/* * RichEdit - RTF writer module * * Copyright 2005 by Phil Krylov * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "editor.h" #include "rtf.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(richedit); static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFText(ME_TextEditor *editor, WCHAR *text, LONG nChars); static void ME_StreamOutInit(ME_TextEditor *editor, EDITSTREAM *stream) { editor->pStream = ALLOC_OBJ(ME_OutStream); editor->pStream->stream = stream; editor->pStream->stream->dwError = 0; editor->pStream->pos = 0; editor->pStream->written = 0; editor->pStream->nFontTblLen = 0; editor->pStream->nColorTblLen = 1; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutFlush(ME_TextEditor *editor) { LONG nStart = 0; LONG nWritten = 0; LONG nRemaining = 0; EDITSTREAM *stream = editor->pStream->stream; do { TRACE("sending %lu bytes\n", editor->pStream->pos - nStart); /* Some apps seem not to set *pcb unless a problem arises, relying on initial random nWritten value, which is usually >STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE */ nRemaining = editor->pStream->pos - nStart; nWritten = 0xDEADBEEF; stream->dwError = stream->pfnCallback(stream->dwCookie, editor->pStream->buffer + nStart, editor->pStream->pos - nStart, &nWritten); TRACE("error=%lu written=%lu\n", stream->dwError, nWritten); if (nWritten > (editor->pStream->pos - nStart) || nWritten<0) { FIXME("Invalid returned written size *pcb: 0x%x (%ld) instead of %ld\n", (unsigned)nWritten, nWritten, nRemaining); nWritten = nRemaining; } if (nWritten == 0 || stream->dwError) return FALSE; editor->pStream->written += nWritten; nStart += nWritten; } while (nStart < editor->pStream->pos); editor->pStream->pos = 0; return TRUE; } static LONG ME_StreamOutFree(ME_TextEditor *editor) { LONG written = editor->pStream->written; TRACE("total length = %lu\n", written); FREE_OBJ(editor->pStream); editor->pStream = NULL; return written; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutMove(ME_TextEditor *editor, BYTE *buffer, int len) { ME_OutStream *pStream = editor->pStream; while (len) { int space = STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE - pStream->pos; int fit = min(space, len); TRACE("%u:%u:%.*s\n", pStream->pos, fit, fit, buffer); memmove(pStream->buffer + pStream->pos, buffer, fit); len -= fit; buffer += fit; pStream->pos += fit; if (pStream->pos == STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE) { if (!ME_StreamOutFlush(editor)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutPrint(ME_TextEditor *editor, const char *format, ...) { char string[STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; /* This is going to be enough */ int len; va_list valist; va_start(valist, format); len = vsnprintf(string, sizeof(string), format, valist); va_end(valist); return ME_StreamOutMove(editor, string, len); } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFHeader(ME_TextEditor *editor, int dwFormat) { const char *cCharSet = NULL; UINT nCodePage; LANGID language; BOOL success; if (dwFormat & SF_USECODEPAGE) { CPINFOEXW info; switch (HIWORD(dwFormat)) { case CP_ACP: cCharSet = "ansi"; nCodePage = GetACP(); break; case CP_OEMCP: nCodePage = GetOEMCP(); if (nCodePage == 437) cCharSet = "pc"; else if (nCodePage == 850) cCharSet = "pca"; else cCharSet = "ansi"; break; case CP_UTF8: nCodePage = CP_UTF8; break; default: if (HIWORD(dwFormat) == CP_MACCP) { cCharSet = "mac"; nCodePage = 10000; /* MacRoman */ } else { cCharSet = "ansi"; nCodePage = 1252; /* Latin-1 */ } if (GetCPInfoExW(HIWORD(dwFormat), 0, &info)) nCodePage = info.CodePage; } } else { cCharSet = "ansi"; /* TODO: If the original document contained an \ansicpg value, retain it. * Otherwise, M$ richedit emits a codepage number determined from the * charset of the default font here. Anyway, this value is not used by * the reader... */ nCodePage = GetACP(); } if (nCodePage == CP_UTF8) success = ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\urtf"); else success = ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\rtf1\\%s\\ansicpg%u\\uc1", cCharSet, nCodePage); if (!success) return FALSE; editor->pStream->nDefaultCodePage = nCodePage; /* FIXME: This should be a document property */ /* TODO: handle SFF_PLAINRTF */ language = GetUserDefaultLangID(); if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "\\deff0\\deflang%u\\deflangfe%u", language, language)) return FALSE; /* FIXME: This should be a document property */ editor->pStream->nDefaultFont = 0; return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFFontAndColorTbl(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *pFirstRun, ME_DisplayItem *pLastRun) { ME_DisplayItem *item = pFirstRun; ME_FontTableItem *table = editor->pStream->fonttbl; int i; do { CHARFORMAT2W *fmt = &item->member.run.style->fmt; COLORREF crColor; if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_FACE) { WCHAR *face = fmt->szFaceName; BYTE bCharSet = (fmt->dwMask & CFM_CHARSET) ? fmt->bCharSet : DEFAULT_CHARSET; for (i = 0; i < editor->pStream->nFontTblLen; i++) if (table[i].bCharSet == bCharSet && (table[i].szFaceName == face || !lstrcmpW(table[i].szFaceName, face))) break; if (i == editor->pStream->nFontTblLen) { table[i].bCharSet = bCharSet; table[i].szFaceName = face; editor->pStream->nFontTblLen++; } } if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_COLOR && !(fmt->dwEffects & CFE_AUTOCOLOR)) { crColor = fmt->crTextColor; for (i = 1; i < editor->pStream->nColorTblLen; i++) if (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] == crColor) break; if (i == editor->pStream->nColorTblLen) { editor->pStream->colortbl[i] = crColor; editor->pStream->nColorTblLen++; } } if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_BACKCOLOR && !(fmt->dwEffects & CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR)) { crColor = fmt->crBackColor; for (i = 1; i < editor->pStream->nColorTblLen; i++) if (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] == crColor) break; if (i == editor->pStream->nColorTblLen) { editor->pStream->colortbl[i] = crColor; editor->pStream->nColorTblLen++; } } if (item == pLastRun) break; item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diRun); } while (item); if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\fonttbl")) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < editor->pStream->nFontTblLen; i++) { if (table[i].bCharSet != DEFAULT_CHARSET) { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\f%u\\fcharset%u ", i, table[i].bCharSet)) return FALSE; } else { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\f%u ", i)) return FALSE; } if (!ME_StreamOutRTFText(editor, table[i].szFaceName, -1)) return FALSE; if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, ";}\r\n")) return FALSE; } if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "}")) return FALSE; /* Output colors table if not empty */ if (editor->pStream->nColorTblLen > 1) { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\colortbl;")) return FALSE; for (i = 1; i < editor->pStream->nColorTblLen; i++) { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "\\red%u\\green%u\\blue%u;", editor->pStream->colortbl[i] & 0xFF, (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] >> 8) & 0xFF, (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] >> 16) & 0xFF)) return FALSE; } if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "}")) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFParaProps(ME_TextEditor *editor, ME_DisplayItem *para) { PARAFORMAT2 *fmt = para->member.para.pFmt; char props[STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; int i; /* TODO: Don't emit anything if the last PARAFORMAT2 is inherited */ if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "\\pard")) return FALSE; /* TODO: PFM_BORDER. M$ does not emit any keywords for these properties, and * when streaming border keywords in, PFM_BORDER is set, but wBorder field is * set very different from the documentation. * (Tested with RichEdit */ if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_ALIGNMENT) { switch (fmt->wAlignment) { case PFA_LEFT: /* Default alignment: not emitted */ break; case PFA_RIGHT: strcat(props, "\\qr"); break; case PFA_CENTER: strcat(props, "\\qc"); break; case PFA_JUSTIFY: strcat(props, "\\qj"); break; } } if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_LINESPACING) { /* FIXME: MSDN says that the bLineSpacingRule field is controlled by the * PFM_SPACEAFTER flag. Is that true? I don't believe so. */ switch (fmt->bLineSpacingRule) { case 0: /* Single spacing */ strcat(props, "\\sl-240\\slmult1"); break; case 1: /* 1.5 spacing */ strcat(props, "\\sl-360\\slmult1"); break; case 2: /* Double spacing */ strcat(props, "\\sl-480\\slmult1"); break; case 3: sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\sl%ld\\slmult0", fmt->dyLineSpacing); break; case 4: sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\sl-%ld\\slmult0", fmt->dyLineSpacing); break; case 5: sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\sl-%ld\\slmult1", fmt->dyLineSpacing * 240 / 20); break; } } if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_DONOTHYPHEN && fmt->wEffects & PFE_DONOTHYPHEN) strcat(props, "\\hyph0"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_KEEP && fmt->wEffects & PFE_KEEP) strcat(props, "\\keep"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_KEEPNEXT && fmt->wEffects & PFE_KEEPNEXT) strcat(props, "\\keepn"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_NOLINENUMBER && fmt->wEffects & PFE_NOLINENUMBER) strcat(props, "\\noline"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_NOWIDOWCONTROL && fmt->wEffects & PFE_NOWIDOWCONTROL) strcat(props, "\\nowidctlpar"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_PAGEBREAKBEFORE && fmt->wEffects & PFE_PAGEBREAKBEFORE) strcat(props, "\\pagebb"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_RTLPARA && fmt->wEffects & PFE_RTLPARA) strcat(props, "\\rtlpar"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_SIDEBYSIDE && fmt->wEffects & PFE_SIDEBYSIDE) strcat(props, "\\sbys"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_TABLE && fmt->dwMask & PFE_TABLE) strcat(props, "\\intbl"); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_OFFSET) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\li%ld", fmt->dxOffset); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_OFFSETINDENT || fmt->dwMask & PFM_STARTINDENT) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\fi%ld", fmt->dxStartIndent); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_RIGHTINDENT) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\ri%ld", fmt->dxRightIndent); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_SPACEAFTER) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\sa%ld", fmt->dySpaceAfter); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_SPACEBEFORE) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\sb%ld", fmt->dySpaceBefore); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_STYLE) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\s%d", fmt->sStyle); if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_TABSTOPS) { static const char *leader[6] = { "", "\\tldot", "\\tlhyph", "\\tlul", "\\tlth", "\\tleq" }; for (i = 0; i < fmt->cTabCount; i++) { switch ((fmt->rgxTabs[i] >> 24) & 0xF) { case 1: strcat(props, "\\tqc"); break; case 2: strcat(props, "\\tqr"); break; case 3: strcat(props, "\\tqdec"); break; case 4: /* Word bar tab (vertical bar). Handled below */ break; } if (fmt->rgxTabs[i] >> 28 <= 5) strcat(props, leader[fmt->rgxTabs[i] >> 28]); sprintf(props+strlen(props), "\\tx%ld", fmt->rgxTabs[i]&0x00FFFFFF); } } if (fmt->dwMask & PFM_SHADING) { static const char *style[16] = { "", "\\bgdkhoriz", "\\bgdkvert", "\\bgdkfdiag", "\\bgdkbdiag", "\\bgdkcross", "\\bgdkdcross", "\\bghoriz", "\\bgvert", "\\bgfdiag", "\\bgbdiag", "\\bgcross", "\\bgdcross", "", "", "" }; if (fmt->wShadingWeight) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\shading%d", fmt->wShadingWeight); if (fmt->wShadingStyle & 0xF) strcat(props, style[fmt->wShadingStyle & 0xF]); sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\cfpat%d\\cbpat%d", (fmt->wShadingStyle >> 4) & 0xF, (fmt->wShadingStyle >> 8) & 0xF); } if (*props && !ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, props)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFCharProps(ME_TextEditor *editor, CHARFORMAT2W *fmt) { char props[STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE] = ""; int i; if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_ALLCAPS && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_ALLCAPS) strcat(props, "\\caps"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_ANIMATION) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\animtext%u", fmt->bAnimation); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_BACKCOLOR) { if (!(fmt->dwEffects & CFE_AUTOBACKCOLOR)) { for (i = 1; i < editor->pStream->nColorTblLen; i++) if (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] == fmt->crBackColor) { sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\cb%u", i); break; } } } if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_BOLD && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_BOLD) strcat(props, "\\b"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_COLOR) { if (!(fmt->dwEffects & CFE_AUTOCOLOR)) { for (i = 1; i < editor->pStream->nColorTblLen; i++) if (editor->pStream->colortbl[i] == fmt->crTextColor) { sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\cf%u", i); break; } } } /* TODO: CFM_DISABLED */ if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_EMBOSS && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_EMBOSS) strcat(props, "\\embo"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_HIDDEN && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_HIDDEN) strcat(props, "\\v"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_IMPRINT && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_IMPRINT) strcat(props, "\\impr"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_ITALIC && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_ITALIC) strcat(props, "\\i"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_KERNING) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\kerning%u", fmt->wKerning); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_LCID) { /* TODO: handle SFF_PLAINRTF */ if (LOWORD(fmt->lcid) == 1024) strcat(props, "\\noproof\\lang1024\\langnp1024\\langfe1024\\langfenp1024"); else sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\lang%u", LOWORD(fmt->lcid)); } /* CFM_LINK is not streamed out by M$ */ if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_OFFSET) { if (fmt->yOffset >= 0) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\up%ld", fmt->yOffset); else sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\dn%ld", -fmt->yOffset); } if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_OUTLINE && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_OUTLINE) strcat(props, "\\outl"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_PROTECTED && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_PROTECTED) strcat(props, "\\protect"); /* TODO: CFM_REVISED CFM_REVAUTHOR - probably using rsidtbl? */ if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_SHADOW && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_SHADOW) strcat(props, "\\shad"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_SIZE) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\fs%ld", fmt->yHeight / 10); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_SMALLCAPS && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_SMALLCAPS) strcat(props, "\\scaps"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_SPACING) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\expnd%u\\expndtw%u", fmt->sSpacing / 5, fmt->sSpacing); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_STRIKEOUT && fmt->dwEffects & CFE_STRIKEOUT) strcat(props, "\\strike"); if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_STYLE) { sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\cs%u", fmt->sStyle); /* TODO: emit style contents here */ } if (fmt->dwMask & (CFM_SUBSCRIPT | CFM_SUPERSCRIPT)) { if (fmt->dwEffects & CFE_SUBSCRIPT) strcat(props, "\\sub"); else if (fmt->dwEffects & CFE_SUPERSCRIPT) strcat(props, "\\super"); } if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_UNDERLINE || fmt->dwMask & CFM_UNDERLINETYPE) { if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_UNDERLINETYPE) switch (fmt->bUnderlineType) { case CFU_CF1UNDERLINE: case CFU_UNDERLINE: strcat(props, "\\ul"); break; case CFU_UNDERLINEDOTTED: strcat(props, "\\uld"); break; case CFU_UNDERLINEDOUBLE: strcat(props, "\\uldb"); break; case CFU_UNDERLINEWORD: strcat(props, "\\ulw"); break; case CFU_UNDERLINENONE: default: strcat(props, "\\ul0"); break; } else if (fmt->dwEffects & CFE_UNDERLINE) strcat(props, "\\ul"); } /* FIXME: How to emit CFM_WEIGHT? */ if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_FACE || fmt->dwMask & CFM_CHARSET) { WCHAR *szFaceName; if (fmt->dwMask & CFM_FACE) szFaceName = fmt->szFaceName; else szFaceName = editor->pStream->fonttbl[0].szFaceName; for (i = 0; i < editor->pStream->nFontTblLen; i++) { if (szFaceName == editor->pStream->fonttbl[i].szFaceName || !lstrcmpW(szFaceName, editor->pStream->fonttbl[i].szFaceName)) if (!(fmt->dwMask & CFM_CHARSET) || fmt->bCharSet == editor->pStream->fonttbl[i].bCharSet) break; } if (i < editor->pStream->nFontTblLen) { if (i != editor->pStream->nDefaultFont) sprintf(props + strlen(props), "\\f%u", i); /* In UTF-8 mode, charsets/codepages are not used */ if (editor->pStream->nDefaultCodePage != CP_UTF8) { if (editor->pStream->fonttbl[i].bCharSet == DEFAULT_CHARSET) editor->pStream->nCodePage = editor->pStream->nDefaultCodePage; else editor->pStream->nCodePage = RTFCharSetToCodePage(NULL, editor->pStream->fonttbl[i].bCharSet); } } } if (*props) strcat(props, " "); if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, props)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTFText(ME_TextEditor *editor, WCHAR *text, LONG nChars) { char buffer[STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; int pos = 0; int fit, nBytes, i; if (nChars == -1) nChars = lstrlenW(text); while (nChars) { /* In UTF-8 mode, font charsets are not used. */ if (editor->pStream->nDefaultCodePage == CP_UTF8) { /* 6 is the maximum character length in UTF-8 */ fit = min(nChars, STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE / 6); nBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, text, fit, buffer, STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, NULL); nChars -= fit; text += fit; for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) if (buffer[i] == '{' || buffer[i] == '}' || buffer[i] == '\\') { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "%.*s\\", i - pos, buffer + pos)) return FALSE; pos = i; } if (!pos) if (!ME_StreamOutMove(editor, buffer + pos, nBytes - pos)) return FALSE; pos = 0; } else if (*text < 128) { if (*text == '{' || *text == '}' || *text == '\\') buffer[pos++] = '\\'; buffer[pos++] = (char)(*text++); nChars--; } else { BOOL unknown = FALSE; BYTE letter[3]; /* FIXME: In the MS docs for WideCharToMultiByte there is a big list of * codepages including CP_SYMBOL for which the last parameter must be set * to NULL for the function to succeed. But in Wine we need to care only * about CP_SYMBOL */ nBytes = WideCharToMultiByte(editor->pStream->nCodePage, 0, text, 1, letter, 3, NULL, (editor->pStream->nCodePage == CP_SYMBOL) ? NULL : &unknown); if (unknown) pos += sprintf(buffer + pos, "\\u%d?", (short)*text); else if (*letter < 128) { if (*letter == '{' || *letter == '}' || *letter == '\\') buffer[pos++] = '\\'; buffer[pos++] = *letter; } else { for (i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) pos += sprintf(buffer + pos, "\\'%02x", letter[i]); } text++; nChars--; } if (pos >= STREAMOUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 11) { if (!ME_StreamOutMove(editor, buffer, pos)) return FALSE; pos = 0; } } return ME_StreamOutMove(editor, buffer, pos); } static BOOL ME_StreamOutRTF(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nStart, int nChars, int dwFormat) { ME_DisplayItem *p, *pEnd; int nOffset, nEndLen; ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs(editor, nStart, &p, &nOffset); ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs(editor, nStart+nChars, &pEnd, &nEndLen); if (!ME_StreamOutRTFHeader(editor, dwFormat)) return FALSE; if (!ME_StreamOutRTFFontAndColorTbl(editor, p, pEnd)) return FALSE; /* TODO: stylesheet table */ /* FIXME: maybe emit something smarter for the generator? */ if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{\\*\\generator Wine Riched20 2.0.????;}")) return FALSE; /* TODO: information group */ /* TODO: document formatting properties */ /* FIXME: We have only one document section */ /* TODO: section formatting properties */ if (!ME_StreamOutRTFParaProps(editor, ME_GetParagraph(p))) return FALSE; while(1) { switch(p->type) { case diParagraph: if (!ME_StreamOutRTFParaProps(editor, p)) return FALSE; break; case diRun: if (p == pEnd && !nEndLen) break; TRACE("flags %xh\n", p->member.run.nFlags); /* TODO: emit embedded objects */ if (p->member.run.nFlags & MERF_GRAPHICS) FIXME("embedded objects are not handled\n"); if (p->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) { if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "\r\n\\par")) return FALSE; nChars--; } else { int nEnd; if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "{")) return FALSE; TRACE("style %p\n", p->member.run.style); if (!ME_StreamOutRTFCharProps(editor, &p->member.run.style->fmt)) return FALSE; nEnd = (p == pEnd) ? nEndLen : ME_StrLen(p->member.run.strText); if (!ME_StreamOutRTFText(editor, p->member.run.strText->szData + nOffset, nEnd - nOffset)) return FALSE; nOffset = 0; if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "}")) return FALSE; } break; default: /* we missed the last item */ assert(0); } if (p == pEnd) break; p = ME_FindItemFwd(p, diRunOrParagraphOrEnd); } if (!ME_StreamOutPrint(editor, "}")) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static BOOL ME_StreamOutText(ME_TextEditor *editor, int nStart, int nChars, DWORD dwFormat) { /* FIXME: use ME_RunOfsFromCharOfs */ ME_DisplayItem *item = ME_FindItemAtOffset(editor, diRun, nStart, &nStart); int nLen; UINT nCodePage = CP_ACP; BYTE *buffer = NULL; int nBufLen = 0; BOOL success = TRUE; if (!item) return FALSE; if (dwFormat & SF_USECODEPAGE) nCodePage = HIWORD(dwFormat); /* TODO: Handle SF_TEXTIZED */ while (success && nChars && item) { nLen = ME_StrLen(item->member.run.strText) - nStart; if (nLen > nChars) nLen = nChars; if (item->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) { WCHAR szEOL[] = { '\r', '\n' }; if (dwFormat & SF_UNICODE) success = ME_StreamOutMove(editor, (BYTE *)szEOL, 4); else success = ME_StreamOutMove(editor, "\r\n", 2); } else { if (dwFormat & SF_UNICODE) success = ME_StreamOutMove(editor, (BYTE *)(item->member.run.strText->szData + nStart), sizeof(WCHAR) * nLen); else { int nSize; nSize = WideCharToMultiByte(nCodePage, 0, item->member.run.strText->szData + nStart, nLen, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (nSize > nBufLen) { if (buffer) FREE_OBJ(buffer); buffer = ALLOC_N_OBJ(BYTE, nSize); nBufLen = nSize; } WideCharToMultiByte(nCodePage, 0, item->member.run.strText->szData + nStart, nLen, buffer, nSize, NULL, NULL); success = ME_StreamOutMove(editor, buffer, nSize); } } nChars -= nLen; if (editor->bEmulateVersion10 && nChars && item->member.run.nFlags & MERF_ENDPARA) nChars--; nStart = 0; item = ME_FindItemFwd(item, diRun); } if (buffer) FREE_OBJ(buffer); return success; } LRESULT ME_StreamOut(ME_TextEditor *editor, DWORD dwFormat, EDITSTREAM *stream) { int nStart, nTo; ME_StreamOutInit(editor, stream); if (dwFormat & SFF_SELECTION) ME_GetSelection(editor, &nStart, &nTo); else { nStart = 0; nTo = -1; } if (nTo == -1) nTo = ME_GetTextLength(editor); TRACE("from %d to %d\n", nStart, nTo); if (dwFormat & SF_RTF) ME_StreamOutRTF(editor, nStart, nTo - nStart, dwFormat); else if (dwFormat & SF_TEXT || dwFormat & SF_TEXTIZED) ME_StreamOutText(editor, nStart, nTo - nStart, dwFormat); if (!editor->pStream->stream->dwError) ME_StreamOutFlush(editor); return ME_StreamOutFree(editor); }