/* * Copyright (C) 2002 Andreas Mohr * Copyright (C) 2002 Shachar Shemesh * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ /* Wine "bootup" handler application * * This app handles the various "hooks" windows allows for applications to perform * as part of the bootstrap process. Theses are roughly devided into three types. * Knowledge base articles that explain this are 137367, 179365, 232487 and 232509. * Also, 119941 has some info on grpconv.exe * The operations performed are (by order of execution): * * Preboot (prior to fully loading the Windows kernel): * - wininit.exe (rename operations left in wininit.ini - Win 9x only) * - PendingRenameOperations (rename operations left in the registry - Win NT+ only) * * Startup (before the user logs in) * - Services (NT, ?semi-synchronous?, not implemented yet) * - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce (9x, asynch) * - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices (9x, asynch) * * After log in * - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce (all, synch) * - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (all, asynch) * - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run (all, asynch) * - Startup folders (all, ?asynch?, no imp) * - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce (all, asynch) * * Somewhere in there is processing the RunOnceEx entries (also no imp) * * Bugs: * - If a pending rename registry does not start with \??\ the entry is * processed anyways. I'm not sure that is the Windows behaviour. * - Need to check what is the windows behaviour when trying to delete files * and directories that are read-only * - In the pending rename registry processing - there are no traces of the files * processed (requires translations from Unicode to Ansi). */ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wineboot); #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH (2*MAX_PATH+2) static BOOL GetLine( HANDLE hFile, char *buf, size_t buflen ) { unsigned int i=0; DWORD r; buf[0]='\0'; do { DWORD read; if( !ReadFile( hFile, buf, 1, &read, NULL ) || read!=1 ) { return FALSE; } } while( isspace( *buf ) ); while( buf[i]!='\n' && i<=buflen && ReadFile( hFile, buf+i+1, 1, &r, NULL ) ) { ++i; } if( buf[i]!='\n' ) { return FALSE; } if( i>0 && buf[i-1]=='\r' ) --i; buf[i]='\0'; return TRUE; } /* Performs the rename operations dictated in %SystemRoot%\Wininit.ini. * Returns FALSE if there was an error, or otherwise if all is ok. */ static BOOL wininit(void) { const char * const RENAME_FILE="wininit.ini"; const char * const RENAME_FILE_TO="wininit.bak"; const char * const RENAME_FILE_SECTION="[rename]"; char buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; HANDLE hFile; hFile=CreateFileA(RENAME_FILE, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if( hFile==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DWORD err=GetLastError(); if( err==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { /* No file - nothing to do. Great! */ WINE_TRACE("Wininit.ini not present - no renaming to do\n"); return TRUE; } WINE_ERR("There was an error in reading wininit.ini file - %ld\n", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } printf("Wine is finalizing your software installation. This may take a few minutes,\n"); printf("though it never actually does.\n"); while( GetLine( hFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ) && lstrcmpiA(buffer,RENAME_FILE_SECTION)!=0 ) ; /* Read the lines until we match the rename section */ while( GetLine( hFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer) ) && buffer[0]!='[' ) { /* First, make sure this is not a comment */ if( buffer[0]!=';' && buffer[0]!='\0' ) { char * value; value=strchr(buffer, '='); if( value==NULL ) { WINE_WARN("Line with no \"=\" in it in wininit.ini - %s\n", buffer); } else { /* split the line into key and value */ *(value++)='\0'; if( lstrcmpiA( "NUL", buffer )==0 ) { WINE_TRACE("Deleting file \"%s\"\n", value ); /* A file to delete */ if( !DeleteFileA( value ) ) WINE_WARN("Error deleting file \"%s\"\n", value); } else { WINE_TRACE("Renaming file \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", value, buffer ); if( !MoveFileExA(value, buffer, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED| MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ) { WINE_WARN("Error renaming \"%s\" to \"%s\"\n", value, buffer ); } } } } } CloseHandle( hFile ); if( !MoveFileExA( RENAME_FILE, RENAME_FILE_TO, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING) ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't rename wininit.ini, error %ld\n", GetLastError() ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL pendingRename(void) { static const WCHAR ValueName[] = {'P','e','n','d','i','n','g', 'F','i','l','e','R','e','n','a','m','e', 'O','p','e','r','a','t','i','o','n','s',0}; static const WCHAR SessionW[] = { 'S','y','s','t','e','m','\\', 'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','S','e','t','\\', 'C','o','n','t','r','o','l','\\', 'S','e','s','s','i','o','n',' ','M','a','n','a','g','e','r',0}; WCHAR *buffer=NULL; const WCHAR *src=NULL, *dst=NULL; DWORD dataLength=0; HKEY hSession=NULL; DWORD res; WINE_TRACE("Entered\n"); if( (res=RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SessionW, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hSession )) !=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if( res==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { WINE_TRACE("The key was not found - skipping\n"); res=TRUE; } else { WINE_ERR("Couldn't open key, error %ld\n", res ); res=FALSE; } goto end; } res=RegQueryValueExW( hSession, ValueName, NULL, NULL /* The value type does not really interest us, as it is not truly a REG_MULTI_SZ anyways */, NULL, &dataLength ); if( res==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { /* No value - nothing to do. Great! */ WINE_TRACE("Value not present - nothing to rename\n"); res=TRUE; goto end; } if( res!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't query value's length (%ld)\n", res ); res=FALSE; goto end; } buffer=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(),0,dataLength ); if( buffer==NULL ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't allocate %lu bytes for the value\n", dataLength ); res=FALSE; goto end; } res=RegQueryValueExW( hSession, ValueName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buffer, &dataLength ); if( res!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't query value after successfully querying before (%lu),\n" "please report to wine-devel@winehq.org\n", res); res=FALSE; goto end; } /* Make sure that the data is long enough and ends with two NULLs. This * simplifies the code later on. */ if( dataLength<2*sizeof(buffer[0]) || buffer[dataLength/sizeof(buffer[0])-1]!='\0' || buffer[dataLength/sizeof(buffer[0])-2]!='\0' ) { WINE_ERR("Improper value format - doesn't end with NULL\n"); res=FALSE; goto end; } for( src=buffer; (src-buffer)*sizeof(src[0])0 ) { DWORD nValLength=nMaxValue, nDataLength=nMaxCmdLine; DWORD type; --i; if( (res=RegEnumValueW( hkRun, i, szValue, &nValLength, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)szCmdLine, &nDataLength ))!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't read in value %ld - %ld\n", i, res ); continue; } if( bDelete && (res=RegDeleteValueW( hkRun, szValue ))!=ERROR_SUCCESS ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't delete value - %ld, %ld. Running command anyways.\n", i, res ); } if( type!=REG_SZ ) { WINE_ERR("Incorrect type of value #%ld (%ld)\n", i, type ); continue; } if( (res=runCmd(szCmdLine, NULL, bSynchronous, FALSE ))==INVALID_RUNCMD_RETURN ) { WINE_ERR("Error running cmd #%ld (%ld)\n", i, GetLastError() ); } WINE_TRACE("Done processing cmd #%ld\n", i); } res=ERROR_SUCCESS; end: if( hkRun!=NULL ) RegCloseKey( hkRun ); if( hkWin!=NULL ) RegCloseKey( hkWin ); WINE_TRACE("done\n"); return res==ERROR_SUCCESS?TRUE:FALSE; } struct op_mask { BOOL w9xonly; /* Perform only operations done on Windows 9x */ BOOL ntonly; /* Perform only operations done on Windows NT */ BOOL startup; /* Perform the operations that are performed every boot */ BOOL preboot; /* Perform file renames typically done before the system starts */ BOOL prelogin; /* Perform the operations typically done before the user logs in */ BOOL postlogin; /* Operations done after login */ }; static const struct op_mask SESSION_START={FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE}, SETUP={FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE}; #define DEFAULT SESSION_START int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct op_mask ops; /* Which of the ops do we want to perform? */ /* First, set the current directory to SystemRoot */ TCHAR gen_path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD res; res=GetWindowsDirectory( gen_path, sizeof(gen_path) ); if( res==0 ) { WINE_ERR("Couldn't get the windows directory - error %ld\n", GetLastError() ); return 100; } if( res>=sizeof(gen_path) ) { WINE_ERR("Windows path too long (%ld)\n", res ); return 100; } if( !SetCurrentDirectory( gen_path ) ) { WINE_ERR("Cannot set the dir to %s (%ld)\n", gen_path, GetLastError() ); return 100; } if( argc>1 ) { switch( argv[1][0] ) { case 'r': /* Restart */ ops=SETUP; break; case 's': /* Full start */ ops=SESSION_START; break; default: ops=DEFAULT; break; } } else ops=DEFAULT; /* Perform the ops by order, stopping if one fails, skipping if necessary */ /* Shachar: Sorry for the perl syntax */ res=(ops.ntonly || !ops.preboot || wininit())&& (ops.w9xonly || !ops.preboot || pendingRename()) && (ops.ntonly || !ops.prelogin || ProcessRunKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, runkeys_names[RUNKEY_RUNSERVICESONCE], TRUE, FALSE )) && (ops.ntonly || !ops.prelogin || !ops.startup || ProcessRunKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, runkeys_names[RUNKEY_RUNSERVICES], FALSE, FALSE )) && (!ops.postlogin || ProcessRunKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, runkeys_names[RUNKEY_RUNONCE], TRUE, TRUE )) && (!ops.postlogin || !ops.startup || ProcessRunKeys( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, runkeys_names[RUNKEY_RUN], FALSE, FALSE )) && (!ops.postlogin || !ops.startup || ProcessRunKeys( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, runkeys_names[RUNKEY_RUN], FALSE, FALSE )); WINE_TRACE("Operation done\n"); return res?0:101; }