/* * Copyright 2010 Louis Lenders * Copyright 2011 André Hentschel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #define COBJMACROS #include "corerror.h" #include "mscoree.h" #include "metahost.h" #include "shlwapi.h" #include "initguid.h" #include "wine/test.h" #if !defined(__i386__) && !defined(__x86_64__) static int has_mono = 0; #else static int has_mono = 1; #endif DEFINE_GUID(IID__AppDomain, 0x05f696dc,0x2b29,0x3663,0xad,0x8b,0xc4,0x38,0x9c,0xf2,0xa7,0x13); static const WCHAR v4_0[] = {'v','4','.','0','.','3','0','3','1','9',0}; static HMODULE hmscoree; static HRESULT (WINAPI *pGetCORVersion)(LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCorIsLatestSvc)(INT*, INT*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pGetCORSystemDirectory)(LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, DWORD, DWORD, LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD*, LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pLoadLibraryShim)(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR, LPVOID, HMODULE*); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCreateConfigStream)(LPCWSTR, IStream**); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCreateInterface)(REFCLSID, REFIID, VOID**); static HRESULT (WINAPI *pCLRCreateInstance)(REFCLSID, REFIID, VOID**); static BOOL no_legacy_runtimes; static BOOL init_functionpointers(void) { hmscoree = LoadLibraryA("mscoree.dll"); if (!hmscoree) { win_skip("mscoree.dll not available\n"); return FALSE; } pGetCORVersion = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "GetCORVersion"); pCorIsLatestSvc = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "CorIsLatestSvc"); pGetCORSystemDirectory = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "GetCORSystemDirectory"); pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo"); pLoadLibraryShim = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "LoadLibraryShim"); pCreateConfigStream = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "CreateConfigStream"); pCreateInterface = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "CreateInterface"); pCLRCreateInstance = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmscoree, "CLRCreateInstance"); if (!pGetCORVersion || !pGetCORSystemDirectory || !pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo || !pLoadLibraryShim || !pCreateInterface || !pCLRCreateInstance || !pCorIsLatestSvc ) { win_skip("functions not available\n"); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int check_runtime(void) { ICLRMetaHost *metahost; ICLRRuntimeInfo *runtimeinfo; ICorRuntimeHost *runtimehost; HRESULT hr; if (!pCLRCreateInstance) { win_skip("Function CLRCreateInstance not found.\n"); return 1; } hr = pCLRCreateInstance(&CLSID_CLRMetaHost, &IID_ICLRMetaHost, (void **)&metahost); if (hr == E_NOTIMPL) { win_skip("CLRCreateInstance not implemented\n"); return 1; } ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "CLRCreateInstance failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; hr = ICLRMetaHost_GetRuntime(metahost, v4_0, &IID_ICLRRuntimeInfo, (void **)&runtimeinfo); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICLRMetaHost::GetRuntime failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetInterface(runtimeinfo, &CLSID_CorRuntimeHost, &IID_ICorRuntimeHost, (void **)&runtimehost); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetInterface failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; hr = ICorRuntimeHost_Start(runtimehost); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::Start failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return 1; ICorRuntimeHost_Release(runtimehost); ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(runtimeinfo); ICLRMetaHost_ExitProcess(metahost, 0); ok(0, "ICLRMetaHost_ExitProcess is not supposed to return\n"); return 1; } static BOOL runtime_is_usable(void) { static const char cmdline_format[] = "\"%s\" mscoree check_runtime"; char** argv; char cmdline[MAX_PATH + sizeof(cmdline_format)]; STARTUPINFOA si = {0}; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL ret; DWORD exitcode; winetest_get_mainargs(&argv); sprintf(cmdline, cmdline_format, argv[0]); si.cb = sizeof(si); ret = CreateProcessA(NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); ok(ret, "CreateProcessA failed\n"); if (!ret) return FALSE; CloseHandle(pi.hThread); WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE); ret = GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitcode); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ok(ret, "GetExitCodeProcess failed\n"); if (!ret || exitcode != 0) { todo_wine_if(!has_mono) win_skip(".NET 4.0 runtime is not usable\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static void test_versioninfo(void) { const WCHAR v9_0[] = {'v','9','.','0','.','3','0','3','1','9',0}; const WCHAR v2_0cap[] = {'V','2','.','0','.','5','0','7','2','7',0}; const WCHAR v2_0[] = {'v','2','.','0','.','5','0','7','2','7',0}; const WCHAR v2_0_0[] = {'v','2','.','0','.','0',0}; const WCHAR v1_1[] = {'v','1','.','1','.','4','3','2','2',0}; const WCHAR v1_1_0[] = {'v','1','.','1','.','0',0}; WCHAR version[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; DWORD size, path_len; HRESULT hr; if (0) /* crashes on <= w2k3 */ { hr = pGetCORVersion(NULL, MAX_PATH, &size); ok(hr == E_POINTER,"GetCORVersion returned %08x\n", hr); } hr = pGetCORVersion(version, 1, &size); if (hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME) { no_legacy_runtimes = TRUE; win_skip("No legacy .NET runtimes are installed\n"); return; } ok(hr == E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "GetCORVersion returned %08x\n", hr); hr = pGetCORVersion(version, MAX_PATH, &size); ok(hr == S_OK,"GetCORVersion returned %08x\n", hr); trace("latest installed .net runtime: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version)); hr = pGetCORSystemDirectory(path, MAX_PATH , &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetCORSystemDirectory returned %08x\n", hr); /* size includes terminating null-character */ todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(size == (lstrlenW(path) + 1),"size is %d instead of %d\n", size, (lstrlenW(path) + 1)); path_len = size; hr = pGetCORSystemDirectory(path, path_len-1 , &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "GetCORSystemDirectory returned %08x\n", hr); if (0) /* crashes on <= w2k3 */ { hr = pGetCORSystemDirectory(NULL, MAX_PATH , &size); ok(hr == E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "GetCORSystemDirectory returned %08x\n", hr); } hr = pGetCORSystemDirectory(path, MAX_PATH , NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER,"GetCORSystemDirectory returned %08x\n", hr); trace("latest installed .net installed in directory: %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(path)); /* test GetRequestedRuntimeInfo, first get info about different versions of runtime */ hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); if(hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME) return; /* skipping rest of tests on win2k as .net 2.0 not installed */ todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); trace(" installed in directory %s is .net version %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(path), wine_dbgstr_w(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v1_1, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK || hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME /*v1_1 not installed*/, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); if(hr == S_OK) trace(" installed in directory %s is .net version %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(path), wine_dbgstr_w(version)); /* version number NULL not allowed without RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION flag */ hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); ok(hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); /* with RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION flag and version number NULL, latest installed version is returned */ hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0, NULL, 0, 0, path, 1, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); /* if one of the buffers is NULL, the other one is still happily filled */ memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, &size); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); ok(!wcscmp(version, v2_0), "version is %s , expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0)); /* With NULL-pointer for bufferlength, the buffer itself still gets filled with correct string */ memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); ok(!wcscmp(version, v2_0), "version is %s , expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0)); memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0cap, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); ok(!wcscmp(version, v2_0cap), "version is %s , expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0cap)); /* Invalid Version and RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION flag*/ memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v1_1, NULL, 0, RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK || hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME , "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); if(hr == S_OK) { /* .NET 1.1 may not be installed. */ ok(!wcscmp(version, v1_1) || !wcscmp(version, v2_0), "version is %s , expected %s or %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v1_1), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0)); } memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v9_0, NULL, 0, RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); ok(hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v1_1_0, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); ok(hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v1_1_0, NULL, 0, RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); ok(!wcscmp(version, v2_0), "version is %s , expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0)); memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0_0, NULL, 0, 0, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); ok(hr == CLR_E_SHIM_RUNTIME, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); memset(version, 0, sizeof(version)); hr = pGetRequestedRuntimeInfo( NULL, v2_0_0, NULL, 0, RUNTIME_INFO_UPGRADE_VERSION, path, MAX_PATH, &path_len, version, MAX_PATH, NULL); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(hr == S_OK, "GetRequestedRuntimeInfo returned %08x\n", hr); ok(!wcscmp(version, v2_0), "version is %s , expected %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(version), wine_dbgstr_w(v2_0)); hr = pCorIsLatestSvc(NULL, NULL); ok(hr == E_POINTER, "CorIsLatestSvc returned %08x\n", hr); } static void test_loadlibraryshim(void) { const WCHAR v2_0[] = {'v','2','.','0','.','5','0','7','2','7',0}; const WCHAR v1_1[] = {'v','1','.','1','.','4','3','2','2',0}; const WCHAR vbogus[] = {'v','b','o','g','u','s',0}; const WCHAR fusion[] = {'f','u','s','i','o','n',0}; const WCHAR fusiondll[] = {'f','u','s','i','o','n','.','d','l','l',0}; const WCHAR nosuchdll[] = {'j','n','v','n','l','.','d','l','l',0}; const WCHAR gdidll[] = {'g','d','i','3','2','.','d','l','l',0}; HRESULT hr; const WCHAR *latest = NULL; CHAR latestA[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hdll; CHAR dllpath[MAX_PATH]; if (no_legacy_runtimes) { win_skip("No legacy .NET runtimes are installed\n"); return; } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusion, v1_1, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == S_OK || hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { latest = v1_1; GetModuleFileNameA(hdll, dllpath, MAX_PATH); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "v1.1.4322") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "fusion.dll") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); FreeLibrary(hdll); } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusion, v2_0, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == S_OK || hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { latest = v2_0; GetModuleFileNameA(hdll, dllpath, MAX_PATH); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "v2.0.50727") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "fusion.dll") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); FreeLibrary(hdll); } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusion, v4_0, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == S_OK || hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { /* LoadLibraryShim with a NULL version prefers 2.0 and earlier */ if (!latest) latest = v4_0; GetModuleFileNameA(hdll, dllpath, MAX_PATH); todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "v4.0.30319") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "fusion.dll") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); FreeLibrary(hdll); } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusion, vbogus, NULL, &hdll); todo_wine ok(hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) FreeLibrary(hdll); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, latest, -1, latestA, MAX_PATH, NULL, NULL); hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusion, NULL, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == S_OK, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GetModuleFileNameA(hdll, dllpath, MAX_PATH); if (latest) todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, latestA) != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "fusion.dll") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); FreeLibrary(hdll); } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(fusiondll, NULL, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == S_OK, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { GetModuleFileNameA(hdll, dllpath, MAX_PATH); if (latest) todo_wine_if(!has_mono) ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, latestA) != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); ok(StrStrIA(dllpath, "fusion.dll") != 0, "incorrect fusion.dll path %s\n", dllpath); FreeLibrary(hdll); } hr = pLoadLibraryShim(nosuchdll, latest, NULL, &hdll); ok(hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) FreeLibrary(hdll); hr = pLoadLibraryShim(gdidll, latest, NULL, &hdll); todo_wine ok(hr == E_HANDLE, "LoadLibraryShim failed, hr=%x\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) FreeLibrary(hdll); } static const char xmldata[] = "\n" "\n" "\n" " Test\n" " 1234\n" ""; static void create_xml_file(LPCWSTR filename) { DWORD dwNumberOfBytesWritten; HANDLE hfile = CreateFileW(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); ok(hfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "File creation failed\n"); WriteFile(hfile, xmldata, sizeof(xmldata) - 1, &dwNumberOfBytesWritten, NULL); CloseHandle(hfile); } static void test_createconfigstream(void) { IStream *stream = NULL; WCHAR file[] = {'c', 'o', 'n', 'f', '.', 'x', 'm', 'l', 0}; WCHAR nonexistent[] = {'n', 'o', 'n', 'e', 'x', 'i', 's', 't', '.', 'x', 'm', 'l', 0}; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; HRESULT hr; char buffer[256] = {0}; if (!pCreateConfigStream) { win_skip("CreateConfigStream not available\n"); return; } create_xml_file(file); GetFullPathNameW(file, MAX_PATH, path, NULL); hr = pCreateConfigStream(NULL, &stream); ok(hr == E_FAIL || broken(hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND)) || /* some WinXP, Win2K3 and Win7 */ broken(hr == S_OK && !stream), /* some Win2K3 */ "CreateConfigStream returned %x\n", hr); hr = pCreateConfigStream(path, NULL); ok(hr == COR_E_NULLREFERENCE, "CreateConfigStream returned %x\n", hr); hr = pCreateConfigStream(NULL, NULL); ok(hr == COR_E_NULLREFERENCE, "CreateConfigStream returned %x\n", hr); hr = pCreateConfigStream(nonexistent, &stream); ok(hr == COR_E_FILENOTFOUND, "CreateConfigStream returned %x\n", hr); ok(stream == NULL, "Expected stream to be NULL\n"); hr = pCreateConfigStream(path, &stream); ok(hr == S_OK, "CreateConfigStream failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(stream != NULL, "Expected non-NULL stream\n"); if (stream) { DWORD count; LARGE_INTEGER pos; ULARGE_INTEGER size; IStream *stream2 = NULL; ULONG ref; hr = IStream_Read(stream, buffer, strlen(xmldata), &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "IStream_Read failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(count == strlen(xmldata), "wrong count: %u\n", count); ok(!strcmp(buffer, xmldata), "Strings do not match\n"); hr = IStream_Read(stream, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &count); ok(hr == S_OK, "IStream_Read failed, hr=%x\n", hr); ok(!count, "wrong count: %u\n", count); hr = IStream_Write(stream, xmldata, strlen(xmldata), &count); ok(hr == E_FAIL, "IStream_Write returned hr=%x\n", hr); pos.QuadPart = strlen(xmldata); hr = IStream_Seek(stream, pos, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL); ok(hr == E_NOTIMPL, "IStream_Seek returned hr=%x\n", hr); size.QuadPart = strlen(xmldata); hr = IStream_SetSize(stream, size); ok(hr == E_NOTIMPL, "IStream_SetSize returned hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IStream_Clone(stream, &stream2); ok(hr == E_NOTIMPL, "IStream_Clone returned hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IStream_Commit(stream, STGC_DEFAULT); ok(hr == E_NOTIMPL, "IStream_Commit returned hr=%x\n", hr); hr = IStream_Revert(stream); ok(hr == E_NOTIMPL, "IStream_Revert returned hr=%x\n", hr); ref = IStream_Release(stream); ok(!ref, "IStream_Release returned %u\n", ref); } DeleteFileW(file); } static void test_createinstance(void) { HRESULT hr; ICLRMetaHost *host; if (no_legacy_runtimes) { /* If we don't have 1.x or 2.0 runtimes, we should at least have .NET 4. */ ok(pCreateInterface != NULL, "no legacy runtimes or .NET 4 interfaces available\n"); } if(!pCreateInterface) { win_skip("Function CreateInterface not found.\n"); return; } hr = pCreateInterface(&CLSID_CLRMetaHost, &IID_ICLRMetaHost, (void**)&host); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ICLRMetaHost_Release(host); } else { win_skip(".NET 4 not installed.\n"); } } static BOOL write_resource(const WCHAR *resource, const WCHAR *filename) { HANDLE file; HRSRC rsrc; void *data; DWORD size; BOOL ret; rsrc = FindResourceW(GetModuleHandleW(NULL), resource, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(RT_RCDATA)); if (!rsrc) return FALSE; data = LockResource(LoadResource(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), rsrc)); if (!data) return FALSE; size = SizeofResource(GetModuleHandleA(NULL), rsrc); if (!size) return FALSE; file = CreateFileW(filename, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return FALSE; ret = WriteFile(file, data, size, &size, NULL); CloseHandle(file); return ret; } static BOOL compile_cs(const WCHAR *source, const WCHAR *target, const WCHAR *type, const WCHAR *args) { static const WCHAR *csc = L"C:\\windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v2.0.50727\\csc.exe"; WCHAR cmdline[2 * MAX_PATH + 74]; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFOW si = { 0 }; BOOL ret; if (!PathFileExistsW(csc)) { skip("Can't find csc.exe\n"); return FALSE; } swprintf(cmdline, ARRAY_SIZE(cmdline), L"%s /t:%s %s /out:\"%s\" \"%s\"", csc, type, args, target, source); si.cb = sizeof(si); ret = CreateProcessW(csc, cmdline, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); ok(ret, "Could not create process: %u\n", GetLastError()); wait_child_process(pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); ret = PathFileExistsW(target); ok(ret, "Compilation failed\n"); return ret; } static void test_loadpaths_execute(const WCHAR *exe_name, const WCHAR *dll_name, const WCHAR *cfg_name, const WCHAR *dll_dest, BOOL expect_failure, BOOL todo) { WCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH], tmpdir[MAX_PATH], tmpexe[MAX_PATH], tmpcfg[MAX_PATH], tmpdll[MAX_PATH]; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; STARTUPINFOW si = { 0 }; WCHAR *ptr, *end; DWORD exit_code = 0xdeadbeef; LUID id; BOOL ret; GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, tmp); ret = AllocateLocallyUniqueId(&id); ok(ret, "AllocateLocallyUniqueId failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); ret = GetTempFileNameW(tmp, L"loadpaths", id.LowPart, tmpdir); ok(ret, "GetTempFileNameW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); ret = CreateDirectoryW(tmpdir, NULL); ok(ret, "CreateDirectoryW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpdir), GetLastError()); wcscpy(tmpexe, tmpdir); PathAppendW(tmpexe, exe_name); ret = CopyFileW(exe_name, tmpexe, FALSE); ok(ret, "CopyFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpexe), GetLastError()); if (cfg_name) { wcscpy(tmpcfg, tmpdir); PathAppendW(tmpcfg, cfg_name); ret = CopyFileW(cfg_name, tmpcfg, FALSE); ok(ret, "CopyFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpcfg), GetLastError()); } ptr = tmpdir + wcslen(tmpdir); PathAppendW(tmpdir, dll_dest); while (*ptr && (ptr = wcschr(ptr + 1, '\\'))) { *ptr = '\0'; ret = CreateDirectoryW(tmpdir, NULL); ok(ret, "CreateDirectoryW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpdir), GetLastError()); *ptr = '\\'; } wcscpy(tmpdll, tmpdir); if ((ptr = wcsrchr(tmpdir, '\\'))) *ptr = '\0'; ret = CopyFileW(dll_name, tmpdll, FALSE); ok(ret, "CopyFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpdll), GetLastError()); si.cb = sizeof(si); ret = CreateProcessW(tmpexe, tmpexe, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi); ok(ret, "CreateProcessW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpexe), GetLastError()); if (expect_failure) ret = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 500); else { ret = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 5000); ok(ret == WAIT_OBJECT_0, "%s: WaitForSingleObject returned %d: %u\n", debugstr_w(dll_dest), ret, GetLastError()); } GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exit_code); if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT) TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0xdeadbeef); CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); if (expect_failure) todo_wine_if(todo) ok(exit_code != 0, "%s: Succeeded to execute process\n", debugstr_w(dll_dest)); else ok(exit_code == 0, "%s: Failed to execute process\n", debugstr_w(dll_dest)); /* sometimes the failing process never returns, in which case cleaning up won't work */ if (ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT && expect_failure) return; if (cfg_name) { ret = DeleteFileW(tmpcfg); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpcfg), GetLastError()); } ret = DeleteFileW(tmpdll); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpdll), GetLastError()); ret = DeleteFileW(tmpexe); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpexe), GetLastError()); end = tmpdir + wcslen(tmp); ptr = tmpdir + wcslen(tmpdir) - 1; while (ptr > end && (ptr = wcsrchr(tmpdir, '\\'))) { ret = RemoveDirectoryW(tmpdir); ok(ret, "RemoveDirectoryW(%s) failed: %u\n", debugstr_w(tmpdir), GetLastError()); *ptr = '\0'; } } static void test_loadpaths(BOOL neutral) { static const WCHAR *loadpaths[] = {L"", L"en", L"libloadpaths", L"en\\libloadpaths"}; static const WCHAR *dll_source = L"loadpaths.dll.cs"; static const WCHAR *dll_name = L"libloadpaths.dll"; static const WCHAR *exe_source = L"loadpaths.exe.cs"; static const WCHAR *exe_name = L"loadpaths.exe"; static const WCHAR *cfg_name = L"loadpaths.exe.config"; WCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; BOOL ret; int i; DeleteFileW(dll_source); ret = write_resource(dll_source, dll_source); ok(ret, "Could not write resource: %u\n", GetLastError()); DeleteFileW(dll_name); ret = compile_cs(dll_source, dll_name, L"library", neutral ? L"-define:NEUTRAL" : L""); if (!ret) return; ret = DeleteFileW(dll_source); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); DeleteFileW(exe_source); ret = write_resource(exe_source, exe_source); ok(ret, "Could not write resource: %u\n", GetLastError()); DeleteFileW(exe_name); ret = compile_cs(exe_source, exe_name, L"exe", L"/reference:libloadpaths.dll"); if (!ret) return; ret = DeleteFileW(exe_source); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); DeleteFileW(cfg_name); ret = write_resource(cfg_name, cfg_name); ok(ret, "Could not write resource: %u\n", GetLastError()); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(loadpaths); ++i) { const WCHAR *path = loadpaths[i]; BOOL expect_failure = neutral ? wcsstr(path, L"en") != NULL : wcsstr(path, L"en") == NULL; wcscpy(tmp, path); PathAppendW(tmp, dll_name); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, NULL, tmp, expect_failure, !neutral && !*path); wcscpy(tmp, L"private"); if (*path) PathAppendW(tmp, path); PathAppendW(tmp, dll_name); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, NULL, tmp, TRUE, FALSE); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, cfg_name, tmp, expect_failure, FALSE); /* exe name for dll should work too */ if (*path) { wcscpy(tmp, path); PathAppendW(tmp, dll_name); wcscpy(tmp + wcslen(tmp) - 4, L".exe"); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, NULL, tmp, expect_failure, FALSE); } wcscpy(tmp, L"private"); if (*path) PathAppendW(tmp, path); PathAppendW(tmp, dll_name); wcscpy(tmp + wcslen(tmp) - 4, L".exe"); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, NULL, tmp, TRUE, FALSE); test_loadpaths_execute(exe_name, dll_name, cfg_name, tmp, expect_failure, FALSE); } ret = DeleteFileW(cfg_name); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); ret = DeleteFileW(exe_name); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); ret = DeleteFileW(dll_name); ok(ret, "DeleteFileW failed: %u\n", GetLastError()); } static void test_createdomain(void) { static const WCHAR test_name[] = {'t','e','s','t',0}; static const WCHAR test2_name[] = {'t','e','s','t','2',0}; ICLRMetaHost *metahost; ICLRRuntimeInfo *runtimeinfo; ICorRuntimeHost *runtimehost; IUnknown *domain, *defaultdomain_unk, *defaultdomain, *newdomain_unk, *newdomain, *domainsetup, *newdomain2_unk, *newdomain2; HRESULT hr; if (!pCLRCreateInstance) { win_skip("Function CLRCreateInstance not found.\n"); return; } hr = pCLRCreateInstance(&CLSID_CLRMetaHost, &IID_ICLRMetaHost, (void **)&metahost); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "CLRCreateInstance failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = ICLRMetaHost_GetRuntime(metahost, v4_0, &IID_ICLRRuntimeInfo, (void **)&runtimeinfo); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICLRMetaHost::GetRuntime failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = ICLRRuntimeInfo_GetInterface(runtimeinfo, &CLSID_CorRuntimeHost, &IID_ICorRuntimeHost, (void **)&runtimehost); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICLRRuntimeInfo::GetInterface failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = ICorRuntimeHost_Start(runtimehost); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::Start failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = ICorRuntimeHost_GetDefaultDomain(runtimehost, &domain); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::GetDefaultDomain failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID_IUnknown, (void **)&defaultdomain_unk); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "COM object doesn't support IUnknown?!\n"); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID__AppDomain, (void **)&defaultdomain); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "AppDomain object doesn't support _AppDomain interface\n"); IUnknown_Release(domain); hr = ICorRuntimeHost_CreateDomain(runtimehost, test_name, NULL, &domain); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::CreateDomain failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID_IUnknown, (void **)&newdomain_unk); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "COM object doesn't support IUnknown?!\n"); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID__AppDomain, (void **)&newdomain); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "AppDomain object doesn't support _AppDomain interface\n"); IUnknown_Release(domain); ok(defaultdomain_unk != newdomain_unk, "New and default domain objects are the same\n"); hr = ICorRuntimeHost_CreateDomainSetup(runtimehost, &domainsetup); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::CreateDomainSetup failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = ICorRuntimeHost_CreateDomainEx(runtimehost, test2_name, domainsetup, NULL, &domain); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "ICorRuntimeHost::CreateDomainEx failed, hr=%#.8x\n", hr); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID_IUnknown, (void **)&newdomain2_unk); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "COM object doesn't support IUnknown?!\n"); hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(domain, &IID__AppDomain, (void **)&newdomain2); ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "AppDomain object doesn't support _AppDomain interface\n"); IUnknown_Release(domain); ok(defaultdomain_unk != newdomain2_unk, "New and default domain objects are the same\n"); ok(newdomain_unk != newdomain2_unk, "Both new domain objects are the same\n"); IUnknown_Release(newdomain2); IUnknown_Release(newdomain2_unk); IUnknown_Release(domainsetup); IUnknown_Release(newdomain); IUnknown_Release(newdomain_unk); IUnknown_Release(defaultdomain); IUnknown_Release(defaultdomain_unk); ICorRuntimeHost_Release(runtimehost); ICLRRuntimeInfo_Release(runtimeinfo); ICLRMetaHost_Release(metahost); } START_TEST(mscoree) { int argc; char** argv; if (!init_functionpointers()) return; argc = winetest_get_mainargs(&argv); if (argc >= 3 && !strcmp(argv[2], "check_runtime")) { int result = check_runtime(); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); exit(result); } test_versioninfo(); test_loadlibraryshim(); test_createconfigstream(); test_createinstance(); if (runtime_is_usable()) { test_createdomain(); } test_loadpaths(FALSE); test_loadpaths(TRUE); FreeLibrary(hmscoree); }