/* * Compound Storage (32 bit version) * * Implemented using the documentation of the LAOLA project at * * (Thanks to Martin Schwartz ) * * This include file contains definitions of types and function * prototypes that are used in the many files implementing the * storage functionality * * Copyright 1998,1999 Francis Beaudet * Copyright 1998,1999 Thuy Nguyen */ #ifndef __STORAGE32_H__ #define __STORAGE32_H__ /* * Definitions for the file format offsets. */ static const ULONG OFFSET_BIGBLOCKSIZEBITS = 0x0000001e; static const ULONG OFFSET_SMALLBLOCKSIZEBITS = 0x00000020; static const ULONG OFFSET_BBDEPOTCOUNT = 0x0000002C; static const ULONG OFFSET_ROOTSTARTBLOCK = 0x00000030; static const ULONG OFFSET_SBDEPOTSTART = 0x0000003C; static const ULONG OFFSET_EXTBBDEPOTSTART = 0x00000044; static const ULONG OFFSET_EXTBBDEPOTCOUNT = 0x00000048; static const ULONG OFFSET_BBDEPOTSTART = 0x0000004C; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_NAME = 0x00000000; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_NAMELENGTH = 0x00000040; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_PROPERTYTYPE = 0x00000042; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_BLOCKTYPE = 0x00000043; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_PREVIOUSPROP = 0x00000044; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_NEXTPROP = 0x00000048; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_DIRPROP = 0x0000004C; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_GUID = 0x00000050; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_TSS1 = 0x00000064; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_TSD1 = 0x00000068; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_TSS2 = 0x0000006C; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_TSD2 = 0x00000070; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_STARTBLOCK = 0x00000074; static const ULONG OFFSET_PS_SIZE = 0x00000078; static const WORD DEF_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS = 0x0009; static const WORD DEF_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE_BITS = 0x0006; static const WORD DEF_BIG_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x0200; static const WORD DEF_SMALL_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x0040; static const ULONG BLOCK_SPECIAL = 0xFFFFFFFD; static const ULONG BLOCK_END_OF_CHAIN = 0xFFFFFFFE; static const ULONG BLOCK_UNUSED = 0xFFFFFFFF; static const ULONG PROPERTY_NULL = 0xFFFFFFFF; #define PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN 0x20 #define PROPERTY_NAME_BUFFER_LEN 0x40 #define PROPSET_BLOCK_SIZE 0x00000080 /* * Property type of relation */ #define PROPERTY_RELATION_PREVIOUS 0 #define PROPERTY_RELATION_NEXT 1 #define PROPERTY_RELATION_DIR 2 /* * Property type constants */ #define PROPTYPE_STORAGE 0x01 #define PROPTYPE_STREAM 0x02 #define PROPTYPE_ROOT 0x05 /* * These defines assume a hardcoded blocksize. The code will assert * if the blocksize is different. Some changes will have to be done if it * becomes the case. */ #define BIG_BLOCK_SIZE 0x200 #define COUNT_BBDEPOTINHEADER 109 #define LIMIT_TO_USE_SMALL_BLOCK 0x1000 /* * These are signatures to detect the type of Document file. */ static const BYTE STORAGE_magic[8] ={0xd0,0xcf,0x11,0xe0,0xa1,0xb1,0x1a,0xe1}; static const BYTE STORAGE_oldmagic[8] ={0xd0,0xcf,0x11,0xe0,0x0e,0x11,0xfc,0x0d}; /* * Forward declarations of all the structures used by the storage * module. */ typedef struct Storage32BaseImpl Storage32BaseImpl; typedef struct Storage32Impl Storage32Impl; typedef struct Storage32InternalImpl Storage32InternalImpl; typedef struct BlockChainStream BlockChainStream; typedef struct SmallBlockChainStream SmallBlockChainStream; typedef struct IEnumSTATSTGImpl IEnumSTATSTGImpl; typedef struct StgProperty StgProperty; typedef struct StgStreamImpl StgStreamImpl; /* * This utility structure is used to read/write the information in a storage * property. */ struct StgProperty { WCHAR name[PROPERTY_NAME_MAX_LEN]; WORD sizeOfNameString; BYTE propertyType; ULONG previousProperty; ULONG nextProperty; ULONG dirProperty; GUID propertyUniqueID; ULONG timeStampS1; ULONG timeStampD1; ULONG timeStampS2; ULONG timeStampD2; ULONG startingBlock; ULARGE_INTEGER size; }; /************************************************************************* * Big Block File support * * The big block file is an abstraction of a flat file separated in * same sized blocks. The implementation for the methods described in * this section appear in stg_bigblockfile.c */ /* * Declaration of the data structures */ typedef struct BigBlockFile BigBlockFile,*LPBIGBLOCKFILE; typedef struct MappedPage MappedPage,*LPMAPPEDPAGE; typedef struct BigBlock BigBlock,*LPBIGBLOCK; struct BigBlockFile { ULARGE_INTEGER filesize; ULONG blocksize; HANDLE32 hfile; HANDLE32 hfilemap; MappedPage *headmap_ro; MappedPage *headmap_w; BigBlock *headblock; }; /* * Declaration of the functions used to manipulate the BigBlockFile * data structure. */ BigBlockFile* BIGBLOCKFILE_Construct(HANDLE32 hFile, ULONG blocksize); void BIGBLOCKFILE_Destructor(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This); void* BIGBLOCKFILE_GetBigBlock(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This, ULONG index); void* BIGBLOCKFILE_GetROBigBlock(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This, ULONG index); void BIGBLOCKFILE_ReleaseBigBlock(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This, void *pBlock); void BIGBLOCKFILE_SetSize(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This, ULARGE_INTEGER newSize); ULARGE_INTEGER BIGBLOCKFILE_GetSize(LPBIGBLOCKFILE This); /**************************************************************************** * Storage32BaseImpl definitions. * * This stucture defines the base information contained in all implementations * of IStorage32 contained in this filee storage implementation. * * In OOP terms, this is the base class for all the IStorage32 implementations * contained in this file. */ struct Storage32BaseImpl { ICOM_VTABLE(IStorage32)* lpvtbl; /* Needs to be the first item in the stuct * since we want to cast this in a Storage32 pointer */ /* * Reference count of this object */ ULONG ref; /* * Ancestor storage (top level) */ Storage32Impl* ancestorStorage; /* * Index of the property for the root of * this storage */ ULONG rootPropertySetIndex; /* * virtual Destructor method. */ void (*v_destructor)(Storage32BaseImpl*); }; /* * Prototypes for the methods of the Storage32BaseImpl class. */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_QueryInterface( IStorage32* iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject); ULONG WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_AddRef( IStorage32* iface); ULONG WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_Release( IStorage32* iface); HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_OpenStream( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */ void* reserved1, /* [unique][in] */ DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */ DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */ IStream32** ppstm); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_OpenStorage( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][unique][in] */ IStorage32* pstgPriority, /* [unique][in] */ DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */ SNB32 snbExclude, /* [unique][in] */ DWORD reserved, /* [in] */ IStorage32** ppstg); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_EnumElements( IStorage32* iface, DWORD reserved1, /* [in] */ void* reserved2, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ DWORD reserved3, /* [in] */ IEnumSTATSTG** ppenum); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_Stat( IStorage32* iface, STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */ DWORD grfStatFlag); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_RenameElement( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsOldName, /* [string][in] */ const OLECHAR32* pwcsNewName); /* [string][in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_CreateStream( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */ DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */ DWORD reserved1, /* [in] */ DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */ IStream32** ppstm); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32BaseImpl_SetClass( IStorage32* iface, REFCLSID clsid); /* [in] */ /**************************************************************************** * Storage32Impl definitions. * * This implementation of the IStorage32 interface represents a root * storage. Basically, a document file. */ struct Storage32Impl { ICOM_VTABLE(IStorage32) *lpvtbl; /* Needs to be the first item in the stuct * since we want to cast this in a Storage32 pointer */ /* * Declare the member of the Storage32BaseImpl class to allow * casting as a Storage32BaseImpl */ ULONG ref; struct Storage32Impl* ancestorStorage; ULONG rootPropertySetIndex; void (*v_destructor)(struct Storage32Impl*); /* * The following data members are specific to the Storage32Impl * class */ HANDLE32 hFile; /* Physical support for the Docfile */ /* * File header */ WORD bigBlockSizeBits; WORD smallBlockSizeBits; ULONG bigBlockSize; ULONG smallBlockSize; ULONG bigBlockDepotCount; ULONG rootStartBlock; ULONG smallBlockDepotStart; ULONG extBigBlockDepotStart; ULONG extBigBlockDepotCount; ULONG bigBlockDepotStart[COUNT_BBDEPOTINHEADER]; /* * Abstraction of the big block chains for the chains of the header. */ BlockChainStream* rootBlockChain; BlockChainStream* smallBlockDepotChain; BlockChainStream* smallBlockRootChain; /* * Pointer to the big block file abstraction */ BigBlockFile* bigBlockFile; }; /* * Method declaration for the Storage32Impl class */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_CreateStorage( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */ DWORD grfMode, /* [in] */ DWORD dwStgFmt, /* [in] */ DWORD reserved2, /* [in] */ IStorage32** ppstg); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_CopyTo( IStorage32* iface, DWORD ciidExclude, /* [in] */ const IID* rgiidExclude, /* [size_is][unique][in] */ SNB32 snbExclude, /* [unique][in] */ IStorage32* pstgDest); /* [unique][in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_MoveElementTo( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */ IStorage32* pstgDest, /* [unique][in] */ const OLECHAR32* pwcsNewName, /* [string][in] */ DWORD grfFlags); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_Commit( IStorage32* iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_Revert( IStorage32* iface); HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_DestroyElement( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName); /* [string][in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_SetElementTimes( IStorage32* iface, const OLECHAR32* pwcsName, /* [string][in] */ const FILETIME* pctime, /* [in] */ const FILETIME* patime, /* [in] */ const FILETIME* pmtime); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32Impl_SetStateBits( IStorage32* iface, DWORD grfStateBits, /* [in] */ DWORD grfMask); /* [in] */ void Storage32Impl_Destroy( Storage32Impl* This); HRESULT Storage32Impl_Construct( Storage32Impl* This, HANDLE32 hFile, DWORD openFlags); BOOL32 Storage32Impl_ReadBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex, void* buffer); BOOL32 Storage32Impl_WriteBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex, void* buffer); void* Storage32Impl_GetROBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex); void* Storage32Impl_GetBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex); void Storage32Impl_ReleaseBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, void* pBigBlock); ULONG Storage32Impl_GetNextFreeBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This); void Storage32Impl_FreeBigBlock( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex); ULONG Storage32Impl_GetNextBlockInChain( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex); void Storage32Impl_SetNextBlockInChain( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG blockIndex, ULONG nextBlock); HRESULT Storage32Impl_LoadFileHeader( Storage32Impl* This); void Storage32Impl_SaveFileHeader( Storage32Impl* This); BOOL32 Storage32Impl_ReadProperty( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG index, StgProperty* buffer); BOOL32 Storage32Impl_WriteProperty( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG index, StgProperty* buffer); BlockChainStream* Storage32Impl_SmallBlocksToBigBlocks( Storage32Impl* This, SmallBlockChainStream** ppsbChain); /**************************************************************************** * Storage32InternalImpl definitions. * * Definition of the implementation structure for the IStorage32 interface. * This one implements the IStorage32 interface for storage that are * inside another storage. */ struct Storage32InternalImpl { ICOM_VTABLE(IStorage32) *lpvtbl; /* Needs to be the first item in the stuct * since we want to cast this in a Storage32 pointer */ /* * Declare the member of the Storage32BaseImpl class to allow * casting as a Storage32BaseImpl */ ULONG ref; struct Storage32Impl* ancestorStorage; ULONG rootPropertySetIndex; void (*v_destructor)(struct Storage32InternalImpl*); /* * There is no specific data for this class. */ }; /* * Method definitions for the Storage32InternalImpl class. */ Storage32InternalImpl* Storage32InternalImpl_Construct( Storage32Impl* ancestorStorage, ULONG rootTropertyIndex); void Storage32InternalImpl_Destroy( Storage32InternalImpl* This); HRESULT WINAPI Storage32InternalImpl_Commit( IStorage32* iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI Storage32InternalImpl_Revert( IStorage32* iface); /**************************************************************************** * IEnumSTATSTGImpl definitions. * * Definition of the implementation structure for the IEnumSTATSTGImpl interface. * This class allows iterating through the content of a storage and to find * specific items inside it. */ struct IEnumSTATSTGImpl { ICOM_VTABLE(IEnumSTATSTG) *lpvtbl; /* Needs to be the first item in the stuct * since we want to cast this in a IEnumSTATSTG pointer */ ULONG ref; /* Reference count */ Storage32Impl* parentStorage; /* Reference to the parent storage */ ULONG firstPropertyNode; /* Index of the root of the storage to enumerate */ /* * The current implementation of the IEnumSTATSTGImpl class uses a stack * to walk the property sets to get the content of a storage. This stack * is implemented by the following 3 data members */ ULONG stackSize; ULONG stackMaxSize; ULONG* stackToVisit; #define ENUMSTATSGT_SIZE_INCREMENT 10 }; /* * Method definitions for the IEnumSTATSTGImpl class. */ HRESULT WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_QueryInterface( IEnumSTATSTG* iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject); ULONG WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_AddRef( IEnumSTATSTG* iface); ULONG WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Release( IEnumSTATSTG* iface); HRESULT WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Next( IEnumSTATSTG* iface, ULONG celt, STATSTG* rgelt, ULONG* pceltFetched); HRESULT WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Skip( IEnumSTATSTG* iface, ULONG celt); HRESULT WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Reset( IEnumSTATSTG* iface); HRESULT WINAPI IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Clone( IEnumSTATSTG* iface, IEnumSTATSTG** ppenum); IEnumSTATSTGImpl* IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Construct( Storage32Impl* This, ULONG firstPropertyNode); void IEnumSTATSTGImpl_Destroy( IEnumSTATSTGImpl* This); void IEnumSTATSTGImpl_PushSearchNode( IEnumSTATSTGImpl* This, ULONG nodeToPush); ULONG IEnumSTATSTGImpl_PopSearchNode( IEnumSTATSTGImpl* This, BOOL32 remove); ULONG IEnumSTATSTGImpl_FindProperty( IEnumSTATSTGImpl* This, const OLECHAR32* lpszPropName, StgProperty* buffer); INT32 IEnumSTATSTGImpl_FindParentProperty( IEnumSTATSTGImpl *This, ULONG childProperty, StgProperty *currentProperty, ULONG *propertyId); /**************************************************************************** * StgStreamImpl definitions. * * This class imlements the IStream32 inteface and represents a stream * located inside a storage object. */ struct StgStreamImpl { ICOM_VTABLE(IStream32) *lpvtbl; /* Needs to be the first item in the stuct * since we want to cast this in a IStream pointer */ /* * Reference count */ ULONG ref; /* * Storage that is the parent(owner) of the stream */ Storage32BaseImpl* parentStorage; /* * Index of the property that owns (points to) this stream. */ ULONG ownerProperty; /* * Helper variable that contains the size of the stream */ ULARGE_INTEGER streamSize; /* * This is the current position of the cursor in the stream */ ULARGE_INTEGER currentPosition; /* * The information in the stream is represented by a chain of small blocks * or a chain of large blocks. Depending on the case, one of the two * following variabled points to that information. */ BlockChainStream* bigBlockChain; SmallBlockChainStream* smallBlockChain; }; /* * Method definition for the StgStreamImpl class. */ StgStreamImpl* StgStreamImpl_Construct( Storage32BaseImpl* parentStorage, ULONG ownerProperty); void StgStreamImpl_Destroy( StgStreamImpl* This); void StgStreamImpl_OpenBlockChain( StgStreamImpl* This); HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_QueryInterface( IStream32* iface, REFIID riid, /* [in] */ void** ppvObject); /* [iid_is][out] */ ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_AddRef( IStream32* iface); ULONG WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Release( IStream32* iface); HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Read( IStream32* iface, void* pv, /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ ULONG cb, /* [in] */ ULONG* pcbRead); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Write( IStream32* iface, const void* pv, /* [size_is][in] */ ULONG cb, /* [in] */ ULONG* pcbWritten); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Seek( IStream32* iface, LARGE_INTEGER dlibMove, /* [in] */ DWORD dwOrigin, /* [in] */ ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_SetSize( IStream32* iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libNewSize); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_CopyTo( IStream32* iface, IStream32* pstm, /* [unique][in] */ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */ ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead, /* [out] */ ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten); /* [out] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Commit( IStream32* iface, DWORD grfCommitFlags); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Revert( IStream32* iface); HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_LockRegion( IStream32* iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */ DWORD dwLockType); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_UnlockRegion( IStream32* iface, ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset, /* [in] */ ULARGE_INTEGER cb, /* [in] */ DWORD dwLockType); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Stat( IStream32* iface, STATSTG* pstatstg, /* [out] */ DWORD grfStatFlag); /* [in] */ HRESULT WINAPI StgStreamImpl_Clone( IStream32* iface, IStream32** ppstm); /* [out] */ /******************************************************************************** * The StorageUtl_ functions are miscelaneous utility functions. Most of which are * abstractions used to read values from file buffers without having to worry * about bit order */ void StorageUtl_ReadWord(void* buffer, ULONG offset, WORD* value); void StorageUtl_WriteWord(void* buffer, ULONG offset, WORD value); void StorageUtl_ReadDWord(void* buffer, ULONG offset, DWORD* value); void StorageUtl_WriteDWord(void* buffer, ULONG offset, DWORD value); void StorageUtl_ReadGUID(void* buffer, ULONG offset, GUID* value); void StorageUtl_WriteGUID(void* buffer, ULONG offset, GUID* value); void StorageUtl_CopyPropertyToSTATSTG(STATSTG* destination, StgProperty* source, int statFlags); /**************************************************************************** * BlockChainStream definitions. * * The BlockChainStream class is a utility class that is used to create an * abstraction of the big block chains in the storage file. */ struct BlockChainStream { Storage32Impl* parentStorage; ULONG* headOfStreamPlaceHolder; ULONG ownerPropertyIndex; }; /* * Methods for the BlockChainStream class. */ BlockChainStream* BlockChainStream_Construct( Storage32Impl* parentStorage, ULONG* headOfStreamPlaceHolder, ULONG propertyIndex); void BlockChainStream_Destroy( BlockChainStream* This); ULONG BlockChainStream_GetHeadOfChain( BlockChainStream* This); BOOL32 BlockChainStream_ReadAt( BlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULONG size, void* buffer, ULONG* bytesRead); BOOL32 BlockChainStream_WriteAt( BlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULONG size, const void* buffer, ULONG* bytesWritten); BOOL32 BlockChainStream_SetSize( BlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER newSize); ULARGE_INTEGER BlockChainStream_GetSize( BlockChainStream* This); ULONG BlockChainStream_GetCount( BlockChainStream* This); /**************************************************************************** * SmallBlockChainStream definitions. * * The SmallBlockChainStream class is a utility class that is used to create an * abstraction of the small block chains in the storage file. */ struct SmallBlockChainStream { Storage32Impl* parentStorage; ULONG ownerPropertyIndex; }; /* * Methods of the SmallBlockChainStream class. */ SmallBlockChainStream* SmallBlockChainStream_Construct( Storage32Impl* parentStorage, ULONG propertyIndex); void SmallBlockChainStream_Destroy( SmallBlockChainStream* This); ULONG SmallBlockChainStream_GetHeadOfChain( SmallBlockChainStream* This); ULONG SmallBlockChainStream_GetNextBlockInChain( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULONG blockIndex); void SmallBlockChainStream_SetNextBlockInChain( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULONG blockIndex, ULONG nextBlock); void SmallBlockChainStream_FreeBlock( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULONG blockIndex); ULONG SmallBlockChainStream_GetNextFreeBlock( SmallBlockChainStream* This); BOOL32 SmallBlockChainStream_ReadAt( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULONG size, void* buffer, ULONG* bytesRead); BOOL32 SmallBlockChainStream_WriteAt( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER offset, ULONG size, const void* buffer, ULONG* bytesWritten); BOOL32 SmallBlockChainStream_SetSize( SmallBlockChainStream* This, ULARGE_INTEGER newSize); ULARGE_INTEGER SmallBlockChainStream_GetSize( SmallBlockChainStream* This); ULONG SmallBlockChainStream_GetCount( SmallBlockChainStream* This); #endif __STORAGE32_H__