/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Francois Gouget * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __WINE_RPCNDR_H #define __WINE_RPCNDR_H #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ /* FIXME: I'm not sure what version though */ #define __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ typedef unsigned char byte; typedef __int64 hyper; typedef __uint64 MIDL_uhyper; /* 'boolean' tend to conflict, let's call it _wine_boolean */ typedef unsigned char _wine_boolean; /* typedef _wine_boolean boolean; */ typedef struct { void *pad[2]; void *userContext; } *NDR_SCONTEXT; #define NDRSContextValue(hContext) (&(hContext)->userContext) #define cbNDRContext 20 typedef void (__RPC_USER *NDR_RUNDOWN)(void *context); typedef void (__RPC_USER *NDR_NOTIFY_ROUTINE)(void); typedef void (__RPC_USER *NDR_NOTIFY2_ROUTINE)(_wine_boolean flag); #define DECLSPEC_UUID(x) #define MIDL_INTERFACE(x) struct struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE; struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC; struct _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES; typedef void (__RPC_USER *EXPR_EVAL)(struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *); typedef const unsigned char *PFORMAT_STRING; typedef struct { long Dimension; unsigned long *BufferConformanceMark; unsigned long *BufferVarianceMark; unsigned long *MaxCountArray; unsigned long *OffsetArray; unsigned long *ActualCountArray; } ARRAY_INFO, *PARRAY_INFO; typedef struct _NDR_PIPE_DESC *PNDR_PIPE_DESC; typedef struct _NDR_PIPE_MESSAGE *PNDR_PIPE_MESSAGE; typedef struct _NDR_ASYNC_MESSAGE *PNDR_ASYNC_MESSAGE; typedef struct _NDR_CORRELATION_INFO *PNDR_CORRELATION_INFO; #include "pshpack4.h" typedef struct _MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE { PRPC_MESSAGE RpcMsg; unsigned char *Buffer; unsigned char *BufferStart; unsigned char *BufferEnd; unsigned char *BufferMark; unsigned long BufferLength; unsigned long MemorySize; unsigned char *Memory; int IsClient; int ReuseBuffer; unsigned char *AllocAllNodesMemory; unsigned char *AllocAllNodesMemoryEnd; int IgnoreEmbeddedPointers; unsigned char *PointerBufferMark; unsigned char fBufferValid; unsigned char uFlags; ULONG_PTR MaxCount; unsigned long Offset; unsigned long ActualCount; void * (__RPC_API *pfnAllocate)(size_t); void (__RPC_API *pfnFree)(void *); unsigned char *StackTop; unsigned char *pPresentedType; unsigned char *pTransmitType; handle_t SavedHandle; const struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC *StubDesc; struct _FULL_PTR_XLAT_TABLES *FullPtrXlatTables; unsigned long FullPtrRefId; unsigned long ulUnused1; int fInDontFree:1; int fDontCallFreeInst:1; int fInOnlyParam:1; int fHasReturn:1; int fHasExtensions:1; int fHasNewCorrDesc:1; int fUnused:10; unsigned long dwDestContext; void *pvDestContext; NDR_SCONTEXT *SavedContextHandles; long ParamNumber; struct IRpcChannelBuffer *pRpcChannelBuffer; PARRAY_INFO pArrayInfo; unsigned long *SizePtrCountArray; unsigned long *SizePtrOffsetArray; unsigned long *SizePtrLengthArray; void *pArgQueue; unsigned long dwStubPhase; PNDR_PIPE_DESC pPipeDesc; PNDR_ASYNC_MESSAGE pAsyncMsg; PNDR_CORRELATION_INFO pCorrInfo; unsigned char *pCorrMemory; void *pMemoryList; ULONG_PTR w2kReserved[5]; } MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE, *PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE; #include "poppack.h" typedef struct _GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR, *PGENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR; typedef struct __GENERIC_BINDING_INFO GENERIC_BINDING_INFO, *PGENERIC_BINDING_INFO; typedef struct _XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE, *PXMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE; typedef struct _USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE; typedef struct _MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT; typedef struct _COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS; typedef struct _MIDL_STUB_DESC { void *RpcInterfaceInformation; void * (__RPC_API *pfnAllocate)(size_t); void (__RPC_API *pfnFree)(void *); union { handle_t *pAutoHandle; handle_t *pPrimitiveHandle; PGENERIC_BINDING_INFO pGenericBindingInfo; } IMPLICIT_HANDLE_INFO; const NDR_RUNDOWN *apfnNdrRundownRoutines; const GENERIC_BINDING_ROUTINE_PAIR *aGenericBindingRoutinePairs; const EXPR_EVAL *apfnExprEval; const XMIT_ROUTINE_QUINTUPLE *aXmitQuintuple; const unsigned char *pFormatTypes; int fCheckBounds; unsigned long Version; MALLOC_FREE_STRUCT *pMallocFreeStruct; long MIDLVersion; const COMM_FAULT_OFFSETS *CommFaultOffsets; const USER_MARSHAL_ROUTINE_QUADRUPLE *aUserMarshalQuadruple; const NDR_NOTIFY_ROUTINE *NotifyRoutineTable; ULONG_PTR mFlags; ULONG_PTR Reserved3; ULONG_PTR Reserved4; ULONG_PTR Reserved5; } MIDL_STUB_DESC; typedef const MIDL_STUB_DESC *PMIDL_STUB_DESC; typedef struct _MIDL_FORMAT_STRING { short Pad; #if defined(__GNUC__) unsigned char Format[0]; #else unsigned char Format[1]; #endif } MIDL_FORMAT_STRING; typedef void (__RPC_API *STUB_THUNK)( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE ); typedef long (__RPC_API *SERVER_ROUTINE)(); typedef struct _MIDL_SERVER_INFO_ { PMIDL_STUB_DESC pStubDesc; const SERVER_ROUTINE *DispatchTable; PFORMAT_STRING ProcString; const unsigned short *FmtStringOffset; const STUB_THUNK *ThunkTable; PFORMAT_STRING LocalFormatTypes; PFORMAT_STRING LocalProcString; const unsigned short *LocalFmtStringOffset; } MIDL_SERVER_INFO, *PMIDL_SERVER_INFO; typedef enum { STUB_UNMARSHAL, STUB_CALL_SERVER, STUB_MARSHAL, STUB_CALL_SERVER_NO_HRESULT } STUB_PHASE; typedef enum { PROXY_CALCSIZE, PROXY_GETBUFFER, PROXY_MARSHAL, PROXY_SENDRECEIVE, PROXY_UNMARSHAL } PROXY_PHASE; struct IRpcStubBuffer; RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrSimpleTypeMarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char* pMemory, unsigned char FormatChar ); RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrSimpleTypeUnmarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char* pMemory, unsigned char FormatChar ); /* while MS declares each prototype separately, I prefer to use macros for this kind of thing instead */ #define TYPE_MARSHAL(type) \ RPCRTAPI unsigned char* RPC_ENTRY \ Ndr##type##Marshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char* pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ); \ RPCRTAPI unsigned char* RPC_ENTRY \ Ndr##type##Unmarshall( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char** ppMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, unsigned char fMustAlloc ); \ RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY \ Ndr##type##BufferSize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char* pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ); \ RPCRTAPI unsigned long RPC_ENTRY \ Ndr##type##MemorySize( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ); \ RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY \ Ndr##type##Free( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, unsigned char* pMemory, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ); TYPE_MARSHAL(Pointer) TYPE_MARSHAL(SimpleStruct) TYPE_MARSHAL(ConformantStruct) TYPE_MARSHAL(ConformantVaryingStruct) TYPE_MARSHAL(ComplexStruct) TYPE_MARSHAL(FixedArray) TYPE_MARSHAL(ConformantArray) TYPE_MARSHAL(ConformantVaryingArray) TYPE_MARSHAL(VaryingArray) TYPE_MARSHAL(ComplexArray) TYPE_MARSHAL(EncapsulatedUnion) TYPE_MARSHAL(NonEncapsulatedUnion) TYPE_MARSHAL(ByteCountPointer) TYPE_MARSHAL(XmitOrRepAs) TYPE_MARSHAL(UserMarshal) TYPE_MARSHAL(InterfacePointer) #undef TYPE_MARSHAL RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrConvert2( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat, long NumberParams ); RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrConvert( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, PFORMAT_STRING pFormat ); RPCRTAPI void* RPC_ENTRY NdrOleAllocate( size_t Size ); RPCRTAPI void RPC_ENTRY NdrOleFree( void* NodeToFree ); #endif /*__WINE_RPCNDR_H */