/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Maarten Lankhorst * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #if 0 #pragma makedep install #endif cpp_quote("#if 0") typedef DWORD IDirectDrawSurface7; typedef DWORD IDirectDraw7; typedef DWORD *LPBITMAPINFOHEADER; typedef DWORD *LPDDPIXELFORMAT; typedef struct { DWORD dw1, dw2; } DDCOLORKEY; cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#include <ddraw.h>") interface IVMRSurface; interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator; interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify; interface IVMRImagePresenter; interface IVMRImagePresenterNotify; interface IVMRWindowlessControl; interface IVMRMixerControl; interface IVMRMixerBitmap; interface IVMRFilterConfig; interface IVMRAspectRatioControl; interface IVMRDeinterlaceControl; interface IVMRMonitorConfig; interface IVMRImageCompositor; interface IVMRVideoStreamControl; typedef enum _VMRPresentationFlags { VMRSample_SyncPoint = 0x01, VMRSample_Preroll = 0x02, VMRSample_Discontinuity = 0x04, VMRSample_TimeValid = 0x08, VMRSample_SrcDstRectsValid = 0x10 } VMRPresentationFlags; typedef struct tagVMRPRESENTATIONINFO { DWORD dwFlags; IDirectDrawSurface7 *lpSurf; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtEnd; SIZE szAspectRatio; RECT rcSrc, rcDst; DWORD dwTypeSpecificFlags; DWORD dwInterlaceFlags; } VMRPRESENTATIONINFO; [ local, object, uuid(ce704fe7-e71e-41fb-baa2-c4403e1182f5), helpstring("IVMRImagePresenter interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRImagePresenter : IUnknown { HRESULT StartPresenting([in] DWORD_PTR id); HRESULT StopPresenting([in] DWORD_PTR id); HRESULT PresentImage([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] VMRPRESENTATIONINFO *info); } typedef enum _VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags { AMAP_PIXELFORMAT_VALID = 0x01, AMAP_3D_TARGET = 0x02, AMAP_ALLOW_SYSMEM = 0x04, AMAP_FORCE_SYSMEM = 0x08, AMAP_DIRECTED_FLIP = 0x10, AMAP_DXVA_TARGET = 0x20 } VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags; typedef struct tagVMRALLOCATIONINFO { DWORD dwFlags; LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpHdr; LPDDPIXELFORMAT lpPixFmt; SIZE szAspectRatio; DWORD dwMinBuffers; DWORD dwMaxBuffers; DWORD dwInterlaceFlags; SIZE szNativeSize; } VMRALLOCATIONINFO; [ local, object, uuid(31ce832e-4484-458b-8cca-f4d7e3db0b52), helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocator interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRSurfaceAllocator : IUnknown { HRESULT AllocateSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] VMRALLOCATIONINFO *allocinfo, [in, out] DWORD *buffers, IDirectDrawSurface7 **surface); HRESULT FreeSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id); HRESULT PrepareSurface([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *surface, [in] DWORD dwSurfaceFlags); HRESULT AdviseNotify([in] IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify *notify); } [ local, object, uuid(aada05a8-5a4e-4729-af0b-cea27aed51e2), helpstring("IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRSurfaceAllocatorNotify : IUnknown { HRESULT AdviseSurfaceAllocator([in] DWORD_PTR id, [in] IVMRSurfaceAllocator *allocator); HRESULT SetDDrawDevice([in] IDirectDraw7 *device, [in] HMONITOR monitor); HRESULT ChangeDDrawDevice([in] IDirectDraw7 *device, [in] HMONITOR monitor); HRESULT RestoreDDrawSurfaces(); HRESULT NotifyEvent([in] LONG EventCode, [in] LONG_PTR p1, [in] LONG_PTR p2); HRESULT SetBorderColor([in] COLORREF border); } typedef enum _VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { VMR_ARMODE_NONE, VMR_ARMODE_LETTER_BOX } VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE; [ local, object, uuid(0eb1088c-4dcd-46f0-878f-39dae86a51b7), helpstring("IVMRWindowlessControl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRWindowlessControl : IUnknown { HRESULT GetNativeVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height, [out] LONG *ar_width, [out] LONG *ar_height); HRESULT GetMinIdealVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height); HRESULT GetMaxIdealVideoSize([out] LONG *width, [out] LONG *height); HRESULT SetVideoPosition([in] const RECT *src_rect, [in] const RECT *dst_rect); HRESULT GetVideoPosition([out] RECT *src_rect, [out] RECT *dst_rect); HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode([out] DWORD *mode); HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode([in] DWORD mode); HRESULT SetVideoClippingWindow([in] HWND hwnd); HRESULT RepaintVideo([in] HWND hwnd, [in] HDC hdc); HRESULT DisplayModeChanged(); HRESULT GetCurrentImage([out] BYTE **data); HRESULT SetBorderColor([in] COLORREF border); HRESULT GetBorderColor([out] COLORREF *border); HRESULT SetColorKey([in] COLORREF key); HRESULT GetColorKey([out] COLORREF *key); } typedef enum _VMRMixerPrefs { MixerPref_NoDecimation = 0x0001, MixerPref_DecimateOutput = 0x0002, MixerPref_ARAdjustXorY = 0x0004, MixerPref_DecimationReserved = 0x0008, MixerPref_DecimateMask = 0x000f, MixerPref_BiLinearFiltering = 0x0010, MixerPref_PointFiltering = 0x0020, MixerPref_FinteringMask = 0x00f0, MixerPref_RenderTargetRGB = 0x0100, MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV = 0x1000, MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV420 = 0x0200, MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV422 = 0x0400, MixerPref_RenderTargetYUV444 = 0x0800, MixerPref_RenderTargetReserved = 0xe000, MixerPref_RenderTargetMask = 0xff00, MixerPref_DynamicSwitchToBOB = 0x10000, MixerPref_DynamicDecimateBy2 = 0x20000, MixerPref_DynamicReserved = 0xc0000, MixerPref_DynamicMask = 0xf0000 } VMRMixerPrefs; typedef struct _NORMALIZEDRECT { FLOAT left, top, right, bottom; } NORMALIZEDRECT; [ local, object, uuid(1c1a17b0-bed0-415d-974b-dc6696131599), helpstring("IVMRMixerControl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRMixerControl : IUnknown { HRESULT SetAlpha([in] DWORD id, [in] FLOAT alpha); HRESULT GetAlpha([in] DWORD id, [out] FLOAT *alpha); HRESULT SetZOrder([in] DWORD id, [in] DWORD z); HRESULT GetZOrder([in] DWORD id, [out] DWORD *z); HRESULT SetOutputRect([in] DWORD id, [in] const NORMALIZEDRECT *rect); HRESULT SetBackgroundClr([in] COLORREF background); HRESULT GetBackgroundClr([out] COLORREF *background); HRESULT SetMixingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs); HRESULT GetMixingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs); } typedef struct tagVMRGUID { struct _GUID *pGUID, GUID; } VMRGUID; #define VMRDEVICENAMELEN 32 #define VMRDEVICEDESCRIPTIONLEN 256 typedef struct tagVMRMONITORINFO { VMRGUID guid; RECT rcMonitor; HMONITOR hMon; DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR szDevice[VMRDEVICENAMELEN]; WCHAR szDescription[VMRDEVICEDESCRIPTIONLEN]; LARGE_INTEGER liDriverVersion; DWORD dwVendorId; DWORD dwDeviceId; DWORD dwSubSysId; DWORD dwRevision; } VMRMONITORINFO; [ local, object, uuid(9cf0b1b6-fbaa-4b7f-88cf-cf1f130a0dce), helpstring("IVMRMonitorConfig interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRMonitorConfig : IUnknown { HRESULT SetMonitor([in] const VMRGUID *vmrguid); HRESULT GetMonitor([out] VMRGUID *vmrguid); HRESULT SetDefaultMonitor([in] const VMRGUID *vmrguid); HRESULT GetDefaultMonitor([out] VMRGUID *vmrguid); HRESULT GetAvailableMonitors([out, size_is(array_size)] VMRMONITORINFO *info, [in] DWORD array_size, [out] DWORD *retrieved); } typedef enum _VMRRenderPrefs { RenderPrefs_RestrictToInitialMonitor = 0x00, RenderPrefs_ForceOffScreen = 0x01, RenderPrefs_ForceOverlays = 0x02, RenderPrefs_AllowOverlays = 0x00, RenderPrefs_AllowOffscreen = 0x00, RenderPrefs_DoNotRenderColorKeyAndBorder = 0x08, RenderPrefs_Reserved = 0x10, RenderPrefs_PreferAGPMemWhenMixing = 0x20, RenderPrefs_Mask = 0x3f } VMRRenderPrefs; typedef enum _VMRMode { VMRMode_Windowed = 0x1, VMRMode_Windowless = 0x2, VMRMode_Renderless = 0x4, VMRMode_Mask = 0x7 } VMRMode; enum { MAX_NUMBER_OF_STREAMS = 16 }; [ local, object, uuid(9e5530c5-7034-48b4-bb46-0b8a6efc8e36), helpstring("IVMRFilterConfig interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRFilterConfig : IUnknown { HRESULT SetImageCompositor([in] IVMRImageCompositor *compositor); HRESULT SetNumberOfStreams([in] DWORD streams); HRESULT GetNumberOfStreams([out] DWORD *streams); HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs); HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs); HRESULT SetRenderingMode([in] DWORD mode); HRESULT GetRenderingMode([out] DWORD *mode); } [ local, object, uuid(ede80b5c-bad6-4623-b537-65586c9f8dfd), helpstring("IVMRAspectRatioControl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRAspectRatioControl : IUnknown { HRESULT GetAspectRatioMode([out] DWORD *armode); HRESULT SetAspectRatioMode([in] DWORD armode); } typedef enum _VMRDeinterlacePrefs { DeinterlacePref_NextBest = 0x1, DeinterlacePref_BOB = 0x2, DeinterlacePref_Weave = 0x4, DeinterlacePref_Mask = 0x7 } VMRDeinterlacePrefs; typedef enum _VMRDeinterlaceTech { DeinterlaceTech_Unknown = 0x00, DeinterlaceTech_BOBLineReplicate = 0x01, DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch = 0x02, DeinterlaceTech_MedianFiltering = 0x04, DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering = 0x08, DeinterlaceTech_FieldAdaptive = 0x10, DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive = 0x20, DeinterlaceTech_MotionVectorSteered = 0x80 } VMRDeinterlaceTech; typedef struct _VMRFrequency { DWORD dwNumerator, dwDenominator; } VMRFrequency; typedef struct _VMRVideoDesc { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwSampleWidth; DWORD dwSampleHeight; BOOL SingleFieldPerSample; DWORD dwFourCC; VMRFrequency InputSampleFreq; VMRFrequency OutputFrameFreq; } VMRVideoDesc; typedef struct _VMRDeinterlaceCaps { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwNumPreviousOutputFrames; DWORD dwNumForwardRefSamples; DWORD dwNumBackwardRefSamples; VMRDeinterlaceTech DeinterlaceTechnology; } VMRDeinterlaceCaps; [ local, object, uuid(bb057577-0db8-4e6a-87a7-1a8c9a505a0f), helpstring("IVMRDeinterlaceControl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRDeinterlaceControl : IUnknown { HRESULT GetNumberOfDeinterlaceModes([in] VMRVideoDesc *desc, [in, out] DWORD *num_modes, [out] GUID *modes); HRESULT GetDeinterlaceModeCaps([in] GUID *mode, [in] VMRVideoDesc *desc, [in, out] VMRDeinterlaceCaps *caps); HRESULT GetDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [out] GUID *mode); HRESULT SetDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [in] GUID *mode); HRESULT GetDeinterlacePrefs([out] DWORD *prefs); HRESULT SetDeinterlacePrefs([in] DWORD prefs); HRESULT GetActualDeinterlaceMode([in] DWORD id, [out] GUID *mode); } typedef struct _VMRALPHABITMAP { DWORD dwFlags; HDC hdc; IDirectDrawSurface7 *pDDS; RECT rSrc; RECT rDest; FLOAT fAlpha; COLORREF clrSrcKey; } VMRALPHABITMAP, *PVMRALPHABITMAP; cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_DISABLE (0x01)") cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_HDC (0x02)") cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_ENTIREDDS (0x04)") cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_SRCCOLORKEY (0x08)") cpp_quote("#define VMRBITMAP_SRCRECT (0x10)") [ local, object, uuid(1e673275-0257-40aa-af20-7c608d4a0428), helpstring("IVMRMixerBitmap interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRMixerBitmap : IUnknown { HRESULT SetAlphaBitmap([in] const VMRALPHABITMAP *params); HRESULT UpdateAlphaBitmapParameters([in] VMRALPHABITMAP *params); HRESULT GetAlphaBitmapParameters([out] VMRALPHABITMAP *params); } typedef struct _VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO { IDirectDrawSurface7 *pddsVideoSurface; DWORD dwWidth; DWORD dwHeight; DWORD dwStrmID; FLOAT fAlpha; DDCOLORKEY ddClrKey; NORMALIZEDRECT rNormal; } VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO; [ local, object, uuid(7a4fb5af-479f-4074-bb40-ce6722e43c82), helpstring("IVMRImageCompositor interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRImageCompositor : IUnknown { HRESULT InitCompositionTarget([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget); HRESULT TermCompositionTarget([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget); HRESULT SetStreamMediaType([in] DWORD id, [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt, [in] BOOL texture); HRESULT CompositeImage([in] IUnknown *d3ddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *rendertarget, [in] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt, [in] REFERENCE_TIME start, [in] REFERENCE_TIME stop, [in] DWORD backgrnd, [in] VMRVIDEOSTREAMINFO *info, [in] UINT streams); } [ local, object, uuid(058d1f11-2a54-4bef-bd54-df706626b727), helpstring("IVMRVideoStreamControl interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRVideoStreamControl : IUnknown { HRESULT SetColorKey([in] DDCOLORKEY *key); HRESULT GetColorKey([out] DDCOLORKEY *key); HRESULT SetStreamActiveState([in] BOOL active); HRESULT GetStreamActiveState([out] BOOL *active); } [ local, object, uuid(9f3a1c85-8555-49ba-935f-be5b5b29d178), helpstring("IVMRImagePresenterConfig interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRImagePresenterConfig : IUnknown { HRESULT SetRenderingPrefs([in] DWORD prefs); HRESULT GetRenderingPrefs([out] DWORD *prefs); } [ local, object, uuid(e6f7ce40-4673-44f1-8f77-5499d68cb4ea), helpstring("IVMRImagePresenterExclModeConfig interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVMRImagePresenterExclModeConfig : IVMRImagePresenterConfig { HRESULT SetXlcModeDDObjAndPrimarySurface([in] IDirectDraw7 *dddev, [in] IDirectDrawSurface7 *ddsurface); HRESULT GetXlcModeDDObjAndPrimarySurface([out] IDirectDraw7 **dddev, [out] IDirectDrawSurface7 **ddsurface); } [ local, object, uuid(aac18c18-e186-46d2-825d-a1f8dc8e395a), helpstring("IVPManager interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IVPManager : IUnknown { HRESULT SetVideoPortIndex([in] DWORD index); HRESULT GetVideoPortIndex([out] DWORD *index); }