/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Google (Evan Stade) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "winnls.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL (gdiplus); #include "objbase.h" #include "gdiplus.h" #include "gdiplus_private.h" static const REAL mm_per_inch = 25.4; static const REAL inch_per_point = 1.0/72.0; static inline REAL get_dpi (void) { REAL dpi; GpGraphics *graphics; HDC hdc = GetDC(0); GdipCreateFromHDC (hdc, &graphics); GdipGetDpiX(graphics, &dpi); GdipDeleteGraphics(graphics); ReleaseDC (0, hdc); return dpi; } static inline REAL point_to_pixel (REAL point) { return point * get_dpi() * inch_per_point; } static inline REAL inch_to_pixel (REAL inch) { return inch * get_dpi(); } static inline REAL document_to_pixel (REAL doc) { return doc * (get_dpi() / 300.0); /* Per MSDN */ } static inline REAL mm_to_pixel (REAL mm) { return mm * (get_dpi() / mm_per_inch); } /******************************************************************************* * GdipCreateFont [GDIPLUS.@] * * Create a new font based off of a FontFamily * * PARAMS * *fontFamily [I] Family to base the font off of * emSize [I] Size of the font * style [I] Bitwise OR of FontStyle enumeration * unit [I] Unit emSize is measured in * **font [I] the resulting Font object * * RETURNS * SUCCESS: Ok * FAILURE: InvalidParameter if fontfamily or font is NULL. * FAILURE: FontFamilyNotFound if an invalid FontFamily is given * * NOTES * UnitDisplay is unsupported. * emSize is stored separately from lfHeight, to hold the fraction. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFont(GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *fontFamily, REAL emSize, INT style, Unit unit, GpFont **font) { WCHAR facename[LF_FACESIZE]; LOGFONTW* lfw; const TEXTMETRICW* tmw; GpStatus stat; if (!fontFamily || !fontFamily->FamilyName || !font) return InvalidParameter; TRACE("%p (%s), %f, %d, %d, %p\n", fontFamily, debugstr_w(fontFamily->FamilyName), emSize, style, unit, font); stat = GdipGetFamilyName (fontFamily, facename, 0); if (stat != Ok) return stat; *font = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpFont)); tmw = &fontFamily->tmw; lfw = &((*font)->lfw); ZeroMemory(&(*lfw), sizeof(*lfw)); lfw->lfWeight = tmw->tmWeight; lfw->lfItalic = tmw->tmItalic; lfw->lfUnderline = tmw->tmUnderlined; lfw->lfStrikeOut = tmw->tmStruckOut; lfw->lfCharSet = tmw->tmCharSet; lfw->lfPitchAndFamily = tmw->tmPitchAndFamily; lstrcpynW((lfw->lfFaceName), facename, sizeof(WCHAR) * LF_FACESIZE); switch (unit) { case UnitWorld: /* FIXME: Figure out when World != Pixel */ lfw->lfHeight = emSize; break; case UnitDisplay: FIXME("Unknown behavior for UnitDisplay! Please report!\n"); /* FIXME: Figure out how this works... * MSDN says that if "DISPLAY" is a monitor, then pixel should be * used. That's not what I got. Tests on Windows revealed no output, * and the tests in tests/font crash windows */ lfw->lfHeight = 0; break; case UnitPixel: lfw->lfHeight = emSize; break; case UnitPoint: lfw->lfHeight = point_to_pixel(emSize); break; case UnitInch: lfw->lfHeight = inch_to_pixel(emSize); break; case UnitDocument: lfw->lfHeight = document_to_pixel(emSize); break; case UnitMillimeter: lfw->lfHeight = mm_to_pixel(emSize); break; } lfw->lfHeight *= -1; lfw->lfWeight = style & FontStyleBold ? 700 : 400; lfw->lfItalic = style & FontStyleItalic; lfw->lfUnderline = style & FontStyleUnderline; lfw->lfStrikeOut = style & FontStyleStrikeout; (*font)->unit = unit; (*font)->emSize = emSize; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(HDC hdc, GDIPCONST LOGFONTW *logfont, GpFont **font) { HFONT hfont, oldfont; TEXTMETRICW textmet; if(!logfont || !font) return InvalidParameter; *font = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpFont)); if(!*font) return OutOfMemory; memcpy(&(*font)->lfw.lfFaceName, logfont->lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)); (*font)->lfw.lfHeight = logfont->lfHeight; (*font)->lfw.lfItalic = logfont->lfItalic; (*font)->lfw.lfUnderline = logfont->lfUnderline; (*font)->lfw.lfStrikeOut = logfont->lfStrikeOut; (*font)->emSize = logfont->lfHeight; (*font)->unit = UnitPixel; hfont = CreateFontIndirectW(&(*font)->lfw); oldfont = SelectObject(hdc, hfont); GetTextMetricsW(hdc, &textmet); (*font)->lfw.lfHeight = -textmet.tmHeight; (*font)->lfw.lfWeight = textmet.tmWeight; SelectObject(hdc, oldfont); DeleteObject(hfont); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFontFromLogfontA(HDC hdc, GDIPCONST LOGFONTA *lfa, GpFont **font) { LOGFONTW lfw; if(!lfa || !font) return InvalidParameter; memcpy(&lfw, lfa, FIELD_OFFSET(LOGFONTA,lfFaceName) ); if(!MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lfa->lfFaceName, -1, lfw.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE)) return GenericError; GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, &lfw, font); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipDeleteFont(GpFont* font) { if(!font) return InvalidParameter; GdipFree(font); return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFontFromDC(HDC hdc, GpFont **font) { HFONT hfont; LOGFONTW lfw; if(!font) return InvalidParameter; hfont = (HFONT)GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_FONT); if(!hfont) return GenericError; if(!GetObjectW(hfont, sizeof(LOGFONTW), &lfw)) return GenericError; return GdipCreateFontFromLogfontW(hdc, &lfw, font); } /****************************************************************************** * GdipGetFontSize [GDIPLUS.@] * * Returns the size of the font in Units * * PARAMS * *font [I] The font to retrieve size from * *size [O] Pointer to hold retrieved value * * RETURNS * SUCCESS: Ok * FAILURE: InvalidParamter (font or size was NULL) * * NOTES * Size returned is actually emSize -- not internal size used for drawing. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetFontSize(GpFont *font, REAL *size) { if (!(font && size)) return InvalidParameter; *size = font->emSize; return Ok; } /******************************************************************************* * GdipGetFontUnit [GDIPLUS.@] * * PARAMS * font [I] Font to retrieve from * unit [O] Return value * * RETURNS * FAILURE: font or unit was NULL * OK: otherwise */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetFontUnit(GpFont *font, Unit *unit) { if (!(font && unit)) return InvalidParameter; *unit = font->unit; return Ok; } /* FIXME: use graphics */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetLogFontW(GpFont *font, GpGraphics *graphics, LOGFONTW *lfw) { if(!font || !graphics || !lfw) return InvalidParameter; *lfw = font->lfw; return Ok; } GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCloneFont(GpFont *font, GpFont **cloneFont) { if(!font || !cloneFont) return InvalidParameter; *cloneFont = GdipAlloc(sizeof(GpFont)); if(!*cloneFont) return OutOfMemory; **cloneFont = *font; return Ok; } /* Borrowed from GDI32 */ static INT CALLBACK is_font_installed_proc(const LOGFONTW *elf, const TEXTMETRICW *ntm, DWORD type, LPARAM lParam) { return 0; } static BOOL is_font_installed(const WCHAR *name) { HDC hdc = GetDC(0); BOOL ret = FALSE; if(!EnumFontFamiliesW(hdc, name, is_font_installed_proc, 0)) ret = TRUE; ReleaseDC(0, hdc); return ret; } /******************************************************************************* * GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName [GDIPLUS.@] * * Creates a font family object based on a supplied name * * PARAMS * name [I] Name of the font * fontCollection [I] What font collection (if any) the font belongs to (may be NULL) * FontFamily [O] Pointer to the resulting FontFamily object * * RETURNS * SUCCESS: Ok * FAILURE: FamilyNotFound if the requested FontFamily does not exist on the system * FAILURE: Invalid parameter if FontFamily or name is NULL * * NOTES * If fontCollection is NULL then the object is not part of any collection * */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(GDIPCONST WCHAR *name, GpFontCollection *fontCollection, GpFontFamily **FontFamily) { GpFontFamily* ffamily; HDC hdc; HFONT hFont, hfont_old; LOGFONTW lfw; TRACE("%s, %p %p\n", debugstr_w(name), fontCollection, FontFamily); if (!(name && FontFamily)) return InvalidParameter; if (fontCollection) FIXME("No support for FontCollections yet!\n"); if (!is_font_installed(name)) return FontFamilyNotFound; ffamily = GdipAlloc(sizeof (GpFontFamily)); if (!ffamily) return OutOfMemory; hdc = GetDC(0); lstrcpynW(lfw.lfFaceName, name, sizeof(WCHAR) * LF_FACESIZE); hFont = CreateFontIndirectW (&lfw); hfont_old = SelectObject(hdc, hFont); GetTextMetricsW(hdc, &ffamily->tmw); DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, hfont_old)); ffamily->FamilyName = GdipAlloc(LF_FACESIZE * sizeof (WCHAR)); if (!ffamily->FamilyName) { GdipFree(ffamily); ReleaseDC(0, hdc); return OutOfMemory; } lstrcpynW(ffamily->FamilyName, name, sizeof(WCHAR) * LF_FACESIZE); *FontFamily = ffamily; ReleaseDC(0, hdc); return Ok; } /******************************************************************************* * GdipGetFamilyName [GDIPLUS.@] * * Returns the family name into name * * PARAMS * *family [I] Family to retrieve from * *name [O] WCHARS of the family name * LANGID [I] charset * * RETURNS * SUCCESS: Ok * FAILURE: InvalidParameter if family is NULL * * NOTES * If name is a NULL ptr, then both XP and Vista will crash (so we do as well) */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetFamilyName (GDIPCONST GpFontFamily *family, WCHAR *name, LANGID language) { if (family == NULL) return InvalidParameter; TRACE("%p, %p, %d\n", family, name, language); if (language != LANG_NEUTRAL) FIXME("No support for handling of multiple languages!\n"); lstrcpynW (name, family->FamilyName, LF_FACESIZE); return Ok; } /***************************************************************************** * GdipDeleteFontFamily [GDIPLUS.@] * * Removes the specified FontFamily * * PARAMS * *FontFamily [I] The family to delete * * RETURNS * SUCCESS: Ok * FAILURE: InvalidParameter if FontFamily is NULL. * */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipDeleteFontFamily(GpFontFamily *FontFamily) { if (!FontFamily) return InvalidParameter; TRACE("Deleting %p (%s)\n", FontFamily, debugstr_w(FontFamily->FamilyName)); if (FontFamily->FamilyName) GdipFree (FontFamily->FamilyName); GdipFree (FontFamily); return Ok; } /***************************************************************************** * GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace [GDIPLUS.@] * * Obtains a serif family (Courier New on Windows) * * PARAMS * **nativeFamily [I] Where the font will be stored * * RETURNS * InvalidParameter if nativeFamily is NULL. * Ok otherwise. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetGenericFontFamilyMonospace(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily) { static const WCHAR CourierNew[] = {'C','o','u','r','i','e','r',' ','N','e','w','\0'}; if (nativeFamily == NULL) return InvalidParameter; return GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(CourierNew, NULL, nativeFamily); } /***************************************************************************** * GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif [GDIPLUS.@] * * Obtains a serif family (Times New Roman on Windows) * * PARAMS * **nativeFamily [I] Where the font will be stored * * RETURNS * InvalidParameter if nativeFamily is NULL. * Ok otherwise. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetGenericFontFamilySerif(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily) { static const WCHAR TimesNewRoman[] = {'T','i','m','e','s',' ','N','e','w',' ','R','o','m','a','n','\0'}; if (nativeFamily == NULL) return InvalidParameter; return GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(TimesNewRoman, NULL, nativeFamily); } /***************************************************************************** * GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif [GDIPLUS.@] * * Obtains a serif family (Microsoft Sans Serif on Windows) * * PARAMS * **nativeFamily [I] Where the font will be stored * * RETURNS * InvalidParameter if nativeFamily is NULL. * Ok otherwise. */ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipGetGenericFontFamilySansSerif(GpFontFamily **nativeFamily) { /* FIXME: On Windows this is called Microsoft Sans Serif, this shouldn't * affect anything */ static const WCHAR MSSansSerif[] = {'M','S',' ','S','a','n','s',' ','S','e','r','i','f','\0'}; if (nativeFamily == NULL) return InvalidParameter; return GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(MSSansSerif, NULL, nativeFamily); }