/* * Unix call wrappers * * Copyright 2021 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #ifndef __WINE_WIN32U_PRIVATE #define __WINE_WIN32U_PRIVATE #include "winuser.h" #include "wine/gdi_driver.h" #include "wine/unixlib.h" struct user_callbacks { HWND (WINAPI *pGetDesktopWindow)(void); UINT (WINAPI *pGetDpiForSystem)(void); BOOL (WINAPI *pGetMonitorInfoW)( HMONITOR, LPMONITORINFO ); INT (WINAPI *pGetSystemMetrics)(INT); BOOL (WINAPI *pGetWindowRect)( HWND hwnd, LPRECT rect ); BOOL (WINAPI *pEnumDisplayMonitors)( HDC, LPRECT, MONITORENUMPROC, LPARAM ); BOOL (WINAPI *pEnumDisplaySettingsW)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPDEVMODEW ); BOOL (WINAPI *pRedrawWindow)( HWND, const RECT*, HRGN, UINT ); DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT (WINAPI *pSetThreadDpiAwarenessContext)( DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT ); HWND (WINAPI *pWindowFromDC)( HDC ); }; struct unix_funcs { /* win32u functions */ INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiAbortDoc)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiAbortPath)( HDC hdc ); HANDLE (WINAPI *pNtGdiAddFontMemResourceEx)( void *ptr, DWORD size, void *dv, ULONG dv_size, DWORD *count ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiAddFontResourceW)( const WCHAR *str, ULONG size, ULONG files, DWORD flags, DWORD tid, void *dv ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiAlphaBlend)( HDC hdc_dst, int x_dst, int y_dst, int width_dst, int height_dst, HDC hdc_src, int x_src, int y_src, int width_src, int height_src, BLENDFUNCTION blend_function, HANDLE xform ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiAngleArc)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, DWORD radius, FLOAT start_angle, FLOAT sweep_angle ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiArcInternal)( UINT type, HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT xstart, INT ystart, INT xend, INT yend ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiBeginPath)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiBitBlt)( HDC hdc_dst, INT x_dst, INT y_dst, INT width, INT height, HDC hdc_src, INT x_src, INT y_src, DWORD rop, DWORD bk_color, FLONG fl ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiCloseFigure)( HDC hdc ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiCombineRgn)( HRGN dest, HRGN src1, HRGN src2, INT mode ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiComputeXformCoefficients)( HDC hdc ); HBITMAP (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateBitmap)( INT width, INT height, UINT planes, UINT bpp, const void *bits ); HANDLE (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateClientObj)( ULONG type ); HBITMAP (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateCompatibleBitmap)( HDC hdc, INT width, INT height ); HDC (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateCompatibleDC)( HDC hdc ); HBITMAP (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateDIBSection)( HDC hdc, HANDLE section, DWORD offset, const BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT usage, UINT header_size, ULONG flags, ULONG_PTR color_space, void **bits ); HBITMAP (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateDIBitmapInternal)( HDC hdc, INT width, INT height, DWORD init, const void *bits, const BITMAPINFO *data, UINT coloruse, UINT max_info, UINT max_bits, ULONG flags, HANDLE xform ); HRGN (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateEllipticRgn)( INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); HPALETTE (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateHalftonePalette)( HDC hdc ); HDC (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateMetafileDC)( HDC hdc ); HPALETTE (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreatePaletteInternal)( const LOGPALETTE *palette, UINT count ); HPEN (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreatePen)( INT style, INT width, COLORREF color, HBRUSH brush ); HRGN (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateRectRgn)( INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); HRGN (WINAPI *pNtGdiCreateRoundRectRgn)( INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT ellipse_width, INT ellipse_height ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDICheckVidPnExclusiveOwnership)( const D3DKMT_CHECKVIDPNEXCLUSIVEOWNERSHIP *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDICloseAdapter)( const D3DKMT_CLOSEADAPTER *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDICreateDCFromMemory)( D3DKMT_CREATEDCFROMMEMORY *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDICreateDevice)( D3DKMT_CREATEDEVICE *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIDestroyDCFromMemory)( const D3DKMT_DESTROYDCFROMMEMORY *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIDestroyDevice)( const D3DKMT_DESTROYDEVICE *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIEscape)( const D3DKMT_ESCAPE *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromDeviceName)( D3DKMT_OPENADAPTERFROMDEVICENAME *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromHdc)( D3DKMT_OPENADAPTERFROMHDC *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromLuid)( D3DKMT_OPENADAPTERFROMLUID *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDIQueryStatistics)( D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS *stats ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDISetQueuedLimit)( D3DKMT_SETQUEUEDLIMIT *desc ); NTSTATUS (WINAPI *pNtGdiDdDDISetVidPnSourceOwner)( const D3DKMT_SETVIDPNSOURCEOWNER *desc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiDeleteClientObj)( HGDIOBJ obj ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiDeleteObjectApp)( HGDIOBJ obj ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiDescribePixelFormat)( HDC hdc, INT format, UINT size, PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *descr ); LONG (WINAPI *pNtGdiDoPalette)( HGDIOBJ handle, WORD start, WORD count, void *entries, DWORD func, BOOL inbound ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiDrawStream)( HDC hdc, ULONG in, void *pvin ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiEllipse)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiEndDoc)(HDC hdc); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiEndPath)( HDC hdc ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiEndPage)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiEnumFonts)( HDC hdc, ULONG type, ULONG win32_compat, ULONG face_name_len, const WCHAR *face_name, ULONG charset, ULONG *count, void *buf ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiEqualRgn)( HRGN hrgn1, HRGN hrgn2 ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiExcludeClipRect)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); HPEN (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtCreatePen)( DWORD style, DWORD width, ULONG brush_style, ULONG color, ULONG_PTR client_hatch, ULONG_PTR hatch, DWORD style_count, const DWORD *style_bits, ULONG dib_size, BOOL old_style, HBRUSH brush ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtEscape)( HDC hdc, WCHAR *driver, INT driver_id, INT escape, INT input_size, const char *input, INT output_size, char *output ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtFloodFill)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, COLORREF color, UINT type ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtTextOutW)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, UINT flags, const RECT *rect, const WCHAR *str, UINT count, const INT *dx, DWORD cp ); HRGN (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtCreateRegion)( const XFORM *xform, DWORD count, const RGNDATA *data ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtGetObjectW)( HGDIOBJ handle, INT count, void *buffer ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiExtSelectClipRgn)( HDC hdc, HRGN region, INT mode ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiFillPath)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiFillRgn)( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, HBRUSH hbrush ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiFlattenPath)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiFontIsLinked)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiFrameRgn)( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, HBRUSH brush, INT width, INT height ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetAndSetDCDword)( HDC hdc, UINT method, DWORD value, DWORD *result ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetAppClipBox)( HDC hdc, RECT *rect ); LONG (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetBitmapBits)( HBITMAP bitmap, LONG count, void *bits ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetBitmapDimension)( HBITMAP bitmap, SIZE *size ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetBoundsRect)( HDC hdc, RECT *rect, UINT flags ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetCharABCWidthsW)( HDC hdc, UINT first, UINT last, WCHAR *chars, ULONG flags, void *buffer ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetCharWidthW)( HDC hdc, UINT first_char, UINT last_char, WCHAR *chars, ULONG flags, void *buffer ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetCharWidthInfo)( HDC hdc, struct char_width_info *info ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetColorAdjustment)( HDC hdc, COLORADJUSTMENT *ca ); HANDLE (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetDCObject)( HDC hdc, UINT type ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetDIBitsInternal)( HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbitmap, UINT startscan, UINT lines, void *bits, BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse, UINT max_bits, UINT max_info ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetDeviceCaps)( HDC hdc, INT cap ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetDeviceGammaRamp)( HDC hdc, void *ptr ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetFontData)( HDC hdc, DWORD table, DWORD offset, void *buffer, DWORD length ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetFontFileData)( DWORD instance_id, DWORD file_index, UINT64 *offset, void *buff, DWORD buff_size ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetFontFileInfo)( DWORD instance_id, DWORD file_index, struct font_fileinfo *info, SIZE_T size, SIZE_T *needed ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetFontUnicodeRanges)( HDC hdc, GLYPHSET *lpgs ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetGlyphIndicesW)( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *str, INT count, WORD *indices, DWORD flags ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetGlyphOutline)( HDC hdc, UINT ch, UINT format, GLYPHMETRICS *metrics, DWORD size, void *buffer, const MAT2 *mat2, BOOL ignore_rotation ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetKerningPairs)( HDC hdc, DWORD count, KERNINGPAIR *kern_pair ); COLORREF (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetNearestColor)( HDC hdc, COLORREF color ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetNearestPaletteIndex)( HPALETTE hpalette, COLORREF color ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetOutlineTextMetricsInternalW)( HDC hdc, UINT cbData, OUTLINETEXTMETRICW *otm, ULONG opts ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetPath)( HDC hdc, POINT *points, BYTE *types, INT size ); COLORREF (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetPixel)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetRandomRgn)( HDC hdc, HRGN region, INT code ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetRasterizerCaps)( RASTERIZER_STATUS *status, UINT size ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetRealizationInfo)( HDC hdc, struct font_realization_info *info ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetRegionData)( HRGN hrgn, DWORD count, RGNDATA *data ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetRgnBox)( HRGN hrgn, RECT *rect ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetSpoolMessage)( void *ptr1, DWORD data2, void *ptr3, DWORD data4 ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetSystemPaletteUse)( HDC hdc ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetTextCharsetInfo)( HDC hdc, FONTSIGNATURE *fs, DWORD flags ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetTextExtentExW)( HDC hdc, const WCHAR *str, INT count, INT max_ext, INT *nfit, INT *dxs, SIZE *size, UINT flags ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetTextFaceW)( HDC hdc, INT count, WCHAR *name, BOOL alias_name ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetTextMetricsW)( HDC hdc, TEXTMETRICW *metrics, ULONG flags ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGetTransform)( HDC hdc, DWORD which, XFORM *xform ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiGradientFill)( HDC hdc, TRIVERTEX *vert_array, ULONG nvert, void *grad_array, ULONG ngrad, ULONG mode ); HFONT (WINAPI *pNtGdiHfontCreate)( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *enumex, ULONG unk2, ULONG unk3, ULONG unk4, void *data ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiInitSpool)(void); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiIntersectClipRect)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiInvertRgn)( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiLineTo)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiMaskBlt)( HDC hdc, INT x_dst, INT y_dst, INT width_dst, INT height_dst, HDC hdc_src, INT x_src, INT y_src, HBITMAP mask, INT x_mask, INT y_mask, DWORD rop, DWORD bk_color ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiModifyWorldTransform)( HDC hdc, const XFORM *xform, DWORD mode ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiMoveTo)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, POINT *pt ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiOffsetClipRgn)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiOffsetRgn)( HRGN hrgn, INT x, INT y ); HDC (WINAPI *pNtGdiOpenDCW)( UNICODE_STRING *device, const DEVMODEW *devmode, UNICODE_STRING *output, ULONG type, BOOL is_display, HANDLE hspool, DRIVER_INFO_2W *driver_info, void *pdev ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiPatBlt)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT width, INT height, DWORD rop ); HRGN (WINAPI *pNtGdiPathToRegion)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiPlgBlt)( HDC hdc, const POINT *point, HDC hdc_src, INT x_src, INT y_src, INT width, INT height, HBITMAP mask, INT x_mask, INT y_mask, DWORD bk_color ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiPolyDraw)(HDC hdc, const POINT *points, const BYTE *types, DWORD count ); ULONG (WINAPI *pNtGdiPolyPolyDraw)( HDC hdc, const POINT *points, const UINT *counts, DWORD count, UINT function ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiPtInRegion)( HRGN hrgn, INT x, INT y ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiPtVisible)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRectInRegion)( HRGN hrgn, const RECT *rect ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRectVisible)( HDC hdc, const RECT *rect ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRectangle)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRemoveFontMemResourceEx)( HANDLE handle ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRemoveFontResourceW)( const WCHAR *str, ULONG size, ULONG files, DWORD flags, DWORD tid, void *dv ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiResetDC)( HDC hdc, const DEVMODEW *devmode, BOOL *banding, DRIVER_INFO_2W *driver_info, void *dev ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiResizePalette)( HPALETTE palette, UINT count ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRestoreDC)( HDC hdc, INT level ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiRoundRect)( HDC hdc, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom, INT ell_width, INT ell_height ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiSaveDC)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiScaleViewportExtEx)( HDC hdc, INT x_num, INT x_denom, INT y_num, INT y_denom, SIZE *size ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiScaleWindowExtEx)( HDC hdc, INT x_num, INT x_denom, INT y_num, INT y_denom, SIZE *size ); HGDIOBJ (WINAPI *pNtGdiSelectBitmap)( HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ handle ); HGDIOBJ (WINAPI *pNtGdiSelectBrush)( HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ handle ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSelectClipPath)( HDC hdc, INT mode ); HGDIOBJ (WINAPI *pNtGdiSelectFont)( HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ handle ); HGDIOBJ (WINAPI *pNtGdiSelectPen)( HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ handle ); LONG (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetBitmapBits)( HBITMAP hbitmap, LONG count, const void *bits ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetBitmapDimension)( HBITMAP hbitmap, INT x, INT y, SIZE *prev_size ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetBrushOrg)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, POINT *prev_org ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetBoundsRect)( HDC hdc, const RECT *rect, UINT flags ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetColorAdjustment)( HDC hdc, const COLORADJUSTMENT *ca ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal)( HDC hdc, INT x_dst, INT y_dst, DWORD cx, DWORD cy, INT x_src, INT y_src, UINT startscan, UINT lines, const void *bits, const BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT coloruse, UINT max_bits, UINT max_info, BOOL xform_coords, HANDLE xform ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetDeviceGammaRamp)( HDC hdc, void *ptr ); DWORD (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetLayout)( HDC hdc, LONG wox, DWORD layout ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetMagicColors)( HDC hdc, DWORD magic, ULONG index ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetMetaRgn)( HDC hdc ); COLORREF (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetPixel)( HDC hdc, INT x, INT y, COLORREF color ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetPixelFormat)( HDC hdc, INT format ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetRectRgn)( HRGN hrgn, INT left, INT top, INT right, INT bottom ); UINT (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetSystemPaletteUse)( HDC hdc, UINT use ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetTextJustification)( HDC hdc, INT extra, INT breaks ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSetVirtualResolution)( HDC hdc, DWORD horz_res, DWORD vert_res, DWORD horz_size, DWORD vert_size ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiStartDoc)( HDC hdc, const DOCINFOW *doc, BOOL *banding, INT job ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiStartPage)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiStretchBlt)( HDC hdc, INT x_dst, INT y_dst, INT width_dst, INT height_dst, HDC hdc_src, INT x_src, INT y_src, INT width_src, INT height_src, DWORD rop, COLORREF bk_color ); INT (WINAPI *pNtGdiStretchDIBitsInternal)( HDC hdc, INT x_dst, INT y_dst, INT width_dst, INT height_dst, INT x_src, INT y_src, INT width_src, INT height_src, const void *bits, const BITMAPINFO *bmi, UINT coloruse, DWORD rop, UINT max_info, UINT max_bits, HANDLE xform ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiStrokeAndFillPath)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiStrokePath)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiSwapBuffers)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiTransparentBlt)( HDC hdc, int x_dst, int y_dst, int width_dst, int height_dst, HDC hdc_src, int x_src, int y_src, int width_src, int height_src, UINT color ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiTransformPoints)( HDC hdc, const POINT *points_in, POINT *points_out, INT count, UINT mode ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiUnrealizeObject)( HGDIOBJ obj ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiUpdateColors)( HDC hdc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pNtGdiWidenPath)( HDC hdc ); /* Wine-specific functions */ UINT (WINAPI *pGDIRealizePalette)( HDC hdc ); HPALETTE (WINAPI *pGDISelectPalette)( HDC hdc, HPALETTE hpal, WORD bkg ); DWORD_PTR (WINAPI *pGetDCHook)( HDC hdc, DCHOOKPROC *proc ); BOOL (WINAPI *pMirrorRgn)( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn ); BOOL (WINAPI *pSetDCHook)( HDC hdc, DCHOOKPROC proc, DWORD_PTR data ); INT (WINAPI *pSetDIBits)( HDC hdc, HBITMAP hbitmap, UINT startscan, UINT lines, const void *bits, const BITMAPINFO *info, UINT coloruse ); WORD (WINAPI *pSetHookFlags)( HDC hdc, WORD flags ); BOOL (CDECL *get_brush_bitmap_info)( HBRUSH handle, BITMAPINFO *info, void *bits, UINT *usage ); BOOL (CDECL *get_file_outline_text_metric)( const WCHAR *path, OUTLINETEXTMETRICW *otm ); BOOL (CDECL *get_icm_profile)( HDC hdc, BOOL allow_default, DWORD *size, WCHAR *filename ); const struct vulkan_funcs * (CDECL *get_vulkan_driver)( HDC hdc, UINT version ); struct opengl_funcs * (CDECL *get_wgl_driver)( HDC hdc, UINT version ); void (CDECL *make_gdi_object_system)( HGDIOBJ handle, BOOL set ); void (CDECL *set_display_driver)( void *proc ); void (CDECL *set_visible_region)( HDC hdc, HRGN hrgn, const RECT *vis_rect, const RECT *device_rect, struct window_surface *surface ); }; UINT WINAPI GDIRealizePalette( HDC hdc ); HPALETTE WINAPI GDISelectPalette( HDC hdc, HPALETTE hpal, WORD wBkg ); extern void wrappers_init( unixlib_handle_t handle ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; extern NTSTATUS gdi_init(void) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; extern NTSTATUS callbacks_init( void *args ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; static inline WCHAR *win32u_wcsrchr( const WCHAR *str, WCHAR ch ) { WCHAR *ret = NULL; do { if (*str == ch) ret = (WCHAR *)(ULONG_PTR)str; } while (*str++); return ret; } static inline WCHAR win32u_towupper( WCHAR ch ) { return RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar( ch ); } static inline WCHAR *win32u_wcschr( const WCHAR *str, WCHAR ch ) { do { if (*str == ch) return (WCHAR *)(ULONG_PTR)str; } while (*str++); return NULL; } static inline int win32u_wcsicmp( const WCHAR *str1, const WCHAR *str2 ) { int ret; for (;;) { if ((ret = win32u_towupper( *str1 ) - win32u_towupper( *str2 )) || !*str1) return ret; str1++; str2++; } } static inline int win32u_wcscmp( const WCHAR *str1, const WCHAR *str2 ) { while (*str1 && (*str1 == *str2)) { str1++; str2++; } return *str1 - *str2; } static inline LONG win32u_wcstol( LPCWSTR s, LPWSTR *end, INT base ) { BOOL negative = FALSE, empty = TRUE; LONG ret = 0; if (base < 0 || base == 1 || base > 36) return 0; if (end) *end = (WCHAR *)s; while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') s++; if (*s == '-') { negative = TRUE; s++; } else if (*s == '+') s++; if ((base == 0 || base == 16) && s[0] == '0' && (s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X')) { base = 16; s += 2; } if (base == 0) base = s[0] != '0' ? 10 : 8; while (*s) { int v; if ('0' <= *s && *s <= '9') v = *s - '0'; else if ('A' <= *s && *s <= 'Z') v = *s - 'A' + 10; else if ('a' <= *s && *s <= 'z') v = *s - 'a' + 10; else break; if (v >= base) break; if (negative) v = -v; s++; empty = FALSE; if (!negative && (ret > MAXLONG / base || ret * base > MAXLONG - v)) ret = MAXLONG; else if (negative && (ret < (LONG)MINLONG / base || ret * base < (LONG)(MINLONG - v))) ret = MINLONG; else ret = ret * base + v; } if (end && !empty) *end = (WCHAR *)s; return ret; } #define towupper(c) win32u_towupper(c) #define wcschr(s,c) win32u_wcschr(s,c) #define wcscmp(s1,s2) win32u_wcscmp(s1,s2) #define wcsicmp(s1,s2) win32u_wcsicmp(s1,s2) #define wcsrchr(s,c) win32u_wcsrchr(s,c) #define wcstol(s,e,b) win32u_wcstol(s,e,b) DWORD win32u_mbtowc( CPTABLEINFO *info, WCHAR *dst, DWORD dstlen, const char *src, DWORD srclen ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; DWORD win32u_wctomb( CPTABLEINFO *info, char *dst, DWORD dstlen, const WCHAR *src, DWORD srclen ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN; #endif /* __WINE_WIN32U_PRIVATE */