/* * WineCfg libraries tabsheet * * Copyright 2004 Robert van Herk * Copyright 2004 Mike Hearn * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #define NONAMELESSUNION #include #include #include #include #include #include "winecfg.h" #include "resource.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(winecfg); enum dllmode { BUILTIN_NATIVE, NATIVE_BUILTIN, BUILTIN, NATIVE, DISABLE, UNKNOWN /* Special value indicating an erronous DLL override mode */ }; struct dll { char *name; enum dllmode mode; }; static enum dllmode parse_override(char *in) { int i, j; char *out; out = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(in)); /* remove the spaces */ j = 0; for (i = 0; i < strlen(in); i++) { if (in[i] != ' ') { out[j] = in[i]; j++; } } out[j] = 0; /* parse the string */ if (strcmp(out, "builtin,native") == 0) return BUILTIN_NATIVE; else if (strcmp(out, "native,builtin") == 0) return NATIVE_BUILTIN; else if (strcmp(out, "native") == 0) return NATIVE; else if (strcmp(out, "builtin") == 0) return BUILTIN; else if (strcmp(out, "") == 0) return DISABLE; return UNKNOWN; } /* this is used to convert a dllmode to a human readable string. we should read from the translations here */ static char* mode_to_label(enum dllmode mode) { char* res; switch (mode) { case NATIVE: res = "native"; break; case BUILTIN: res = "builtin"; break; case NATIVE_BUILTIN: res = "native, builtin"; break; case BUILTIN_NATIVE: res = "builtin, native"; break; case DISABLE: res = "disabled"; break; default: res = "unknown/invalid"; break; } return res; } static void set_controls_from_selection(HWND dialog) { int index = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); struct dll *dll; DWORD id; int i; if (index == -1) /* no selection */ { for (i = IDC_RAD_BUILTIN; i <= IDC_RAD_DISABLE; i++) disable(i); CheckRadioButton(dialog, IDC_RAD_BUILTIN, IDC_RAD_DISABLE, -1); return; } /* enable the controls */ for (i = IDC_RAD_BUILTIN; i <= IDC_RAD_DISABLE; i++) enable(i); dll = (struct dll *) SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, index, 0); switch (dll->mode) { case NATIVE: id = IDC_RAD_NATIVE; break; case BUILTIN: id = IDC_RAD_BUILTIN; break; case NATIVE_BUILTIN: id = IDC_RAD_NATIVE_BUILTIN; break; case BUILTIN_NATIVE: id = IDC_RAD_BUILTIN_NATIVE; break; case DISABLE: id = IDC_RAD_DISABLE; break; case UNKNOWN: default: id = -1; break; } CheckRadioButton(dialog, IDC_RAD_BUILTIN, IDC_RAD_DISABLE, id); } static void clear_settings(HWND dialog) { int count = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); int i; WINE_TRACE("count=%d\n", count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct dll *dll = (struct dll *) SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, 0, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, 0, 0); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dll->name); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dll); } } static void load_library_settings(HWND dialog) { char **overrides = enumerate_values(keypath("DllOverrides")); char **p; int sel, count = 0; sel = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); WINE_TRACE("sel=%d\n", sel); clear_settings(dialog); if (!overrides || *overrides == NULL) { set_controls_from_selection(dialog); disable(IDC_DLLS_REMOVEDLL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, overrides); return; } enable(IDC_DLLS_REMOVEDLL); for (p = overrides; *p != NULL; p++) { int index; char *str, *value, *label; struct dll *dll; value = get(keypath("DllOverrides"), *p, NULL); label = mode_to_label(parse_override(value)); str = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(*p) + 2 + strlen(label) + 2); strcpy(str, *p); strcat(str, " ("); strcat(str, label); strcat(str, ")"); dll = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(struct dll)); dll->name = *p; dll->mode = parse_override(value); index = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_ADDSTRING, (WPARAM) -1, (LPARAM) str); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_SETITEMDATA, index, (LPARAM) dll); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, str); count++; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, overrides); /* restore the previous selection, if possible */ if (sel >= count - 1) sel = count - 1; else if (sel == -1) sel = 0; SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, sel, 0); set_controls_from_selection(dialog); } /* Called when the application is initialized (cannot reinit!) */ static void init_libsheet(HWND dialog) { /* clear the add dll controls */ SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_SETTEXT, 1, (LPARAM) ""); disable(IDC_DLLS_ADDDLL); } static void on_add_combo_change(HWND dialog) { char buffer[1024]; SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(buffer), (LPARAM) buffer); if (strlen(buffer)) enable(IDC_DLLS_ADDDLL) else disable(IDC_DLLS_ADDDLL); } static void set_dllmode(HWND dialog, DWORD id) { enum dllmode mode; struct dll *dll; int sel; char *str; #define CONVERT(s) case IDC_RAD_##s: mode = s; break; switch (id) { CONVERT( BUILTIN ); CONVERT( NATIVE ); CONVERT( BUILTIN_NATIVE ); CONVERT( NATIVE_BUILTIN ); CONVERT( DISABLE ); default: assert( FALSE ); /* should not be reached */ return; } #undef CONVERT sel = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if (sel == -1) return; dll = (struct dll *) SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, sel, 0); switch (mode) { case BUILTIN: str = "builtin"; break; case NATIVE: str = "native"; break; case BUILTIN_NATIVE: str = "builtin, native"; break; case NATIVE_BUILTIN: str = "native, builtin"; break; case DISABLE: str = ""; break; default: assert( FALSE ); /* unreachable */ return; } WINE_TRACE("Setting %s to %s\n", dll->name, str); set(keypath("DllOverrides"), dll->name, str); load_library_settings(dialog); /* ... and refresh */ } static void on_add_click(HWND dialog) { char buffer[1024]; ZeroMemory(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_GETTEXT, sizeof(buffer), (LPARAM) buffer); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLCOMBO, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) ""); disable(IDC_DLLS_ADDDLL); WINE_TRACE("Adding %s as native, builtin", buffer); set(keypath("DllOverrides"), buffer, "native,builtin"); load_library_settings(dialog); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_SELECTSTRING, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) buffer); set_controls_from_selection(dialog); } static void on_remove_click(HWND dialog) { int sel = SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); struct dll *dll; if (sel == LB_ERR) return; dll = (struct dll *) SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETITEMDATA, sel, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_DELETESTRING, sel, 0); set(keypath("DllOverrides"), dll->name, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dll->name); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dll); if (SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) > 0) SendDlgItemMessage(dialog, IDC_DLLS_LIST, LB_SETCURSEL, max(sel - 1, 0), 0); else disable(IDC_DLLS_REMOVEDLL); set_controls_from_selection(dialog); } INT_PTR CALLBACK LibrariesDlgProc (HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: init_libsheet(hDlg); break; case WM_SHOWWINDOW: set_window_title(hDlg); break; case WM_NOTIFY: switch (((LPNMHDR)lParam)->code) { case PSN_SETACTIVE: load_library_settings(hDlg); break; } break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(HIWORD(wParam)) { /* FIXME: when the user hits enter in the DLL combo box we should invoke the add * add button, rather than the propsheet OK button. But I don't know how to do that! */ case CBN_EDITCHANGE: if(LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_DLLCOMBO) { on_add_combo_change(hDlg); break; } case BN_CLICKED: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_RAD_BUILTIN: case IDC_RAD_NATIVE: case IDC_RAD_BUILTIN_NATIVE: case IDC_RAD_NATIVE_BUILTIN: case IDC_RAD_DISABLE: set_dllmode(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); break; case IDC_DLLS_ADDDLL: on_add_click(hDlg); break; case IDC_DLLS_REMOVEDLL: on_remove_click(hDlg); break; } break; case LBN_SELCHANGE: set_controls_from_selection(hDlg); break; } break; } return 0; }