/* * Copyright 2021 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef _NTUSER_ #define _NTUSER_ #include #include #include /* KernelCallbackTable codes, not compatible with Windows */ enum { NtUserCallEnumDisplayMonitor, NtUserCallWinEventHook, NtUserCallVulkanDebugReportCallback, NtUserCallVulkanDebugUtilsCallback, NtUserCallCount }; /* NtUserCallEnumDisplayMonitor params */ struct enum_display_monitor_params { MONITORENUMPROC proc; HMONITOR monitor; HDC hdc; RECT rect; LPARAM lparam; }; /* NtUserCallWinEventHook params */ struct win_hook_proc_params { DWORD event; HWND hwnd; LONG object_id; LONG child_id; void *handle; WINEVENTPROC proc; WCHAR module[MAX_PATH]; }; /* process DPI awareness contexts */ #define NTUSER_DPI_UNAWARE 0x00006010 #define NTUSER_DPI_SYSTEM_AWARE 0x00006011 #define NTUSER_DPI_PER_MONITOR_AWARE 0x00000012 #define NTUSER_DPI_PER_MONITOR_AWARE_V2 0x00000022 #define NTUSER_DPI_PER_UNAWARE_GDISCALED 0x40006010 /* NtUserCallNoParam codes, not compatible with Windows */ enum { NtUserGetInputState, /* temporary exports */ NtUserThreadDetach, }; /* NtUserCallOneParam codes, not compatible with Windows */ enum { NtUserGetClipCursor, NtUserGetCursorPos, NtUserGetSysColor, NtUserGetSysColorBrush, NtUserGetSysColorPen, NtUserGetSystemMetrics, NtUserMessageBeep, NtUserRealizePalette, /* temporary exports */ NtUserFlushWindowSurfaces, NtUserGetDeskPattern, NtUserIncrementKeyStateCounter, NtUserSetCallbacks, }; /* NtUserCallTwoParam codes, not compatible with Windows */ enum { NtUserGetMonitorInfo, NtUserGetSystemMetricsForDpi, NtUserMirrorRgn, NtUserMonitorFromRect, NtUserUnhookWindowsHook, /* temporary exports */ NtUserRegisterWindowSurface, }; /* color index used to retrieve system 55aa brush */ #define COLOR_55AA_BRUSH 0x100 /* internal messages codes */ enum wine_internal_message { WM_WINE_DESTROYWINDOW = 0x80000000, WM_WINE_SETWINDOWPOS, WM_WINE_SHOWWINDOW, WM_WINE_SETPARENT, WM_WINE_SETWINDOWLONG, WM_WINE_SETSTYLE, WM_WINE_SETACTIVEWINDOW, WM_WINE_KEYBOARD_LL_HOOK, WM_WINE_MOUSE_LL_HOOK, WM_WINE_CLIPCURSOR, WM_WINE_UPDATEWINDOWSTATE, WM_WINE_FIRST_DRIVER_MSG = 0x80001000, /* range of messages reserved for the USER driver */ WM_WINE_LAST_DRIVER_MSG = 0x80001fff }; HKL WINAPI NtUserActivateKeyboardLayout( HKL layout, UINT flags ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserAddClipboardFormatListener( HWND hwnd ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserAttachThreadInput( DWORD from, DWORD to, BOOL attach ); NTSTATUS WINAPI NtUserBuildHwndList( HDESK desktop, ULONG unk2, ULONG unk3, ULONG unk4, ULONG thread_id, ULONG count, HWND *buffer, ULONG *size ); ULONG_PTR WINAPI NtUserCallNoParam( ULONG code ); ULONG_PTR WINAPI NtUserCallOneParam( ULONG_PTR arg, ULONG code ); ULONG_PTR WINAPI NtUserCallTwoParam( ULONG_PTR arg1, ULONG_PTR arg2, ULONG code ); LONG WINAPI NtUserChangeDisplaySettings( UNICODE_STRING *devname, DEVMODEW *devmode, HWND hwnd, DWORD flags, void *lparam ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserClipCursor( const RECT *rect ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserCloseDesktop( HDESK handle ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserCloseWindowStation( HWINSTA handle ); INT WINAPI NtUserCountClipboardFormats(void); HDESK WINAPI NtUserCreateDesktopEx( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr, UNICODE_STRING *device, DEVMODEW *devmode, DWORD flags, ACCESS_MASK access, ULONG heap_size ); HWINSTA WINAPI NtUserCreateWindowStation( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr, ACCESS_MASK mask, ULONG arg3, ULONG arg4, ULONG arg5, ULONG arg6, ULONG arg7 ); NTSTATUS WINAPI NtUserEnumDisplayDevices( UNICODE_STRING *device, DWORD index, DISPLAY_DEVICEW *info, DWORD flags ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserEnumDisplayMonitors( HDC hdc, RECT *rect, MONITORENUMPROC proc, LPARAM lp ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserEnumDisplaySettings( UNICODE_STRING *device, DWORD mode, DEVMODEW *dev_mode, DWORD flags ); SHORT WINAPI NtUserGetAsyncKeyState( INT key ); INT WINAPI NtUserGetClipboardFormatName( UINT format, WCHAR *buffer, INT maxlen ); HWND WINAPI NtUserGetClipboardOwner(void); DWORD WINAPI NtUserGetClipboardSequenceNumber(void); HWND WINAPI NtUserGetClipboardViewer(void); HCURSOR WINAPI NtUserGetCursor(void); LONG WINAPI NtUserGetDisplayConfigBufferSizes( UINT32 flags, UINT32 *num_path_info, UINT32 *num_mode_info ); UINT WINAPI NtUserGetDoubleClickTime(void); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetDpiForMonitor( HMONITOR monitor, UINT type, UINT *x, UINT *y ); HWND WINAPI NtUserGetForegroundWindow(void); INT WINAPI NtUserGetKeyNameText( LONG lparam, WCHAR *buffer, INT size ); SHORT WINAPI NtUserGetKeyState( INT vkey ); HKL WINAPI NtUserGetKeyboardLayout( DWORD thread_id ); UINT WINAPI NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList( INT size, HKL *layouts ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName( WCHAR *name ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetKeyboardState( BYTE *state ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetLayeredWindowAttributes( HWND hwnd, COLORREF *key, BYTE *alpha, DWORD *flags ); int WINAPI NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx( UINT size, MOUSEMOVEPOINT *ptin, MOUSEMOVEPOINT *ptout, int count, DWORD resolution ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetObjectInformation( HANDLE handle, INT index, void *info, DWORD len, DWORD *needed ); HWND WINAPI NtUserGetOpenClipboardWindow(void); INT WINAPI NtUserGetPriorityClipboardFormat( UINT *list, INT count ); HWINSTA WINAPI NtUserGetProcessWindowStation(void); HANDLE WINAPI NtUserGetProp( HWND hwnd, const WCHAR *str ); ULONG WINAPI NtUserGetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( HANDLE process ); DWORD WINAPI NtUserGetQueueStatus( UINT flags ); ULONG WINAPI NtUserGetSystemDpiForProcess( HANDLE process ); HDESK WINAPI NtUserGetThreadDesktop( DWORD thread ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetUpdatedClipboardFormats( UINT *formats, UINT size, UINT *out_size ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserIsClipboardFormatAvailable( UINT format ); UINT WINAPI NtUserMapVirtualKeyEx( UINT code, UINT type, HKL layout ); void WINAPI NtUserNotifyWinEvent( DWORD event, HWND hwnd, LONG object_id, LONG child_id ); HWINSTA WINAPI NtUserOpenWindowStation( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr, ACCESS_MASK access ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetObjectInformation( HANDLE handle, INT index, void *info, DWORD len ); HDESK WINAPI NtUserOpenDesktop( OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES *attr, DWORD flags, ACCESS_MASK access ); HDESK WINAPI NtUserOpenInputDesktop( DWORD flags, BOOL inherit, ACCESS_MASK access ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserRemoveClipboardFormatListener( HWND hwnd ); HANDLE WINAPI NtUserRemoveProp( HWND hwnd, const WCHAR *str ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserScrollDC( HDC hdc, INT dx, INT dy, const RECT *scroll, const RECT *clip, HRGN ret_update_rgn, RECT *update_rect ); HPALETTE WINAPI NtUserSelectPalette( HDC hdc, HPALETTE palette, WORD force_background ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetCursorPos( INT x, INT y ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetKeyboardState( BYTE *state ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetProcessDpiAwarenessContext( ULONG awareness, ULONG unknown ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetProcessWindowStation( HWINSTA handle ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetProp( HWND hwnd, const WCHAR *str, HANDLE handle ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetSysColors( INT count, const INT *colors, const COLORREF *values ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSetThreadDesktop( HDESK handle ); HHOOK WINAPI NtUserSetWindowsHookEx( HINSTANCE inst, UNICODE_STRING *module, DWORD tid, INT id, HOOKPROC proc, BOOL ansi ); HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI NtUserSetWinEventHook( DWORD event_min, DWORD event_max, HMODULE inst, UNICODE_STRING *module, WINEVENTPROC proc, DWORD pid, DWORD tid, DWORD flags ); INT WINAPI NtUserShowCursor( BOOL show ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSystemParametersInfo( UINT action, UINT val, void *ptr, UINT winini ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserSystemParametersInfoForDpi( UINT action, UINT val, PVOID ptr, UINT winini, UINT dpi ); INT WINAPI NtUserToUnicodeEx( UINT virt, UINT scan, const BYTE *state, WCHAR *str, int size, UINT flags, HKL layout ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserUnhookWinEvent( HWINEVENTHOOK hEventHook ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserUnhookWindowsHookEx( HHOOK handle ); BOOL WINAPI NtUserUnregisterHotKey( HWND hwnd, INT id ); WORD WINAPI NtUserVkKeyScanEx( WCHAR chr, HKL layout ); #endif /* _NTUSER_ */