/* Unit test suite for string functions and some wcstring functions * * Copyright 2003 Thomas Mertes * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * * NOTES * We use function pointers here as there is no import library for NTDLL on * windows. */ #include #include "ntdll_test.h" /* Function ptrs for ntdll calls */ static HMODULE hntdll = 0; static NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString)(STRING *, const UNICODE_STRING *, BOOLEAN); static VOID (WINAPI *pRtlFreeAnsiString)(PSTRING); static BOOLEAN (WINAPI *pRtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz)(PUNICODE_STRING,LPCSTR); static VOID (WINAPI *pRtlFreeUnicodeString)(PUNICODE_STRING); static int (WINAPIV *patoi)(const char *); static long (WINAPIV *patol)(const char *); static LONGLONG (WINAPIV *p_atoi64)(const char *); static LPSTR (WINAPIV *p_itoa)(int, LPSTR, INT); static LPSTR (WINAPIV *p_ltoa)(LONG, LPSTR, INT); static LPSTR (WINAPIV *p_ultoa)(ULONG, LPSTR, INT); static LPSTR (WINAPIV *p_i64toa)(LONGLONG, LPSTR, INT); static LPSTR (WINAPIV *p_ui64toa)(ULONGLONG, LPSTR, INT); static int (WINAPIV *p_wtoi)(LPWSTR); static long (WINAPIV *p_wtol)(LPWSTR); static LONGLONG (WINAPIV *p_wtoi64)(LPWSTR); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_itow)(int, LPWSTR, int); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_ltow)(LONG, LPWSTR, INT); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_ultow)(ULONG, LPWSTR, INT); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_i64tow)(LONGLONG, LPWSTR, INT); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_ui64tow)(ULONGLONG, LPWSTR, INT); static long (WINAPIV *pwcstol)(LPCWSTR, LPWSTR *, INT); static ULONG (WINAPIV *pwcstoul)(LPCWSTR, LPWSTR *, INT); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_wcschr)(LPCWSTR, WCHAR); static LPWSTR (WINAPIV *p_wcsrchr)(LPCWSTR, WCHAR); static void (__cdecl *p_qsort)(void *,size_t,size_t, int(__cdecl *compar)(const void *, const void *) ); static void* (__cdecl *p_bsearch)(void *,void*,size_t,size_t, int(__cdecl *compar)(const void *, const void *) ); static void InitFunctionPtrs(void) { hntdll = LoadLibraryA("ntdll.dll"); ok(hntdll != 0, "LoadLibrary failed\n"); if (hntdll) { pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString"); pRtlFreeAnsiString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "RtlFreeAnsiString"); pRtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz"); pRtlFreeUnicodeString = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "RtlFreeUnicodeString"); patoi = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "atoi"); patol = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "atol"); p_atoi64 = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_atoi64"); p_itoa = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_itoa"); p_ltoa = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ltoa"); p_ultoa = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ultoa"); p_i64toa = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_i64toa"); p_ui64toa = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ui64toa"); p_wtoi = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_wtoi"); p_wtol = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_wtol"); p_wtoi64 = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_wtoi64"); p_itow = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_itow"); p_ltow = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ltow"); p_ultow = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ultow"); p_i64tow = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_i64tow"); p_ui64tow = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "_ui64tow"); pwcstol = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wcstol"); pwcstoul = (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wcstoul"); p_wcschr= (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wcschr"); p_wcsrchr= (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "wcsrchr"); p_qsort= (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "qsort"); p_bsearch= (void *)GetProcAddress(hntdll, "bsearch"); } /* if */ } #define LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH 67 typedef struct { int base; ULONG value; const char *Buffer; int mask; /* ntdll/msvcrt: 0x01=itoa, 0x02=ltoa, 0x04=ultoa */ /* 0x10=itow, 0x20=ltow, 0x40=ultow */ } ulong2str_t; static const ulong2str_t ulong2str[] = { {10, 123, "123\0---------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 0x80000000U, "10000000000000000000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -2147483647, "10000000000000000000000000000001\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -65537, "11111111111111101111111111111111\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -65536, "11111111111111110000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -65535, "11111111111111110000000000000001\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -32768, "11111111111111111000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -32767, "11111111111111111000000000000001\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -2, "11111111111111111111111111111110\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, -1, "11111111111111111111111111111111\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 10, "1010\0--------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 100, "1100100\0-----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 1000, "1111101000\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 10000, "10011100010000\0----------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 32767, "111111111111111\0---------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 32768, "1000000000000000\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 65535, "1111111111111111\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 100000, "11000011010100000\0-------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 234567, "111001010001000111\0------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 300000, "1001001001111100000\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 524287, "1111111111111111111\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 524288, "10000000000000000000\0----------------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 1000000, "11110100001001000000\0----------------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 10000000, "100110001001011010000000\0------------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 100000000, "101111101011110000100000000\0---------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 1000000000, "111011100110101100101000000000\0------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 1073741823, "111111111111111111111111111111\0------------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 2147483646, "1111111111111111111111111111110\0-----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 2147483647, "1111111111111111111111111111111\0-----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 2147483648U, "10000000000000000000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 2147483649U, "10000000000000000000000000000001\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 4294967294U, "11111111111111111111111111111110\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, "11111111111111111111111111111111\0----------------------------------", 0x67}, { 8, 0x80000000U, "20000000000\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, -2147483647, "20000000001\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, -2, "37777777776\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, -1, "37777777777\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 2147483646, "17777777776\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 2147483647, "17777777777\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 2147483648U, "20000000000\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 2147483649U, "20000000001\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 4294967294U, "37777777776\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 8, 4294967295U, "37777777777\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 0x80000000U, "-2147483648\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 0x80000000U, "2147483648\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, -2147483647, "-2147483647\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, -2147483647, "2147483649\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, -2, "-2\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, -2, "4294967294\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, -1, "-1\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, -1, "4294967295\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 12, "12\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 123, "123\0---------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 1234, "1234\0--------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 12345, "12345\0-------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 123456, "123456\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 1234567, "1234567\0-----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 12345678, "12345678\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 123456789, "123456789\0---------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 2147483646, "2147483646\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 2147483647, "2147483647\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {10, 2147483648U, "-2147483648\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483648U, "2147483648\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, 2147483649U, "-2147483647\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483649U, "2147483649\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, 4294967294U, "-2\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 4294967294U, "4294967294\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {10, 4294967295U, "-1\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 4294967295U, "4294967295\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x44}, {16, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 2147483646, "7ffffffe\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 2147483647, "7fffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0x80000000, "80000000\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0x80000001, "80000001\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0xFFFFFFFE, "fffffffe\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0xFFFFFFFF, "ffffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 32768, "1000000000000000\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 65536, "10000000000000000\0-------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, { 2, 131072, "100000000000000000\0------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0xffffffff, "ffffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0xa, "a\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {16, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {20, 3368421, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {36, 62193781, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, {37, 71270178, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x77}, }; #define NB_ULONG2STR (sizeof(ulong2str)/sizeof(*ulong2str)) static void one_itoa_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { char dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; int value; LPSTR result; memset(dest_str, '-', LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH); dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_itoa(value, dest_str, ulong2str->base); ok(result == dest_str, "(test %d): _itoa(%d, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_str); ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _itoa(%d, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer); } static void one_ltoa_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { char dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; LONG value; LPSTR result; memset(dest_str, '-', LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH); dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_ltoa(ulong2str->value, dest_str, ulong2str->base); ok(result == dest_str, "(test %d): _ltoa(%d, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_str); ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _ltoa(%d, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer); } static void one_ultoa_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { char dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; ULONG value; LPSTR result; memset(dest_str, '-', LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH); dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_ultoa(ulong2str->value, dest_str, ulong2str->base); ok(result == dest_str, "(test %d): _ultoa(%u, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_str); ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _ultoa(%u, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, dest_str, ulong2str->Buffer); } static void test_ulongtoa(void) { int test_num; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_ULONG2STR; test_num++) { if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x01) { one_itoa_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x02) { one_ltoa_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x04) { one_ultoa_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ } /* for */ } static void one_itow_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { int pos; WCHAR expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING unicode_string; STRING ansi_str; int value; LPWSTR result; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulong2str->Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { dest_wstr[pos] = '-'; } /* for */ dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; unicode_string.Length = LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.MaximumLength = unicode_string.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.Buffer = dest_wstr; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_itow(value, dest_wstr, ulong2str->base); pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi_str, &unicode_string, 1); ok(result == dest_wstr, "(test %d): _itow(%d, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_wstr); ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _itow(%d, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulong2str->Buffer); pRtlFreeAnsiString(&ansi_str); } static void one_ltow_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { int pos; WCHAR expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING unicode_string; STRING ansi_str; LONG value; LPWSTR result; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulong2str->Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { dest_wstr[pos] = '-'; } /* for */ dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; unicode_string.Length = LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.MaximumLength = unicode_string.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.Buffer = dest_wstr; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_ltow(value, dest_wstr, ulong2str->base); pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi_str, &unicode_string, 1); ok(result == dest_wstr, "(test %d): _ltow(%d, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_wstr); ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _ltow(%d, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulong2str->Buffer); pRtlFreeAnsiString(&ansi_str); } static void one_ultow_test(int test_num, const ulong2str_t *ulong2str) { int pos; WCHAR expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING unicode_string; STRING ansi_str; ULONG value; LPWSTR result; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulong2str->Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { dest_wstr[pos] = '-'; } /* for */ dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; unicode_string.Length = LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.MaximumLength = unicode_string.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.Buffer = dest_wstr; value = ulong2str->value; result = p_ultow(value, dest_wstr, ulong2str->base); pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi_str, &unicode_string, 1); ok(result == dest_wstr, "(test %d): _ultow(%u, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, result, dest_wstr); ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _ultow(%u, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, value, ulong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulong2str->Buffer); pRtlFreeAnsiString(&ansi_str); } static void test_ulongtow(void) { int test_num; LPWSTR result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_ULONG2STR; test_num++) { if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x10) { one_itow_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x20) { one_ltow_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (ulong2str[test_num].mask & 0x40) { one_ultow_test(test_num, &ulong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ } /* for */ if (0) { /* Crashes on XP and W2K3 */ result = p_itow(ulong2str[0].value, NULL, 10); ok(result == NULL, "(test a): _itow(%d, NULL, 10) has result %p, expected: NULL\n", ulong2str[0].value, result); } if (0) { /* Crashes on XP and W2K3 */ result = p_ltow(ulong2str[0].value, NULL, 10); ok(result == NULL, "(test b): _ltow(%d, NULL, 10) has result %p, expected: NULL\n", ulong2str[0].value, result); } if (0) { /* Crashes on XP and W2K3 */ result = p_ultow(ulong2str[0].value, NULL, 10); ok(result == NULL, "(test c): _ultow(%d, NULL, 10) has result %p, expected: NULL\n", ulong2str[0].value, result); } } #define ULL(a,b) (((ULONGLONG)(a) << 32) | (b)) typedef struct { int base; ULONGLONG value; const char *Buffer; int mask; /* ntdll/msvcrt: 0x01=i64toa, 0x02=ui64toa, 0x04=wrong _i64toa try next example */ /* 0x10=i64tow, 0x20=ui64tow, 0x40=wrong _i64tow try next example */ } ulonglong2str_t; static const ulonglong2str_t ulonglong2str[] = { {10, 123, "123\0---------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 0x80000000U, "10000000000000000000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, -2147483647, "1111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000000000000000001\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -65537, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -65536, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000000\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -65535, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110000000000000001\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -32768, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000000\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -32767, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111000000000000001\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -2, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110\0--", 0x33}, { 2, -1, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\0--", 0x33}, { 2, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 10, "1010\0--------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 100, "1100100\0-----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 1000, "1111101000\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 10000, "10011100010000\0----------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 32767, "111111111111111\0---------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 32768, "1000000000000000\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 65535, "1111111111111111\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 100000, "11000011010100000\0-------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 234567, "111001010001000111\0------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 300000, "1001001001111100000\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 524287, "1111111111111111111\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 524288, "10000000000000000000\0----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 1000000, "11110100001001000000\0----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 10000000, "100110001001011010000000\0------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 100000000, "101111101011110000100000000\0---------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 1000000000, "111011100110101100101000000000\0------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 1073741823, "111111111111111111111111111111\0------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 2147483646, "1111111111111111111111111111110\0-----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 2147483647, "1111111111111111111111111111111\0-----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 2147483648U, "10000000000000000000000000000000\0----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 2147483649U, "10000000000000000000000000000001\0----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 4294967294U, "11111111111111111111111111111110\0----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 0xFFFFFFFF, "11111111111111111111111111111111\0----------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x1,0xffffffff), "111111111111111111111111111111111\0---------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ((ULONGLONG)100000)*100000, "1001010100000010111110010000000000\0--------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x3,0xffffffff), "1111111111111111111111111111111111\0--------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x7,0xffffffff), "11111111111111111111111111111111111\0-------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0xf,0xffffffff), "111111111111111111111111111111111111\0------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ((ULONGLONG)100000)*1000000, "1011101001000011101101110100000000000\0-----------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x1f,0xffffffff), "1111111111111111111111111111111111111\0-----------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x3f,0xffffffff), "11111111111111111111111111111111111111\0----------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0x7f,0xffffffff), "111111111111111111111111111111111111111\0---------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, ULL(0xff,0xffffffff), "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111\0--------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 0x80000000U, "20000000000\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, -2147483647, "1777777777760000000001\0--------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, -2, "1777777777777777777776\0--------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, -1, "1777777777777777777777\0--------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 2147483646, "17777777776\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 2147483647, "17777777777\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 2147483648U, "20000000000\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 2147483649U, "20000000001\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 4294967294U, "37777777776\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 8, 4294967295U, "37777777777\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 0x80000000U, "2147483648\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, -2147483647, "-2147483647\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, -2147483647, "-18446744071562067969\0---------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, -2147483647, "18446744071562067969\0----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, -2, "-2\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, -2, "-18446744073709551614\0---------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, -2, "18446744073709551614\0----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, -1, "-1\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, -1, "-18446744073709551615\0---------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, -1, "18446744073709551615\0----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 12, "12\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 123, "123\0---------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 1234, "1234\0--------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 12345, "12345\0-------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 123456, "123456\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 1234567, "1234567\0-----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 12345678, "12345678\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 123456789, "123456789\0---------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483646, "2147483646\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483647, "2147483647\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483648U, "2147483648\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 2147483649U, "2147483649\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 4294967294U, "4294967294\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, 4294967295U, "4294967295\0--------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x2,0xdfdc1c35), "12345678901\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0xe5,0xf4c8f374), "987654321012\0------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x1c0,0xfc161e3e), "1928374656574\0-----------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0xbad,0xcafeface), "12841062955726\0----------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x5bad,0xcafeface), "100801993177806\0---------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0xaface,0xbeefcafe), "3090515640699646\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0xa5beef,0xabcdcafe), "46653307746110206\0-------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x1f8cf9b,0xf2df3af1), "142091656963767025\0------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x0fffffff,0xffffffff), "1152921504606846975\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff), "9223372036854775807\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000), "-9223372036854775808\0----------------------------------------------", 0x11}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000), "9223372036854775808\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000001), "-9223372036854775807\0----------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000001), "-9223372036854775809\0----------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000001), "9223372036854775809\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000002), "-9223372036854775806\0----------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000002), "-9223372036854775810\0----------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000002), "9223372036854775810\0-----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xfffffffe), "-2\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xfffffffe), "-18446744073709551614\0---------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xfffffffe), "18446744073709551614\0----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xffffffff), "-1\0----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x55}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xffffffff), "-18446744073709551615\0---------------------------------------------", 0x00}, {10, ULL(0xffffffff,0xffffffff), "18446744073709551615\0----------------------------------------------", 0x22}, {16, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 1, "1\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 2147483646, "7ffffffe\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 2147483647, "7fffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0x80000000, "80000000\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0x80000001, "80000001\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0xFFFFFFFE, "fffffffe\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0xFFFFFFFF, "ffffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0x1,0x00000000), "100000000\0---------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0xbad,0xdeadbeef), "baddeadbeef\0-------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000), "8000000000000000\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0xfedcba98,0x76543210), "fedcba9876543210\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0xffffffff,0x80000001), "ffffffff80000001\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0xffffffff,0xfffffffe), "fffffffffffffffe\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, ULL(0xffffffff,0xffffffff), "ffffffffffffffff\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 32768, "1000000000000000\0--------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 65536, "10000000000000000\0-------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, { 2, 131072, "100000000000000000\0------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0xffffffff, "ffffffff\0----------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0xa, "a\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {16, 0, "0\0-----------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {20, 3368421, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {36, 62193781, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {37, 71270178, "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, {99, ULL(0x2,0x3c9e468c), "111111\0------------------------------------------------------------", 0x33}, }; #define NB_ULONGLONG2STR (sizeof(ulonglong2str)/sizeof(*ulonglong2str)) static void one_i64toa_test(int test_num, const ulonglong2str_t *ulonglong2str) { LPSTR result; char dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; memset(dest_str, '-', LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH); dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; result = p_i64toa(ulonglong2str->value, dest_str, ulonglong2str->base); ok(result == dest_str, "(test %d): _i64toa(%08x%08x, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, result, dest_str); if (ulonglong2str->mask & 0x04) { if (memcmp(dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) != 0) { if (memcmp(dest_str, ulonglong2str[1].Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) != 0) { ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _i64toa(%08x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer); } /* if */ } /* if */ } else { ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _i64toa(%08x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer); } /* if */ } static void one_ui64toa_test(int test_num, const ulonglong2str_t *ulonglong2str) { LPSTR result; char dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; memset(dest_str, '-', LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH); dest_str[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; result = p_ui64toa(ulonglong2str->value, dest_str, ulonglong2str->base); ok(result == dest_str, "(test %d): _ui64toa(%08x%08x, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, result, dest_str); ok(memcmp(dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH) == 0, "(test %d): _ui64toa(%08x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, dest_str, ulonglong2str->Buffer); } static void test_ulonglongtoa(void) { int test_num; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_ULONGLONG2STR; test_num++) { if (ulonglong2str[test_num].mask & 0x01) { one_i64toa_test(test_num, &ulonglong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (p_ui64toa != NULL) { if (ulonglong2str[test_num].mask & 0x02) { one_ui64toa_test(test_num, &ulonglong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ } static void one_i64tow_test(int test_num, const ulonglong2str_t *ulonglong2str) { int pos; WCHAR expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING unicode_string; STRING ansi_str; LPWSTR result; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulonglong2str->Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { dest_wstr[pos] = '-'; } /* for */ dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; unicode_string.Length = LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.MaximumLength = unicode_string.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.Buffer = dest_wstr; result = p_i64tow(ulonglong2str->value, dest_wstr, ulonglong2str->base); pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi_str, &unicode_string, 1); ok(result == dest_wstr, "(test %d): _i64tow(0x%x%08x, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, result, dest_wstr); if (ulonglong2str->mask & 0x04) { if (memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) != 0) { for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulonglong2str[1].Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; if (memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) != 0) { ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _i64tow(0x%x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulonglong2str->Buffer); } /* if */ } /* if */ } else { ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _i64tow(0x%x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulonglong2str->Buffer); } /* if */ pRtlFreeAnsiString(&ansi_str); } static void one_ui64tow_test(int test_num, const ulonglong2str_t *ulonglong2str) { int pos; WCHAR expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; WCHAR dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH + 1]; UNICODE_STRING unicode_string; STRING ansi_str; LPWSTR result; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { expected_wstr[pos] = ulonglong2str->Buffer[pos]; } /* for */ expected_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; for (pos = 0; pos < LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH; pos++) { dest_wstr[pos] = '-'; } /* for */ dest_wstr[LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH] = '\0'; unicode_string.Length = LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.MaximumLength = unicode_string.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); unicode_string.Buffer = dest_wstr; result = p_ui64tow(ulonglong2str->value, dest_wstr, ulonglong2str->base); pRtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&ansi_str, &unicode_string, 1); ok(result == dest_wstr, "(test %d): _ui64tow(0x%x%08x, [out], %d) has result %p, expected: %p\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, result, dest_wstr); ok(memcmp(dest_wstr, expected_wstr, LARGE_STRI_BUFFER_LENGTH * sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0, "(test %d): _ui64tow(0x%x%08x, [out], %d) assigns string \"%s\", expected: \"%s\"\n", test_num, (DWORD)(ulonglong2str->value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str->value, ulonglong2str->base, ansi_str.Buffer, ulonglong2str->Buffer); pRtlFreeAnsiString(&ansi_str); } static void test_ulonglongtow(void) { int test_num; LPWSTR result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_ULONGLONG2STR; test_num++) { if (ulonglong2str[test_num].mask & 0x10) { one_i64tow_test(test_num, &ulonglong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ if (p_ui64tow) { if (ulonglong2str[test_num].mask & 0x20) { one_ui64tow_test(test_num, &ulonglong2str[test_num]); } /* if */ } /* if */ } /* for */ if (0) { /* Crashes on XP and W2K3 */ result = p_i64tow(ulonglong2str[0].value, NULL, 10); ok(result == NULL, "(test d): _i64tow(0x%x%08x, NULL, 10) has result %p, expected: NULL\n", (DWORD)(ulonglong2str[0].value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str[0].value, result); } if (p_ui64tow) { if (0) { /* Crashes on XP and W2K3 */ result = p_ui64tow(ulonglong2str[0].value, NULL, 10); ok(result == NULL, "(test e): _ui64tow(0x%x%08x, NULL, 10) has result %p, expected: NULL\n", (DWORD)(ulonglong2str[0].value >> 32), (DWORD)ulonglong2str[0].value, result); } } /* if */ } typedef struct { const char *str; LONG value; } str2long_t; static const str2long_t str2long[] = { { "1011101100", 1011101100 }, { "1234567", 1234567 }, { "-214", -214 }, { "+214", 214 }, /* The + sign is allowed also */ { "--214", 0 }, /* Do not accept more than one sign */ { "-+214", 0 }, { "++214", 0 }, { "+-214", 0 }, { "\00141", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 1 */ { "\00242", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 2 */ { "\00343", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 3 */ { "\00444", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 4 */ { "\00545", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 5 */ { "\00646", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 6 */ { "\00747", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 7 */ { "\01050", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 8 */ { "\01151", 51 }, /* is whitespace char 9 (tab) */ { "\01252", 52 }, /* is whitespace char 10 (lf) */ { "\01353", 53 }, /* is whitespace char 11 (vt) */ { "\01454", 54 }, /* is whitespace char 12 (ff) */ { "\01555", 55 }, /* is whitespace char 13 (cr) */ { "\01656", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 14 */ { "\01757", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 15 */ { "\02060", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 16 */ { "\02161", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 17 */ { "\02262", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 18 */ { "\02363", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 19 */ { "\02464", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 20 */ { "\02565", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 21 */ { "\02666", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 22 */ { "\02767", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 23 */ { "\03070", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 24 */ { "\03171", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 25 */ { "\03272", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 26 */ { "\03373", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 27 */ { "\03474", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 28 */ { "\03575", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 29 */ { "\03676", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 30 */ { "\03777", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 31 */ { "\04080", 80 }, /* is whitespace char 32 (space) */ { " \n \r \t214", 214 }, { " \n \r \t+214", 214 }, /* Signs can be used after whitespace */ { " \n \r \t-214", -214 }, { "+214 0", 214 }, /* Space terminates the number */ { " 214.01", 214 }, /* Decimal point not accepted */ { " 214,01", 214 }, /* Decimal comma not accepted */ { "f81", 0 }, { "0x12345", 0 }, /* Hex not accepted */ { "00x12345", 0 }, { "0xx12345", 0 }, { "1x34", 1 }, { "-9999999999", -1410065407 }, /* Big negative integer */ { "-2147483649", 2147483647 }, /* Too small to fit in 32 Bits */ { "-2147483648", 0x80000000 }, /* Smallest negative integer */ { "-2147483647", -2147483647 }, { "-1", -1 }, { "0", 0 }, { "1", 1 }, { "2147483646", 2147483646 }, { "2147483647", 2147483647 }, /* Largest signed positive integer */ { "2147483648", 2147483648UL }, /* Positive int equal to smallest negative int */ { "2147483649", 2147483649UL }, { "4294967294", 4294967294UL }, { "4294967295", 4294967295UL }, /* Largest unsigned integer */ { "4294967296", 0 }, /* Too big to fit in 32 Bits */ { "9999999999", 1410065407 }, /* Big positive integer */ { "056789", 56789 }, /* Leading zero and still decimal */ { "b1011101100", 0 }, /* Binary (b-notation) */ { "-b1011101100", 0 }, /* Negative Binary (b-notation) */ { "b10123456789", 0 }, /* Binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "0b1011101100", 0 }, /* Binary (0b-notation) */ { "-0b1011101100", 0 }, /* Negative binary (0b-notation) */ { "0b10123456789", 0 }, /* Binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "-0b10123456789", 0 }, /* Negative binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "0b1", 0 }, /* one digit binary */ { "0b2", 0 }, /* empty binary */ { "0b", 0 }, /* empty binary */ { "o1234567", 0 }, /* Octal (o-notation) */ { "-o1234567", 0 }, /* Negative Octal (o-notation) */ { "o56789", 0 }, /* Octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "0o1234567", 0 }, /* Octal (0o-notation) */ { "-0o1234567", 0 }, /* Negative octal (0o-notation) */ { "0o56789", 0 }, /* Octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "-0o56789", 0 }, /* Negative octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "0o7", 0 }, /* one digit octal */ { "0o8", 0 }, /* empty octal */ { "0o", 0 }, /* empty octal */ { "0d1011101100", 0 }, /* explicit decimal with 0d */ { "x89abcdef", 0 }, /* Hex with lower case digits a-f (x-notation) */ { "xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Hex with upper case digits A-F (x-notation) */ { "-xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Negative Hexadecimal (x-notation) */ { "0x89abcdef", 0 }, /* Hex with lower case digits a-f (0x-notation) */ { "0xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Hex with upper case digits A-F (0x-notation) */ { "-0xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Negative Hexadecimal (0x-notation) */ { "0xabcdefgh", 0 }, /* Hex with illegal lower case digits (g-z) */ { "0xABCDEFGH", 0 }, /* Hex with illegal upper case digits (G-Z) */ { "0xF", 0 }, /* one digit hexadecimal */ { "0xG", 0 }, /* empty hexadecimal */ { "0x", 0 }, /* empty hexadecimal */ { "", 0 }, /* empty string */ /* { NULL, 0 }, */ /* NULL as string */ }; #define NB_STR2LONG (sizeof(str2long)/sizeof(*str2long)) static void test_wtoi(void) { int test_num; UNICODE_STRING uni; int result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONG; test_num++) { pRtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&uni, str2long[test_num].str); result = p_wtoi(uni.Buffer); ok(result == str2long[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _wtoi(\"%s\") has result %d, expected: %d\n", test_num, str2long[test_num].str, result, str2long[test_num].value); pRtlFreeUnicodeString(&uni); } /* for */ } static void test_atoi(void) { int test_num; int result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONG; test_num++) { result = patoi(str2long[test_num].str); ok(result == str2long[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _atoi(\"%s\") has result %d, expected: %d\n", test_num, str2long[test_num].str, result, str2long[test_num].value); } } static void test_atol(void) { int test_num; int result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONG; test_num++) { result = patol(str2long[test_num].str); ok(result == str2long[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _atol(\"%s\") has result %d, expected: %d\n", test_num, str2long[test_num].str, result, str2long[test_num].value); } } static void test_wtol(void) { int test_num; UNICODE_STRING uni; LONG result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONG; test_num++) { pRtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&uni, str2long[test_num].str); result = p_wtol(uni.Buffer); ok(result == str2long[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _wtol(\"%s\") has result %d, expected: %d\n", test_num, str2long[test_num].str, result, str2long[test_num].value); pRtlFreeUnicodeString(&uni); } /* for */ } typedef struct { const char *str; LONGLONG value; int overflow; } str2longlong_t; static const str2longlong_t str2longlong[] = { { "1011101100", 1011101100 }, { "1234567", 1234567 }, { "-214", -214 }, { "+214", 214 }, /* The + sign is allowed also */ { "--214", 0 }, /* Do not accept more than one sign */ { "-+214", 0 }, { "++214", 0 }, { "+-214", 0 }, { "\00141", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 1 */ { "\00242", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 2 */ { "\00343", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 3 */ { "\00444", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 4 */ { "\00545", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 5 */ { "\00646", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 6 */ { "\00747", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 7 */ { "\01050", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 8 */ { "\01151", 51 }, /* is whitespace char 9 (tab) */ { "\01252", 52 }, /* is whitespace char 10 (lf) */ { "\01353", 53 }, /* is whitespace char 11 (vt) */ { "\01454", 54 }, /* is whitespace char 12 (ff) */ { "\01555", 55 }, /* is whitespace char 13 (cr) */ { "\01656", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 14 */ { "\01757", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 15 */ { "\02060", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 16 */ { "\02161", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 17 */ { "\02262", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 18 */ { "\02363", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 19 */ { "\02464", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 20 */ { "\02565", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 21 */ { "\02666", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 22 */ { "\02767", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 23 */ { "\03070", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 24 */ { "\03171", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 25 */ { "\03272", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 26 */ { "\03373", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 27 */ { "\03474", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 28 */ { "\03575", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 29 */ { "\03676", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 30 */ { "\03777", 0 }, /* not whitespace char 31 */ { "\04080", 80 }, /* is whitespace char 32 (space) */ { " \n \r \t214", 214 }, { " \n \r \t+214", 214 }, /* Signs can be used after whitespace */ { " \n \r \t-214", -214 }, { "+214 0", 214 }, /* Space terminates the number */ { " 214.01", 214 }, /* Decimal point not accepted */ { " 214,01", 214 }, /* Decimal comma not accepted */ { "f81", 0 }, { "0x12345", 0 }, /* Hex not accepted */ { "00x12345", 0 }, { "0xx12345", 0 }, { "1x34", 1 }, { "-99999999999999999999", -ULL(0x6bc75e2d,0x630fffff), -1 }, /* Big negative integer */ { "-9223372036854775809", ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff), -1 }, /* Too small to fit in 64 bits */ { "-9223372036854775808", ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000) }, /* Smallest negative 64 bit integer */ { "-9223372036854775807", -ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff) }, { "-9999999999", -ULL(0x00000002,0x540be3ff) }, { "-2147483649", -ULL(0x00000000,0x80000001) }, /* Too small to fit in 32 bits */ { "-2147483648", -ULL(0x00000000,0x80000000) }, /* Smallest 32 bits negative integer */ { "-2147483647", -2147483647 }, { "-1", -1 }, { "0", 0 }, { "1", 1 }, { "2147483646", 2147483646 }, { "2147483647", 2147483647 }, /* Largest signed positive 32 bit integer */ { "2147483648", ULL(0x00000000,0x80000000) }, /* Pos int equal to smallest neg 32 bit int */ { "2147483649", ULL(0x00000000,0x80000001) }, { "4294967294", ULL(0x00000000,0xfffffffe) }, { "4294967295", ULL(0x00000000,0xffffffff) }, /* Largest unsigned 32 bit integer */ { "4294967296", ULL(0x00000001,0x00000000) }, /* Too big to fit in 32 Bits */ { "9999999999", ULL(0x00000002,0x540be3ff) }, { "9223372036854775806", ULL(0x7fffffff,0xfffffffe) }, { "9223372036854775807", ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff) }, /* Largest signed positive 64 bit integer */ { "9223372036854775808", ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000), 1 }, /* Pos int equal to smallest neg 64 bit int */ { "9223372036854775809", ULL(0x80000000,0x00000001), 1 }, { "18446744073709551614", ULL(0xffffffff,0xfffffffe), 1 }, { "18446744073709551615", ULL(0xffffffff,0xffffffff), 1 }, /* Largest unsigned 64 bit integer */ { "18446744073709551616", 0, 1 }, /* Too big to fit in 64 bits */ { "99999999999999999999", ULL(0x6bc75e2d,0x630fffff), 1 }, /* Big positive integer */ { "056789", 56789 }, /* Leading zero and still decimal */ { "b1011101100", 0 }, /* Binary (b-notation) */ { "-b1011101100", 0 }, /* Negative Binary (b-notation) */ { "b10123456789", 0 }, /* Binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "0b1011101100", 0 }, /* Binary (0b-notation) */ { "-0b1011101100", 0 }, /* Negative binary (0b-notation) */ { "0b10123456789", 0 }, /* Binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "-0b10123456789", 0 }, /* Negative binary with nonbinary digits (2-9) */ { "0b1", 0 }, /* one digit binary */ { "0b2", 0 }, /* empty binary */ { "0b", 0 }, /* empty binary */ { "o1234567", 0 }, /* Octal (o-notation) */ { "-o1234567", 0 }, /* Negative Octal (o-notation) */ { "o56789", 0 }, /* Octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "0o1234567", 0 }, /* Octal (0o-notation) */ { "-0o1234567", 0 }, /* Negative octal (0o-notation) */ { "0o56789", 0 }, /* Octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "-0o56789", 0 }, /* Negative octal with nonoctal digits (8 and 9) */ { "0o7", 0 }, /* one digit octal */ { "0o8", 0 }, /* empty octal */ { "0o", 0 }, /* empty octal */ { "0d1011101100", 0 }, /* explicit decimal with 0d */ { "x89abcdef", 0 }, /* Hex with lower case digits a-f (x-notation) */ { "xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Hex with upper case digits A-F (x-notation) */ { "-xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Negative Hexadecimal (x-notation) */ { "0x89abcdef", 0 }, /* Hex with lower case digits a-f (0x-notation) */ { "0xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Hex with upper case digits A-F (0x-notation) */ { "-0xFEDCBA00", 0 }, /* Negative Hexadecimal (0x-notation) */ { "0xabcdefgh", 0 }, /* Hex with illegal lower case digits (g-z) */ { "0xABCDEFGH", 0 }, /* Hex with illegal upper case digits (G-Z) */ { "0xF", 0 }, /* one digit hexadecimal */ { "0xG", 0 }, /* empty hexadecimal */ { "0x", 0 }, /* empty hexadecimal */ { "", 0 }, /* empty string */ /* { NULL, 0 }, */ /* NULL as string */ }; #define NB_STR2LONGLONG (sizeof(str2longlong)/sizeof(*str2longlong)) static void test_atoi64(void) { int test_num; LONGLONG result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONGLONG; test_num++) { result = p_atoi64(str2longlong[test_num].str); if (str2longlong[test_num].overflow) ok(result == str2longlong[test_num].value || (result == (str2longlong[test_num].overflow == -1) ? ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000) : ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff)), "(test %d): call failed: _atoi64(\"%s\") has result 0x%x%08x, expected: 0x%x%08x\n", test_num, str2longlong[test_num].str, (DWORD)(result >> 32), (DWORD)result, (DWORD)(str2longlong[test_num].value >> 32), (DWORD)str2longlong[test_num].value); else ok(result == str2longlong[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _atoi64(\"%s\") has result 0x%x%08x, expected: 0x%x%08x\n", test_num, str2longlong[test_num].str, (DWORD)(result >> 32), (DWORD)result, (DWORD)(str2longlong[test_num].value >> 32), (DWORD)str2longlong[test_num].value); } } static void test_wtoi64(void) { int test_num; UNICODE_STRING uni; LONGLONG result; for (test_num = 0; test_num < NB_STR2LONGLONG; test_num++) { pRtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(&uni, str2longlong[test_num].str); result = p_wtoi64(uni.Buffer); if (str2longlong[test_num].overflow) ok(result == str2longlong[test_num].value || (result == (str2longlong[test_num].overflow == -1) ? ULL(0x80000000,0x00000000) : ULL(0x7fffffff,0xffffffff)), "(test %d): call failed: _atoi64(\"%s\") has result 0x%x%08x, expected: 0x%x%08x\n", test_num, str2longlong[test_num].str, (DWORD)(result >> 32), (DWORD)result, (DWORD)(str2longlong[test_num].value >> 32), (DWORD)str2longlong[test_num].value); else ok(result == str2longlong[test_num].value, "(test %d): call failed: _atoi64(\"%s\") has result 0x%x%08x, expected: 0x%x%08x\n", test_num, str2longlong[test_num].str, (DWORD)(result >> 32), (DWORD)result, (DWORD)(str2longlong[test_num].value >> 32), (DWORD)str2longlong[test_num].value); pRtlFreeUnicodeString(&uni); } } static void test_wcschr(void) { static const WCHAR teststringW[] = {'a','b','r','a','c','a','d','a','b','r','a',0}; ok(p_wcschr(teststringW, 'a') == teststringW + 0, "wcschr should have returned a pointer to the first 'a' character\n"); ok(p_wcschr(teststringW, 0) == teststringW + 11, "wcschr should have returned a pointer to the null terminator\n"); ok(p_wcschr(teststringW, 'x') == NULL, "wcschr should have returned NULL\n"); } static void test_wcsrchr(void) { static const WCHAR teststringW[] = {'a','b','r','a','c','a','d','a','b','r','a',0}; ok(p_wcsrchr(teststringW, 'a') == teststringW + 10, "wcsrchr should have returned a pointer to the last 'a' character\n"); ok(p_wcsrchr(teststringW, 0) == teststringW + 11, "wcsrchr should have returned a pointer to the null terminator\n"); ok(p_wcsrchr(teststringW, 'x') == NULL, "wcsrchr should have returned NULL\n"); } static __cdecl int intcomparefunc(const void *a, const void*b) { return (*(int*)a) - (*(int*)b); } static __cdecl int charcomparefunc(const void *a, const void*b) { return (*(char*)a) - (*(char*)b); } static __cdecl int strcomparefunc(const void *a, const void*b) { return lstrcmpA(*(char**)a,*(char**)b); } static void test_qsort(void) { int arr[5] = { 23, 42, 8, 4, 16 }; char carr[5] = { 42, 23, 4, 8, 16 }; const char *strarr[7] = { "Hello", "Wine", "World", "!", "Hopefully", "Sorted", "." }; p_qsort ((void*)arr, 5, sizeof(int), intcomparefunc); ok(arr[0] == 4, "badly sorted, arr[0] is %d\n", arr[0]); ok(arr[1] == 8, "badly sorted, arr[1] is %d\n", arr[1]); ok(arr[2] == 16, "badly sorted, arr[2] is %d\n", arr[2]); ok(arr[3] == 23, "badly sorted, arr[3] is %d\n", arr[3]); ok(arr[4] == 42, "badly sorted, arr[4] is %d\n", arr[4]); p_qsort ((void*)carr, 5, sizeof(char), charcomparefunc); ok(carr[0] == 4, "badly sorted, carr[0] is %d\n", carr[0]); ok(carr[1] == 8, "badly sorted, carr[1] is %d\n", carr[1]); ok(carr[2] == 16, "badly sorted, carr[2] is %d\n", carr[2]); ok(carr[3] == 23, "badly sorted, carr[3] is %d\n", carr[3]); ok(carr[4] == 42, "badly sorted, carr[4] is %d\n", carr[4]); p_qsort ((void*)strarr, 7, sizeof(char*), strcomparefunc); ok(!strcmp(strarr[0],"!"), "badly sorted, strarr[0] is %s\n", strarr[0]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[1],"."), "badly sorted, strarr[1] is %s\n", strarr[1]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[2],"Hello"), "badly sorted, strarr[2] is %s\n", strarr[2]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[3],"Hopefully"), "badly sorted, strarr[3] is %s\n", strarr[3]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[4],"Sorted"), "badly sorted, strarr[4] is %s\n", strarr[4]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[5],"Wine"), "badly sorted, strarr[5] is %s\n", strarr[5]); ok(!strcmp(strarr[6],"World"), "badly sorted, strarr[6] is %s\n", strarr[6]); } static void test_bsearch(void) { int arr[7] = { 1, 3, 4, 8, 16, 23, 42 }; int *x, l, i,j ; /* just try all all sizes */ for (j=1;j