/* * Common HID report descriptor helpers * * Copyright 2021 RĂ©mi Bernon for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #if 0 #pragma makedep unix #endif #include #include #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "winternl.h" #include "winioctl.h" #include "hidusage.h" #include "ddk/wdm.h" #include "ddk/hidsdi.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "unix_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(plugplay); static BOOL hid_report_descriptor_append(struct hid_report_descriptor *desc, const BYTE *buffer, SIZE_T size) { BYTE *tmp = desc->data; if (desc->size + size > desc->max_size) { desc->max_size = max(desc->max_size * 3 / 2, desc->size + size); desc->data = realloc(tmp, desc->max_size); } if (!desc->data) { free(tmp); return FALSE; } memcpy(desc->data + desc->size, buffer, size); desc->size += size; return TRUE; } #include "psh_hid_macros.h" static BOOL hid_report_descriptor_append_usage(struct hid_report_descriptor *desc, USAGE usage) { const BYTE template[] = { USAGE(2, usage), }; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } BOOL hid_device_begin_report_descriptor(struct unix_device *iface, USAGE usage_page, USAGE usage) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; const BYTE template[] = { USAGE_PAGE(2, usage_page), USAGE(2, usage), COLLECTION(1, Application), USAGE(1, 0), }; memset(desc, 0, sizeof(*desc)); return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } BOOL hid_device_end_report_descriptor(struct unix_device *iface) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; static const BYTE template[] = { END_COLLECTION, }; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } BOOL hid_device_begin_input_report(struct unix_device *iface) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; const BYTE report_id = ++desc->next_report_id[HidP_Input]; const BYTE template[] = { COLLECTION(1, Report), REPORT_ID(1, report_id), }; if (state->report_len) { ERR("input report already created\n"); return FALSE; } state->id = report_id; state->bit_size += 8; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } BOOL hid_device_end_input_report(struct unix_device *iface) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; static const BYTE template[] = { END_COLLECTION, }; state->report_len = (state->bit_size + 7) / 8; if (!(state->report_buf = calloc(1, state->report_len))) return FALSE; if (!(state->last_report_buf = calloc(1, state->report_len))) return FALSE; state->report_buf[0] = state->id; state->last_report_buf[0] = state->id; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } static BOOL hid_device_add_button_count(struct unix_device *iface, BYTE count) { USHORT offset = iface->hid_device_state.bit_size / 8; if ((iface->hid_device_state.bit_size % 8) && !iface->hid_device_state.button_count) ERR("buttons should start byte aligned, missing padding!\n"); else if (iface->hid_device_state.bit_size + count > 0x80000) ERR("report size overflow, too many elements!\n"); else { if (!iface->hid_device_state.button_count) iface->hid_device_state.button_start = offset; iface->hid_device_state.button_count += count; iface->hid_device_state.bit_size += count; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL hid_device_add_buttons(struct unix_device *iface, USAGE usage_page, USAGE usage_min, USAGE usage_max) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; const USHORT count = usage_max - usage_min + 1; const BYTE template[] = { USAGE_PAGE(2, usage_page), USAGE_MINIMUM(2, usage_min), USAGE_MAXIMUM(2, usage_max), LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1, 0), LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1, 1), PHYSICAL_MINIMUM(1, 0), PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM(1, 1), REPORT_COUNT(2, count), REPORT_SIZE(1, 1), INPUT(1, Data|Var|Abs), }; const BYTE template_pad[] = { REPORT_COUNT(1, 8 - (count % 8)), REPORT_SIZE(1, 1), INPUT(1, Cnst|Var|Abs), }; if (!hid_device_add_button_count(iface, usage_max - usage_min + 1)) return FALSE; if (!hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template))) return FALSE; if ((count % 8) && !hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template_pad, sizeof(template_pad))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL hid_device_add_hatswitch_count(struct unix_device *iface, BYTE count) { USHORT offset = iface->hid_device_state.bit_size / 8; if (iface->hid_device_state.button_count) ERR("hatswitches should be added before buttons!\n"); else if ((iface->hid_device_state.bit_size % 8)) ERR("hatswitches should be byte aligned, missing padding!\n"); else if (iface->hid_device_state.bit_size + 8 * count > 0x80000) ERR("report size overflow, too many elements!\n"); else { if (!iface->hid_device_state.hatswitch_count) iface->hid_device_state.hatswitch_start = offset; iface->hid_device_state.hatswitch_count += count; iface->hid_device_state.bit_size += 8 * count; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL hid_device_add_hatswitch(struct unix_device *iface, INT count) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; const BYTE template[] = { USAGE_PAGE(1, HID_USAGE_PAGE_GENERIC), USAGE(1, HID_USAGE_GENERIC_HATSWITCH), LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1, 1), LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1, 8), PHYSICAL_MINIMUM(1, 0), PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM(2, 8), REPORT_SIZE(1, 8), REPORT_COUNT(4, count), UNIT(1, 0x0e /* none */), INPUT(1, Data|Var|Abs|Null), }; if (!hid_device_add_hatswitch_count(iface, count)) return FALSE; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } static BOOL hid_device_add_axis_count(struct unix_device *iface, BOOL rel, BYTE count) { USHORT offset = iface->hid_device_state.bit_size / 8; if (!rel && iface->hid_device_state.rel_axis_count) ERR("absolute axes should be added before relative axes!\n"); else if (iface->hid_device_state.button_count || iface->hid_device_state.hatswitch_count) ERR("axes should be added before buttons or hatswitches!\n"); else if ((iface->hid_device_state.bit_size % 8)) ERR("axes should be byte aligned, missing padding!\n"); else if (iface->hid_device_state.bit_size + 32 * count > 0x80000) ERR("report size overflow, too many elements!\n"); else if (rel) { if (!iface->hid_device_state.rel_axis_count) iface->hid_device_state.rel_axis_start = offset; iface->hid_device_state.rel_axis_count += count; iface->hid_device_state.bit_size += 32 * count; return TRUE; } else { if (!iface->hid_device_state.abs_axis_count) iface->hid_device_state.abs_axis_start = offset; iface->hid_device_state.abs_axis_count += count; iface->hid_device_state.bit_size += 32 * count; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL hid_device_add_axes(struct unix_device *iface, BYTE count, USAGE usage_page, const USAGE *usages, BOOL rel, LONG min, LONG max) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; const BYTE template_begin[] = { USAGE_PAGE(1, usage_page), COLLECTION(1, Physical), }; const BYTE template_end[] = { END_COLLECTION, }; const BYTE template[] = { LOGICAL_MINIMUM(4, min), LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(4, max), PHYSICAL_MINIMUM(4, min), PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM(4, max), REPORT_SIZE(1, 32), REPORT_COUNT(1, count), INPUT(1, Data|Var|(rel ? Rel : Abs)), }; int i; if (!hid_device_add_axis_count(iface, rel, count)) return FALSE; if (!hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template_begin, sizeof(template_begin))) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!hid_report_descriptor_append_usage(desc, usages[i])) return FALSE; } if (!hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template))) return FALSE; if (!hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template_end, sizeof(template_end))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL hid_device_add_haptics(struct unix_device *iface) { struct hid_report_descriptor *desc = &iface->hid_report_descriptor; const BYTE report_id = ++desc->next_report_id[HidP_Output]; const BYTE template[] = { USAGE_PAGE(2, HID_USAGE_PAGE_VENDOR_DEFINED_BEGIN), COLLECTION(1, Report), REPORT_ID(1, report_id), /* padding */ REPORT_COUNT(1, 0x02), REPORT_SIZE(1, 0x08), OUTPUT(1, Data|Var|Abs), /* actuators */ USAGE(1, 0x01), LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1, 0x00), LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1, 0xff), PHYSICAL_MINIMUM(1, 0x00), PHYSICAL_MAXIMUM(1, 0xff), REPORT_SIZE(1, 0x08), REPORT_COUNT(1, 0x02), OUTPUT(1, Data|Var|Abs), /* padding */ REPORT_COUNT(1, 0x02), REPORT_SIZE(1, 0x08), OUTPUT(1, Data|Var|Abs), END_COLLECTION, }; iface->hid_haptics.vendor_report = report_id; return hid_report_descriptor_append(desc, template, sizeof(template)); } #include "pop_hid_macros.h" static void hid_device_destroy(struct unix_device *iface) { iface->hid_vtbl->destroy(iface); free(iface->hid_report_descriptor.data); free(iface->hid_device_state.report_buf); free(iface->hid_device_state.last_report_buf); } static NTSTATUS hid_device_start(struct unix_device *iface) { return iface->hid_vtbl->start(iface); } static void hid_device_stop(struct unix_device *iface) { iface->hid_vtbl->stop(iface); } NTSTATUS hid_device_get_report_descriptor(struct unix_device *iface, BYTE *buffer, DWORD length, DWORD *out_length) { *out_length = iface->hid_report_descriptor.size; if (length < iface->hid_report_descriptor.size) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; memcpy(buffer, iface->hid_report_descriptor.data, iface->hid_report_descriptor.size); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } static void hid_device_set_output_report(struct unix_device *iface, HID_XFER_PACKET *packet, IO_STATUS_BLOCK *io) { struct hid_haptics *haptics = &iface->hid_haptics; if (packet->reportId == haptics->vendor_report) { WORD left = packet->reportBuffer[2] * 128; WORD right = packet->reportBuffer[3] * 128; io->Information = packet->reportBufferLen; io->Status = iface->hid_vtbl->haptics_start(iface, -1, left, right); } else { io->Information = 0; io->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } static void hid_device_get_feature_report(struct unix_device *iface, HID_XFER_PACKET *packet, IO_STATUS_BLOCK *io) { io->Information = 0; io->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static void hid_device_set_feature_report(struct unix_device *iface, HID_XFER_PACKET *packet, IO_STATUS_BLOCK *io) { io->Information = 0; io->Status = STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } static const struct raw_device_vtbl raw_device_vtbl = { hid_device_destroy, hid_device_start, hid_device_stop, hid_device_get_report_descriptor, hid_device_set_output_report, hid_device_get_feature_report, hid_device_set_feature_report, }; void *hid_device_create(const struct hid_device_vtbl *vtbl, SIZE_T size) { struct unix_device *impl; if (!(impl = raw_device_create(&raw_device_vtbl, size))) return NULL; impl->hid_vtbl = vtbl; return impl; } #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN # define LE_ULONG(x) RtlUlongByteSwap((ULONG)(x)) #else # define LE_ULONG(x) ((ULONG)(x)) #endif BOOL hid_device_set_abs_axis(struct unix_device *iface, ULONG index, LONG value) { struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; ULONG offset = state->abs_axis_start + index * 4; if (index > state->abs_axis_count) return FALSE; *(ULONG *)(state->report_buf + offset) = LE_ULONG(value); return TRUE; } BOOL hid_device_set_rel_axis(struct unix_device *iface, ULONG index, LONG value) { struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; ULONG offset = state->rel_axis_start + index * 4; if (index > state->rel_axis_count) return FALSE; *(ULONG *)(state->report_buf + offset) = LE_ULONG(value); return TRUE; } BOOL hid_device_set_button(struct unix_device *iface, ULONG index, BOOL is_set) { struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; ULONG offset = state->button_start + (index / 8); BYTE mask = (1 << (index % 8)); if (index > state->button_count) return FALSE; if (is_set) state->report_buf[offset] |= mask; else state->report_buf[offset] &= ~mask; return TRUE; } /* hatswitch x / y vs value: * -1 x +1 * +--------> * -1 | 8 1 2 * y | 7 0 3 * +1 | 6 5 4 * v */ static void hatswitch_decompose(BYTE value, LONG *x, LONG *y) { *x = *y = 0; if (value == 8 || value == 1 || value == 2) *y = -1; if (value == 6 || value == 5 || value == 4) *y = +1; if (value == 8 || value == 7 || value == 6) *x = -1; if (value == 2 || value == 3 || value == 4) *x = +1; } static void hatswitch_compose(LONG x, LONG y, BYTE *value) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) *value = 0; else if (x == 0 && y < 0) *value = 1; else if (x > 0 && y < 0) *value = 2; else if (x > 0 && y == 0) *value = 3; else if (x > 0 && y > 0) *value = 4; else if (x == 0 && y > 0) *value = 5; else if (x < 0 && y > 0) *value = 6; else if (x < 0 && y == 0) *value = 7; else if (x < 0 && y < 0) *value = 8; } BOOL hid_device_set_hatswitch_x(struct unix_device *iface, ULONG index, LONG new_x) { struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; ULONG offset = state->hatswitch_start + index; LONG x, y; if (index > state->hatswitch_count) return FALSE; hatswitch_decompose(state->report_buf[offset], &x, &y); hatswitch_compose(new_x, y, &state->report_buf[offset]); return TRUE; } BOOL hid_device_set_hatswitch_y(struct unix_device *iface, ULONG index, LONG new_y) { struct hid_device_state *state = &iface->hid_device_state; ULONG offset = state->hatswitch_start + index; LONG x, y; if (index > state->hatswitch_count) return FALSE; hatswitch_decompose(state->report_buf[offset], &x, &y); hatswitch_compose(x, new_y, &state->report_buf[offset]); return TRUE; } BOOL hid_device_sync_report(struct unix_device *iface) { BOOL dropped; if (!(dropped = iface->hid_device_state.dropped)) memcpy(iface->hid_device_state.last_report_buf, iface->hid_device_state.report_buf, iface->hid_device_state.report_len); else memcpy(iface->hid_device_state.report_buf, iface->hid_device_state.last_report_buf, iface->hid_device_state.report_len); iface->hid_device_state.dropped = FALSE; return !dropped; } void hid_device_drop_report(struct unix_device *iface) { iface->hid_device_state.dropped = TRUE; }