/* * DISPDIB.dll * * Copyright 1998 Ove Kåven (with some help from Marcus Meissner) * */ #include #include "windows.h" #include "dispdib.h" #include "compobj.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "ddraw.h" #include "debug.h" static int dispdib_multi = 0; static IDirectDraw *lpddraw = NULL; static IDirectDrawSurface *lpddsurf; static IDirectDrawPalette *lpddpal; static DDSURFACEDESC sdesc; static WORD DISPDIB_Begin(WORD wFlags) { unsigned Xres,Yres,Depth; switch(wFlags&DISPLAYDIB_MODE) { case DISPLAYDIB_MODE_DEFAULT: /* FIXME: is this supposed to autodetect? */ case DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x200x8: Xres=320; Yres=200; Depth=8; break; case DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x240x8: Xres=320; Yres=240; Depth=8; break; default: return DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED; } if (!lpddraw) { DirectDrawCreate(NULL,&lpddraw,NULL); if (!lpddraw) { ERR(ddraw,"DirectDraw is not available\n"); return DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED; } if (lpddraw->lpvtbl->fnSetDisplayMode(lpddraw,Xres,Yres,Depth)) { ERR(ddraw,"DirectDraw does not support requested display mode\n"); lpddraw->lpvtbl->fnRelease(lpddraw); return DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED; } lpddraw->lpvtbl->fnCreatePalette(lpddraw,0,NULL,&lpddpal,NULL); memset(&sdesc,0,sizeof(sdesc)); sdesc.dwSize=sizeof(sdesc); lpddraw->lpvtbl->fnCreateSurface(lpddraw,&sdesc,&lpddsurf,NULL); } return DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR; } static void DISPDIB_End(void) { if (lpddraw) { lpddsurf->lpvtbl->fnRelease(lpddsurf); lpddraw->lpvtbl->fnRelease(lpddraw); lpddraw=NULL; } } static void DISPDIB_Palette(LPBITMAPINFO lpbi) { PALETTEENTRY pal[256]; int c; for (c=0; c<256; c++) { pal[c].peRed =lpbi->bmiColors[c].rgbRed; pal[c].peGreen=lpbi->bmiColors[c].rgbGreen; pal[c].peBlue =lpbi->bmiColors[c].rgbBlue; pal[c].peFlags=0; } lpddpal->lpvtbl->fnSetEntries(lpddpal,0,0,256,pal); lpddsurf->lpvtbl->fnSetPalette(lpddsurf,lpddpal); } static void DISPDIB_Show(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi,LPSTR lpBits,WORD uFlags) { int Xofs,Yofs,Width=lpbi->biWidth,Height=lpbi->biHeight,Delta; unsigned Pitch=(Width+3)&~3; LPSTR surf; if (lpddsurf->lpvtbl->fnLock(lpddsurf,NULL,&sdesc,0,0)) { ERR(ddraw,"could not lock surface!\n"); return; } /* size in sdesc.dwHeight, sdesc.dwWidth, pitch in sdesc.lPitch, ptr in sdesc.y.lpSurface */ Delta=(Height<0)*2-1; Height*=-Delta; Pitch*=Delta; if (uFlags&DISPLAYDIB_NOCENTER) { Xofs=0; Yofs=0; } else { Xofs=(sdesc.dwWidth-Width)/2; Yofs=(sdesc.dwHeight-Height)/2; } surf=(LPSTR)sdesc.y.lpSurface + (Yofs*sdesc.lPitch)+Xofs; if (Pitch<0) lpBits-=Pitch*(Height-1); for (; Height; Height--,lpBits+=Pitch,surf+=sdesc.lPitch) { memcpy(surf,lpBits,Width); } lpddsurf->lpvtbl->fnUnlock(lpddsurf,sdesc.y.lpSurface); } /********************************************************************* * DisplayDib (DISPDIB.1) * * Disables GDI and takes over the VGA screen to show DIBs in full screen. * * FLAGS * * DISPLAYDIB_NOPALETTE: don't change palette * DISPLAYDIB_NOCENTER: don't center bitmap * DISPLAYDIB_NOWAIT: don't wait (for keypress) before returning * DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN: start of multiple calls (does not restore the screen) * DISPLAYDIB_END: end of multiple calls (restores the screen) * DISPLAYDIB_MODE_DEFAULT: default display mode * DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x200x8: Standard VGA 320x200 256 colors * DISPLAYDIB_MODE_320x240x8: Tweaked VGA 320x240 256 colors * * RETURNS * * DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR: success * DISPLAYDIB_NOTSUPPORTED: function not supported * DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDDIB: null or invalid DIB header * DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDFORMAT: invalid DIB format * DISPLAYDIB_INVALIDTASK: not called from current task * * BUGS * * Waiting for keypresses is not implemented. */ WORD WINAPI DisplayDib( LPBITMAPINFO lpbi, /* DIB header with resolution and palette */ LPSTR lpBits, /* Bitmap bits to show */ WORD wFlags ) { WORD ret; if (wFlags&DISPLAYDIB_END) { if (dispdib_multi) DISPDIB_End(); dispdib_multi = 0; return DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR; } if (!dispdib_multi) { ret=DISPDIB_Begin(wFlags); if (ret) return ret; } if (wFlags&DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN) dispdib_multi = 1; if (!(wFlags&DISPLAYDIB_NOPALETTE)) { DISPDIB_Palette(lpbi); } /* FIXME: not sure if it's valid to draw images in DISPLAYDIB_BEGIN, so... */ if (lpBits) { DISPDIB_Show(&(lpbi->bmiHeader),lpBits,wFlags); } if (!(wFlags&DISPLAYDIB_NOWAIT)) { FIXME(ddraw,"wait not implemented\n"); } if (!dispdib_multi) DISPDIB_End(); return DISPLAYDIB_NOERROR; }