/* * Copyright (C) 2006 James Hawkins * * A test program for installing MSI products. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wine/test.h" static const char *msifile = "winetest.msi"; CHAR CURR_DIR[MAX_PATH]; CHAR PROG_FILES_DIR[MAX_PATH]; /* msi database data */ static const CHAR component_dat[] = "Component\tComponentId\tDirectory_\tAttributes\tCondition\tKeyPath\n" "s72\tS38\ts72\ti2\tS255\tS72\n" "Component\tComponent\n" "Five\t{8CC92E9D-14B2-4CA4-B2AA-B11D02078087}\tNEWDIR\t2\t\tfive.txt\n" "Four\t{FD37B4EA-7209-45C0-8917-535F35A2F080}\tCABOUTDIR\t2\t\tfour.txt\n" "One\t{783B242E-E185-4A56-AF86-C09815EC053C}\tMSITESTDIR\t2\t\tone.txt\n" "Three\t{010B6ADD-B27D-4EDD-9B3D-34C4F7D61684}\tCHANGEDDIR\t2\t\tthree.txt\n" "Two\t{BF03D1A6-20DA-4A65-82F3-6CAC995915CE}\tFIRSTDIR\t2\t\ttwo.txt\n" "dangler\t{6091DF25-EF96-45F1-B8E9-A9B1420C7A3C}\tTARGETDIR\t4\t\tregdata\n" "component\t\tMSITESTDIR\t0\t1\tfile\n" "service_comp\t\tMSITESTDIR\t0\t1\tservice_file"; static const CHAR directory_dat[] = "Directory\tDirectory_Parent\tDefaultDir\n" "s72\tS72\tl255\n" "Directory\tDirectory\n" "CABOUTDIR\tMSITESTDIR\tcabout\n" "CHANGEDDIR\tMSITESTDIR\tchanged:second\n" "FIRSTDIR\tMSITESTDIR\tfirst\n" "MSITESTDIR\tProgramFilesFolder\tmsitest\n" "NEWDIR\tCABOUTDIR\tnew\n" "ProgramFilesFolder\tTARGETDIR\t.\n" "TARGETDIR\t\tSourceDir"; static const CHAR feature_dat[] = "Feature\tFeature_Parent\tTitle\tDescription\tDisplay\tLevel\tDirectory_\tAttributes\n" "s38\tS38\tL64\tL255\tI2\ti2\tS72\ti2\n" "Feature\tFeature\n" "Five\t\tFive\tThe Five Feature\t5\t3\tNEWDIR\t0\n" "Four\t\tFour\tThe Four Feature\t4\t3\tCABOUTDIR\t0\n" "One\t\tOne\tThe One Feature\t1\t3\tMSITESTDIR\t0\n" "Three\t\tThree\tThe Three Feature\t3\t3\tCHANGEDDIR\t0\n" "Two\t\tTwo\tThe Two Feature\t2\t3\tFIRSTDIR\t0\n" "feature\t\t\t\t2\t1\tTARGETDIR\t0\n" "service_feature\t\t\t\t2\t1\tTARGETDIR\t0"; static const CHAR feature_comp_dat[] = "Feature_\tComponent_\n" "s38\ts72\n" "FeatureComponents\tFeature_\tComponent_\n" "Five\tFive\n" "Four\tFour\n" "One\tOne\n" "Three\tThree\n" "Two\tTwo\n" "feature\tcomponent\n" "service_feature\tservice_comp\n"; static const CHAR file_dat[] = "File\tComponent_\tFileName\tFileSize\tVersion\tLanguage\tAttributes\tSequence\n" "s72\ts72\tl255\ti4\tS72\tS20\tI2\ti2\n" "File\tFile\n" "five.txt\tFive\tfive.txt\t1000\t\t\t16384\t5\n" "four.txt\tFour\tfour.txt\t1000\t\t\t16384\t4\n" "one.txt\tOne\tone.txt\t1000\t\t\t0\t1\n" "three.txt\tThree\tthree.txt\t1000\t\t\t0\t3\n" "two.txt\tTwo\ttwo.txt\t1000\t\t\t0\t2\n" "file\tcomponent\tfilename\t100\t\t\t8192\t1\n" "service_file\tservice_comp\tservice.exe\t100\t\t\t8192\t1"; static const CHAR install_exec_seq_dat[] = "Action\tCondition\tSequence\n" "s72\tS255\tI2\n" "InstallExecuteSequence\tAction\n" "AllocateRegistrySpace\tNOT Installed\t1550\n" "CostFinalize\t\t1000\n" "CostInitialize\t\t800\n" "FileCost\t\t900\n" "InstallFiles\t\t4000\n" "InstallServices\t\t5000\n" "InstallFinalize\t\t6600\n" "InstallInitialize\t\t1500\n" "InstallValidate\t\t1400\n" "LaunchConditions\t\t100\n" "WriteRegistryValues\tSourceDir And SOURCEDIR\t5000"; static const CHAR media_dat[] = "DiskId\tLastSequence\tDiskPrompt\tCabinet\tVolumeLabel\tSource\n" "i2\ti4\tL64\tS255\tS32\tS72\n" "Media\tDiskId\n" "1\t3\t\t\tDISK1\t\n" "2\t5\t\tmsitest.cab\tDISK2\t\n"; static const CHAR property_dat[] = "Property\tValue\n" "s72\tl0\n" "Property\tProperty\n" "DefaultUIFont\tDlgFont8\n" "INSTALLLEVEL\t3\n" "InstallMode\tTypical\n" "Manufacturer\tWine\n" "PIDTemplate\t12345<###-%%%%%%%>@@@@@\n" "ProductCode\t{F1C3AF50-8B56-4A69-A00C-00773FE42F30}\n" "ProductID\tnone\n" "ProductLanguage\t1033\n" "ProductName\tMSITEST\n" "ProductVersion\t1.1.1\n" "PROMPTROLLBACKCOST\tP\n" "Setup\tSetup\n" "UpgradeCode\t{CE067E8D-2E1A-4367-B734-4EB2BDAD6565}"; static const CHAR registry_dat[] = "Registry\tRoot\tKey\tName\tValue\tComponent_\n" "s72\ti2\tl255\tL255\tL0\ts72\n" "Registry\tRegistry\n" "Apples\t2\tSOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest\tName\timaname\tOne\n" "Oranges\t2\tSOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest\tnumber\t#314\tTwo\n" "regdata\t2\tSOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest\tblah\tbad\tdangler\n" "OrderTest\t2\tSOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest\tOrderTestName\tOrderTestValue\tcomponent"; static const CHAR service_install_dat[] = "ServiceInstall\tName\tDisplayName\tServiceType\tStartType\tErrorControl\t" "LoadOrderGroup\tDependencies\tStartName\tPassword\tArguments\tComponent_\tDescription\n" "s72\ts255\tL255\ti4\ti4\ti4\tS255\tS255\tS255\tS255\tS255\ts72\tL255\n" "ServiceInstall\tServiceInstall\n" "TestService\tTestService\tTestService\t2\t3\t0\t\t\tTestService\t\t\tservice_comp\t\t"; static const CHAR service_control_dat[] = "ServiceControl\tName\tEvent\tArguments\tWait\tComponent_\n" "s72\tl255\ti2\tL255\tI2\ts72\n" "ServiceControl\tServiceControl\n" "ServiceControl\tTestService\t8\t\t0\tservice_comp"; /* tables for test_continuouscabs */ static const CHAR cc_component_dat[] = "Component\tComponentId\tDirectory_\tAttributes\tCondition\tKeyPath\n" "s72\tS38\ts72\ti2\tS255\tS72\n" "Component\tComponent\n" "maximus\t\tMSITESTDIR\t0\t1\tmaximus\n" "augustus\t\tMSITESTDIR\t0\t1\taugustus"; static const CHAR cc_feature_dat[] = "Feature\tFeature_Parent\tTitle\tDescription\tDisplay\tLevel\tDirectory_\tAttributes\n" "s38\tS38\tL64\tL255\tI2\ti2\tS72\ti2\n" "Feature\tFeature\n" "feature\t\t\t\t2\t1\tTARGETDIR\t0"; static const CHAR cc_feature_comp_dat[] = "Feature_\tComponent_\n" "s38\ts72\n" "FeatureComponents\tFeature_\tComponent_\n" "feature\tmaximus\n" "feature\taugustus"; static const CHAR cc_file_dat[] = "File\tComponent_\tFileName\tFileSize\tVersion\tLanguage\tAttributes\tSequence\n" "s72\ts72\tl255\ti4\tS72\tS20\tI2\ti2\n" "File\tFile\n" "maximus\tmaximus\tmaximus\t500\t\t\t16384\t1\n" "augustus\taugustus\taugustus\t50000\t\t\t16384\t1"; static const CHAR cc_media_dat[] = "DiskId\tLastSequence\tDiskPrompt\tCabinet\tVolumeLabel\tSource\n" "i2\ti4\tL64\tS255\tS32\tS72\n" "Media\tDiskId\n" "1\t10\t\ttest1.cab\tDISK1\t\n" "2\t2\t\ttest2.cab\tDISK2\t\n"; typedef struct _msi_table { const CHAR *filename; const CHAR *data; int size; } msi_table; #define ADD_TABLE(x) {#x".idt", x##_dat, sizeof(x##_dat)} static const msi_table tables[] = { ADD_TABLE(component), ADD_TABLE(directory), ADD_TABLE(feature), ADD_TABLE(feature_comp), ADD_TABLE(file), ADD_TABLE(install_exec_seq), ADD_TABLE(media), ADD_TABLE(property), ADD_TABLE(registry), ADD_TABLE(service_install), ADD_TABLE(service_control) }; static const msi_table cc_tables[] = { ADD_TABLE(cc_component), ADD_TABLE(directory), ADD_TABLE(cc_feature), ADD_TABLE(cc_feature_comp), ADD_TABLE(cc_file), ADD_TABLE(install_exec_seq), ADD_TABLE(cc_media), ADD_TABLE(property), }; /* cabinet definitions */ /* make the max size large so there is only one cab file */ #define MEDIA_SIZE 0x7FFFFFFF #define FOLDER_THRESHOLD 900000 /* the FCI callbacks */ static void *mem_alloc(ULONG cb) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cb); } static void mem_free(void *memory) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, memory); } static BOOL get_next_cabinet(PCCAB pccab, ULONG cbPrevCab, void *pv) { sprintf(pccab->szCab, pv, pccab->iCab); return TRUE; } static long progress(UINT typeStatus, ULONG cb1, ULONG cb2, void *pv) { return 0; } static int file_placed(PCCAB pccab, char *pszFile, long cbFile, BOOL fContinuation, void *pv) { return 0; } static INT_PTR fci_open(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle; DWORD dwAccess = 0; DWORD dwShareMode = 0; DWORD dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; /* FILE_SHARE_DELETE is not supported by Windows Me/98/95 */ dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE; if (GetFileAttributesA(pszFile) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; else dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_NEW; handle = CreateFileA(pszFile, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreateDisposition, 0, NULL); ok(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failed to CreateFile %s\n", pszFile); return (INT_PTR)handle; } static UINT fci_read(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD dwRead; BOOL res; res = ReadFile(handle, memory, cb, &dwRead, NULL); ok(res, "Failed to ReadFile\n"); return dwRead; } static UINT fci_write(INT_PTR hf, void *memory, UINT cb, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD dwWritten; BOOL res; res = WriteFile(handle, memory, cb, &dwWritten, NULL); ok(res, "Failed to WriteFile\n"); return dwWritten; } static int fci_close(INT_PTR hf, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; ok(CloseHandle(handle), "Failed to CloseHandle\n"); return 0; } static long fci_seek(INT_PTR hf, long dist, int seektype, int *err, void *pv) { HANDLE handle = (HANDLE)hf; DWORD ret; ret = SetFilePointer(handle, dist, NULL, seektype); ok(ret != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER, "Failed to SetFilePointer\n"); return ret; } static int fci_delete(char *pszFile, int *err, void *pv) { BOOL ret = DeleteFileA(pszFile); ok(ret, "Failed to DeleteFile %s\n", pszFile); return 0; } static BOOL check_record(MSIHANDLE rec, UINT field, LPCSTR val) { CHAR buffer[0x20]; UINT r; DWORD sz; sz = sizeof buffer; r = MsiRecordGetString(rec, field, buffer, &sz); return (r == ERROR_SUCCESS ) && !strcmp(val, buffer); } static BOOL get_temp_file(char *pszTempName, int cbTempName, void *pv) { LPSTR tempname; tempname = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, MAX_PATH); GetTempFileNameA(".", "xx", 0, tempname); if (tempname && (strlen(tempname) < (unsigned)cbTempName)) { lstrcpyA(pszTempName, tempname); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tempname); return TRUE; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, tempname); return FALSE; } static INT_PTR get_open_info(char *pszName, USHORT *pdate, USHORT *ptime, USHORT *pattribs, int *err, void *pv) { BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION finfo; FILETIME filetime; HANDLE handle; DWORD attrs; BOOL res; handle = CreateFile(pszName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); ok(handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failed to CreateFile %s\n", pszName); res = GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &finfo); ok(res, "Expected GetFileInformationByHandle to succeed\n"); FileTimeToLocalFileTime(&finfo.ftLastWriteTime, &filetime); FileTimeToDosDateTime(&filetime, pdate, ptime); attrs = GetFileAttributes(pszName); ok(attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES, "Failed to GetFileAttributes\n"); return (INT_PTR)handle; } static BOOL add_file(HFCI hfci, const char *file, TCOMP compress) { char path[MAX_PATH]; char filename[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyA(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\"); lstrcatA(path, file); lstrcpyA(filename, file); return FCIAddFile(hfci, path, filename, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress, get_open_info, compress); } static void set_cab_parameters(PCCAB pCabParams, const CHAR *name, DWORD max_size) { ZeroMemory(pCabParams, sizeof(CCAB)); pCabParams->cb = max_size; pCabParams->cbFolderThresh = FOLDER_THRESHOLD; pCabParams->setID = 0xbeef; pCabParams->iCab = 1; lstrcpyA(pCabParams->szCabPath, CURR_DIR); lstrcatA(pCabParams->szCabPath, "\\"); lstrcpyA(pCabParams->szCab, name); } static void create_cab_file(const CHAR *name, DWORD max_size, const CHAR *files) { CCAB cabParams; LPCSTR ptr; HFCI hfci; ERF erf; BOOL res; set_cab_parameters(&cabParams, name, max_size); hfci = FCICreate(&erf, file_placed, mem_alloc, mem_free, fci_open, fci_read, fci_write, fci_close, fci_seek, fci_delete, get_temp_file, &cabParams, NULL); ok(hfci != NULL, "Failed to create an FCI context\n"); ptr = files; while (*ptr) { res = add_file(hfci, ptr, tcompTYPE_MSZIP); ok(res, "Failed to add file: %s\n", ptr); ptr += lstrlen(ptr) + 1; } res = FCIFlushCabinet(hfci, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress); ok(res, "Failed to flush the cabinet\n"); res = FCIDestroy(hfci); ok(res, "Failed to destroy the cabinet\n"); } static BOOL get_program_files_dir(LPSTR buf) { HKEY hkey; DWORD type = REG_EXPAND_SZ, size; if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", &hkey)) return FALSE; size = MAX_PATH; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, "ProgramFilesDir", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)buf, &size)) return FALSE; RegCloseKey(hkey); return TRUE; } static void create_file(const CHAR *name, DWORD size) { HANDLE file; DWORD written, left; file = CreateFileA(name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); ok(file != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "Failure to open file %s\n", name); WriteFile(file, name, strlen(name), &written, NULL); WriteFile(file, "\n", strlen("\n"), &written, NULL); left = size - lstrlen(name) - 1; SetFilePointer(file, left, NULL, FILE_CURRENT); SetEndOfFile(file); CloseHandle(file); } static void create_test_files(void) { CreateDirectoryA("msitest", NULL); create_file("msitest\\one.txt", 100); CreateDirectoryA("msitest\\first", NULL); create_file("msitest\\first\\two.txt", 100); CreateDirectoryA("msitest\\second", NULL); create_file("msitest\\second\\three.txt", 100); create_file("four.txt", 100); create_file("five.txt", 100); create_cab_file("msitest.cab", MEDIA_SIZE, "four.txt\0five.txt\0"); create_file("msitest\\filename", 100); create_file("msitest\\service.exe", 100); DeleteFileA("four.txt"); DeleteFileA("five.txt"); } static BOOL delete_pf(const CHAR *rel_path, BOOL is_file) { CHAR path[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpyA(path, PROG_FILES_DIR); lstrcatA(path, "\\"); lstrcatA(path, rel_path); if (is_file) return DeleteFileA(path); else return RemoveDirectoryA(path); } static void delete_test_files(void) { DeleteFileA("msitest.msi"); DeleteFileA("msitest.cab"); DeleteFileA("msitest\\second\\three.txt"); DeleteFileA("msitest\\first\\two.txt"); DeleteFileA("msitest\\one.txt"); DeleteFileA("msitest\\service.exe"); DeleteFileA("msitest\\filename"); RemoveDirectoryA("msitest\\second"); RemoveDirectoryA("msitest\\first"); RemoveDirectoryA("msitest"); } static void write_file(const CHAR *filename, const char *data, int data_size) { DWORD size; HANDLE hf = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); WriteFile(hf, data, data_size, &size, NULL); CloseHandle(hf); } static void write_msi_summary_info(MSIHANDLE db) { MSIHANDLE summary; UINT r; r = MsiGetSummaryInformationA(db, NULL, 4, &summary); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyA(summary, PID_TEMPLATE, VT_LPSTR, 0, NULL, ";1033"); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyA(summary, PID_REVNUMBER, VT_LPSTR, 0, NULL, "{004757CA-5092-49c2-AD20-28E1CE0DF5F2}"); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyA(summary, PID_PAGECOUNT, VT_I4, 100, NULL, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyA(summary, PID_WORDCOUNT, VT_I4, 0, NULL, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); /* write the summary changes back to the stream */ r = MsiSummaryInfoPersist(summary); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); MsiCloseHandle(summary); } static void create_database(const CHAR *name, const msi_table *tables, int num_tables) { MSIHANDLE db; UINT r; int j; r = MsiOpenDatabaseA(name, MSIDBOPEN_CREATE, &db); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); /* import the tables into the database */ for (j = 0; j < num_tables; j++) { const msi_table *table = &tables[j]; write_file(table->filename, table->data, (table->size - 1) * sizeof(char)); r = MsiDatabaseImportA(db, CURR_DIR, table->filename); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); DeleteFileA(table->filename); } write_msi_summary_info(db); r = MsiDatabaseCommit(db); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); MsiCloseHandle(db); } static void check_service_is_installed(void) { SC_HANDLE scm, service; BOOL res; scm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); ok(scm != NULL, "Failed to open the SC Manager\n"); service = OpenService(scm, "TestService", SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); ok(service != NULL, "Failed to open TestService\n"); res = DeleteService(service); ok(res, "Failed to delete TestService\n"); } static void test_MsiInstallProduct(void) { UINT r; CHAR path[MAX_PATH]; LONG res; HKEY hkey; DWORD num, size, type; create_test_files(); create_database(msifile, tables, sizeof(tables) / sizeof(msi_table)); r = MsiInstallProductA(msifile, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\new\\five.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\new", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout\\four.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\cabout", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\changed\\three.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\changed", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\first\\two.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\first", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\one.txt", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\filename", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\service.exe", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); res = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest", &hkey); ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res); size = MAX_PATH; type = REG_SZ; res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "Name", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)path, &size); ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res); ok(!lstrcmpA(path, "imaname"), "Expected imaname, got %s\n", path); size = MAX_PATH; type = REG_SZ; res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "blah", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)path, &size); ok(res == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Expected ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, got %d\n", res); size = sizeof(num); type = REG_DWORD; res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "number", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&num, &size); ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res); ok(num == 314, "Expected 314, got %d\n", num); size = MAX_PATH; type = REG_SZ; res = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "OrderTestName", NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)path, &size); ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res); ok(!lstrcmpA(path, "OrderTestValue"), "Expected imaname, got %s\n", path); check_service_is_installed(); RegDeleteKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "SOFTWARE\\Wine\\msitest"); delete_test_files(); } static void test_MsiSetComponentState(void) { INSTALLSTATE installed, action; MSIHANDLE package; char path[MAX_PATH]; UINT r; create_database(msifile, tables, sizeof(tables) / sizeof(msi_table)); CoInitialize(NULL); lstrcpy(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcat(path, "\\"); lstrcat(path, msifile); r = MsiOpenPackage(path, &package); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiDoAction(package, "CostInitialize"); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiDoAction(package, "FileCost"); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiDoAction(package, "CostFinalize"); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); r = MsiGetComponentState(package, "dangler", &installed, &action); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); ok(installed == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, got %d\n", installed); ok(action == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, got %d\n", action); r = MsiSetComponentState(package, "dangler", INSTALLSTATE_SOURCE); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); MsiCloseHandle(package); CoUninitialize(); DeleteFileA(msifile); } static void test_packagecoltypes(void) { MSIHANDLE hdb, view, rec; char path[MAX_PATH]; LPCSTR query; UINT r, count; create_database(msifile, tables, sizeof(tables) / sizeof(msi_table)); CoInitialize(NULL); lstrcpy(path, CURR_DIR); lstrcat(path, "\\"); lstrcat(path, msifile); r = MsiOpenDatabase(path, MSIDBOPEN_READONLY, &hdb); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); query = "SELECT * FROM `Media`"; r = MsiDatabaseOpenView( hdb, query, &view ); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "MsiDatabaseOpenView failed\n"); r = MsiViewGetColumnInfo( view, MSICOLINFO_NAMES, &rec ); count = MsiRecordGetFieldCount( rec ); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "MsiViewGetColumnInfo failed\n"); ok(count == 6, "Expected 6, got %d\n", count); ok(check_record(rec, 1, "DiskId"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 2, "LastSequence"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 3, "DiskPrompt"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 4, "Cabinet"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 5, "VolumeLabel"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 6, "Source"), "wrong column label\n"); MsiCloseHandle(rec); r = MsiViewGetColumnInfo( view, MSICOLINFO_TYPES, &rec ); count = MsiRecordGetFieldCount( rec ); ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "MsiViewGetColumnInfo failed\n"); ok(count == 6, "Expected 6, got %d\n", count); ok(check_record(rec, 1, "i2"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 2, "i4"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 3, "L64"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 4, "S255"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 5, "S32"), "wrong column label\n"); ok(check_record(rec, 6, "S72"), "wrong column label\n"); MsiCloseHandle(rec); MsiCloseHandle(view); MsiCloseHandle(hdb); DeleteFile(msifile); } static void create_cc_test_files(void) { CCAB cabParams; HFCI hfci; ERF erf; BOOL res; create_file("maximus", 500); create_file("augustus", 50000); set_cab_parameters(&cabParams, "test1.cab", 200); hfci = FCICreate(&erf, file_placed, mem_alloc, mem_free, fci_open, fci_read, fci_write, fci_close, fci_seek, fci_delete, get_temp_file, &cabParams, (void*)"test%d.cab"); ok(hfci != NULL, "Failed to create an FCI context\n"); /* spews out hundreds of cab files. re-enable when cabinet.dll is fixed */ #if 0 res = add_file(hfci, "maximus", tcompTYPE_MSZIP); ok(res, "Failed to add file maximus\n"); res = add_file(hfci, "augustus", tcompTYPE_MSZIP); todo_wine { ok(res, "Failed to add file augustus\n"); } #endif res = FCIFlushCabinet(hfci, FALSE, get_next_cabinet, progress); ok(res, "Failed to flush the cabinet\n"); res = FCIDestroy(hfci); ok(res, "Failed to destroy the cabinet\n"); DeleteFile("maximus"); DeleteFile("augustus"); } static void test_continuouscabs(void) { UINT r; create_cc_test_files(); create_database(msifile, cc_tables, sizeof(cc_tables) / sizeof(msi_table)); MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, NULL); r = MsiInstallProductA(msifile, NULL); todo_wine { ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %u\n", r); } todo_wine { ok(delete_pf("msitest\\maximus", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); ok(delete_pf("msitest\\augustus", TRUE), "File not installed\n"); } ok(delete_pf("msitest", FALSE), "File not installed\n"); DeleteFile("test1.cab"); DeleteFile("test2.cab"); DeleteFile(msifile); } static void test_caborder(void) { UINT r; create_file("imperator", 100); create_file("maximus", 500); create_file("augustus", 50000); create_database(msifile, cc_tables, sizeof(cc_tables) / sizeof(msi_table)); MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, NULL); create_cab_file("test1.cab", MEDIA_SIZE, "maximus\0"); create_cab_file("test2.cab", MEDIA_SIZE, "augustus\0"); r = MsiInstallProductA(msifile, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE, "Expected ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE, got %u\n", r); ok(!delete_pf("msitest\\augustus", TRUE), "File is installed\n"); todo_wine { ok(!delete_pf("msitest\\maximus", TRUE), "File is installed\n"); ok(!delete_pf("msitest", FALSE), "File is installed\n"); } DeleteFile("test1.cab"); DeleteFile("test2.cab"); create_cab_file("test1.cab", MEDIA_SIZE, "imperator\0"); create_cab_file("test2.cab", MEDIA_SIZE, "maximus\0augustus\0"); r = MsiInstallProductA(msifile, NULL); ok(r == ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE, "Expected ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE, got %u\n", r); ok(!delete_pf("msitest\\maximus", TRUE), "File is installed\n"); ok(!delete_pf("msitest\\augustus", TRUE), "File is installed\n"); todo_wine { ok(!delete_pf("msitest", FALSE), "File is installed\n"); } DeleteFile("test1.cab"); DeleteFile("test2.cab"); DeleteFile("imperator"); DeleteFile("maximus"); DeleteFile("augustus"); DeleteFile(msifile); } START_TEST(install) { DWORD len; get_program_files_dir(PROG_FILES_DIR); GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH, CURR_DIR); len = lstrlenA(CURR_DIR); if(len && (CURR_DIR[len-1] == '\\')) CURR_DIR[len - 1] = 0; test_MsiInstallProduct(); test_MsiSetComponentState(); test_packagecoltypes(); test_continuouscabs(); test_caborder(); }