/* * IDL Compiler * * Copyright 2005 Eric Kohl * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include "wine/port.h" #include #include #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "widl.h" #include "utils.h" #include "parser.h" #include "header.h" #include "windef.h" #include "widl.h" #include "typelib.h" #include "typelib_struct.h" #include "typegen.h" #define END_OF_LIST(list) \ do { \ if (list) { \ while (NEXT_LINK(list)) \ list = NEXT_LINK(list); \ } \ } while(0) static FILE* server; static int indent = 0; static int print_server(const char *format, ...) { va_list va; int i, r; va_start(va, format); for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) fprintf(server, " "); r = vfprintf(server, format, va); va_end(va); return r; } static void write_parameters_init(func_t *func) { var_t *var; if (!func->args) return; var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { print_server("%s = 0;\n", var->name); var = PREV_LINK(var); } fprintf(server, "\n"); } static void write_function_stubs(type_t *iface) { char *implicit_handle = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_IMPLICIT_HANDLE); int explicit_handle = is_attr(iface->attrs, ATTR_EXPLICIT_HANDLE); func_t *func = iface->funcs; var_t *var; var_t* explicit_handle_var; unsigned int proc_offset = 0; unsigned int type_offset = 2; while (NEXT_LINK(func)) func = NEXT_LINK(func); while (func) { var_t *def = func->def; unsigned long buffer_size = 0; /* check for a defined binding handle */ explicit_handle_var = get_explicit_handle_var(func); if (explicit_handle) { if (!explicit_handle_var) { error("%s() does not define an explicit binding handle!\n", def->name); return; } } else if (implicit_handle) { if (explicit_handle_var) { error("%s() must not define a binding handle!\n", def->name); return; } } fprintf(server, "void __RPC_STUB\n"); fprintf(server, "%s_", iface->name); write_name(server, def); fprintf(server, "(\n"); indent++; print_server("PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage)\n"); indent--; /* write the functions body */ fprintf(server, "{\n"); indent++; /* declare return value '_RetVal' */ if (!is_void(def->type, NULL)) { print_server(""); write_type(server, def->type, def, def->tname); fprintf(server, " _RetVal;\n"); } /* declare arguments */ if (func->args) { var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { print_server(""); write_type(server, var->type, var, var->tname); fprintf(server, " "); write_name(server, var); write_array(server, var->array, 0); fprintf(server, ";\n"); var = PREV_LINK(var); } } print_server("MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE _StubMsg;\n"); print_server("RPC_STATUS _Status;\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("((void)(_Status));\n"); print_server("NdrServerInitializeNew(\n"); indent++; print_server("_pRpcMessage,\n"); print_server("&_StubMsg,\n"); print_server("&%s_StubDesc);\n", iface->name); indent--; fprintf(server, "\n"); write_parameters_init(func); if (explicit_handle_var) { print_server("%s = _pRpcMessage->Handle;\n", explicit_handle_var->name); fprintf(server, "\n"); } print_server("RpcTryFinally\n"); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("RpcTryExcept\n"); print_server("{\n"); indent++; if (func->args) { print_server("if ((_pRpcMessage->DataRepresentation & 0x0000FFFFUL) != NDR_LOCAL_DATA_REPRESENTATION)\n"); indent++; print_server("NdrConvert(\n"); indent++; print_server("(PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE)&_StubMsg,\n"); print_server("(PFORMAT_STRING)&__MIDL_ProcFormatString.Format[%u]);\n", proc_offset); indent -= 2; fprintf(server, "\n"); unmarshall_arguments(server, indent, func, &type_offset, PASS_IN); } print_server("if (_StubMsg.Buffer > _StubMsg.BufferEnd)\n"); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA);\n"); indent--; print_server("}\n"); indent--; print_server("}\n"); print_server("RpcExcept(RPC_BAD_STUB_DATA_EXCEPTION_FILTER)\n"); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("RpcRaiseException(RPC_X_BAD_STUB_DATA);\n"); indent--; print_server("}\n"); print_server("RpcEndExcept\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); /* Call the real server function */ if (!is_void(def->type, NULL)) print_server("_RetVal = "); else print_server(""); write_name(server, def); if (func->args) { int first_arg = 1; fprintf(server, "(\n"); indent++; var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { if (first_arg) first_arg = 0; else fprintf(server, ",\n"); print_server(""); write_name(server, var); var = PREV_LINK(var); } fprintf(server, ");\n"); indent--; } else { fprintf(server, "();\n"); } if (func->args) { var_t *var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { if (is_attr(var->attrs, ATTR_OUT)) { unsigned int alignment; buffer_size += get_required_buffer_size(var, &alignment); buffer_size += alignment; } var = PREV_LINK(var); } } if (!is_void(def->type, NULL)) { unsigned int alignment; buffer_size += get_required_buffer_size(def, &alignment); buffer_size += alignment; } if (buffer_size) { fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("_StubMsg.BufferLength = %uU;\n", buffer_size); print_server("_pRpcMessage->BufferLength = _StubMsg.BufferLength;\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("_Status = I_RpcGetBuffer(_pRpcMessage);\n"); print_server("if (_Status)\n"); indent++; print_server("RpcRaiseException(_Status);\n"); indent--; fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("_StubMsg.Buffer = (unsigned char *)_pRpcMessage->Buffer;\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); } marshall_arguments(server, indent, func, &type_offset, PASS_OUT); /* marshall the return value */ if (!is_void(def->type, NULL)) { print_server("*("); write_type(server, def->type, def, def->tname); fprintf(server, " *)_StubMsg.Buffer = _RetVal;\n"); fprintf(server, "_StubMsg.Buffer += sizeof("); write_type(server, def->type, def, def->tname); fprintf(server, ");\n"); } indent--; print_server("}\n"); print_server("RpcFinally\n"); print_server("{\n"); print_server("}\n"); print_server("RpcEndFinally\n"); /* calculate buffer length */ fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("_pRpcMessage->BufferLength =\n"); indent++; print_server("(unsigned int)(_StubMsg.Buffer - (unsigned char *)_pRpcMessage->Buffer);\n"); indent--; indent--; fprintf(server, "}\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); /* update proc_offset */ if (func->args) { var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { proc_offset += get_size_procformatstring_var(var); var = PREV_LINK(var); } } if (!is_void(def->type, NULL)) proc_offset += get_size_procformatstring_var(def); func = PREV_LINK(func); } } static void write_dispatchtable(type_t *iface) { unsigned long ver = get_attrv(iface->attrs, ATTR_VERSION); unsigned long method_count = 0; func_t *func = iface->funcs; print_server("static RPC_DISPATCH_FUNCTION %s_table[] =\n", iface->name); print_server("{\n"); indent++; while (NEXT_LINK(func)) func = NEXT_LINK(func); while (func) { var_t *def = func->def; print_server("%s_", iface->name); write_name(server, def); fprintf(server, ",\n"); method_count++; func = PREV_LINK(func); } print_server("0\n"); indent--; print_server("};\n"); print_server("RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE %s_v%d_%d_DispatchTable =\n", iface->name, LOWORD(ver), HIWORD(ver)); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("%u,\n", method_count); print_server("%s_table\n", iface->name); indent--; print_server("};\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); } static void write_stubdescdecl(type_t *iface) { print_server("extern const MIDL_STUB_DESC %s_StubDesc;\n", iface->name); fprintf(server, "\n"); } static void write_stubdescriptor(type_t *iface) { print_server("static const MIDL_STUB_DESC %s_StubDesc =\n", iface->name); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("(void *)& %s___RpcServerInterface,\n", iface->name); print_server("MIDL_user_allocate,\n"); print_server("MIDL_user_free,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("__MIDL_TypeFormatString.Format,\n"); print_server("1, /* -error bounds_check flag */\n"); print_server("0x10001, /* Ndr library version */\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0x50100a4, /* MIDL Version 5.1.164 */\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0, /* notify & notify_flag routine table */\n"); print_server("1, /* Flags */\n"); print_server("0, /* Reserved3 */\n"); print_server("0, /* Reserved4 */\n"); print_server("0 /* Reserved5 */\n"); indent--; print_server("};\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); } static void write_serverinterfacedecl(type_t *iface) { unsigned long ver = get_attrv(iface->attrs, ATTR_VERSION); UUID *uuid = get_attrp(iface->attrs, ATTR_UUID); print_server("extern RPC_DISPATCH_TABLE %s_v%d_%d_DispatchTable;\n", iface->name, LOWORD(ver), HIWORD(ver)); fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("static const RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE %s___RpcServerInterface =\n", iface->name ); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("sizeof(RPC_SERVER_INTERFACE),\n"); print_server("{{0x%08lx,0x%04x,0x%04x,{0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x,0x%02x}},{%d,%d}},\n", uuid->Data1, uuid->Data2, uuid->Data3, uuid->Data4[0], uuid->Data4[1], uuid->Data4[2], uuid->Data4[3], uuid->Data4[4], uuid->Data4[5], uuid->Data4[6], uuid->Data4[7], LOWORD(ver), HIWORD(ver)); print_server("{{0x8a885d04,0x1ceb,0x11c9,{0x9f,0xe8,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x10,0x48,0x60}},{2,0}},\n"); /* FIXME */ print_server("&%s_v%d_%d_DispatchTable,\n", iface->name, LOWORD(ver), HIWORD(ver)); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); print_server("0,\n"); indent--; print_server("};\n"); print_server("RPC_IF_HANDLE %s_v%d_%d_s_ifspec = (RPC_IF_HANDLE)& %s___RpcServerInterface;\n", iface->name, LOWORD(ver), HIWORD(ver), iface->name); fprintf(server, "\n"); } static void write_formatdesc( const char *str ) { print_server("typedef struct _MIDL_%s_FORMAT_STRING\n", str ); print_server("{\n"); indent++; print_server("short Pad;\n"); print_server("unsigned char Format[%s_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE];\n", str); indent--; print_server("} MIDL_%s_FORMAT_STRING;\n", str); print_server("\n"); } static void write_formatstringsdecl(type_t *iface) { int byte_count = 1; print_server("#define TYPE_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE %d\n", 3); /* FIXME */ /* determine the proc format string size */ if (iface->funcs) { func_t *func = iface->funcs; while (NEXT_LINK(func)) func = NEXT_LINK(func); while (func) { /* argument list size */ if (func->args) { var_t *var = func->args; while (NEXT_LINK(var)) var = NEXT_LINK(var); while (var) { byte_count += 2; /* FIXME: determine real size */ var = PREV_LINK(var); } } /* return value size */ byte_count += 2; /* FIXME: determine real size */ func = PREV_LINK(func); } } print_server("#define PROC_FORMAT_STRING_SIZE %d\n", byte_count); fprintf(server, "\n"); write_formatdesc("TYPE"); write_formatdesc("PROC"); fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("extern const MIDL_TYPE_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_TypeFormatString;\n"); print_server("extern const MIDL_PROC_FORMAT_STRING __MIDL_ProcFormatString;\n"); print_server("\n"); } static void init_server(void) { if (server) return; if (!(server = fopen(server_name, "w"))) error("Could not open %s for output\n", server_name); print_server("/*** Autogenerated by WIDL %s from %s - Do not edit ***/\n", WIDL_FULLVERSION, input_name); print_server("#include \n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); print_server("#include \"%s\"\n", header_name); fprintf(server, "\n"); } void write_server(ifref_t *ifaces) { ifref_t *iface = ifaces; if (!do_server) return; if (!iface) return; END_OF_LIST(iface); init_server(); if (!server) return; while (iface) { fprintf(server, "/*****************************************************************************\n"); fprintf(server, " * %s interface\n", iface->iface->name); fprintf(server, " */\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); if (iface->iface->funcs) { write_formatstringsdecl(iface->iface); write_serverinterfacedecl(iface->iface); write_stubdescdecl(iface->iface); write_function_stubs(iface->iface); write_stubdescriptor(iface->iface); write_dispatchtable(iface->iface); } print_server("#if !defined(__RPC_WIN32__)\n"); print_server("#error Invalid build platform for this stub.\n"); print_server("#endif\n"); fprintf(server, "\n"); write_procformatstring(server, iface->iface); write_typeformatstring(server, iface->iface); fprintf(server, "\n"); iface = PREV_LINK(iface); } fclose(server); }