echo Tests for cmd's builtin commands @echo on echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [ON] ------------ echo word echo 'singlequotedword' echo "doublequotedword" @echo at-echoed-word echo "/?" echo. echo . echo.word echo .word echo: echo : echo:word echo :word echo/ echo / echo/word echo /word echo off now echo word@space@ echo word@space@@space@ echo word echo@tab@word echo@tab@word @tab@ echo@tab@word@tab@@space@ @tab@echo word echo @tab@word echo @tab@word echo@tab@@tab@word echo @tab@ on @space@ @echo --- @ with chains and brackets (echo the @ character chains until&&@echo we leave the current depth||( echo hidden @echo hidden ))&&echo and can hide brackets||(@echo command hidden)||@(echo brackets hidden) @echo --- @echo off echo off@tab@@space@ @echo noecho1 @echo noecho2 @@@@@echo echo3 echo ------------ Testing 'echo' [OFF] ------------ echo word echo 'singlequotedword' echo "doublequotedword" @echo at-echoed-word echo "/?" echo. echo . echo.word echo .word echo: echo : echo:word echo :word echo/ echo / echo/word echo /word echo on again echo word@space@ echo word@space@@space@ echo word echo@tab@word echo@tab@word @tab@ echo@tab@word@tab@@space@ @tab@echo word echo @tab@word echo @tab@word echo@tab@@tab@word echo ------------ Testing mixed echo modes ------------ echo @echo on> mixedEchoModes.cmd echo if 1==1 echo foo>> mixedEchoModes.cmd echo if 1==1 @echo bar>> mixedEchoModes.cmd echo @echo off>> mixedEchoModes.cmd echo if 1==1 echo foo2>> mixedEchoModes.cmd echo if 1==1 @echo bar2>> mixedEchoModes.cmd type mixedEchoModes.cmd cmd /c mixedEchoModes.cmd del mixedEchoModes.cmd echo ------------ Testing parameterization ------------ call :TestParm a b c call :TestParm "a b c" call :TestParm "a b"\c call :TestParm a=~`+,.{}!+b call :TestParm a;b call :TestParm "a;b" call :TestParm a^;b call :TestParm a[b]{c}(d)e call :TestParm a&echo second line call :TestParm a b,,,c call :TestParm a==b;;c call :TestParm a,,, b goto :TestRem :TestParm echo '%1', '%2', '%3' goto :eof :TestRem echo ------------ Testing rem ------------ rem Hello rem Hello rem Hello || foo rem echo lol rem echo foo & echo bar rem @tab@ Hello rem@tab@ Hello rem@tab@echo foo & echo bar @echo on rem Hello rem Hello rem Hello || foo rem echo lol rem echo foo & echo bar rem @tab@ Hello rem@tab@ Hello rem@tab@echo foo & echo bar @echo off echo ------------ Testing redirection operators ------------ mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- stdout redirection echo foo>foo type foo echo foo 1> foo type foo echo foo@tab@1> foo type foo echo foo 1>@tab@foo type foo echo foo@tab@1>@tab@foo type foo echo foo7 7> foo type foo echo foo9 9> foo type foo echo foo1> foo type foo echo foo11> foo type foo echo foo12> foo type foo echo foo13>"foo" type foo echo foo14>."\foo" type foo echo foo15>."\f"oo type foo del foo echo1>foo type foo echo --- stdout appending echo foo>foo echo foo >>foo type foo del foo echo foob >> foo type foo echo fooc 1>>foo type foo echo food1>>foo type foo echo food2>>"foo" type foo del foo echo food21>>foo type foo del foo echo foo> foo echo foo7 7>> foo || (echo not supported & del foo) if exist foo (type foo) else echo not supported echo --- redirections within IF statements if 1==1 echo foo1>bar type bar & del bar echo ----- if 1==1 (echo foo2>bar) else echo baz2>bar type bar & del bar if 1==1 (echo foo3) else echo baz3>bar type bar || echo file does not exist, ok if 1==1 (echo foo4>bar) else echo baz4>bar type bar & del bar if 1==0 (echo foo5>bar) else echo baz5>bar type bar & del bar if 1==0 (echo foo6) else echo baz6 1>bar type bar & del bar if 1==0 (echo foo7 1>bar) else echo baz7>bar type bar & del bar if 1==0 (echo foo8 1>bar) else echo baz8>bak type bak if 1==1 (echo foo>bar & echo baz) type bar if 1==1 ( echo foo>bar echo baz ) type bar (if 1==1 (echo A) else echo B) > C type C (if 1==0 (echo A) else echo B) > C type C (if 1==0 (echo A > B) else echo C) cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing circumflex escape character ------------ rem Using something like "echo foo^" asks for an additional char after a "More?" prompt on the following line; it's not possible to currently test that non-interactively echo ^hell^o, world echo hell^o, world echo hell^^o, world echo hell^^^o, world echo hello^ world echo hello^ world echo hello^ echo finished mkdir foobar echo baz> foobar\baz type foobar\baz type foobar^\baz rd /s/q foobar echo foo ^| echo bar echo foo ^& echo bar call :setError 0 echo bak ^&& echo baz 2> nul echo %ErrorLevel% echo foo ^> foo echo ^<> foo type foo del foo set WINE_FOO=oof echo ff^%WINE_FOO% set WINE_FOO=bar ^| baz set WINE_FOO rem FIXME: echoing %WINE_FOO% gives an error (baz not recognized) but prematurely rem exits the script on windows; redirecting stdout and/or stderr doesn't help echo %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 set WINE_FOO=bar ^^^| baz set WINE_FOO echo %WINE_FOO% echo %ErrorLevel% set WINE_FOO= echo ------------ Testing chains ------------ rem The chain operators have the following bottom-up precedence: rem 'else' precedes nothing and matches the closest unmatched 'if' in the same bracket depth rem '&' precedes 'else' rem '||' precedes '&' and 'else' rem '&&' precedes '||', '&' and 'else' rem '|' precedes '&&', '||', '&' and 'else' rem rem Example: 'if 1==1 if 2==2 if 3==3 a | b && c || d & e else f else g' is interpreted as rem 'if 1==1 (if 2==2 (if 3==3 ((((a | b) && c) || d) & e) else f) else g)' goto :cfailend :cfail echo %1 call :setError 1 goto :eof :cfailend echo --- chain success echo a1&echo a2 echo b1&&echo b2 echo c1||echo c2 echo --- echo d1&echo d2&echo d3 echo e1&echo e2&&echo e3 echo f1&echo f2||echo f3 echo --- echo g1&&echo g2&echo g3 echo h1&&echo h2&&echo h3 echo i1&&echo i2||echo i3 echo --- echo j1||echo j2&echo j3 echo --- echo k1||echo k2&&echo k3 echo --- echo l1||echo l2||echo l3 echo --- echo --- chain failure call :cfail a1&call :cfail a2 call :cfail b1&&call :cfail b2 echo --- call :cfail c1||call :cfail c2 call :cfail d1&call :cfail d2&call :cfail d3 call :cfail e1&call :cfail e2&&call :cfail e3 echo --- call :cfail f1&call :cfail f2||call :cfail f3 call :cfail g1&&call :cfail g2&call :cfail g3 echo --- call :cfail h1&&call :cfail h2&&call :cfail h3 echo --- call :cfail i1&&call :cfail i2||call :cfail i3 echo --- call :cfail j1||call :cfail j2&call :cfail j3 call :cfail k1||call :cfail k2&&call :cfail k3 echo --- call :cfail l1||call :cfail l2||call :cfail l3 echo --- chain brackets rem Brackets are like regular commands, they support redirections rem and have the same precedence as regular commands. echo a1&(echo a2&echo a3) echo b1&(echo b2&&echo b3) echo c1&(echo c2||echo c3) echo --- echo d1&&(echo d2&echo d3) echo e1&&(echo e2&&echo e3) echo f1&&(echo f2||echo f3) echo --- echo g1||(echo g2&echo g3) echo --- echo h1||(echo h2&&echo h3) echo --- echo i1||(echo i2||echo i3) echo --- call :cfail j1&(call :cfail j2&call :cfail j3) call :cfail k1&(call :cfail k2&&call :cfail k3) echo --- call :cfail l1&(call :cfail l2||call :cfail l3) call :cfail m1&&(call :cfail m2&call :cfail m3) echo --- call :cfail n1&&(call :cfail n2&&call :cfail n3) echo --- call :cfail o1&&(call :cfail o2||call :cfail o3) echo --- call :cfail p1||(call :cfail p2&call :cfail p3) call :cfail q1||(call :cfail q2&&call :cfail q3) echo --- call :cfail r1||(call :cfail r2||call :cfail r3) echo --- chain pipe rem Piped commands run at the same time, so the print order varies. rem Additionally, they don't run in the batch script context, as shown by rem 'call :existing_label|echo read the error message'. (echo a 1>&2|echo a 1>&2) 2>&1 echo --- echo b1|echo b2 echo c1&&echo c2|echo c3 echo d1||echo d2|echo d3 echo --- echo e1&echo e2|echo e3 echo f1|echo f2&&echo f3 echo g1|echo g2||echo g3 echo --- echo h1|echo h2&echo h3 echo i1|echo i2|echo i3 echo --- chain pipe input rem The output data of the left side of a pipe can disappear, probably rem because it finished too fast and closed the pipe before it could be read, rem which means we can get broken results for the tests of this section. echo @echo off> tmp.cmd echo set IN=X>> tmp.cmd echo set /p IN=%%1:>> tmp.cmd echo setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion>> tmp.cmd echo echo [!IN!,%%1]>> tmp.cmd echo endlocal>> tmp.cmd echo set IN=>> tmp.cmd echo a1|cmd /ctmp.cmd a2 echo b1|cmd /ctmp.cmd b2|cmd /ctmp.cmd b3 echo c1|cmd /ctmp.cmd c2|cmd /ctmp.cmd c3|cmd /ctmp.cmd c4 echo d1|call tmp.cmd d2 echo e1|call tmp.cmd e2|call tmp.cmd e3 echo f1|call tmp.cmd f2|call tmp.cmd f3|call tmp.cmd f4 rem FIXME these 3 tests cause "unexpected end of output" rem test : echo g1|tmp.cmd g2 rem result: g2:[g1,g2] rem test : echo h1|tmp.cmd h2|tmp.cmd h3 rem result: h3:[h2:[h1,h2],h3]@or_broken@h3:[h2:,h3] rem test : echo i1|tmp.cmd i2|tmp.cmd i3|tmp.cmd i4 rem result: i4:[i3:[i2:[i1,i2],i3],i4]@or_broken@i4:[i3:[i2:,i3],i4]@or_broken@i4:[i3:,i4] del tmp.cmd echo --- chain else rem Command arguments are gready and eat up the 'else' unless terminated by rem brackets, which means the 'else' can only be recognized when the rem 'if true' command chain ends with brackets. if 1==1 if 2==2 if 3==3 (echo a1) else (echo a2) else echo a3 if 1==1 if 2==2 if 3==0 (echo b1) else (echo b2) else echo b3 echo --- if 1==1 if 2==0 if 3==3 (echo c1) else (echo c2) else echo c3 echo --- if 1==1 if 2==0 if 3==0 (echo d1) else (echo d2) else echo d3 echo --- if 1==0 if 2==2 if 3==3 (echo e1) else (echo e2) else echo e3 echo --- if 1==0 if 2==2 if 3==0 (echo f1) else (echo f2) else echo f3 echo --- if 1==0 if 2==0 if 3==3 (echo g1) else (echo g2) else echo g3 echo --- if 1==0 if 2==0 if 3==0 (echo h1) else (echo h2) else echo h3 echo --- echo --- chain else (if true) if 1==1 echo a1 else echo a2 if 1==1 echo b1|echo b2 else echo b3 if 1==1 echo c1&&echo c2 else echo c3 if 1==1 echo d1||echo d2 else echo d3 echo --- if 1==1 echo e1&echo e2 else echo e3 if 1==1 echo f1 else echo f2|echo f3 if 1==1 echo g1 else echo g2&&echo g3 if 1==1 echo h1 else echo h2||echo h3 echo --- if 1==1 echo i1 else echo i2&echo i3 if 1==1 echo j1|(echo j2) else echo j3 echo --- if 1==1 echo k1&&(echo k2) else echo k3 if 1==1 echo l1||(echo l2) else echo l3 echo --- if 1==1 echo m1&(echo m2) else echo m3 if 1==1 (echo n1) else echo n2|echo n3 if 1==1 (echo o1) else echo o2&&echo o3 if 1==1 (echo p1) else echo p2||echo p3 if 1==1 (echo q1) else echo q2&echo q3 echo --- chain else (if false) if 1==0 echo a1 else echo a2 if 1==0 echo b1|echo b2 else echo b3 if 1==0 echo c1&&echo c2 else echo c3 if 1==0 echo d1||echo d2 else echo d3 if 1==0 echo e1&echo e2 else echo e3 if 1==0 echo f1 else echo f2|echo f3 if 1==0 echo g1 else echo g2&&echo g3 if 1==0 echo h1 else echo h2||echo h3 if 1==0 echo i1 else echo i2&echo i3 if 1==0 echo j1|(echo j2) else echo j3 echo --- if 1==0 echo k1&&(echo k2) else echo k3 if 1==0 echo l1||(echo l2) else echo l3 if 1==0 echo m1&(echo m2) else echo m3 if 1==0 (echo n1) else echo n2|echo n3 if 1==0 (echo o1) else echo o2&&echo o3 if 1==0 (echo p1) else echo p2||echo p3 echo --- if 1==0 (echo q1) else echo q2&echo q3 echo ------------ Testing 'set' ------------ call :setError 0 rem Remove any WINE_FOO* WINE_BA* environment variables from shell before proceeding for /f "delims==" %%i in ('set WINE_ba') do set %%i= for /f "delims==" %%i in ('set WINE_foo') do set %%i= set WINE_FOOBAR 2> nul > nul echo %ErrorLevel% set WINE_FOOBAR = baz echo %ErrorLevel% echo %WINE_FOOBAR%WINE_FOOBAR not defined echo %WINE_FOOBAR % set WINE_FOOBAR 2> nul set WINE_FOOBAR = baz2 echo %ErrorLevel% echo %WINE_fOObAr % set WINE_FOOBAR= bar echo %ErrorLevel% echo %WINE_FOOBAR% set WINE_FOO set WINE_FOOBAR= set WINE_FOOB echo %WINE_FOOBAR%WINE_FOOBAR not defined set WINE_FOOBAR = set WINE_FOOBA 2> nul > nul echo %ErrorLevel% set WINE_FOO=bar echo %WINE_FOO% set WINE_FOO=foo set WINE_BAR=bar echo %WINE_FOO%%WINE_BAR% set WINE_BAR= set WINE_FOO= set WINE_FOO=%WINE_FOO% echo %WINE_FOO%WINE_FOO not defined set WINE_BAZ%=bazbaz set WINE_BA echo %WINE_BAZ%% set WINE_BAZ%= echo set "WINE_FOO=bar" should not include the quotes in the variable value set "WINE_FOO=bar" echo %WINE_FOO% set@tab@WINE_FOO=foo echo %WINE_FOO% set@tab@WINE_FOO= echo '%WINE_FOO%' set WINE_FOO=foo@space@ echo '%WINE_FOO%' set WINE_FOO=foo@tab@ echo '%WINE_FOO%' rem Space symbol must appear in `var` set WINE_FOO=value@space@ echo '%WINE_FOO%' rem Space symbol must NOT appear in `var` set "WINE_FOO=value"@space@ echo '%WINE_FOO%' rem Mixed examples: set WINE_FOO=jim fred echo '%WINE_FOO%' set WINE_FOO="jim" fred echo '%WINE_FOO%' set "WINE_FOO=jim fred" echo '%WINE_FOO%' set "WINE_FOO=jim" fred echo '%WINE_FOO%' rem Only the final quote ends the string set "WINE_FOO=apple"banana"grape"orange echo '%WINE_FOO%' set WINE_FOO= echo ------------ Testing variable expansion ------------ call :setError 0 echo ~p0 should be path containing batch file echo %~p0 mkdir dummydir cd dummydir echo %~p0 cd .. rmdir dummydir echo ~dp0 should be directory containing batch file echo %~dp0 mkdir dummydir cd dummydir echo %~dp0 cd .. rmdir dummydir echo CD value %CD% echo %% echo P% echo %P echo %WINE_UNKNOWN%S echo P%WINE_UNKNOWN% echo P%WINE_UNKNOWN%S echo %ERRORLEVEL echo %ERRORLEVEL% echo %ERRORLEVEL%%ERRORLEVEL% echo %ERRORLEVEL%ERRORLEVEL% echo %ERRORLEVEL%% echo %ERRORLEVEL%%% echo P%ERRORLEVEL% echo %ERRORLEVEL%S echo P%ERRORLEVEL%S echo ------------ Testing variable substrings ------------ set WINE_VAR=qwerty echo %WINE_VAR:~0,1% echo %WINE_VAR:~0,3% echo %WINE_VAR:~2,2% echo '%WINE_VAR:~-2,3%' echo '%WINE_VAR:~-2,1%' echo %WINE_VAR:~2,-1% echo %WINE_VAR:~2,-3% echo '%WINE_VAR:~-2,-4%' echo %WINE_VAR:~-3,-2% set WINE_VAR= echo ------------ Testing variable substitution ------------ echo --- in FOR variables for %%i in ("A B" C) do echo %%i rem check works when prefix with @ @for %%i in ("A B" C) do echo %%i rem quotes removal for %%i in ("A B" C) do echo '%%~i' rem fully qualified path for %%f in ("C D" E) do echo %%~ff rem drive letter for %%i in ("F G" H) do echo %%~di rem path for %%d in ("I J" K) do echo %%~pd rem filename for %%i in ("L M" N) do echo %%~ni rem file extension for %%i in ("O. P.OOL" Q.TABC hello) do echo '%%~xi' rem path with short path names for %%I in ("R S" T ABCDEFGHIJK.LMNOP) do echo '%%~sI' rem file attribute for %%i in ("U V" W) do echo '%%~ai' echo foo> foo for %%i in (foo) do echo '%%~ai' for %%i in (foo) do echo '%%~zi' del foo rem file date/time rem Not fully testable, until we can grep dir's output to get foo's creation time in an envvar... for %%i in ("a b" c) do echo '%%~ti' rem file size rem Similar issues as above for %%i in ("a b" c) do echo '%%~zi' rem combined options for %%i in ("d e" f) do echo %%~dpi for %%i in ("g h" i) do echo %%~sdi for %%i in ("g h" i) do echo %%~dsi for %%i in ("j k" do echo '%%~xsi' for %%i in ("") do echo '%%~i,%%~fi,%%~di,%%~pi,%%~ni,%%~xi,%%~si,%%~ai,%%~ti,%%~zi' echo --- in parameters for %%i in ("A B" C) do call :echoFun %%i rem quotes removal for %%i in ("A B" C) do call :echoFunQ %%i rem fully qualified path for %%f in ("C D" E) do call :echoFunF %%f rem drive letter for %%i in ("F G" H) do call :echoFunD %%i rem path for %%d in ("I J" K) do call :echoFunP %%d rem filename for %%i in ("L M" N) do call :echoFunN %%i rem file extension for %%i in ("O. P.OOL" Q.TABC hello) do call :echoFunX %%i rem path with short path names for %%I in ("R S" T ABCDEFGHIJK.LMNOP) do call :echoFunS %%I rem NT4 aborts whole script execution when encountering ~a, ~t and ~z substitutions, preventing full testing rem combined options for %%i in ("d e" f) do call :echoFunDP %%i for %%i in ("g h" i) do call :echoFunSD %%i for %%i in ("g h" i) do call :echoFunDS %%i for %%i in ("j k" do call :echoFunXS %%i goto :endEchoFuns :echoFun echo %1 goto :eof :echoFunQ echo '%~1' goto :eof :echoFunF echo %~f1 goto :eof :echoFunD echo %~d1 goto :eof :echoFunP echo %~p1 goto :eof :echoFunN echo %~n1 goto :eof :echoFunX echo '%~x1' goto :eof :echoFunS rem some NT4 workaround set WINE_VAR='%~s1' echo %WINE_VAR% set WINE_VAR= goto :eof :echoFunDP echo %~dp1 goto :eof :echoFunSD echo %~sd1 goto :eof :echoFunDS echo %~ds1 goto :eof :echoFunXS echo '%~xs1' goto :eof :endEchoFuns echo ------------ Testing variable delayed expansion ------------ rem NT4 doesn't support this echo --- default mode (load-time expansion) set WINE_FOO=foo echo %WINE_FOO% echo !WINE_FOO! if %WINE_FOO% == foo ( set WINE_FOO=bar if %WINE_FOO% == bar (echo bar) else echo foo ) set WINE_FOO=foo if %WINE_FOO% == foo ( set WINE_FOO=bar if !WINE_FOO! == bar (echo bar) else echo foo ) echo --- runtime (delayed) expansion mode setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set WINE_FOO=foo echo %WINE_FOO% echo !WINE_FOO! if %WINE_FOO% == foo ( set WINE_FOO=bar if %WINE_FOO% == bar (echo bar) else echo foo ) set WINE_FOO=foo if %WINE_FOO% == foo ( set WINE_FOO=bar if !WINE_FOO! == bar (echo bar) else echo foo ) echo %ErrorLevel% setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion echo %ErrorLevel% set WINE_FOO=foo echo %WINE_FOO% echo !WINE_FOO! set WINE_FOO= echo --- using /V cmd flag echo @echo off> tmp.cmd echo set WINE_FOO=foo>> tmp.cmd echo echo %%WINE_FOO%%>> tmp.cmd echo echo !WINE_FOO!>> tmp.cmd echo set WINE_FOO=>> tmp.cmd cmd /V:ON /C tmp.cmd cmd /V:OfF /C tmp.cmd del tmp.cmd echo ------------ Testing conditional execution ------------ echo --- unconditional ampersand call :setError 123 & echo foo1 echo bar2 & echo foo2 mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo > foobazbar cd .. & rd /s/q foobar if exist foobazbar ( echo foobar not deleted! cd .. rd /s/q foobar ) else echo foobar deleted echo --- on success conditional and call :setError 456 && echo foo3 > foo3 if exist foo3 ( echo foo3 created del foo3 ) else echo foo3 not created echo bar4 && echo foo4 echo --- on failure conditional or call :setError 789 || echo foo5 echo foo6 || echo bar6 > bar6 if exist bar6 ( echo bar6 created del bar6 ) echo ------------ Testing cd ------------ mkdir foobar cd foobar echo blabla > singleFile dir /b echo Current dir: %CD% cd cd .. cd cd foobar@space@ cd cd .. cd cd @space@foobar cd cd.. cd cd foobar cd..@space@ cd if not exist foobar (cd ..) cd foobar cd@tab@..@tab@@space@@tab@ cd if not exist foobar (cd ..) cd foobar mkdir "bar bak" cd "bar bak" cd cd .. cd ".\bar bak" cd cd .. cd .\"bar bak" cd cd .. cd bar bak cd cd "bar bak@space@"@tab@@space@ cd cd ..\.. cd rd /Q/s foobar mkdir foobar cd /d@tab@foobar cd cd .. rd /q/s foobar echo ------------ Testing type ------------ echo bar> foobaz @echo on type foobaz echo --- @echo off type foobaz@tab@ echo ---1 type ."\foobaz" echo ---2 type ".\foobaz" echo ---3 del foobaz echo ------------ Testing NUL ------------ md foobar & cd foobar rem NUL file (non) creation + case insensitivity rem Note: "if exist" does not work with NUL, so to check for file existence we use a kludgy workaround echo > bar echo foo > NUL dir /b /a-d echo foo > nul dir /b /a-d echo foo > NuL @tab@dir /b@tab@/a-d del bar rem NUL not special everywhere call :setError 123 echo NUL> foo if not exist foo (echo foo should have been created) else ( type foo del foo ) rem Empty file creation copy nul foo > nul if exist foo ( echo foo created del foo type foo ) else ( echo *** ) echo 1234 >a.a copy a.a+NUL b.b >nul call :CheckFileSize a.a 7 b.b 8 copy NUL+a.a b.b >nul call :CheckFileSize a.a 7 b.b 8 mkdir subdir copy a.a+NUL subdir\ >nul call :CheckFileSize a.a 7 subdir\a.a 8 del subdir\a.a cd subdir copy ..\a.a NUL >nul if exist a.a echo Failed cd .. rd subdir /s /q del a.a b.b cd .. & rd foobar /s /q echo ------------ Testing if/else ------------ echo --- if/else should work with blocks if 0 == 0 ( echo if seems to work ) else ( echo if seems to be broken ) if 1 == 0 ( echo else seems to be broken ) else ( echo else seems to work ) if /c==/c ( echo if seems not to detect /c as parameter ) else ( echo parameter detection seems to be broken ) SET elseIF=0 if 1 == 1 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+1 ) else if 1 == 1 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) else ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) if %elseIF% == 1 ( echo else if seems to work ) else ( echo else if seems to be broken ) SET elseIF=0 if 1 == 2 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) else if 1 == 1 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+1 ) else ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) if %elseIF% == 1 ( echo else if seems to work ) else ( echo else if seems to be broken ) SET elseIF=0 if 1 == 2 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) else if 1 == 2 ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+2 ) else ( SET /a elseIF=%elseIF%+1 ) if %elseIF% == 1 ( echo else if seems to work ) else ( echo else if seems to be broken ) echo --- case sensitivity with and without /i option if bar==BAR echo if does not default to case sensitivity if not bar==BAR echo if seems to default to case sensitivity if /i foo==FOO echo if /i seems to work if /i not foo==FOO echo if /i seems to be broken if /I foo==FOO echo if /I seems to work if /I not foo==FOO echo if /I seems to be broken echo --- string comparisons if abc == abc (echo equal) else echo non equal if abc =="abc" (echo equal) else echo non equal if "abc"== abc (echo equal) else echo non equal if "abc"== "abc" (echo equal) else echo non equal echo --- tabs handling if@tab@1==1 echo doom if @tab@1==1 echo doom if 1==1 (echo doom) else@tab@echo quake if@tab@not @tab@1==@tab@0 @tab@echo lol if 1==0@tab@(echo doom) else echo quake if 1==0 (echo doom)@tab@else echo quake if 1==0 (echo doom) else@tab@echo quake echo --- comparison operators rem NT4 misevaluates conditionals in for loops so we have to use subroutines as workarounds echo ------ for strings rem NT4 stops processing of the whole batch file as soon as it finds a rem comparison operator non fully uppercased, such as lss instead of LSS, so we rem can't test those here. if LSS LSS LSSfoo (echo LSS string can be used as operand for LSS comparison) if LSS LSS LSS (echo bar) if 1.1 LSS 1.10 (echo floats are handled as strings) if "9" LSS "10" (echo numbers in quotes recognized!) else echo numbers in quotes are handled as strings if not "-1" LSS "1" (echo negative numbers as well) else echo NT4 if /i foo LSS FoOc echo if /i seems to work for LSS if /I not foo LSS FOOb echo if /I seems to be broken for LSS set WINE_STR_PARMS=A B AB BA AA for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :LSStest %%i %%j)) if b LSS B (echo b LSS B) else echo NT4 if /I b LSS B echo b LSS B insensitive if b LSS A echo b LSS A if /I b LSS A echo b LSS A insensitive if a LSS B (echo a LSS B) else echo NT4 if /I a LSS B echo a LSS B insensitive if A LSS b echo A LSS b if /I A LSS b echo A LSS b insensitive for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :LEQtest %%i %%j)) if b LEQ B (echo b LEQ B) else echo NT4 if /I b LEQ B echo b LEQ B insensitive if b LEQ A echo b LEQ A if /I b LEQ A echo b LEQ A insensitive if a LEQ B (echo a LEQ B) else echo NT4 if /I a LEQ B echo a LEQ B insensitive if A LEQ b echo A LEQ b if /I A LEQ b echo A LEQ b insensitive for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :EQUtest %%i %%j)) if /I A EQU a echo A EQU a insensitive for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :NEQtest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :GEQtest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_STR_PARMS%) do ( call :GTRtest %%i %%j)) echo ------ for numbers if -1 LSS 1 (echo negative numbers handled) if not -1 LSS -10 (echo negative numbers handled) if not 9 LSS 010 (echo octal handled) if not -010 LSS -8 (echo also in negative form) if 4 LSS 0x5 (echo hexa handled) if not -1 LSS -0x1A (echo also in negative form) if 11 LSS 101 (echo 11 LSS 101) set WINE_INT_PARMS=0 1 10 9 for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :LSStest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :LEQtest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :EQUtest %%i %%j)) if 011 EQU 9 (echo octal ok) if 0xA1 EQU 161 (echo hexa ok) if 0xA1 EQU "161" (echo hexa should be recognized) else (echo string/hexa compare ok) if "0xA1" EQU 161 (echo hexa should be recognized) else (echo string/hexa compare ok) for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :NEQtest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :GEQtest %%i %%j)) for %%i in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( for %%j in (%WINE_INT_PARMS%) do ( call :GTRtest %%i %%j)) echo ------ for numbers and stringified numbers if not "1" EQU 1 (echo strings and integers not equal) else echo foo if not 1 EQU "1" (echo strings and integers not equal) else echo foo if '1' EQU 1 echo '1' EQU 1 if 1 EQU '1' echo 1 EQU '1' if not "1" GEQ 1 (echo foo) else echo bar if "10" GEQ "1" echo "10" GEQ "1" if '1' GEQ 1 (echo '1' GEQ 1) else echo NT4 if 1 GEQ "1" echo 1 GEQ "1" if "1" GEQ "1" echo "1" GEQ "1" if '1' GEQ "1" echo '1' GEQ "1" if "10" GEQ "1" echo "10" GEQ "1" if not 1 GEQ '1' (echo non NT4) else echo 1 GEQ '1' for %%i in ("1" '1') do call :GEQtest %%i '1' if "10" GEQ '1' (echo "10" GEQ '1') else echo foo if 1 GEQ "10" (echo 1 GEQ "10") else echo foo if "1" GEQ "10" (echo 1 GEQ "10") else echo foo if '1' GEQ "10" (echo '1' GEQ "10") else echo foo if "10" GEQ "10" (echo "10" GEQ "10") echo --- unconditional ampersand after if one line if "0"=="0" echo 1 & echo 2 & echo 3 else echo 4 echo --- echo x & if "0"=="1" echo 1 & echo 2 echo --- echo x & if "0"=="1" echo 1 & echo 2 & echo 3 echo --- echo x & if "0"=="1" (echo 1 & echo 2 & echo 3) echo --- echo x & if "0"=="1" echo 1 & echo 2 & echo 3 else echo 4 echo --- goto :endIfCompOpsSubroutines rem IF subroutines helpers :LSStest if %1 LSS %2 echo %1 LSS %2 goto :eof :LEQtest if %1 LEQ %2 echo %1 LEQ %2 goto :eof :EQUtest if %1 EQU %2 echo %1 EQU %2 goto :eof :NEQtest if %1 NEQ %2 echo %1 NEQ %2 goto :eof :GEQtest if %1 GEQ %2 echo %1 GEQ %2 goto :eof :GTRtest if %1 GTR %2 echo %1 GTR %2 goto :eof :endIfCompOpsSubroutines set WINE_STR_PARMS= set WINE_INT_PARMS= echo ------------ Testing for ------------ echo --- plain FOR for %%i in (A B C) do echo %%i for %%i in (A B C) do echo %%I for %%i in (A B C) do echo %%j for %%i in (A B C) do call :forTestFun1 %%i for %%i in (1,4,1) do echo %%i for %%i in (A, B,C) do echo %%i for %%i in (X) do echo %%i for@tab@%%i in (X2) do echo %%i for %%i in@tab@(X3) do echo %%i for %%i in (@tab@ foo@tab@) do echo %%i for@tab@ %%i in@tab@(@tab@M) do echo %%i for %%i@tab@in (X)@tab@do@tab@echo %%i for@tab@ %%j in@tab@(@tab@M, N, O@tab@) do echo %%j for %%i in (`echo A B`) do echo %%i for %%i in ('echo A B') do echo %%i for %%i in ("echo A B") do echo %%i for %%i in ("A B" C) do echo %%i goto :endForTestFun1 :forTestFun1 echo %1 goto :eof :endForTestFun1 echo --- imbricated FORs for %%i in (X) do ( for %%j in (Y) do ( echo %%i %%j)) for %%i in (X) do ( for %%I in (Y) do ( echo %%i %%I)) for %%i in (A B) do ( for %%j in (C D) do ( echo %%i %%j)) for %%i in (A B) do ( for %%j in (C D) do ( call :forTestFun2 %%i %%j )) goto :endForTestFun2 :forTestFun2 echo %1 %2 goto :eof :endForTestFun2 mkdir foobar & cd foobar mkdir foo mkdir bar mkdir baz echo > bazbaz echo --- basic wildcards for %%i in (ba*) do echo %%i echo --- for /d for /d %%i in (baz foo bar) do echo %%i 2>&1 rem Confirm we don't match files: for /d %%i in (bazb*) do echo %%i 2>&1 for /d %%i in (bazb2*) do echo %%i 2>&1 rem Show we pass through non wildcards for /d %%i in (PASSED) do echo %%i for /d %%i in (xxx) do ( echo %%i - Should be xxx echo Expected second line ) rem Show we issue no messages on failures for /d %%i in (FAILED?) do echo %%i 2>&1 for /d %%i in (FAILED?) do ( echo %%i - Unexpected! echo FAILED Unexpected second line ) for /d %%i in (FAILED*) do echo %%i 2>&1 for /d %%i in (FAILED*) do ( echo %%i - Unexpected! echo FAILED Unexpected second line ) rem FIXME can't test wildcard expansion here since it's listed in directory rem order, and not in alphabetic order. rem Proper testing would need a currently missing "sort" program implementation. rem for /d %%i in (ba*) do echo %%i>> tmp rem sort < tmp rem del tmp rem for /d %%i in (?a*) do echo %%i>> tmp rem sort < tmp rem del tmp rem for /d %%i in (*) do echo %%i>> tmp rem sort < tmp rem del tmp echo > baz\bazbaz goto :TestForR :SetExpected del temp.bat 2>nul call :WriteLine set WINE_found=N for /l %%i in (1,1,%WINE_expectedresults%) do ( call :WriteLine if "%%%%WINE_expectedresults.%%i%%%%"=="%%%%~1" set WINE_found=Y call :WriteLine if "%%%%WINE_found%%%%"=="Y" set WINE_expectedresults.%%i= call :WriteLine if "%%%%WINE_found%%%%"=="Y" goto :eof ) call :WriteLine echo Got unexpected result: "%%%%~1" goto :eof :WriteLine echo %*>> temp.bat goto :EOF :ValidateExpected del temp.bat 2>nul for /l %%i in (1,1,%WINE_expectedresults%) do ( call :WriteLine if not "%%%%WINE_expectedresults.%%i%%%%"=="" echo Found missing result: "%%%%WINE_expectedresults.%%i%%%%" ) call temp.bat del temp.bat 2>nul goto :eof :TestForR rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi echo --- for /R echo Plain directory enumeration set WINE_expectedresults=4 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\. set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\. set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\. set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\. call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (.) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo Plain directory enumeration from provided root set WINE_expectedresults=4 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\. set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\. set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\. set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\. if "%CD%"=="" goto :SkipBrokenNT4 call :SetExpected for /R "%WINE_CURDIR%" %%i in (.) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected :SkipBrokenNT4 echo File enumeration set WINE_expectedresults=2 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (baz*) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo File enumeration from provided root set WINE_expectedresults=2 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (baz*) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo Mixed enumeration set WINE_expectedresults=6 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\. set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\. set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\. set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.5=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.6=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\. call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (. baz*) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo Mixed enumeration from provided root set WINE_expectedresults=6 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\. set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\. set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\. set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.5=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.6=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\. call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (. baz*) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo With duplicates enumeration set WINE_expectedresults=12 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\fred set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.5=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.6=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\fred set WINE_expectedresults.7=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.8=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.9=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.10=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.11=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\fred set WINE_expectedresults.12=%WINE_CURDIR%\fred call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (baz* bazbaz fred ba*) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo Strip missing wildcards, keep unwildcarded names set WINE_expectedresults=6 set WINE_expectedresults.1=%WINE_CURDIR%\bar\jim set WINE_expectedresults.2=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.3=%WINE_CURDIR%\baz\jim set WINE_expectedresults.4=%WINE_CURDIR%\bazbaz set WINE_expectedresults.5=%WINE_CURDIR%\foo\jim set WINE_expectedresults.6=%WINE_CURDIR%\jim call :SetExpected for /R %%i in (baz* fred* jim) do call temp.bat "%%i" call :ValidateExpected echo for /R passed echo --- Complex wildcards unix and windows slash cd .. echo Windows slashes, valid path for %%f in (foobar\baz\bazbaz) do echo ASIS: %%f for %%f in (foobar\baz\*) do echo WC : %%f echo Windows slashes, invalid path for %%f in (foobar\jim\bazbaz) do echo ASIS: %%f for %%f in (foobar\jim\*) do echo WC : %%f echo Unix slashes, valid path for %%f in (foobar/baz/bazbaz) do echo ASIS: %%f for %%f in (foobar/baz/*) do echo WC : %%f echo Unix slashes, invalid path for %%f in (foobar/jim/bazbaz) do echo ASIS: %%f for %%f in (foobar/jim/*) do echo WC : %%f echo Done rd /s/Q foobar echo --- for /L rem Some cases loop forever writing 0s, like e.g. (1,0,1), (1,a,3) or (a,b,c); those can't be tested here for /L %%i in (1,2,0) do echo %%i for@tab@/L %%i in (1,2,0) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,2,6) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (1 ,2,6) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (a,2,3) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,2,-1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (-4,-1,-1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,-2,-2) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,2,a) do echo %%i echo ErrorLevel %ErrorLevel% for /L %%i in (1,a,b) do echo %%i echo ErrorLevel %ErrorLevel% rem Test boundaries for /l %%i in (1,1,4) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (1,2,4) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (4,-1,1) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (4,-2,1) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (1,-1,4) do echo %%i for /l %%i in (4,1,1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (a,2,b) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,1,1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,-2,-1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (-1,-1,-1) do echo %%i for /L %%i in (1,2, 3) do echo %%i rem Test zero iteration skips the body of the for for /L %%i in (2,2,1) do ( echo %%i echo FAILED ) echo --- set /a goto :testseta Rem Ideally for /f can be used rather than building a command to execute rem but that does not work on NT4 :checkenvvars if "%1"=="" goto :eof call :executecmd set wine_result=%%%1%% if "%wine_result%"=="%2" ( echo %1 correctly %2 ) else echo ERROR: %1 incorrectly %wine_result% [%2] set %1= shift shift rem shift goto :checkenvvars :executecmd %* goto :eof :testseta rem No output when using "set expr" syntax, unless in interactive mode rem Need to use "set envvar=expr" to use in a batch script echo ------ individual operations set WINE_foo=0 set /a WINE_foo=1 +2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 set /a WINE_foo=1 +-2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=1 --2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 set /a WINE_foo=2* 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 set /a WINE_foo=-2* -5 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 10 set /a WINE_foo=12/3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=13/3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=-13/3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -4 rem FIXME Divide by zero should return an error, but error messages cannot be tested with current infrastructure set /a WINE_foo=5 %% 5 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=5 %% 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=5 %% -3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=-5 %% -3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -2 set /a WINE_foo=1 ^<^< 0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=1 ^<^< 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=1 ^<^< -2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=-1 ^<^< -2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=-1 ^<^< 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -4 set /a WINE_foo=9 ^>^> 0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 9 set /a WINE_foo=9 ^>^> 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=9 ^>^> -2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=-9 ^>^> -2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=-9 ^>^> 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -3 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^& 0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^& 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^& 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^& 4 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^& 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^| 0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^| 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^| 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 7 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^| 4 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^| 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^^ 0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^^ 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^^ 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^^ 4 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=5 ^^ 1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 echo ------ precedence and grouping set /a WINE_foo=4 + 2*3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 10 set /a WINE_foo=(4+2)*3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 18 set /a WINE_foo=4 * 3/5 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=(4 * 3)/5 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=4 * 5 %% 4 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=4 * (5 %% 4) & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=3 %% (5 + 8 %% 3 ^^ 2) & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 set /a WINE_foo=3 %% (5 + 8 %% 3 ^^ -2) & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 echo ------ octal and hexadecimal set /a WINE_foo=0xf + 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 18 set /a WINE_foo=0xF + 3 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 18 set /a WINE_foo=015 + 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 15 set /a WINE_foo=3, 8+3,0 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 echo ------ variables set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=3, WINE_bar+1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 WINE_bar 3 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=3, WINE_bar+=1 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 WINE_bar 4 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=3, WINE_baz=1, WINE_baz+=WINE_bar, WINE_baz & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 WINE_bar 3 WINE_baz 4 set WINE_bar=3 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar*= WINE_bar & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 9 WINE_bar 9 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_whateverNonExistingVar & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set WINE_bar=4 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_whateverNonExistingVar + WINE_bar & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 WINE_bar 4 set WINE_bar=4 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar -= WINE_bar + 7 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -7 WINE_bar -7 set WINE_bar=-7 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar /= 3 + 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 WINE_bar -1 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=5, WINE_bar %%=2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 WINE_bar 1 set WINE_bar=1 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar ^<^<= 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 WINE_bar 4 set WINE_bar=4 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar ^>^>= 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 1 set WINE_bar=1 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar ^&= 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 WINE_bar 0 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=5, WINE_bar ^|= 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 WINE_bar 7 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=5, WINE_bar ^^= 2 & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 WINE_bar 7 set WINE_baz=4 set /a WINE_foo=WINE_bar=19, WINE_bar %%= 4 + (WINE_baz %%= 7) & call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 19 WINE_bar 3 WINE_baz 4 echo --- quotes set /a WINE_foo=1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a "WINE_foo=1" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=1,WINE_bar=2 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 set /a "WINE_foo=1,WINE_bar=2" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 set /a "WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=2" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 set /a ""WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=2"" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 set /a WINE_foo=1,WINE_bar=2,WINE_baz=3 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 WINE_baz 3 set /a "WINE_foo=1,WINE_bar=2,WINE_baz=3" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 WINE_baz 3 set /a "WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=2","WINE_baz=3" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 WINE_baz 3 set /a ""WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=2","WINE_baz=3"" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 WINE_baz 3 set /a ""WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=2"","WINE_baz=3" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 2 WINE_baz 3 set /a """"""WINE_foo=1"""""" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a """"""WINE_foo=1","WINE_bar=5""","WINE_baz=2"" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 WINE_bar 5 WINE_baz 2 set /a WINE_foo="3"+"4"+"5+6" call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 18 set WINE_foo=3 set /a WINE_bar="WINE_""foo"+4 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 WINE_bar 7 echo --- whitespace are ignored between double char operators set WINE_foo=4 set WINE_bar=5 set /a WINE_foo + = 6 set /a WINE_bar * = WINE_foo call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 10 WINE_bar 50 set WINE_foo=4 set WINE_bar=5 set /a WINE_foo + = "6 < < 7" set /a WINE_bar * = WINE_foo + WINE_foo call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 772 WINE_bar 7720 set /a WINE_foo=6 7 set /a WINE_ var1=8 set WINE_foo= echo --- invalid operator sequence set WINE_foo=4 set /a =4 set /a *=4 set /a ^>=4" set /a ^<=4" set /a WINE_foo^>^<=4 echo %WINE_foo% set /a WINE_foo^>^>^>=4 echo %WINE_foo% echo ----- negative prefix set /a WINE_foo=-1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=--1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=3--3 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 set /a WINE_foo=3---3 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=3----3 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 set /a WINE_foo=-~1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 2 set /a WINE_foo=~-1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=3+-~1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 5 set /a WINE_foo=3+~-1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 3 echo ----- assignment tests involving the end destination set WINE_foo=3 set /a WINE_foo+=3+(WINE_foo=4) call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 11 set WINE_foo=2 set /a WINE_bar=3+(WINE_foo=6) call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 WINE_bar 9 set WINE_foo=2 set /a WINE_bar=3+(WINE_foo=6,WINE_baz=7) call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 WINE_bar 10 WINE_baz 7 set WINE_foo=2 set /a WINE_bar=WINE_foo=7 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 7 WINE_bar 7 echo ----- equal precedence on stack rem Unary - don't reduce if precedence is equal set /a WINE_foo=!!1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=!!0 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=~~1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=~~0 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=--1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=+-1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=-+1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=++1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=!~1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=~!1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 set /a WINE_foo=!-1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=-!1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 0 set /a WINE_foo=!-0 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=-!0 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo -1 rem Aritmatic - Reduce if precedence is equal set /a WINE_foo=10*5/2 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 25 set /a WINE_foo=5/2*10 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 20 set /a WINE_foo=10/5/2 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 1 set /a WINE_foo=5%%2*4 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 4 set /a WINE_foo=10-5+2 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 7 set /a WINE_foo=1^<^<4^>^>1 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 8 rem Assignment - don't reduce if precedence is equal set /a WINE_foo=5 set /a WINE_bar=WINE_foo=6 call :checkenvvars WINE_foo 6 WINE_bar 6 echo --- for /F mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo ------ string argument rem NT4 does not support usebackq for /F %%i in ("a b c") do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in ('a b c') do echo %%i>output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file) for /f %%i in ("a ") do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in ('a ') do echo %%i>output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file) for /f %%i in ("a") do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in ('a') do echo %%i>output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file) fOr /f %%i in (" a") do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in (' a') do echo %%i>output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file) for /f %%i in (" a ") do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in (' a ') do echo %%i>output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (type output_file & del output_file) echo ------ fileset argument echo --------- basic blank handling echo a b c>foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo a >foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo a>foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo a>foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo a >foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo. > foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo. >> foo echo b > foo for /f %%i in (foo) do echo %%i echo --------- multi-line with empty lines echo a Z f> foo echo. >> foo echo.>> foo echo b bC>> foo echo c>> foo echo. >> foo for /f %%b in (foo) do echo %%b echo --------- multiple files echo q w > bar echo.>> bar echo kkk>>bar for /f %%k in (foo bar) do echo %%k for /f %%k in (bar foo) do echo %%k echo ------ command argument rem Not implemented on NT4, need to skip it as no way to get output otherwise if "%CD%"=="" goto :SkipFORFcmdNT4 for /f %%i in ('echo.Passed1') do echo %%i for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`echo.Passed2`) do echo %%i for /f usebackq %%i in (`echo.Passed3`) do echo %%i goto :ContinueFORF :SkipFORFcmdNT4 for /l %%i in (1,1,3) do echo Missing functionality - Broken%%i :ContinueFORF rem FIXME: Rest not testable right now in wine: not implemented and would need rem preliminary grep-like program implementation (e.g. like findstr or fc) even rem for a simple todo_wine test rem (for /f "usebackq" %%i in (`echo z a b`) do echo %%i) || echo not supported rem (for /f usebackq %%i in (`echo z a b`) do echo %%i) || echo not supported echo ------ eol option if "%CD%"=="" goto :SkipFORFeolNT4 echo Line one>foo echo and Line two>>foo echo Line three>>foo for /f "eol=L" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i for /f "eol=a" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i del foo goto :ContinueFORFeol :SkipFORFeolNT4 for /l %%i in (1,1,3) do echo Broken NT4 functionality%%i :ContinueFORFeol for /f "eol=@" %%i in (" ad") do echo %%i for /f "eol=@" %%i in (" z@y") do echo %%i for /f "eol=|" %%i in ("a|d") do echo %%i for /f "eol=@" %%i in ("@y") do echo %%i > output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file) for /f "eol==" %%i in ("=y") do echo %%i > output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file) echo ------ delims option for /f "delims=|" %%i in ("a|d") do echo %%i for /f "delims=|" %%i in ("a |d") do echo %%i for /f "delims=|" %%i in ("a d|") do echo %%i for /f "delims=| " %%i in ("a d|") do echo %%i for /f "delims==" %%i in ("C r=d|") do echo %%i for /f "delims=" %%i in ("foo bar baz") do echo %%i for /f "delims=" %%i in ("c:\foo bar baz\..") do echo %%~fi echo ------ skip option echo a > foo echo b >> foo echo c >> foo for /f "skip=2" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i for /f "skip=3" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i > output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file) for /f "skip=4" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i > output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file) for /f "skip=02" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i for /f "skip=0x2" %%i in (foo) do echo %%i for /f "skip=1" %%i in ("skipme") do echo %%i > output_file if not exist output_file (echo no output) else (del output_file) echo ------ tokens= option rem Basic for /f %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o for /f "tokens=1,3,5-7" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o rem Show * means the rest for /f "tokens=1,5*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o for /f "tokens=6,9*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o rem Show * means the rest (not tokenized and rebuilt) for /f "tokens=6,9*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n;;== o p q r s t u v w x y z") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o rem Order is irrelevant for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o for /f "tokens=3,2,1*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o rem Duplicates are ignored for /f "tokens=1,2,1*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o rem Large tokens are allowed for /f "tokens=25,1,5*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o rem Show tokens blanked in advance regardless of uniqueness of requested tokens for /f "tokens=1,1,1,2*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o for /f "tokens=1-2,1-2,1-2" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o rem Show No wrapping from z to A BUT wrapping sort of occurs Z to a occurs for /f "tokens=1-20" %%u in ("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z") do echo u=%%u v=%%v w=%%w x=%%x y=%%y z=%%z A=%%A a=%%a for /f "tokens=1-20" %%U in ("a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z") do echo U=%%U V=%%V W=%%W X=%%X Y=%%Y Z=%%Z A=%%A a=%%a rem Show negative ranges have no effect for /f "tokens=1-3,5" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o for /f "tokens=3-1,5" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m o=%%o rem Show duplicates stop * from working for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o for /f "tokens=1,1,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o for /f "tokens=2,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o for /f "tokens=3,2,3*" %%i in ("a b c d e f g") do echo h=%%h i=%%i j=%%j k=%%k l=%%l m=%%m n=%%n o=%%o cd .. rd /s/q foobar echo ------ parameter splitting echo forFParameterSplittingFunc "myparam1=myvalue1 myparam2=myparam2" mytest> foo for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%i in (foo) do (call :%%i) del foo for /f "tokens=1 delims=;" %%i in ("forFParameterSplittingFunc "myparam1^=myvalue1 myparam2^=myparam2" mytest") do (call :%%i) goto :forFParameterSplittingEnd :forFParameterSplittingFunc echo %~0 %~1 %~2 %~3 %~4 %~5 goto :eof :forFParameterSplittingEnd echo ------------ Testing del ------------ echo abc > file echo deleting 'file' del file if errorlevel 0 ( echo errorlevel is 0, good ) else ( echo unexpected errorlevel, got %errorlevel% ) if not exist file ( echo successfully deleted 'file' ) else ( echo error deleting 'file' ) echo attempting to delete 'file', even though it is not present del file if errorlevel 0 ( echo errorlevel is 0, good ) else ( echo unexpected errorlevel, got %errorlevel% ) echo ------------ Testing del /a ------------ del /f/q *.test > nul echo r > r.test attrib +r r.test echo not-r > not-r.test if not exist not-r.test echo not-r.test not found before delete, bad del /a:-r *.test if not exist not-r.test echo not-r.test not found after delete, good if not exist r.test echo r.test not found before delete, bad if exist r.test echo r.test found before delete, good del /a:r *.test if not exist r.test echo r.test not found after delete, good if exist r.test echo r.test found after delete, bad echo ------------ Testing del /q ------------ mkdir del_q_dir cd del_q_dir echo abc > file1 echo abc > file2.dat rem If /q doesn't work, cmd will prompt and the test case should hang del /q * > nul for %%a in (1 2.dat) do if exist file%%a echo del /q * failed on file%%a for %%a in (1 2.dat) do if not exist file%%a echo del /q * succeeded on file%%a cd .. rmdir del_q_dir echo ------------ Testing del /s ------------ mkdir "foo bar" cd "foo bar" mkdir "foo:" echo hi > file1.dat echo there > file2.dat echo bub > file3.dat echo bye > "file with spaces.dat" cd .. del /s file1.dat > nul del file2.dat /s > nul del "file3.dat" /s > nul del "file with spaces.dat" /s > nul cd "foo bar" for %%f in (1 2 3) do if exist file%%f.dat echo Del /s failed on file%%f for %%f in (1 2 3) do if exist file%%f.dat del file%%f.dat if exist "file with spaces.dat" echo Del /s failed on "file with spaces.dat" if exist "file with spaces.dat" del "file with spaces.dat" rmdir "foo:" cd .. rmdir "foo bar" echo ------------ Testing rename ------------ mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- ren and rename are synonymous echo > foo rename foo bar if exist foo echo foo should be renamed! if exist bar echo foo renamed to bar ren bar foo if exist bar echo bar should be renamed! if exist foo echo bar renamed to foo echo --- name collision echo foo>foo echo bar>bar ren foo bar 2> nul type foo type bar rem no-op ren foo foo mkdir baz ren foo baz\abc echo --- rename read-only files echo > file1 attrib +r file1 ren file1 file2 if not exist file1 ( if exist file2 ( echo read-only file renamed ) ) else ( echo read-only file not renamed! ) echo --- rename directories mkdir rep1 ren rep1 rep2 if not exist rep1 ( if exist rep2 ( echo dir renamed ) ) attrib +r rep2 ren rep2 rep1 if not exist rep2 ( if exist rep1 ( echo read-only dir renamed ) ) echo --- rename in other directory if not exist baz\abc ( echo rename impossible in other directory if exist foo echo original file still present ) else ( echo shouldn't rename in other directory! if not exist foo echo original file not present anymore ) cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing move ------------ mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- file move echo >foo move foo bar > nul 2>&1 if not exist foo ( if exist bar ( echo file move succeeded ) ) echo bar>bar echo baz> baz move /Y bar baz > nul 2>&1 if not exist bar ( if exist baz ( echo file move with overwrite succeeded ) ) else ( echo file overwrite impossible! del bar ) type baz attrib +r baz move baz bazro > nul 2>&1 if not exist baz ( if exist bazro ( echo read-only files are moveable move bazro baz > nul 2>&1 ) ) else ( echo read-only file not moved! ) attrib -r baz mkdir rep move baz rep > nul 2>&1 if not exist baz ( if exist rep\baz ( echo file moved in subdirectory ) ) call :setError 0 move rep\baz . > nul 2>&1 move /Y baz baz > nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 ( echo moving a file to itself should be a no-op! ) else ( echo moving a file to itself is a no-op ) echo ErrorLevel: %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 del baz echo --- directory move mkdir foo\bar mkdir baz echo baz2>baz\baz2 move baz foo\bar > nul 2>&1 if not exist baz ( if exist foo\bar\baz\baz2 ( echo simple directory move succeeded ) ) call :setError 0 mkdir baz move baz baz > nul 2>&1 echo moving a directory to itself gives error; errlevel %ErrorLevel% echo ------ dir in dir move rd /s/q foo mkdir foo bar echo foo2>foo\foo2 echo bar2>bar\bar2 move foo bar > nul 2>&1 if not exist foo ( if exist bar ( dir /b /ad bar dir /b /a-d bar dir /b bar\foo ) ) cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing mkdir ------------ call :setError 0 echo --- md and mkdir are synonymous mkdir foobar echo %ErrorLevel% rmdir foobar md foobar echo %ErrorLevel% rmdir foobar echo --- creating an already existing directory/file must fail mkdir foobar md foobar echo %ErrorLevel% rmdir foobar echo > foobar mkdir foobar echo %ErrorLevel% del foobar echo --- multilevel path creation mkdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% mkdir foo\bar\baz echo %ErrorLevel% cd foo echo %ErrorLevel% cd bar echo %ErrorLevel% cd baz echo %ErrorLevel% echo > ..\..\bar2 mkdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2 echo %ErrorLevel% del ..\..\bar2 mkdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2 echo %ErrorLevel% rmdir ..\..\..\foo\bar2 cd .. rmdir baz cd .. rmdir bar cd .. rmdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% echo --- trailing backslashes mkdir foo\\\\ echo %ErrorLevel% if exist foo (rmdir foo & echo dir created ) else ( echo dir not created ) echo %ErrorLevel% echo --- invalid chars mkdir ? echo mkdir ? gives errorlevel %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 mkdir ?\foo echo mkdir ?\foo gives errorlevel %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 mkdir foo\? echo mkdir foo\? gives errorlevel %ErrorLevel% if exist foo (rmdir foo & echo ok, foo created ) else ( echo foo not created ) call :setError 0 mkdir foo\bar\? echo mkdir foo\bar\? gives errorlevel %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 if not exist foo ( echo bad, foo not created ) else ( cd foo if exist bar ( echo ok, foo\bar created rmdir bar ) cd .. rmdir foo ) echo --- multiple directories at once mkdir foobaz & cd foobaz mkdir foo bar\baz foobar "bazbaz" .\"zabzab" if exist foo (echo foo created) else echo foo not created! if exist bar (echo bar created) else echo bar not created! if exist foobar (echo foobar created) else echo foobar not created! if exist bar\baz (echo bar\baz created) else echo bar\baz not created! if exist bazbaz (echo bazbaz created) else echo bazbaz not created! if exist zabzab (echo zabzab created) else echo zabzab not created! cd .. & rd /s/q foobaz call :setError 0 mkdir foo\* echo mkdir foo\* errorlevel %ErrorLevel% if exist foo (rmdir foo & echo ok, foo created ) else ( echo bad, foo not created ) echo ------------ Testing rmdir ------------ call :setError 0 rem rd and rmdir are synonymous mkdir foobar rmdir foobar echo %ErrorLevel% if not exist foobar echo dir removed mkdir foobar rd foobar echo %ErrorLevel% if not exist foobar echo dir removed rem Removing nonexistent directory rmdir foobar echo %ErrorLevel% rem Removing single-level directories echo > foo rmdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% if exist foo echo file not removed del foo mkdir foo echo > foo\bar rmdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% if exist foo echo non-empty dir not removed del foo\bar mkdir foo\bar rmdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% if exist foo echo non-empty dir not removed rmdir foo\bar rmdir foo rem Recursive rmdir mkdir foo\bar\baz rmdir /s /Q foo if not exist foo ( echo recursive rmdir succeeded ) else ( rd foo\bar\baz rd foo\bar rd foo ) mkdir foo\bar\baz echo foo > foo\bar\brol rmdir /s /Q foo 2>&1 if not exist foo ( echo recursive rmdir succeeded ) else ( rd foo\bar\baz del foo\bar\brol rd foo\bar rd foo ) rem multiples directories at once mkdir foobaz & cd foobaz mkdir foo mkdir bar\baz mkdir foobar rd /s/q foo bar foobar if not exist foo (echo foo removed) else echo foo not removed! if not exist bar (echo bar removed) else echo bar not removed! if not exist foobar (echo foobar removed) else echo foobar not removed! if not exist bar\baz (echo bar\baz removed) else echo bar\baz not removed! cd .. & rd /s/q foobaz echo ------------ Testing pushd/popd ------------ cd echo --- popd is no-op when dir stack is empty popd cd echo --- pushing non-existing dir pushd foobar cd echo --- basic behaviour mkdir foobar\baz pushd foobar cd popd cd pushd foobar pushd baz cd popd cd pushd baz popd cd popd cd pushd . cd foobar\baz pushd .. cd popd popd cd rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing attrib ------------ rem FIXME Add tests for archive, hidden and system attributes + mixed attributes modifications mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo foo original contents> foo attrib foo echo > bar echo --- read-only attribute rem Read-only files cannot be altered or deleted, unless forced attrib +R foo attrib foo dir /Ar /B echo bar>> foo type foo del foo > NUL 2>&1 if exist foo ( echo Read-only file not deleted ) else ( echo Should not delete read-only file! ) del /F foo if not exist foo ( echo Read-only file forcibly deleted ) else ( echo Should delete read-only file with del /F! attrib -r foo del foo ) cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo --- recursive behaviour mkdir foobar\baz & cd foobar echo > level1 echo > whatever echo > baz\level2 attrib baz\level2 cd .. attrib +R l*vel? /S > nul 2>&1 cd foobar attrib level1 attrib baz\level2 echo > bar attrib bar cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo --- folders processing mkdir foobar attrib foobar cd foobar mkdir baz echo toto> baz\toto attrib +r baz /s /d > nul 2>&1 attrib baz attrib baz\toto echo lulu>>baz\toto type baz\toto echo > baz\lala rem Oddly windows allows file creation in a read-only directory... if exist baz\lala (echo file created in read-only dir) else echo file not created cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing assoc ------------ rem Modifying associations requires some privileges... net session >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 goto :SkipAssoc rem FIXME Can't test error messages in the current test system, so we have to use some kludges rem FIXME Revise once || conditional execution is fixed mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- setting association assoc .foo > baz type baz echo --- assoc .foo=bar assoc .foo rem association set system-wide echo @echo off> tmp.cmd echo echo +++>> tmp.cmd echo assoc .foo>> tmp.cmd cmd /c tmp.cmd echo --- resetting association assoc .foo= assoc .foo > baz type baz echo --- rem association removal set system-wide cmd /c tmp.cmd > baz type baz echo --- cd .. & rd /s/q foobar goto ContinueFType :SkipAssoc echo --- setting association echo --- echo .foo=bar echo .foo=bar echo +++ echo .foo=bar echo --- resetting association echo --- echo +++ echo --- :ContinueFType echo ------------ Testing ftype ------------ rem Modifying associations requires some privileges... net session >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 goto :SkipFType rem FIXME Can't test error messages in the current test system, so we have to use some kludges rem FIXME Revise once || conditional execution is fixed mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- setting association ftype footype> baz type baz echo --- ftype footype=foo_opencmd assoc .foo=footype ftype footype rem association set system-wide echo @echo off> tmp.cmd echo echo +++>> tmp.cmd echo ftype footype>> tmp.cmd cmd /c tmp.cmd echo --- resetting association assoc .foo= rem Removing a file type association doesn't work on XP due to a bug, so a workaround is needed setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set WINE_FOO=original value ftype footype= ftype footype > baz for /F %%i in ('type baz') do (set WINE_FOO=buggyXP) rem Resetting actually works on wine/NT4, but is reported as failing due to the peculiar test (and non-support for EnabledDelayedExpansion) rem FIXME Revisit once a grep-like program like ftype is implemented rem (e.g. to check baz's size using dir /b instead) echo !WINE_FOO! rem cleanup registry echo REGEDIT4> regCleanup.reg echo.>> regCleanup.reg echo [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\footype]>> regCleanup.reg regedit /s regCleanup.reg set WINE_FOO= endlocal cd .. & rd /s/q foobar goto ContinueCall :SkipFType echo --- setting association echo --- echo footype=foo_opencmd echo .foo=footype echo footype=foo_opencmd echo +++ echo footype=foo_opencmd echo --- resetting association echo original value :ContinueCall echo ------------ Testing CALL ------------ mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- external script echo echo foo %%1> foo.cmd call foo call foo.cmd 8 echo echo %%1 %%2 > foo.cmd call foo.cmd foo call foo.cmd foo bar call foo.cmd foo "" call foo.cmd "" bar call foo.cmd foo '' call foo.cmd '' bar del foo.cmd echo --- internal routines call :testRoutine :testRoutine goto :endTestRoutine :testRoutine echo bar %1 goto :eof :endTestRoutine call :testRoutineArgs foo call :testRoutineArgs foo bar call :testRoutineArgs foo "" call :testRoutineArgs "" bar call :testRoutineArgs foo '' call :testRoutineArgs '' bar goto :endTestRoutineArgs :testRoutineArgs echo %1 %2 goto :eof :endTestRoutineArgs echo --- with builtins call mkdir foo echo %ErrorLevel% if exist foo (echo foo created) else echo foo should exist! rmdir foo set WINE_FOOBAZ_VAR=foobaz call echo Should expand %WINE_FOOBAZ_VAR% set WINE_FOOBAZ_VAR= echo>batfile call dir /b echo>robinfile if 1==1 call del batfile dir /b if exist batfile echo batfile shouldn't exist rem ... but not for 'if' or 'for' call if 1==1 echo bar 2> nul echo %ErrorLevel% call :setError 0 call for %%i in (foo bar baz) do echo %%i 2> nul echo %ErrorLevel% rem First look for programs in the path before trying a builtin echo echo non-builtin dir> dir.cmd call dir /b del dir.cmd rem The below line equates to call (, which does nothing, then the rem subsequent lines are executed. call ( echo Line one echo Line two ) rem The below line equates to call if, which always fails, then the rem subsequent lines are executed. Note cmd.exe swallows all lines rem starting with ) call if 1==1 ( echo Get if ) else ( echo ... and else! ) call call call echo passed cd .. & rd /s/q foobar echo ------------ Testing SHIFT ------------ call :shiftFun p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 goto :endShiftFun :shiftFun echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' shift echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' shift@tab@ /1 echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' shift /2 echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' shift /-1 echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' shift /0 echo '%1' '%2' '%3' '%4' '%5' goto :eof :endShiftFun echo ------------ Testing cmd invocation ------------ rem FIXME: only a stub ATM echo --- a batch file can delete itself echo del foo.cmd>foo.cmd cmd /q /c foo.cmd if not exist foo.cmd ( echo file correctly deleted ) else ( echo file should be deleted! del foo.cmd ) echo --- a batch file can alter itself echo echo bar^>foo.cmd>foo.cmd cmd /q /c foo.cmd > NUL 2>&1 if exist foo.cmd ( type foo.cmd del foo.cmd ) else ( echo file not created! ) echo ---------- Testing copy md foobar2 cd foobar2 rem Note echo adds 0x0d 0x0a on the end of the line in the file echo AAA> file1 echo BBBBBB> file2 echo CCCCCCCCC> file3 md dir1 goto :testcopy :CheckExist if exist "%1" ( echo Passed: Found expected %1 ) else ( echo Failed: Did not find expected %1 ) del /q "%1" >nul 2>&1 shift if not "%1"=="" goto :CheckExist goto :eof :CheckNotExist if not exist "%1" ( echo Passed: Did not find %1 ) else ( echo Failed: Unexpectedly found %1 del /q "%1" >nul 2>&1 ) shift if not "%1"=="" goto :CheckNotExist goto :eof rem Note: No way to check file size on NT4 so skip the test :CheckFileSize if not exist "%1" ( echo Failed: File missing when requested filesize check [%2] goto :ContinueFileSizeChecks ) for %%i in (%1) do set WINE_filesize=%%~zi if "%WINE_filesize%"=="%2" ( echo Passed: file size check on %1 [%WINE_filesize%] ) else ( if "%WINE_filesize%"=="%%~zi" ( echo Skipping file size check on NT4 ) else ( echo Failed: file size check on %1 [%WINE_filesize% != %2] ) ) :ContinueFileSizeChecks shift shift if not "%1"=="" goto :CheckFileSize goto :eof :testcopy rem ----------------------- rem Simple single file copy rem ----------------------- rem Simple single file copy, normally used syntax copy file1 dummy.file >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dummy.file rem Simple single file copy, destination supplied as two forms of directory copy file1 dir1 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\file1 copy file1 dir1\ >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\file1 rem Simple single file copy, destination supplied as fully qualified destination copy file1 dir1\file99 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\file99 rem Simple single file copy, destination not supplied cd dir1 copy ..\file1 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist file1 cd .. rem Simple single file copy, destination supplied as nonexistent directory copy file1 dir2\ >nul 2>&1 if not errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckNotExist dir2 dir2\file1 rem ----------------------- rem Wildcarded copy rem ----------------------- rem Simple single file copy, destination supplied as two forms of directory copy file? dir1 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\file1 dir1\file2 dir1\file3 copy file* dir1\ >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\file1 dir1\file2 dir1\file3 rem Simple single file copy, destination not supplied cd dir1 copy ..\file*.* >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist file1 file2 file3 cd .. rem Simple wildcarded file copy, destination supplied as nonexistent directory copy file? dir2\ >nul 2>&1 if not errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckNotExist dir2 dir2\file1 dir2\file2 dir2\file3 rem ------------------------------------------------ rem Confirm overwrite works (cannot test prompting!) rem ------------------------------------------------ copy file1 testfile >nul 2>&1 copy /y file2 testfile >nul 2>&1 call :CheckExist testfile rem ------------------------------------------------ rem Test concatenation rem ------------------------------------------------ rem simple case, no wildcards copy file1+file2 testfile >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist testfile rem simple case, wildcards, no concatenation copy file* testfile >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist testfile rem simple case, wildcards, and concatenation echo ddddd > fred copy file*+fred testfile >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist testfile rem simple case, wildcards, and concatenation copy fred+file* testfile >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist testfile rem Calculate destination name copy fred+file* dir1 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\fred rem Calculate destination name copy fred+file* dir1\ >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist dir1\fred rem Calculate destination name (none supplied) cd dir1 copy ..\fred+..\file* >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist fred copy ..\fr*+..\file1 >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Incorrect errorlevel call :CheckExist fred cd .. rem ****************************************************************** rem ASCII and BINARY tests rem Note: hard coded numbers deliberate because need to ensure whether rem an additional EOF has been added or not. There is no way to handle rem EOFs in batch, so assume if a single byte appears, it's an EOF! rem ****************************************************************** rem Confirm original sizes of file1,2,3 call :CheckFileSize file1 5 file2 8 file3 11 cd dir1 rem ---------------------------------------------- rem Show concatenation defaults copy to ascii mode rem ---------------------------------------------- rem Simple default copy source to destination (should not append EOF 5) copy ..\file1 file1_default >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1_default 5 rem Simple binary copy source to destination (should not append EOF 5) copy /b ..\file1 file1_default2 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1_default2 5 rem Simple ascii copy source to destination (should append EOF 5+1, 8+1, 11+1) copy /a ..\file1 file1_plus_eof >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1_plus_eof 6 copy /a ..\file2 file2_plus_eof >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file2_plus_eof 9 copy /a ..\file3 file3_plus_eof >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file3_plus_eof 12 rem Concat 2 files, ascii mode - (only one EOF on the end 5+8+1) copy /a ..\file1+..\file2 file12_plus_eof >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file12_plus_eof 14 rem Concat 2 files, binary mode - (no EOF on the end 5+8) copy /b ..\file1+..\file2 file12_no_eof >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file12_no_eof 13 rem Concat 2 files, default mode - (one EOF on the end 5+8+1) copy ..\file1+..\file2 file12_eof2 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file12_eof2 14 rem Test copying when destination is one of the sources. rem Concat file1+file2+file3 into file1, should produce file1+file2+file3 = 24 copy /y ..\file? .\ >nul 2>&1 copy /y /b file1+file2+file3 file1 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1 24 rem Concat file1+file2+file3 into file2, should produce file1+file3 = 16 copy /y ..\file? .\ >nul 2>&1 copy /y /b file1+file2+file3 file2 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file2 16 rem Concat file1+file2+file3 into file3, should produce file1+file2 = 13 copy /y ..\file? .\ >nul 2>&1 copy /y /b file1+file2+file3 file3 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file3 13 rem -------------------------------------------------------------- rem Show ascii source copy stops at first EOF, binary does the lot rem -------------------------------------------------------------- copy file1_plus_eof /b file1_binary_srccopy /b >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1_binary_srccopy 6 copy file1_plus_eof /a file1_ascii_srccopy /b >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file1_ascii_srccopy 5 rem -------------------------------------------------------------- rem Show results of concatenating files (ending in EOFs) and /a /b rem -------------------------------------------------------------- rem Default and ascii copy reads as ascii, stripping EOFs, so 6-1 + 9-1 + 12-1 + 1 copy file1_plus_eof+file2_plus_eof+file3_plus_eof file123_default_copy >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_default_copy 25 copy /a file1_plus_eof+file2_plus_eof+file3_plus_eof file123_ascii_copy >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_ascii_copy 25 rem In binary mode, we get 3 eofs, so 6 + 9 + 12 = 27 copy /b file1_plus_eof + file2_plus_eof + file3_plus_eof file123_binary_copy >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_binary_copy 27 rem We can select which we want the eofs from by postfixing it with /a or /b rem so here have first and third with eof, second as ascii 6 + 9-1 + 12 copy file1_plus_eof /b + file2_plus_eof /a + file3_plus_eof /b file123_mixed_copy1 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy1 26 rem By postfixing the destination with /a, we ask for an ascii destination which appends EOF rem so here have first and third with eof, second as ascii 6 + 9-1 + 12 + extra EOF rem Note the delta between this and the previous one also shows that the destination rem ascii/binary is inherited from the last /a or /b on the line copy file1_plus_eof /b + file2_plus_eof /a + file3_plus_eof /b file123_mixed_copy2 /a >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy2 27 rem so here have second with eof, first and third as ascii 6-1 + 9 + 12-1 rem Note the delta between the next two also shows that the destination ascii/binary is rem inherited from the last /a or /b on the line, so the first has an extra EOF copy file1_plus_eof /a + file2_plus_eof /b + file3_plus_eof /a file123_mixed_copy3 >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy3 26 copy file1_plus_eof /a + file2_plus_eof /b + file3_plus_eof /a file123_mixed_copy4 /b >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy4 25 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem This shows when concatenating, an ascii destination always adds on an EOF but when we rem are not concatenating, it's a direct copy regardless of destination if being read as binary rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem All 3 have eof's, plus an extra = 6 + 9 + 12 + eof copy /b file1_plus_eof + file2_plus_eof + file3_plus_eof file123_mixed_copy5 /a >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy5 28 rem All 2 have eof's, plus an extra = 6 + 12 + eof copy /b file1_plus_eof + file3_plus_eof file123_mixed_copy6 /a >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy6 19 rem One file has EOF, but doesn't get an extra one, i.e. 6 copy /b file1_plus_eof file123_mixed_copy7 /a >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy7 6 rem Syntax means concatenate so ascii destination kicks in copy /b file1_plus_eof* file123_mixed_copy8 /a >nul 2>&1 call :CheckFileSize file123_mixed_copy8 7 del *.* /q cd .. rem --------------------------------------- rem Error combinations rem --------------------------------------- rem Specify source directory but name is a file call :setError 0 copy file1\ dir1\ >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Passed: errorlevel invalid check 1 if not errorlevel 1 echo Failed: errorlevel invalid check 1 call :CheckNotExist dir1\file1 rem Overwrite same file call :setError 0 copy file1 file1 >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Passed: errorlevel invalid check 2 if not errorlevel 1 echo Failed: errorlevel invalid check 2 rem Supply same file identified as a directory call :setError 0 copy file1 file1\ >NUL 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Passed: errorlevel invalid check 3 if not errorlevel 1 echo Failed: errorlevel invalid check 3 cd .. rd foobar2 /s /q echo ------------ Testing setlocal/endlocal ------------ call :setError 0 rem Note: setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion already tested in the variable delayed expansion test section mkdir foobar & cd foobar echo --- enable/disable extensions setlocal DisableEXTensions echo ErrLev: %ErrorLevel% endlocal echo ErrLev: %ErrorLevel% echo @echo off> tmp.cmd echo echo ErrLev: %%ErrorLevel%%>> tmp.cmd rem Enabled by default cmd /C tmp.cmd cmd /E:OfF /C tmp.cmd cmd /e:oN /C tmp.cmd rem FIXME: creating file before setting envvar value to prevent parsing-time evaluation (due to EnableDelayedExpansion not being implemented/available yet) echo --- setlocal with corresponding endlocal rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi echo @echo off> test.cmd echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd echo setlocal>> test.cmd echo set WINE_VAR=localval>> test.cmd echo md foobar2>> test.cmd echo cd foobar2>> test.cmd echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> test.cmd echo endlocal>> test.cmd echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> test.cmd set WINE_VAR=globalval call test.cmd echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi cd /d %WINE_CURDIR% rd foobar2 set WINE_VAR= echo --- setlocal with no corresponding endlocal echo @echo off> test.cmd echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd echo setlocal>> test.cmd echo set WINE_VAR=localval>> test.cmd echo md foobar2>> test.cmd echo cd foobar2>> test.cmd echo echo %%WINE_VAR%%>> test.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> test.cmd set WINE_VAR=globalval rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi call test.cmd echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi cd /d %WINE_CURDIR% rd foobar2 set WINE_VAR= echo --- setlocal within same batch program set WINE_var1=one set WINE_var2= set WINE_var3= rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_CURDIR=%%~dpnxi setlocal set WINE_var2=two mkdir foobar2 cd foobar2 setlocal set WINE_var3=three if "%WINE_var1%"=="one" echo Var1 ok 1 if "%WINE_var2%"=="two" echo Var2 ok 2 if "%WINE_var3%"=="three" echo Var3 ok 3 for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_curdir2=%%~dpnxi if "%WINE_curdir2%"=="%WINE_CURDIR%\foobar2" echo Directory is ok 1 endlocal if "%WINE_var1%"=="one" echo Var1 ok 1 if "%WINE_var2%"=="two" echo Var2 ok 2 if "%WINE_var3%"=="" echo Var3 ok 3 for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_curdir2=%%~dpnxi if "%WINE_curdir2%"=="%WINE_CURDIR%\foobar2" echo Directory is ok 2 endlocal if "%WINE_var1%"=="one" echo Var1 ok 1 if "%WINE_var2%"=="" echo Var2 ok 2 if "%WINE_var3%"=="" echo Var3 ok 3 for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_curdir2=%%~dpnxi if "%WINE_curdir2%"=="%WINE_CURDIR%" echo Directory is ok 3 rd foobar2 /s /q set WINE_var1= echo --- Mismatched set and end locals mkdir foodir2 2>nul mkdir foodir3 2>nul mkdir foodir4 2>nul rem %CD% does not work on NT4 so use the following workaround for /d %%i in (.) do set WINE_curdir=%%~dpnxi echo @echo off> 2set1end.cmd echo echo %%WINE_var%%>> 2set1end.cmd echo setlocal>> 2set1end.cmd echo set WINE_VAR=2set1endvalue1>> 2set1end.cmd echo cd ..\foodir3>> 2set1end.cmd echo setlocal>> 2set1end.cmd echo set WINE_VAR=2set1endvalue2>> 2set1end.cmd echo cd ..\foodir4>> 2set1end.cmd echo endlocal>> 2set1end.cmd echo echo %%WINE_var%%>> 2set1end.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> 2set1end.cmd echo @echo off> 1set2end.cmd echo echo %%WINE_var%%>> 1set2end.cmd echo setlocal>> 1set2end.cmd echo set WINE_VAR=1set2endvalue1>> 1set2end.cmd echo cd ..\foodir3>> 1set2end.cmd echo endlocal>> 1set2end.cmd echo echo %%WINE_var%%>> 1set2end.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> 1set2end.cmd echo endlocal>> 1set2end.cmd echo echo %%WINE_var%%>> 1set2end.cmd echo for /d %%%%i in (.) do echo %%%%~dpnxi>> 1set2end.cmd echo --- Extra setlocal in called batch set WINE_VAR=value1 rem -- setlocal1 == this batch, should never be used inside a called routine setlocal set WINE_var=value2 cd foodir2 call "%WINE_CURDIR%\2set1end.cmd" echo Finished: echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi endlocal echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi cd /d %WINE_CURDIR% echo --- Extra endlocal in called batch set WINE_VAR=value1 rem -- setlocal1 == this batch, should never be used inside a called routine setlocal set WINE_var=value2 cd foodir2 call "%WINE_CURDIR%\1set2end.cmd" echo Finished: echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi endlocal echo %WINE_VAR% for /d %%i in (.) do echo %%~dpnxi cd /d %WINE_CURDIR% echo --- endlocal in called function rather than batch pgm is ineffective @echo off set WINE_var=1 set WINE_var2=1 setlocal set WINE_var=2 call :endlocalroutine echo %WINE_var% endlocal echo %WINE_var% goto :endlocalfinished :endlocalroutine echo %WINE_var% endlocal echo %WINE_var% setlocal set WINE_var2=2 endlocal echo %WINE_var2% endlocal echo %WINE_var% echo %WINE_var2% goto :eof :endlocalfinished echo %WINE_var% set WINE_var= set WINE_var2= cd .. & rd /q/s foobar echo ------------ Testing Errorlevel ------------ rem WARNING: Do *not* add tests using ErrorLevel after this section should_not_exist 2> nul > nul echo %ErrorLevel% rem nt 4.0 doesn't really support a way of setting errorlevel, so this is weak rem See call :setError 1 echo %ErrorLevel% if errorlevel 2 echo errorlevel too high, bad if errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel just right, good if errorlevel 01 echo errorlevel with leading zero just right, good if errorlevel -1 echo errorlevel with negative number OK if errorlevel 0x1 echo hexa should not be recognized! if errorlevel 1a echo invalid error level recognized! call :setError 0 echo abc%ErrorLevel%def if errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel nonzero, bad if not errorlevel 1 echo errorlevel zero, good if not errorlevel 0x1 echo hexa should not be recognized! if not errorlevel 1a echo invalid error level recognized! rem Now verify that setting a real variable hides its magic variable set errorlevel=7 echo %ErrorLevel% should be 7 if errorlevel 7 echo setting var worked too well, bad call :setError 3 echo %ErrorLevel% should still be 7 echo ------------ Testing GOTO ------------ if a==a goto dest1 echo FAILURE at dest 1 :dest1 echo goto with no leading space worked if a==a goto :dest1b echo FAILURE at dest 1b :dest1b echo goto with colon and no leading space worked if b==b goto dest2 echo FAILURE at dest 2 :dest2 echo goto with a leading space worked if c==c goto dest3 echo FAILURE at dest 3 :dest3 echo goto with a leading tab worked if d==d goto dest4 echo FAILURE at dest 4 :dest4@space@ echo goto with a following space worked if e==e goto dest5 echo FAILURE at dest 5 :dest5&& echo FAILURE echo goto with following amphersands worked del failure.txt >nul 2>&1 if f==f goto dest6 echo FAILURE at dest 6 :dest6>FAILURE.TXT if exist FAILURE.TXT echo FAILURE at dest 6 as file exists echo goto with redirections worked del FAILURE.TXT >nul 2>&1 :: some text that is ignored | dir >cmd_output | another test if exist cmd_output echo FAILURE at dest 6 as file exists echo Ignoring double colons worked del cmd_output >nul 2>&1 rem goto a label which does not exist issues an error message and rem acts the same as goto :EOF, and ensure ::label is never matched del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1 echo goto :dest7 ^>nul 2^>^&1 >> testgoto.bat echo echo FAILURE at dest 7 - Should have not found label and issued an error plus ended the batch>> testgoto.bat echo ::dest7>> testgoto.bat echo echo FAILURE at dest 7 - Incorrectly went to label >> testgoto.bat call testgoto.bat del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1 del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1 echo goto ::dest8 ^>nul 2^>^&1 >> testgoto.bat echo echo FAILURE at dest 8 - Should have not found label and issued an error plus ended the batch>> testgoto.bat echo ::dest8>> testgoto.bat echo echo FAILURE at dest 8 - Incorrectly went to label >> testgoto.bat call testgoto.bat del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1 if g==g goto dest9 echo FAILURE at dest 9 :dest91 echo FAILURE at dest 91 @ : dest9>rubbish echo label with mixed whitespace and no echo worked if h==h goto :dest10:this is ignored echo FAILURE at dest 10 :dest10:this is also ignored echo Correctly ignored trailing information echo ------------ Testing PATH ------------ set WINE_backup_path=%path% set path=original path path try2 path path=try3 path set path=%WINE_backup_path% set WINE_backup_path= echo ------------ Testing start /W ------------ echo start /W failed to wait>foobar.txt start /W "" cmd /C "ping -n1 & echo start /W seems to really wait>foobar.txt"& type foobar.txt& del foobar.txt echo ------------ Testing combined CALLs/GOTOs ------------ echo @echo off>foo.cmd echo goto :eof>>foot.cmd echo :eof>>foot.cmd echo echo world>>foo.cmd echo @echo off>foot.cmd echo echo cheball>>foot.cmd echo.>>foot.cmd echo call :bar>>foot.cmd echo if "%%1"=="deleteMe" (del foot.cmd)>>foot.cmd echo goto :eof>>foot.cmd echo.>>foot.cmd echo :bar>>foot.cmd echo echo barbare>>foot.cmd echo goto :eof>>foot.cmd call foo.cmd call foot call :bar del foo.cmd rem Script execution stops after the following line foot deleteMe call :foo call :foot goto :endFuns :foot echo foot :foo echo foo goto :eof :endFuns :bar echo bar call :foo :baz echo baz goto :eof echo Final message is not output since earlier 'foot' processing stops script execution echo Do NOT add any tests below this line echo ------------ Done, jumping to EOF ----------- goto :eof rem Subroutine to set errorlevel and return rem in windows nt 4.0, this always sets errorlevel 1, since /b isn't supported :setError exit /B %1 rem This line runs under cmd in windows NT 4, but not in more modern versions.