/* * WinG support * * Started by Robert Pouliot */ #include "config.h" #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING #include "x11drv.h" #endif /* !defined(X_DISPLAY_MISSING) */ #include "wine/winuser16.h" #include "bitmap.h" #include "debugtools.h" #include "ldt.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "palette.h" #include "windef.h" #include "wine/winuser16.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wing) typedef enum WING_DITHER_TYPE { WING_DISPERSED_4x4, WING_DISPERSED_8x8, WING_CLUSTERED_4x4 } WING_DITHER_TYPE; /* * WinG DIB bitmaps can be selected into DC and then scribbled upon * by GDI functions. They can also be changed directly. This gives us * three choices * - use original WinG 16-bit DLL * requires working 16-bit driver interface * - implement DIB graphics driver from scratch * see wing.zip size * - use shared pixmaps * won't work with some videocards and/or videomodes * 961208 - AK */ /*********************************************************************** * WinGCreateDC16 (WING.1001) */ HDC16 WINAPI WinGCreateDC16(void) { TRACE("(void)\n"); return CreateCompatibleDC16(0); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGRecommendDIBFormat16 (WING.1002) */ BOOL16 WINAPI WinGRecommendDIBFormat16(BITMAPINFO *bmpi) { TRACE("(%p)\n", bmpi); if (!bmpi) return FALSE; bmpi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmpi->bmiHeader.biWidth = 320; bmpi->bmiHeader.biHeight = -1; bmpi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; bmpi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = MONITOR_GetDepth(&MONITOR_PrimaryMonitor); bmpi->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; bmpi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; bmpi->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bmpi->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bmpi->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; bmpi->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * WinGCreateBitmap16 (WING.1003) */ HBITMAP16 WINAPI WinGCreateBitmap16(HDC16 hdc, BITMAPINFO *bmpi, SEGPTR *bits) { TRACE("(%d,%p,%p)\n", hdc, bmpi, bits); TRACE(": create %ldx%ldx%d bitmap\n", bmpi->bmiHeader.biWidth, bmpi->bmiHeader.biHeight, bmpi->bmiHeader.biPlanes); return CreateDIBSection16(hdc, bmpi, 0, bits, 0, 0); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGGetDIBPointer (WING.1004) */ SEGPTR WINAPI WinGGetDIBPointer16(HBITMAP16 hWinGBitmap, BITMAPINFO* bmpi) { BITMAPOBJ* bmp = (BITMAPOBJ *) GDI_GetObjPtr( hWinGBitmap, BITMAP_MAGIC ); TRACE("(%d,%p)\n", hWinGBitmap, bmpi); if (!bmp) return (SEGPTR)NULL; if (bmpi) FIXME(": Todo - implement setting BITMAPINFO\n"); #ifndef X_DISPLAY_MISSING return PTR_SEG_OFF_TO_SEGPTR(((X11DRV_DIBSECTION *) bmp->dib)->selector, 0); #else /* !defined(X_DISPLAY_MISSING) */ return NULL; #endif /* !defined(X_DISPLAY_MISSING) */ } /*********************************************************************** * WinGSetDIBColorTable (WING.1004) */ UINT16 WINAPI WinGSetDIBColorTable16(HDC16 hdc, UINT16 start, UINT16 num, RGBQUAD *colors) { TRACE("(%d,%d,%d,%p)\n", hdc, start, num, colors); return SetDIBColorTable16(hdc, start, num, colors); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGGetDIBColorTable16 (WING.1005) */ UINT16 WINAPI WinGGetDIBColorTable16(HDC16 hdc, UINT16 start, UINT16 num, RGBQUAD *colors) { TRACE("(%d,%d,%d,%p)\n", hdc, start, num, colors); return GetDIBColorTable16(hdc, start, num, colors); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGCreateHalfTonePalette16 (WING.1007) */ HPALETTE16 WINAPI WinGCreateHalfTonePalette16(void) { TRACE("(void)\n"); return CreateHalftonePalette16(GetDC16(0)); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGCreateHalfToneBrush16 (WING.1008) */ HBRUSH16 WINAPI WinGCreateHalfToneBrush16(HDC16 winDC, COLORREF col, WING_DITHER_TYPE type) { TRACE("(%d,%ld,%d)\n", winDC, col, type); return CreateSolidBrush16(col); } /*********************************************************************** * WinGStretchBlt16 (WING.1009) */ BOOL16 WINAPI WinGStretchBlt16(HDC16 destDC, INT16 xDest, INT16 yDest, INT16 widDest, INT16 heiDest, HDC16 srcDC, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc, INT16 widSrc, INT16 heiSrc) { BOOL16 retval; TRACE("(%d,%d,...)\n", destDC, srcDC); SetStretchBltMode16 ( destDC, COLORONCOLOR ); retval=StretchBlt16(destDC, xDest, yDest, widDest, heiDest, srcDC, xSrc, ySrc, widSrc, heiSrc, SRCCOPY); SetStretchBltMode16 ( destDC, BLACKONWHITE ); return retval; } /*********************************************************************** * WinGBitBlt16 (WING.1010) */ BOOL16 WINAPI WinGBitBlt16(HDC16 destDC, INT16 xDest, INT16 yDest, INT16 widDest, INT16 heiDest, HDC16 srcDC, INT16 xSrc, INT16 ySrc) { TRACE("(%d,%d,...)\n", destDC, srcDC); return BitBlt16(destDC, xDest, yDest, widDest, heiDest, srcDC, xSrc, ySrc, SRCCOPY); }