/* * Copyright 2012 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #define COBJMACROS #define NONAMELESSUNION #define NONAMELESSSTRUCT #include "config.h" #include #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winsock2.h" #include "ws2tcpip.h" #include "initguid.h" #include "wbemcli.h" #include "wbemprov.h" #include "iphlpapi.h" #include "tlhelp32.h" #include "d3d10.h" #include "winternl.h" #include "winioctl.h" #include "winsvc.h" #include "winver.h" #include "sddl.h" #include "ntsecapi.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wbemprox_private.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(wbemprox); static const WCHAR class_baseboardW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','B','a','s','e','B','o','a','r','d',0}; static const WCHAR class_biosW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','B','I','O','S',0}; static const WCHAR class_cdromdriveW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','C','D','R','O','M','D','r','i','v','e',0}; static const WCHAR class_compsysW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','C','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','S','y','s','t','e','m',0}; static const WCHAR class_compsysproductW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','C','o','m','p','u','t','e','r','S','y','s','t','e','m','P','r','o','d','u','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR class_datafileW[] = {'C','I','M','_','D','a','t','a','F','i','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR class_directoryW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR class_diskdriveW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','D','i','s','k','D','r','i','v','e',0}; static const WCHAR class_diskpartitionW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','D','i','s','k','P','a','r','t','i','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR class_logicaldiskW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','L','o','g','i','c','a','l','D','i','s','k',0}; static const WCHAR class_logicaldisk2W[] = {'C','I','M','_','L','o','g','i','c','a','l','D','i','s','k',0}; static const WCHAR class_networkadapterW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','N','e','t','w','o','r','k','A','d','a','p','t','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR class_networkadapterconfigW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','N','e','t','w','o','r','k','A','d','a','p','t','e','r', 'C','o','n','f','i','g','u','r','a','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR class_osW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','O','p','e','r','a','t','i','n','g','S','y','s','t','e','m',0}; static const WCHAR class_paramsW[] = {'_','_','P','A','R','A','M','E','T','E','R','S',0}; static const WCHAR class_physicalmediaW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','P','h','y','s','i','c','a','l','M','e','d','i','a',0}; static const WCHAR class_physicalmemoryW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','P','h','y','s','i','c','a','l','M','e','m','o','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR class_qualifiersW[] = {'_','_','Q','U','A','L','I','F','I','E','R','S',0}; static const WCHAR class_process_getowner_outW[] = {'_','_','W','I','N','3','2','_','P','R','O','C','E','S','S','_','G','E','T','O','W', 'N','E','R','_','O','U','T',0}; static const WCHAR class_processorW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r',0}; static const WCHAR class_processor2W[] = {'C','I','M','_','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r',0}; static const WCHAR class_sidW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','S','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR class_sounddeviceW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','S','o','u','n','d','D','e','v','i','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR class_videocontrollerW[] = {'W','i','n','3','2','_','V','i','d','e','o','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','l','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_accountnameW[] = {'A','c','c','o','u','n','t','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_acceptpauseW[] = {'A','c','c','e','p','t','P','a','u','s','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_acceptstopW[] = {'A','c','c','e','p','t','S','t','o','p',0}; static const WCHAR prop_accessmaskW[] = {'A','c','c','e','s','s','M','a','s','k',0}; static const WCHAR prop_adapterdactypeW[] = {'A','d','a','p','t','e','r','D','A','C','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_adapterramW[] = {'A','d','a','p','t','e','r','R','A','M',0}; static const WCHAR prop_adaptertypeW[] = {'A','d','a','p','t','e','r','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_addresswidthW[] = {'A','d','d','r','e','s','s','W','i','d','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR prop_availabilityW[] = {'A','v','a','i','l','a','b','i','l','i','t','y',0}; static const WCHAR prop_binaryrepresentationW[] = {'B','i','n','a','r','y','R','e','p','r','e','s','e','n','t','a','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_bootableW[] = {'B','o','o','t','a','b','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_bootpartitionW[] = {'B','o','o','t','P','a','r','t','i','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_buildnumberW[] = {'B','u','i','l','d','N','u','m','b','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_capacityW[] = {'C','a','p','a','c','i','t','y',0}; static const WCHAR prop_captionW[] = {'C','a','p','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_classW[] = {'C','l','a','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_codesetW[] = {'C','o','d','e','S','e','t',0}; static const WCHAR prop_commandlineW[] = {'C','o','m','m','a','n','d','L','i','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_countrycodeW[] = {'C','o','u','n','t','r','y','C','o','d','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_cpustatusW[] = {'C','p','u','S','t','a','t','u','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_csdversionW[] = {'C','S','D','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currentbitsperpixelW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','B','i','t','s','P','e','r','P','i','x','e','l',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currentclockspeedW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','C','l','o','c','k','S','p','e','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currenthorizontalresW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','H','o','r','i','z','o','n','t','a','l','R','e','s','o','l','u','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currentrefreshrateW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','R','e','f','r','e','s','h','R','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currentscanmodeW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','S','c','a','n','M','o','d','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_currentverticalresW[] = {'C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','t','i','c','a','l','R','e','s','o','l','u','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_datawidthW[] = {'D','a','t','a','W','i','d','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR prop_defaultvalueW[] = {'D','e','f','a','u','l','t','V','a','l','u','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_descriptionW[] = {'D','e','s','c','r','i','p','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_deviceidW[] = {'D','e','v','i','c','e','I','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_directionW[] = {'D','i','r','e','c','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_displaynameW[] = {'D','i','s','p','l','a','y','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_diskindexW[] = {'D','i','s','k','I','n','d','e','x',0}; static const WCHAR prop_dnshostnameW[] = {'D','N','S','H','o','s','t','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_domainW[] = {'D','o','m','a','i','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_domainroleW[] = {'D','o','m','a','i','n','R','o','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_driveW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_driverversionW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','r','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_drivetypeW[] = {'D','r','i','v','e','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_familyW[] = {'F','a','m','i','l','y',0}; static const WCHAR prop_filesystemW[] = {'F','i','l','e','S','y','s','t','e','m',0}; static const WCHAR prop_flavorW[] = {'F','l','a','v','o','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_freespaceW[] = {'F','r','e','e','S','p','a','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_handleW[] = {'H','a','n','d','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_idW[] = {'I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_identificationcodeW[] = {'I','d','e','n','t','i','f','i','c','a','t','i','o','n','C','o','d','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_identifyingnumberW[] = {'I','d','e','n','t','i','f','y','i','n','g','N','u','m','b','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_indexW[] = {'I','n','d','e','x',0}; static const WCHAR prop_installdateW[] = {'I','n','s','t','a','l','l','D','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_interfaceindexW[] = {'I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','I','n','d','e','x',0}; static const WCHAR prop_interfacetypeW[] = {'I','n','t','e','r','f','a','c','e','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_intvalueW[] = {'I','n','t','e','g','e','r','V','a','l','u','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_ipconnectionmetricW[] = {'I','P','C','o','n','n','e','c','t','i','o','n','M','e','t','r','i','c',0}; static const WCHAR prop_ipenabledW[] = {'I','P','E','n','a','b','l','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_lastbootuptimeW[] = {'L','a','s','t','B','o','o','t','U','p','T','i','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_localdatetimeW[] = {'L','o','c','a','l','D','a','t','e','T','i','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_localeW[] = {'L','o','c','a','l','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_macaddressW[] = {'M','A','C','A','d','d','r','e','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_manufacturerW[] = {'M','a','n','u','f','a','c','t','u','r','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_maxclockspeedW[] = {'M','a','x','C','l','o','c','k','S','p','e','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_mediatypeW[] = {'M','e','d','i','a','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_memberW[] = {'M','e','m','b','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_methodW[] = {'M','e','t','h','o','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_modelW[] = {'M','o','d','e','l',0}; static const WCHAR prop_netconnectionstatusW[] = {'N','e','t','C','o','n','n','e','c','t','i','o','n','S','t','a','t','u','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_numcoresW[] = {'N','u','m','b','e','r','O','f','C','o','r','e','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_numlogicalprocessorsW[] = {'N','u','m','b','e','r','O','f','L','o','g','i','c','a','l','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_numprocessorsW[] = {'N','u','m','b','e','r','O','f','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','s',0}; static const WCHAR prop_osarchitectureW[] = {'O','S','A','r','c','h','i','t','e','c','t','u','r','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_oslanguageW[] = {'O','S','L','a','n','g','u','a','g','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_osproductsuiteW[] = {'O','S','P','r','o','d','u','c','t','S','u','i','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_ostypeW[] = {'O','S','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_parameterW[] = {'P','a','r','a','m','e','t','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_physicaladapterW[] = {'P','h','y','s','i','c','a','l','A','d','a','p','t','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_pnpdeviceidW[] = {'P','N','P','D','e','v','i','c','e','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_pprocessidW[] = {'P','a','r','e','n','t','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_processidW[] = {'P','r','o','c','e','s','s','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_processoridW[] = {'P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','I','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_processortypeW[] = {'P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_productW[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR prop_productnameW[] = {'P','r','o','d','u','c','t','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_referenceddomainnameW[] = {'R','e','f','e','r','e','n','c','e','d','D','o','m','a','i','n','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_releasedateW[] = {'R','e','l','e','a','s','e','D','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_serialnumberW[] = {'S','e','r','i','a','l','N','u','m','b','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_servicepackmajorW[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','P','a','c','k','M','a','j','o','r','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_servicepackminorW[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','P','a','c','k','M','i','n','o','r','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_servicetypeW[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_smbiosbiosversionW[] = {'S','M','B','I','O','S','B','I','O','S','V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_startmodeW[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','M','o','d','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_sidW[] = {'S','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_sidlengthW[] = {'S','i','d','L','e','n','g','t','h',0}; static const WCHAR prop_sizeW[] = {'S','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_speedW[] = {'S','p','e','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_startingoffsetW[] = {'S','t','a','r','t','i','n','g','O','f','f','s','e','t',0}; static const WCHAR prop_stateW[] = {'S','t','a','t','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_statusinfoW[] = {'S','t','a','t','u','s','I','n','f','o',0}; static const WCHAR prop_strvalueW[] = {'S','t','r','i','n','g','V','a','l','u','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_suitemaskW[] = {'S','u','i','t','e','M','a','s','k',0}; static const WCHAR prop_systemdirectoryW[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','D','i','r','e','c','t','o','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR prop_systemnameW[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_tagW[] = {'T','a','g',0}; static const WCHAR prop_threadcountW[] = {'T','h','r','e','a','d','C','o','u','n','t',0}; static const WCHAR prop_totalphysicalmemoryW[] = {'T','o','t','a','l','P','h','y','s','i','c','a','l','M','e','m','o','r','y',0}; static const WCHAR prop_totalvisiblememorysizeW[] = {'T','o','t','a','l','V','i','s','i','b','l','e','M','e','m','o','r','y','S','i','z','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_typeW[] = {'T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_uniqueidW[] = {'U','n','i','q','u','e','I','d',0}; static const WCHAR prop_usernameW[] = {'U','s','e','r','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_uuidW[] = {'U','U','I','D',0}; static const WCHAR prop_varianttypeW[] = {'V','a','r','i','a','n','t','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_versionW[] = {'V','e','r','s','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR prop_videoarchitectureW[] = {'V','i','d','e','o','A','r','c','h','i','t','e','c','t','u','r','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_videomemorytypeW[] = {'V','i','d','e','o','M','e','m','o','r','y','T','y','p','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_videoprocessorW[] = {'V','i','d','e','o','P','r','o','c','e','s','s','o','r',0}; static const WCHAR prop_volumenameW[] = {'V','o','l','u','m','e','N','a','m','e',0}; static const WCHAR prop_volumeserialnumberW[] = {'V','o','l','u','m','e','S','e','r','i','a','l','N','u','m','b','e','r',0}; /* column definitions must be kept in sync with record structures below */ static const struct column col_baseboard[] = { { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_modelW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_productW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_serialnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_tagW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_versionW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_bios[] = { { prop_descriptionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_identificationcodeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_releasedateW, CIM_DATETIME }, { prop_serialnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_smbiosbiosversionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_versionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_KEY } }; static const struct column col_cdromdrive[] = { { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_driveW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_mediatypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_pnpdeviceidW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_compsys[] = { { prop_descriptionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_domainW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_domainroleW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_modelW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_numlogicalprocessorsW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_numprocessorsW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_totalphysicalmemoryW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_usernameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_compsysproduct[] = { { prop_identifyingnumberW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_uuidW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_datafile[] = { { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_versionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_directory[] = { { prop_accessmaskW, CIM_UINT32 }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY } }; static const struct column col_diskdrive[] = { { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_indexW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_interfacetypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_mediatypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_modelW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_pnpdeviceidW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_serialnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_sizeW, CIM_UINT64 } }; static const struct column col_diskpartition[] = { { prop_bootableW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_bootpartitionW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_diskindexW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_indexW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_pnpdeviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_sizeW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_startingoffsetW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_typeW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_logicaldisk[] = { { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_drivetypeW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_filesystemW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_freespaceW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_sizeW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_volumenameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_volumeserialnumberW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_networkadapter[] = { { prop_adaptertypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_indexW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_interfaceindexW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_macaddressW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_netconnectionstatusW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_physicaladapterW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_pnpdeviceidW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_speedW, CIM_UINT64 } }; static const struct column col_networkadapterconfig[] = { { prop_dnshostnameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_indexW, CIM_UINT32|COL_FLAG_KEY, VT_I4 }, { prop_ipconnectionmetricW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_ipenabledW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_macaddressW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_os[] = { { prop_buildnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_captionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_codesetW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_countrycodeW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_csdversionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_installdateW, CIM_DATETIME }, { prop_lastbootuptimeW, CIM_DATETIME|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_localdatetimeW, CIM_DATETIME|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_localeW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_osarchitectureW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_oslanguageW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_osproductsuiteW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_ostypeW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_serialnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_servicepackmajorW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_servicepackminorW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_suitemaskW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_systemdirectoryW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_totalvisiblememorysizeW, CIM_UINT64 }, { prop_versionW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_param[] = { { prop_classW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_methodW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_directionW, CIM_SINT32 }, { prop_parameterW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_typeW, CIM_UINT32 }, { prop_varianttypeW, CIM_UINT32 }, { prop_defaultvalueW, CIM_UINT32 } }; static const struct column col_physicalmedia[] = { { prop_serialnumberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_tagW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_physicalmemory[] = { { prop_capacityW, CIM_UINT64 } }; static const struct column col_process[] = { { prop_captionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_commandlineW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_descriptionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_handleW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_pprocessidW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_processidW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_threadcountW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, /* methods */ { method_getownerW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD } }; static const struct column col_processor[] = { { prop_addresswidthW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_captionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_cpustatusW, CIM_UINT16 }, { prop_currentclockspeedW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_datawidthW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_descriptionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_familyW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_manufacturerW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_maxclockspeedW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_numcoresW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_numlogicalprocessorsW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_processoridW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_processortypeW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_uniqueidW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_versionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const struct column col_qualifier[] = { { prop_classW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_memberW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_typeW, CIM_UINT32 }, { prop_flavorW, CIM_SINT32 }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_intvalueW, CIM_SINT32 }, { prop_strvalueW, CIM_STRING } }; static const struct column col_service[] = { { prop_acceptpauseW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_acceptstopW, CIM_BOOLEAN }, { prop_displaynameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_processidW, CIM_UINT32 }, { prop_servicetypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_startmodeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_stateW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_systemnameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, /* methods */ { method_pauseserviceW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_resumeserviceW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_startserviceW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_stopserviceW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD } }; static const struct column col_sid[] = { { prop_accountnameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_binaryrepresentationW, CIM_UINT8|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_referenceddomainnameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_sidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_sidlengthW, CIM_UINT32 } }; static const struct column col_sounddevice[] = { { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_productnameW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_statusinfoW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 } }; static const struct column col_stdregprov[] = { { method_enumkeyW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_enumvaluesW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_getstringvalueW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD } }; static const struct column col_systemsecurity[] = { { method_getsdW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, { method_setsdW, CIM_FLAG_ARRAY|COL_FLAG_METHOD }, }; static const struct column col_videocontroller[] = { { prop_adapterdactypeW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_adapterramW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_availabilityW, CIM_UINT16 }, { prop_captionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_currentbitsperpixelW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_currenthorizontalresW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_currentrefreshrateW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_currentscanmodeW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_currentverticalresW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { prop_descriptionW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_deviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_KEY }, { prop_driverversionW, CIM_STRING }, { prop_nameW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_pnpdeviceidW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC }, { prop_videoarchitectureW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_videomemorytypeW, CIM_UINT16, VT_I4 }, { prop_videoprocessorW, CIM_STRING|COL_FLAG_DYNAMIC } }; static const WCHAR baseboard_manufacturerW[] = {'I','n','t','e','l',' ','C','o','r','p','o','r','a','t','i','o','n',0}; static const WCHAR baseboard_serialnumberW[] = {'N','o','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR baseboard_tagW[] = {'B','a','s','e',' ','B','o','a','r','d',0}; static const WCHAR baseboard_versionW[] = {'1','.','0',0}; static const WCHAR bios_descriptionW[] = {'D','e','f','a','u','l','t',' ','S','y','s','t','e','m',' ','B','I','O','S',0}; static const WCHAR bios_manufacturerW[] = {'T','h','e',' ','W','i','n','e',' ','P','r','o','j','e','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR bios_releasedateW[] = {'2','0','1','2','0','6','0','8','0','0','0','0','0','0','.','0','0','0','0','0','0','+','0','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR bios_serialnumberW[] = {'0',0}; static const WCHAR bios_smbiosbiosversionW[] = {'W','i','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR bios_versionW[] = {'W','I','N','E',' ',' ',' ','-',' ','1',0}; static const WCHAR cdromdrive_mediatypeW[] = {'C','D','-','R','O','M',0}; static const WCHAR cdromdrive_nameW[] = {'W','i','n','e',' ','C','D','-','R','O','M',' ','A','T','A',' ','D','e','v','i','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR cdromdrive_pnpdeviceidW[]= {'I','D','E','\\','C','D','R','O','M','W','I','N','E','_','C','D','-','R','O','M', '_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_','_', '_','_','_','_','_','_','_','1','.','0','_','_','_','_','_','\\','5','&','3','A','2', 'A','5','8','5','4','&','0','&','1','.','0','.','0',0}; static const WCHAR compsys_descriptionW[] = {'A','T','/','A','T',' ','C','O','M','P','A','T','I','B','L','E',0}; static const WCHAR compsys_domainW[] = {'W','O','R','K','G','R','O','U','P',0}; static const WCHAR compsys_manufacturerW[] = {'T','h','e',' ','W','i','n','e',' ','P','r','o','j','e','c','t',0}; static const WCHAR compsys_modelW[] = {'W','i','n','e',0}; static const WCHAR compsysproduct_identifyingnumberW[] = {'0',0}; static const WCHAR compsysproduct_uuidW[] = {'0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','-','0','0','0','0','-','0','0','0','0','-','0','0','0','0','-', '0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_interfacetypeW[] = {'I','D','E',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_manufacturerW[] = {'(','S','t','a','n','d','a','r','d',' ','d','i','s','k',' ','d','r','i','v','e','s',')',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_mediatype_fixedW[] = {'F','i','x','e','d',' ','h','a','r','d',' ','d','i','s','k',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_mediatype_removableW[] = {'R','e','m','o','v','a','b','l','e',' ','m','e','d','i','a',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_modelW[] = {'W','i','n','e',' ','D','i','s','k',' ','D','r','i','v','e',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_pnpdeviceidW[] = {'I','D','E','\\','D','i','s','k','\\','V','E','N','_','W','I','N','E',0}; static const WCHAR diskdrive_serialW[] = {'W','I','N','E','H','D','I','S','K',0}; static const WCHAR networkadapter_pnpdeviceidW[]= {'P','C','I','\\','V','E','N','_','8','0','8','6','&','D','E','V','_','1','0','0','E','&', 'S','U','B','S','Y','S','_','0','0','1','E','8','0','8','6','&','R','E','V','_','0','2','\\', '3','&','2','6','7','A','6','1','6','A','&','1','&','1','8',0}; static const WCHAR os_32bitW[] = {'3','2','-','b','i','t',0}; static const WCHAR os_64bitW[] = {'6','4','-','b','i','t',0}; static const WCHAR os_buildnumberW[] = {'2','6','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR os_captionW[] = {'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t',' ','W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','X','P',' ', 'V','e','r','s','i','o','n',' ','=',' ','5','.','1','.','2','6','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR os_csdversionW[] = {'S','e','r','v','i','c','e',' ','P','a','c','k',' ','3',0}; static const WCHAR os_installdateW[] = {'2','0','1','4','0','1','0','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','.','0','0','0','0','0','0','+','0','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR os_nameW[] = {'M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t',' ','W','i','n','d','o','w','s',' ','X','P',' ', 'P','r','o','f','e','s','s','i','o','n','a','l','|','C',':','\\','W','I','N','D','O','W','S', '|','\\','D','e','v','i','c','e','\\','H','a','r','d','d','i','s','k','0', '\\','P','a','r','t','i','t','i','o','n','1',0}; static const WCHAR os_serialnumberW[] = {'1','2','3','4','5','-','O','E','M','-','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','-','1','2','3','4','5',0}; static const WCHAR os_versionW[] = {'5','.','1','.','2','6','0','0',0}; static const WCHAR physicalmedia_tagW[] = {'\\','\\','.','\\','P','H','Y','S','I','C','A','L','D','R','I','V','E','0',0}; static const WCHAR sounddevice_productnameW[] = {'W','i','n','e',' ','A','u','d','i','o',' ','D','e','v','i','c','e',0}; static const WCHAR videocontroller_dactypeW[] = {'I','n','t','e','g','r','a','t','e','d',' ','R','A','M','D','A','C',0}; static const WCHAR videocontroller_deviceidW[] = {'V','i','d','e','o','C','o','n','t','r','o','l','l','e','r','1',0}; static const WCHAR videocontroller_driverversionW[] = {'1','.','0',0}; #include "pshpack1.h" struct record_baseboard { const WCHAR *manufacturer; const WCHAR *model; const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *product; const WCHAR *serialnumber; const WCHAR *tag; const WCHAR *version; }; struct record_bios { const WCHAR *description; const WCHAR *identificationcode; const WCHAR *manufacturer; const WCHAR *releasedate; const WCHAR *serialnumber; const WCHAR *smbiosbiosversion; const WCHAR *version; }; struct record_cdromdrive { const WCHAR *device_id; const WCHAR *drive; const WCHAR *mediatype; const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *pnpdevice_id; }; struct record_computersystem { const WCHAR *description; const WCHAR *domain; UINT16 domainrole; const WCHAR *manufacturer; const WCHAR *model; const WCHAR *name; UINT32 num_logical_processors; UINT32 num_processors; UINT64 total_physical_memory; const WCHAR *username; }; struct record_computersystemproduct { const WCHAR *identifyingnumber; const WCHAR *uuid; }; struct record_datafile { const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *version; }; struct record_directory { UINT32 accessmask; const WCHAR *name; }; struct record_diskdrive { const WCHAR *device_id; UINT32 index; const WCHAR *interfacetype; const WCHAR *manufacturer; const WCHAR *mediatype; const WCHAR *model; const WCHAR *pnpdevice_id; const WCHAR *serialnumber; UINT64 size; }; struct record_diskpartition { int bootable; int bootpartition; const WCHAR *device_id; UINT32 diskindex; UINT32 index; const WCHAR *pnpdevice_id; UINT64 size; UINT64 startingoffset; const WCHAR *type; }; struct record_logicaldisk { const WCHAR *device_id; UINT32 drivetype; const WCHAR *filesystem; UINT64 freespace; const WCHAR *name; UINT64 size; const WCHAR *volumename; const WCHAR *volumeserialnumber; }; struct record_networkadapter { const WCHAR *adaptertype; const WCHAR *device_id; UINT32 index; UINT32 interface_index; const WCHAR *mac_address; const WCHAR *manufacturer; const WCHAR *name; UINT16 netconnection_status; int physicaladapter; const WCHAR *pnpdevice_id; UINT64 speed; }; struct record_networkadapterconfig { const WCHAR *dnshostname; UINT32 index; UINT32 ipconnectionmetric; int ipenabled; const WCHAR *mac_address; }; struct record_operatingsystem { const WCHAR *buildnumber; const WCHAR *caption; const WCHAR *codeset; const WCHAR *countrycode; const WCHAR *csdversion; const WCHAR *installdate; const WCHAR *lastbootuptime; const WCHAR *localdatetime; const WCHAR *locale; const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *osarchitecture; UINT32 oslanguage; UINT32 osproductsuite; UINT16 ostype; const WCHAR *serialnumber; UINT16 servicepackmajor; UINT16 servicepackminor; UINT32 suitemask; const WCHAR *systemdirectory; UINT64 totalvisiblememorysize; const WCHAR *version; }; struct record_param { const WCHAR *class; const WCHAR *method; INT32 direction; const WCHAR *parameter; UINT32 type; UINT32 varianttype; UINT32 defaultvalue; }; struct record_physicalmedia { const WCHAR *serialnumber; const WCHAR *tag; }; struct record_physicalmemory { UINT64 capacity; }; struct record_process { const WCHAR *caption; const WCHAR *commandline; const WCHAR *description; const WCHAR *handle; const WCHAR *name; UINT32 pprocess_id; UINT32 process_id; UINT32 thread_count; /* methods */ class_method *get_owner; }; struct record_processor { UINT16 addresswidth; const WCHAR *caption; UINT16 cpu_status; UINT32 currentclockspeed; UINT16 datawidth; const WCHAR *description; const WCHAR *device_id; UINT16 family; const WCHAR *manufacturer; UINT32 maxclockspeed; const WCHAR *name; UINT32 num_cores; UINT32 num_logical_processors; const WCHAR *processor_id; UINT16 processortype; const WCHAR *unique_id; const WCHAR *version; }; struct record_qualifier { const WCHAR *class; const WCHAR *member; UINT32 type; INT32 flavor; const WCHAR *name; INT32 intvalue; const WCHAR *strvalue; }; struct record_service { int accept_pause; int accept_stop; const WCHAR *displayname; const WCHAR *name; UINT32 process_id; const WCHAR *servicetype; const WCHAR *startmode; const WCHAR *state; const WCHAR *systemname; /* methods */ class_method *pause_service; class_method *resume_service; class_method *start_service; class_method *stop_service; }; struct record_sid { const WCHAR *accountname; const UINT8 *binaryrepresentation; const WCHAR *referenceddomainname; const WCHAR *sid; UINT32 sidlength; }; struct record_sounddevice { const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *productname; UINT16 statusinfo; }; struct record_stdregprov { class_method *enumkey; class_method *enumvalues; class_method *getstringvalue; }; struct record_systemsecurity { class_method *getsd; class_method *setsd; }; struct record_videocontroller { const WCHAR *adapter_dactype; UINT32 adapter_ram; UINT16 availability; const WCHAR *caption; UINT32 current_bitsperpixel; UINT32 current_horizontalres; UINT32 current_refreshrate; UINT16 current_scanmode; UINT32 current_verticalres; const WCHAR *description; const WCHAR *device_id; const WCHAR *driverversion; const WCHAR *name; const WCHAR *pnpdevice_id; UINT16 videoarchitecture; UINT16 videomemorytype; const WCHAR *videoprocessor; }; #include "poppack.h" static const struct record_baseboard data_baseboard[] = { { baseboard_manufacturerW, baseboard_tagW, baseboard_tagW, baseboard_tagW, baseboard_serialnumberW, baseboard_versionW } }; static const struct record_bios data_bios[] = { { bios_descriptionW, bios_descriptionW, bios_manufacturerW, bios_releasedateW, bios_serialnumberW, bios_smbiosbiosversionW, bios_versionW } }; static const struct record_computersystemproduct data_compsysproduct[] = { { compsysproduct_identifyingnumberW, compsysproduct_uuidW } }; static const struct record_param data_param[] = { { class_processW, method_getownerW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_processW, method_getownerW, -1, param_userW, CIM_STRING }, { class_processW, method_getownerW, -1, param_domainW, CIM_STRING }, { class_serviceW, method_pauseserviceW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_serviceW, method_resumeserviceW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_serviceW, method_startserviceW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_serviceW, method_stopserviceW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, 1, param_defkeyW, CIM_SINT32, 0, 0x80000002 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, 1, param_subkeynameW, CIM_STRING }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumkeyW, -1, param_namesW, CIM_STRING|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, 1, param_defkeyW, CIM_SINT32, 0, 0x80000002 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, 1, param_subkeynameW, CIM_STRING }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_namesW, CIM_STRING|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }, { class_stdregprovW, method_enumvaluesW, -1, param_typesW, CIM_SINT32|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }, { class_stdregprovW, method_getstringvalueW, 1, param_defkeyW, CIM_SINT32, 0, 0x80000002 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_getstringvalueW, 1, param_subkeynameW, CIM_STRING }, { class_stdregprovW, method_getstringvalueW, 1, param_valuenameW, CIM_STRING }, { class_stdregprovW, method_getstringvalueW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_stdregprovW, method_getstringvalueW, -1, param_valueW, CIM_STRING }, { class_systemsecurityW, method_getsdW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, { class_systemsecurityW, method_getsdW, -1, param_sdW, CIM_UINT8|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }, { class_systemsecurityW, method_setsdW, 1, param_sdW, CIM_UINT8|CIM_FLAG_ARRAY }, { class_systemsecurityW, method_setsdW, -1, param_returnvalueW, CIM_UINT32, VT_I4 }, }; #define FLAVOR_ID (WBEM_FLAVOR_FLAG_PROPAGATE_TO_INSTANCE | WBEM_FLAVOR_NOT_OVERRIDABLE |\ WBEM_FLAVOR_ORIGIN_PROPAGATED) static const struct record_physicalmedia data_physicalmedia[] = { { diskdrive_serialW, physicalmedia_tagW } }; static const struct record_qualifier data_qualifier[] = { { class_process_getowner_outW, param_userW, CIM_SINT32, FLAVOR_ID, prop_idW, 0 }, { class_process_getowner_outW, param_domainW, CIM_SINT32, FLAVOR_ID, prop_idW, 1 } }; static const struct record_sounddevice data_sounddevice[] = { { sounddevice_productnameW, sounddevice_productnameW, 3 /* enabled */ } }; static const struct record_stdregprov data_stdregprov[] = { { reg_enum_key, reg_enum_values, reg_get_stringvalue } }; static const struct record_systemsecurity data_systemsecurity[] = { { security_get_sd, security_set_sd } }; /* check if row matches condition and update status */ static BOOL match_row( const struct table *table, UINT row, const struct expr *cond, enum fill_status *status ) { LONGLONG val; UINT type; if (!cond) { *status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; return TRUE; } if (eval_cond( table, row, cond, &val, &type ) != S_OK) { *status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; return FALSE; } *status = FILL_STATUS_FILTERED; return val != 0; } static BOOL resize_table( struct table *table, UINT row_count, UINT row_size ) { if (!table->num_rows_allocated) { if (!(table->data = heap_alloc( row_count * row_size ))) return FALSE; table->num_rows_allocated = row_count; return TRUE; } if (row_count > table->num_rows_allocated) { BYTE *data; UINT count = max( row_count, table->num_rows_allocated * 2 ); if (!(data = heap_realloc( table->data, count * row_size ))) return FALSE; table->data = data; table->num_rows_allocated = count; } return TRUE; } static enum fill_status fill_cdromdrive( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','c',':',0}; WCHAR drive[3], root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; struct record_cdromdrive *rec; UINT i, row = 0, offset = 0; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (drives & (1 << i)) { root[0] = 'A' + i; if (GetDriveTypeW( root ) != DRIVE_CDROM) continue; if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_cdromdrive *)(table->data + offset); rec->device_id = cdromdrive_pnpdeviceidW; sprintfW( drive, fmtW, 'A' + i ); rec->drive = heap_strdupW( drive ); rec->mediatype = cdromdrive_mediatypeW; rec->name = cdromdrive_nameW; rec->pnpdevice_id = cdromdrive_pnpdeviceidW; if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static UINT get_processor_count(void) { SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION info; if (NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemBasicInformation, &info, sizeof(info), NULL )) return 1; return info.NumberOfProcessors; } static UINT get_logical_processor_count( UINT *num_cores ) { SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *info; UINT i, j, count = 0; NTSTATUS status; ULONG len; if (num_cores) *num_cores = get_processor_count(); status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemLogicalProcessorInformation, NULL, 0, &len ); if (status != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) return get_processor_count(); if (!(info = heap_alloc( len ))) return get_processor_count(); status = NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemLogicalProcessorInformation, info, len, &len ); if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { heap_free( info ); return get_processor_count(); } if (num_cores) *num_cores = 0; for (i = 0; i < len / sizeof(*info); i++) { if (info[i].Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ULONG_PTR); j++) if (info[i].ProcessorMask & (1 << j)) count++; } else if (info[i].Relationship == RelationProcessorPackage && num_cores) { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(ULONG_PTR); j++) if (info[i].ProcessorMask & (1 << j)) (*num_cores)++; } } heap_free( info ); return count; } static UINT64 get_total_physical_memory(void) { MEMORYSTATUSEX status; status.dwLength = sizeof(status); if (!GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &status )) return 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return status.ullTotalPhys; } static WCHAR *get_computername(void) { WCHAR *ret; DWORD size = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( size * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; GetComputerNameW( ret, &size ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_username(void) { WCHAR *ret; DWORD compsize, usersize; DWORD size; compsize = 0; GetComputerNameW( NULL, &compsize ); usersize = 0; GetUserNameW( NULL, &usersize ); size = compsize + usersize; /* two null terminators account for the \ */ if (!(ret = heap_alloc( size * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; GetComputerNameW( ret, &compsize ); ret[compsize] = '\\'; GetUserNameW( ret + compsize + 1, &usersize ); return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_compsys( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_computersystem *rec; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; UINT row = 0; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_computersystem *)table->data; rec->description = compsys_descriptionW; rec->domain = compsys_domainW; rec->domainrole = 0; /* standalone workstation */ rec->manufacturer = compsys_manufacturerW; rec->model = compsys_modelW; rec->name = get_computername(); rec->num_logical_processors = get_logical_processor_count( NULL ); rec->num_processors = get_processor_count(); rec->total_physical_memory = get_total_physical_memory(); rec->username = get_username(); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) free_row_values( table, row ); else row++; TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } struct dirstack { WCHAR **dirs; UINT *len_dirs; UINT num_dirs; UINT num_allocated; }; static struct dirstack *alloc_dirstack( UINT size ) { struct dirstack *dirstack; if (!(dirstack = heap_alloc( sizeof(*dirstack) ))) return NULL; if (!(dirstack->dirs = heap_alloc( sizeof(WCHAR *) * size ))) { heap_free( dirstack ); return NULL; } if (!(dirstack->len_dirs = heap_alloc( sizeof(UINT) * size ))) { heap_free( dirstack->dirs ); heap_free( dirstack ); return NULL; } dirstack->num_dirs = 0; dirstack->num_allocated = size; return dirstack; } static void clear_dirstack( struct dirstack *dirstack ) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < dirstack->num_dirs; i++) heap_free( dirstack->dirs[i] ); dirstack->num_dirs = 0; } static void free_dirstack( struct dirstack *dirstack ) { clear_dirstack( dirstack ); heap_free( dirstack->dirs ); heap_free( dirstack->len_dirs ); heap_free( dirstack ); } static BOOL push_dir( struct dirstack *dirstack, WCHAR *dir, UINT len ) { UINT size, i = dirstack->num_dirs; if (!dir) return FALSE; if (i == dirstack->num_allocated) { WCHAR **tmp; UINT *len_tmp; size = dirstack->num_allocated * 2; if (!(tmp = heap_realloc( dirstack->dirs, size * sizeof(WCHAR *) ))) return FALSE; dirstack->dirs = tmp; if (!(len_tmp = heap_realloc( dirstack->len_dirs, size * sizeof(UINT) ))) return FALSE; dirstack->len_dirs = len_tmp; dirstack->num_allocated = size; } dirstack->dirs[i] = dir; dirstack->len_dirs[i] = len; dirstack->num_dirs++; return TRUE; } static WCHAR *pop_dir( struct dirstack *dirstack, UINT *len ) { if (!dirstack->num_dirs) { *len = 0; return NULL; } dirstack->num_dirs--; *len = dirstack->len_dirs[dirstack->num_dirs]; return dirstack->dirs[dirstack->num_dirs]; } static const WCHAR *peek_dir( struct dirstack *dirstack ) { if (!dirstack->num_dirs) return NULL; return dirstack->dirs[dirstack->num_dirs - 1]; } static WCHAR *build_glob( WCHAR drive, const WCHAR *path, UINT len ) { UINT i = 0; WCHAR *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( (len + 6) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; ret[i++] = drive; ret[i++] = ':'; ret[i++] = '\\'; if (path && len) { memcpy( ret + i, path, len * sizeof(WCHAR) ); i += len; ret[i++] = '\\'; } ret[i++] = '*'; ret[i] = 0; return ret; } static WCHAR *build_name( WCHAR drive, const WCHAR *path ) { UINT i = 0, len = 0; const WCHAR *p; WCHAR *ret; for (p = path; *p; p++) { if (*p == '\\') len += 2; else len++; }; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( (len + 5) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; ret[i++] = drive; ret[i++] = ':'; ret[i++] = '\\'; ret[i++] = '\\'; for (p = path; *p; p++) { if (*p != '\\') ret[i++] = *p; else { ret[i++] = '\\'; ret[i++] = '\\'; } } ret[i] = 0; return ret; } static WCHAR *build_dirname( const WCHAR *path, UINT *ret_len ) { const WCHAR *p = path, *start; UINT len, i; WCHAR *ret; if (!isalphaW( p[0] ) || p[1] != ':' || p[2] != '\\' || p[3] != '\\' || !p[4]) return NULL; start = path + 4; len = strlenW( start ); p = start + len - 1; if (*p == '\\') return NULL; while (p >= start && *p != '\\') { len--; p--; }; while (p >= start && *p == '\\') { len--; p--; }; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; for (i = 0, p = start; p < start + len; p++) { if (p[0] == '\\' && p[1] == '\\') { ret[i++] = '\\'; p++; } else ret[i++] = *p; } ret[i] = 0; *ret_len = i; return ret; } static BOOL seen_dir( struct dirstack *dirstack, const WCHAR *path ) { UINT i; for (i = 0; i < dirstack->num_dirs; i++) if (!strcmpW( dirstack->dirs[i], path )) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* optimize queries of the form WHERE Name='...' [OR Name='...']* */ static UINT seed_dirs( struct dirstack *dirstack, const struct expr *cond, WCHAR root, UINT *count ) { const struct expr *left, *right; if (!cond || cond->type != EXPR_COMPLEX) return *count = 0; left = cond->u.expr.left; right = cond->u.expr.right; if (cond->u.expr.op == OP_EQ) { UINT len; WCHAR *path; const WCHAR *str = NULL; if (left->type == EXPR_PROPVAL && right->type == EXPR_SVAL && !strcmpW( left->u.propval->name, prop_nameW ) && toupperW( right->u.sval[0] ) == toupperW( root )) { str = right->u.sval; } else if (left->type == EXPR_SVAL && right->type == EXPR_PROPVAL && !strcmpW( right->u.propval->name, prop_nameW ) && toupperW( left->u.sval[0] ) == toupperW( root )) { str = left->u.sval; } if (str && (path = build_dirname( str, &len ))) { if (seen_dir( dirstack, path )) { heap_free( path ); return ++*count; } else if (push_dir( dirstack, path, len )) return ++*count; heap_free( path ); return *count = 0; } } else if (cond->u.expr.op == OP_OR) { UINT left_count = 0, right_count = 0; if (!(seed_dirs( dirstack, left, root, &left_count ))) return *count = 0; if (!(seed_dirs( dirstack, right, root, &right_count ))) return *count = 0; return *count += left_count + right_count; } return *count = 0; } static WCHAR *append_path( const WCHAR *path, const WCHAR *segment, UINT *len ) { UINT len_path = 0, len_segment = strlenW( segment ); WCHAR *ret; *len = 0; if (path) len_path = strlenW( path ); if (!(ret = heap_alloc( (len_path + len_segment + 2) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; if (path && len_path) { memcpy( ret, path, len_path * sizeof(WCHAR) ); ret[len_path] = '\\'; *len += len_path + 1; } memcpy( ret + *len, segment, len_segment * sizeof(WCHAR) ); *len += len_segment; ret[*len] = 0; return ret; } static WCHAR *get_file_version( const WCHAR *filename ) { static const WCHAR slashW[] = {'\\',0}, fmtW[] = {'%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u','.','%','u',0}; VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *info; DWORD size; void *block; WCHAR *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( (4 * 5 + sizeof(fmtW) / sizeof(fmtW[0])) * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; if (!(size = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW( filename, NULL )) || !(block = heap_alloc( size ))) { heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } if (!GetFileVersionInfoW( filename, 0, size, block ) || !VerQueryValueW( block, slashW, (void **)&info, &size )) { heap_free( block ); heap_free( ret ); return NULL; } sprintfW( ret, fmtW, info->dwFileVersionMS >> 16, info->dwFileVersionMS & 0xffff, info->dwFileVersionLS >> 16, info->dwFileVersionLS & 0xffff ); heap_free( block ); return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_datafile( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR dotW[] = {'.',0}, dotdotW[] = {'.','.',0}; struct record_datafile *rec; UINT i, len, row = 0, offset = 0, num_expected_rows; WCHAR *glob = NULL, *path = NULL, *new_path, root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; HANDLE handle; struct dirstack *dirstack; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 8, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; dirstack = alloc_dirstack(2); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (!(drives & (1 << i))) continue; root[0] = 'A' + i; if (GetDriveTypeW( root ) != DRIVE_FIXED) continue; num_expected_rows = 0; if (!seed_dirs( dirstack, cond, root[0], &num_expected_rows )) clear_dirstack( dirstack ); for (;;) { path = pop_dir( dirstack, &len ); if (!(glob = build_glob( root[0], path, len ))) { status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; goto done; } if ((handle = FindFirstFileW( glob, &data )) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) { status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; FindClose( handle ); goto done; } if (!strcmpW( data.cFileName, dotW ) || !strcmpW( data.cFileName, dotdotW )) continue; new_path = append_path( path, data.cFileName, &len ); if (data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (push_dir( dirstack, new_path, len )) continue; heap_free( new_path ); FindClose( handle ); status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; goto done; } rec = (struct record_datafile *)(table->data + offset); rec->name = build_name( root[0], new_path ); rec->version = get_file_version( rec->name ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } else if (num_expected_rows && row == num_expected_rows - 1) { row++; FindClose( handle ); status = FILL_STATUS_FILTERED; goto done; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } while (FindNextFileW( handle, &data )); FindClose( handle ); } if (!peek_dir( dirstack )) break; heap_free( glob ); heap_free( path ); } } done: free_dirstack( dirstack ); heap_free( glob ); heap_free( path ); TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static enum fill_status fill_directory( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR dotW[] = {'.',0}, dotdotW[] = {'.','.',0}; struct record_directory *rec; UINT i, len, row = 0, offset = 0, num_expected_rows; WCHAR *glob = NULL, *path = NULL, *new_path, root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); WIN32_FIND_DATAW data; HANDLE handle; struct dirstack *dirstack; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 4, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; dirstack = alloc_dirstack(2); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (!(drives & (1 << i))) continue; root[0] = 'A' + i; if (GetDriveTypeW( root ) != DRIVE_FIXED) continue; num_expected_rows = 0; if (!seed_dirs( dirstack, cond, root[0], &num_expected_rows )) clear_dirstack( dirstack ); for (;;) { path = pop_dir( dirstack, &len ); if (!(glob = build_glob( root[0], path, len ))) { status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; goto done; } if ((handle = FindFirstFileW( glob, &data )) != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) { FindClose( handle ); status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; goto done; } if (!(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || !strcmpW( data.cFileName, dotW ) || !strcmpW( data.cFileName, dotdotW )) continue; new_path = append_path( path, data.cFileName, &len ); if (!(push_dir( dirstack, new_path, len ))) { heap_free( new_path ); FindClose( handle ); status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; goto done; } rec = (struct record_directory *)(table->data + offset); rec->accessmask = FILE_ALL_ACCESS; rec->name = build_name( root[0], new_path ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } else if (num_expected_rows && row == num_expected_rows - 1) { row++; FindClose( handle ); status = FILL_STATUS_FILTERED; goto done; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } while (FindNextFileW( handle, &data )); FindClose( handle ); } if (!peek_dir( dirstack )) break; heap_free( glob ); heap_free( path ); } } done: free_dirstack( dirstack ); heap_free( glob ); heap_free( path ); TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static UINT64 get_freespace( const WCHAR *dir, UINT64 *disksize ) { WCHAR root[] = {'\\','\\','.','\\','A',':',0}; ULARGE_INTEGER free; DISK_GEOMETRY_EX info; HANDLE handle; DWORD bytes_returned; free.QuadPart = 512 * 1024 * 1024; GetDiskFreeSpaceExW( dir, NULL, NULL, &free ); root[4] = dir[0]; handle = CreateFileW( root, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (DeviceIoControl( handle, IOCTL_DISK_GET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY_EX, NULL, 0, &info, sizeof(info), &bytes_returned, NULL )) *disksize = info.DiskSize.QuadPart; CloseHandle( handle ); } return free.QuadPart; } static enum fill_status fill_diskdrive( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'\\','\\','\\','\\','.','\\','\\','P','H','Y','S','I','C','A','L','D','R','I','V','E','%','u',0}; WCHAR device_id[sizeof(fmtW)/sizeof(fmtW[0]) + 10], root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; struct record_diskdrive *rec; UINT i, row = 0, offset = 0, index = 0, type; UINT64 size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 2, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (drives & (1 << i)) { root[0] = 'A' + i; type = GetDriveTypeW( root ); if (type != DRIVE_FIXED && type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) continue; if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_diskdrive *)(table->data + offset); sprintfW( device_id, fmtW, index ); rec->device_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->index = index; rec->interfacetype = diskdrive_interfacetypeW; rec->manufacturer = diskdrive_manufacturerW; if (type == DRIVE_FIXED) rec->mediatype = diskdrive_mediatype_fixedW; else rec->mediatype = diskdrive_mediatype_removableW; rec->model = diskdrive_modelW; rec->pnpdevice_id = diskdrive_pnpdeviceidW; rec->serialnumber = diskdrive_serialW; get_freespace( root, &size ); rec->size = size; if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); index++; row++; } } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static WCHAR *get_filesystem( const WCHAR *root ) { static const WCHAR ntfsW[] = {'N','T','F','S',0}; WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH + 1]; if (GetVolumeInformationW( root, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH + 1 )) return heap_strdupW( buffer ); return heap_strdupW( ntfsW ); } static enum fill_status fill_diskpartition( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'D','i','s','k',' ','#','%','u',',',' ','P','a','r','t','i','t','i','o','n',' ','#','0',0}; WCHAR device_id[32], root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; struct record_diskpartition *rec; UINT i, row = 0, offset = 0, type, index = 0; UINT64 size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 4, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (drives & (1 << i)) { root[0] = 'A' + i; type = GetDriveTypeW( root ); if (type != DRIVE_FIXED && type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) continue; if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_diskpartition *)(table->data + offset); rec->bootable = (i == 2) ? -1 : 0; rec->bootpartition = (i == 2) ? -1 : 0; sprintfW( device_id, fmtW, index ); rec->device_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->diskindex = index; rec->index = 0; rec->pnpdevice_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); get_freespace( root, &size ); rec->size = size; rec->startingoffset = 0; rec->type = get_filesystem( root ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; index++; } } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static WCHAR *get_volumename( const WCHAR *root ) { WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; GetVolumeInformationW( root, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); return heap_strdupW( buf ); } static WCHAR *get_volumeserialnumber( const WCHAR *root ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','0','8','X',0}; DWORD serial = 0; WCHAR buffer[9]; GetVolumeInformationW( root, NULL, 0, &serial, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); sprintfW( buffer, fmtW, serial ); return heap_strdupW( buffer ); } static enum fill_status fill_logicaldisk( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','c',':',0}; WCHAR device_id[3], root[] = {'A',':','\\',0}; struct record_logicaldisk *rec; UINT i, row = 0, offset = 0, type; UINT64 size = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; DWORD drives = GetLogicalDrives(); enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, 4, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(drives); i++) { if (drives & (1 << i)) { root[0] = 'A' + i; type = GetDriveTypeW( root ); if (type != DRIVE_FIXED && type != DRIVE_CDROM && type != DRIVE_REMOVABLE) continue; if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_logicaldisk *)(table->data + offset); sprintfW( device_id, fmtW, 'A' + i ); rec->device_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->drivetype = type; rec->filesystem = get_filesystem( root ); rec->freespace = get_freespace( root, &size ); rec->name = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->size = size; rec->volumename = get_volumename( root ); rec->volumeserialnumber = get_volumeserialnumber( root ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static UINT16 get_connection_status( IF_OPER_STATUS status ) { switch (status) { case IfOperStatusDown: return 0; /* Disconnected */ case IfOperStatusUp: return 2; /* Connected */ default: ERR("unhandled status %u\n", status); break; } return 0; } static WCHAR *get_mac_address( const BYTE *addr, DWORD len ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','0','2','x',':','%','0','2','x',':','%','0','2','x',':', '%','0','2','x',':','%','0','2','x',':','%','0','2','x',0}; WCHAR *ret; if (len != 6 || !(ret = heap_alloc( 18 * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; sprintfW( ret, fmtW, addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5] ); return ret; } static const WCHAR *get_adaptertype( DWORD type, int *physical ) { static const WCHAR ethernetW[] = {'E','t','h','e','r','n','e','t',' ','8','0','2','.','3',0}; static const WCHAR wirelessW[] = {'W','i','r','e','l','e','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR firewireW[] = {'1','3','9','4',0}; static const WCHAR tunnelW[] = {'T','u','n','n','e','l',0}; switch (type) { case IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD: *physical = -1; return ethernetW; case IF_TYPE_IEEE80211: *physical = -1; return wirelessW; case IF_TYPE_IEEE1394: *physical = -1; return firewireW; case IF_TYPE_TUNNEL: *physical = 0; return tunnelW; default: *physical = 0; return NULL; } } static enum fill_status fill_networkadapter( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','u',0}; WCHAR device_id[11]; struct record_networkadapter *rec; IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *aa, *buffer; UINT row = 0, offset = 0, count = 0; DWORD size = 0, ret; int physical; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; ret = GetAdaptersAddresses( AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, NULL, &size ); if (ret != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (!(buffer = heap_alloc( size ))) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (GetAdaptersAddresses( AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, buffer, &size )) { heap_free( buffer ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } for (aa = buffer; aa; aa = aa->Next) { if (aa->IfType != IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) count++; } if (!resize_table( table, count, sizeof(*rec) )) { heap_free( buffer ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } for (aa = buffer; aa; aa = aa->Next) { if (aa->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) continue; rec = (struct record_networkadapter *)(table->data + offset); sprintfW( device_id, fmtW, aa->u.s.IfIndex ); rec->adaptertype = get_adaptertype( aa->IfType, &physical ); rec->device_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->index = aa->u.s.IfIndex; rec->interface_index = aa->u.s.IfIndex; rec->mac_address = get_mac_address( aa->PhysicalAddress, aa->PhysicalAddressLength ); rec->manufacturer = compsys_manufacturerW; rec->name = heap_strdupW( aa->FriendlyName ); rec->netconnection_status = get_connection_status( aa->OperStatus ); rec->physicaladapter = physical; rec->pnpdevice_id = networkadapter_pnpdeviceidW; rec->speed = 1000000; if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; heap_free( buffer ); return status; } static WCHAR *get_dnshostname( IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS *addr ) { const SOCKET_ADDRESS *sa = &addr->Address; WCHAR buf[NI_MAXHOST]; if (!addr) return NULL; if (GetNameInfoW( sa->lpSockaddr, sa->iSockaddrLength, buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), NULL, 0, NI_NAMEREQD )) return NULL; return heap_strdupW( buf ); } static enum fill_status fill_networkadapterconfig( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_networkadapterconfig *rec; IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES *aa, *buffer; UINT row = 0, offset = 0, count = 0; DWORD size = 0, ret; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; ret = GetAdaptersAddresses( AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, NULL, &size ); if (ret != ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (!(buffer = heap_alloc( size ))) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (GetAdaptersAddresses( AF_UNSPEC, 0, NULL, buffer, &size )) { heap_free( buffer ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } for (aa = buffer; aa; aa = aa->Next) { if (aa->IfType != IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) count++; } if (!resize_table( table, count, sizeof(*rec) )) { heap_free( buffer ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } for (aa = buffer; aa; aa = aa->Next) { if (aa->IfType == IF_TYPE_SOFTWARE_LOOPBACK) continue; rec = (struct record_networkadapterconfig *)(table->data + offset); rec->dnshostname = get_dnshostname( aa->FirstUnicastAddress ); rec->index = aa->u.s.IfIndex; rec->ipconnectionmetric = 20; rec->ipenabled = -1; rec->mac_address = get_mac_address( aa->PhysicalAddress, aa->PhysicalAddressLength ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; heap_free( buffer ); return status; } static enum fill_status fill_physicalmemory( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_physicalmemory *rec; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; UINT row = 0; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_physicalmemory *)table->data; rec->capacity = get_total_physical_memory(); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) free_row_values( table, row ); else row++; TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static WCHAR *get_cmdline( DWORD process_id ) { if (process_id == GetCurrentProcessId()) return heap_strdupW( GetCommandLineW() ); return NULL; /* FIXME handle different process case */ } static enum fill_status fill_process( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','u',0}; WCHAR handle[11]; struct record_process *rec; PROCESSENTRY32W entry; HANDLE snap; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; UINT row = 0, offset = 0; snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0 ); if (snap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; entry.dwSize = sizeof(entry); if (!Process32FirstW( snap, &entry )) goto done; if (!resize_table( table, 8, sizeof(*rec) )) goto done; do { if (!resize_table( table, row + 1, sizeof(*rec) )) goto done; rec = (struct record_process *)(table->data + offset); rec->caption = heap_strdupW( entry.szExeFile ); rec->commandline = get_cmdline( entry.th32ProcessID ); rec->description = heap_strdupW( entry.szExeFile ); sprintfW( handle, fmtW, entry.th32ProcessID ); rec->handle = heap_strdupW( handle ); rec->name = heap_strdupW( entry.szExeFile ); rec->process_id = entry.th32ProcessID; rec->pprocess_id = entry.th32ParentProcessID; rec->thread_count = entry.cntThreads; rec->get_owner = process_get_owner; if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } while (Process32NextW( snap, &entry )); TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; done: CloseHandle( snap ); return status; } static inline void do_cpuid( unsigned int ax, unsigned int *p ) { #ifdef __i386__ #ifdef _MSC_VER __cpuid(p, ax); #else __asm__("pushl %%ebx\n\t" "cpuid\n\t" "movl %%ebx, %%esi\n\t" "popl %%ebx" : "=a" (p[0]), "=S" (p[1]), "=c" (p[2]), "=d" (p[3]) : "0" (ax)); #endif #endif } static const WCHAR *get_osarchitecture(void) { SYSTEM_INFO info; GetNativeSystemInfo( &info ); if (info.u.s.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) return os_64bitW; return os_32bitW; } static void get_processor_caption( WCHAR *caption ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','s',' ','F','a','m','i','l','y',' ','%','u',' ', 'M','o','d','e','l',' ','%','u',' ','S','t','e','p','p','i','n','g',' ','%','u',0}; static const WCHAR x86W[] = {'x','8','6',0}; static const WCHAR intel64W[] = {'I','n','t','e','l','6','4',0}; const WCHAR *arch = (get_osarchitecture() == os_32bitW) ? x86W : intel64W; unsigned int regs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; do_cpuid( 1, regs ); sprintfW( caption, fmtW, arch, (regs[0] & (15 << 8)) >> 8, (regs[0] & (15 << 4)) >> 4, regs[0] & 15 ); } static void get_processor_version( WCHAR *version ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'M','o','d','e','l',' ','%','u',',',' ','S','t','e','p','p','i','n','g',' ','%','u',0}; unsigned int regs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; do_cpuid( 1, regs ); sprintfW( version, fmtW, (regs[0] & (15 << 4)) >> 4, regs[0] & 15 ); } static void get_processor_id( WCHAR *processor_id ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','0','8','X','%','0','8','X',0}; unsigned int regs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; do_cpuid( 1, regs ); sprintfW( processor_id, fmtW, regs[3], regs[0] ); } static void regs_to_str( unsigned int *regs, unsigned int len, WCHAR *buffer ) { unsigned int i; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)regs; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { buffer[i] = *p++; } buffer[i] = 0; } static void get_processor_manufacturer( WCHAR *manufacturer ) { unsigned int tmp, regs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; do_cpuid( 0, regs ); tmp = regs[2]; /* swap edx and ecx */ regs[2] = regs[3]; regs[3] = tmp; regs_to_str( regs + 1, 12, manufacturer ); } static void get_processor_name( WCHAR *name ) { unsigned int regs[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; do_cpuid( 0x80000000, regs ); if (regs[0] >= 0x80000004) { do_cpuid( 0x80000002, regs ); regs_to_str( regs, 16, name ); do_cpuid( 0x80000003, regs ); regs_to_str( regs, 16, name + 16 ); do_cpuid( 0x80000004, regs ); regs_to_str( regs, 16, name + 32 ); } } static UINT get_processor_currentclockspeed( UINT index ) { PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION *info; UINT ret = 1000, size = get_processor_count() * sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION); NTSTATUS status; if ((info = heap_alloc( size ))) { status = NtPowerInformation( ProcessorInformation, NULL, 0, info, size ); if (!status) ret = info[index].CurrentMhz; heap_free( info ); } return ret; } static UINT get_processor_maxclockspeed( UINT index ) { PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION *info; UINT ret = 1000, size = get_processor_count() * sizeof(PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION); NTSTATUS status; if ((info = heap_alloc( size ))) { status = NtPowerInformation( ProcessorInformation, NULL, 0, info, size ); if (!status) ret = info[index].MaxMhz; heap_free( info ); } return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_processor( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'C','P','U','%','u',0}; WCHAR caption[100], device_id[14], processor_id[17], manufacturer[13], name[49] = {0}, version[50]; struct record_processor *rec; UINT i, offset = 0, num_cores, num_logical_processors, count = get_processor_count(); enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; if (!resize_table( table, count, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; get_processor_caption( caption ); get_processor_id( processor_id ); get_processor_manufacturer( manufacturer ); get_processor_name( name ); get_processor_version( version ); num_logical_processors = get_logical_processor_count( &num_cores ) / count; num_cores /= count; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { rec = (struct record_processor *)(table->data + offset); rec->addresswidth = get_osarchitecture() == os_32bitW ? 32 : 64; rec->caption = heap_strdupW( caption ); rec->cpu_status = 1; /* CPU Enabled */ rec->currentclockspeed = get_processor_currentclockspeed( i ); rec->datawidth = get_osarchitecture() == os_32bitW ? 32 : 64; rec->description = heap_strdupW( caption ); sprintfW( device_id, fmtW, i ); rec->device_id = heap_strdupW( device_id ); rec->family = 2; /* Unknown */ rec->manufacturer = heap_strdupW( manufacturer ); rec->maxclockspeed = get_processor_maxclockspeed( i ); rec->name = heap_strdupW( name ); rec->num_cores = num_cores; rec->num_logical_processors = num_logical_processors; rec->processor_id = heap_strdupW( processor_id ); rec->processortype = 3; /* central processor */ rec->unique_id = NULL; rec->version = heap_strdupW( version ); if (!match_row( table, i, cond, &status )) { free_row_values( table, i ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); } TRACE("created %u rows\n", count); table->num_rows = count; return status; } static WCHAR *get_lastbootuptime(void) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','0','4','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u', '.','%','0','6','u','+','0','0','0',0}; SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION ti; TIME_FIELDS tf; WCHAR *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( 26 * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; NtQuerySystemInformation( SystemTimeOfDayInformation, &ti, sizeof(ti), NULL ); RtlTimeToTimeFields( &ti.liKeBootTime, &tf ); sprintfW( ret, fmtW, tf.Year, tf.Month, tf.Day, tf.Hour, tf.Minute, tf.Second, tf.Milliseconds * 1000 ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_localdatetime(void) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','0','4','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u','%','0','2','u', '.','%','0','6','u','%','+','0','3','d',0}; TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION tzi; SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR *ret; DWORD Status; LONG Bias; Status = GetTimeZoneInformation(&tzi); if(Status == TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID) return NULL; Bias = tzi.Bias; if(Status == TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT) Bias+= tzi.DaylightBias; else Bias+= tzi.StandardBias; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( 26 * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; GetLocalTime(&st); sprintfW( ret, fmtW, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond, st.wMilliseconds * 1000, -Bias); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_systemdirectory(void) { void *redir; WCHAR *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection( &redir ); GetSystemDirectoryW( ret, MAX_PATH ); Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection( redir ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_codeset(void) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'%','u',0}; WCHAR *ret = heap_alloc( 11 * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (ret) sprintfW( ret, fmtW, GetACP() ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_countrycode(void) { WCHAR *ret = heap_alloc( 6 * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (ret) GetLocaleInfoW( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICOUNTRY, ret, 6 ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_locale(void) { WCHAR *ret = heap_alloc( 5 * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (ret) GetLocaleInfoW( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ILANGUAGE, ret, 5 ); return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_os( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_operatingsystem *rec; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; UINT row = 0; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; rec = (struct record_operatingsystem *)table->data; rec->buildnumber = os_buildnumberW; rec->caption = os_captionW; rec->codeset = get_codeset(); rec->countrycode = get_countrycode(); rec->csdversion = os_csdversionW; rec->installdate = os_installdateW; rec->lastbootuptime = get_lastbootuptime(); rec->localdatetime = get_localdatetime(); rec->locale = get_locale(); rec->name = os_nameW; rec->osarchitecture = get_osarchitecture(); rec->oslanguage = GetSystemDefaultLangID(); rec->osproductsuite = 2461140; /* Windows XP Professional */ rec->ostype = 18; /* WINNT */ rec->serialnumber = os_serialnumberW; rec->servicepackmajor = 3; rec->servicepackminor = 0; rec->suitemask = 272; /* Single User + Terminal */ rec->systemdirectory = get_systemdirectory(); rec->totalvisiblememorysize = get_total_physical_memory() / 1024; rec->version = os_versionW; if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) free_row_values( table, row ); else row++; TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; return status; } static const WCHAR *get_service_type( DWORD type ) { static const WCHAR filesystem_driverW[] = {'F','i','l','e',' ','S','y','s','t','e','m',' ','D','r','i','v','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR kernel_driverW[] = {'K','e','r','n','e','l',' ','D','r','i','v','e','r',0}; static const WCHAR own_processW[] = {'O','w','n',' ','P','r','o','c','e','s','s',0}; static const WCHAR share_processW[] = {'S','h','a','r','e',' ','P','r','o','c','e','s','s',0}; if (type & SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER) return kernel_driverW; else if (type & SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER) return filesystem_driverW; else if (type & SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS) return own_processW; else if (type & SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS) return share_processW; else ERR("unhandled type 0x%08x\n", type); return NULL; } static const WCHAR *get_service_state( DWORD state ) { static const WCHAR runningW[] = {'R','u','n','n','i','n','g',0}; static const WCHAR start_pendingW[] = {'S','t','a','r','t',' ','P','e','n','d','i','n','g',0}; static const WCHAR stop_pendingW[] = {'S','t','o','p',' ','P','e','n','d','i','n','g',0}; static const WCHAR stoppedW[] = {'S','t','o','p','p','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR unknownW[] = {'U','n','k','n','o','w','n',0}; switch (state) { case SERVICE_STOPPED: return stoppedW; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: return start_pendingW; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: return stop_pendingW; case SERVICE_RUNNING: return runningW; default: ERR("unknown state %u\n", state); return unknownW; } } static const WCHAR *get_service_startmode( DWORD mode ) { static const WCHAR bootW[] = {'B','o','o','t',0}; static const WCHAR systemW[] = {'S','y','s','t','e','m',0}; static const WCHAR autoW[] = {'A','u','t','o',0}; static const WCHAR manualW[] = {'M','a','n','u','a','l',0}; static const WCHAR disabledW[] = {'D','i','s','a','b','l','e','d',0}; static const WCHAR unknownW[] = {'U','n','k','n','o','w','n',0}; switch (mode) { case SERVICE_BOOT_START: return bootW; case SERVICE_SYSTEM_START: return systemW; case SERVICE_AUTO_START: return autoW; case SERVICE_DEMAND_START: return manualW; case SERVICE_DISABLED: return disabledW; default: ERR("unknown mode 0x%x\n", mode); return unknownW; } } static QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *query_service_config( SC_HANDLE manager, const WCHAR *name ) { QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *config = NULL; SC_HANDLE service; DWORD size; if (!(service = OpenServiceW( manager, name, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG ))) return NULL; QueryServiceConfigW( service, NULL, 0, &size ); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) goto done; if (!(config = heap_alloc( size ))) goto done; if (QueryServiceConfigW( service, config, size, &size )) goto done; heap_free( config ); config = NULL; done: CloseServiceHandle( service ); return config; } static enum fill_status fill_service( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_service *rec; SC_HANDLE manager; ENUM_SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESSW *tmp, *services = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS_PROCESS *status; WCHAR sysnameW[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD len = sizeof(sysnameW) / sizeof(sysnameW[0]); UINT i, row = 0, offset = 0, size = 256, needed, count; enum fill_status fill_status = FILL_STATUS_FAILED; BOOL ret; if (!(manager = OpenSCManagerW( NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE ))) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (!(services = heap_alloc( size ))) goto done; ret = EnumServicesStatusExW( manager, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_TYPE_ALL, SERVICE_STATE_ALL, (BYTE *)services, size, &needed, &count, NULL, NULL ); if (!ret) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA) goto done; size = needed; if (!(tmp = heap_realloc( services, size ))) goto done; services = tmp; ret = EnumServicesStatusExW( manager, SC_ENUM_PROCESS_INFO, SERVICE_TYPE_ALL, SERVICE_STATE_ALL, (BYTE *)services, size, &needed, &count, NULL, NULL ); if (!ret) goto done; } if (!resize_table( table, count, sizeof(*rec) )) goto done; GetComputerNameW( sysnameW, &len ); fill_status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW *config; if (!(config = query_service_config( manager, services[i].lpServiceName ))) continue; status = &services[i].ServiceStatusProcess; rec = (struct record_service *)(table->data + offset); rec->accept_pause = (status->dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_PAUSE_CONTINUE) ? -1 : 0; rec->accept_stop = (status->dwControlsAccepted & SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP) ? -1 : 0; rec->displayname = heap_strdupW( services[i].lpDisplayName ); rec->name = heap_strdupW( services[i].lpServiceName ); rec->process_id = status->dwProcessId; rec->servicetype = get_service_type( status->dwServiceType ); rec->startmode = get_service_startmode( config->dwStartType ); rec->state = get_service_state( status->dwCurrentState ); rec->systemname = heap_strdupW( sysnameW ); rec->pause_service = service_pause_service; rec->resume_service = service_resume_service; rec->start_service = service_start_service; rec->stop_service = service_stop_service; heap_free( config ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &fill_status )) { free_row_values( table, row ); continue; } offset += sizeof(*rec); row++; } TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; done: CloseServiceHandle( manager ); heap_free( services ); return fill_status; } static WCHAR *get_accountname( LSA_TRANSLATED_NAME *name ) { if (!name || !name->Name.Buffer) return NULL; return heap_strdupW( name->Name.Buffer ); } static UINT8 *get_binaryrepresentation( PSID sid, UINT len ) { UINT8 *ret = heap_alloc( len ); if (!ret) return NULL; memcpy( ret, sid, len ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_referenceddomainname( LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST *domain ) { if (!domain || !domain->Domains || !domain->Domains->Name.Buffer) return NULL; return heap_strdupW( domain->Domains->Name.Buffer ); } static const WCHAR *find_sid_str( const struct expr *cond ) { const struct expr *left, *right; const WCHAR *ret = NULL; if (!cond || cond->type != EXPR_COMPLEX || cond->u.expr.op != OP_EQ) return NULL; left = cond->u.expr.left; right = cond->u.expr.right; if (left->type == EXPR_PROPVAL && right->type == EXPR_SVAL && !strcmpiW( left->u.propval->name, prop_sidW )) { ret = right->u.sval; } else if (left->type == EXPR_SVAL && right->type == EXPR_PROPVAL && !strcmpiW( right->u.propval->name, prop_sidW )) { ret = left->u.sval; } return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_sid( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { PSID sid; LSA_REFERENCED_DOMAIN_LIST *domain; LSA_TRANSLATED_NAME *name; LSA_HANDLE handle; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attrs; const WCHAR *str; struct record_sid *rec; UINT len; if (!(str = find_sid_str( cond ))) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; if (!ConvertStringSidToSidW( str, &sid )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; len = GetLengthSid( sid ); memset( &attrs, 0, sizeof(attrs) ); attrs.Length = sizeof(attrs); if (LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, &attrs, POLICY_ALL_ACCESS, &handle )) { LocalFree( sid ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } if (LsaLookupSids( handle, 1, &sid, &domain, &name )) { LocalFree( sid ); LsaClose( handle ); return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; } rec = (struct record_sid *)table->data; rec->accountname = get_accountname( name ); rec->binaryrepresentation = get_binaryrepresentation( sid, len ); rec->referenceddomainname = get_referenceddomainname( domain ); rec->sid = heap_strdupW( str ); rec->sidlength = len; TRACE("created 1 row\n"); table->num_rows = 1; LsaFreeMemory( domain ); LsaFreeMemory( name ); LocalFree( sid ); LsaClose( handle ); return FILL_STATUS_FILTERED; } static UINT32 get_bits_per_pixel( UINT *hres, UINT *vres ) { HDC hdc = GetDC( NULL ); UINT32 ret; if (!hdc) return 32; ret = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, BITSPIXEL ); *hres = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, HORZRES ); *vres = GetDeviceCaps( hdc, VERTRES ); ReleaseDC( NULL, hdc ); return ret; } static WCHAR *get_pnpdeviceid( DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC *desc ) { static const WCHAR fmtW[] = {'P','C','I','\\','V','E','N','_','%','0','4','X','&','D','E','V','_','%','0','4','X', '&','S','U','B','S','Y','S','_','%','0','8','X','&','R','E','V','_','%','0','2','X','\\', '0','&','D','E','A','D','B','E','E','F','&','0','&','D','E','A','D',0}; WCHAR *ret; if (!(ret = heap_alloc( sizeof(fmtW) + 2 * sizeof(WCHAR) ))) return NULL; sprintfW( ret, fmtW, desc->VendorId, desc->DeviceId, desc->SubSysId, desc->Revision ); return ret; } static enum fill_status fill_videocontroller( struct table *table, const struct expr *cond ) { struct record_videocontroller *rec; HRESULT hr; IDXGIFactory *factory = NULL; IDXGIAdapter *adapter = NULL; DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC desc; UINT hres = 1024, vres = 768, vidmem = 512 * 1024 * 1024; const WCHAR *name = videocontroller_deviceidW; enum fill_status status = FILL_STATUS_UNFILTERED; UINT row = 0; if (!resize_table( table, 1, sizeof(*rec) )) return FILL_STATUS_FAILED; memset (&desc, 0, sizeof(desc)); hr = CreateDXGIFactory( &IID_IDXGIFactory, (void **)&factory ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; hr = IDXGIFactory_EnumAdapters( factory, 0, &adapter ); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; hr = IDXGIAdapter_GetDesc( adapter, &desc ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { vidmem = desc.DedicatedVideoMemory; name = desc.Description; } done: rec = (struct record_videocontroller *)table->data; rec->adapter_dactype = videocontroller_dactypeW; rec->adapter_ram = vidmem; rec->availability = 3; /* Running or Full Power */ rec->caption = heap_strdupW( name ); rec->current_bitsperpixel = get_bits_per_pixel( &hres, &vres ); rec->current_horizontalres = hres; rec->current_refreshrate = 0; /* default refresh rate */ rec->current_scanmode = 2; /* Unknown */ rec->current_verticalres = vres; rec->description = heap_strdupW( name ); rec->device_id = videocontroller_deviceidW; rec->driverversion = videocontroller_driverversionW; rec->name = heap_strdupW( name ); rec->pnpdevice_id = get_pnpdeviceid( &desc ); rec->videoarchitecture = 2; /* Unknown */ rec->videomemorytype = 2; /* Unknown */ rec->videoprocessor = heap_strdupW( name ); if (!match_row( table, row, cond, &status )) free_row_values( table, row ); else row++; TRACE("created %u rows\n", row); table->num_rows = row; if (adapter) IDXGIAdapter_Release( adapter ); if (factory) IDXGIFactory_Release( factory ); return status; } static struct table builtin_classes[] = { { class_baseboardW, SIZEOF(col_baseboard), col_baseboard, SIZEOF(data_baseboard), 0, (BYTE *)data_baseboard }, { class_biosW, SIZEOF(col_bios), col_bios, SIZEOF(data_bios), 0, (BYTE *)data_bios }, { class_cdromdriveW, SIZEOF(col_cdromdrive), col_cdromdrive, 0, 0, NULL, fill_cdromdrive }, { class_compsysW, SIZEOF(col_compsys), col_compsys, 0, 0, NULL, fill_compsys }, { class_compsysproductW, SIZEOF(col_compsysproduct), col_compsysproduct, SIZEOF(data_compsysproduct), 0, (BYTE *)data_compsysproduct }, { class_datafileW, SIZEOF(col_datafile), col_datafile, 0, 0, NULL, fill_datafile }, { class_directoryW, SIZEOF(col_directory), col_directory, 0, 0, NULL, fill_directory }, { class_diskdriveW, SIZEOF(col_diskdrive), col_diskdrive, 0, 0, NULL, fill_diskdrive }, { class_diskpartitionW, SIZEOF(col_diskpartition), col_diskpartition, 0, 0, NULL, fill_diskpartition }, { class_logicaldiskW, SIZEOF(col_logicaldisk), col_logicaldisk, 0, 0, NULL, fill_logicaldisk }, { class_logicaldisk2W, SIZEOF(col_logicaldisk), col_logicaldisk, 0, 0, NULL, fill_logicaldisk }, { class_networkadapterW, SIZEOF(col_networkadapter), col_networkadapter, 0, 0, NULL, fill_networkadapter }, { class_networkadapterconfigW, SIZEOF(col_networkadapterconfig), col_networkadapterconfig, 0, 0, NULL, fill_networkadapterconfig }, { class_osW, SIZEOF(col_os), col_os, 0, 0, NULL, fill_os }, { class_paramsW, SIZEOF(col_param), col_param, SIZEOF(data_param), 0, (BYTE *)data_param }, { class_physicalmediaW, SIZEOF(col_physicalmedia), col_physicalmedia, SIZEOF(data_physicalmedia), 0, (BYTE *)data_physicalmedia }, { class_physicalmemoryW, SIZEOF(col_physicalmemory), col_physicalmemory, 0, 0, NULL, fill_physicalmemory }, { class_processW, SIZEOF(col_process), col_process, 0, 0, NULL, fill_process }, { class_processorW, SIZEOF(col_processor), col_processor, 0, 0, NULL, fill_processor }, { class_processor2W, SIZEOF(col_processor), col_processor, 0, 0, NULL, fill_processor }, { class_qualifiersW, SIZEOF(col_qualifier), col_qualifier, SIZEOF(data_qualifier), 0, (BYTE *)data_qualifier }, { class_serviceW, SIZEOF(col_service), col_service, 0, 0, NULL, fill_service }, { class_sidW, SIZEOF(col_sid), col_sid, 0, 0, NULL, fill_sid }, { class_sounddeviceW, SIZEOF(col_sounddevice), col_sounddevice, SIZEOF(data_sounddevice), 0, (BYTE *)data_sounddevice }, { class_stdregprovW, SIZEOF(col_stdregprov), col_stdregprov, SIZEOF(data_stdregprov), 0, (BYTE *)data_stdregprov }, { class_systemsecurityW, SIZEOF(col_systemsecurity), col_systemsecurity, SIZEOF(data_systemsecurity), 0, (BYTE *)data_systemsecurity }, { class_videocontrollerW, SIZEOF(col_videocontroller), col_videocontroller, 0, 0, NULL, fill_videocontroller } }; void init_table_list( void ) { static struct list tables = LIST_INIT( tables ); UINT i; for (i = 0; i < SIZEOF(builtin_classes); i++) list_add_tail( &tables, &builtin_classes[i].entry ); table_list = &tables; }