* Copyright 2008 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
var tmp, i;
i = parseInt("0");
ok(i === 0, "parseInt('0') = " + i);
i = parseInt("123");
ok(i === 123, "parseInt('123') = " + i);
i = parseInt("-123");
ok(i === -123, "parseInt('-123') = " + i);
i = parseInt("0xff");
ok(i === 0xff, "parseInt('0xff') = " + i);
i = parseInt("11", 8);
ok(i === 9, "parseInt('11', 8) = " + i);
i = parseInt("1j", 22);
ok(i === 41, "parseInt('1j', 32) = " + i);
i = parseInt("123", 0);
ok(i === 123, "parseInt('123', 0) = " + i);
i = parseInt("123", 10, "test");
ok(i === 123, "parseInt('123', 10, 'test') = " + i);
i = parseInt("11", "8");
ok(i === 9, "parseInt('11', '8') = " + i);
tmp = encodeURI("abc");
ok(tmp === "abc", "encodeURI('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("{abc}");
ok(tmp === "%7Babc%7D", "encodeURI('{abc}') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("");
ok(tmp === "", "encodeURI('') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("\01\02\03\04");
ok(tmp === "%01%02%03%04", "encodeURI('\\01\\02\\03\\04') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("{#@}");
ok(tmp === "%7B#@%7D", "encodeURI('{#@}') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("\xa1 ");
ok(tmp === "%C2%A1%20", "encodeURI(\\xa1 ) = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("\xffff");
ok(tmp.length === 8, "encodeURI('\\xffff').length = " + tmp.length);
tmp = encodeURI("abcABC123;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()");
ok(tmp === "abcABC123;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()", "encodeURI('abcABC123;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI();
ok(tmp === "undefined", "encodeURI() = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURI("abc", "test");
ok(tmp === "abc", "encodeURI('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("abc");
ok(tmp === "abc", "encodeURIComponent('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("{abc}");
ok(tmp === "%7Babc%7D", "encodeURIComponent('{abc}') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("");
ok(tmp === "", "encodeURIComponent('') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("\01\02\03\04");
ok(tmp === "%01%02%03%04", "encodeURIComponent('\\01\\02\\03\\04') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("{#@}");
ok(tmp === "%7B%23%40%7D", "encodeURIComponent('{#@}') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("\xa1 ");
ok(tmp === "%C2%A1%20", "encodeURIComponent(\\xa1 ) = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("\xffff");
ok(tmp.length === 8, "encodeURIComponent('\\xffff').length = " + tmp.length);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("abcABC123;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()");
ok(tmp === "abcABC123%3B%2F%3F%3A%40%26%3D%2B%24%2C-_.!~*'()", "encodeURIComponent('abcABC123;/?:@&=+$,-_.!~*'()') = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent();
ok(tmp === "undefined", "encodeURIComponent() = " + tmp);
tmp = encodeURIComponent("abc", "test");
ok(tmp === "abc", "encodeURIComponent('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = escape("abc");
ok(tmp === "abc", "escape('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = escape("");
ok(tmp === "", "escape('') = " + tmp);
tmp = escape("a1b c!d+e@*-_+./,");
ok(tmp === "a1b%20c%21d+e@*-_+./%2C", "escape('a1b c!d+e@*-_+./,') = " + tmp);
tmp = escape();
ok(tmp === "undefined", "escape() = " + tmp);
tmp = escape('\u1234\123\xf3');
ok(tmp == "%u1234S%F3", "escape('\u1234\123\xf3') = " + tmp);
tmp = unescape("abc");
ok(tmp === "abc", "unescape('abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = unescape("");
ok(tmp === "", "unescape('') = " + tmp);
tmp = unescape("%%%");
ok(tmp === "%%%", "unescape('%%%') = " + tmp);
tmp = unescape();
ok(tmp === "undefined", "unescape() = " + tmp);
tmp = unescape("%54%65s%u0074");
ok(tmp === "Test", "unescape('%54%65s%u0074') = " + tmp);
tmp = "aA1~`!@#$%^&*()_+=-][{}';:/.,<>?\|";
ok(escape(tmp) === "aA1%7E%60%21@%23%24%25%5E%26*%28%29_+%3D-%5D%5B%7B%7D%27%3B%3A/.%2C%3C%3E%3F%7C", "escape('" + tmp + "') = " + escape(tmp));
ok(unescape(escape(tmp)) === tmp, "unescape(escape('" + tmp + "')) = " + unescape(escape(tmp)));
tmp = "" + new Object();
ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "'' + new Object() = " + tmp);
(tmp = new Array).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object Array]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = new Boolean).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object Boolean]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = new Date).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object Date]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = function() {}).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object Function]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
Math.f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(Math.f() === "[object Math]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = new Number).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object Number]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = new RegExp("")).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object RegExp]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
(tmp = new String).f = Object.prototype.toString;
ok(tmp.f() === "[object String]", "tmp.f() = " + tmp.f());
tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(testObj);
ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "toString.call(testObj) = " + tmp);
tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(this);
ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "toString.call(this) = " + tmp);
(function () { tmp = Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments); })();
ok(tmp === "[object Object]", "toString.call(arguments) = " + tmp);
ok(Object(1) instanceof Number, "Object(1) is not instance of Number");
ok(Object("") instanceof String, "Object('') is not instance of String");
ok(Object(false) instanceof Boolean, "Object(false) is not instance of Boolean");
obj = new Object();
ok(Object(obj) === obj, "Object(obj) !== obj");
ok(typeof(Object()) === "object", "typeof(Object()) !== 'object'");
ok(typeof(Object(undefined)) === "object", "typeof(Object(undefined)) !== 'object'");
ok(typeof(Object(null)) === "object", "typeof(Object(null)) !== 'object'");
var obj = new Object();
obj.toString = function (x) {
ok(arguments.length === 0, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length);
return "test";
ok((tmp = obj.toLocaleString()) === "test", "obj.toLocaleString() = " + tmp);
ok((tmp = obj.toLocaleString(1)) === "test", "obj.toLocaleString(1) = " + tmp);
ok(obj === obj.valueOf(), "obj !== obj.valueOf");
ok("".length === 0, "\"\".length = " + "".length);
ok(getVT("".length) == "VT_I4", "\"\".length = " + "".length);
ok("abc".length === 3, "\"abc\".length = " + "abc".length);
ok(String.prototype.length === 0, "String.prototype.length = " + String.prototype.length);
tmp = "".toString();
ok(tmp === "", "''.toString() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".toString();
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toString() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".toString(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toString(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".valueOf();
ok(tmp === "", "''.valueOf() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".valueOf();
ok(tmp === "test", "''.valueOf() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".valueOf(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "''.valueOf(3) = " + tmp);
var str = new String("test");
ok(str.toString() === "test", "str.toString() = " + str.toString());
var str = new String();
ok(str.toString() === "", "str.toString() = " + str.toString());
var str = new String("test", "abc");
ok(str.toString() === "test", "str.toString() = " + str.toString());
var strObj = new Object();
strObj.toString = function() { return "abcd" };
strObj.substr = String.prototype.substr;
strObj.lastIndexOf = String.prototype.lastIndexOf;
tmp = "value " + str;
ok(tmp === "value test", "'value ' + str = " + tmp);
tmp = String();
ok(tmp === "", "String() = " + tmp);
tmp = String(false);
ok(tmp === "false", "String(false) = " + tmp);
tmp = String(null);
ok(tmp === "null", "String(null) = " + tmp);
tmp = String("test");
ok(tmp === "test", "String('test') = " + tmp);
tmp = String("test", "abc");
ok(tmp === "test", "String('test','abc') = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(0);
ok(tmp === "a", "'abc',charAt(0) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(1);
ok(tmp === "b", "'abc',charAt(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(2);
ok(tmp === "c", "'abc',charAt(2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(3);
ok(tmp === "", "'abc',charAt(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(4);
ok(tmp === "", "'abc',charAt(4) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt();
ok(tmp === "a", "'abc',charAt() = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(-1);
ok(tmp === "", "'abc',charAt(-1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charAt(0,2);
ok(tmp === "a", "'abc',charAt(0.2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt(0);
ok(tmp === 0x61, "'abc'.charCodeAt(0) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt(1);
ok(tmp === 0x62, "'abc'.charCodeAt(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt(2);
ok(tmp === 0x63, "'abc'.charCodeAt(2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt();
ok(tmp === 0x61, "'abc'.charCodeAt() = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt(true);
ok(tmp === 0x62, "'abc'.charCodeAt(true) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".charCodeAt(0,2);
ok(tmp === 0x61, "'abc'.charCodeAt(0,2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "\u49F4".charCodeAt(0);
ok(tmp === 0x49F4, "'\u49F4'.charCodeAt(0) = " + tmp);
tmp = "\052".charCodeAt(0);
ok(tmp === 0x2A, "'\052'.charCodeAt(0) = " + tmp);
tmp = "\xa2".charCodeAt(0);
ok(tmp === 0xA2, "'\xa2'.charCodeAt(0) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(1,3);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.substring(1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(-1,3);
ok(tmp === "abc", "'abcd'.substring(-1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(1,6);
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.substring(1,6) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(3,1);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.substring(3,1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(2,2);
ok(tmp === "", "'abcd'.substring(2,2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(true,"3");
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.substring(true,'3') = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring(1,3,2);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.substring(1,3,2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substring();
ok(tmp === "abcd", "'abcd'.substring() = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(1,3);
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.substr(1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(-1,3);
ok(tmp === "abc", "'abcd'.substr(-1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(1,6);
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.substr(1,6) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(2,-1);
ok(tmp === "", "'abcd'.substr(3,1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(2,0);
ok(tmp === "", "'abcd'.substr(2,2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(true,"3");
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.substr(true,'3') = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr(1,3,2);
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.substr(1,3,2) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".substr();
ok(tmp === "abcd", "'abcd'.substr() = " + tmp);
tmp = strObj.substr(1,1);
ok(tmp === "b", "'abcd'.substr(1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(1,3);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.slice(1,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(1,-1);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.slice(1,-1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(-3,3);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.slice(-3,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(-6,3);
ok(tmp === "abc", "'abcd'.slice(-6,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(3,1);
ok(tmp === "", "'abcd'.slice(3,1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(true,3);
ok(tmp === "bc", "'abcd'.slice(true,3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice();
ok(tmp === "abcd", "'abcd'.slice() = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".slice(1);
ok(tmp === "bcd", "'abcd'.slice(1) = " + tmp);
tmp = "abc".concat(["d",1],2,false);
ok(tmp === "abcd,12false", "concat returned " + tmp);
var arr = new Array(2,"a");
arr.concat = String.prototype.concat;
tmp = arr.concat("d");
ok(tmp === "2,ad", "arr.concat = " + tmp);
m = "a+bcabc".match("a+");
ok(typeof(m) === "object", "typeof m is not object");
ok(m.length === 1, "m.length is not 1");
ok(m["0"] === "a", "m[0] is not \"ab\"");
r = "- [test] -".replace("[test]", "success");
ok(r === "- success -", "r = " + r + " expected '- success -'");
r = "- [test] -".replace("[test]", "success", "test");
ok(r === "- success -", "r = " + r + " expected '- success -'");
r = "test".replace();
ok(r === "test", "r = " + r + " expected 'test'");
function replaceFunc3(m, off, str) {
ok(arguments.length === 3, "arguments.length = " + arguments.length);
ok(m === "[test]", "m = " + m + " expected [test1]");
ok(off === 1, "off = " + off + " expected 0");
ok(str === "-[test]-", "str = " + arguments[3]);
return "ret";
r = "-[test]-".replace("[test]", replaceFunc3);
ok(r === "-ret-", "r = " + r + " expected '-ret-'");
r = "-[test]-".replace("[test]", replaceFunc3, "test");
ok(r === "-ret-", "r = " + r + " expected '-ret-'");
r = "1,2,3".split(",");
ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r));
ok(r.length === 3, "r.length = " + r.length);
ok(r[0] === "1", "r[0] = " + r[0]);
ok(r[1] === "2", "r[1] = " + r[1]);
ok(r[2] === "3", "r[2] = " + r[2]);
r = "1,2,3".split(",*");
ok(r.length === 1, "r.length = " + r.length);
ok(r[0] === "1,2,3", "r[0] = " + r[0]);
r = "123".split("");
ok(r.length === 3, "r.length = " + r.length);
ok(r[0] === "1", "r[0] = " + r[0]);
ok(r[1] === "2", "r[1] = " + r[1]);
ok(r[2] === "3", "r[2] = " + r[2]);
r = "123".split(2);
ok(r.length === 2, "r.length = " + r.length);
ok(r[0] === "1", "r[0] = " + r[0]);
ok(r[1] === "3", "r[1] = " + r[1]);
r = "1,2,".split(",");
ok(typeof(r) === "object", "typeof(r) = " + typeof(r));
ok(r.length === 3, "r.length = " + r.length);
ok(r[0] === "1", "r[0] = " + r[0]);
ok(r[1] === "2", "r[1] = " + r[1]);
ok(r[2] === "", "r[2] = " + r[2]);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("bc",0);
ok(tmp === 1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("bc",1);
ok(tmp === 1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("bc");
ok(tmp === 1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("ac");
ok(tmp === -1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("bc",2);
ok(tmp === -1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("a",0);
ok(tmp === 0, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf("bc",0,"test");
ok(tmp === 1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".indexOf();
ok(tmp == -1, "indexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("bc",1);
ok(tmp === 1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("bc",2);
ok(tmp === 1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("bc");
ok(tmp === 1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("ac");
ok(tmp === -1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("d",10);
ok(tmp === 3, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf("bc",0,"test");
ok(tmp === -1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "abcd".lastIndexOf();
ok(tmp === -1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "aaaa".lastIndexOf("a",2);
ok(tmp == 2, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = strObj.lastIndexOf("b");
ok(tmp === 1, "lastIndexOf = " + tmp);
tmp = "".toLowerCase();
ok(tmp === "", "''.toLowerCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".toLowerCase();
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toLowerCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".toLowerCase(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toLowerCase(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "tEsT".toLowerCase();
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toLowerCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "tEsT".toLowerCase(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "''.toLowerCase(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".toUpperCase();
ok(tmp === "", "''.toUpperCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "TEST".toUpperCase();
ok(tmp === "TEST", "''.toUpperCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "TEST".toUpperCase(3);
ok(tmp === "TEST", "''.toUpperCase(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "tEsT".toUpperCase();
ok(tmp === "TEST", "''.toUpperCase() = " + tmp);
tmp = "tEsT".toUpperCase(3);
ok(tmp === "TEST", "''.toUpperCase(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".anchor();
ok(tmp === "", "''.anchor() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".anchor(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.anchor(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".anchor("red");
ok(tmp === "", "''.anchor('red') = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".anchor();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.anchor() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".anchor(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.anchor(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".anchor("green");
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.anchor('green') = " + tmp);
tmp = "".big();
ok(tmp === "", "''.big() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".big(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.big(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".big();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.big() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".big(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.big(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".blink();
ok(tmp === "", "''.blink() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".blink(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.blink(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".blink();
ok(tmp === "", "'test'.blink() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".blink(3);
ok(tmp === "", "'test'.blink(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".bold();
ok(tmp === "", "''.bold() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".bold(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.bold(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".bold();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.bold() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".bold(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.bold(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fixed();
ok(tmp === "", "''.fixed() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fixed(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.fixed(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fixed();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fixed() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fixed(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fixed(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontcolor();
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontcolor() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontcolor(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontcolor(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontcolor("red");
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontcolor('red') = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontcolor();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontcolor() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontcolor(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontcolor(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontcolor("green");
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontcolor('green') = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontsize();
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontsize() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontsize(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontsize(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".fontsize("red");
ok(tmp === "", "''.fontsize('red') = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontsize();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontsize() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontsize(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontsize(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".fontsize("green");
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.fontsize('green') = " + tmp);
tmp = ("".fontcolor()).fontsize();
ok(tmp === "", "(''.fontcolor()).fontsize() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".italics();
ok(tmp === "", "''.italics() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".italics(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.italics(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".italics();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.italics() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".italics(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.italics(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".link();
ok(tmp === "", "''.link() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".link(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.link(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".link("red");
ok(tmp === "", "''.link('red') = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".link();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.link() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".link(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.link(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".link("green");
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.link('green') = " + tmp);
tmp = "".small();
ok(tmp === "", "''.small() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".small(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.small(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".small();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.small() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".small(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.small(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".strike();
ok(tmp === "", "''.strike() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".strike(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.strike(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".strike();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.strike() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".strike(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.strike(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".sub();
ok(tmp === "", "''.sub() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".sub(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.sub(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".sub();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.sub() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".sub(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.sub(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "".sup();
ok(tmp === "", "''.sup() = " + tmp);
tmp = "".sup(3);
ok(tmp === "", "''.sup(3) = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".sup();
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.sup() = " + tmp);
tmp = "test".sup(3);
ok(tmp === "test", "'test'.sup(3) = " + tmp);
ok(String.fromCharCode() === "", "String.fromCharCode() = " + String.fromCharCode());
ok(String.fromCharCode(65,"66",67) === "ABC", "String.fromCharCode(65,'66',67) = " + String.fromCharCode(65,"66",67));
ok(String.fromCharCode(1024*64+65, -1024*64+65) === "AA",
"String.fromCharCode(1024*64+65, -1024*64+65) = " + String.fromCharCode(1024*64+65, -1024*64+65));
ok(String.fromCharCode(65, NaN, undefined).length === 3,
"String.fromCharCode(65, NaN, undefined).length = " + String.fromCharCode(65, NaN, undefined).length);
var arr = new Array();
ok(typeof(arr) === "object", "arr () is not object");
ok((arr.length === 0), "arr.length is not 0");
ok(arr["0"] === undefined, "arr[0] is not undefined");
var arr = new Array(1, 2, "test");
ok(typeof(arr) === "object", "arr (1,2,test) is not object");
ok((arr.length === 3), "arr.length is not 3");
ok(arr["0"] === 1, "arr[0] is not 1");
ok(arr["1"] === 2, "arr[1] is not 2");
ok(arr["2"] === "test", "arr[2] is not \"test\"");
arr["7"] = true;
ok((arr.length === 8), "arr.length is not 8");
tmp = "" + [];
ok(tmp === "", "'' + [] = " + tmp);
tmp = "" + [1,true];
ok(tmp === "1,true", "'' + [1,true] = " + tmp);
var arr = new Array(6);
ok(typeof(arr) === "object", "arr (6) is not object");
ok((arr.length === 6), "arr.length is not 6");
ok(arr["0"] === undefined, "arr[0] is not undefined");
ok(arr.push() === 6, "arr.push() !== 6");
ok(arr.push(1) === 7, "arr.push(1) !== 7");
ok(arr[6] === 1, "arr[6] != 1");
ok(arr.length === 7, "arr.length != 10");
ok(arr.push(true, 'b', false) === 10, "arr.push(true, 'b', false) !== 10");
ok(arr[8] === "b", "arr[8] != 'b'");
ok(arr.length === 10, "arr.length != 10");
var arr = new Object();
arr.push = Array.prototype.push;
arr.length = 6;
ok(arr.push() === 6, "arr.push() !== 6");
ok(arr.push(1) === 7, "arr.push(1) !== 7");
ok(arr[6] === 1, "arr[6] != 1");
ok(arr.length === 7, "arr.length != 10");
ok(arr.push(true, 'b', false) === 10, "arr.push(true, 'b', false) !== 10");
ok(arr[8] === "b", "arr[8] != 'b'");
ok(arr.length === 10, "arr.length != 10");
arr = [3,4,5];
tmp = arr.pop();
ok(arr.length === 2, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(tmp === 5, "pop() = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.pop(2);
ok(arr.length === 1, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(tmp === 4, "pop() = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.pop();
ok(arr.length === 0, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(tmp === 3, "pop() = " + tmp);
for(tmp in arr)
ok(false, "not deleted " + tmp);
tmp = arr.pop();
ok(arr.length === 0, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(tmp === undefined, "tmp = " + tmp);
arr = [,,,,,];
tmp = arr.pop();
ok(arr.length === 5, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(tmp === undefined, "tmp = " + tmp);
arr = [1,2,null,false,undefined,,"a"];
tmp = arr.join();
ok(tmp === "1,2,,false,,,a", "arr.join() = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.join(";");
ok(tmp === "1;2;;false;;;a", "arr.join(';') = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.join(";","test");
ok(tmp === "1;2;;false;;;a", "arr.join(';') = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.join("");
ok(tmp === "12falsea", "arr.join('') = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.toString();
ok(tmp === "1,2,,false,,,a", "arr.toString() = " + tmp);
tmp = arr.toString("test");
ok(tmp === "1,2,,false,,,a", "arr.toString() = " + tmp);
arr = [5,true,2,-1,3,false,"2.5"];
tmp = arr.sort(function(x,y) { return y-x; });
ok(tmp === arr, "tmp !== arr");
tmp = [5,3,"2.5",2,true,false,-1];
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
ok(arr[i] === tmp[i], "arr[" + i + "] = " + arr[i] + " expected " + tmp[i]);
arr = [5,false,2,0,"abc",3,"a",-1];
tmp = arr.sort();
ok(tmp === arr, "tmp !== arr");
tmp = [-1,0,2,3,5,"a","abc",false];
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
ok(arr[i] === tmp[i], "arr[" + i + "] = " + arr[i] + " expected " + tmp[i]);
arr = ["a", "b", "ab"];
tmp = ["a", "ab", "b"];
ok(arr.sort() === arr, "arr.sort() !== arr");
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
ok(arr[i] === tmp[i], "arr[" + i + "] = " + arr[i] + " expected " + tmp[i]);
arr = ["1", "2", "3"];
arr.length = 1;
ok(arr.length === 1, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
arr.length = 3;
ok(arr.length === 3, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(arr.toString() === "1,,", "arr.toString() = " + arr.toString());
arr = Array("a","b","c");
ok(arr.toString() === "a,b,c", "arr.toString() = " + arr.toString());
ok(arr.valueOf === Object.prototype.valueOf, "arr.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf");
ok(arr === arr.valueOf(), "arr !== arr.valueOf");
arr = [1,2,3];
tmp = arr.unshift(0);
ok(tmp === (invokeVersion < 2 ? undefined : 4), "[1,2,3].unshift(0) returned " +tmp);
ok(arr.length === 4, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(arr.toString() === "0,1,2,3", "arr.toString() = " + arr.toString());
arr = new Array(3);
arr[0] = 1;
arr[2] = 3;
tmp = arr.unshift(-1,0);
ok(tmp === (invokeVersion < 2 ? undefined : 5), "unshift returned " +tmp);
ok(arr.length === 5, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(arr.toString() === "-1,0,1,,3", "arr.toString() = " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3];
tmp = arr.unshift();
ok(tmp === (invokeVersion < 2 ? undefined : 3), "unshift returned " +tmp);
ok(arr.length === 3, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(arr.toString() === "1,2,3", "arr.toString() = " + arr.toString());
arr = new Object();
arr.length = 2;
arr[0] = 1;
arr[1] = 2;
tmp = Array.prototype.unshift.call(arr, 0);
ok(tmp === (invokeVersion < 2 ? undefined : 3), "unshift returned " +tmp);
ok(arr.length === 3, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
ok(arr[0] === 0 && arr[1] === 1 && arr[2] === 2, "unexpected array");
arr = [1,2,,4];
tmp = arr.shift();
ok(tmp === 1, "[1,2,,4].shift() = " + tmp);
ok(arr.toString() === "2,,4", "arr = " + arr.toString());
arr = [];
tmp = arr.shift();
ok(tmp === undefined, "[].shift() = " + tmp);
ok(arr.toString() === "", "arr = " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,,4];
tmp = arr.shift(2);
ok(tmp === 1, "[1,2,,4].shift(2) = " + tmp);
ok(arr.toString() === "2,,4", "arr = " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,];
tmp = arr.shift();
ok(tmp === 1, "[1,].shift() = " + tmp);
ok(arr.toString() === "", "arr = " + arr.toString());
obj = new Object();
obj[0] = "test";
obj[2] = 3;
obj.length = 3;
tmp = Array.prototype.shift.call(obj);
ok(tmp === "test", "obj.shift() = " + tmp);
ok(obj.length == 2, "obj.length = " + obj.length);
ok(obj[1] === 3, "obj[1] = " + obj[1]);
var num = new Number(6);
arr = [0,1,2];
tmp = arr.concat(3, [4,5], num);
ok(tmp !== arr, "tmp === arr");
for(var i=0; i<6; i++)
ok(tmp[i] === i, "tmp[" + i + "] = " + tmp[i]);
ok(tmp[6] === num, "tmp[6] !== num");
ok(tmp.length === 7, "tmp.length = " + tmp.length);
arr = [].concat();
ok(arr.length === 0, "arr.length = " + arr.length);
arr = [1,];
tmp = arr.concat([2]);
ok(tmp.length === 3, "tmp.length = " + tmp.length);
ok(tmp[1] === undefined, "tmp[1] = " + tmp[1]);
arr = [1,false,'a',null,undefined,'a'];
ok(arr.slice(0,6).toString() === "1,false,a,,,a", "arr.slice(0,6).toString() = " + arr.slice(0,6));
ok(arr.slice(0,6).length === 6, "arr.slice(0,6).length = " + arr.slice(0,6).length);
ok(arr.slice().toString() === "1,false,a,,,a", "arr.slice().toString() = " + arr.slice());
ok(arr.slice("abc").toString() === "1,false,a,,,a", "arr.slice(\"abc\").toString() = " + arr.slice("abc"));
ok(arr.slice(3,8).toString() === ",,a", "arr.slice(3,8).toString() = " + arr.slice(3,8));
ok(arr.slice(3,8).length === 3, "arr.slice(3,8).length = " + arr.slice(3,8).length);
ok(arr.slice(1).toString() === "false,a,,,a", "arr.slice(1).toString() = " + arr.slice(1));
ok(arr.slice(-2).toString() === ",a", "arr.slice(-2).toString() = " + arr.slice(-2));
ok(arr.slice(3,1).toString() === "", "arr.slice(3,1).toString() = " + arr.slice(3,1));
tmp = arr.slice(0,6);
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
ok(arr[i] === tmp[i], "arr[" + i + "] = " + arr[i] + " expected " + tmp[i]);
arr[12] = 2;
ok(arr.slice(5).toString() === "a,,,,,,,2", "arr.slice(5).toString() = " + arr.slice(5).toString());
ok(arr.slice(5).length === 8, "arr.slice(5).length = " + arr.slice(5).length);
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2,2);
ok(tmp.toString() == "3,4", "arr.splice(2,2) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,5", "arr.splice(2,2) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2,2,"a");
ok(tmp.toString() == "3,4", "arr.splice(2,2,'a') returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,a,5", "arr.splice(2,2,'a') is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c');
ok(tmp.toString() == "3,4", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c') returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,a,b,c,5", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c') is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,];
tmp = arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c');
ok(tmp.toString() == "3,4", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c') returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,a,b,c,", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c') is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,];
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,a,b,c,", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b','c') is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2,2,'a','b');
ok(tmp.toString() == "3,4", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b') returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,a,b,5", "arr.splice(2,2,'a','b') is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(-1,2);
ok(tmp.toString() == "5", "arr.splice(-1,2) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,3,4", "arr.splice(-1,2) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(-10,3);
ok(tmp.toString() == "1,2,3", "arr.splice(-10,3) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "4,5", "arr.splice(-10,3) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(-10,100);
ok(tmp.toString() == "1,2,3,4,5", "arr.splice(-10,100) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "", "arr.splice(-10,100) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2,-1);
ok(tmp.toString() == "", "arr.splice(2,-1) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,3,4,5", "arr.splice(2,-1) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice(2);
ok(tmp.toString() == "", "arr.splice(2,-1) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,3,4,5", "arr.splice(2,-1) is " + arr.toString());
arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
tmp = arr.splice();
ok(tmp.toString() == "", "arr.splice(2,-1) returned " + tmp.toString());
ok(arr.toString() == "1,2,3,4,5", "arr.splice(2,-1) is " + arr.toString());
obj = new Object();
obj.length = 3;
obj[0] = 1;
obj[1] = 2;
obj[2] = 3;
tmp = Array.prototype.splice.call(obj, 1, 1, 'a', 'b');
ok(tmp.toString() === "2", "obj.splice returned " + tmp);
ok(obj.length === 4, "obj.length = " + obj.length);
ok(obj[0] === 1, "obj[0] = " + obj[0]);
ok(obj[1] === 'a', "obj[1] = " + obj[1]);
ok(obj[2] === 'b', "obj[2] = " + obj[2]);
ok(obj[3] === 3, "obj[3] = " + obj[3]);
obj = new Object();
obj.length = 3;
obj[0] = 1;
obj[1] = 2;
obj[2] = 3;
tmp = Array.prototype.slice.call(obj, 1, 2);
ok(tmp.length === 1, "tmp.length = " + tmp.length);
ok(tmp[0] === 2, "tmp[0] = " + tmp[0]);
var num = new Number(2);
ok(num.toString() === "2", "num(2).toString !== 2");
var num = new Number();
ok(num.toString() === "0", "num().toString !== 0");
ok(Number() === 0, "Number() = " + Number());
ok(Number(false) === 0, "Number(false) = " + Number(false));
ok(Number("43") === 43, "Number('43') = " + Number("43"));
tmp = (new Number(1)).valueOf();
ok(tmp === 1, "(new Number(1)).valueOf = " + tmp);
tmp = (new Number(1,2)).valueOf();
ok(tmp === 1, "(new Number(1,2)).valueOf = " + tmp);
tmp = (new Number()).valueOf();
ok(tmp === 0, "(new Number()).valueOf = " + tmp);
tmp = Number.prototype.valueOf();
ok(tmp === 0, "Number.prototype.valueOf = " + tmp);
function equals(val, base) {
var i;
var num = 0;
var str = val.toString(base);
for(i=0; ival-val/1000 && num= 2)
ok(err.toString() === "null", "err.toString() = " + err.toString());
err = new Error();
err.message = false;
ok(err.message === false, "err.message = " + err.message + " expected false");
if(invokeVersion >= 2)
ok(err.toString() === "Error: false", "err.toString() = " + err.toString());
err = new Error();
err.message = new Object();
err.message.toString = function() { return ""; };
if(invokeVersion >= 2)
ok(err.toString() === "Error", "err.toString() = " + err.toString());
err = new Error();
err.message = undefined;
if(invokeVersion >= 2)
ok(err.toString() === "Error", "err.toString() = " + err.toString());
function exception_test(func, type, number) {
ret = "";
num = "";
try {
} catch(e) {
ret = e.name;
num = e.number;
ok(ret === type, "Exception test, ret = " + ret + ", expected " + type +". Executed function: " + func.toString());
ok(num === number, "Exception test, num = " + num + ", expected " + number + ". Executed function: " + func.toString());
exception_test(function() {arr.toString = Date.prototype.toString; arr.toString();}, "TypeError", -2146823282);
exception_test(function() {Array(-3);}, "RangeError", -2146823259);
exception_test(function() {arr.toString = Boolean.prototype.toString; arr.toString();}, "TypeError", -2146823278);
exception_test(function() {date.setTime();}, "TypeError", -2146827839);
exception_test(function() {arr.test();}, "TypeError", -2146827850);
exception_test(function() {arr.toString = Number.prototype.toString; arr.toString();}, "TypeError", -2146823287);
exception_test(function() {(new Number(3)).toString(1);}, "TypeError", -2146828283);
exception_test(function() {not_existing_variable.something();}, "TypeError", -2146823279);
exception_test(function() {arr.toString = Function.prototype.toString; arr.toString();}, "TypeError", -2146823286);
exception_test(function() {date();}, "TypeError", -2146823286);
exception_test(function() {arr();}, "TypeError", -2146823286);
exception_test(function() {eval("for(i=0;) {}");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827286);
exception_test(function() {eval("function {};");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("if");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("do i=0; while");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("while");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("for");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("with");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("switch");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827283);
exception_test(function() {eval("if(false");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827282);
exception_test(function() {eval("for(i=0; i<10; i++");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827282);
exception_test(function() {eval("while(true");}, "SyntaxError", -2146827282);
exception_test(function() {test = function() {}}, "ReferenceError", -2146823280);
exception_test(function() {eval("for(i=0")}, "SyntaxError", -2146827284);
exception_test(function() {eval("for(i=0;i<10")}, "SyntaxError", -2146827284);
exception_test(function() {eval("while(")}, "SyntaxError", -2146827286);
exception_test(function() {eval("if(")}, "SyntaxError", -2146827286);
exception_test(function() {eval("'unterminated")}, "SyntaxError", -2146827273);
exception_test(function() {eval("nonexistingfunc()")}, "TypeError", -2146823281);
exception_test(function() {RegExp(/a/, "g");}, "RegExpError", -2146823271);
function testThisExcept(func, number) {
exception_test(function() {func.call(new Object())}, "TypeError", number);
function testBoolThis(func) {
testThisExcept(Boolean.prototype[func], -2146823278);
function testDateThis(func) {
testThisExcept(Date.prototype[func], -2146823282);
function testArrayThis(func) {
testThisExcept(Array.prototype[func], -2146823257);
function testFunctionThis(func) {
testThisExcept(Function.prototype[func], -2146823286);
function testArrayHostThis(func) {
exception_test(function() { Array.prototype[func].call(testObj); }, "TypeError", -2146823274);
function testObjectInherit(obj, constr, ts, tls, vo) {
ok(obj instanceof Object, "obj is not instance of Object");
ok(obj instanceof constr, "obj is not instance of its constructor");
ok(obj.hasOwnProperty === Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
"obj.hasOwnProperty !== Object.prototype.hasOwnProprty");
ok(obj.isPrototypeOf === Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf,
"obj.isPrototypeOf !== Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf");
ok(obj.propertyIsEnumerable === Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,
"obj.propertyIsEnumerable !== Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable");
ok(obj.toString === Object.prototype.toString,
"obj.toString !== Object.prototype.toString");
ok(obj.toString != Object.prototype.toString,
"obj.toString == Object.prototype.toString");
ok(obj.toLocaleString === Object.prototype.toLocaleString,
"obj.toLocaleString !== Object.prototype.toLocaleString");
ok(obj.toLocaleString != Object.prototype.toLocaleString,
"obj.toLocaleString == Object.prototype.toLocaleString");
ok(obj.valueOf === Object.prototype.valueOf,
"obj.valueOf !== Object.prototype.valueOf");
ok(obj.valueOf != Object.prototype.valueOf,
"obj.valueOf == Object.prototype.valueOf");
ok(obj._test === "test", "obj.test = " + obj._test);
Object.prototype._test = "test";
testObjectInherit(new String("test"), String, false, true, false);
testObjectInherit(/test/g, RegExp, false, true, true);
testObjectInherit(new Number(1), Number, false, false, false);
testObjectInherit(new Date(), Date, false, false, false);
testObjectInherit(new Boolean(true), Boolean, false, true, false);
testObjectInherit(new Array(), Array, false, false, true);
testObjectInherit(new Error(), Error, false, true, true);
testObjectInherit(testObjectInherit, Function, false, true, true);
testObjectInherit(Math, Object, true, true, true);
(function() { testObjectInherit(arguments, Object, true, true, true); })();
function testFunctions(obj, arr) {
var l;
for(var i=0; i