/* * Copyright 2022 Ziqing Hui for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ import "d2d1_1.idl"; typedef enum D2D1_FILTER { D2D1_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_POINT = 0x00, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_MAG_POINT_MIP_LINEAR = 0x01, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_POINT_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT = 0x04, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_POINT_MAG_MIP_LINEAR = 0x05, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_LINEAR_MAG_MIP_POINT = 0x10, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_LINEAR_MAG_POINT_MIP_LINEAR = 0x11, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT = 0x14, D2D1_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR = 0x15, D2D1_FILTER_ANISOTROPIC = 0x55, D2D1_FILTER_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_FILTER; typedef enum D2D1_FEATURE { D2D1_FEATURE_DOUBLES = 0x0, D2D1_FEATURE_D3D10_X_HARDWARE_OPTIONS = 0x1, D2D1_FEATURE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_FEATURE; typedef enum D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH { D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH_DEFAULT = 0x0, D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH_1 = 0x1, D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH_4 = 0x4, D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH; typedef enum D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE { D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE_PROPERTIES = 0x1, D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE_CONTEXT = 0x2, D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE_GRAPH = 0x3, D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE; typedef enum D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS { D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS_TRIVIAL_SAMPLING = 0x1, D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS { D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_NONE = 0x0, D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_DO_NOT_CLEAR = 0x1, D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_USE_DEPTH_BUFFER = 0x2, D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_ASSUME_NO_OVERLAP = 0x4, D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS; typedef enum D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE { D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE_STATIC = 0x0, D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE_DYNAMIC = 0x1, D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE; typedef enum D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION { D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_ADD = 0x1, D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_SUBTRACT = 0x2, D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_REV_SUBTRACT = 0x3, D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_MIN = 0x4, D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_MAX = 0x5, D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION; typedef enum D2D1_BLEND { D2D1_BLEND_ZERO = 1, D2D1_BLEND_ONE = 2, D2D1_BLEND_SRC_COLOR = 3, D2D1_BLEND_INV_SRC_COLOR = 4, D2D1_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA = 5, D2D1_BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA = 6, D2D1_BLEND_DEST_ALPHA = 7, D2D1_BLEND_INV_DEST_ALPHA = 8, D2D1_BLEND_DEST_COLOR = 9, D2D1_BLEND_INV_DEST_COLOR = 10, D2D1_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SAT = 11, D2D1_BLEND_BLEND_FACTOR = 14, D2D1_BLEND_INV_BLEND_FACTOR = 15, D2D1_BLEND_FORCE_DWORD = 0xffffffff } D2D1_BLEND; typedef struct D2D1_INPUT_DESCRIPTION { D2D1_FILTER filter; UINT32 levelOfDetailCount; } D2D1_INPUT_DESCRIPTION; typedef struct D2D1_VERTEX_RANGE { UINT32 startVertex; UINT32 vertexCount; } D2D1_VERTEX_RANGE; typedef struct D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION { D2D1_BLEND sourceBlend; D2D1_BLEND destinationBlend; D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION blendOperation; D2D1_BLEND sourceBlendAlpha; D2D1_BLEND destinationBlendAlpha; D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION blendOperationAlpha; float blendFactor[4]; } D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION; typedef struct D2D1_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_PROPERTIES { const UINT32 *extents; UINT32 dimensions; D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION bufferPrecision; D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH channelDepth; D2D1_FILTER filter; const D2D1_EXTEND_MODE *extendModes; } D2D1_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_PROPERTIES; typedef struct D2D1_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC { const char *semanticName; UINT32 semanticIndex; DXGI_FORMAT format; UINT32 inputSlot; UINT32 alignedByteOffset; } D2D1_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC; typedef struct D2D1_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES { UINT32 inputCount; D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE usage; const BYTE *data; UINT32 byteWidth; } D2D1_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES; typedef struct D2D1_CUSTOM_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES { const BYTE *shaderBufferWithInputSignature; UINT32 shaderBufferSize; const D2D1_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC *inputElements; UINT32 elementCount; UINT32 stride; } D2D1_CUSTOM_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES; [ object, uuid(9b8b1336-00a5-4668-92b7-ced5d8bf9b7b), local, ] interface ID2D1VertexBuffer : IUnknown { HRESULT Map( [out] BYTE **data, [in] UINT32 size ); HRESULT Unmap(); } [ object, uuid(688d15c3-02b0-438d-b13a-d1b44c32c39a), local, ] interface ID2D1ResourceTexture : IUnknown { HRESULT Update( [in] const UINT32 *min_extents, [in] const UINT32 *max_extents, [in] const UINT32 *strides, [in] UINT32 dimensions, [in] const BYTE *data, [in] UINT32 data_size ); } [ object, uuid(519ae1bd-d19a-420d-b849-364f594776b7), local, ] interface ID2D1RenderInfo : IUnknown { HRESULT SetInputDescription( [in] UINT32 index, [in] D2D1_INPUT_DESCRIPTION description ); HRESULT SetOutputBuffer( [in] D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION precision, [in] D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH depth ); void SetCached( [in] BOOL is_cached ); void SetInstructionCountHint( [in] UINT32 count ); } [ object, uuid(693ce632-7f2f-45de-93fe-18d88b37aa21), local, ] interface ID2D1DrawInfo : ID2D1RenderInfo { HRESULT SetPixelShaderConstantBuffer( [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 size ); HRESULT SetResourceTexture( [in] UINT32 index, [in] ID2D1ResourceTexture *texture ); HRESULT SetVertexShaderConstantBuffer( [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 size ); HRESULT SetPixelShader( [in] REFGUID id, [in] D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS options ); HRESULT SetVertexProcessing( [in, optional] ID2D1VertexBuffer *buffer, [in] D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS options, [in, optional] const D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION *description, [in, optional] const D2D1_VERTEX_RANGE *range, [in, optional] const GUID *shader ); } [ object, uuid(5598b14b-9fd7-48b7-9bdb-8f0964eb38bc), local, ] interface ID2D1ComputeInfo : ID2D1RenderInfo { HRESULT SetComputeShaderconstantBuffer( [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 size ); HRESULT SetComputeShader( [in] REFGUID id ); HRESULT SetResourceTexture( [in] UINT32 index, [in] ID2D1ResourceTexture *texture ); } [ object, uuid(b2efe1e7-729f-4102-949f-505fa21bf666), local, ] interface ID2D1TransformNode : IUnknown { UINT32 GetInputCount(); } [ object, uuid(13d29038-c3e6-4034-9081-13b53a417992), local, ] interface ID2D1TransformGraph : IUnknown { UINT32 GetInputCount(); HRESULT SetSingleTransformNode( [in] ID2D1TransformNode *node ); HRESULT AddNode( [in] ID2D1TransformNode *node ); HRESULT RemoveNode( [in] ID2D1TransformNode *node ); HRESULT SetOutputNode( [in] ID2D1TransformNode *node ); HRESULT ConnectNode( [in] ID2D1TransformNode *from_node, [in] ID2D1TransformNode *to_node, [in] UINT32 index ); HRESULT ConnectToEffectInput( [in] UINT32 input_index, [in] ID2D1TransformNode *node, [in] UINT32 node_index ); void Clear(); HRESULT SetPassthroughGraph( [in] UINT32 index ); } [ object, uuid(ef1a287d-342a-4f76-8fdb-da0d6ea9f92b), local, ] interface ID2D1Transform : ID2D1TransformNode { HRESULT MapOutputRectToInputRects( [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *output_rect, [out] D2D1_RECT_L *input_rects, [in] UINT32 input_rects_count ); HRESULT MapInputRectsToOutputRect( [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *input_rects, [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *input_opaque_rects, [in] UINT32 input_rect_count, [out] D2D1_RECT_L *output_rect, [out] D2D1_RECT_L *output_opaque_rect ); HRESULT MapInvalidRect( [in] UINT32 index, [in] D2D1_RECT_L input_rect, [out] D2D1_RECT_L *output_rect ); } [ object, uuid(36bfdcb6-9739-435d-a30d-a653beff6a6f), local, ] interface ID2D1DrawTransform : ID2D1Transform { HRESULT SetDrawInfo( [in] ID2D1DrawInfo *info ); } [ object, uuid(0d85573c-01e3-4f7d-bfd9-0d60608bf3c3), local, ] interface ID2D1ComputeTransform : ID2D1Transform { HRESULT SetComputeInfo( [in] ID2D1ComputeInfo *info ); HRESULT CalculateThreadgroups( [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *output_rect, [out] UINT32 *dimension_x, [out] UINT32 *dimension_y, [out] UINT32 *dimension_z ); } [ object, uuid(0359dc30-95e6-4568-9055-27720d130e93), local, ] interface ID2D1AnalysisTransform : IUnknown { HRESULT ProcessAnalysisResults( [in] const BYTE *data, [in] UINT32 size ); } [ object, uuid(db1800dd-0c34-4cf9-be90-31cc0a5653e1), local, ] interface ID2D1SourceTransform : ID2D1Transform { HRESULT SetRenderInfo( [in] ID2D1RenderInfo *info ); HRESULT Draw( [in] ID2D1Bitmap1 *target, [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *draw_rect, [in] D2D1_POINT_2U target_origin ); } [ object, uuid(1a799d8a-69f7-4e4c-9fed-437ccc6684cc), local, ] interface ID2D1ConcreteTransform : ID2D1TransformNode { HRESULT SetOutputBuffer( [in] D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION precision, [in] D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH depth ); void SetCached( [in] BOOL is_cached ); } [ object, uuid(63ac0b32-ba44-450f-8806-7f4ca1ff2f1b), local, ] interface ID2D1BlendTransform : ID2D1ConcreteTransform { void SetDescription( [in] const D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION *description ); void GetDescription( [out] D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION *description ); } [ object, uuid(4998735c-3a19-473c-9781-656847e3a347), local, ] interface ID2D1BorderTransform : ID2D1ConcreteTransform { void SetExtendModeX( [in] D2D1_EXTEND_MODE mode ); void SetExtendModeY( [in] D2D1_EXTEND_MODE mode ); D2D1_EXTEND_MODE GetExtendModeX(); D2D1_EXTEND_MODE GetExtendModeY(); } [ object, uuid(3fe6adea-7643-4f53-bd14-a0ce63f24042), local, ] interface ID2D1OffsetTransform : ID2D1TransformNode { void SetOffset( [in] D2D1_POINT_2L offset ); D2D1_POINT_2L GetOffset(); } [ object, uuid(90f732e2-5092-4606-a819-8651970baccd), local, ] interface ID2D1BoundsAdjustmentTransform : ID2D1TransformNode { void SetOutputBounds( [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *bounds ); void GetOutputBounds( [out] D2D1_RECT_L *bounds ); } [ object, uuid(3d9f916b-27dc-4ad7-b4f1-64945340f563), local, ] interface ID2D1EffectContext : IUnknown { void GetDpi( [out] float *dpi_x, [out] float *dpi_y ); HRESULT CreateEffect( [in] REFCLSID clsid, [out] ID2D1Effect **effect ); HRESULT GetMaximumSupportedFeatureLevel( [in] const D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *levels, [in] UINT32 level_count, [out] D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL *max_level ); HRESULT CreateTransformNodeFromEffect( [in] ID2D1Effect *effect, [out] ID2D1TransformNode **node ); HRESULT CreateBlendTransform( [in] UINT32 num_inputs, [in] const D2D1_BLEND_DESCRIPTION *description, [out] ID2D1BlendTransform **transform ); HRESULT CreateBorderTransform( [in] D2D1_EXTEND_MODE mode_x, [in] D2D1_EXTEND_MODE mode_y, [out] ID2D1BorderTransform **transform ); HRESULT CreateOffsetTransform( [in] D2D1_POINT_2L offset, [out] ID2D1OffsetTransform **transform ); HRESULT CreateBoundsAdjustmentTransform( [in] const D2D1_RECT_L *output_rect, [out] ID2D1BoundsAdjustmentTransform **transform ); HRESULT LoadPixelShader( [in] REFGUID shader_id, [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 buffer_size ); HRESULT LoadVertexShader( [in] REFGUID shader_id, [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 buffer_size ); HRESULT LoadComputeShader( [in] REFGUID shader_id, [in] const BYTE *buffer, [in] UINT32 buffer_size ); BOOL IsShaderLoaded( [in] REFGUID shader_id ); HRESULT CreateResourceTexture( [in, optional] const GUID *id, [in] const D2D1_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_PROPERTIES *texture_properties, [in] const BYTE *data, [in] const UINT32 *strides, [in] UINT32 data_size, [out] ID2D1ResourceTexture **texture ); HRESULT FindResourceTexture( [in] const GUID *id, [out] ID2D1ResourceTexture **texture ); HRESULT CreateVertexBuffer( [in] const D2D1_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES *buffer_properties, [in, optional] const GUID *id, [in, optional] const D2D1_CUSTOM_VERTEX_BUFFER_PROPERTIES *custom_buffer_properties, [out] ID2D1VertexBuffer **buffer ); HRESULT FindVertexBuffer( [in] const GUID *id, [out] ID2D1VertexBuffer **buffer ); HRESULT CreateColorContext( [in] D2D1_COLOR_SPACE space, [in] const BYTE *profile, [in] UINT32 profile_size, [out] ID2D1ColorContext **color_context ); HRESULT CreateColorContextFromFilename( [in] const WCHAR *filename, [out] ID2D1ColorContext **color_context ); HRESULT CreateColorContextFromWicColorContext( [in] IWICColorContext *wic_color_context, [out] ID2D1ColorContext **color_context ); HRESULT CheckFeatureSupport( [in] D2D1_FEATURE feature, [out] void *data, [in] UINT32 data_size ); BOOL IsBufferPrecisionSupported( [in] D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION precision ); } [ object, uuid(a248fd3f-3e6c-4e63-9f03-7f68ecc91db9), local, ] interface ID2D1EffectImpl : IUnknown { HRESULT Initialize( [in] ID2D1EffectContext *context, [in] ID2D1TransformGraph *graph ); HRESULT PrepareForRender( [in] D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE type ); HRESULT SetGraph( [in] ID2D1TransformGraph *graph ); }