/* * Copyright 2016 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ var compat_version; function test_elem_props() { var elem = document.documentElement; function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in elem, prop + " not found in element."); else ok(!(prop in elem), prop + " found in element."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("doScroll", v < 11); test_exposed("querySelectorAll", v >= 8); test_exposed("textContent", v >= 9); test_exposed("prefix", v >= 9); test_exposed("firstElementChild", v >= 9); test_exposed("onsubmit", v >= 9); test_exposed("getElementsByClassName", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeAttributeNS", v >= 9); test_exposed("addEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("dispatchEvent", v >= 9); next_test(); } function test_doc_props() { function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in document, prop + " not found in document."); else ok(!(prop in document), prop + " found in document."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("textContent", v >= 9); test_exposed("prefix", v >= 9); test_exposed("defaultView", v >= 9); test_exposed("head", v >= 9); test_exposed("addEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("dispatchEvent", v >= 9); test_exposed("createEvent", v >= 9); test_exposed("parentWindow", true); if(v >= 9) ok(document.defaultView === document.parentWindow, "defaultView != parentWindow"); next_test(); } function test_docfrag_props() { var docfrag = document.createDocumentFragment(); function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in docfrag, prop + " not found in document fragent."); else ok(!(prop in docfrag), prop + " found in document fragent."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("compareDocumentPosition", v >= 9); next_test(); } function test_window_props() { function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in window, prop + " not found in window."); else ok(!(prop in window), prop + " found in window."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("postMessage", true); test_exposed("addEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("dispatchEvent", v >= 9); test_exposed("getSelection", v >= 9); test_exposed("onfocusout", v >= 9); if(v >= 9) /* FIXME: native exposes it in all compat modes */ test_exposed("performance", true); next_test(); } function test_xhr_props() { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in xhr, prop + " not found in XMLHttpRequest."); else ok(!(prop in xhr), prop + " found in XMLHttpRequest."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("addEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeEventListener", v >= 9); test_exposed("dispatchEvent", v >= 9); next_test(); } function test_style_props() { var style = document.body.style; function test_exposed(prop, expect) { if(expect) ok(prop in style, prop + " not found in style object."); else ok(!(prop in style), prop + " found in style object."); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("removeAttribute", true); test_exposed("zIndex", true); test_exposed("z-index", true); test_exposed("filter", true); test_exposed("pixelTop", true); test_exposed("float", true); test_exposed("css-float", false); test_exposed("style-float", false); test_exposed("setProperty", v >= 9); test_exposed("removeProperty", v >= 9); test_exposed("background-clip", v >= 9); next_test(); } function test_javascript() { var g = window; function test_exposed(func, obj, expect) { if(expect) ok(func in obj, func + " not found in " + obj); else ok(!(func in obj), func + " found in " + obj); } function test_parses(code, expect) { var success; try { eval(code); success = true; }catch(e) { success = false; } if(expect) ok(success === true, code + " did not parse"); else ok(success === false, code + " parsed"); } var v = document.documentMode; test_exposed("ScriptEngineMajorVersion", g, true); test_exposed("JSON", g, v >= 8); test_exposed("now", Date, true); test_exposed("toISOString", Date.prototype, v >= 9); test_exposed("isArray", Array, v >= 9); test_exposed("forEach", Array.prototype, v >= 9); test_exposed("indexOf", Array.prototype, v >= 9); test_exposed("trim", String.prototype, v >= 9); test_exposed("map", Array.prototype, v >= 9); /* FIXME: IE8 implements weird semi-functional property descriptors. */ if(v != 8) { test_exposed("getOwnPropertyDescriptor", Object, v >= 8); test_exposed("defineProperty", Object, v >= 8); test_exposed("defineProperties", Object, v >= 8); } test_exposed("getPrototypeOf", Object, v >= 9); test_parses("if(false) { o.default; }", v >= 9); test_parses("if(false) { o.with; }", v >= 9); test_parses("if(false) { o.if; }", v >= 9); next_test(); } function test_elem_by_id() { document.body.innerHTML = '
'; var id_elem = document.getElementById("testid"); ok(id_elem.tagName === "FORM", "id_elem.tagName = " + id_elem.tagName); var name_elem = document.getElementById("testname"); if(document.documentMode < 8) ok(id_elem === name_elem, "id_elem != id_elem"); else ok(name_elem === null, "name_elem != null"); next_test(); } function test_doc_mode() { compat_version = parseInt(document.location.search.substring(1)); trace("Testing compatibility mode " + compat_version); if(compat_version > 6 && compat_version > document.documentMode) { win_skip("Document mode not supported (expected " + compat_version + " got " + document.documentMode + ")"); reportSuccess(); return; } ok(Math.max(compat_version, 5) === document.documentMode, "documentMode = " + document.documentMode); if(document.documentMode > 5) ok(document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat", "document.compatMode = " + document.compatMode); else ok(document.compatMode === "BackCompat", "document.compatMode = " + document.compatMode); next_test(); } function test_iframe_doc_mode() { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.onload = function() { var iframe_mode = iframe.contentWindow.document.documentMode; if(document.documentMode < 9) ok(iframe_mode === 5, "iframe_mode = " + iframe_mode); else ok(iframe_mode === document.documentMode, "iframe_mode = " + iframe_mode); next_test(); } iframe.src = "about:blank"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } function test_conditional_comments() { var div = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(div); function test_version(v) { var version = compat_version ? compat_version : 7; div.innerHTML = ""; ok(div.innerText === (version <= v ? "true" : ""), "div.innerText = " + div.innerText + " for version (<=) " + v); div.innerHTML = ""; ok(div.innerText === (version < v ? "true" : ""), "div.innerText = " + div.innerText + " for version (<) " + v); div.innerHTML = ""; ok(div.innerText === (version >= v && version < 10 ? "true" : ""), "div.innerText = " + div.innerText + " for version (>=) " + v); div.innerHTML = ""; ok(div.innerText === (version > v && version < 10 ? "true" : ""), "div.innerText = " + div.innerText + " for version (>) " + v); } test_version(5); test_version(6); test_version(7); test_version(8); next_test(); } var tests = [ test_doc_mode, test_iframe_doc_mode, test_elem_props, test_doc_props, test_docfrag_props, test_window_props, test_javascript, test_xhr_props, test_style_props, test_elem_by_id, test_conditional_comments ];