#include #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wininet.h" #include "wine/test.h" #define TEST_URL "http://www.winehq.org/site/about" #define TEST_URL_PATH "/site/about" #define TEST_URL2 "http://www.myserver.com/myscript.php?arg=1" #define TEST_URL2_SERVER "www.myserver.com" #define TEST_URL2_PATH "/myscript.php" #define TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA "/myscript.php?arg=1" #define TEST_URL2_EXTRA "?arg=1" #define TEST_URL3 "file:///C:/Program%20Files/Atmel/AVR%20Tools/STK500/STK500.xml" int goon = 0; VOID WINAPI callback( HINTERNET hInternet, DWORD dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, DWORD dwStatusInformationLength ) { char name[124]; switch (dwInternetStatus) { case INTERNET_STATUS_RESOLVING_NAME: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_RESOLVING_NAME"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_NAME_RESOLVED"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_SERVER"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO_SERVER"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_SENT"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_RESPONSE_RECEIVED"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CTL_RESPONSE_RECEIVED: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_CTL_RESPONSE_RECEIVED"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_PREFETCH: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_PREFETCH"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_CLOSING_CONNECTION"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_CONNECTION_CLOSED"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_REQUEST_COMPLETE"); goon = 1; break; case INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_REDIRECT"); break; case INTERNET_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE: strcpy(name,"INTERNET_STATUS_INTERMEDIATE_RESPONSE"); break; } trace("Callback %p 0x%lx %s(%li) %p %ld\n",hInternet,dwContext,name,dwInternetStatus,lpvStatusInformation,dwStatusInformationLength); } void winapi_test(int flags) { DWORD rc; CHAR buffer[4000]; DWORD length; DWORD out; const char *types[2] = { "*", NULL }; HINTERNET hi, hic = 0, hor = 0; trace("Starting with flags 0x%x\n",flags); trace("InternetOpenA <--\n"); hi = InternetOpenA("",0x0,0x0,0x0,flags); ok((hi != 0x0),"InternetOpen Failed\n"); trace("InternetOpenA -->\n"); if (hi == 0x0) goto abort; InternetSetStatusCallback(hi,&callback); trace("InternetConnectA <--\n"); hic=InternetConnectA(hi,"www.winehq.org",0x0,0x0,0x0,0x3,0x0,0xdeadbeef); ok((hic != 0x0),"InternetConnect Failed\n"); trace("InternetConnectA -->\n"); if (hic == 0x0) goto abort; trace("HttpOpenRequestA <--\n"); hor = HttpOpenRequestA(hic, "GET", "/about/", 0x0,0x0,types,0x00400800,0xdeadbead); if (hor == 0x0 && GetLastError() == 12007 /* ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED */) { /* * If the internet name can't be resolved we are probably behind * a firewall or in some other way not directly connected to the * Internet. Not enough reason to fail the test. Just ignore and * abort. */ } else { ok((hor != 0x0),"HttpOpenRequest Failed\n"); } trace("HttpOpenRequestA -->\n"); if (hor == 0x0) goto abort; trace("HttpSendRequestA -->\n"); SetLastError(0); rc = HttpSendRequestA(hor, "", 0xffffffff,0x0,0x0); if (flags) ok(((rc == 0)&&(GetLastError()==997)), "Asynchronous HttpSendRequest NOT returning 0 with error 997\n"); else ok((rc != 0) || GetLastError() == 12007, /* 12007 == XP */ "Synchronous HttpSendRequest returning 0, error %ld\n", GetLastError()); trace("HttpSendRequestA <--\n"); while ((flags)&&(!goon)) Sleep(100); length = 4; rc = InternetQueryOptionA(hor,0x17,&out,&length); trace("Option 0x17 -> %li %li\n",rc,out); length = 100; rc = InternetQueryOptionA(hor,0x22,buffer,&length); trace("Option 0x22 -> %li %s\n",rc,buffer); length = 4000; rc = HttpQueryInfoA(hor,0x16,buffer,&length,0x0); buffer[length]=0; trace("Option 0x16 -> %li %s\n",rc,buffer); length = 4000; rc = InternetQueryOptionA(hor,0x22,buffer,&length); buffer[length]=0; trace("Option 0x22 -> %li %s\n",rc,buffer); length = 16; rc = HttpQueryInfoA(hor,0x5,&buffer,&length,0x0); trace("Option 0x5 -> %li %s (%li)\n",rc,buffer,GetLastError()); length = 100; rc = HttpQueryInfoA(hor,0x1,buffer,&length,0x0); buffer[length]=0; trace("Option 0x1 -> %li %s\n",rc,buffer); length = 100; trace("Entering Query loop\n"); while (length) { rc = InternetQueryDataAvailable(hor,&length,0x0,0x0); ok(!(rc == 0 && length != 0),"InternetQueryDataAvailable failed\n"); if (length) { char *buffer; buffer = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,length+1); rc = InternetReadFile(hor,buffer,length,&length); buffer[length]=0; trace("ReadFile -> %li %li\n",rc,length); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,buffer); } } abort: if (hor != 0x0) { rc = InternetCloseHandle(hor); ok ((rc != 0), "InternetCloseHandle of handle opened by HttpOpenRequestA failed\n"); rc = InternetCloseHandle(hor); ok ((rc == 0), "Double close of handle opened by HttpOpenRequestA succeeded\n"); } if (hic != 0x0) { rc = InternetCloseHandle(hic); ok ((rc != 0), "InternetCloseHandle of handle opened by InternetConnectA failed\n"); } if (hi != 0x0) { rc = InternetCloseHandle(hi); ok ((rc != 0), "InternetCloseHandle of handle opened by InternetOpenA failed\n"); if (flags) Sleep(100); } } void InternetOpenUrlA_test(void) { HINTERNET myhinternet, myhttp; char buffer[0x400]; URL_COMPONENTSA urlComponents; char protocol[32], hostName[1024], userName[1024]; char password[1024], extra[1024], path[1024]; DWORD size, readbytes, totalbytes=0; BOOL ret; myhinternet = InternetOpen("Winetest",0,NULL,NULL,INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE); ok((myhinternet != 0), "InternetOpen failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); size = 0x400; ret = InternetCanonicalizeUrl(TEST_URL, buffer, &size,ICU_BROWSER_MODE); ok( ret, "InternetCanonicalizeUrl failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); urlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTSA); urlComponents.lpszScheme = protocol; urlComponents.dwSchemeLength = 32; urlComponents.lpszHostName = hostName; urlComponents.dwHostNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUserName = userName; urlComponents.dwUserNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszPassword = password; urlComponents.dwPasswordLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUrlPath = path; urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = 2048; urlComponents.lpszExtraInfo = extra; urlComponents.dwExtraInfoLength = 1024; ret = InternetCrackUrl(TEST_URL, 0,0,&urlComponents); ok( ret, "InternetCrackUrl failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); SetLastError(0); myhttp = InternetOpenUrl(myhinternet, TEST_URL, 0, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD|INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE|INTERNET_FLAG_TRANSFER_BINARY,0); if (GetLastError() == 12007) return; /* WinXP returns this when not connected to the net */ ok((myhttp != 0),"InternetOpenUrl failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); ret = InternetReadFile(myhttp, buffer,0x400,&readbytes); ok( ret, "InternetReadFile failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); totalbytes += readbytes; while (readbytes && InternetReadFile(myhttp, buffer,0x400,&readbytes)) totalbytes += readbytes; trace("read 0x%08lx bytes\n",totalbytes); } void InternetCrackUrl_test(void) { URL_COMPONENTSA urlComponents; char protocol[32], hostName[1024], userName[1024]; char password[1024], extra[1024], path[1024]; BOOL ret; urlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(URL_COMPONENTSA); urlComponents.lpszScheme = protocol; urlComponents.dwSchemeLength = 32; urlComponents.lpszHostName = hostName; urlComponents.dwHostNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUserName = userName; urlComponents.dwUserNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszPassword = password; urlComponents.dwPasswordLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUrlPath = path; urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = 2048; urlComponents.lpszExtraInfo = extra; urlComponents.dwExtraInfoLength = 1024; ret = InternetCrackUrl(TEST_URL, 0,0,&urlComponents); ok( ret, "InternetCrackUrl failed, error %lx\n",GetLastError()); ok((strcmp(TEST_URL_PATH,path) == 0),"path cracked wrong\n"); /* Bug 1805: Confirm the returned lengths are correct: */ /* 1. When extra info split out explicitly */ ZeroMemory(&urlComponents, sizeof(urlComponents)); urlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(urlComponents); urlComponents.dwHostNameLength = 1; urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = 1; urlComponents.dwExtraInfoLength = 1; ok(InternetCrackUrlA(TEST_URL2, 0, 0, &urlComponents),"InternetCrackUrl failed, error 0x%lx\n", GetLastError()); ok(urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength == strlen(TEST_URL2_PATH),".dwUrlPathLength should be %d, but is %ld\n", strlen(TEST_URL2_PATH), urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength); ok(!strncmp(urlComponents.lpszUrlPath,TEST_URL2_PATH,strlen(TEST_URL2_PATH)),"lpszUrlPath should be %s but is %s\n", TEST_URL2_PATH, urlComponents.lpszUrlPath); ok(urlComponents.dwHostNameLength == strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER),".dwHostNameLength should be %d, but is %ld\n", strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER), urlComponents.dwHostNameLength); ok(!strncmp(urlComponents.lpszHostName,TEST_URL2_SERVER,strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER)),"lpszHostName should be %s but is %s\n", TEST_URL2_SERVER, urlComponents.lpszHostName); ok(urlComponents.dwExtraInfoLength == strlen(TEST_URL2_EXTRA),".dwExtraInfoLength should be %d, but is %ld\n", strlen(TEST_URL2_EXTRA), urlComponents.dwExtraInfoLength); ok(!strncmp(urlComponents.lpszExtraInfo,TEST_URL2_EXTRA,strlen(TEST_URL2_EXTRA)),"lpszExtraInfo should be %s but is %s\n", TEST_URL2_EXTRA, urlComponents.lpszHostName); /* 2. When extra info is not split out explicitly and is in url path */ ZeroMemory(&urlComponents, sizeof(urlComponents)); urlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(urlComponents); urlComponents.dwHostNameLength = 1; urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = 1; ok(InternetCrackUrlA(TEST_URL2, 0, 0, &urlComponents),"InternetCrackUrl failed with GLE 0x%lx\n",GetLastError()); ok(urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength == strlen(TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA),".dwUrlPathLength should be %d, but is %ld\n", strlen(TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA), urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength); ok(!strncmp(urlComponents.lpszUrlPath,TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA,strlen(TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA)),"lpszUrlPath should be %s but is %s\n", TEST_URL2_PATHEXTRA, urlComponents.lpszUrlPath); ok(urlComponents.dwHostNameLength == strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER),".dwHostNameLength should be %d, but is %ld\n", strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER), urlComponents.dwHostNameLength); ok(!strncmp(urlComponents.lpszHostName,TEST_URL2_SERVER,strlen(TEST_URL2_SERVER)),"lpszHostName should be %s but is %s\n", TEST_URL2_SERVER, urlComponents.lpszHostName); /*3. Check for %20 */ ZeroMemory(&urlComponents, sizeof(urlComponents)); urlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(urlComponents); urlComponents.lpszScheme = protocol; urlComponents.dwSchemeLength = 32; urlComponents.lpszHostName = hostName; urlComponents.dwHostNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUserName = userName; urlComponents.dwUserNameLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszPassword = password; urlComponents.dwPasswordLength = 1024; urlComponents.lpszUrlPath = path; urlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = 2048; urlComponents.lpszExtraInfo = extra; ok(InternetCrackUrlA(TEST_URL3, 0, ICU_DECODE, &urlComponents),"InternetCrackUrl failed with GLE 0x%lx\n",GetLastError()); } void InternetCrackUrlW_test(void) { WCHAR url[] = { 'h','t','t','p',':','/','/','1','9','2','.','1','6','8','.','0','.','2','2','/', 'C','F','I','D','E','/','m','a','i','n','.','c','f','m','?','C','F','S','V','R', '=','I','D','E','&','A','C','T','I','O','N','=','I','D','E','_','D','E','F','A', 'U','L','T', 0 }; URL_COMPONENTSW comp; WCHAR scheme[20], host[20], user[20], pwd[20], urlpart[50], extra[50]; BOOL r; urlpart[0]=0; scheme[0]=0; extra[0]=0; host[0]=0; user[0]=0; pwd[0]=0; memset(&comp, 0, sizeof comp); comp.dwStructSize = sizeof comp; comp.lpszScheme = scheme; comp.dwSchemeLength = sizeof scheme; comp.lpszHostName = host; comp.dwHostNameLength = sizeof host; comp.lpszUserName = user; comp.dwUserNameLength = sizeof user; comp.lpszPassword = pwd; comp.dwPasswordLength = sizeof pwd; comp.lpszUrlPath = urlpart; comp.dwUrlPathLength = sizeof urlpart; comp.lpszExtraInfo = extra; comp.dwExtraInfoLength = sizeof extra; r = InternetCrackUrlW(url, 0, 0, &comp ); ok( r, "failed to crack url\n"); ok( comp.dwSchemeLength == 4, "scheme length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwHostNameLength == 12, "host length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUserNameLength == 0, "user length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwPasswordLength == 0, "password length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUrlPathLength == 15, "url length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwExtraInfoLength == 29, "extra length wrong\n"); urlpart[0]=0; scheme[0]=0; extra[0]=0; host[0]=0; user[0]=0; pwd[0]=0; memset(&comp, 0, sizeof comp); comp.dwStructSize = sizeof comp; comp.lpszHostName = host; comp.dwHostNameLength = sizeof host; comp.lpszUrlPath = urlpart; comp.dwUrlPathLength = sizeof urlpart; r = InternetCrackUrlW(url, 0, 0, &comp ); ok( r, "failed to crack url\n"); ok( comp.dwSchemeLength == 0, "scheme length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwHostNameLength == 12, "host length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUserNameLength == 0, "user length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwPasswordLength == 0, "password length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUrlPathLength == 44, "url length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwExtraInfoLength == 0, "extra length wrong\n"); urlpart[0]=0; scheme[0]=0; extra[0]=0; host[0]=0; user[0]=0; pwd[0]=0; memset(&comp, 0, sizeof comp); comp.dwStructSize = sizeof comp; comp.lpszHostName = host; comp.dwHostNameLength = sizeof host; comp.lpszUrlPath = urlpart; comp.dwUrlPathLength = sizeof urlpart; comp.lpszExtraInfo = NULL; comp.dwExtraInfoLength = sizeof extra; r = InternetCrackUrlW(url, 0, 0, &comp ); ok( r, "failed to crack url\n"); ok( comp.dwSchemeLength == 0, "scheme length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwHostNameLength == 12, "host length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUserNameLength == 0, "user length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwPasswordLength == 0, "password length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwUrlPathLength == 15, "url length wrong\n"); ok( comp.dwExtraInfoLength == 29, "extra length wrong\n"); } static void InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA_test() { BOOL ret; static const SYSTEMTIME time = { 2005, 1, 5, 7, 12, 6, 35, 0 }; char string[INTERNET_RFC1123_BUFSIZE]; static const char expect[] = "Fri, 07 Jan 2005 12:06:35 GMT"; ret = InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA( &time, INTERNET_RFC1123_FORMAT, string, sizeof(string) ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( string, expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); } static void InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW_test() { BOOL ret; static const SYSTEMTIME time = { 2005, 1, 5, 7, 12, 6, 35, 0 }; WCHAR string[INTERNET_RFC1123_BUFSIZE + 1]; static const WCHAR expect[] = { 'F','r','i',',',' ','0','7',' ','J','a','n',' ','2','0','0','5',' ', '1','2',':','0','6',':','3','5',' ','G','M','T',0 }; ret = InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW( &time, INTERNET_RFC1123_FORMAT, string, sizeof(string) ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( string, expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); } static void InternetTimeToSystemTimeA_test() { BOOL ret; SYSTEMTIME time; static const SYSTEMTIME expect = { 2005, 1, 5, 7, 12, 6, 35, 0 }; static const char string[] = "Fri, 07 Jan 2005 12:06:35 GMT"; static const char string2[] = " fri 7 jan 2005 12 06 35"; ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeA( string, &time, 0 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( &time, &expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeToSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeA( string2, &time, 0 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( &time, &expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeToSystemTimeA failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); } static void InternetTimeToSystemTimeW_test() { BOOL ret; SYSTEMTIME time; static const SYSTEMTIME expect = { 2005, 1, 5, 7, 12, 6, 35, 0 }; static const WCHAR string[] = { 'F','r','i',',',' ','0','7',' ','J','a','n',' ','2','0','0','5',' ', '1','2',':','0','6',':','3','5',' ','G','M','T',0 }; static const WCHAR string2[] = { ' ','f','r','i',' ','7',' ','j','a','n',' ','2','0','0','5',' ', '1','2',' ','0','6',' ','3','5',0 }; static const WCHAR string3[] = { 'F','r',0 }; ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( NULL, NULL, 0 ); ok( !ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW succeeded (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( NULL, &time, 0 ); ok( !ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW succeeded (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( string, NULL, 0 ); ok( !ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW succeeded (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( string, &time, 1 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( string, &time, 0 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( &time, &expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( string2, &time, 0 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ok( !memcmp( &time, &expect, sizeof(expect) ), "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); ret = InternetTimeToSystemTimeW( string3, &time, 0 ); ok( ret, "InternetTimeToSystemTimeW failed (%ld)\n", GetLastError() ); } START_TEST(http) { winapi_test(0x10000000); winapi_test(0x00000000); InternetCrackUrl_test(); InternetOpenUrlA_test(); InternetCrackUrlW_test(); InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA_test(); InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW_test(); InternetTimeToSystemTimeA_test(); InternetTimeToSystemTimeW_test(); }