, ICAP_PIXELTYPE, ICAP_UNITS, ICAP_BITDEPTH, ICAP_COMPRESSION, ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR, ICAP_XRESOLUTION, ICAP_YRESOLUTION }; pCapability->hContainer = GlobalAlloc (0, FIELD_OFFSET( TW_ARRAY, ItemList[sizeof(supported_caps)] )); pCapability->ConType = TWON_ARRAY; if (pCapability->hContainer) { UINT16 *u; int i; a = GlobalLock (pCapability->hContainer); a->ItemType = TWTY_UINT16; a->NumItems = sizeof(supported_caps) / sizeof(supported_caps[0]); u = (UINT16 *) a->ItemList; for (i = 0; i < a->NumItems; i++) u[i] = supported_caps[i]; GlobalUnlock (pCapability->hContainer); return TWCC_SUCCESS; } else return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; } /* ICAP_XFERMECH */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPXferMech (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { static const TW_UINT32 possible_values[] = { TWSX_NATIVE, TWSX_MEMORY }; TW_UINT32 val; TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; TRACE("ICAP_XFERMECH\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = msg_get_enum(pCapability, possible_values, sizeof(possible_values) / sizeof(possible_values[0]), TWTY_UINT16, activeDS.capXferMech, TWSX_NATIVE); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) { activeDS.capXferMech = (TW_UINT16) val; FIXME("Partial Stub: XFERMECH set to %d, but ignored\n", val); } break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, TWSX_NATIVE); break; case MSG_RESET: activeDS.capXferMech = TWSX_NATIVE; /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, activeDS.capXferMech); FIXME("Partial Stub: XFERMECH of %d not actually used\n", activeDS.capXferMech); break; } return twCC; } /* CAP_XFERCOUNT */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_CAPXferCount (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT32 val; TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; TRACE("CAP_XFERCOUNT\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT16, -1); FIXME("Partial Stub: Reporting only support for transfer all\n"); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) FIXME("Partial Stub: XFERCOUNT set to %d, but ignored\n", val); break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT16, -1); break; case MSG_RESET: /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT16, -1); break; } return twCC; } #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE static BOOL pixeltype_to_sane_mode(TW_UINT16 pixeltype, SANE_String mode, int len) { SANE_String_Const m = NULL; switch (pixeltype) { case TWPT_GRAY: m = SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY; break; case TWPT_RGB: m = SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR; break; case TWPT_BW: m = SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_LINEART; break; } if (! m) return FALSE; if (strlen(m) >= len) return FALSE; strcpy(mode, m); return TRUE; } static BOOL sane_mode_to_pixeltype(SANE_String_Const mode, TW_UINT16 *pixeltype) { if (strcmp(mode, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_LINEART) == 0) *pixeltype = TWPT_BW; else if (memcmp(mode, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY, strlen(SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY)) == 0) *pixeltype = TWPT_GRAY; else if (strcmp(mode, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_COLOR) == 0) *pixeltype = TWPT_RGB; else return FALSE; return TRUE; } static TW_UINT16 sane_status_to_twcc(SANE_Status rc) { switch (rc) { case SANE_STATUS_GOOD: return TWCC_SUCCESS; case SANE_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED: return TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED; case SANE_STATUS_JAMMED: return TWCC_PAPERJAM; case SANE_STATUS_NO_MEM: return TWCC_LOWMEMORY; case SANE_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED: return TWCC_DENIED; case SANE_STATUS_IO_ERROR: case SANE_STATUS_NO_DOCS: case SANE_STATUS_COVER_OPEN: case SANE_STATUS_EOF: case SANE_STATUS_INVAL: case SANE_STATUS_CANCELLED: case SANE_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY: default: return TWCC_BUMMER; } } #endif /* ICAP_PIXELTYPE */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPPixelType (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE TW_UINT32 possible_values[3]; int possible_value_count; TW_UINT32 val; SANE_Status rc; SANE_Int status; SANE_String_Const *choices; char current_mode[64]; TW_UINT16 current_pixeltype = TWPT_BW; SANE_Char mode[64]; TRACE("ICAP_PIXELTYPE\n"); rc = sane_option_probe_mode(activeDS.deviceHandle, &choices, current_mode, sizeof(current_mode)); if (rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { ERR("Unable to retrieve mode from sane, ICAP_PIXELTYPE unsupported\n"); return twCC; } sane_mode_to_pixeltype(current_mode, ¤t_pixeltype); /* Sane does not support a concept of a default mode, so we simply cache * the first mode we find */ if (! activeDS.PixelTypeSet) { activeDS.PixelTypeSet = TRUE; activeDS.defaultPixelType = current_pixeltype; } switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: for (possible_value_count = 0; choices && *choices && possible_value_count < 3; choices++) { TW_UINT16 pix; if (sane_mode_to_pixeltype(*choices, &pix)) possible_values[possible_value_count++] = pix; } twCC = msg_get_enum(pCapability, possible_values, possible_value_count, TWTY_UINT16, current_pixeltype, activeDS.defaultPixelType); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) { TRACE("Setting pixeltype to %d\n", val); if (! pixeltype_to_sane_mode(val, mode, sizeof(mode))) return TWCC_BADVALUE; status = 0; rc = sane_option_set_str(activeDS.deviceHandle, "mode", mode, &status); /* Some SANE devices use 'Grayscale' instead of the standard 'Gray' */ if (rc == SANE_STATUS_INVAL && strcmp(mode, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY) == 0) { strcpy(mode, "Grayscale"); rc = sane_option_set_str(activeDS.deviceHandle, "mode", mode, &status); } if (rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) return sane_status_to_twcc(rc); if (status & SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS) psane_get_parameters (activeDS.deviceHandle, &activeDS.sane_param); } break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, activeDS.defaultPixelType); break; case MSG_RESET: current_pixeltype = activeDS.defaultPixelType; if (! pixeltype_to_sane_mode(current_pixeltype, mode, sizeof(mode))) return TWCC_BADVALUE; status = 0; rc = sane_option_set_str(activeDS.deviceHandle, "mode", mode, &status); /* Some SANE devices use 'Grayscale' instead of the standard 'Gray' */ if (rc == SANE_STATUS_INVAL && strcmp(mode, SANE_VALUE_SCAN_MODE_GRAY) == 0) { strcpy(mode, "Grayscale"); rc = sane_option_set_str(activeDS.deviceHandle, "mode", mode, &status); } if (rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) return sane_status_to_twcc(rc); if (status & SANE_INFO_RELOAD_PARAMS) psane_get_parameters (activeDS.deviceHandle, &activeDS.sane_param); /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, current_pixeltype); TRACE("Returning current pixeltype of %d\n", current_pixeltype); break; } #endif return twCC; } /* ICAP_UNITS */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPUnits (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT32 val; TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; TRACE("ICAP_UNITS\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, TWUN_INCHES); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) { if (val != TWUN_INCHES) { ERR("Sane supports only SANE_UNIT_DPI\n"); twCC = TWCC_BADVALUE; } } break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: case MSG_RESET: /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, TWUN_INCHES); break; } return twCC; } /* ICAP_BITDEPTH */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPBitDepth(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE TW_UINT32 possible_values[1]; TRACE("ICAP_BITDEPTH\n"); possible_values[0] = activeDS.sane_param.depth; switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = msg_get_enum(pCapability, possible_values, sizeof(possible_values) / sizeof(possible_values[0]), TWTY_UINT16, activeDS.sane_param.depth, activeDS.sane_param.depth); break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: /* .. Fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: TRACE("Returning current bitdepth of %d\n", activeDS.sane_param.depth); twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, activeDS.sane_param.depth); break; } #endif return twCC; } /* CAP_UICONTROLLABLE */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_CAPUiControllable(pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; TRACE("CAP_UICONTROLLABLE\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_BOOL, TRUE); break; } return twCC; } /* ICAP_COMPRESSION */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPCompression (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { static const TW_UINT32 possible_values[] = { TWCP_NONE }; TW_UINT32 val; TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; TRACE("ICAP_COMPRESSION\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = msg_get_enum(pCapability, possible_values, sizeof(possible_values) / sizeof(possible_values[0]), TWTY_UINT16, TWCP_NONE, TWCP_NONE); FIXME("Partial stub: We don't attempt to support compression\n"); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) FIXME("Partial Stub: COMPRESSION set to %d, but ignored\n", val); break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, TWCP_NONE); break; case MSG_RESET: /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, TWCP_NONE); break; } return twCC; } /* ICAP_XRESOLUTION, ICAP_YRESOLUTION */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPResolution (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action, TW_UINT16 cap) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE TW_UINT32 val; SANE_Int current_resolution; TW_FIX32 *default_res; const char *best_option_name; SANE_Int minval, maxval, quantval; SANE_Status sane_rc; SANE_Int set_status; TRACE("ICAP_%cRESOLUTION\n", cap == ICAP_XRESOLUTION ? 'X' : 'Y'); /* Some scanners support 'x-resolution', most seem to just support 'resolution' */ if (cap == ICAP_XRESOLUTION) { best_option_name = "x-resolution"; default_res = &activeDS.defaultXResolution; } else { best_option_name = "y-resolution"; default_res = &activeDS.defaultYResolution; } if (sane_option_get_int(activeDS.deviceHandle, best_option_name, ¤t_resolution) != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { best_option_name = "resolution"; if (sane_option_get_int(activeDS.deviceHandle, best_option_name, ¤t_resolution) != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) return TWCC_BADCAP; } /* Sane does not support a concept of 'default' resolution, so we have to * cache the resolution the very first time we load the scanner, and use that * as the default */ if (cap == ICAP_XRESOLUTION && ! activeDS.XResolutionSet) { default_res->Whole = current_resolution; default_res->Frac = 0; activeDS.XResolutionSet = TRUE; } if (cap == ICAP_YRESOLUTION && ! activeDS.YResolutionSet) { default_res->Whole = current_resolution; default_res->Frac = 0; activeDS.YResolutionSet = TRUE; } switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: sane_rc = sane_option_probe_resolution(activeDS.deviceHandle, best_option_name, &minval, &maxval, &quantval); if (sane_rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; else twCC = msg_get_range(pCapability, TWTY_FIX32, minval, maxval, quantval == 0 ? 1 : quantval, default_res->Whole, current_resolution); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) { TW_FIX32 f32; memcpy(&f32, &val, sizeof(f32)); sane_rc = sane_option_set_int(activeDS.deviceHandle, best_option_name, f32.Whole, &set_status); if (sane_rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) { FIXME("Status of %d not expected or handled\n", sane_rc); twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; } else if (set_status == SANE_INFO_INEXACT) twCC = TWCC_CHECKSTATUS; } break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_FIX32, default_res->Whole); break; case MSG_RESET: sane_rc = sane_option_set_int(activeDS.deviceHandle, best_option_name, default_res->Whole, NULL); if (sane_rc != SANE_STATUS_GOOD) return TWCC_BADCAP; /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_FIX32, current_resolution); break; } #endif return twCC; } /* ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR */ static TW_UINT16 SANE_ICAPPixelFlavor (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_BADCAP; #ifdef SONAME_LIBSANE static const TW_UINT32 possible_values[] = { TWPF_CHOCOLATE, TWPF_VANILLA }; TW_UINT32 val; TW_UINT32 flavor = activeDS.sane_param.depth == 1 ? TWPF_VANILLA : TWPF_CHOCOLATE; TRACE("ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR\n"); switch (action) { case MSG_QUERYSUPPORT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_INT32, TWQC_GET | TWQC_SET | TWQC_GETDEFAULT | TWQC_GETCURRENT | TWQC_RESET ); break; case MSG_GET: twCC = msg_get_enum(pCapability, possible_values, sizeof(possible_values) / sizeof(possible_values[0]), TWTY_UINT16, flavor, flavor); break; case MSG_SET: twCC = msg_set(pCapability, &val); if (twCC == TWCC_SUCCESS) { FIXME("Stub: PIXELFLAVOR set to %d, but ignored\n", val); } break; case MSG_GETDEFAULT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, flavor); break; case MSG_RESET: /* .. fall through intentional .. */ case MSG_GETCURRENT: twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, TWTY_UINT16, flavor); break; } #endif return twCC; } TW_UINT16 SANE_SaneCapability (pTW_CAPABILITY pCapability, TW_UINT16 action) { TW_UINT16 twCC = TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED; TRACE("capability=%d action=%d\n", pCapability->Cap, action); switch (pCapability->Cap) { case CAP_SUPPORTEDCAPS: if (action == MSG_GET) twCC = TWAIN_GetSupportedCaps(pCapability); else twCC = TWCC_BADVALUE; break; case CAP_XFERCOUNT: twCC = SANE_CAPXferCount (pCapability, action); break; case CAP_UICONTROLLABLE: twCC = SANE_CAPUiControllable (pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_PIXELTYPE: twCC = SANE_ICAPPixelType (pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_UNITS: twCC = SANE_ICAPUnits (pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_BITDEPTH: twCC = SANE_ICAPBitDepth(pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_XFERMECH: twCC = SANE_ICAPXferMech (pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_PIXELFLAVOR: twCC = SANE_ICAPPixelFlavor (pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_COMPRESSION: twCC = SANE_ICAPCompression(pCapability, action); break; case ICAP_XRESOLUTION: twCC = SANE_ICAPResolution(pCapability, action, pCapability->Cap); break; case ICAP_YRESOLUTION: twCC = SANE_ICAPResolution(pCapability, action, pCapability->Cap); break; } /* Twain specifies that you should return a 0 in response to QUERYSUPPORT, * even if you don't formally support the capability */ if (twCC == TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED && action == MSG_QUERYSUPPORT) twCC = set_onevalue(pCapability, 0, TWTY_INT32); if (twCC == TWCC_CAPUNSUPPORTED) TRACE("capability 0x%x/action=%d being reported as unsupported\n", pCapability->Cap, action); return twCC; }