--- Test 1 Line1 "Line2" --- Test 2 Test quotes "&" work --- Test 3 "&" --- Test 4 "<" --- Test 5 ">" --- Test 6 "\" --- Test 7 "|" --- Test 8 "`" --- Test 9 """ --- Test 10 --- Test 11 --- Test 12 passed1 --- Test 13 passed2@space@ --- Test 14 foobar --- Test 15 No whitespace --- Test 16 --- Test 17 --- Test 18 No prompts or I would not get here1 No prompts or I would not get here2 %hello1% %hello2 %hello3:h=t% %hello4%% one = %1 1 2 3 4 5 @todo_wine@var contents: 11 var=33@space@ 99 ------ Testing invocation of batch files ---------- 0@space@ 1@space@ 1@space@ 1@space@ 1@space@ 0@space@ 1@space@ 2@space@ 0@space@ 3@space@ 3@space@ 4@space@ ------ Testing invocation with CMD /C ------------- 0@space@ 1@space@ 0@space@ 0@space@ 1@space@ 0@space@ 1@space@ 2@space@ 0@space@ 3@space@ 4@space@ ---------- Testing CMD /C quoting ----------------- "hi" 1@space@ "\"\\"\\\"\\\\"@space@"\"\\"\\\"\\\\" 1@space@ 0@space@ 1@space@ 0@space@ 0@space@ 0@space@@or_broken@3@space@ 3@space@ 2@space@ 2@space@ 2@space@ 0@space@ 5@space@ ------- Testing CMD /C qualifier treatment ------------ 0@space@ 1@space@ THIS FAILS: cmd "/c"say one THIS FAILS: cmd ignoreme/c say one --------- Testing special characters -------------- 0@space@ 0@space@ )@space@ [@space@ ]@space@ {@space@ }@space@ 0@space@ 0@space@ !@space@ @todo_wine@0@space@@or_broken@!@space@ @todo_wine@0@space@ '@space@ +@space@ 0@space@ '@space@ ~@space@ --------- Testing parameter passing -------------- 1:1,2:@space@ 1:(1),2:@space@ 1:1(2),2:@space@ 1:(1),2:@space@ 1:((1)),2:@space@ 1:(1)(2),2:@space@ 1:(1),2:(2)@space@ 1:1,2:2@space@ 1:1,2:2@space@ 1:1,2:2@space@ 1:"p@space@"1,2:p"@space@"2@space@ 1:p"1@space@p",2:2@space@ --------- Testing delimiters and parameter passing -------------- 0:tell,1:1,2:2,All:'1 2'@or_broken@0:tell,1:1,2:2,All:' 1 2' 0:tell,1:1,2:2,All:'1 2'@or_broken@0:tell,1:1,2:2,All:' 1 2' 0:tell,1:1,2:2,All:'==1==2' 0:tell,1:(1234),2:,All:'(1234)' 0:tell,1:(12(34),2:,All:'(12(34)' 0:tell,1:(12,2:34),All:'(12;34)' --------- Finished --------------