/* * Wininet * * Copyright 1999 Corel Corporation * * Ulrich Czekalla * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef _WINE_INTERNET_H_ #define _WINE_INTERNET_H_ #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "wine/list.h" #include #include "winineti.h" extern HMODULE WININET_hModule DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; typedef struct { WCHAR *name; INTERNET_PORT port; BOOL is_https; struct sockaddr_storage addr; int addr_len; char addr_str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; WCHAR *scheme_host_port; const WCHAR *host_port; const WCHAR *canon_host_port; LONG ref; DWORD security_flags; const CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT *cert_chain; struct list entry; struct list conn_pool; } server_t; void server_addref(server_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void server_release(server_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; typedef enum { COLLECT_TIMEOUT, COLLECT_CONNECTIONS, COLLECT_CLEANUP } collect_type_t; BOOL collect_connections(collect_type_t) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; /* used for netconnection.c stuff */ typedef struct { int socket; BOOL secure; BOOL is_blocking; CtxtHandle ssl_ctx; SecPkgContext_StreamSizes ssl_sizes; server_t *server; char *ssl_buf; char *extra_buf; size_t extra_len; char *peek_msg; char *peek_msg_mem; size_t peek_len; DWORD security_flags; BOOL mask_errors; BOOL keep_alive; DWORD64 keep_until; struct list pool_entry; } netconn_t; BOOL is_valid_netconn(netconn_t *) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void close_netconn(netconn_t *) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline void * __WINE_ALLOC_SIZE(1) heap_alloc(size_t len) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, len); } static inline void * __WINE_ALLOC_SIZE(1) heap_alloc_zero(size_t len) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, len); } static inline void * __WINE_ALLOC_SIZE(2) heap_realloc(void *mem, size_t len) { return HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mem, len); } static inline void * __WINE_ALLOC_SIZE(2) heap_realloc_zero(void *mem, size_t len) { return HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, mem, len); } static inline BOOL heap_free(void *mem) { return HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, mem); } static inline LPWSTR heap_strdupW(LPCWSTR str) { LPWSTR ret = NULL; if(str) { DWORD size; size = (strlenW(str)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); ret = heap_alloc(size); if(ret) memcpy(ret, str, size); } return ret; } static inline char *heap_strdupA(const char *str) { char *ret = NULL; if(str) { DWORD size = strlen(str)+1; ret = heap_alloc(size); if(ret) memcpy(ret, str, size); } return ret; } static inline LPWSTR heap_strndupW(LPCWSTR str, UINT max_len) { LPWSTR ret; UINT len; if(!str) return NULL; for(len=0; lendwFileAttributes = dataW->dwFileAttributes; dataA->ftCreationTime = dataW->ftCreationTime; dataA->ftLastAccessTime = dataW->ftLastAccessTime; dataA->ftLastWriteTime = dataW->ftLastWriteTime; dataA->nFileSizeHigh = dataW->nFileSizeHigh; dataA->nFileSizeLow = dataW->nFileSizeLow; dataA->dwReserved0 = dataW->dwReserved0; dataA->dwReserved1 = dataW->dwReserved1; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, dataW->cFileName, -1, dataA->cFileName, sizeof(dataA->cFileName), NULL, NULL); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, dataW->cAlternateFileName, -1, dataA->cAlternateFileName, sizeof(dataA->cAlternateFileName), NULL, NULL); } typedef enum { WH_HINIT = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_INTERNET, WH_HFTPSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_FTP, WH_HGOPHERSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_GOPHER, WH_HHTTPSESSION = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_CONNECT_HTTP, WH_HFILE = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FILE, WH_HFTPFINDNEXT = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_FTP_FIND, WH_HHTTPREQ = INTERNET_HANDLE_TYPE_HTTP_REQUEST, } WH_TYPE; #define INET_OPENURL 0x0001 #define INET_CALLBACKW 0x0002 typedef struct { LONG ref; HANDLE file_handle; WCHAR *file_name; WCHAR *url; BOOL is_committed; } req_file_t; typedef struct _object_header_t object_header_t; typedef struct { void (*Destroy)(object_header_t*); void (*CloseConnection)(object_header_t*); DWORD (*QueryOption)(object_header_t*,DWORD,void*,DWORD*,BOOL); DWORD (*SetOption)(object_header_t*,DWORD,void*,DWORD); DWORD (*ReadFile)(object_header_t*,void*,DWORD,DWORD*); DWORD (*ReadFileEx)(object_header_t*,void*,DWORD,DWORD*,DWORD,DWORD_PTR); DWORD (*WriteFile)(object_header_t*,const void*,DWORD,DWORD*); DWORD (*QueryDataAvailable)(object_header_t*,DWORD*,DWORD,DWORD_PTR); DWORD (*FindNextFileW)(object_header_t*,void*); DWORD (*LockRequestFile)(object_header_t*,req_file_t**); } object_vtbl_t; #define INTERNET_HANDLE_IN_USE 1 struct _object_header_t { WH_TYPE htype; const object_vtbl_t *vtbl; HINTERNET hInternet; BOOL valid_handle; DWORD dwFlags; DWORD_PTR dwContext; DWORD dwError; ULONG ErrorMask; DWORD dwInternalFlags; LONG refs; INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK lpfnStatusCB; struct list entry; struct list children; }; typedef struct { object_header_t hdr; LPWSTR agent; LPWSTR proxy; LPWSTR proxyBypass; LPWSTR proxyUsername; LPWSTR proxyPassword; DWORD accessType; DWORD connect_timeout; } appinfo_t; typedef struct { object_header_t hdr; appinfo_t *appInfo; LPWSTR hostName; /* the final destination of the request */ LPWSTR userName; LPWSTR password; INTERNET_PORT hostPort; /* the final destination port of the request */ DWORD connect_timeout; DWORD send_timeout; DWORD receive_timeout; } http_session_t; #define HDR_ISREQUEST 0x0001 #define HDR_COMMADELIMITED 0x0002 #define HDR_SEMIDELIMITED 0x0004 typedef struct { LPWSTR lpszField; LPWSTR lpszValue; WORD wFlags; WORD wCount; } HTTPHEADERW, *LPHTTPHEADERW; struct HttpAuthInfo; typedef struct data_stream_vtbl_t data_stream_vtbl_t; typedef struct { const data_stream_vtbl_t *vtbl; } data_stream_t; typedef struct { data_stream_t data_stream; DWORD content_length; DWORD content_read; } netconn_stream_t; #define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 typedef struct { object_header_t hdr; http_session_t *session; server_t *server; server_t *proxy; LPWSTR path; LPWSTR verb; netconn_t *netconn; DWORD security_flags; DWORD connect_timeout; DWORD send_timeout; DWORD receive_timeout; LPWSTR version; DWORD status_code; LPWSTR statusText; DWORD bytesToWrite; DWORD bytesWritten; CRITICAL_SECTION headers_section; /* section to protect the headers array */ HTTPHEADERW *custHeaders; DWORD nCustHeaders; FILETIME last_modified; HANDLE hCacheFile; req_file_t *req_file; FILETIME expires; struct HttpAuthInfo *authInfo; struct HttpAuthInfo *proxyAuthInfo; CRITICAL_SECTION read_section; /* section to protect the following fields */ DWORD contentLength; /* total number of bytes to be read */ BOOL read_gzip; /* are we reading in gzip mode? */ DWORD read_pos; /* current read position in read_buf */ DWORD read_size; /* valid data size in read_buf */ BYTE read_buf[READ_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* buffer for already read but not returned data */ BOOL decoding; data_stream_t *data_stream; netconn_stream_t netconn_stream; } http_request_t; typedef struct task_header_t task_header_t; typedef void (*async_task_proc_t)(task_header_t*); struct task_header_t { async_task_proc_t proc; object_header_t *hdr; }; void *alloc_async_task(object_header_t*,async_task_proc_t,size_t) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void *alloc_object(object_header_t*,const object_vtbl_t*,size_t) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; object_header_t *get_handle_object( HINTERNET hinternet ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; object_header_t *WININET_AddRef( object_header_t *info ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; BOOL WININET_Release( object_header_t *info ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD INET_QueryOption(object_header_t*,DWORD,void*,DWORD*,BOOL) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD INET_SetOption(object_header_t*,DWORD,void*,DWORD) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; time_t ConvertTimeString(LPCWSTR asctime) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; HINTERNET FTP_Connect(appinfo_t *hIC, LPCWSTR lpszServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, LPCWSTR lpszUserName, LPCWSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext, DWORD dwInternalFlags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD HTTP_Connect(appinfo_t*,LPCWSTR, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, LPCWSTR lpszUserName, LPCWSTR lpszPassword, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD_PTR dwContext, DWORD dwInternalFlags, HINTERNET*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; BOOL GetAddress(const WCHAR*,INTERNET_PORT,SOCKADDR*,int*,char*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD get_cookie_header(const WCHAR*,const WCHAR*,WCHAR**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD set_cookie(substr_t,substr_t,substr_t,substr_t,DWORD) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void INTERNET_SetLastError(DWORD dwError) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD INTERNET_GetLastError(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD INTERNET_AsyncCall(task_header_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; LPSTR INTERNET_GetResponseBuffer(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; VOID SendAsyncCallback(object_header_t *hdr, DWORD_PTR dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInfo, DWORD dwStatusInfoLength) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; VOID INTERNET_SendCallback(object_header_t *hdr, DWORD_PTR dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInfo, DWORD dwStatusInfoLength) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; WCHAR *INTERNET_FindProxyForProtocol(LPCWSTR szProxy, LPCWSTR proto) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD create_netconn(BOOL,server_t*,DWORD,BOOL,DWORD,netconn_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void free_netconn(netconn_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void NETCON_unload(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD NETCON_secure_connect(netconn_t*,server_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD NETCON_send(netconn_t *connection, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags, int *sent /* out */) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD NETCON_recv(netconn_t*,void*,size_t,BOOL,int*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; BOOL NETCON_query_data_available(netconn_t *connection, DWORD *available) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; BOOL NETCON_is_alive(netconn_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; LPCVOID NETCON_GetCert(netconn_t *connection) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; int NETCON_GetCipherStrength(netconn_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD NETCON_set_timeout(netconn_t *connection, BOOL send, DWORD value) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; int sock_send(int fd, const void *msg, size_t len, int flags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; int sock_recv(int fd, void *msg, size_t len, int flags) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; server_t *get_server(substr_t,INTERNET_PORT,BOOL,BOOL) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD create_req_file(const WCHAR*,req_file_t**) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void req_file_release(req_file_t*) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline req_file_t *req_file_addref(req_file_t *req_file) { InterlockedIncrement(&req_file->ref); return req_file; } BOOL init_urlcache(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void free_urlcache(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void free_cookie(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; void init_winsock(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; #define MAX_REPLY_LEN 0x5B4 /* Used for debugging - maybe need to be shared in the Wine debugging code ? */ typedef struct { DWORD val; const char* name; } wininet_flag_info; /* Undocumented security flags */ #define _SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_REV_FAILED 0x00800000 #define _SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_CA 0x01000000 #define _SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_CN 0x02000000 #define _SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_DATE 0x04000000 #define _SECURITY_ERROR_FLAGS_MASK \ (_SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_REV_FAILED \ |_SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_CA \ |_SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_CN \ |_SECURITY_FLAG_CERT_INVALID_DATE) #endif /* _WINE_INTERNET_H_ */