/* * WCMD - Wine-compatible command line interface - Directory functions. * * Copyright (C) 1999 D A Pickles * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * NOTES: * On entry, global variables quals, param1, param2 contain * the qualifiers (uppercased and concatenated) and parameters entered, with * environment-variable and batch parameter substitution already done. */ #include "wcmd.h" int WCMD_dir_sort (const void *a, const void *b); void WCMD_list_directory (char *path, int level); char * WCMD_filesize64 (__int64 free); char * WCMD_strrev (char *buff); extern char nyi[]; extern char newline[]; extern char version_string[]; extern char anykey[]; extern int echo_mode; extern char quals[MAX_PATH], param1[MAX_PATH], param2[MAX_PATH]; extern DWORD errorlevel; int file_total, dir_total, line_count, page_mode, recurse; __int64 byte_total; /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_directory * * List a file directory. * */ void WCMD_directory () { char path[MAX_PATH], drive[8]; int status; ULARGE_INTEGER avail, total, free; line_count = 5; byte_total = 0; file_total = dir_total = 0; page_mode = (strstr(quals, "/P") != NULL); recurse = (strstr(quals, "/S") != NULL); if (param1[0] == '\0') strcpy (param1, "."); status = GetFullPathName (param1, sizeof(path), path, NULL); if (!status) { WCMD_print_error(); return; } lstrcpyn (drive, path, 3); status = WCMD_volume (0, drive); if (!status) { return; } WCMD_list_directory (path, 0); lstrcpyn (drive, path, 4); GetDiskFreeSpaceEx (drive, &avail, &total, &free); WCMD_output (" %18s bytes free\n\n", WCMD_filesize64 (free.QuadPart)); if (recurse) { WCMD_output ("Total files listed:\n%8d files%25s bytes\n%8d directories\n\n", file_total, WCMD_filesize64 (byte_total), dir_total); } } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_list_directory * * List a single file directory. This function (and those below it) can be called * recursively when the /S switch is used. * * FIXME: Entries sorted by name only. Should we support DIRCMD?? * FIXME: Assumes 24-line display for the /P qualifier. * FIXME: Other command qualifiers not supported. * FIXME: DIR /S FILENAME fails if at least one matching file is not found in the top level. */ void WCMD_list_directory (char *search_path, int level) { char string[1024], datestring[32], timestring[32]; char mem_err[] = "Memory Allocation Error"; char *p; DWORD count; WIN32_FIND_DATA *fd; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; HANDLE hff; int status, dir_count, file_count, entry_count, i; ULARGE_INTEGER byte_count, file_size; dir_count = 0; file_count = 0; entry_count = 0; byte_count.QuadPart = 0; /* * If the path supplied does not include a wildcard, and the endpoint of the * path references a directory, we need to list the *contents* of that * directory not the directory file itself. */ if ((strchr(search_path, '*') == NULL) && (strchr(search_path, '%') == NULL)) { status = GetFileAttributes (search_path); if ((status != -1) && (status & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (search_path[strlen(search_path)-1] == '\\') { strcat (search_path, "*"); } else { strcat (search_path, "\\*"); } } } fd = malloc (sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); hff = FindFirstFile (search_path, fd); if (hff == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); WCMD_print_error (); free (fd); return; } do { entry_count++; fd = realloc (fd, (entry_count+1)*sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA)); if (fd == NULL) { FindClose (hff); WCMD_output (mem_err); return; } } while (FindNextFile(hff, (fd+entry_count)) != 0); FindClose (hff); qsort (fd, entry_count, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATA), WCMD_dir_sort); if (level != 0) WCMD_output ("\n\n"); WCMD_output ("Directory of %s\n\n", search_path); if (page_mode) { line_count += 2; if (line_count > 23) { line_count = 0; WCMD_output (anykey); ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string, sizeof(string), &count, NULL); } } for (i=0; iftLastWriteTime, &ft); FileTimeToSystemTime (&ft, &st); GetDateFormat (0, DATE_SHORTDATE, &st, NULL, datestring, sizeof(datestring)); GetTimeFormat (0, TIME_NOSECONDS, &st, NULL, timestring, sizeof(timestring)); if ((fd+i)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { dir_count++; WCMD_output ("%8s %8s %s\n", datestring, timestring, (fd+i)->cFileName); } else { file_count++; #ifndef NONAMELESSSTRUCT file_size.LowPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeLow; file_size.HighPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeHigh; #else file_size.s.LowPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeLow; file_size.s.HighPart = (fd+i)->nFileSizeHigh; #endif byte_count.QuadPart += file_size.QuadPart; WCMD_output ("%8s %8s %10s %s\n", datestring, timestring, WCMD_filesize64(file_size.QuadPart), (fd+i)->cFileName); } if (page_mode) { if (++line_count > 23) { line_count = 0; WCMD_output (anykey); ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string, sizeof(string), &count, NULL); } } } if (file_count == 1) { WCMD_output (" 1 file %25s bytes\n", WCMD_filesize64 (byte_count.QuadPart)); } else { WCMD_output ("%8d files %24s bytes\n", file_count, WCMD_filesize64 (byte_count.QuadPart)); } if (page_mode) { if (++line_count > 23) { line_count = 0; WCMD_output (anykey); ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string, sizeof(string), &count, NULL); } } byte_total = byte_total + byte_count.QuadPart; file_total = file_total + file_count; dir_total = dir_total + dir_count; if (dir_count == 1) WCMD_output ("1 directory "); else WCMD_output ("%8d directories", dir_count); if (page_mode) { if (++line_count > 23) { line_count = 0; WCMD_output (anykey); ReadFile (GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), string, sizeof(string), &count, NULL); } } for (i=0; icFileName[0] != '.') && ((fd+i)->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { #if 0 GetFullPathName ((fd+i)->cFileName, sizeof(string), string, NULL); #endif p = strrchr (search_path, '\\'); lstrcpyn (string, search_path, (p-search_path+2)); lstrcat (string, (fd+i)->cFileName); lstrcat (string, p); WCMD_list_directory (string, 1); } } free (fd); return; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_filesize64 * * Convert a 64-bit number into a character string, with commas every three digits. * Result is returned in a static string overwritten with each call. * FIXME: There must be a better algorithm! */ char * WCMD_filesize64 (__int64 n) { __int64 q; int r, i; char *p; static char buff[32]; p = buff; i = -3; do { if ((++i)%3 == 1) *p++ = ','; q = n / 10; r = n - (q * 10); *p++ = r + '0'; *p = '\0'; n = q; } while (n != 0); WCMD_strrev (buff); return buff; } /***************************************************************************** * WCMD_strrev * * Reverse a character string in-place (strrev() is not available under unixen :-( ). */ char * WCMD_strrev (char *buff) { int r, i; char b; r = lstrlen (buff); for (i=0; icFileName, ((WIN32_FIND_DATA *)b)->cFileName)); }