/* * HTTP Server API definitions * * Copyright (C) 2009 Andrey Turkin * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef __WINE_HTTP_H #define __WINE_HTTP_H #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef struct _HTTPAPI_VERSION { USHORT HttpApiMajorVersion; USHORT HttpApiMinorVersion; } HTTPAPI_VERSION, *PHTTPAPI_VERSION; #define HTTPAPI_VERSION_1 {1,0} #define HTTPAPI_VERSION_2 {2,0} #define HTTP_INITIALIZE_SERVER 0x00000001 #define HTTP_INITIALIZE_CONFIG 0x00000002 #define HTTP_RECEIVE_REQUEST_FLAG_COPY_BODY 0x00000001 #define HTTP_RECEIVE_REQUEST_FLAG_FLUSH_BODY 0x00000002 #define HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_MORE_ENTITY_BODY_EXISTS 0x00000001 #define HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_IP_ROUTED 0x00000002 #define HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_HTTP2 0x00000004 typedef enum _HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID { HttpServiceConfigIPListenList, HttpServiceConfigSSLCertInfo, HttpServiceConfigUrlAclInfo, HttpServiceConfigTimeout, HttpServiceConfigMax } HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID, *PHTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID; #define HTTP_NULL_ID ((ULONGLONG)0) typedef ULONGLONG HTTP_OPAQUE_ID, *PHTTP_OPAQUE_ID; typedef HTTP_OPAQUE_ID HTTP_CONNECTION_ID, *PHTTP_CONNECTION_ID; typedef HTTP_OPAQUE_ID HTTP_RAW_CONNECTION_ID, *PHTTP_RAW_CONNECTION_ID; typedef HTTP_OPAQUE_ID HTTP_REQUEST_ID, *PHTTP_REQUEST_ID; typedef HTTP_OPAQUE_ID HTTP_SERVER_SESSION_ID, *PHTTP_SERVER_SESSION_ID; typedef HTTP_OPAQUE_ID HTTP_URL_GROUP_ID, *PHTTP_URL_GROUP_ID; typedef ULONGLONG HTTP_URL_CONTEXT; typedef struct _HTTP_VERSION { USHORT MajorVersion; USHORT MinorVersion; } HTTP_VERSION, *PHTTP_VERSION; typedef enum _HTTP_VERB { HttpVerbUnparsed = 0, HttpVerbUnknown, HttpVerbInvalid, HttpVerbOPTIONS, HttpVerbGET, HttpVerbHEAD, HttpVerbPOST, HttpVerbPUT, HttpVerbDELETE, HttpVerbTRACE, HttpVerbCONNECT, HttpVerbTRACK, HttpVerbMOVE, HttpVerbCOPY, HttpVerbPROPFIND, HttpVerbPROPPATCH, HttpVerbMKCOL, HttpVerbLOCK, HttpVerbUNLOCK, HttpVerbSEARCH, HttpVerbMaximum, } HTTP_VERB, *PHTTP_VERB; typedef struct _HTTP_COOKED_URL { USHORT FullUrlLength; USHORT HostLength; USHORT AbsPathLength; USHORT QueryStringLength; const WCHAR *pFullUrl; const WCHAR *pHost; const WCHAR *pAbsPath; const WCHAR *pQueryString; } HTTP_COOKED_URL, *PHTTP_COOKED_URL; typedef struct _HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS { SOCKADDR *pRemoteAddress; SOCKADDR *pLocalAddress; } HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS, *PHTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS; typedef struct _HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER { USHORT NameLength; USHORT RawValueLength; const char *pName; const char *pRawValue; } HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER, *PHTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER; typedef struct _HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER { USHORT RawValueLength; const char *pRawValue; } HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER, *PHTTP_KNOWN_HEADER; typedef enum _HTTP_HEADER_ID { HttpHeaderCacheControl = 0, HttpHeaderConnection = 1, HttpHeaderDate = 2, HttpHeaderKeepAlive = 3, HttpHeaderPragma = 4, HttpHeaderTrailer = 5, HttpHeaderTransferEncoding = 6, HttpHeaderUpgrade = 7, HttpHeaderVia = 8, HttpHeaderWarning = 9, HttpHeaderAllow = 10, HttpHeaderContentLength = 11, HttpHeaderContentType = 12, HttpHeaderContentEncoding = 13, HttpHeaderContentLanguage = 14, HttpHeaderContentLocation = 15, HttpHeaderContentMd5 = 16, HttpHeaderContentRange = 17, HttpHeaderExpires = 18, HttpHeaderLastModified = 19, HttpHeaderAccept = 20, HttpHeaderAcceptCharset = 21, HttpHeaderAcceptEncoding = 22, HttpHeaderAcceptLanguage = 23, HttpHeaderAuthorization = 24, HttpHeaderCookie = 25, HttpHeaderExpect = 26, HttpHeaderFrom = 27, HttpHeaderHost = 28, HttpHeaderIfMatch = 29, HttpHeaderIfModifiedSince = 30, HttpHeaderIfNoneMatch = 31, HttpHeaderIfRange = 32, HttpHeaderIfUnmodifiedSince = 33, HttpHeaderMaxForwards = 34, HttpHeaderProxyAuthorization = 35, HttpHeaderReferer = 36, HttpHeaderRange = 37, HttpHeaderTe = 38, HttpHeaderTranslate = 39, HttpHeaderUserAgent = 40, HttpHeaderRequestMaximum = 41, HttpHeaderAcceptRanges = 20, HttpHeaderAge = 21, HttpHeaderEtag = 22, HttpHeaderLocation = 23, HttpHeaderProxyAuthenticate = 24, HttpHeaderRetryAfter = 25, HttpHeaderServer = 26, HttpHeaderSetCookie = 27, HttpHeaderVary = 28, HttpHeaderWwwAuthenticate = 29, HttpHeaderResponseMaximum = 30, HttpHeaderMaximum = 41, } HTTP_HEADER_ID, *PHTTP_HEADER_ID; typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS { USHORT UnknownHeaderCount; HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER *pUnknownHeaders; USHORT TrailerCount; HTTP_UNKNOWN_HEADER *pTrailers; HTTP_KNOWN_HEADER KnownHeaders[HttpHeaderRequestMaximum]; } HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, *PHTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS; typedef enum _HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { HttpDataChunkFromMemory = 0, HttpDataChunkFromFileHandle, HttpDataChunkFromFragmentCache, HttpDataChunkFromFragmentCacheEx, HttpDataChunkMaximum, } HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE, *PHTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE; #define HTTP_BYTE_RANGE_TO_EOF ((ULONGLONG)-1) typedef struct _HTTP_BYTE_RANGE { ULARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset; ULARGE_INTEGER Length; } HTTP_BYTE_RANGE, *PHTTP_BYTE_RANGE; typedef struct _HTTP_DATA_CHUNK { HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE DataChunkType; __C89_NAMELESS union { struct { void *pBuffer; ULONG BufferLength; } FromMemory; struct { HTTP_BYTE_RANGE ByteRange; HANDLE FileHandle; } FromFileHandle; struct { USHORT FragmentNameLength; const WCHAR *pFragmentName; } FromFragmentCache; } DUMMYUNIONNAME; } HTTP_DATA_CHUNK, *PHTTP_DATA_CHUNK; typedef struct _HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO { ULONG CertFlags; ULONG CertEncodedSize; UCHAR *pCertEncoded; HANDLE Token; BOOLEAN CertDeniedByMapper; } HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO, *PHTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO; typedef struct _HTTP_SSL_INFO { USHORT ServerCertKeySize; USHORT ConnectionKeySize; ULONG ServerCertIssuerSize; ULONG ServerCertSubjectSize; const char *pServerCertIssuer; const char *pServerCertSubject; HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_INFO *pClientCertInfo; ULONG SslClientCertNegotiated; } HTTP_SSL_INFO, *PHTTP_SSL_INFO; typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_V1 { ULONG Flags; HTTP_CONNECTION_ID ConnectionId; HTTP_REQUEST_ID RequestId; HTTP_URL_CONTEXT UrlContext; HTTP_VERSION Version; HTTP_VERB Verb; USHORT UnknownVerbLength; USHORT RawUrlLength; const char *pUnknownVerb; const char *pRawUrl; HTTP_COOKED_URL CookedUrl; HTTP_TRANSPORT_ADDRESS Address; HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS Headers; ULONGLONG BytesReceived; USHORT EntityChunkCount; HTTP_DATA_CHUNK *pEntityChunks; HTTP_RAW_CONNECTION_ID RawConnectionId; HTTP_SSL_INFO *pSslInfo; } HTTP_REQUEST_V1; typedef enum _HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE { HttpRequestInfoTypeAuth = 0, } HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE, *PHTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE; typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_INFO { HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE InfoType; ULONG InfoLength; void *pInfo; } HTTP_REQUEST_INFO, *PHTTP_REQUEST_INFO; #ifdef __cplusplus typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_V2 : HTTP_REQUEST_V1 { USHORT RequestInfoCount; HTTP_REQUEST_INFO *pRequestInfo; } HTTP_REQUEST_V2, *PHTTP_REQUEST_V2; #else typedef struct _HTTP_REQUEST_V2 { HTTP_REQUEST_V1 s; USHORT RequestInfoCount; HTTP_REQUEST_INFO *pRequestInfo; } HTTP_REQUEST_V2, *PHTTP_REQUEST_V2; #endif typedef HTTP_REQUEST_V2 HTTP_REQUEST, *PHTTP_REQUEST; ULONG WINAPI HttpAddUrl(HANDLE,PCWSTR,PVOID); ULONG WINAPI HttpCreateHttpHandle(PHANDLE,ULONG); ULONG WINAPI HttpCreateServerSession(HTTPAPI_VERSION,PHTTP_SERVER_SESSION_ID,ULONG); ULONG WINAPI HttpCloseServerSession(HTTP_SERVER_SESSION_ID); ULONG WINAPI HttpDeleteServiceConfiguration(HANDLE,HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID,PVOID,ULONG,LPOVERLAPPED); ULONG WINAPI HttpInitialize(HTTPAPI_VERSION version, ULONG flags, void *reserved); ULONG WINAPI HttpTerminate(ULONG flags, void *reserved); ULONG WINAPI HttpQueryServiceConfiguration(HANDLE,HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID,PVOID,ULONG,PVOID,ULONG,PULONG,LPOVERLAPPED); ULONG WINAPI HttpReceiveHttpRequest(HANDLE queue, HTTP_REQUEST_ID id, ULONG flags, HTTP_REQUEST *request, ULONG size, ULONG *ret_size, OVERLAPPED *ovl); ULONG WINAPI HttpSetServiceConfiguration(HANDLE,HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID,PVOID,ULONG,LPOVERLAPPED); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __WINE_HTTP_H */