/* * Copyright 2008 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ var tmp; ok(true, "true is not true?"); ok(!false, "!false is not true"); ok(!undefined, "!undefined is not true"); ok(!null, "!null is not true"); ok(!0, "!0 is not true"); ok(!0.0, "!0.0 is not true"); ok(1 === 1, "1 === 1 is false"); ok(!(1 === 2), "!(1 === 2) is false"); ok(1.0 === 1, "1.0 === 1 is false"); ok("abc" === "abc", "\"abc\" === \"abc\" is false"); ok(true === true, "true === true is false"); ok(null === null, "null === null is false"); ok(undefined === undefined, "undefined === undefined is false"); ok(!(undefined === null), "!(undefined === null) is false"); ok(1 !== 2, "1 !== 2 is false"); ok(null !== undefined, "null !== undefined is false"); var trueVar = true; ok(trueVar, "trueVar is not true"); ok(ScriptEngine.length === 0, "ScriptEngine.length is not 0"); function testFunc1(x, y) { ok(this !== undefined, "this is undefined"); ok(x === true, "x is not 1"); ok(y === "test", "y is not \"test\""); ok(arguments.length === 2, "arguments.length is not 2"); ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not true"); ok(arguments["1"] === "test", "arguments[1] is not \"test\""); return true; } ok(testFunc1.length === 2, "testFunc1.length is not 2"); ok(Object.prototype !== undefined, "Object.prototype is undefined"); ok(Object.prototype.prototype === undefined, "Object.prototype is not undefined"); ok(String.prototype !== undefined, "String.prototype is undefined"); ok(Array.prototype !== undefined, "Array.prototype is undefined"); ok(Boolean.prototype !== undefined, "Boolean.prototype is undefined"); ok(Number.prototype !== undefined, "Number.prototype is undefined"); ok(RegExp.prototype !== undefined, "RegExp.prototype is undefined"); ok(Math !== undefined, "Math is undefined"); ok(Math.prototype === undefined, "Math.prototype is not undefined"); ok(typeof(0) === "number", "typeof(0) is not number"); ok(typeof(1.5) === "number", "typeof(1.5) is not number"); ok(typeof("abc") === "string", "typeof(\"abc\") is not string"); ok(typeof("") === "string", "typeof(\"\") is not string"); ok(typeof(true) === "boolean", "typeof(true) is not boolean"); ok(typeof(null) === "object", "typeof(null) is not object"); ok(typeof(undefined) === "undefined", "typeof(undefined) is not undefined"); ok(typeof(Math) === "object", "typeof(Math) is not object"); ok(typeof(String.prototype) === "object", "typeof(String.prototype) is not object"); ok(typeof(testFunc1) === "function", "typeof(testFunc1) is not function"); ok(typeof(String) === "function", "typeof(String) is not function"); ok(typeof(ScriptEngine) === "function", "typeof(ScriptEngine) is not function"); ok(typeof(this) === "object", "typeof(this) is not object"); ok(testFunc1(true, "test") === true, "testFunc1 not returned true"); var obj1 = new Object(); ok(typeof(obj1) === "object", "typeof(obj1) is not object"); obj1.test = true; obj1.func = function () { ok(this === obj1, "this is not obj1"); ok(this.test === true, "this.test is not true"); ok(arguments.length === 1, "arguments.length is not 1"); ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not true"); return "test"; }; ok(obj1.func(true) === "test", "obj1.func(true) is not \"test\""); function testConstr1() { this.var1 = 1; ok(this !== undefined, "this is undefined"); ok(arguments.length === 1, "arguments.length is not 1"); ok(arguments["0"] === true, "arguments[0] is not 1"); return false; } testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 1; var obj2 = new testConstr1(true); ok(typeof(obj2) === "object", "typeof(obj2) is not object"); ok(obj2.pvar === 1, "obj2.pvar is not 1"); testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 2; ok(obj2.pvar === 2, "obj2.pvar is not 2"); obj2.pvar = 3; testConstr1.prototype.pvar = 1; ok(obj2.pvar === 3, "obj2.pvar is not 3"); tmp = 0; if(true) tmp = 1; else ok(false, "else evaluated"); ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if not evaluated?"); tmp = 0; if(1 === 0) ok(false, "if evaluated"); else tmp = 1; ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if not evaluated?"); if(false) ok(false, "if(false) evaluated"); tmp = 0; if(true) tmp = 1; ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !== 1, if(true) not evaluated?"); var obj3 = { prop1: 1, prop2: typeof(false) }; ok(obj3.prop1 === 1, "obj3.prop1 is not 1"); ok(obj3.prop2 === "boolean", "obj3.prop2 is not \"boolean\""); { var blockVar = 1; blockVar = 2; } ok(blockVar === 2, "blockVar !== 2"); ok((true ? 1 : 2) === 1, "conditional expression true is not 1"); ok((0 === 2 ? 1 : 2) === 2, "conditional expression true is not 2"); ok(getVT(undefined) === "VT_EMPTY", "getVT(undefined) is not VT_EMPTY"); ok(getVT(null) === "VT_NULL", "getVT(null) is not VT_NULL"); ok(getVT(0) === "VT_I4", "getVT(0) is not VT_I4"); ok(getVT(0.5) === "VT_R8", "getVT(1.5) is not VT_R8"); ok(getVT("test") === "VT_BSTR", "getVT(\"test\") is not VT_BSTR"); ok(getVT(Math) === "VT_DISPATCH", "getVT(Math) is not VT_DISPATCH"); ok(getVT(false) === "VT_BOOL", "getVT(false) is not VT_BOOL"); tmp = 2+2; ok(tmp === 4, "2+2 !== 4"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2+2) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 2+2.5; ok(tmp === 4.5, "2+2.5 !== 4.5"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(2+2.5) !== VT_R8"); tmp = 1.5+2.5; ok(tmp === 4, "1.4+2.5 !== 4"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(1.5+2.5) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 4-2; ok(tmp === 2, "4-2 !== 2"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4-2) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 4.5-2; ok(tmp === 2.5, "4.5-2 !== 2.5"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(4-2) !== VT_R8"); tmp = -2; ok(tmp === 0-2, "-2 !== 0-2"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(-2) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 2*3; ok(tmp === 6, "2*3 !== 6"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2*3) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 2*3.5; ok(tmp === 7, "2*3.5 !== 7"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(2*3.5) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 2.5*3.5; ok(tmp === 8.75, "2.5*3.5 !== 8.75"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(2.5*3.5) !== VT_R8"); tmp = 4/2; ok(tmp === 2, "4/2 !== 2"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4/2) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 4.5/1.5; ok(tmp === 3, "4.5/1.5 !== 3"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_I4", "getVT(4.5/1.5) !== VT_I4"); tmp = 3/2; ok(tmp === 1.5, "3/2 !== 1.5"); ok(getVT(tmp) === "VT_R8", "getVT(3/2) !== VT_R8"); tmp = "ab" + "cd"; ok(tmp === "abcd", "\"ab\" + \"cd\" !== \"abcd\""); tmp = 1; ok((tmp += 1) === 2, "tmp += 1 !== 2"); ok(tmp === 2, "tmp !== 2"); tmp = 2; ok((tmp -= 1) === 1, "tmp -= 1 !== 1"); ok(tmp === 1, "tmp !=== 1"); tmp = 2; ok((tmp *= 1.5) === 3, "tmp *= 1.5 !== 3"); ok(tmp === 3, "tmp !=== 3"); tmp = 5; ok((tmp /= 2) === 2.5, "tmp /= 2 !== 2.5"); ok(tmp === 2.5, "tmp !=== 2.5"); tmp = 3 || ok(false, "second or expression called"); ok(tmp === 3, "3 || (...) is not 3"); tmp = false || 2; ok(tmp === 2, "false || 2 is not 2"); tmp = 0 && ok(false, "second and expression called"); ok(tmp === 0, "0 && (...) is not 0"); tmp = true && "test"; ok(tmp === "test", "true && \"test\" is not \"test\""); tmp = true && 0; ok(tmp === 0, "true && 0 is not 0"); ok(1 < 3.4, "1 < 3.4 failed"); ok(!(3.4 < 1), "3.4 < 1"); ok("abc" < "abcd", "abc < abcd failed"); ok("abcd" < "abce", "abce < abce failed"); ok("" < "x", "\"\" < \"x\" failed"); ok(!(0 < 0), "0 < 0"); ok(1 <= 3.4, "1 <= 3.4 failed"); ok(!(3.4 <= 1), "3.4 <= 1"); ok("abc" <= "abcd", "abc <= abcd failed"); ok("abcd" <= "abce", "abce <= abce failed"); ok("" <= "x", "\"\" <= \"x\" failed"); ok(0 <= 0, "0 <= 0 failed"); ok(3.4 > 1, "3.4 > 1 failed"); ok(!(1 > 3.4), "1 > 3.4"); ok("abcd" > "abc", "abc > abcd failed"); ok("abce" > "abcd", "abce > abce failed"); ok("x" > "", "\"x\" > \"\" failed"); ok(!(0 > 0), "0 > 0"); ok(3.4 >= 1, "3.4 >= 1 failed"); ok(!(1 >= 3.4), "1 >= 3.4"); ok("abcd" >= "abc", "abc >= abcd failed"); ok("abce" >= "abcd", "abce >= abce failed"); ok("x" >= "", "\"x\" >= \"\" failed"); ok(0 >= 0, "0 >= 0"); tmp = 1; ok(++tmp === 2, "++tmp (1) is not 2"); ok(tmp === 2, "incremented tmp is not 2"); ok(--tmp === 1, "--tmp (2) is not 1"); ok(tmp === 1, "decremented tmp is not 1"); ok(tmp++ === 1, "tmp++ (1) is not 1"); ok(tmp === 2, "incremented tmp(1) is not 2"); ok(tmp-- === 2, "tmp-- (2) is not 2"); ok(tmp === 1, "decremented tmp is not 1"); String.prototype.test = true; ok("".test === true, "\"\".test is not true"); Boolean.prototype.test = true; ok(true.test === true, "true.test is not true"); Number.prototype.test = true; ok((0).test === true, "(0).test is not true"); ok((0.5).test === true, "(0.5).test is not true"); var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; }catch(ex) { ok(false, "unexpected catch"); } ok(state === "try", "state = " + state + " expected try"); state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; }finally { ok(state === "try", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; }catch(ex) { ok(false, "unexpected catch"); }finally { ok(state === "try", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; throw "except"; }catch(ex) { ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state); ok(ex === "except", "ex is not \"except\""); state = "catch"; } ok(state === "catch", "state = " + state + " expected catch"); var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; throw true; }catch(ex) { ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state); ok(ex === true, "ex is not true"); state = "catch"; }finally { ok(state === "catch", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; try { throw true; } finally {} }catch(ex) { ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state); ok(ex === true, "ex is not true"); state = "catch"; }finally { ok(state === "catch", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; try { throw "except"; } catch(ex) { throw true; } }catch(ex) { ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state); ok(ex === true, "ex is not true"); state = "catch"; }finally { ok(state === "catch", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); function throwFunc(x) { throw x; } var state = ""; try { ok(state === "", "try: state = " + state); state = "try"; throwFunc(true); }catch(ex) { ok(state === "try", "catch: state = " + state); ok(ex === true, "ex is not true"); state = "catch"; }finally { ok(state === "catch", "funally: state = " + state); state = "finally"; } ok(state === "finally", "state = " + state + " expected finally"); reportSuccess();