/* * GDI palette objects * * Copyright 1993,1994 Alexandre Julliard * Copyright 1996 Alex Korobka * */ #include #include #include #include "color.h" #include "palette.h" #include "stddebug.h" /* #define DEBUG_PALETTE */ #include "debug.h" extern int COLOR_LookupSystemPixel(COLORREF); /* lookup pixel among static entries * of the system palette */ extern COLORREF COLOR_GetSystemPaletteEntry(BYTE); static WORD SystemPaletteUse = SYSPAL_STATIC; /* currently not considered */ static HPALETTE16 hPrimaryPalette = 0; /* used for WM_PALETTECHANGED */ static HPALETTE16 hLastRealizedPalette = 0; /* UnrealizeObject() needs it */ /*********************************************************************** * PALETTE_ValidateFlags */ void PALETTE_ValidateFlags(PALETTEENTRY* lpPalE, int size) { int i = 0; for( ; ipalNumEntries - 1) * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY); dprintf_palette(stddeb,"CreatePalette: "); dprintf_palette(stddeb,"%i entries, ", palette->palNumEntries); hpalette = GDI_AllocObject( size + sizeof(int*) +sizeof(GDIOBJHDR) , PALETTE_MAGIC ); if (!hpalette) return 0; palettePtr = (PALETTEOBJ *) GDI_HEAP_LIN_ADDR( hpalette ); memcpy( &palettePtr->logpalette, palette, size ); PALETTE_ValidateFlags(palettePtr->logpalette.palPalEntry, palettePtr->logpalette.palNumEntries); palettePtr->mapping = NULL; dprintf_palette(stddeb,"returning %04x\n", hpalette); return hpalette; } /*********************************************************************** * GetPaletteEntries (GDI.363) */ WORD GetPaletteEntries( HPALETTE16 hpalette, WORD start, WORD count, LPPALETTEENTRY entries ) { PALETTEOBJ * palPtr; int numEntries; dprintf_palette(stddeb,"GetPaletteEntries: hpal = %04x, %i entries\n", hpalette, count); palPtr = (PALETTEOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hpalette, PALETTE_MAGIC ); if (!palPtr) return 0; numEntries = palPtr->logpalette.palNumEntries; if (start >= numEntries) return 0; if (start+count > numEntries) count = numEntries - start; memcpy( entries, &palPtr->logpalette.palPalEntry[start], count * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) ); for( numEntries = 0; numEntries < count ; numEntries++ ) if( entries[numEntries].peFlags & 0xF0 ) entries[numEntries].peFlags = 0; return count; } /*********************************************************************** * SetPaletteEntries (GDI.364) */ WORD SetPaletteEntries( HPALETTE16 hpalette, WORD start, WORD count, LPPALETTEENTRY entries ) { PALETTEOBJ * palPtr; int numEntries; dprintf_palette(stddeb,"SetPaletteEntries: hpal = %04x, %i entries\n", hpalette, count); palPtr = (PALETTEOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hpalette, PALETTE_MAGIC ); if (!palPtr) return 0; numEntries = palPtr->logpalette.palNumEntries; if (start >= numEntries) return 0; if (start+count > numEntries) count = numEntries - start; memcpy( &palPtr->logpalette.palPalEntry[start], entries, count * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) ); PALETTE_ValidateFlags(palPtr->logpalette.palPalEntry, palPtr->logpalette.palNumEntries); free(palPtr->mapping); palPtr->mapping = NULL; return count; } /*********************************************************************** * ResizePalette (GDI.368) */ BOOL ResizePalette(HPALETTE16 hPal, UINT cEntries) { /* should simply realloc memory and zero out * added entries, if any */ fprintf(stdnimp,"ResizePalette: empty stub! \n"); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * AnimatePalette (GDI.367) */ BOOL AnimatePalette(HPALETTE16 hPal, UINT StartIndex, UINT NumEntries, LPPALETTEENTRY PaletteColors) { fprintf(stdnimp,"AnimatePalette: empty stub! \n"); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * SetSystemPaletteUse (GDI.373) */ WORD SetSystemPaletteUse( HDC hdc, WORD use) { WORD old=SystemPaletteUse; fprintf(stdnimp,"SetSystemPaletteUse(%04x,%04x) // empty stub !!!\n", hdc, use); SystemPaletteUse=use; return old; } /*********************************************************************** * GetSystemPaletteUse (GDI.374) */ WORD GetSystemPaletteUse( HDC hdc ) { fprintf(stdnimp,"GetSystemPaletteUse(%04x) // empty stub !!!\n", hdc); return SystemPaletteUse; } /*********************************************************************** * GetSystemPaletteEntries (GDI.375) */ WORD GetSystemPaletteEntries( HDC hdc, WORD start, WORD count, LPPALETTEENTRY entries ) { WORD i; DC *dc; dprintf_palette(stddeb,"GetSystemPaletteEntries: hdc = %04x, cound = %i", hdc, count ); if (!(dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ))) return 0; if (start >= dc->w.devCaps->sizePalette) return 0; if (start+count >= dc->w.devCaps->sizePalette) count = dc->w.devCaps->sizePalette - start; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { *(COLORREF*)(entries + i) = COLOR_GetSystemPaletteEntry((BYTE)(start + i)); dprintf_palette(stddeb,"\tidx(%02x) -> RGB(%08lx)\n", (unsigned char)(start + i), *(COLORREF*)(entries + i) ); } return count; } /*********************************************************************** * GetNearestPaletteIndex (GDI.370) */ WORD GetNearestPaletteIndex( HPALETTE16 hpalette, COLORREF color ) { PALETTEOBJ* palObj = (PALETTEOBJ*) GDI_GetObjPtr( hpalette, PALETTE_MAGIC ); WORD index = 0; if( palObj ) index = COLOR_PaletteLookupPixel( palObj->logpalette.palPalEntry, palObj->logpalette.palNumEntries, NULL, color, FALSE ); dprintf_palette(stddeb,"GetNearestPaletteIndex(%04x,%06lx): returning %d\n", hpalette, color, index ); return index; } /*********************************************************************** * GetNearestColor (GDI.154) */ COLORREF GetNearestColor( HDC hdc, COLORREF color ) { COLORREF nearest = 0xFADECAFE; DC *dc; PALETTEOBJ *palObj; if ( (dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC )) ) { palObj = (PALETTEOBJ*) GDI_GetObjPtr( (dc->w.hPalette)? dc->w.hPalette : STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE, PALETTE_MAGIC ); nearest = COLOR_LookupNearestColor( palObj->logpalette.palPalEntry, palObj->logpalette.palNumEntries, color ); } dprintf_palette(stddeb,"GetNearestColor(%06lx): returning %06lx\n", color, nearest ); return nearest; } /*********************************************************************** * PALETTE_GetObject */ int PALETTE_GetObject( PALETTEOBJ * palette, int count, LPSTR buffer ) { if (count > sizeof(WORD)) count = sizeof(WORD); memcpy( buffer, &palette->logpalette.palNumEntries, count ); return count; } /*********************************************************************** * PALETTE_UnrealizeObject */ BOOL32 PALETTE_UnrealizeObject( HPALETTE16 hpalette, PALETTEOBJ *palette ) { if (palette->mapping) { free( palette->mapping ); palette->mapping = NULL; } if (hLastRealizedPalette == hpalette) hLastRealizedPalette = 0; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * PALETTE_DeleteObject */ BOOL32 PALETTE_DeleteObject( HPALETTE16 hpalette, PALETTEOBJ *palette ) { free( palette->mapping ); return GDI_FreeObject( hpalette ); } /*********************************************************************** * GDISelectPalette (GDI.361) */ HPALETTE16 GDISelectPalette( HDC hdc, HPALETTE16 hpal, WORD wBkg) { HPALETTE16 prev; DC *dc; dprintf_palette(stddeb, "GDISelectPalette: %04x %04x\n", hdc, hpal ); dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); if (!dc) { dc = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdc, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC); if (!dc) return 0; } prev = dc->w.hPalette; dc->w.hPalette = hpal; if (!wBkg) hPrimaryPalette = hpal; return prev; } /*********************************************************************** * GDIRealizePalette (GDI.362) * */ UINT GDIRealizePalette( HDC hdc ) { PALETTEOBJ* palPtr; int realized = 0; DC* dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); if (!dc) { dc = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdc, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC); if (!dc) return 0; } dprintf_palette(stddeb, "GDIRealizePalette: %04x...", hdc ); if( dc && dc->w.hPalette != hLastRealizedPalette ) { if( dc->w.hPalette == STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE ) return RealizeDefaultPalette( hdc ); palPtr = (PALETTEOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( dc->w.hPalette, PALETTE_MAGIC ); realized = COLOR_SetMapping(palPtr, dc->w.hPalette != hPrimaryPalette || dc->w.hPalette == STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE ); hLastRealizedPalette = dc->w.hPalette; } else dprintf_palette(stddeb, " skipping "); dprintf_palette(stdnimp, " realized %i colors\n", realized ); return (UINT)realized; } /*********************************************************************** * RealizeDefaultPalette (GDI.365) */ WORD RealizeDefaultPalette( HDC hdc ) { DC *dc; PALETTEOBJ* palPtr; int i, index, realized = 0; dprintf_palette(stddeb,"RealizeDefaultPalette: %04x\n", hdc ); dc = (DC *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hdc, DC_MAGIC ); if (!dc) { dc = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr(hdc, METAFILE_DC_MAGIC); if (!dc) return 0; } if ( dc->w.flags & DC_MEMORY ) return 0; hPrimaryPalette = STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE; hLastRealizedPalette = STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE; palPtr = (PALETTEOBJ*)GDI_GetObjPtr(STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE, PALETTE_MAGIC ); /* lookup is needed to account for SetSystemPaletteUse() stuff */ for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { index = COLOR_LookupSystemPixel(*(COLORREF*)(palPtr->logpalette.palPalEntry + i)); /* mapping is allocated in COLOR_InitPalette() */ if( index != palPtr->mapping[i] ) { palPtr->mapping[i]=index; realized++; } } return realized; } /*********************************************************************** * IsDCCurrentPalette (GDI.412) */ BOOL IsDCCurrentPalette(HDC hDC) { DC* dc = (DC *)GDI_GetObjPtr( hDC, DC_MAGIC ); return (dc)?(dc->w.hPalette == hPrimaryPalette):FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * SelectPalette (USER.282) */ HPALETTE16 SelectPalette( HDC hDC, HPALETTE16 hPal, BOOL bForceBackground ) { WORD wBkgPalette = 1; PALETTEOBJ* lpt = (PALETTEOBJ*) GDI_GetObjPtr( hPal, PALETTE_MAGIC ); dprintf_palette(stddeb,"SelectPalette: dc %04x pal %04x, force=%i ", hDC, hPal, bForceBackground); if( !lpt ) return 0; dprintf_palette(stddeb," entries = %d\n", lpt->logpalette.palNumEntries); if( hPal != STOCK_DEFAULT_PALETTE ) { HWND hWnd = WindowFromDC( hDC ); HWND hActive = GetActiveWindow(); /* set primary palette if it's related to current active */ if((!hWnd || (hActive == hWnd || IsChild(hActive,hWnd))) && !bForceBackground ) wBkgPalette = 0; } return GDISelectPalette( hDC, hPal, wBkgPalette); } /*********************************************************************** * RealizePalette (USER.283) (GDI32.280) */ UINT16 RealizePalette( HDC32 hDC ) { UINT16 realized = GDIRealizePalette( hDC ); /* do not send anything if no colors were changed */ if( IsDCCurrentPalette( hDC ) && realized && !(COLOR_GetSystemPaletteFlags() & COLOR_VIRTUAL) ) { /* Send palette change notification */ HWND hWnd; if( (hWnd = WindowFromDC( hDC )) ) SendMessage16( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_PALETTECHANGED, hWnd, 0L); } return realized; } /********************************************************************** * UpdateColors (GDI.366) * */ int UpdateColors( HDC hDC ) { HWND hWnd = WindowFromDC( hDC ); /* Docs say that we have to remap current drawable pixel by pixel * but it would take forever given the speed of XGet/PutPixel. */ if (hWnd && !(COLOR_GetSystemPaletteFlags() & COLOR_VIRTUAL) ) InvalidateRect16( hWnd, NULL, FALSE ); return 0x666; }