 * Generate include file dependencies
 * Copyright 1996 Alexandre Julliard
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

#include "config.h"
#include "wine/port.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
# include <unistd.h>

/* Max first-level includes per file */
#define MAX_INCLUDES 200

typedef struct _INCL_FILE
    struct _INCL_FILE *next;
    char              *name;
    char              *filename;
    struct _INCL_FILE *included_by;   /* file that included this one */
    int                included_line; /* line where this file was included */
    int                system;        /* is it a system include (#include <name>) */
    struct _INCL_FILE *owner;
    struct _INCL_FILE *files[MAX_INCLUDES];

static INCL_FILE *firstSrc;
static INCL_FILE *firstInclude;

typedef struct _INCL_PATH
    struct _INCL_PATH *next;
    const char        *name;

static INCL_PATH *firstPath;

static const char *SrcDir = NULL;
static const char *OutputFileName = "Makefile";
static const char *Separator = "### Dependencies";
static const char *ProgramName;

static const char Usage[] =
    "Usage: %s [options] [files]\n"
    "   -Idir   Search for include files in directory 'dir'\n"
    "   -Cdir   Search for source files in directory 'dir'\n"
    "   -fxxx   Store output in file 'xxx' (default: Makefile)\n"
    "   -sxxx   Use 'xxx' as separator (default: \"### Dependencies\")\n";

 *         fatal_error
static void fatal_error( const char *msg, ... )
    va_list valist;
    va_start( valist, msg );
    vfprintf( stderr, msg, valist );
    va_end( valist );

 *         xmalloc
static void *xmalloc( int size )
    void *res;
    if (!(res = malloc (size ? size : 1)))
        fatal_error( "%s: Virtual memory exhausted.\n", ProgramName );
    return res;

 *         xstrdup
static char *xstrdup( const char *str )
    char *res = strdup( str );
    if (!res) fatal_error( "%s: Virtual memory exhausted.\n", ProgramName );
    return res;

 *         get_extension
static char *get_extension( char *filename )
    char *ext = strrchr( filename, '.' );
    if (ext && strchr( ext, '/' )) ext = NULL;
    return ext;

 *         is_generated
 * Test if a given file type is generated during the make process
static int is_generated( const char *name )
    static const char * const extensions[] = { ".tab.h", ".mc.rc" };
    size_t i, len = strlen(name);
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(extensions)/sizeof(extensions[0]); i++)
        if (len <= strlen(extensions[i])) continue;
        if (!strcmp( name + len - strlen(extensions[i]), extensions[i] )) return 1;
    return 0;

 *         add_include_path
 * Add a directory to the include path.
static void add_include_path( const char *name )
    INCL_PATH *path = xmalloc( sizeof(*path) );
    INCL_PATH **p = &firstPath;
    while (*p) p = &(*p)->next;
    *p = path;
    path->next = NULL;
    path->name = name;

 *         add_src_file
 * Add a source file to the list.
static INCL_FILE *add_src_file( const char *name )
    INCL_FILE **p = &firstSrc;
    INCL_FILE *file = xmalloc( sizeof(*file) );
    memset( file, 0, sizeof(*file) );
    file->name = xstrdup(name);
    while (*p) p = &(*p)->next;
    *p = file;
    return file;

 *         add_include
 * Add an include file if it doesn't already exists.
static INCL_FILE *add_include( INCL_FILE *pFile, const char *name, int line, int system )
    INCL_FILE **p = &firstInclude;
    char *ext;
    int pos;

    for (pos = 0; pos < MAX_INCLUDES; pos++) if (!pFile->files[pos]) break;
    if (pos >= MAX_INCLUDES)
        fatal_error( "%s: %s: too many included files, please fix MAX_INCLUDES\n",
                     ProgramName, pFile->name );

    /* enforce some rules for the Wine tree */

    if (!memcmp( name, "../", 3 ))
        fatal_error( "%s:%d: #include directive with relative path not allowed\n",
                     pFile->filename, line );

    if (!strcmp( name, "config.h" ))
        if ((ext = strrchr( pFile->filename, '.' )) && !strcmp( ext, ".h" ))
            fatal_error( "%s:%d: config.h must not be included by a header file\n",
                         pFile->filename, line );
        if (pos)
            fatal_error( "%s:%d: config.h must be included before anything else\n",
                         pFile->filename, line );
    else if (!strcmp( name, "wine/port.h" ))
        if ((ext = strrchr( pFile->filename, '.' )) && !strcmp( ext, ".h" ))
            fatal_error( "%s:%d: wine/port.h must not be included by a header file\n",
                         pFile->filename, line );
        if (!pos) fatal_error( "%s:%d: config.h must be included before wine/port.h\n",
                               pFile->filename, line );
        if (pos > 1)
            fatal_error( "%s:%d: wine/port.h must be included before everything except config.h\n",
                         pFile->filename, line );
        if (strcmp( pFile->files[0]->name, "config.h" ))
            fatal_error( "%s:%d: config.h must be included before wine/port.h\n",
                         pFile->filename, line );

    while (*p && strcmp( name, (*p)->name )) p = &(*p)->next;
    if (!*p)
        *p = xmalloc( sizeof(INCL_FILE) );
        memset( *p, 0, sizeof(INCL_FILE) );
        (*p)->name = xstrdup(name);
        (*p)->included_by = pFile;
        (*p)->included_line = line;
        (*p)->system = system || pFile->system;
    pFile->files[pos] = *p;
    return *p;

 *         open_src_file
static FILE *open_src_file( INCL_FILE *pFile )
    FILE *file;

    /* first try name as is */
    if ((file = fopen( pFile->name, "r" )))
        pFile->filename = xstrdup( pFile->name );
        return file;
    /* now try in source dir */
    if (SrcDir)
        pFile->filename = xmalloc( strlen(SrcDir) + strlen(pFile->name) + 2 );
        strcpy( pFile->filename, SrcDir );
        strcat( pFile->filename, "/" );
        strcat( pFile->filename, pFile->name );
        file = fopen( pFile->filename, "r" );
    if (!file)
        perror( pFile->name );
    return file;

 *         open_include_file
static FILE *open_include_file( INCL_FILE *pFile )
    FILE *file = NULL;
    INCL_PATH *path;

    for (path = firstPath; path; path = path->next)
        char *filename = xmalloc(strlen(path->name) + strlen(pFile->name) + 2);
        strcpy( filename, path->name );
        strcat( filename, "/" );
        strcat( filename, pFile->name );
        if ((file = fopen( filename, "r" )))
            pFile->filename = filename;
        free( filename );
    if (!file && pFile->system) return NULL;  /* ignore system files we cannot find */

    /* try in src file directory */
    if (!file)
        char *p = strrchr(pFile->included_by->filename, '/');
        if (p)
            int l = p - pFile->included_by->filename + 1;
            char *filename = xmalloc(l + strlen(pFile->name) + 1);
            memcpy( filename, pFile->included_by->filename, l );
            strcpy( filename + l, pFile->name );
            if ((file = fopen( filename, "r" ))) pFile->filename = filename;
            else free( filename );

    if (!file)
        if (pFile->included_by->system) return NULL;  /* ignore if included by a system file */
        if (firstPath) perror( pFile->name );
        else fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s: File not found\n",
                      ProgramName, pFile->name );
        while (pFile->included_by)
            fprintf( stderr, "  %s was first included from %s:%d\n",
                     pFile->name, pFile->included_by->name, pFile->included_line );
            pFile = pFile->included_by;
    return file;

 *         parse_idl_file
static void parse_idl_file( INCL_FILE *pFile, FILE *file )
    char buffer[1024];
    char *include;
    int line = 0;

    while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, file ))
        char quote;
        char *p = buffer;
        while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;

        if (!strncmp( p, "import", 6 ))
            p += 6;
            while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
            if (*p != '\"') continue;
            if (*p++ != '#') continue;
            while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
            if (strncmp( p, "include", 7 )) continue;
            p += 7;
            while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
            if (*p != '\"' && *p != '<' ) continue;

        quote = *p++;
        if (quote == '<') quote = '>';
        include = p;
        while (*p && (*p != quote)) p++;
        if (!*p) fatal_error( "%s:%d: Malformed #include or import directive\n",
                              pFile->filename, line );
        *p = 0;
        add_include( pFile, include, line, (quote == '>') );

 *         parse_c_file
static void parse_c_file( INCL_FILE *pFile, FILE *file )
    char buffer[1024];
    char *include;
    int line = 0;

    while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, file ))
        char quote;
        char *p = buffer;
        while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
        if (*p++ != '#') continue;
        while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
        if (strncmp( p, "include", 7 )) continue;
        p += 7;
        while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
        if (*p != '\"' && *p != '<' ) continue;
        quote = *p++;
        if (quote == '<') quote = '>';
        include = p;
        while (*p && (*p != quote)) p++;
        if (!*p) fatal_error( "%s:%d: Malformed #include directive\n",
                              pFile->filename, line );
        *p = 0;
        add_include( pFile, include, line, (quote == '>') );

 *         parse_file
static void parse_file( INCL_FILE *pFile, int src )
    char *ext;
    FILE *file;

    if (is_generated( pFile->name ))
        /* file is generated during make, don't try to open it */
        pFile->filename = xstrdup( pFile->name );

    file = src ? open_src_file( pFile ) : open_include_file( pFile );
    if (!file) return;
    ext = get_extension( pFile->name );
    if (ext && !strcmp( ext, ".idl" )) parse_idl_file( pFile, file );
    else parse_c_file( pFile, file );

 *         output_include
static void output_include( FILE *file, INCL_FILE *pFile,
                            INCL_FILE *owner, int *column )
    int i;

    if (pFile->owner == owner) return;
    if (!pFile->filename) return;
    pFile->owner = owner;
    if (*column + strlen(pFile->filename) + 1 > 70)
        fprintf( file, " \\\n" );
        *column = 0;
    fprintf( file, " %s", pFile->filename );
    *column += strlen(pFile->filename) + 1;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_INCLUDES; i++)
        if (pFile->files[i]) output_include( file, pFile->files[i],
                                             owner, column );

 *         output_src
static void output_src( FILE *file, INCL_FILE *pFile, int *column )
    char *obj = xstrdup( pFile->name );
    char *ext = get_extension( obj );
    if (ext)
        *ext++ = 0;
        if (!strcmp( ext, "y" ))  /* yacc file */
            *column += fprintf( file, "y.tab.o: y.tab.c" );
        else if (!strcmp( ext, "l" ))  /* lex file */
            *column += fprintf( file, "%s.o: %s.c", LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT, LEX_OUTPUT_ROOT );
        else if (!strcmp( ext, "rc" ))  /* resource file */
            *column += fprintf( file, "%s.res: %s", obj, pFile->filename );
        else if (!strcmp( ext, "mc" ))  /* message file */
            *column += fprintf( file, "%s.mc.rc: %s", obj, pFile->filename );
        else if (!strcmp( ext, "idl" ))  /* IDL file */
            *column += fprintf( file, "%s.h: %s", obj, pFile->filename );
            *column += fprintf( file, "%s.o: %s", obj, pFile->filename );
    free( obj );

 *         output_dependencies
static void output_dependencies(void)
    INCL_FILE *pFile;
    int i, column;
    FILE *file = NULL;
    char buffer[1024];

    if (Separator && ((file = fopen( OutputFileName, "r+" ))))
        while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), file ))
            if (!strncmp( buffer, Separator, strlen(Separator) )) break;
        ftruncate( fileno(file), ftell(file) );
        fseek( file, 0L, SEEK_END );
    if (!file)
        if (!(file = fopen( OutputFileName, Separator ? "a" : "w" )))
            perror( OutputFileName );
    for( pFile = firstSrc; pFile; pFile = pFile->next)
        column = 0;
        output_src( file, pFile, &column );
        for (i = 0; i < MAX_INCLUDES; i++)
            if (pFile->files[i]) output_include( file, pFile->files[i],
                                                 pFile, &column );
        fprintf( file, "\n" );

 *         parse_option
static void parse_option( const char *opt )
    case 'I':
        if (opt[2]) add_include_path( opt + 2 );
    case 'C':
        if (opt[2]) SrcDir = opt + 2;
        else SrcDir = NULL;
    case 'f':
        if (opt[2]) OutputFileName = opt + 2;
    case 's':
        if (opt[2]) Separator = opt + 2;
        else Separator = NULL;
        fprintf( stderr, "Unknown option '%s'\n", opt );
        fprintf( stderr, Usage, ProgramName );

 *         main
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    INCL_FILE *pFile;

    ProgramName = argv[0];
    while (argc > 1)
        if (*argv[1] == '-') parse_option( argv[1] );
            pFile = add_src_file( argv[1] );
            parse_file( pFile, 1 );
    for (pFile = firstInclude; pFile; pFile = pFile->next)
        parse_file( pFile, 0 );
    if( firstSrc ) output_dependencies();
    return 0;