/* * PostScript pen handling * * Copyright 1998 Huw D M Davies * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include <stdarg.h> #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "psdrv.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(psdrv); static const DWORD PEN_dash[] = { 50, 30 }; /* ----- ----- ----- */ static const DWORD PEN_dot[] = { 20 }; /* -- -- -- -- -- -- */ static const DWORD PEN_dashdot[] = { 40, 30, 20, 30 }; /* ---- -- ---- -- */ static const DWORD PEN_dashdotdot[] = { 40, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 }; /* ---- -- -- ---- */ static const DWORD PEN_alternate[] = { 1 }; /*********************************************************************** * SelectPen (WINEPS.@) */ HPEN PSDRV_SelectPen( PHYSDEV dev, HPEN hpen, const struct brush_pattern *pattern ) { PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_psdrv_dev( dev ); LOGPEN logpen; EXTLOGPEN *elp = NULL; if (!GetObjectW( hpen, sizeof(logpen), &logpen )) { /* must be an extended pen */ INT size = GetObjectW( hpen, 0, NULL ); if (!size) return 0; elp = HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, size ); GetObjectW( hpen, size, elp ); /* FIXME: add support for user style pens */ logpen.lopnStyle = elp->elpPenStyle; logpen.lopnWidth.x = elp->elpWidth; logpen.lopnWidth.y = 0; logpen.lopnColor = elp->elpColor; } TRACE("hpen = %p colour = %08x\n", hpen, logpen.lopnColor); physDev->pen.width = logpen.lopnWidth.x; if ((logpen.lopnStyle & PS_GEOMETRIC) || (physDev->pen.width > 1)) { physDev->pen.width = PSDRV_XWStoDS( dev, physDev->pen.width ); if(physDev->pen.width < 0) physDev->pen.width = -physDev->pen.width; } if (hpen == GetStockObject( DC_PEN )) logpen.lopnColor = GetDCPenColor( dev->hdc ); switch (logpen.lopnStyle & PS_JOIN_MASK) { default: case PS_JOIN_ROUND: physDev->pen.join = 1; break; case PS_JOIN_BEVEL: physDev->pen.join = 2; break; case PS_JOIN_MITER: physDev->pen.join = 0; break; } switch (logpen.lopnStyle & PS_ENDCAP_MASK) { default: case PS_ENDCAP_ROUND: physDev->pen.endcap = 1; break; case PS_ENDCAP_SQUARE: physDev->pen.endcap = 2; break; case PS_ENDCAP_FLAT: physDev->pen.endcap = 0; break; } PSDRV_CreateColor(dev, &physDev->pen.color, logpen.lopnColor); physDev->pen.style = logpen.lopnStyle & PS_STYLE_MASK; switch(physDev->pen.style) { case PS_DASH: memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, PEN_dash, sizeof(PEN_dash) ); physDev->pen.dash_len = ARRAY_SIZE( PEN_dash ); break; case PS_DOT: memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, PEN_dot, sizeof(PEN_dot) ); physDev->pen.dash_len = ARRAY_SIZE( PEN_dot ); break; case PS_DASHDOT: memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, PEN_dashdot, sizeof(PEN_dashdot) ); physDev->pen.dash_len = ARRAY_SIZE( PEN_dashdot ); break; case PS_DASHDOTDOT: memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, PEN_dashdotdot, sizeof(PEN_dashdotdot) ); physDev->pen.dash_len = ARRAY_SIZE( PEN_dashdotdot ); break; case PS_ALTERNATE: memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, PEN_alternate, sizeof(PEN_alternate) ); physDev->pen.dash_len = ARRAY_SIZE( PEN_alternate ); break; case PS_USERSTYLE: physDev->pen.dash_len = min( elp->elpNumEntries, MAX_DASHLEN ); memcpy( physDev->pen.dash, elp->elpStyleEntry, physDev->pen.dash_len * sizeof(DWORD) ); break; default: physDev->pen.dash_len = 0; } if ((physDev->pen.width > 1) && physDev->pen.dash_len && physDev->pen.style != PS_USERSTYLE && physDev->pen.style != PS_ALTERNATE) { physDev->pen.style = PS_SOLID; physDev->pen.dash_len = 0; } HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, elp ); physDev->pen.set = FALSE; return hpen; } /*********************************************************************** * SetDCPenColor (WINEPS.@) */ COLORREF PSDRV_SetDCPenColor( PHYSDEV dev, COLORREF color ) { PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_psdrv_dev( dev ); if (GetCurrentObject( dev->hdc, OBJ_PEN ) == GetStockObject( DC_PEN )) PSDRV_CreateColor( dev, &physDev->pen.color, color ); return color; } /********************************************************************** * * PSDRV_SetPen * */ BOOL PSDRV_SetPen( PHYSDEV dev ) { PSDRV_PDEVICE *physDev = get_psdrv_dev( dev ); if (physDev->pen.style != PS_NULL) { PSDRV_WriteSetColor(dev, &physDev->pen.color); if(!physDev->pen.set) { PSDRV_WriteSetPen(dev); physDev->pen.set = TRUE; } } return TRUE; }