/* * Windows Help */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "debugtools.h" #include "windef.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "wine/winuser16.h" #include "wine/winbase16.h" #include "win.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(win); /* WinHelp internal structure */ typedef struct { WORD size; WORD command; LONG data; LONG reserved; WORD ofsFilename; WORD ofsData; } WINHELP,*LPWINHELP; /********************************************************************** * WinHelp (USER.171) */ BOOL16 WINAPI WinHelp16( HWND16 hWnd, LPCSTR lpHelpFile, UINT16 wCommand, DWORD dwData ) { BOOL ret; DWORD mutex_count; /* We might call WinExec() */ ReleaseThunkLock( &mutex_count ); if (!(ret = WinHelpA( WIN_Handle32(hWnd), lpHelpFile, wCommand, (DWORD)MapSL(dwData) ))) { /* try to start the 16-bit winhelp */ if (WinExec( "winhelp.exe -x", SW_SHOWNORMAL ) >= 32) { K32WOWYield16(); ret = WinHelpA( WIN_Handle32(hWnd), lpHelpFile, wCommand, (DWORD)MapSL(dwData) ); } } RestoreThunkLock( mutex_count ); return ret; } /********************************************************************** * WinHelpA (USER32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI WinHelpA( HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpHelpFile, UINT wCommand, DWORD dwData ) { static WORD WM_WINHELP = 0; HWND hDest; LPWINHELP lpwh; HGLOBAL16 hwh; int size,dsize,nlen; if(!WM_WINHELP) { WM_WINHELP=RegisterWindowMessageA("WM_WINHELP"); if(!WM_WINHELP) return FALSE; } hDest = FindWindowA( "MS_WINHELP", NULL ); if(!hDest) { if(wCommand == HELP_QUIT) return TRUE; if (WinExec ( "winhlp32.exe -x", SW_SHOWNORMAL ) < 32) { ERR("can't start winhlp32.exe -x ?\n"); return FALSE; } if ( ! ( hDest = FindWindowA ( "MS_WINHELP", NULL ) )) { FIXME("did not find MS_WINHELP (FindWindow() failed, maybe global window handling still unimplemented)\n"); return FALSE; } } switch(wCommand) { case HELP_CONTEXT: case HELP_SETCONTENTS: case HELP_CONTENTS: case HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP: case HELP_FORCEFILE: case HELP_HELPONHELP: case HELP_FINDER: case HELP_QUIT: dsize=0; break; case HELP_KEY: case HELP_PARTIALKEY: case HELP_COMMAND: dsize = dwData ? strlen( (LPSTR)dwData )+1: 0; break; case HELP_MULTIKEY: dsize = ((LPMULTIKEYHELPA)dwData)->mkSize; break; case HELP_SETWINPOS: dsize = ((LPHELPWININFOA)dwData)->wStructSize; break; default: FIXME("Unknown help command %d\n",wCommand); return FALSE; } if(lpHelpFile) nlen = strlen(lpHelpFile)+1; else nlen = 0; size = sizeof(WINHELP) + nlen + dsize; hwh = GlobalAlloc16(0,size); lpwh = GlobalLock16(hwh); lpwh->size = size; lpwh->command = wCommand; lpwh->data = dwData; if(nlen) { strcpy(((char*)lpwh) + sizeof(WINHELP),lpHelpFile); lpwh->ofsFilename = sizeof(WINHELP); } else lpwh->ofsFilename = 0; if(dsize) { memcpy(((char*)lpwh)+sizeof(WINHELP)+nlen,(LPSTR)dwData,dsize); lpwh->ofsData = sizeof(WINHELP)+nlen; } else lpwh->ofsData = 0; GlobalUnlock16(hwh); return SendMessage16(hDest,WM_WINHELP,hWnd,hwh); } /********************************************************************** * WinHelpW (USER32.@) */ BOOL WINAPI WinHelpW( HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR helpFile, UINT command, DWORD dwData ) { INT len; LPSTR file; BOOL ret = FALSE; if (!helpFile) return WinHelpA( hWnd, NULL, command, dwData ); len = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, helpFile, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if ((file = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, len ))) { WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, helpFile, -1, file, len, NULL, NULL ); ret = WinHelpA( hWnd, file, command, dwData ); HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, file ); } return ret; }