/* * X11 graphics driver text functions * * Copyright 1993,1994 Alexandre Julliard */ #include "config.h" #include #include "ts_xlib.h" #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "dc.h" #include "gdi.h" #include "heap.h" #include "x11font.h" #include "debugtools.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(text); #define SWAP_INT(a,b) { int t = a; a = b; b = t; } #define IROUND(x) (int)((x)>0? (x)+0.5 : (x) - 0.5) /*********************************************************************** * unicode_to_char2b * * dup a Unicode string into a XChar2b array; must be HeapFree'd by the caller */ static XChar2b *unicode_to_char2b( LPCWSTR wstr, UINT count, UINT codepage, UINT def_char ) { XChar2b *str2b; UINT i, total_size = count * (sizeof(XChar2b) + (codepage ? sizeof(WCHAR) : 0)); if (!(str2b = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, total_size ))) return NULL; if (codepage != 0) /* a one byte font */ { BYTE *str = (BYTE *)(str2b + count); char ch = def_char; /* we have to convert from unicode to codepage first */ WideCharToMultiByte( codepage, 0, wstr, count, str, count, &ch, NULL ); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { str2b[i].byte1 = 0; str2b[i].byte2 = str[i]; } } else /* codepage 0 -> two byte font */ { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { str2b[i].byte1 = wstr[i] >> 8; str2b[i].byte2 = wstr[i] & 0xff; } } return str2b; } /*********************************************************************** * X11DRV_ExtTextOut */ BOOL X11DRV_ExtTextOut( DC *dc, INT x, INT y, UINT flags, const RECT *lprect, LPCWSTR wstr, UINT count, const INT *lpDx ) { int i; fontObject* pfo; INT width, ascent, descent, xwidth, ywidth; XFontStruct* font; RECT rect; char dfBreakChar, lfUnderline, lfStrikeOut; BOOL rotated = FALSE; X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev = (X11DRV_PDEVICE *)dc->physDev; XChar2b *str2b = NULL; BOOL dibUpdateFlag = FALSE; BOOL result = TRUE; if (!X11DRV_SetupGCForText( dc )) return TRUE; pfo = XFONT_GetFontObject( physDev->font ); font = pfo->fs; if (pfo->lf.lfEscapement && pfo->lpX11Trans) rotated = TRUE; dfBreakChar = (char)pfo->fi->df.dfBreakChar; lfUnderline = (pfo->fo_flags & FO_SYNTH_UNDERLINE) ? 1 : 0; lfStrikeOut = (pfo->fo_flags & FO_SYNTH_STRIKEOUT) ? 1 : 0; TRACE("hdc=%04x df=%04x %d,%d %s, %d flags=%d lpDx=%p\n", dc->hSelf, (UINT16)(physDev->font), x, y, debugstr_wn (wstr, count), count, flags, lpDx); /* some strings sent here end in a newline for whatever reason. I have no clue what the right treatment should be in general, but ignoring terminating newlines seems ok. MW, April 1998. */ if (count > 0 && wstr[count - 1] == '\n') count--; if (lprect != NULL) TRACE("\trect=(%d,%d - %d,%d)\n", lprect->left, lprect->top, lprect->right, lprect->bottom ); /* Setup coordinates */ if (dc->w.textAlign & TA_UPDATECP) { x = dc->w.CursPosX; y = dc->w.CursPosY; } if (flags & (ETO_OPAQUE | ETO_CLIPPED)) /* there's a rectangle */ { if (!lprect) /* not always */ { SIZE sz; if (flags & ETO_CLIPPED) /* Can't clip with no rectangle */ return FALSE; if (!X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint( dc, wstr, count, &sz )) return FALSE; rect.left = XLPTODP( dc, x ); rect.right = XLPTODP( dc, x+sz.cx ); rect.top = YLPTODP( dc, y ); rect.bottom = YLPTODP( dc, y+sz.cy ); } else { rect.left = XLPTODP( dc, lprect->left ); rect.right = XLPTODP( dc, lprect->right ); rect.top = YLPTODP( dc, lprect->top ); rect.bottom = YLPTODP( dc, lprect->bottom ); } if (rect.right < rect.left) SWAP_INT( rect.left, rect.right ); if (rect.bottom < rect.top) SWAP_INT( rect.top, rect.bottom ); } x = XLPTODP( dc, x ); y = YLPTODP( dc, y ); TRACE("\treal coord: x=%i, y=%i, rect=(%d,%d - %d,%d)\n", x, y, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom); /* Draw the rectangle */ if (flags & ETO_OPAQUE) { X11DRV_DIB_UpdateDIBSection( dc, FALSE ); dibUpdateFlag = TRUE; TSXSetForeground( display, physDev->gc, physDev->backgroundPixel ); TSXFillRectangle( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + rect.left, dc->w.DCOrgY + rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top ); } if (!count) goto END; /* Nothing more to do */ /* Compute text starting position */ if (lpDx) /* have explicit character cell x offsets in logical coordinates */ { int extra = dc->wndExtX / 2; for (i = width = 0; i < count; i++) width += lpDx[i]; width = (width * dc->vportExtX + extra ) / dc->wndExtX; } else { SIZE sz; if (!X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint( dc, wstr, count, &sz )) return FALSE; width = XLSTODS(dc, sz.cx); } ascent = pfo->lpX11Trans ? pfo->lpX11Trans->ascent : font->ascent; descent = pfo->lpX11Trans ? pfo->lpX11Trans->descent : font->descent; xwidth = pfo->lpX11Trans ? width * pfo->lpX11Trans->a / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : width; ywidth = pfo->lpX11Trans ? width * pfo->lpX11Trans->b / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : 0; switch( dc->w.textAlign & (TA_LEFT | TA_RIGHT | TA_CENTER) ) { case TA_LEFT: if (dc->w.textAlign & TA_UPDATECP) { dc->w.CursPosX = XDPTOLP( dc, x + xwidth ); dc->w.CursPosY = YDPTOLP( dc, y - ywidth ); } break; case TA_RIGHT: x -= xwidth; y += ywidth; if (dc->w.textAlign & TA_UPDATECP) { dc->w.CursPosX = XDPTOLP( dc, x ); dc->w.CursPosY = YDPTOLP( dc, y ); } break; case TA_CENTER: x -= xwidth / 2; y += ywidth / 2; break; } switch( dc->w.textAlign & (TA_TOP | TA_BOTTOM | TA_BASELINE) ) { case TA_TOP: x -= pfo->lpX11Trans ? ascent * pfo->lpX11Trans->c / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : 0; y += pfo->lpX11Trans ? ascent * pfo->lpX11Trans->d / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : ascent; break; case TA_BOTTOM: x += pfo->lpX11Trans ? descent * pfo->lpX11Trans->c / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : 0; y -= pfo->lpX11Trans ? descent * pfo->lpX11Trans->d / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize : descent; break; case TA_BASELINE: break; } /* Set the clip region */ if (flags & ETO_CLIPPED) { SaveVisRgn16( dc->hSelf ); CLIPPING_IntersectVisRect( dc, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom, FALSE ); } /* Draw the text background if necessary */ if (!dibUpdateFlag) { X11DRV_DIB_UpdateDIBSection( dc, FALSE ); dibUpdateFlag = TRUE; } if (dc->w.backgroundMode != TRANSPARENT) { /* If rectangle is opaque and clipped, do nothing */ if (!(flags & ETO_CLIPPED) || !(flags & ETO_OPAQUE)) { /* Only draw if rectangle is not opaque or if some */ /* text is outside the rectangle */ if (!(flags & ETO_OPAQUE) || (x < rect.left) || (x + width >= rect.right) || (y - ascent < rect.top) || (y + descent >= rect.bottom)) { TSXSetForeground( display, physDev->gc, physDev->backgroundPixel ); TSXFillRectangle( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + x, dc->w.DCOrgY + y - ascent, width, ascent + descent ); } } } /* Draw the text (count > 0 verified) */ if (!(str2b = unicode_to_char2b( wstr, count, pfo->fi->codepage, pfo->fs->default_char ))) goto FAIL; TSXSetForeground( display, physDev->gc, physDev->textPixel ); if(!rotated) { if (!dc->w.charExtra && !dc->w.breakExtra && !lpDx) { TSXDrawString16( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + x, dc->w.DCOrgY + y, str2b, count ); } else /* Now the fun begins... */ { XTextItem16 *items, *pitem; int delta; /* allocate max items */ pitem = items = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, count * sizeof(XTextItem16) ); if(items == NULL) goto FAIL; delta = i = 0; if( lpDx ) /* explicit character widths */ { int extra = dc->wndExtX / 2; while (i < count) { /* initialize text item with accumulated delta */ pitem->chars = str2b + i; pitem->delta = delta; pitem->nchars = 0; pitem->font = None; delta = 0; /* add characters to the same XTextItem until new delta * becomes non-zero */ do { delta += (lpDx[i] * dc->vportExtX + extra) / dc->wndExtX - TSXTextWidth16( font, str2b + i, 1); pitem->nchars++; } while ((++i < count) && !delta); pitem++; } } else /* charExtra or breakExtra */ { while (i < count) { pitem->chars = str2b + i; pitem->delta = delta; pitem->nchars = 0; pitem->font = None; delta = 0; do { delta += dc->w.charExtra; if (str2b[i].byte2 == (char)dfBreakChar) delta += dc->w.breakExtra; pitem->nchars++; } while ((++i < count) && !delta); pitem++; } } TSXDrawText16( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + x, dc->w.DCOrgY + y, items, pitem - items ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, items ); } } else /* rotated */ { /* have to render character by character. */ double offset = 0.0; int i; for (i=0; imin_char_or_byte2; int x_i = IROUND((double) (dc->w.DCOrgX + x) + offset * pfo->lpX11Trans->a / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize ); int y_i = IROUND((double) (dc->w.DCOrgY + y) - offset * pfo->lpX11Trans->b / pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize ); TSXDrawString16( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, x_i, y_i, &str2b[i], 1); if (lpDx) offset += XLSTODS(dc, lpDx[i]); else { offset += (double) (font->per_char ? font->per_char[char_metric_offset].attributes: font->min_bounds.attributes) * pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize / 1000.0; offset += dc->w.charExtra; if (str2b[i].byte2 == (char)dfBreakChar) offset += dc->w.breakExtra; } } } HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str2b ); /* Draw underline and strike-out if needed */ if (lfUnderline) { long linePos, lineWidth; if (!TSXGetFontProperty( font, XA_UNDERLINE_POSITION, &linePos )) linePos = descent - 1; if (!TSXGetFontProperty( font, XA_UNDERLINE_THICKNESS, &lineWidth )) lineWidth = 0; else if (lineWidth == 1) lineWidth = 0; TSXSetLineAttributes( display, physDev->gc, lineWidth, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinBevel ); TSXDrawLine( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + x, dc->w.DCOrgY + y + linePos, dc->w.DCOrgX + x + width, dc->w.DCOrgY + y + linePos ); } if (lfStrikeOut) { long lineAscent, lineDescent; if (!TSXGetFontProperty( font, XA_STRIKEOUT_ASCENT, &lineAscent )) lineAscent = ascent / 2; if (!TSXGetFontProperty( font, XA_STRIKEOUT_DESCENT, &lineDescent )) lineDescent = -lineAscent * 2 / 3; TSXSetLineAttributes( display, physDev->gc, lineAscent + lineDescent, LineSolid, CapRound, JoinBevel ); TSXDrawLine( display, physDev->drawable, physDev->gc, dc->w.DCOrgX + x, dc->w.DCOrgY + y - lineAscent, dc->w.DCOrgX + x + width, dc->w.DCOrgY + y - lineAscent ); } if (flags & ETO_CLIPPED) RestoreVisRgn16( dc->hSelf ); goto END; FAIL: if(str2b != NULL) HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str2b ); result = FALSE; END: if (dibUpdateFlag) X11DRV_DIB_UpdateDIBSection( dc, TRUE ); return result; } /*********************************************************************** * X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint */ BOOL X11DRV_GetTextExtentPoint( DC *dc, LPCWSTR str, INT count, LPSIZE size ) { X11DRV_PDEVICE *physDev = (X11DRV_PDEVICE *)dc->physDev; fontObject* pfo = XFONT_GetFontObject( physDev->font ); TRACE("%s %d\n", debugstr_wn(str,count), count); if( pfo ) { if( !pfo->lpX11Trans ) { int dir, ascent, descent; XCharStruct info; XChar2b *p = unicode_to_char2b( str, count, pfo->fi->codepage, pfo->fs->default_char ); if (!p) return FALSE; TSXTextExtents16( pfo->fs, p, count, &dir, &ascent, &descent, &info ); size->cx = abs((info.width + dc->w.breakRem + count * dc->w.charExtra) * dc->wndExtX / dc->vportExtX); size->cy = abs((pfo->fs->ascent + pfo->fs->descent) * dc->wndExtY / dc->vportExtY); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, p ); } else { INT i; float x = 0.0, y = 0.0; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { x += pfo->fs->per_char ? pfo->fs->per_char[str[i] - pfo->fs->min_char_or_byte2].attributes : pfo->fs->min_bounds.attributes; } y = pfo->lpX11Trans->RAW_ASCENT + pfo->lpX11Trans->RAW_DESCENT; TRACE("x = %f y = %f\n", x, y); x *= pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize / 1000.0; y *= pfo->lpX11Trans->pixelsize / 1000.0; size->cx = fabs((x + dc->w.breakRem + count * dc->w.charExtra) * dc->wndExtX / dc->vportExtX); size->cy = fabs(y * dc->wndExtY / dc->vportExtY); } size->cx *= pfo->rescale; size->cy *= pfo->rescale; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }