/* * Shell Ordinal Functions * * These are completely undocumented. The meaning of the functions changes * between different OS versions (NT uses Unicode strings, 95 uses ASCII * strings, etc. etc.) * * They are just here so that explorer.exe and iexplore.exe can be tested. * * Copyright 1997 Marcus Meissner * 1998 Jürgen Schmied */ #include #include #include #include #include "windows.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "file.h" #include "shell.h" #include "heap.h" #include "module.h" #include "neexe.h" #include "resource.h" #include "dlgs.h" #include "win.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "cursoricon.h" #include "interfaces.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "debug.h" #include "winreg.h" void pdump (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { DWORD type; CHAR * szData; LPITEMIDLIST pidltemp = pidl; TRACE(shell,"---------- pidl=%p \n", pidl); do { szData = ((LPPIDLDATA )(pidltemp->mkid.abID))->szText; type = ((LPPIDLDATA )(pidltemp->mkid.abID))->type; TRACE (shell,"---- pidl=%p size=%u type=%lx %s\n",pidltemp, pidltemp->mkid.cb,type,debugstr_a(szData)); pidltemp = (LPITEMIDLIST)(((BYTE*)pidltemp)+pidltemp->mkid.cb); } while (pidltemp->mkid.cb); } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyRegister [SHELL32.2] * NOTES * Idlist is an array of structures and Count specifies how many items in the array * (usually just one I think). */ DWORD WINAPI SHChangeNotifyRegister( HWND32 hwnd, LONG events1, LONG events2, DWORD msg, int count, IDSTRUCT *idlist) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%04x,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08x,%p):stub.\n", hwnd,events1,events2,msg,count,idlist); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotifyDeregister [SHELL32.4] */ DWORD WINAPI SHChangeNotifyDeregister(LONG x1,LONG x2) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08lx,0x%08lx):stub.\n",x1,x2); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * ILGetDisplayName [SHELL32.15] * get_path_from_itemlist(itemlist,path); ? not sure... */ BOOL32 WINAPI ILGetDisplayName(LPCITEMIDLIST iil,LPSTR path) { FIXME(shell,"(%p,%p),stub, return e:!\n",iil,path); strcpy(path,"e:\\"); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* * ILFindLastID [SHELL32.16] */ LPSHITEMID WINAPI ILFindLastID(LPITEMIDLIST iil) { LPSHITEMID lastsii,sii; TRACE(shell,"%p\n",iil); if (!iil) return NULL; sii = &(iil->mkid); lastsii = sii; while (sii->cb) { lastsii = sii; sii = (LPSHITEMID)(((char*)sii)+sii->cb); } return lastsii; } /************************************************************************* * ILFindLastID [SHELL32.17] * NOTES * Creates a new list with the last item removed */ LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI ILRemoveLastID(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { TRACE(shell,"pidl=%p\n",pidl); return NULL; } /************************************************************************* * ILClone [SHELL32.18] * * NOTES * dupicate an idlist */ LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI ILClone (LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { DWORD len; LPITEMIDLIST newpidl; TRACE(shell,"%p\n",pidl); if (!pidl) return NULL; len = ILGetSize(pidl); newpidl = (LPITEMIDLIST)SHAlloc(len); if (newpidl) memcpy(newpidl,pidl,len); return newpidl; } /************************************************************************* * ILCloneFirst [SHELL32.19] * * NOTES * duplicates the first idlist of a complex pidl */ LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI ILCloneFirst(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) { FIXME(shell,"pidl=%p\n",pidl); return NULL; } /************************************************************************* * ILCombine [SHELL32.25] * * NOTES * Concatenates two complex idlists. * The pidl is the first one, pidlsub the next one * Does not destroy the passed in idlists! */ LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI ILCombine(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl1,LPCITEMIDLIST pidl2) { DWORD len1,len2; LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew; TRACE(shell,"pidl=%p pidl=%p\n",pidl1,pidl2); if(!pidl1 && !pidl2) { return NULL; } if(!pidl1) { pidlNew = ILClone(pidl2); return pidlNew; } if(!pidl2) { pidlNew = ILClone(pidl1); return pidlNew; } len1 = ILGetSize(pidl1)-2; len2 = ILGetSize(pidl2); pidlNew = SHAlloc(len1+len2); if (pidlNew) { memcpy(pidlNew,pidl1,len1); memcpy(((BYTE *)pidlNew)+len1,pidl2,len2); } /* TRACE(shell,"--new pidl=%p\n",pidlNew);*/ return pidlNew; } /************************************************************************* * PathIsRoot [SHELL32.29] */ BOOL32 WINAPI PathIsRoot(LPCSTR x) { TRACE(shell,"%s\n",x); if (!strcmp(x+1,":\\")) /* "X:\" */ return 1; if (!strcmp(x,"\\")) /* "\" */ return 1; if (x[0]=='\\' && x[1]=='\\') { /* UNC "\\\" */ int foundbackslash = 0; x=x+2; while (*x) { if (*x++=='\\') foundbackslash++; } if (foundbackslash<=1) /* max 1 \ more ... */ return 1; } return 0; } /************************************************************************* * PathBuildRoot [SHELL32.30] */ LPSTR WINAPI PathBuildRoot(LPSTR root,BYTE drive) { TRACE(shell,"%p %i\n",root, drive); strcpy(root,"A:\\"); root[0]+=drive; return root; } /************************************************************************* * PathFindExtension [SHELL32.31] * * NOTES * returns pointer to last . in last pathcomponent or at \0. */ LPSTR WINAPI PathFindExtension(LPSTR path) { LPSTR lastpoint = NULL; TRACE(shell,"%p %s\n",path,path); while (*path) { if (*path=='\\'||*path==' ') lastpoint=NULL; if (*path=='.') lastpoint=path; path++; } return lastpoint?lastpoint:path; } /************************************************************************* * PathAddBackslash [SHELL32.32] * * NOTES * append \ if there is none */ LPSTR WINAPI PathAddBackslash(LPSTR path) { int len; TRACE(shell,"%p->%s\n",path,path); len = strlen(path); if (len && path[len-1]!='\\') { path[len+0]='\\'; path[len+1]='\0'; return path+len+1; } else return path+len; } /************************************************************************* * PathRemoveBlanks [SHELL32.33] * * NOTES * remove spaces from beginning and end of passed string */ LPSTR WINAPI PathRemoveBlanks(LPSTR str) { LPSTR x = str; TRACE(shell,"%s\n",str); while (*x==' ') x++; if (x!=str) strcpy(str,x); if (!*str) return str; x=str+strlen(str)-1; while (*x==' ') x--; if (*x==' ') *x='\0'; return x; } /************************************************************************* * PathFindFilename [SHELL32.34] * * NOTES * basename(char *fn); */ LPSTR WINAPI PathFindFilename(LPSTR fn) { LPSTR basefn; TRACE(shell,"%s\n",fn); basefn = fn; while (fn[0]) { if (((fn[0]=='\\') || (fn[0]==':')) && fn[1] && fn[1]!='\\') basefn = fn+1; fn++; } return basefn; } /************************************************************************* * PathRemoveFileSpec [SHELL32.35] * * NOTES * bool getpath(char *pathname); truncates passed argument to a valid path * returns if the string was modified or not. * "\foo\xx\foo"-> "\foo\xx" * "\" -> "\" * "a:\foo" -> "a:\" */ DWORD WINAPI PathRemoveFileSpec(LPSTR fn) { LPSTR x,cutplace; TRACE(shell,"%s\n",fn); if (!fn[0]) return 0; x=fn; cutplace = fn; while (*x) { if (*x=='\\') { cutplace=x++; continue; } if (*x==':') { x++; if (*x=='\\') cutplace=++x; continue; /* already x++ed */ } x++; } if (!*cutplace) return 0; if (cutplace==fn) { if (fn[0]=='\\') { if (!fn[1]) return 0; fn[0]='\0'; return 1; } } *cutplace='\0'; return 1; } /************************************************************************* * PathAppend [SHELL32.36] * * NOTES * concat_paths(char*target,const char*add); * concats "target\\add" and writes them to target */ LPSTR WINAPI PathAppend(LPSTR x1,LPSTR x2) { TRACE(shell,"%s %s\n",x1,x2); while (x2[0]=='\\') x2++; return PathCombine(x1,x1,x2); } /************************************************************************* * PathCombine [SHELL32.37] * * NOTES * concat_paths(char*target,const char*add); * concats "target\\add" and writes them to target */ LPSTR WINAPI PathCombine(LPSTR target,LPSTR x1,LPSTR x2) { char buf[260]; TRACE(shell,"%s %s\n",x1,x2); if (!x2 || !x2[0]) { lstrcpy32A(target,x1); return target; } lstrcpy32A(buf,x1); PathAddBackslash(buf); /* append \ if not there */ lstrcat32A(buf,x2); lstrcpy32A(target,buf); return target; } /************************************************************************* * PathIsUNC [SHELL32.39] * * NOTES * isUNC(const char*path); */ BOOL32 WINAPI PathIsUNC(LPCSTR path) { TRACE(shell,"%s\n",path); if ((path[0]=='\\') && (path[1]=='\\')) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* * PathFileExists [SHELL32.45] * * NOTES * file_exists(char *fn); */ BOOL32 WINAPI PathFileExists(LPSTR fn) { TRACE(shell,"%s\n",fn); if (GetFileAttributes32A(fn)==-1) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* * PathResolve [SHELL32.51] */ DWORD WINAPI PathResolve(LPCSTR s,DWORD x2,DWORD x3) { FIXME(shell,"(%s,0x%08lx,0x%08lx),stub!\n",s,x2,x3); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * PathGetArgs [SHELL32.52] * * NOTES * look for next arg in string. handle "quoted" strings * returns pointer to argument *AFTER* the space. Or to the \0. */ LPSTR WINAPI PathGetArgs(LPSTR cmdline) { BOOL32 qflag = FALSE; TRACE(shell,"%s\n",cmdline); while (*cmdline) { if ((*cmdline==' ') && !qflag) return cmdline+1; if (*cmdline=='"') qflag=!qflag; cmdline++; } return cmdline; } /************************************************************************* * PathUnquoteSpaces [SHELL32.56] * * NOTES * unquote string (remove ") */ VOID WINAPI PathUnquoteSpaces(LPSTR str) { DWORD len = lstrlen32A(str); TRACE(shell,"%s\n",str); if (*str!='"') return; if (str[len-1]!='"') return; str[len-1]='\0'; lstrcpy32A(str,str+1); return; } /************************************************************************* * ParseField [SHELL32.58] * */ DWORD WINAPI ParseField(LPCSTR src,DWORD x2,LPSTR target,DWORD pathlen) { FIXME(shell,"(%s,0x%08lx,%p,%ld):stub.\n", src,x2,target,pathlen ); if (!src) return 0; return 0; } /************************************************************************* * PickIconDlg [SHELL32.62] * */ DWORD WINAPI PickIconDlg(DWORD x,DWORD y,DWORD z,DWORD a) { FIXME(shell,"(%08lx,%08lx,%08lx,%08lx):stub.\n",x,y,z,a); return 0xffffffff; } /************************************************************************* * GetFileNameFromBrowse [SHELL32.63] * */ DWORD WINAPI GetFileNameFromBrowse(HWND32 howner, LPSTR targetbuf, DWORD len, DWORD x, LPCSTR suffix, LPCSTR y, LPCSTR cmd) { FIXME(shell,"(%04x,%p,%ld,%08lx,%s,%s,%s):stub.\n", howner,targetbuf,len,x,suffix,y,cmd ); /* puts up a Open Dialog and requests input into targetbuf */ /* OFN_HIDEREADONLY|OFN_NOCHANGEDIR|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_unknown */ lstrcpy32A(targetbuf,"x:\\s3.exe"); return 1; } /************************************************************************* * SHGetSettings [SHELL32.68] * */ DWORD WINAPI SHGetSettings(DWORD x,DWORD y,DWORD z) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx):stub.\n", x,y,z ); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * Shell_GetImageList [SHELL32.71] * * NOTES * returns internal shell values in the passed pointers */ BOOL32 WINAPI Shell_GetImageList(LPDWORD x,LPDWORD y) { FIXME(shell,"(%p,%p):stub.\n",x,y); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* * Shell_GetCachedImageIndex [SHELL32.72] * */ void WINAPI Shell_GetCachedImageIndex(LPSTR x,DWORD y,DWORD z) { FIXME(shell,"(%s,%08lx,%08lx):stub.\n",x,y,z); } /************************************************************************* * SHShellFolderView_Message [SHELL32.73] * * PARAMETERS * hwndCabinet defines the explorer cabinet window that contains the * shellview you need to communicate with * uMsg identifying the SFVM enum to perform * lParam * * NOTES * Message SFVM_REARRANGE = 1 * This message gets sent when a column gets clicked to instruct the * shell view to re-sort the item list. lParam identifies the column * that was clicked. */ int WINAPI SHShellFolderView_Message(HWND32 hwndCabinet,UINT32 uMsg,LPARAM lParam) { FIXME(shell,"%04x %08ux %08lx stub\n",hwndCabinet,uMsg,lParam); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName [SHELL32.75] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ BOOL32 WINAPI PathYetAnotherMakeUniqueName(LPDWORD x,LPDWORD y) { FIXME(shell,"(%p,%p):stub.\n",x,y); return TRUE; } /************************************************************************* * SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex [SHELL32.77] * * PARAMETERS * x pointer to an instance of IShellFolder * * NOTES * exported by ordinal * */ DWORD WINAPI SHMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex(DWORD x,DWORD y,DWORD z) { FIXME(shell,"(%08lx,%08lx,%08lx):stub.\n",x,y,z); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * OleStrToStrN [SHELL32.78] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ BOOL32 WINAPI OleStrToStrN (LPSTR lpMulti, INT32 nMulti, LPCWSTR lpWide, INT32 nWide) { return WideCharToMultiByte (0, 0, lpWide, nWide, lpMulti, nMulti, NULL, NULL); } /************************************************************************* * StrToOleStrN [SHELL32.79] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ BOOL32 WINAPI StrToOleStrN (LPWSTR lpWide, INT32 nWide, LPCSTR lpMulti, INT32 nMulti) { return MultiByteToWideChar (0, 0, lpMulti, nMulti, lpWide, nWide); } /************************************************************************* * SHCloneSpecialIDList [SHELL32.89] * * PARAMETERS * hwnd * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHCloneSpecialIDList(HWND32 hwnd,DWORD x2,DWORD x3) { FIXME(shell,"(hwnd=0x%x,0x%lx,0x%lx):stub.\n", hwnd,x2,x3 ); return S_OK; } /************************************************************************* * IsLFNDrive [SHELL32.119] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal Name */ BOOL32 WINAPI IsLFNDrive(LPCSTR path) { DWORD fnlen; if (!GetVolumeInformation32A(path,NULL,0,NULL,&fnlen,NULL,NULL,0)) return FALSE; return fnlen>12; } /************************************************************************* * SHGetSpecialFolderPath [SHELL32.175] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ void WINAPI SHGetSpecialFolderPath(DWORD x1,DWORD x2,DWORD x3,DWORD x4) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx):stub.\n", x1,x2,x3,x4 ); } /************************************************************************* * RegisterShellHook [SHELL32.181] * * PARAMS * hwnd [I] window handle * y [I] flag ???? * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ void WINAPI RegisterShellHook32(HWND32 hwnd, DWORD y) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08x,0x%08lx):stub.\n",hwnd,y); } /************************************************************************* * */ typedef DWORD (* WINAPI GetClassPtr)(REFCLSID,REFIID,LPVOID); static GetClassPtr SH_find_moduleproc(LPSTR dllname,HMODULE32 *xhmod, LPSTR name) { HMODULE32 hmod; FARPROC32 dllunload,nameproc; if (xhmod) *xhmod = 0; if (!strcasecmp(PathFindFilename(dllname),"shell32.dll")) return (GetClassPtr)SHELL32_DllGetClassObject; hmod = LoadLibraryEx32A(dllname,0,LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!hmod) return NULL; dllunload = GetProcAddress32(hmod,"DllCanUnloadNow"); if (!dllunload) if (xhmod) *xhmod = hmod; nameproc = GetProcAddress32(hmod,name); if (!nameproc) { FreeLibrary32(hmod); return NULL; } /* register unloadable dll with unloadproc ... */ return (GetClassPtr)nameproc; } /************************************************************************* * */ static DWORD SH_get_instance( REFCLSID clsid, LPSTR dllname, LPVOID unknownouter, REFIID refiid, LPVOID inst) { GetClassPtr dllgetclassob; DWORD hres; LPCLASSFACTORY classfac; char xclsid[50],xrefiid[50]; WINE_StringFromCLSID((LPCLSID)clsid,xclsid); WINE_StringFromCLSID((LPCLSID)refiid,xrefiid); TRACE(shell,"\n\tCLSID:%s,%s,%p,\n\tIID:%s,%p\n", xclsid, dllname,unknownouter,xrefiid,inst); dllgetclassob = SH_find_moduleproc(dllname,NULL,"DllGetClassObject"); if (!dllgetclassob) return 0x80070000|GetLastError(); /* FIXME */ /* hres = (*dllgetclassob)(clsid,(REFIID)&IID_IClassFactory,inst); if (hres<0) return hres; */ hres = (*dllgetclassob)(clsid,(REFIID)&IID_IClassFactory,&classfac); if (hres<0 || (hres>=0x80000000)) return hres; if (!classfac) { FIXME(shell,"no classfactory, but hres is 0x%ld!\n",hres); return E_FAIL; } classfac->lpvtbl->fnCreateInstance(classfac,unknownouter,refiid,inst); classfac->lpvtbl->fnRelease(classfac); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHCoCreateInstance [SHELL32.102] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ LRESULT WINAPI SHCoCreateInstance( LPSTR aclsid,CLSID *clsid,LPUNKNOWN unknownouter,REFIID refiid,LPVOID inst ) { char buffer[256],xclsid[48],xiid[48],path[260],tmodel[100]; HKEY inprockey; DWORD pathlen,type,tmodellen; DWORD hres; WINE_StringFromCLSID(refiid,xiid); if (clsid) WINE_StringFromCLSID(clsid,xclsid); else { if (!aclsid) return 0x80040154; strcpy(xclsid,aclsid); } TRACE(shell,"(%p,\n\tSID:\t%s,%p,\n\tIID:\t%s,%p)\n",aclsid,xclsid,unknownouter,xiid,inst); sprintf(buffer,"CLSID\\%s\\InProcServer32",xclsid); if (RegOpenKeyEx32A(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,buffer,0,0x02000000,&inprockey)) return SH_get_instance(clsid,"shell32.dll",unknownouter,refiid,inst); pathlen=sizeof(path); if (RegQueryValue32A(inprockey,NULL,path,&pathlen)) { RegCloseKey(inprockey); return SH_get_instance(clsid,"shell32.dll",unknownouter,refiid,inst); } TRACE(shell, "Server dll is %s\n",path); tmodellen=sizeof(tmodel); type=REG_SZ; if (RegQueryValueEx32A(inprockey,"ThreadingModel",NULL,&type,tmodel,&tmodellen)) { RegCloseKey(inprockey); return SH_get_instance(clsid,"shell32.dll",unknownouter,refiid,inst); } TRACE(shell, "Threading model is %s\n",tmodel); hres=SH_get_instance(clsid,path,unknownouter,refiid,inst); if (hres<0) hres=SH_get_instance(clsid,"shell32.dll",unknownouter,refiid,inst); RegCloseKey(inprockey); return hres; } /************************************************************************* * ShellMessageBoxA [SHELL32.183] * * Format and output errormessage. * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ void __cdecl ShellMessageBoxA(HMODULE32 hmod,HWND32 hwnd,DWORD id,DWORD x,DWORD type,LPVOID arglist) { char buf[100],buf2[100],*buf3; LPVOID args = &arglist; if (!LoadString32A(hmod,x,buf,100)) strcpy(buf,"Desktop"); // LoadString32A(hmod,id,buf2,100); /* FIXME: the varargs handling doesn't. */ // FormatMessage32A(0x500,buf2,0,0,(LPSTR)&buf3,256,(LPDWORD)&args); FIXME(shell,"(%08lx,%08lx,%08lx(%s),%08lx(%s),%08lx,%p):stub.\n", (DWORD)hmod,(DWORD)hwnd,id,buf2,x,buf,type,arglist ); /*MessageBox32A(hwnd,buf3,buf,id|0x10000);*/ } /************************************************************************* * SHRestricted [SHELL32.100] * * walks through policy table, queries key, value, returns * queried (DWORD) value. * {0x00001,Explorer,NoRun} * {0x00002,Explorer,NoClose} * {0x00004,Explorer,NoSaveSettings} * {0x00008,Explorer,NoFileMenu} * {0x00010,Explorer,NoSetFolders} * {0x00020,Explorer,NoSetTaskbar} * {0x00040,Explorer,NoDesktop} * {0x00080,Explorer,NoFind} * {0x00100,Explorer,NoDrives} * {0x00200,Explorer,NoDriveAutoRun} * {0x00400,Explorer,NoDriveTypeAutoRun} * {0x00800,Explorer,NoNetHood} * {0x01000,Explorer,NoStartBanner} * {0x02000,Explorer,RestrictRun} * {0x04000,Explorer,NoPrinterTabs} * {0x08000,Explorer,NoDeletePrinter} * {0x10000,Explorer,NoAddPrinter} * {0x20000,Explorer,NoStartMenuSubFolders} * {0x40000,Explorer,MyDocsOnNet} * {0x80000,WinOldApp,NoRealMode} * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHRestricted (DWORD pol) { HKEY xhkey; FIXME(shell,"(%08lx):stub.\n",pol); if (RegOpenKey32A(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Policies",&xhkey)) return 0; /* FIXME: do nothing for now, just return 0 (== "allowed") */ RegCloseKey(xhkey); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * ILGetSize [SHELL32.152] * gets the byte size of an idlist including zero terminator (pidl) * * PARAMETERS * pidl ITEMIDLIST * * RETURNS * size of pidl * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI ILGetSize(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPSHITEMID si = &(pidl->mkid); DWORD len=0; TRACE(shell,"pidl=%p\n",pidl); if (pidl) { while (si->cb) { len += si->cb; si = (LPSHITEMID)(((LPBYTE)si)+si->cb); } len += 2; } /* TRACE(shell,"-- size=%lu\n",len);*/ return len; } /************************************************************************* * ILAppend [SHELL32.154] * * NOTES * Adds the single item to the idlist indicated by pidl. * if bEnd is 0, adds the item to the front of the list, * otherwise adds the item to the end. * Destroys the passed in idlist! */ LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI ILAppend(LPITEMIDLIST pidl,LPCITEMIDLIST item,BOOL32 bEnd) { TRACE(shell,"(pidl=%p,pidl=%p,%08u)\n",pidl,item,bEnd); return NULL; } /************************************************************************* * PathGetExtension [SHELL32.158] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ LPSTR WINAPI PathGetExtension(LPSTR path,DWORD y,DWORD z) { TRACE(shell,"(%s,%08lx,%08lx)\n",path,y,z); path = PathFindExtension(path); return *path?(path+1):path; } /************************************************************************* * SHCreateDirectory [SHELL32.165] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHCreateDirectory(DWORD x,LPCSTR path) { TRACE(shell,"(%08lx,%s):stub.\n",x,path); if (CreateDirectory32A(path,x)) return TRUE; /* SHChangeNotify(8,1,path,0); */ return FALSE; #if 0 if (SHELL32_79(path,(LPVOID)x)) return 0; FIXME(shell,"(%08lx,%s):stub.\n",x,path); return 0; #endif } /************************************************************************* * SHFree [SHELL32.195] * * NOTES * free_ptr() - frees memory using IMalloc * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHFree(LPVOID x) { TRACE(shell,"%p\n",x); /*return LocalFree32((HANDLE32)x);*/ /* crashes */ return HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,x); } /************************************************************************* * SHAlloc [SHELL32.196] * * NOTES * void *task_alloc(DWORD len), uses SHMalloc allocator * exported by ordinal */ LPVOID WINAPI SHAlloc(DWORD len) { /* void * ret = (LPVOID)LocalAlloc32(len,LMEM_ZEROINIT);*/ /* chrashes */ void * ret = (LPVOID) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,len); TRACE(shell,"%lu bytes at %p\n",len, ret); return ret; } /************************************************************************* * ILFree [SHELL32.155] * * NOTES * free_check_ptr - frees memory (if not NULL) * allocated by SHMalloc allocator * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI ILFree(LPVOID pidl) { TRACE (shell,"(pidl=0x%08lx)\n",(DWORD)pidl); if (!pidl) return 0; return SHFree(pidl); } /************************************************************************* * OpenRegStream [SHELL32.85] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI OpenRegStream(DWORD x1,DWORD x2,DWORD x3,DWORD x4) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx,0x%08lx):stub.\n", x1,x2,x3,x4 ); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHRegisterDragDrop [SHELL32.86] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHRegisterDragDrop(HWND32 hwnd,DWORD x2) { FIXME (shell, "(0x%08x,0x%08lx):stub.\n", hwnd, x2); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHRevokeDragDrop [SHELL32.87] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHRevokeDragDrop(DWORD x) { FIXME(shell,"(0x%08lx):stub.\n",x); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * RunFileDlg [SHELL32.61] * * NOTES * Original name: RunFileDlg (exported by ordinal) */ DWORD WINAPI RunFileDlg (HWND32 hwndOwner, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, LPSTR lpszTitle, LPSTR lpszPrompt, UINT32 uFlags) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08x 0x%lx 0x%lx \"%s\" \"%s\" 0x%x):stub.\n", hwndOwner, dwParam1, dwParam2, lpszTitle, lpszPrompt, uFlags); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * ExitWindowsDialog [SHELL32.60] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI ExitWindowsDialog (HWND32 hwndOwner) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08x):stub.\n", hwndOwner); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * ArrangeWindows [SHELL32.184] * */ DWORD WINAPI ArrangeWindows (DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD dwParam3, DWORD dwParam4, DWORD dwParam5) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx 0x%lx):stub.\n", dwParam1, dwParam2, dwParam3, dwParam4, dwParam5); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHCLSIDFromString [SHELL32.147] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SHCLSIDFromString (DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%lx 0x%lx):stub.\n", dwParam1, dwParam2); FIXME (shell,"(\"%s\" \"%s\"):stub.\n", (LPSTR)dwParam1, (LPSTR)dwParam2); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SignalFileOpen [SHELL32.103] * * NOTES * exported by ordinal */ DWORD WINAPI SignalFileOpen (DWORD dwParam1) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08lx):stub.\n", dwParam1); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHAddToRecentDocs [SHELL32.234] * * PARAMETERS * uFlags [IN] SHARD_PATH or SHARD_PIDL * pv [IN] string or pidl, NULL clears the list * * NOTES * exported by name */ DWORD WINAPI SHAddToRecentDocs32 (UINT32 uFlags,LPCVOID pv) { if (SHARD_PIDL==uFlags) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08x,pidl=%p):stub.\n", uFlags,pv); } else { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08x,%s):stub.\n", uFlags,(char*)pv); } return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHFileOperation [SHELL32.242] * * NOTES * exported by name */ DWORD WINAPI SHFileOperation32 ( LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT32 lpFileOp) { FIXME (shell,"(%p):stub.\n", lpFileOp); return 1; } /************************************************************************* * SHChangeNotify [SHELL32.239] * * NOTES * exported by name */ DWORD WINAPI SHChangeNotify32 ( INT32 wEventId, /* [IN] flags that specifies the event*/ UINT32 uFlags, /* [IN] the meaning of dwItem[1|2]*/ LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2) { FIXME (shell,"(0x%08x,0x%08ux,%p,%p):stub.\n", wEventId,uFlags,dwItem1,dwItem2); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHCreateShellFolderViewEx [SHELL32.174] * * NOTES * see IShellFolder::CreateViewObject */ HRESULT WINAPI SHCreateShellFolderViewEx32( LPSHELLVIEWDATA psvcbi, /*[in ] shelltemplate struct*/ LPVOID* ppv) /*[out] IShellView pointer*/ { FIXME (shell,"(%p,%p):stub.\n", psvcbi,ppv); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHFind_InitMenuPopup [SHELL32.149] * */ HRESULT WINAPI SHFind_InitMenuPopup (DWORD u, DWORD v, DWORD w, DWORD x) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx 0x%08lx 0x%08lx 0x%08lx stub\n",u,v,w,x); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * FileMenu_Create [SHELL32.114] * */ HRESULT WINAPI FileMenu_Create (DWORD u, DWORD v, DWORD w, DWORD x, DWORD z) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx 0x%08lx 0x%08lx 0x%08lx 0x%08lx stub\n",u,v,w,x,z); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * ShellExecuteEx [SHELL32.291] * */ HRESULT WINAPI ShellExecuteEx (DWORD u) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx stub\n",u); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHSetInstanceExplorer [SHELL32.176] * */ HRESULT WINAPI SHSetInstanceExplorer (DWORD u) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx stub\n",u); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHGetInstanceExplorer [SHELL32.256] * * NOTES * exported by name */ HRESULT WINAPI SHGetInstanceExplorer (DWORD u) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx stub\n",u); return 0; } /************************************************************************* * SHFreeUnusedLibraries [SHELL32.123] * * NOTES * exported by name */ HRESULT WINAPI SHFreeUnusedLibraries (DWORD u) { FIXME(shell,"0x%08lx stub\n",u); return 0; }