/* * Copyright 2011 Jacek Caban for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ %{ #include "vbscript.h" #include "parse.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(vbscript); #define YYLEX_PARAM ctx #define YYPARSE_PARAM ctx static int parser_error(const char*); static void parse_complete(parser_ctx_t*,BOOL); static void source_add_statement(parser_ctx_t*,statement_t*); static void *new_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_type_t,size_t); static expression_t *new_bool_expression(parser_ctx_t*,VARIANT_BOOL); static expression_t *new_string_expression(parser_ctx_t*,const WCHAR*); static expression_t *new_long_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_type_t,LONG); static expression_t *new_double_expression(parser_ctx_t*,double); static expression_t *new_unary_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_type_t,expression_t*); static expression_t *new_binary_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_type_t,expression_t*,expression_t*); static member_expression_t *new_member_expression(parser_ctx_t*,expression_t*,const WCHAR*); static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t*,member_expression_t*); #define CHECK_ERROR if(((parser_ctx_t*)ctx)->hres != S_OK) YYABORT %} %pure_parser %start Program %union { const WCHAR *string; statement_t *statement; expression_t *expression; member_expression_t *member; LONG lng; BOOL bool; double dbl; } %token tEOF tNL tREM tEMPTYBRACKETS %token tTRUE tFALSE %token tNOT tAND tOR tXOR tEQV tIMP tNEQ %token tIS tLTEQ tGTEQ tMOD %token tCALL tDIM tSUB tFUNCTION tPROPERTY tGET tLET %token tIF tELSE tELSEIF tEND tTHEN tEXIT %token tWHILE tWEND tDO tLOOP tUNTIL %token tBYREF tBYVAL %token tOPTION tEXPLICIT %token tSTOP %token tNOTHING tEMPTY tNULL %token tCLASS tSET tNEW tPUBLIC tPRIVATE tDEFAULT tME %token tERROR tNEXT tON tRESUME tGOTO %token tIdentifier tString %token tLong tShort %token tDouble %type Statement StatementNl %type Expression LiteralExpression PrimaryExpression EqualityExpression CallExpression %type ConcatExpression AdditiveExpression ModExpression %type NotExpression UnaryExpression %type MemberExpression %type Arguments_opt ArgumentList_opt ArgumentList %type OptionExplicit_opt %% Program : OptionExplicit_opt SourceElements tEOF { parse_complete(ctx, $1); } OptionExplicit_opt : /* empty */ { $$ = FALSE; } | tOPTION tEXPLICIT tNL { $$ = TRUE; } SourceElements : /* empty */ | SourceElements StatementNl { source_add_statement(ctx, $2); } StatementNl : Statement tNL { $$ = $1; } Statement : MemberExpression ArgumentList_opt { $1->args = $2; $$ = new_call_statement(ctx, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } | tCALL MemberExpression Arguments_opt { $2->args = $3; $$ = new_call_statement(ctx, $2); CHECK_ERROR; } MemberExpression : tIdentifier { $$ = new_member_expression(ctx, NULL, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } /* FIXME: MemberExpressionArgs '.' tIdentifier */ Arguments_opt : EmptyBrackets_opt { $$ = NULL; } | '(' ArgumentList ')' { $$ = $2; } ArgumentList_opt : EmptyBrackets_opt { $$ = NULL; } | ArgumentList { $$ = $1; } ArgumentList : Expression { $$ = $1; } | Expression ',' ArgumentList { $1->next = $3; $$ = $1; } EmptyBrackets_opt : /* empty */ | tEMPTYBRACKETS Expression : NotExpression { $$ = $1; } NotExpression : EqualityExpression { $$ = $1; } | tNOT NotExpression { $$ = new_unary_expression(ctx, EXPR_NOT, $2); CHECK_ERROR; } EqualityExpression : ConcatExpression { $$ = $1; } | EqualityExpression '=' ConcatExpression { $$ = new_binary_expression(ctx, EXPR_EQUAL, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; } | EqualityExpression tNEQ ConcatExpression { $$ = new_binary_expression(ctx, EXPR_NEQUAL, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; } ConcatExpression : AdditiveExpression { $$ = $1; } | ConcatExpression '&' AdditiveExpression { $$ = new_binary_expression(ctx, EXPR_CONCAT, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; } AdditiveExpression : ModExpression { $$ = $1; } | AdditiveExpression '+' ModExpression { $$ = new_binary_expression(ctx, EXPR_ADD, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; } | AdditiveExpression '-' ModExpression { $$ = new_binary_expression(ctx, EXPR_SUB, $1, $3); CHECK_ERROR; } ModExpression : UnaryExpression /* FIXME */ { $$ = $1; } UnaryExpression : LiteralExpression { $$ = $1; } | CallExpression { $$ = $1; } | '-' UnaryExpression { $$ = new_unary_expression(ctx, EXPR_NEG, $2); CHECK_ERROR; } CallExpression : PrimaryExpression { $$ = $1; } | MemberExpression Arguments_opt { $1->args = $2; $$ = &$1->expr; } LiteralExpression : tTRUE { $$ = new_bool_expression(ctx, VARIANT_TRUE); CHECK_ERROR; } | tFALSE { $$ = new_bool_expression(ctx, VARIANT_FALSE); CHECK_ERROR; } | tString { $$ = new_string_expression(ctx, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } | tShort { $$ = new_long_expression(ctx, EXPR_USHORT, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } | '0' { $$ = new_long_expression(ctx, EXPR_USHORT, 0); CHECK_ERROR; } | tLong { $$ = new_long_expression(ctx, EXPR_ULONG, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } | tDouble { $$ = new_double_expression(ctx, $1); CHECK_ERROR; } | tEMPTY { $$ = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_EMPTY, 0); CHECK_ERROR; } | tNULL { $$ = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_NULL, 0); CHECK_ERROR; } PrimaryExpression : '(' Expression ')' { $$ = $2; } %% static int parser_error(const char *str) { return 0; } static void source_add_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_t *stat) { if(ctx->stats) { ctx->stats_tail->next = stat; ctx->stats_tail = stat; }else { ctx->stats = ctx->stats_tail = stat; } } static void parse_complete(parser_ctx_t *ctx, BOOL option_explicit) { ctx->parse_complete = TRUE; ctx->option_explicit = option_explicit; } static void *new_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_type_t type, size_t size) { expression_t *expr; expr = parser_alloc(ctx, size ? size : sizeof(*expr)); if(expr) { expr->type = type; expr->next = NULL; } return expr; } static expression_t *new_bool_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, VARIANT_BOOL value) { bool_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_BOOL, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->value = value; return &expr->expr; } static expression_t *new_string_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *value) { string_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_STRING, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->value = value; return &expr->expr; } static expression_t *new_long_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_type_t type, LONG value) { int_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, type, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->value = value; return &expr->expr; } static expression_t *new_double_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, double value) { double_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_DOUBLE, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->value = value; return &expr->expr; } static expression_t *new_unary_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_type_t type, expression_t *subexpr) { unary_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, type, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->subexpr = subexpr; return &expr->expr; } static expression_t *new_binary_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_type_t type, expression_t *left, expression_t *right) { binary_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, type, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->left = left; expr->right = right; return &expr->expr; } static member_expression_t *new_member_expression(parser_ctx_t *ctx, expression_t *obj_expr, const WCHAR *identifier) { member_expression_t *expr; expr = new_expression(ctx, EXPR_MEMBER, sizeof(*expr)); if(!expr) return NULL; expr->obj_expr = obj_expr; expr->identifier = identifier; expr->args = NULL; return expr; } static void *new_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, statement_type_t type, unsigned size) { statement_t *stat; stat = parser_alloc(ctx, size); if(stat) { stat->type = type; stat->next = NULL; } return stat; } static statement_t *new_call_statement(parser_ctx_t *ctx, member_expression_t *expr) { call_statement_t *stat; stat = new_statement(ctx, STAT_CALL, sizeof(*stat)); if(!stat) return NULL; stat->expr = expr; return &stat->stat; } void *parser_alloc(parser_ctx_t *ctx, size_t size) { void *ret; ret = vbsheap_alloc(&ctx->heap, size); if(!ret) ctx->hres = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return ret; } HRESULT parse_script(parser_ctx_t *ctx, const WCHAR *code) { ctx->code = ctx->ptr = code; ctx->end = ctx->code + strlenW(ctx->code); vbsheap_init(&ctx->heap); ctx->parse_complete = FALSE; ctx->hres = S_OK; ctx->last_token = tNL; ctx->last_nl = 0; ctx->stats = ctx->stats_tail = NULL; ctx->option_explicit = FALSE; parser_parse(ctx); if(FAILED(ctx->hres)) return ctx->hres; if(!ctx->parse_complete) { FIXME("parser failed on parsing %s\n", debugstr_w(ctx->ptr)); return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; } void parser_release(parser_ctx_t *ctx) { vbsheap_free(&ctx->heap); }