 * Copyright 2002-2005 Jason Edmeades
 * Copyright 2002-2005 Raphael Junqueira
 * Copyright 2005 Oliver Stieber
 * Copyright 2009-2011 Henri Verbeet for CodeWeavers
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"
#include "wined3d_private.h"


/* Context activation is done by the caller. */
static void volume_bind_and_dirtify(const struct wined3d_volume *volume, struct wined3d_context *context)
    struct wined3d_texture *container = volume->container;
    DWORD active_sampler;

    /* We don't need a specific texture unit, but after binding the texture the current unit is dirty.
     * Read the unit back instead of switching to 0, this avoids messing around with the state manager's
     * gl states. The current texture unit should always be a valid one.
     * To be more specific, this is tricky because we can implicitly be called
     * from sampler() in state.c. This means we can't touch anything other than
     * whatever happens to be the currently active texture, or we would risk
     * marking already applied sampler states dirty again. */
    active_sampler = volume->resource.device->rev_tex_unit_map[context->active_texture];

    if (active_sampler != WINED3D_UNMAPPED_STAGE)
        device_invalidate_state(volume->resource.device, STATE_SAMPLER(active_sampler));

    container->texture_ops->texture_bind(container, context, FALSE);

void volume_add_dirty_box(struct wined3d_volume *volume, const struct wined3d_box *dirty_box)
    volume->dirty = TRUE;
    if (dirty_box)
        volume->lockedBox.left = min(volume->lockedBox.left, dirty_box->left);
        volume->lockedBox.top = min(volume->lockedBox.top, dirty_box->top);
        volume->lockedBox.front = min(volume->lockedBox.front, dirty_box->front);
        volume->lockedBox.right = max(volume->lockedBox.right, dirty_box->right);
        volume->lockedBox.bottom = max(volume->lockedBox.bottom, dirty_box->bottom);
        volume->lockedBox.back = max(volume->lockedBox.back, dirty_box->back);
        volume->lockedBox.left = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.top = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.front = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.right = volume->resource.width;
        volume->lockedBox.bottom = volume->resource.height;
        volume->lockedBox.back = volume->resource.depth;

void volume_set_container(struct wined3d_volume *volume, struct wined3d_texture *container)
    TRACE("volume %p, container %p.\n", volume, container);

    volume->container = container;

/* Context activation is done by the caller. */
void volume_load(const struct wined3d_volume *volume, struct wined3d_context *context, UINT level, BOOL srgb_mode)
    const struct wined3d_gl_info *gl_info = context->gl_info;
    const struct wined3d_format *format = volume->resource.format;

    TRACE("volume %p, context %p, level %u, srgb %#x, format %s (%#x).\n",
            volume, context, level, srgb_mode, debug_d3dformat(format->id), format->id);

    volume_bind_and_dirtify(volume, context);

    GL_EXTCALL(glTexImage3DEXT(GL_TEXTURE_3D, level, format->glInternal,
            volume->resource.width, volume->resource.height, volume->resource.depth,
            0, format->glFormat, format->glType, volume->resource.allocatedMemory));

    /* When adding code releasing volume->resource.allocatedMemory to save
     * data keep in mind that GL_UNPACK_CLIENT_STORAGE_APPLE is enabled by
     * default if supported(GL_APPLE_client_storage). Thus do not release
     * volume->resource.allocatedMemory if GL_APPLE_client_storage is
     * supported. */

/* Do not call while under the GL lock. */
static void volume_unload(struct wined3d_resource *resource)
    TRACE("texture %p.\n", resource);

    /* The whole content is shadowed on This->resource.allocatedMemory, and
     * the texture name is managed by the VolumeTexture container. */


ULONG CDECL wined3d_volume_incref(struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    ULONG refcount;

    if (volume->container)
        TRACE("Forwarding to container %p.\n", volume->container);
        return wined3d_texture_incref(volume->container);

    refcount = InterlockedIncrement(&volume->resource.ref);

    TRACE("%p increasing refcount to %u.\n", volume, refcount);

    return refcount;

/* Do not call while under the GL lock. */
ULONG CDECL wined3d_volume_decref(struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    ULONG refcount;

    if (volume->container)
        TRACE("Forwarding to container %p.\n", volume->container);
        return wined3d_texture_decref(volume->container);

    refcount = InterlockedDecrement(&volume->resource.ref);

    TRACE("%p decreasing refcount to %u.\n", volume, refcount);

    if (!refcount)
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, volume);

    return refcount;

void * CDECL wined3d_volume_get_parent(const struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    TRACE("volume %p.\n", volume);

    return volume->resource.parent;

DWORD CDECL wined3d_volume_set_priority(struct wined3d_volume *volume, DWORD priority)
    return resource_set_priority(&volume->resource, priority);

DWORD CDECL wined3d_volume_get_priority(const struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    return resource_get_priority(&volume->resource);

/* Do not call while under the GL lock. */
void CDECL wined3d_volume_preload(struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    FIXME("volume %p stub!\n", volume);

struct wined3d_resource * CDECL wined3d_volume_get_resource(struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    TRACE("volume %p.\n", volume);

    return &volume->resource;

HRESULT CDECL wined3d_volume_map(struct wined3d_volume *volume,
        struct wined3d_map_desc *map_desc, const struct wined3d_box *box, DWORD flags)
    TRACE("volume %p, map_desc %p, box %p, flags %#x.\n",
            volume, map_desc, box, flags);

    if (!volume->resource.allocatedMemory)
        volume->resource.allocatedMemory = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, volume->resource.size);

    TRACE("allocatedMemory %p.\n", volume->resource.allocatedMemory);

    map_desc->row_pitch = volume->resource.format->byte_count * volume->resource.width; /* Bytes / row */
    map_desc->slice_pitch = volume->resource.format->byte_count
            * volume->resource.width * volume->resource.height; /* Bytes / slice */
    if (!box)
        TRACE("No box supplied - all is ok\n");
        map_desc->data = volume->resource.allocatedMemory;
        volume->lockedBox.left   = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.top    = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.front  = 0;
        volume->lockedBox.right  = volume->resource.width;
        volume->lockedBox.bottom = volume->resource.height;
        volume->lockedBox.back   = volume->resource.depth;
        TRACE("Lock Box (%p) = l %u, t %u, r %u, b %u, fr %u, ba %u\n",
                box, box->left, box->top, box->right, box->bottom, box->front, box->back);
        map_desc->data = volume->resource.allocatedMemory
                + (map_desc->slice_pitch * box->front)     /* FIXME: is front < back or vica versa? */
                + (map_desc->row_pitch * box->top)
                + (box->left * volume->resource.format->byte_count);
        volume->lockedBox.left   = box->left;
        volume->lockedBox.top    = box->top;
        volume->lockedBox.front  = box->front;
        volume->lockedBox.right  = box->right;
        volume->lockedBox.bottom = box->bottom;
        volume->lockedBox.back   = box->back;

        volume_add_dirty_box(volume, &volume->lockedBox);
        wined3d_texture_set_dirty(volume->container, TRUE);

    volume->locked = TRUE;

    TRACE("Returning memory %p, row pitch %d, slice pitch %d.\n",
            map_desc->data, map_desc->row_pitch, map_desc->slice_pitch);

    return WINED3D_OK;

struct wined3d_volume * CDECL wined3d_volume_from_resource(struct wined3d_resource *resource)
    return volume_from_resource(resource);

HRESULT CDECL wined3d_volume_unmap(struct wined3d_volume *volume)
    TRACE("volume %p.\n", volume);

    if (!volume->locked)
        WARN("Trying to unlock unlocked volume %p.\n", volume);

    volume->locked = FALSE;
    memset(&volume->lockedBox, 0, sizeof(volume->lockedBox));

    return WINED3D_OK;

static const struct wined3d_resource_ops volume_resource_ops =

static HRESULT volume_init(struct wined3d_volume *volume, struct wined3d_device *device, UINT width,
        UINT height, UINT depth, DWORD usage, enum wined3d_format_id format_id, enum wined3d_pool pool,
        void *parent, const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops)
    const struct wined3d_gl_info *gl_info = &device->adapter->gl_info;
    const struct wined3d_format *format = wined3d_get_format(gl_info, format_id);
    HRESULT hr;

    if (!gl_info->supported[EXT_TEXTURE3D])
        WARN("Volume cannot be created - no volume texture support.\n");

    hr = resource_init(&volume->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_VOLUME, format,
            WINED3D_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, 0, usage, pool, width, height, depth,
            width * height * depth * format->byte_count, parent, parent_ops,
    if (FAILED(hr))
        WARN("Failed to initialize resource, returning %#x.\n", hr);
        return hr;

    volume->lockable = TRUE;
    volume->locked = FALSE;
    memset(&volume->lockedBox, 0, sizeof(volume->lockedBox));
    volume->dirty = TRUE;

    volume_add_dirty_box(volume, NULL);

    return WINED3D_OK;

HRESULT CDECL wined3d_volume_create(struct wined3d_device *device, UINT width, UINT height,
        UINT depth, DWORD usage, enum wined3d_format_id format_id, enum wined3d_pool pool, void *parent,
        const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops, struct wined3d_volume **volume)
    struct wined3d_volume *object;
    HRESULT hr;

    TRACE("device %p, width %u, height %u, depth %u, usage %#x, format %s, pool %s\n",
            device, width, height, depth, usage, debug_d3dformat(format_id), debug_d3dpool(pool));
    TRACE("parent %p, parent_ops %p, volume %p.\n", parent, parent_ops, volume);

    object = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(*object));
    if (!object)
        ERR("Out of memory\n");
        *volume = NULL;

    hr = volume_init(object, device, width, height, depth, usage, format_id, pool, parent, parent_ops);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        WARN("Failed to initialize volume, returning %#x.\n", hr);
        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, object);
        return hr;

    TRACE("Created volume %p.\n", object);
    *volume = object;

    return WINED3D_OK;