/* * Copyright 2005-2006 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include "urlmon_main.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(urlmon); typedef struct name_space { LPWSTR protocol; IClassFactory *cf; CLSID clsid; BOOL urlmon; struct name_space *next; } name_space; typedef struct mime_filter { IClassFactory *cf; CLSID clsid; LPWSTR mime; struct mime_filter *next; } mime_filter; static name_space *name_space_list = NULL; static mime_filter *mime_filter_list = NULL; static CRITICAL_SECTION session_cs; static CRITICAL_SECTION_DEBUG session_cs_dbg = { 0, 0, &session_cs, { &session_cs_dbg.ProcessLocksList, &session_cs_dbg.ProcessLocksList }, 0, 0, { (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": session") } }; static CRITICAL_SECTION session_cs = { &session_cs_dbg, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const WCHAR internet_settings_keyW[] = {'S','O','F','T','W','A','R','E', '\\','M','i','c','r','o','s','o','f','t', '\\','W','i','n','d','o','w','s', '\\','C','u','r','r','e','n','t','V','e','r','s','i','o','n', '\\','I','n','t','e','r','n','e','t',' ','S','e','t','t','i','n','g','s',0}; static name_space *find_name_space(LPCWSTR protocol) { name_space *iter; for(iter = name_space_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { if(!strcmpW(iter->protocol, protocol)) return iter; } return NULL; } static HRESULT get_protocol_cf(LPCWSTR schema, DWORD schema_len, CLSID *pclsid, IClassFactory **ret) { WCHAR str_clsid[64]; HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD res, type, size; CLSID clsid; LPWSTR wszKey; HRESULT hres; static const WCHAR wszProtocolsKey[] = {'P','R','O','T','O','C','O','L','S','\\','H','a','n','d','l','e','r','\\'}; static const WCHAR wszCLSID[] = {'C','L','S','I','D',0}; wszKey = heap_alloc(sizeof(wszProtocolsKey)+(schema_len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy(wszKey, wszProtocolsKey, sizeof(wszProtocolsKey)); memcpy(wszKey + sizeof(wszProtocolsKey)/sizeof(WCHAR), schema, (schema_len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); res = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, wszKey, &hkey); heap_free(wszKey); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { TRACE("Could not open protocol handler key\n"); return E_FAIL; } size = sizeof(str_clsid); res = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, wszCLSID, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)str_clsid, &size); RegCloseKey(hkey); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS || type != REG_SZ) { WARN("Could not get protocol CLSID res=%d\n", res); return E_FAIL; } hres = CLSIDFromString(str_clsid, &clsid); if(FAILED(hres)) { WARN("CLSIDFromString failed: %08x\n", hres); return hres; } if(pclsid) *pclsid = clsid; if(!ret) return S_OK; return CoGetClassObject(&clsid, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, NULL, &IID_IClassFactory, (void**)ret); } static HRESULT register_namespace(IClassFactory *cf, REFIID clsid, LPCWSTR protocol, BOOL urlmon_protocol) { name_space *new_name_space; new_name_space = heap_alloc(sizeof(name_space)); if(!urlmon_protocol) IClassFactory_AddRef(cf); new_name_space->cf = cf; new_name_space->clsid = *clsid; new_name_space->urlmon = urlmon_protocol; new_name_space->protocol = heap_strdupW(protocol); EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); new_name_space->next = name_space_list; name_space_list = new_name_space; LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); return S_OK; } static HRESULT unregister_namespace(IClassFactory *cf, LPCWSTR protocol) { name_space *iter, *last = NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); for(iter = name_space_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { if(iter->cf == cf && !strcmpW(iter->protocol, protocol)) break; last = iter; } if(iter) { if(last) last->next = iter->next; else name_space_list = iter->next; } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); if(iter) { if(!iter->urlmon) IClassFactory_Release(iter->cf); heap_free(iter->protocol); heap_free(iter); } return S_OK; } void register_urlmon_namespace(IClassFactory *cf, REFIID clsid, LPCWSTR protocol, BOOL do_register) { if(do_register) register_namespace(cf, clsid, protocol, TRUE); else unregister_namespace(cf, protocol); } BOOL is_registered_protocol(LPCWSTR url) { DWORD schema_len; WCHAR schema[64]; HRESULT hres; hres = CoInternetParseUrl(url, PARSE_SCHEMA, 0, schema, sizeof(schema)/sizeof(schema[0]), &schema_len, 0); if(FAILED(hres)) return FALSE; return get_protocol_cf(schema, schema_len, NULL, NULL) == S_OK; } IInternetProtocolInfo *get_protocol_info(LPCWSTR url) { IInternetProtocolInfo *ret = NULL; IClassFactory *cf; name_space *ns; WCHAR schema[64]; DWORD schema_len; HRESULT hres; hres = CoInternetParseUrl(url, PARSE_SCHEMA, 0, schema, sizeof(schema)/sizeof(schema[0]), &schema_len, 0); if(FAILED(hres) || !schema_len) return NULL; EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); ns = find_name_space(schema); if(ns && !ns->urlmon) { hres = IClassFactory_QueryInterface(ns->cf, &IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, (void**)&ret); if(FAILED(hres)) hres = IClassFactory_CreateInstance(ns->cf, NULL, &IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, (void**)&ret); } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); if(ns && SUCCEEDED(hres)) return ret; hres = get_protocol_cf(schema, schema_len, NULL, &cf); if(FAILED(hres)) return NULL; hres = IClassFactory_QueryInterface(cf, &IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, (void**)&ret); if(FAILED(hres)) IClassFactory_CreateInstance(cf, NULL, &IID_IInternetProtocolInfo, (void**)&ret); IClassFactory_Release(cf); return ret; } HRESULT get_protocol_handler(LPCWSTR url, CLSID *clsid, BOOL *urlmon_protocol, IClassFactory **ret) { name_space *ns; WCHAR schema[64]; DWORD schema_len; HRESULT hres; *ret = NULL; hres = CoInternetParseUrl(url, PARSE_SCHEMA, 0, schema, sizeof(schema)/sizeof(schema[0]), &schema_len, 0); if(FAILED(hres) || !schema_len) return schema_len ? hres : E_FAIL; EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); ns = find_name_space(schema); if(ns) { *ret = ns->cf; IClassFactory_AddRef(*ret); if(clsid) *clsid = ns->clsid; if(urlmon_protocol) *urlmon_protocol = ns->urlmon; } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); if(*ret) return S_OK; if(urlmon_protocol) *urlmon_protocol = FALSE; return get_protocol_cf(schema, schema_len, clsid, ret); } IInternetProtocol *get_mime_filter(LPCWSTR mime) { IClassFactory *cf = NULL; IInternetProtocol *ret; mime_filter *iter; HRESULT hres; EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); for(iter = mime_filter_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { if(!strcmpW(iter->mime, mime)) { cf = iter->cf; break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); if(!cf) return NULL; hres = IClassFactory_CreateInstance(cf, NULL, &IID_IInternetProtocol, (void**)&ret); if(FAILED(hres)) { WARN("CreateInstance failed: %08x\n", hres); return NULL; } return ret; } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_QueryInterface(IInternetSession *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { TRACE("(%s %p)\n", debugstr_guid(riid), ppv); if(IsEqualGUID(&IID_IUnknown, riid) || IsEqualGUID(&IID_IInternetSession, riid)) { *ppv = iface; IInternetSession_AddRef(iface); return S_OK; } *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } static ULONG WINAPI InternetSession_AddRef(IInternetSession *iface) { TRACE("()\n"); URLMON_LockModule(); return 2; } static ULONG WINAPI InternetSession_Release(IInternetSession *iface) { TRACE("()\n"); URLMON_UnlockModule(); return 1; } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_RegisterNameSpace(IInternetSession *iface, IClassFactory *pCF, REFCLSID rclsid, LPCWSTR pwzProtocol, ULONG cPatterns, const LPCWSTR *ppwzPatterns, DWORD dwReserved) { TRACE("(%p %s %s %d %p %d)\n", pCF, debugstr_guid(rclsid), debugstr_w(pwzProtocol), cPatterns, ppwzPatterns, dwReserved); if(cPatterns || ppwzPatterns) FIXME("patterns not supported\n"); if(dwReserved) WARN("dwReserved = %d\n", dwReserved); if(!pCF || !pwzProtocol) return E_INVALIDARG; return register_namespace(pCF, rclsid, pwzProtocol, FALSE); } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_UnregisterNameSpace(IInternetSession *iface, IClassFactory *pCF, LPCWSTR pszProtocol) { TRACE("(%p %s)\n", pCF, debugstr_w(pszProtocol)); if(!pCF || !pszProtocol) return E_INVALIDARG; return unregister_namespace(pCF, pszProtocol); } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_RegisterMimeFilter(IInternetSession *iface, IClassFactory *pCF, REFCLSID rclsid, LPCWSTR pwzType) { mime_filter *filter; TRACE("(%p %s %s)\n", pCF, debugstr_guid(rclsid), debugstr_w(pwzType)); filter = heap_alloc(sizeof(mime_filter)); IClassFactory_AddRef(pCF); filter->cf = pCF; filter->clsid = *rclsid; filter->mime = heap_strdupW(pwzType); EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); filter->next = mime_filter_list; mime_filter_list = filter; LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_UnregisterMimeFilter(IInternetSession *iface, IClassFactory *pCF, LPCWSTR pwzType) { mime_filter *iter, *prev = NULL; TRACE("(%p %s)\n", pCF, debugstr_w(pwzType)); EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); for(iter = mime_filter_list; iter; iter = iter->next) { if(iter->cf == pCF && !strcmpW(iter->mime, pwzType)) break; prev = iter; } if(iter) { if(prev) prev->next = iter->next; else mime_filter_list = iter->next; } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); if(iter) { IClassFactory_Release(iter->cf); heap_free(iter->mime); heap_free(iter); } return S_OK; } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_CreateBinding(IInternetSession *iface, LPBC pBC, LPCWSTR szUrl, IUnknown *pUnkOuter, IUnknown **ppUnk, IInternetProtocol **ppOInetProt, DWORD dwOption) { TRACE("(%p %s %p %p %p %08x)\n", pBC, debugstr_w(szUrl), pUnkOuter, ppUnk, ppOInetProt, dwOption); if(pBC || pUnkOuter || ppUnk || dwOption) FIXME("Unsupported arguments\n"); return create_binding_protocol(szUrl, FALSE, ppOInetProt); } static HRESULT WINAPI InternetSession_SetSessionOption(IInternetSession *iface, DWORD dwOption, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD dwReserved) { FIXME("(%08x %p %d %d)\n", dwOption, pBuffer, dwBufferLength, dwReserved); return E_NOTIMPL; } static const IInternetSessionVtbl InternetSessionVtbl = { InternetSession_QueryInterface, InternetSession_AddRef, InternetSession_Release, InternetSession_RegisterNameSpace, InternetSession_UnregisterNameSpace, InternetSession_RegisterMimeFilter, InternetSession_UnregisterMimeFilter, InternetSession_CreateBinding, InternetSession_SetSessionOption }; static IInternetSession InternetSession = { &InternetSessionVtbl }; /*********************************************************************** * CoInternetGetSession (URLMON.@) * * Create a new internet session and return an IInternetSession interface * representing it. * * PARAMS * dwSessionMode [I] Mode for the internet session * ppIInternetSession [O] Destination for creates IInternetSession object * dwReserved [I] Reserved, must be 0. * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK. ppIInternetSession contains the IInternetSession interface. * Failure: E_INVALIDARG, if any argument is invalid, or * E_OUTOFMEMORY if memory allocation fails. */ HRESULT WINAPI CoInternetGetSession(DWORD dwSessionMode, IInternetSession **ppIInternetSession, DWORD dwReserved) { TRACE("(%d %p %d)\n", dwSessionMode, ppIInternetSession, dwReserved); if(dwSessionMode) ERR("dwSessionMode=%d\n", dwSessionMode); if(dwReserved) ERR("dwReserved=%d\n", dwReserved); IInternetSession_AddRef(&InternetSession); *ppIInternetSession = &InternetSession; return S_OK; } /************************************************************************** * UrlMkGetSessionOption (URLMON.@) */ static BOOL get_url_encoding(HKEY root, DWORD *encoding) { DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD), res, type; HKEY hkey; static const WCHAR wszUrlEncoding[] = {'U','r','l','E','n','c','o','d','i','n','g',0}; res = RegOpenKeyW(root, internet_settings_keyW, &hkey); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; res = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, wszUrlEncoding, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)encoding, &size); RegCloseKey(hkey); return res == ERROR_SUCCESS; } static LPWSTR user_agent; static void ensure_useragent(void) { DWORD size = sizeof(DWORD), res, type; HKEY hkey; static const WCHAR user_agentW[] = {'U','s','e','r',' ','A','g','e','n','t',0}; if(user_agent) return; res = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, internet_settings_keyW, &hkey); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; res = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, user_agentW, NULL, &type, NULL, &size); if(res == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ) { user_agent = heap_alloc(size); res = RegQueryValueExW(hkey, user_agentW, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)user_agent, &size); if(res != ERROR_SUCCESS) { heap_free(user_agent); user_agent = NULL; } }else { WARN("Could not find User Agent value: %u\n", res); } RegCloseKey(hkey); } HRESULT WINAPI UrlMkGetSessionOption(DWORD dwOption, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD* pdwBufferLength, DWORD dwReserved) { TRACE("(%x, %p, %d, %p)\n", dwOption, pBuffer, dwBufferLength, pdwBufferLength); if(dwReserved) WARN("dwReserved = %d\n", dwReserved); switch(dwOption) { case URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT: { HRESULT hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; DWORD size; if(!pdwBufferLength) return E_INVALIDARG; EnterCriticalSection(&session_cs); ensure_useragent(); if(user_agent) { size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, user_agent, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); *pdwBufferLength = size; if(size <= dwBufferLength) { if(pBuffer) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, user_agent, -1, pBuffer, size, NULL, NULL); else hres = E_INVALIDARG; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&session_cs); /* Tests prove that we have to return E_OUTOFMEMORY on success. */ return hres; } case URLMON_OPTION_URL_ENCODING: { DWORD encoding = 0; if(!pBuffer || dwBufferLength < sizeof(DWORD) || !pdwBufferLength) return E_INVALIDARG; if(!get_url_encoding(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, &encoding)) get_url_encoding(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &encoding); *pdwBufferLength = sizeof(DWORD); *(DWORD*)pBuffer = encoding ? URL_ENCODING_DISABLE_UTF8 : URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8; return S_OK; } default: FIXME("unsupported option %x\n", dwOption); } return E_INVALIDARG; } /************************************************************************** * UrlMkSetSessionOption (URLMON.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI UrlMkSetSessionOption(DWORD dwOption, LPVOID pBuffer, DWORD dwBufferLength, DWORD Reserved) { TRACE("(%x %p %x)\n", dwOption, pBuffer, dwBufferLength); switch(dwOption) { case URLMON_OPTION_USERAGENT: { LPWSTR new_user_agent; char *buf = pBuffer; DWORD len, size; if(!pBuffer || !dwBufferLength) return E_INVALIDARG; for(len=0; len