/* * Unit tests for advpack.dll file functions * * Copyright (C) 2006 James Hawkins * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "wine/test.h" /* make the max size large so there is only one cab file */ #define MEDIA_SIZE 999999999 #define FOLDER_THRESHOLD 900000 /* function pointers */ static HMODULE hAdvPack; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pAddDelBackupEntry)(LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pExtractFiles)(LPCSTR, LPCSTR, DWORD, LPCSTR, LPVOID, DWORD); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pExtractFilesW)(const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,DWORD,const WCHAR*,void*,DWORD); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pAdvInstallFile)(HWND,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,LPCSTR,DWORD,DWORD); static CHAR CURR_DIR[MAX_PATH]; static void init_function_pointers(void) { hAdvPack = LoadLibraryA("advpack.dll"); if (hAdvPack) { pAddDelBackupEntry = (void *)GetProcAddress(hAdvPack, "AddDelBackupEntry"); pExtractFiles = (void *)GetProcAddress(hAdvPack, "ExtractFiles"); pExtractFilesW = (void *)GetProcAddress(hAdvPack, "ExtractFilesW"); pAdvInstallFile = (void*)GetProcAddress(hAdvPack, "AdvInstallFile"); } } /* creates a file with the specified name for tests */ static void createTestFile(const CHAR *name) { HANDLE file; DWORD written; file = CreateFileA(name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failure to open file %s\n", name); WriteFile(file, name, strlen(name), &written, NULL); WriteFile(file, "\n", strlen("\n"), &written, NULL); CloseHandle(file); } static void create_test_files(void) { createTestFile("a.txt"); createTestFile("b.txt"); CreateDirectoryA("testdir", NULL); createTestFile("testdir\\c.txt"); createTestFile("testdir\\d.txt"); CreateDirectoryA("dest", NULL); } static void delete_test_files(void) { DeleteFileA("a.txt"); DeleteFileA("b.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir\\c.txt"); DeleteFileA("testdir\\d.txt"); RemoveDirectoryA("testdir"); RemoveDirectoryA("dest"); DeleteFileA("extract.cab"); } static BOOL check_ini_file_attr(LPSTR filename) { BOOL ret; DWORD expected = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY; DWORD attr = GetFileAttributesA(filename); ret = (attr & expected) && (attr != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES); SetFileAttributesA(filename, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); return ret; } static void test_AddDelBackupEntry(void) { BOOL ret; HRESULT res; CHAR path[MAX_PATH]; CHAR windir[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\basename.INI"); /* native AddDelBackupEntry crashes if lpcszBaseName is NULL */ /* try a NULL file list */ res = pAddDelBackupEntry(NULL, "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n"); lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\.INI"); /* try an empty base name */ res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n"); lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\basename.INI"); /* try an invalid flag */ res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", NULL, "basename", 0); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n"); lstrcpyA(path, "c:\\basename.INI"); /* create the INF file */ res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "c:\\", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); if (GetFileAttributes(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { ok(check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to be hidden\n"); ok(DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to exist\n"); } else win_skip("Test file could not be created\n"); lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\backup\\basename.INI"); /* try to create the INI file in a nonexistent directory */ RemoveDirectoryA("backup"); res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ok(!check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to not be hidden\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to not exist\n"); /* try an existent, relative backup directory */ CreateDirectoryA("backup", NULL); res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", "backup", "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ok(check_ini_file_attr(path), "Expected ini file to be hidden\n"); ok(DeleteFileA(path), "Expected path to exist\n"); RemoveDirectoryA("backup"); GetWindowsDirectoryA(windir, sizeof(windir)); sprintf(path, "%s\\basename.INI", windir); /* try a NULL backup dir, INI is created in the windows directory */ res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0two\0three\0", NULL, "basename", AADBE_ADD_ENTRY); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); /* remove the entries with AADBE_DEL_ENTRY */ SetFileAttributesA(path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); res = pAddDelBackupEntry("one\0three\0", NULL, "basename", AADBE_DEL_ENTRY); SetFileAttributesA(path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); ok(res == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", res); ret = DeleteFileA(path); ok(ret == TRUE || broken(ret == FALSE), /* win98 */ "Expected path to exist\n"); } /* the FCI callbacks */ static void * CDECL mem_alloc(ULONG cb) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cb); } static void CDECL mem_free(void *memory) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, memory); } static BOOL CDECL get_next_cabinet(PCCAB pccab, ULONG cbPrevCab, void *pv) { return TRUE; } static LONG CDECL progress(UINT typeStatus, ULONG cb1, ULONG cb2, void *pv) { return 0; } static int CDECL file_placed(PCCAB pccab, char *pszFile, LONG cbFile, BOOL fContinuation, void *pv) { return 0; } static INT_PTR CDECL fci_open(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle; DWORD dwAccess = 0; DWORD dwShareMode = 0; DWORD dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; /* FILE_SHARE_DELETE is not supported by Windows Me/98/95 */ dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; if (GetFileAttributesA(pszFile) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; else dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_NEW; handle = CreateFileA(pszFile, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreateDisposition, 0, NULL); ok(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failed to CreateFile %s\n", pszFile); return (INT_PTR)handle; } static UINT CDECL fci_read(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD dwRead; BOOL res; res = ReadFile(handle, memory, cb, &dwRead, NULL); ok(res, "Failed to ReadFile\n"); return dwRead; } static UINT CDECL fci_write(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD dwWritten; BOOL res; res = WriteFile(handle, memory, cb, &dwWritten, NULL); ok(res, "Failed to WriteFile\n"); return dwWritten; } static int CDECL fci_close(INT_PTR hf, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; ok(CloseHandle(handle), "Failed to CloseHandle\n"); return 0; } static LONG CDECL fci_seek(INT_PTR hf, LONG dist, int seektype, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD ret; ret = SetFilePointer(handle, dist, NULL, seektype); ok(ret != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER, "Failed to SetFilePointer\n"); return ret; } static int CDECL fci_delete(char *pszFile, int *err, void *pv) { BOOL ret = DeleteFileA(pszFile); ok(ret, "Failed to DeleteFile %s\n", pszFile); return 0; } static BOOL CDECL get_temp_file(char *pszTempName, int cbTempName, void *pv) { LPSTR tempname; tempname = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH); GetTempFileNameA(".", "xx", 0, tempname); if (tempname && (strlen(tempname) < (unsigned)cbTempName)) { lstrcpyA(pszTempName, tempname); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tempname); return TRUE; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tempname); return FALSE; } static INT_PTR CDECL get_open_info(char *pszName, USHORT *pdate, USHORT *ptime, USHORT *pattribs, int *err, void *pv) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION finfo; FILETIME filetime; HANDLE handle; DWORD attrs; BOOL res; handle = CreateFile(pszName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); ok(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failed to CreateFile %s\n", pszName); res = GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &finfo); ok(res, "Expected GetFileInformationByHandle to succeed\n"); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&finfo.ftLastWriteTime, &filetime); FileTimeToDosDateTime(&filetime, pdate, ptime); attrs = GetFileAttributes(pszName); ok(attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES, "Failed to GetFileAttributes\n"); return (INT_PTR)handle; } static void add_file(HFCI hfci, char *file) { char path[MAX_PATH]; BOOL res; lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\"); lstrcatA(path, file); res = FCIAddFile(hfci, path, file, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress, get_open_info, tcompTYPE_MSZIP); ok(res, "Expected FCIAddFile to succeed\n"); } static void set_cab_parameters(PCCAB pCabParams) { ZeroMemory(pCabParams, sizeof(CCAB)); pCabParams->cb = MEDIA_SIZE; pCabParams->cbFolderThresh = FOLDER_THRESHOLD; pCabParams->setID = 0xbeef; lstrcpyA(pCabParams->szCabPath, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(pCabParams->szCabPath, "\\"); lstrcpyA(pCabParams->szCab, "extract.cab"); } static void create_cab_file(void) { CCAB cabParams; HFCI hfci; ERF erf; static CHAR a_txt[] = "a.txt", b_txt[] = "b.txt", testdir_c_txt[] = "testdir\\c.txt", testdir_d_txt[] = "testdir\\d.txt"; BOOL res; set_cab_parameters(&cabParams); hfci = FCICreate(&erf, file_placed, mem_alloc, mem_free, fci_open, fci_read, fci_write, fci_close, fci_seek, fci_delete, get_temp_file, &cabParams, NULL); ok(hfci != NULL, "Failed to create an FCI context\n"); add_file(hfci, a_txt); add_file(hfci, b_txt); add_file(hfci, testdir_c_txt); add_file(hfci, testdir_d_txt); res = FCIFlushCabinet(hfci, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress); ok(res, "Failed to flush the cabinet\n"); res = FCIDestroy(hfci); ok(res, "Failed to destroy the cabinet\n"); } static void test_ExtractFiles(void) { HRESULT hr; char destFolder[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyA(destFolder, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(destFolder, "\\"); lstrcatA(destFolder, "dest"); /* try NULL cab file */ hr = pExtractFiles(NULL, destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to exist\n"); /* try NULL destination */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to not exist\n"); /* extract all files in the cab to nonexistent destination directory */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) || hr == E_FAIL, /* win95 */ "Expected %08x or %08x, got %08x\n", E_FAIL, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to not exist\n"); /* extract all files in the cab to the destination directory */ CreateDirectoryA("dest", NULL); hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", destFolder, 0, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n"); /* extract all files to a relative destination directory */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n"); /* only extract two of the files from the cab */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "a.txt:testdir\\c.txt", NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to not exist\n"); /* use valid chars before and after file list */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, " :\t: a.txt:testdir\\c.txt \t:", NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to not exist\n"); /* use invalid chars before and after file list */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, " +-\\ a.txt:testdir\\c.txt a_:", NULL, 0); ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n"); /* try an empty file list */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "", NULL, 0); ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n"); /* try a nonexistent file in the file list */ hr = pExtractFiles("extract.cab", "dest", 0, "a.txt:idontexist:testdir\\c.txt", NULL, 0); ok(hr == E_FAIL, "Expected E_FAIL, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to not exist\n"); if(pExtractFilesW) { static const WCHAR extract_cabW[] = {'e','x','t','r','a','c','t','.','c','a','b',0}; static const WCHAR destW[] = {'d','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR file_listW[] = {'a','.','t','x','t',':','t','e','s','t','d','i','r','\\','c','.','t','x','t',0}; hr = pExtractFilesW(extract_cabW, destW, 0, file_listW, NULL, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %08x\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\a.txt"), "Expected dest\\a.txt to exist\n"); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\c.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\c.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest\\testdir"), "Expected dest\\testdir to exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\b.txt"), "Expected dest\\b.txt to not exist\n"); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\testdir\\d.txt"), "Expected dest\\testdir\\d.txt to not exist\n"); }else { win_skip("ExtractFilesW not available\n"); } } static void test_AdvInstallFile(void) { HRESULT hr; HMODULE hmod; char destFolder[MAX_PATH]; hmod = LoadLibraryA("setupapi.dll"); if (!hmod) { skip("setupapi.dll not present\n"); return; } FreeLibrary(hmod); lstrcpyA(destFolder, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(destFolder, "\\"); lstrcatA(destFolder, "dest"); createTestFile("source.txt"); /* try invalid source directory */ hr = pAdvInstallFile(NULL, NULL, "source.txt", destFolder, "destination.txt", 0, 0); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\destination.txt"), "Expected dest\\destination.txt to not exist\n"); /* try invalid source file */ hr = pAdvInstallFile(NULL, CURR_DIR, NULL, destFolder, "destination.txt", 0, 0); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\destination.txt"), "Expected dest\\destination.txt to not exist\n"); /* try invalid destination directory */ hr = pAdvInstallFile(NULL, CURR_DIR, "source.txt", NULL, "destination.txt", 0, 0); ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "Expected E_INVALIDARG, got %d\n", hr); ok(!DeleteFileA("dest\\destination.txt"), "Expected dest\\destination.txt to not exist\n"); /* try copying to nonexistent destination directory */ hr = pAdvInstallFile(NULL, CURR_DIR, "source.txt", destFolder, "destination.txt", 0, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\destination.txt"), "Expected dest\\destination.txt to exist\n"); /* native windows screws up if the source file doesn't exist */ /* test AIF_NOOVERWRITE behavior, asks the user to overwrite if AIF_QUIET is not specified */ createTestFile("dest\\destination.txt"); hr = pAdvInstallFile(NULL, CURR_DIR, "source.txt", destFolder, "destination.txt", AIF_NOOVERWRITE | AIF_QUIET, 0); ok(hr == S_OK, "Expected S_OK, got %d\n", hr); ok(DeleteFileA("dest\\destination.txt"), "Expected dest\\destination.txt to exist\n"); ok(RemoveDirectoryA("dest"), "Expected dest to exist\n"); DeleteFileA("source.txt"); } START_TEST(files) { DWORD len; char temp_path[MAX_PATH], prev_path[MAX_PATH]; init_function_pointers(); GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, prev_path); GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, temp_path); SetCurrentDirectoryA(temp_path); lstrcpyA(CURR_DIR, temp_path); len = lstrlenA(CURR_DIR); if(len && (CURR_DIR[len - 1] == '\\')) CURR_DIR[len - 1] = 0; create_test_files(); create_cab_file(); test_AddDelBackupEntry(); test_ExtractFiles(); test_AdvInstallFile(); delete_test_files(); FreeLibrary(hAdvPack); SetCurrentDirectoryA(prev_path); }