/* * Program Manager * * Copyright 1996 Ulrich Schmid * 1997 Peter Schlaile * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "windows.h" #include "wine/winuser16.h" #include "progman.h" #include "mmsystem.h" #define MALLOCHUNK 1000 #define GET_USHORT(buffer, i)\ (((BYTE)((buffer)[(i)]) + 0x100 * (BYTE)((buffer)[(i)+1]))) #define GET_SHORT(buffer, i)\ (((BYTE)((buffer)[(i)]) + 0x100 * (signed char)((buffer)[(i)+1]))) #define PUT_SHORT(buffer, i, s)\ (((buffer)[(i)] = (s) & 0xff, (buffer)[(i)+1] = ((s) >> 8) & 0xff)) static BOOL GRPFILE_ReadFileToBuffer(LPCSTR, HLOCAL*, INT*); static HLOCAL GRPFILE_ScanGroup(LPCSTR, INT, LPCSTR, BOOL); static HLOCAL GRPFILE_ScanProgram(LPCSTR, INT, LPCSTR, INT, LPCSTR, HLOCAL,LPCSTR); static BOOL GRPFILE_DoWriteGroupFile(HFILE file, PROGGROUP *group); /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_ModifyFileName * * Change extension `.grp' to `.gr' */ static VOID GRPFILE_ModifyFileName(LPSTR lpszNewName, LPCSTR lpszOrigName, INT nSize, BOOL bModify) { lstrcpyn(lpszNewName, lpszOrigName, nSize); lpszNewName[nSize-1] = '\0'; if (!bModify) return; if (!lstrcmpi(lpszNewName + strlen(lpszNewName) - 4, ".grp")) lpszNewName[strlen(lpszNewName) - 1] = '\0'; } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_ReadGroupFile */ HLOCAL GRPFILE_ReadGroupFile(LPCSTR lpszPath) { CHAR szPath_gr[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; BOOL bFileNameModified = FALSE; OFSTRUCT dummy; HLOCAL hBuffer, hGroup; INT size; /* if `.gr' file exists use that */ GRPFILE_ModifyFileName(szPath_gr, lpszPath, MAX_PATHNAME_LEN, TRUE); if (OpenFile(szPath_gr, &dummy, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) { lpszPath = szPath_gr; bFileNameModified = TRUE; } /* Read the whole file into a buffer */ if (!GRPFILE_ReadFileToBuffer(lpszPath, &hBuffer, &size)) { MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_GRPFILE_READ_ERROR_s, lpszPath, IDS_ERROR, MB_YESNO); return(0); } /* Interpret buffer */ hGroup = GRPFILE_ScanGroup(LocalLock(hBuffer), size, lpszPath, bFileNameModified); if (!hGroup) MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_GRPFILE_READ_ERROR_s, lpszPath, IDS_ERROR, MB_YESNO); LocalFree(hBuffer); return(hGroup); } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_ReadFileToBuffer */ static BOOL GRPFILE_ReadFileToBuffer(LPCSTR path, HLOCAL *phBuffer, INT *piSize) { UINT len, size; LPSTR buffer; HLOCAL hBuffer, hNewBuffer; HFILE file; file=_lopen(path, OF_READ); if (file == HFILE_ERROR) return FALSE; size = 0; hBuffer = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, size + MALLOCHUNK + 1); if (!hBuffer) return FALSE; buffer = LocalLock(hBuffer); while ((len = _lread(file, buffer + size, MALLOCHUNK)) == MALLOCHUNK) { size += len; hNewBuffer = LocalReAlloc(hBuffer, size + MALLOCHUNK + 1, LMEM_FIXED); if (!hNewBuffer) { LocalFree(hBuffer); return FALSE; } hBuffer = hNewBuffer; buffer = LocalLock(hBuffer); } _lclose(file); if (len == (UINT)HFILE_ERROR) { LocalFree(hBuffer); return FALSE; } size += len; buffer[size] = 0; *phBuffer = hBuffer; *piSize = size; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * GRPFILE_ScanGroup */ static HLOCAL GRPFILE_ScanGroup(LPCSTR buffer, INT size, LPCSTR lpszGrpFile, BOOL bModifiedFileName) { HLOCAL hGroup; INT i, seqnum; LPCSTR extension; LPCSTR lpszName; INT x, y, width, height, iconx, icony, nCmdShow; INT number_of_programs; BOOL bOverwriteFileOk; if (buffer[0] != 'P' || buffer[1] != 'M') return(0); if (buffer[2] == 'C' && buffer[3] == 'C') /* original with checksum */ bOverwriteFileOk = FALSE; else if (buffer[2] == 'X' && buffer[3] == 'X') /* modified without checksum */ bOverwriteFileOk = TRUE; else return(0); /* checksum = GET_USHORT(buffer, 4) (ignored) */ extension = buffer + GET_USHORT(buffer, 6); if (extension == buffer + size) extension = 0; else if (extension + 6 > buffer + size) return(0); nCmdShow = GET_USHORT(buffer, 8); x = GET_SHORT(buffer, 10); y = GET_SHORT(buffer, 12); width = GET_USHORT(buffer, 14); height = GET_USHORT(buffer, 16); iconx = GET_SHORT(buffer, 18); icony = GET_SHORT(buffer, 20); lpszName = buffer + GET_USHORT(buffer, 22); if (lpszName >= buffer + size) return(0); /* unknown bytes 24 - 31 ignored */ /* Unknown bytes should be: wLogPixelsX = GET_SHORT(buffer, 24); wLogPixelsY = GET_SHORT(buffer, 26); byBitsPerPixel = byte at 28; byPlanes = byte at 29; wReserved = GET_SHORT(buffer, 30); */ hGroup = GROUP_AddGroup(lpszName, lpszGrpFile, nCmdShow, x, y, width, height, iconx, icony, bModifiedFileName, bOverwriteFileOk, TRUE); if (!hGroup) return(0); number_of_programs = GET_USHORT(buffer, 32); if (2 * number_of_programs + 34 > size) return(0); for (i=0, seqnum=0; i < number_of_programs; i++, seqnum++) { LPCSTR program_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(buffer, 34 + 2*i); if (program_ptr + 24 > buffer + size) return(0); if (!GET_USHORT(buffer, 34 + 2*i)) continue; if (!GRPFILE_ScanProgram(buffer, size, program_ptr, seqnum, extension, hGroup, lpszGrpFile)) { GROUP_DeleteGroup(hGroup); return(0); } } /* FIXME shouldn't be necessary */ GROUP_ShowGroupWindow(hGroup); return hGroup; } /*********************************************************************** * GRPFILE_ScanProgram */ static HLOCAL GRPFILE_ScanProgram(LPCSTR buffer, INT size, LPCSTR program_ptr, INT seqnum, LPCSTR extension, HLOCAL hGroup, LPCSTR lpszGrpFile) { INT icontype; HICON hIcon; LPCSTR lpszName, lpszCmdLine, lpszIconFile, lpszWorkDir; LPCSTR iconinfo_ptr, iconANDbits_ptr, iconXORbits_ptr; INT x, y, nIconIndex, iconANDsize, iconXORsize; INT nHotKey, nCmdShow; CURSORICONINFO iconinfo; x = GET_SHORT(program_ptr, 0); y = GET_SHORT(program_ptr, 2); nIconIndex = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 4); /* FIXME is this correct ?? */ icontype = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 6); switch (icontype) { default: MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_UNKNOWN_FEATURE_s, lpszGrpFile, IDS_WARNING, MB_OK); case 0x048c: iconXORsize = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 8); iconANDsize = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 10) / 8; iconinfo_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 12); iconXORbits_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 14); iconANDbits_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 16); iconinfo.ptHotSpot.x = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 0); iconinfo.ptHotSpot.y = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 2); iconinfo.nWidth = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 4); iconinfo.nHeight = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 6); iconinfo.nWidthBytes = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 8); iconinfo.bPlanes = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 10); iconinfo.bBitsPerPixel = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 11); break; case 0x000c: iconANDsize = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 8); iconXORsize = GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 10); iconinfo_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 12); iconANDbits_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 14); iconXORbits_ptr = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 16); iconinfo.ptHotSpot.x = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 0); iconinfo.ptHotSpot.y = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 2); iconinfo.nWidth = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 4); iconinfo.nHeight = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 6); iconinfo.nWidthBytes = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 8) * 8; iconinfo.bPlanes = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 10); iconinfo.bBitsPerPixel = GET_USHORT(iconinfo_ptr, 11); } if (iconANDbits_ptr + iconANDsize > buffer + size || iconXORbits_ptr + iconXORsize > buffer + size) return(0); hIcon = CreateIcon( Globals.hInstance, iconinfo.nWidth, iconinfo.nHeight, iconinfo.bPlanes, iconinfo.bBitsPerPixel, iconANDbits_ptr, iconXORbits_ptr ); lpszName = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 18); lpszCmdLine = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 20); lpszIconFile = buffer + GET_USHORT(program_ptr, 22); if (iconinfo_ptr + 6 > buffer + size || lpszName > buffer + size || lpszCmdLine > buffer + size || lpszIconFile > buffer + size) return(0); /* Scan Extensions */ lpszWorkDir = ""; nHotKey = 0; nCmdShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; if (extension) { LPCSTR ptr = extension; while (ptr + 6 <= buffer + size) { UINT type = GET_USHORT(ptr, 0); UINT number = GET_USHORT(ptr, 2); UINT skip = GET_USHORT(ptr, 4); if (number == seqnum) { switch (type) { case 0x8000: if (ptr + 10 > buffer + size) return(0); if (ptr[6] != 'P' || ptr[7] != 'M' || ptr[8] != 'C' || ptr[9] != 'C') return(0); break; case 0x8101: lpszWorkDir = ptr + 6; break; case 0x8102: if (ptr + 8 > buffer + size) return(0); nHotKey = GET_USHORT(ptr, 6); break; case 0x8103: if (ptr + 8 > buffer + size) return(0); nCmdShow = GET_USHORT(ptr, 6); break; default: MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_UNKNOWN_FEATURE_s, lpszGrpFile, IDS_WARNING, MB_OK); } } if (!skip) break; ptr += skip; } } return (PROGRAM_AddProgram(hGroup, hIcon, lpszName, x, y, lpszCmdLine, lpszIconFile, nIconIndex, lpszWorkDir, nHotKey, nCmdShow)); } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_WriteGroupFile */ BOOL GRPFILE_WriteGroupFile(HLOCAL hGroup) { CHAR szPath[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; PROGGROUP *group = LocalLock(hGroup); OFSTRUCT dummy; HFILE file; BOOL ret; GRPFILE_ModifyFileName(szPath, LocalLock(group->hGrpFile), MAX_PATHNAME_LEN, group->bFileNameModified); /* Try not to overwrite original files */ /* group->bOverwriteFileOk == TRUE only if a file has the modified format */ if (!group->bOverwriteFileOk && OpenFile(szPath, &dummy, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) { /* Original file exists, try `.gr' extension */ GRPFILE_ModifyFileName(szPath, LocalLock(group->hGrpFile), MAX_PATHNAME_LEN, TRUE); if (OpenFile(szPath, &dummy, OF_EXIST) != HFILE_ERROR) { /* File exists. Do not overwrite */ MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_FILE_NOT_OVERWRITTEN_s, szPath, IDS_INFO, MB_OK); return FALSE; } /* Inform about the modified file name */ if (IDCANCEL == MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_SAVE_GROUP_AS_s, szPath, IDS_INFO, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION)) return FALSE; } { /* Warn about the (possible) incompatibility */ CHAR msg[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN + 200]; wsprintf(msg, "Group files written by this DRAFT Program Manager " "possibly cannot be read by the Microsoft Program Manager!!\n" "Are you sure to write %s?", szPath); if (IDOK != MessageBox(Globals.hMainWnd, msg, "WARNING", MB_OKCANCEL | MB_DEFBUTTON2)) return FALSE; } /* FIXME */ if (OpenFile(szPath, &dummy, OF_EXIST) == HFILE_ERROR) { CHAR msg[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN + 200]; wsprintf(msg, "Cause of a bug you must now touch the file %s\n", szPath); MessageBox(Globals.hMainWnd, msg, "", MB_OK); } /* Open file */ file = _lopen(szPath, OF_WRITE); if (file != HFILE_ERROR) { ret = GRPFILE_DoWriteGroupFile(file, group); _lclose(file); } else ret = FALSE; if (!ret) MAIN_MessageBoxIDS_s(IDS_FILE_WRITE_ERROR_s, szPath, IDS_ERROR, MB_OK); return(ret); } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_CalculateSizes */ static VOID GRPFILE_CalculateSizes(PROGRAM *program, INT *Progs, INT *Icons) { CURSORICONINFO *iconinfo = LocalLock(program->hIcon); INT sizeXor = iconinfo->nHeight * iconinfo->nWidthBytes; INT sizeAnd = iconinfo->nHeight * ((iconinfo->nWidth + 15) / 16 * 2); *Progs += 24; *Progs += lstrlen(LocalLock(program->hName)) + 1; *Progs += lstrlen(LocalLock(program->hCmdLine)) + 1; *Progs += lstrlen(LocalLock(program->hIconFile)) + 1; *Icons += 12; /* IconInfo */ *Icons += sizeAnd; *Icons += sizeXor; } /***********************************************************************/ UINT16 GRPFILE_checksum; BOOL GRPFILE_checksum_half_word; BYTE GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte; /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_InitChecksum */ static void GRPFILE_InitChecksum(void) { GRPFILE_checksum = 0; GRPFILE_checksum_half_word = 0; } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_GetChecksum */ static UINT16 GRPFILE_GetChecksum(void) { return GRPFILE_checksum; } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum * * Looks crazier than it is: * * chksum = 0; * chksum = cksum - 1. word; * chksum = cksum - 2. word; * ... * * if (filelen is even) * great I'm finished * else * ignore last byte */ static UINT GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(HFILE file, LPCSTR str, UINT size) { UINT i; if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum -= GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte; } for (i=0; i < size; i++) { if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum -= str[i] << 8; } else { GRPFILE_checksum -= str[i]; } GRPFILE_checksum_half_word ^= 1; } if (GRPFILE_checksum_half_word) { GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte = str[size-1]; GRPFILE_checksum += GRPFILE_checksum_last_byte; } return _lwrite(file, str, size); } /*********************************************************************** * * GRPFILE_DoWriteGroupFile */ static BOOL GRPFILE_DoWriteGroupFile(HFILE file, PROGGROUP *group) { BYTE buffer[34]; HLOCAL hProgram; INT NumProg, Title, Progs, Icons, Extension; INT CurrProg, CurrIcon, nCmdShow, ptr, seqnum; BOOL need_extension; LPCSTR lpszTitle = LocalLock(group->hName); UINT16 checksum; GRPFILE_InitChecksum(); /* Calculate offsets */ NumProg = 0; Icons = 0; Extension = 0; need_extension = FALSE; hProgram = group->hPrograms; while(hProgram) { PROGRAM *program = LocalLock(hProgram); LPCSTR lpszWorkDir = LocalLock(program->hWorkDir); NumProg++; GRPFILE_CalculateSizes(program, &Icons, &Extension); /* Set a flag if an extension is needed */ if (lpszWorkDir[0] || program->nHotKey || program->nCmdShow != SW_SHOWNORMAL) need_extension = TRUE; hProgram = program->hNext; } Title = 34 + NumProg * 2; Progs = Title + lstrlen(lpszTitle) + 1; Icons += Progs; Extension += Icons; /* Header */ buffer[0] = 'P'; buffer[1] = 'M'; buffer[2] = 'C'; buffer[3] = 'C'; PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 0); /* Checksum zero for now, written later */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 6, Extension); /* Update group->nCmdShow */ if (IsIconic(group->hWnd)) nCmdShow = SW_SHOWMINIMIZED; else if (IsZoomed(group->hWnd)) nCmdShow = SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED; else nCmdShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL; PUT_SHORT(buffer, 8, nCmdShow); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 10, group->x); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 12, group->y); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 14, group->width); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 16, group->height); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 18, group->iconx); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 20, group->icony); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 22, Title); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 24, 0x0020); /* unknown */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 26, 0x0020); /* unknown */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 28, 0x0108); /* unknown */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 30, 0x0000); /* unknown */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 32, NumProg); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 34)) return FALSE; /* Program table */ CurrProg = Progs; CurrIcon = Icons; hProgram = group->hPrograms; while(hProgram) { PROGRAM *program = LocalLock(hProgram); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, CurrProg); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 2)) return FALSE; GRPFILE_CalculateSizes(program, &CurrProg, &CurrIcon); hProgram = program->hNext; } /* Title */ if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, lpszTitle, lstrlen(lpszTitle) + 1)) return FALSE; /* Program entries */ CurrProg = Progs; CurrIcon = Icons; hProgram = group->hPrograms; while(hProgram) { PROGRAM *program = LocalLock(hProgram); CURSORICONINFO *iconinfo = LocalLock(program->hIcon); LPCSTR Name = LocalLock(program->hName); LPCSTR CmdLine = LocalLock(program->hCmdLine); LPCSTR IconFile = LocalLock(program->hIconFile); INT sizeXor = iconinfo->nHeight * iconinfo->nWidthBytes; INT sizeAnd = iconinfo->nHeight * ((iconinfo->nWidth + 15) / 16 * 2); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, program->x); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, program->y); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, program->nIconIndex); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 6, 0x048c); /* unknown */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 8, sizeXor); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 10, sizeAnd * 8); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 12, CurrIcon); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 14, CurrIcon + 12 + sizeAnd); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 16, CurrIcon + 12); ptr = CurrProg + 24; PUT_SHORT(buffer, 18, ptr); ptr += lstrlen(Name) + 1; PUT_SHORT(buffer, 20, ptr); ptr += lstrlen(CmdLine) + 1; PUT_SHORT(buffer, 22, ptr); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 24) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, Name, lstrlen(Name) + 1) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, CmdLine, lstrlen(CmdLine) + 1) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, IconFile, lstrlen(IconFile) + 1)) return FALSE; GRPFILE_CalculateSizes(program, &CurrProg, &CurrIcon); hProgram = program->hNext; } /* Icons */ #if 0 /* FIXME: this is broken anyway */ hProgram = group->hPrograms; while(hProgram) { PROGRAM *program = LocalLock(hProgram); CURSORICONINFO *iconinfo = LocalLock(program->hIcon); LPVOID XorBits, AndBits; INT sizeXor = iconinfo->nHeight * iconinfo->nWidthBytes; INT sizeAnd = iconinfo->nHeight * ((iconinfo->nWidth + 15) / 16 * 2); /* DumpIcon16(LocalLock(program->hIcon), 0, &XorBits, &AndBits);*/ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, iconinfo->ptHotSpot.x); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, iconinfo->ptHotSpot.y); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, iconinfo->nWidth); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 6, iconinfo->nHeight); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 8, iconinfo->nWidthBytes); buffer[10] = iconinfo->bPlanes; buffer[11] = iconinfo->bBitsPerPixel; if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 12) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, AndBits, sizeAnd) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, XorBits, sizeXor)) return FALSE; hProgram = program->hNext; } #endif if (need_extension) { /* write `PMCC' extension */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, 0x8000); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, 0xffff); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 0x000a); buffer[6] = 'P', buffer[7] = 'M'; buffer[8] = 'C', buffer[9] = 'C'; if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 10)) return FALSE; seqnum = 0; hProgram = group->hPrograms; while(hProgram) { PROGRAM *program = LocalLock(hProgram); LPCSTR lpszWorkDir = LocalLock(program->hWorkDir); /* Working directory */ if (lpszWorkDir[0]) { PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, 0x8101); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, seqnum); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 7 + lstrlen(lpszWorkDir)); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 6) || (UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, lpszWorkDir, lstrlen(lpszWorkDir) + 1)) return FALSE; } /* Hot key */ if (program->nHotKey) { PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, 0x8102); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, seqnum); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 8); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 6, program->nHotKey); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 8)) return FALSE; } /* Show command */ if (program->nCmdShow) { PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, 0x8103); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, seqnum); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 8); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 6, program->nCmdShow); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 8)) return FALSE; } seqnum++; hProgram = program->hNext; } /* Write `End' extension */ PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, 0xffff); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 2, 0xffff); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 4, 0x0000); if ((UINT)HFILE_ERROR == GRPFILE_WriteWithChecksum(file, buffer, 6)) return FALSE; } checksum = GRPFILE_GetChecksum(); _llseek(file, 4, SEEK_SET); PUT_SHORT(buffer, 0, checksum); _lwrite(file, buffer, 2); return TRUE; } /* Local Variables: */ /* c-file-style: "GNU" */ /* End: */