Using CVS What is CVS? CVS (Concurrent Versions System) is the leading source code control system in the freeware community. It manages source code of projects, keeps a history of changes to the source files and improves conflict management when two or more developers work on the same code part. Another major benefit of CVS is that it's very easy to update a project to the latest version. CVS features flexible branching, intelligent merging, high quality documentation and client/server access with a wide choice of clients. Current Wine sources are available via anonymous client/server CVS. You will need CVS 1.9 or above. If you are coming from behind a firewall, you will either need a hole in the firewall for the CVS port (2401) or use SOCKS. CVS installation check First you need to make sure that you have cvs installed. To check whether this is the case, please run: $ cvs If this was successful, then you should have gotten a nice CVS "Usage" help output. Otherwise (e.g. an error "cvs: command not found") you still need to install a CVS package for your particular operating system, similar to the instructions given in the Wine User Guide chapters for getting and installing a Wine package on various systems. Configuring Wine-specific CVS settings First, you should do a $ touch ~/.cvspass to create or update the file .cvspass in your home directory, since CVS needs this file (for password and login management) and will complain loudly if it doesn't exist. Second, we need to create the file .cvsrc in your home directory containing the CVS configuration settings needed for a valid Wine CVS setup (use CVS compression, properly update file and directory information, ...). The content of this file should look like the following: cvs -z 3 update -PAd diff -u checkout -P Create the file with an editor of your choice, either by running $ <editor> ~/.cvsrc , where <editor> is the editor you want to use (e.g. joe, ae, vi), or by creating the file .cvsrc in your home directory with your favorite graphical editor like nedit, kedit, gedit or others. -z sets the compression level (Levels higher than 3 will probably not result in faster downloading unless you have a fast machine and a slow network connection). -Pd will delete empty directories and create newly added ones. -A will reset any previous tag in order to get the latest version in the tree. -u will create the easiest to read patches. Please do not submit patches with diff -w. Downloading the Wine CVS tree Once CVS is installed and the Wine specific CVS configuration is done, you can now do a login on our CVS server and checkout (download) the Wine source code. First, let's do the server login: $ cvs -d login If cvs successfully connects to the CVS server, then you will get a "CVS password:" prompt. Simply enter "cvs" as the password (the password is case sensitive: no capital letters!). If you want to use one of the mirror servers for Wine CVS download, please refer to the section Wine CVS mirror servers. After login, we are able to download the Wine source code tree. Please make sure that you are in the directory that you want to have the Wine source code in (the Wine source code will use the subdirectory wine/ in this directory, since the subdirectory is named after the CVS module that we want to check out). We assume that your current directory might be your user's home directory. To download the Wine tree into the subdirectory wine/, run: $ cvs -d checkout wine Downloading the CVS tree might take a while (some minutes to few hours), depending on your connection speed. Once the download is finished, you should keep a note of which directory the newly downloaded wine/ directory is in, by running pwd (Print Working Directory): $ pwd Later, you will be able to change to this directory by running: $ cd <some_dir> , where <some_dir> is the directory that pwd gave you. By running $ cd wine , you can now change to the directory of the Wine CVS tree you just downloaded. Wine CVS mirror servers Wine's CVS tree is mirrored at several places around the world to make sure that the source is easily accessible. Note that not all servers have all repositories available, but all have at least the Wine source. CVS access is granted through CVS' "pserver" authentication. You should set your CVSROOT environment variable to point to one of the servers using this format: CVSROOT=:pserver:<Username>@<CVS Server>:<Server root> Alternatively, you can use the -d parameter of cvs instead. Substitute the applicable fields from the table below. Just do a traceroute and a ping on all servers below to find out which are closest to you. Wine CVS servers CVS Server Username Password; Minnesota, USA (CodeWeavers) cvs cvs
Other modules available via CVS from WineHQ The WineHQ CVS server makes a couple of other things available as well. To get these, log in anonymously as above and do: $ cvs co <modulename> where <modulename> is one of: Winehq_com -- source for the WineHQ web site c2man -- automatic documentation system, specially modified for Wine Converting a Wine FTP download to a CVS tree Getting the entire Wine source tree via CVS is pretty slow, especially compared to getting Wine from an FTP mirror near you. It's possible to convert a Wine tarball to a CVS sandbox, just like you would get by checking out the entire source via CVS. Here's how to do it: Get the latest Wine snapshot: Wine-YYMMDD.tar.gz Get wine-cvsdirs-YYMMDD.tar.gz from Use an FTP client rather than a web browser, and be sure to turn off passive mode, otherwise the fetch will hang. e.g.: ftp cd pub/wine passive off ls Untar them on top of each other: tar xzf Wine-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz mv wine-YYYYMMDD wine tar xzf wine-cvsdirs-YYYYMMDD.tar.gz Update from main tree: login as above, then do cd wine cvs update -PAd You will now be completely up to date. WineHQ cvsweb access Direct access to the complete CVS tree is also possible, using Bill Fenner's cvsweb package:, on the primary CVS repository