/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Google (Evan Stade) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "wingdi.h" #define COBJMACROS #include "objbase.h" #include "olectl.h" #include "ole2.h" #include "gdiplus.h" #include "gdiplus_private.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(gdiplus); #define PIXELFORMATBPP(x) ((x) ? ((x) >> 8) & 255 : 24) static INT ipicture_pixel_height(IPicture *pic) { HDC hdcref; OLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC y; IPicture_get_Height(pic, &y); hdcref = GetDC(0); y = MulDiv(y, GetDeviceCaps(hdcref, LOGPIXELSY), INCH_HIMETRIC); ReleaseDC(0, hdcref); return y; } static INT ipicture_pixel_width(IPicture *pic) { HDC hdcref; OLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC x; IPicture_get_Width(pic, &x); hdcref = GetDC(0); x = MulDiv(x, GetDeviceCaps(hdcref, LOGPIXELSX), INCH_HIMETRIC); ReleaseDC(0, hdcref); return x; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipBitmapGetPixel(GpBitmap* bitmap, INT x, INT y, ARGB *color) { static int calls; TRACE("%p %d %d %p\n", bitmap, x, y, color); if(!bitmap || !color) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); *color = 0xdeadbeef; return NotImplemented; } /* This function returns a pointer to an array of pixels that represents the * bitmap. The *entire* bitmap is locked according to the lock mode specified by * flags. It is correct behavior that a user who calls this function with write * privileges can write to the whole bitmap (not just the area in rect). * * FIXME: only used portion of format is bits per pixel. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipBitmapLockBits(GpBitmap* bitmap, GDIPCONST GpRect* rect, UINT flags, PixelFormat format, BitmapData* lockeddata) { BOOL bm_is_selected; INT stride, bitspp = PIXELFORMATBPP(format); OLE_HANDLE hbm; HDC hdc; HBITMAP old = NULL; BITMAPINFO bmi; BYTE *buff = NULL; UINT abs_height; TRACE("%p %p %d %d %p\n", bitmap, rect, flags, format, lockeddata); if(!lockeddata || !bitmap || !rect) return InvalidParameter; if(rect->X < 0 || rect->Y < 0 || (rect->X + rect->Width > bitmap->width) || (rect->Y + rect->Height > bitmap->height) || !flags) return InvalidParameter; if(flags & ImageLockModeUserInputBuf) return NotImplemented; if(bitmap->lockmode) return WrongState; IPicture_get_Handle(bitmap->image.picture, &hbm); IPicture_get_CurDC(bitmap->image.picture, &hdc); bm_is_selected = (hdc != 0); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0; if(!bm_is_selected){ hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0); old = SelectObject(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm); } /* fill out bmi */ GetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, 0, NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); abs_height = abs(bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight); stride = bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth * bitspp / 8; stride = (stride + 3) & ~3; buff = GdipAlloc(stride * abs_height); bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = bitspp; if(buff) GetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, abs_height, buff, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); if(!bm_is_selected){ SelectObject(hdc, old); DeleteDC(hdc); } if(!buff) return OutOfMemory; lockeddata->Width = rect->Width; lockeddata->Height = rect->Height; lockeddata->PixelFormat = format; lockeddata->Reserved = flags; if(bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight > 0){ lockeddata->Stride = -stride; lockeddata->Scan0 = buff + (bitspp / 8) * rect->X + stride * (abs_height - 1 - rect->Y); } else{ lockeddata->Stride = stride; lockeddata->Scan0 = buff + (bitspp / 8) * rect->X + stride * rect->Y; } bitmap->lockmode = flags; bitmap->numlocks++; bitmap->bitmapbits = buff; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipBitmapUnlockBits(GpBitmap* bitmap, BitmapData* lockeddata) { OLE_HANDLE hbm; HDC hdc; HBITMAP old = NULL; BOOL bm_is_selected; BITMAPINFO bmi; if(!bitmap || !lockeddata) return InvalidParameter; if(!bitmap->lockmode) return WrongState; if(lockeddata->Reserved & ImageLockModeUserInputBuf) return NotImplemented; if(lockeddata->Reserved & ImageLockModeRead){ if(!(--bitmap->numlocks)) bitmap->lockmode = 0; GdipFree(bitmap->bitmapbits); bitmap->bitmapbits = NULL; return Ok; } IPicture_get_Handle(bitmap->image.picture, &hbm); IPicture_get_CurDC(bitmap->image.picture, &hdc); bm_is_selected = (hdc != 0); bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0; if(!bm_is_selected){ hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0); old = SelectObject(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm); } GetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, 0, NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = PIXELFORMATBPP(lockeddata->PixelFormat); SetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, abs(bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight), bitmap->bitmapbits, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); if(!bm_is_selected){ SelectObject(hdc, old); DeleteDC(hdc); } GdipFree(bitmap->bitmapbits); bitmap->bitmapbits = NULL; bitmap->lockmode = 0; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpBitmap **bitmap) { GpStatus stat; IStream *stream; if(!filename || !bitmap) return InvalidParameter; stat = GdipCreateStreamOnFile(filename, GENERIC_READ, &stream); if(stat != Ok) return stat; stat = GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream, bitmap); IStream_Release(stream); return stat; } /* FIXME: no icm */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromFileICM(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpBitmap **bitmap) { return GdipCreateBitmapFromFile(filename, bitmap); } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(GpBitmap* bitmap, HBITMAP* hbmReturn, ARGB background) { FIXME("stub\n"); hbmReturn = NULL; return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipConvertToEmfPlus(const GpGraphics* ref, GpMetafile* metafile, BOOL* succ, EmfType emfType, const WCHAR* description, GpMetafile** out_metafile) { static int calls; if(!ref || !metafile || !out_metafile) return InvalidParameter; *succ = FALSE; *out_metafile = NULL; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } /* FIXME: this should create a bitmap in the given size with the attributes * (resolution etc.) of the graphics object */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromGraphics(INT width, INT height, GpGraphics* target, GpBitmap** bitmap) { static int calls; GpStatus ret; if(!target || !bitmap) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("hacked stub\n"); ret = GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(width, height, 0, PixelFormat24bppRGB, NULL, bitmap); return ret; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(INT width, INT height, INT stride, PixelFormat format, BYTE* scan0, GpBitmap** bitmap) { BITMAPFILEHEADER *bmfh; BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmih; BYTE *buff; INT datalen, size; IStream *stream; TRACE("%d %d %d %d %p %p\n", width, height, stride, format, scan0, bitmap); if(!bitmap || width <= 0 || height <= 0 || (scan0 && (stride % 4))){ *bitmap = NULL; return InvalidParameter; } if(scan0 && !stride) return InvalidParameter; /* FIXME: windows allows negative stride (reads backwards from scan0) */ if(stride < 0){ FIXME("negative stride\n"); return InvalidParameter; } *bitmap = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpBitmap)); if(!*bitmap) return OutOfMemory; if(stride == 0){ stride = width * (PIXELFORMATBPP(format) / 8); stride = (stride + 3) & ~3; } datalen = abs(stride * height); size = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + datalen; buff = GdipAlloc(size); if(!buff){ GdipFree(*bitmap); return OutOfMemory; } bmfh = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*) buff; bmih = (BITMAPINFOHEADER*) (bmfh + 1); bmfh->bfType = (((WORD)'M') << 8) + (WORD)'B'; bmfh->bfSize = size; bmfh->bfOffBits = size - datalen; bmih->biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmih->biWidth = width; bmih->biHeight = -height; /* FIXME: use the rest of the data from format */ bmih->biBitCount = PIXELFORMATBPP(format); bmih->biCompression = BI_RGB; bmih->biSizeImage = datalen; if(scan0) memcpy(bmih + 1, scan0, datalen); else memset(bmih + 1, 0, datalen); if(CreateStreamOnHGlobal(buff, TRUE, &stream) != S_OK){ ERR("could not make stream\n"); GdipFree(*bitmap); GdipFree(buff); return GenericError; } if(OleLoadPicture(stream, 0, FALSE, &IID_IPicture, (LPVOID*) &((*bitmap)->image.picture)) != S_OK){ TRACE("Could not load picture\n"); IStream_Release(stream); GdipFree(*bitmap); GdipFree(buff); return GenericError; } (*bitmap)->image.type = ImageTypeBitmap; (*bitmap)->width = width; (*bitmap)->height = height; (*bitmap)->format = format; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(IStream* stream, GpBitmap **bitmap) { GpStatus stat; stat = GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream, (GpImage**) bitmap); if(stat != Ok) return stat; if((*bitmap)->image.type != ImageTypeBitmap){ IPicture_Release((*bitmap)->image.picture); GdipFree(bitmap); return GenericError; /* FIXME: what error to return? */ } return Ok; } /* FIXME: no icm */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromStreamICM(IStream* stream, GpBitmap **bitmap) { return GdipCreateBitmapFromStream(stream, bitmap); } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipDisposeImage(GpImage *image) { HDC hdc; if(!image) return InvalidParameter; IPicture_get_CurDC(image->picture, &hdc); DeleteDC(hdc); IPicture_Release(image->picture); if (image->type == ImageTypeBitmap) GdipFree(((GpBitmap*)image)->bitmapbits); GdipFree(image); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipFindFirstImageItem(GpImage *image, ImageItemData* item) { if(!image || !item) return InvalidParameter; return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageBounds(GpImage *image, GpRectF *srcRect, GpUnit *srcUnit) { if(!image || !srcRect || !srcUnit) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type == ImageTypeMetafile){ *srcRect = ((GpMetafile*)image)->bounds; *srcUnit = ((GpMetafile*)image)->unit; } else if(image->type == ImageTypeBitmap){ srcRect->X = srcRect->Y = 0.0; srcRect->Width = (REAL) ((GpBitmap*)image)->width; srcRect->Height = (REAL) ((GpBitmap*)image)->height; *srcUnit = UnitPixel; } else{ srcRect->X = srcRect->Y = 0.0; srcRect->Width = ipicture_pixel_width(image->picture); srcRect->Height = ipicture_pixel_height(image->picture); *srcUnit = UnitPixel; } TRACE("returning (%f, %f) (%f, %f) unit type %d\n", srcRect->X, srcRect->Y, srcRect->Width, srcRect->Height, *srcUnit); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageDimension(GpImage *image, REAL *width, REAL *height) { if(!image || !height || !width) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type == ImageTypeMetafile){ HDC hdc = GetDC(0); *height = convert_unit(hdc, ((GpMetafile*)image)->unit) * ((GpMetafile*)image)->bounds.Height; *width = convert_unit(hdc, ((GpMetafile*)image)->unit) * ((GpMetafile*)image)->bounds.Width; ReleaseDC(0, hdc); } else if(image->type == ImageTypeBitmap){ *height = ((GpBitmap*)image)->height; *width = ((GpBitmap*)image)->width; } else{ *height = ipicture_pixel_height(image->picture); *width = ipicture_pixel_width(image->picture); } TRACE("returning (%f, %f)\n", *height, *width); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageGraphicsContext(GpImage *image, GpGraphics **graphics) { HDC hdc; if(!image || !graphics) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type != ImageTypeBitmap){ FIXME("not implemented for image type %d\n", image->type); return NotImplemented; } IPicture_get_CurDC(image->picture, &hdc); if(!hdc){ hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0); IPicture_SelectPicture(image->picture, hdc, NULL, NULL); } return GdipCreateFromHDC(hdc, graphics); } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageHeight(GpImage *image, UINT *height) { if(!image || !height) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type == ImageTypeMetafile){ HDC hdc = GetDC(0); *height = roundr(convert_unit(hdc, ((GpMetafile*)image)->unit) * ((GpMetafile*)image)->bounds.Height); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); } else if(image->type == ImageTypeBitmap) *height = ((GpBitmap*)image)->height; else *height = ipicture_pixel_height(image->picture); TRACE("returning %d\n", *height); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageHorizontalResolution(GpImage *image, REAL *res) { static int calls; if(!image || !res) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } /* FIXME: test this function for non-bitmap types */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImagePixelFormat(GpImage *image, PixelFormat *format) { if(!image || !format) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type != ImageTypeBitmap) *format = PixelFormat24bppRGB; else *format = ((GpBitmap*) image)->format; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageRawFormat(GpImage *image, GUID *format) { static int calls; if(!image || !format) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageType(GpImage *image, ImageType *type) { if(!image || !type) return InvalidParameter; *type = image->type; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageVerticalResolution(GpImage *image, REAL *res) { static int calls; if(!image || !res) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageWidth(GpImage *image, UINT *width) { if(!image || !width) return InvalidParameter; if(image->type == ImageTypeMetafile){ HDC hdc = GetDC(0); *width = roundr(convert_unit(hdc, ((GpMetafile*)image)->unit) * ((GpMetafile*)image)->bounds.Width); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); } else if(image->type == ImageTypeBitmap) *width = ((GpBitmap*)image)->width; else *width = ipicture_pixel_width(image->picture); TRACE("returning %d\n", *width); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetMetafileHeaderFromMetafile(GpMetafile * metafile, MetafileHeader * header) { static int calls; if(!metafile || !header) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetPropertyItemSize(GpImage *image, PROPID pid, UINT* size) { static int calls; TRACE("%p %x %p\n", image, pid, size); if(!size || !image) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipImageGetFrameCount(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GUID* dimensionID, UINT* count) { static int calls; if(!image || !dimensionID || !count) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipImageGetFrameDimensionsList(GpImage* image, GUID* dimensionIDs, UINT count) { static int calls; if(!image || !dimensionIDs) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipImageSelectActiveFrame(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST GUID* dimensionID, UINT frameidx) { static int calls; if(!image || !dimensionID) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipLoadImageFromFile(GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GpImage **image) { GpStatus stat; IStream *stream; if (!filename || !image) return InvalidParameter; stat = GdipCreateStreamOnFile(filename, GENERIC_READ, &stream); if (stat != Ok) return stat; stat = GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream, image); IStream_Release(stream); return stat; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipLoadImageFromStream(IStream* stream, GpImage **image) { IPicture *pic; short type; if(!stream || !image) return InvalidParameter; if(OleLoadPicture(stream, 0, FALSE, &IID_IPicture, (LPVOID*) &pic) != S_OK){ TRACE("Could not load picture\n"); return GenericError; } IPicture_get_Type(pic, &type); if(type == PICTYPE_BITMAP){ BITMAPINFO bmi; BITMAPCOREHEADER* bmch; OLE_HANDLE hbm; HDC hdc; *image = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpBitmap)); if(!*image) return OutOfMemory; (*image)->type = ImageTypeBitmap; (*((GpBitmap**) image))->width = ipicture_pixel_width(pic); (*((GpBitmap**) image))->height = ipicture_pixel_height(pic); /* get the pixel format */ IPicture_get_Handle(pic, &hbm); IPicture_get_CurDC(pic, &hdc); bmch = (BITMAPCOREHEADER*) (&bmi.bmiHeader); bmch->bcSize = sizeof(BITMAPCOREHEADER); if(!hdc){ HBITMAP old; hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0); old = SelectObject(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm); GetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, 0, NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); SelectObject(hdc, old); DeleteDC(hdc); } else GetDIBits(hdc, (HBITMAP)hbm, 0, 0, NULL, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); (*((GpBitmap**) image))->format = (bmch->bcBitCount << 8) | PixelFormatGDI; } else if(type == PICTYPE_METAFILE || type == PICTYPE_ENHMETAFILE){ /* FIXME: missing initialization code */ *image = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpMetafile)); if(!*image) return OutOfMemory; (*image)->type = ImageTypeMetafile; } else{ *image = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpImage)); if(!*image) return OutOfMemory; (*image)->type = ImageTypeUnknown; } (*image)->picture = pic; return Ok; } /* FIXME: no ICM */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipLoadImageFromStreamICM(IStream* stream, GpImage **image) { return GdipLoadImageFromStream(stream, image); } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipRemovePropertyItem(GpImage *image, PROPID propId) { static int calls; if(!image) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSaveImageToFile(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST WCHAR* filename, GDIPCONST CLSID *clsidEncoder, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters *encoderParams) { GpStatus stat; IStream *stream; if (!image || !filename|| !clsidEncoder) return InvalidParameter; if (!(image->picture)) return InvalidParameter; stat = GdipCreateStreamOnFile(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, &stream); if (stat != Ok) return GenericError; stat = GdipSaveImageToStream(image, stream, clsidEncoder, encoderParams); IStream_Release(stream); return stat; } /************************************************************************* * Encoding functions - * These functions encode an image in different image file formats. */ #define BITMAP_FORMAT_BMP 0x4d42 /* "BM" */ #define BITMAP_FORMAT_JPEG 0xd8ff #define BITMAP_FORMAT_GIF 0x4947 #define BITMAP_FORMAT_PNG 0x5089 #define BITMAP_FORMAT_APM 0xcdd7 static GpStatus encode_image_BMP(LPVOID bitmap_bits, LPBITMAPINFO bitmap_info, void **output, unsigned int *output_size) { int num_palette_entries; BITMAPFILEHEADER *bmp_file_hdr; BITMAPINFO *bmp_info_hdr; if (bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed) { num_palette_entries = bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed; if (num_palette_entries > 256) num_palette_entries = 256; } else { if (bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8) num_palette_entries = 1 << bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biBitCount; else num_palette_entries = 0; } *output_size = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + num_palette_entries * sizeof(RGBQUAD) + bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage; *output = GdipAlloc(*output_size); bmp_file_hdr = (BITMAPFILEHEADER*) *output; bmp_file_hdr->bfType = BITMAP_FORMAT_BMP; bmp_file_hdr->bfSize = *output_size; bmp_file_hdr->bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + num_palette_entries * sizeof (RGBQUAD); bmp_info_hdr = (BITMAPINFO*) ((unsigned char*)(*output) + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); memcpy(bmp_info_hdr, bitmap_info, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + num_palette_entries * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); memcpy((unsigned char *)(*output) + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + num_palette_entries * sizeof(RGBQUAD), bitmap_bits, bitmap_info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage); return Ok; } typedef GpStatus encode_image_func(LPVOID bitmap_bits, LPBITMAPINFO bitmap_info, void **output, unsigned int *output_size); typedef enum { BMP, NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED } ImageFormat; static const ImageCodecInfo codecs[NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED]; static encode_image_func *const encode_image_funcs[NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED] = { encode_image_BMP, }; GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSaveImageToStream(GpImage *image, IStream* stream, GDIPCONST CLSID* clsid, GDIPCONST EncoderParameters* params) { GpStatus stat; HRESULT hr; short type; HBITMAP hbmp; HBITMAP old_hbmp; HDC hdc; int bm_is_selected; BITMAPINFO bmp_info; LPVOID bmp_bits; encode_image_func* encode_image; LPVOID output; unsigned int output_size; unsigned int dummy; int i; old_hbmp = 0; output = NULL; output_size = 0; if(!image || !stream) return InvalidParameter; if (!image->picture) return GenericError; hr = IPicture_get_Type(image->picture, &type); if (FAILED(hr) || type != PICTYPE_BITMAP) return GenericError; /* select correct encoder */ encode_image = NULL; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED; i++) { if (IsEqualCLSID(clsid, &codecs[i].Clsid)) encode_image = encode_image_funcs[i]; } if (encode_image == NULL) return UnknownImageFormat; /* extract underlying hbitmap representation from the IPicture */ hr = IPicture_get_Handle(image->picture, (OLE_HANDLE*)&hbmp); if (FAILED(hr) || !hbmp) return GenericError; hr = IPicture_get_CurDC(image->picture, &hdc); if (FAILED(hr)) return GenericError; bm_is_selected = (hdc != 0); if (!bm_is_selected) { hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(0); old_hbmp = SelectObject(hdc, hbmp); } /* get bits from HBITMAP */ bmp_info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(bmp_info.bmiHeader); bmp_info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 0; GetDIBits(hdc, hbmp, 0, 0, NULL, &bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS); bmp_bits = GdipAlloc(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); if (bmp_bits) GetDIBits(hdc, hbmp, 0, abs(bmp_info.bmiHeader.biHeight), bmp_bits, &bmp_info, DIB_RGB_COLORS); if (!bm_is_selected) { SelectObject(hdc, old_hbmp); DeleteDC(hdc); } if (!bmp_bits) return OutOfMemory; stat = encode_image(bmp_bits, &bmp_info, &output, &output_size); if (stat == Ok) IStream_Write(stream, output, output_size, &dummy); GdipFree(output); GdipFree(bmp_bits); return stat; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSetImagePalette(GpImage *image, GDIPCONST ColorPalette *palette) { static int calls; if(!image || !palette) return InvalidParameter; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; } /************************************************************************* * Encoders - * Structures that represent which formats we support for encoding. */ /* ImageCodecInfo creation routines taken from libgdiplus */ static const WCHAR bmp_codecname[] = {'B', 'u', 'i','l', 't', '-','i', 'n', ' ', 'B', 'M', 'P', 0}; /* Built-in BMP */ static const WCHAR bmp_extension[] = {'*','.','B', 'M', 'P',';', '*','.', 'D','I', 'B',';', '*','.', 'R', 'L', 'E',0}; /* *.BMP;*.DIB;*.RLE */ static const WCHAR bmp_mimetype[] = {'i', 'm', 'a','g', 'e', '/', 'b', 'm', 'p', 0}; /* image/bmp */ static const WCHAR bmp_format[] = {'B', 'M', 'P', 0}; /* BMP */ static const BYTE bmp_sig_pattern[] = { 0x42, 0x4D }; static const BYTE bmp_sig_mask[] = { 0xFF, 0xFF }; static const ImageCodecInfo codecs[NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED] = { { /* BMP */ /* Clsid */ { 0x557cf400, 0x1a04, 0x11d3, { 0x9a, 0x73, 0x0, 0x0, 0xf8, 0x1e, 0xf3, 0x2e } }, /* FormatID */ { 0xb96b3cabU, 0x0728U, 0x11d3U, {0x9d, 0x7b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x1e, 0xf3, 0x2e} }, /* CodecName */ bmp_codecname, /* DllName */ NULL, /* FormatDescription */ bmp_format, /* FilenameExtension */ bmp_extension, /* MimeType */ bmp_mimetype, /* Flags */ ImageCodecFlagsEncoder | ImageCodecFlagsDecoder | ImageCodecFlagsSupportBitmap | ImageCodecFlagsBuiltin, /* Version */ 1, /* SigCount */ 1, /* SigSize */ 2, /* SigPattern */ bmp_sig_pattern, /* SigMask */ bmp_sig_mask, }, }; GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageEncodersSize(UINT *numEncoders, UINT *size) { if (!numEncoders || !size) return InvalidParameter; *numEncoders = NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED; *size = sizeof (codecs); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetImageEncoders(UINT numEncoders, UINT size, ImageCodecInfo *encoders) { if (!encoders || (numEncoders != NUM_ENCODERS_SUPPORTED) || (size != sizeof (codecs))) return GenericError; memcpy(encoders, codecs, sizeof (codecs)); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(HBITMAP hbm, HPALETTE hpal, GpBitmap** bitmap) { BITMAP bm; GpStatus retval; PixelFormat format; if(!hbm || !bitmap) return InvalidParameter; /* TODO: Support for device-dependent bitmaps */ if(hpal){ FIXME("no support for device-dependent bitmaps\n"); return NotImplemented; } if (GetObjectA(hbm, sizeof(bm), &bm) != sizeof(bm)) return InvalidParameter; /* TODO: Figure out the correct format for 16, 32, 64 bpp */ switch(bm.bmBitsPixel) { case 1: format = PixelFormat1bppIndexed; break; case 4: format = PixelFormat4bppIndexed; break; case 8: format = PixelFormat8bppIndexed; break; case 24: format = PixelFormat24bppRGB; break; case 48: format = PixelFormat48bppRGB; break; default: FIXME("don't know how to handle %d bpp\n", bm.bmBitsPixel); return InvalidParameter; } retval = GdipCreateBitmapFromScan0(bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmWidthBytes, format, bm.bmBits, bitmap); return retval; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSetEffectParameters(CGpEffect *effect, const VOID *params, const UINT size) { static int calls; if(!(calls++)) FIXME("not implemented\n"); return NotImplemented; }