/* * Task dialog control * * Copyright 2017 Fabian Maurer * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA * */ #include #include #include #define NONAMELESSUNION #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "commctrl.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "comctl32.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(taskdialog); static const UINT DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH = 240; static const UINT DIALOG_SPACING = 5; static const UINT DIALOG_BUTTON_WIDTH = 50; static const UINT DIALOG_BUTTON_HEIGHT = 14; static const UINT DIALOG_TIMER_MS = 200; static const UINT ID_TIMER = 1; struct taskdialog_info { HWND hwnd; const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig; DWORD last_timer_tick; HFONT font; HFONT main_instruction_font; /* Control handles */ HWND main_instruction; HWND content; HWND *buttons; INT button_count; HWND default_button; /* Dialog metrics */ struct { LONG x_baseunit; LONG y_baseunit; LONG h_spacing; LONG v_spacing; } m; }; struct button_layout_info { LONG width; LONG line; }; static void taskdialog_du_to_px(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, LONG *width, LONG *height) { if (width) *width = MulDiv(*width, dialog_info->m.x_baseunit, 4); if (height) *height = MulDiv(*height, dialog_info->m.y_baseunit, 8); } static void template_write_data(char **ptr, const void *src, unsigned int size) { memcpy(*ptr, src, size); *ptr += size; } static unsigned int taskdialog_get_reference_rect(const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig, RECT *ret) { HMONITOR monitor = MonitorFromWindow(taskconfig->hwndParent ? taskconfig->hwndParent : GetActiveWindow(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); MONITORINFO info; info.cbSize = sizeof(info); GetMonitorInfoW(monitor, &info); if (taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_POSITION_RELATIVE_TO_WINDOW && taskconfig->hwndParent) GetWindowRect(taskconfig->hwndParent, ret); else *ret = info.rcWork; return info.rcWork.right - info.rcWork.left; } static WCHAR *taskdialog_get_exe_name(WCHAR *name, DWORD length) { DWORD len = GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, name, length); if (len && len < length) { WCHAR *p; if ((p = strrchrW(name, '/'))) name = p + 1; if ((p = strrchrW(name, '\\'))) name = p + 1; return name; } else return NULL; } static DLGTEMPLATE *create_taskdialog_template(const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig) { unsigned int size, title_size; static const WORD fontsize = 0x7fff; static const WCHAR emptyW[] = { 0 }; const WCHAR *titleW = NULL; DLGTEMPLATE *template; WCHAR pathW[MAX_PATH]; char *ptr; /* Window title */ if (!taskconfig->pszWindowTitle) titleW = taskdialog_get_exe_name(pathW, ARRAY_SIZE(pathW)); else if (IS_INTRESOURCE(taskconfig->pszWindowTitle)) { if (!LoadStringW(taskconfig->hInstance, LOWORD(taskconfig->pszWindowTitle), (WCHAR *)&titleW, 0)) titleW = taskdialog_get_exe_name(pathW, ARRAY_SIZE(pathW)); } else titleW = taskconfig->pszWindowTitle; if (!titleW) titleW = emptyW; title_size = (strlenW(titleW) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); size = sizeof(DLGTEMPLATE) + 2 * sizeof(WORD); size += title_size; size += 2; /* font size */ template = Alloc(size); if (!template) return NULL; template->style = DS_MODALFRAME | DS_SETFONT | WS_CAPTION | WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU; if (taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_CAN_BE_MINIMIZED) template->style |= WS_MINIMIZEBOX; if (!(taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_NO_SET_FOREGROUND)) template->style |= DS_SETFOREGROUND; if (taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_RTL_LAYOUT) template->dwExtendedStyle = WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL | WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING; ptr = (char *)(template + 1); ptr += 2; /* menu */ ptr += 2; /* class */ template_write_data(&ptr, titleW, title_size); template_write_data(&ptr, &fontsize, sizeof(fontsize)); return template; } static HRESULT taskdialog_notify(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, UINT notification, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; return taskconfig->pfCallback ? taskconfig->pfCallback(dialog_info->hwnd, notification, wparam, lparam, taskconfig->lpCallbackData) : S_OK; } static void taskdialog_on_button_click(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, WORD command_id) { if (taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_BUTTON_CLICKED, command_id, 0) == S_OK) EndDialog(dialog_info->hwnd, command_id); } static WCHAR *taskdialog_gettext(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, BOOL user_resource, const WCHAR *text) { const WCHAR *textW = NULL; INT length; WCHAR *ret; if (IS_INTRESOURCE(text)) { if (!(length = LoadStringW(user_resource ? dialog_info->taskconfig->hInstance : COMCTL32_hModule, (UINT_PTR)text, (WCHAR *)&textW, 0))) return NULL; } else { textW = text; length = strlenW(textW); } ret = Alloc((length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (ret) memcpy(ret, textW, length * sizeof(WCHAR)); return ret; } static void taskdialog_get_label_size(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, HWND hwnd, LONG max_width, SIZE *size) { DWORD style = DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_CALCRECT | DT_WORDBREAK; HFONT hfont, old_hfont; HDC hdc; RECT rect = {0}; WCHAR text[1024]; INT text_length; if (dialog_info->taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_RTL_LAYOUT) style |= DT_RIGHT | DT_RTLREADING; else style |= DT_LEFT; hfont = (HFONT)SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); text_length = GetWindowTextW(hwnd, text, ARRAY_SIZE(text)); hdc = GetDC(hwnd); old_hfont = SelectObject(hdc, hfont); rect.right = max_width; size->cy = DrawTextW(hdc, text, text_length, &rect, style); size->cx = min(max_width, rect.right - rect.left); if (old_hfont) SelectObject(hdc, old_hfont); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } static HWND taskdialog_create_label(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, const WCHAR *text, HFONT font) { WCHAR *textW; HWND hwnd; if (!text) return NULL; textW = taskdialog_gettext(dialog_info, TRUE, text); hwnd = CreateWindowW(WC_STATICW, textW, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, dialog_info->hwnd, NULL, 0, NULL); if (textW) Free(textW); SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, 0); return hwnd; } static void taskdialog_add_main_instruction(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; if (!taskconfig->pszMainInstruction) return; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm); SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, ncm.cbSize, &ncm, 0); /* 1.25 times the height */ ncm.lfMessageFont.lfHeight = ncm.lfMessageFont.lfHeight * 5 / 4; ncm.lfMessageFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; dialog_info->main_instruction_font = CreateFontIndirectW(&ncm.lfMessageFont); dialog_info->main_instruction = taskdialog_create_label(dialog_info, taskconfig->pszMainInstruction, dialog_info->main_instruction_font); } static void taskdialog_add_content(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info) { dialog_info->content = taskdialog_create_label(dialog_info, dialog_info->taskconfig->pszContent, dialog_info->font); } static void taskdialog_add_button(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, HWND *button, INT id, const WCHAR *text, BOOL custom_button) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; WCHAR *textW; textW = taskdialog_gettext(dialog_info, custom_button, text); *button = CreateWindowW(WC_BUTTONW, textW, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, dialog_info->hwnd, (HMENU)id, 0, NULL); Free(textW); SendMessageW(*button, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)dialog_info->font, 0); if (id == taskconfig->nDefaultButton && !dialog_info->default_button) dialog_info->default_button = *button; } static void taskdialog_add_buttons(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; DWORD flags = taskconfig->dwCommonButtons; INT count, max_count; /* Allocate enough memory for the custom and the default buttons. Maximum 6 default buttons possible. */ max_count = 6; if (taskconfig->cButtons && taskconfig->pButtons) max_count += taskconfig->cButtons; dialog_info->buttons = Alloc(max_count * sizeof(*dialog_info->buttons)); if (!dialog_info->buttons) return; for (count = 0; count < taskconfig->cButtons; count++) taskdialog_add_button(dialog_info, &dialog_info->buttons[count], taskconfig->pButtons[count].nButtonID, taskconfig->pButtons[count].pszButtonText, TRUE); #define TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(id) \ do \ { \ taskdialog_add_button(dialog_info, &dialog_info->buttons[count++], ID##id, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(IDS_BUTTON_##id), \ FALSE); \ } while (0) if (flags & TDCBF_OK_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(OK); if (flags & TDCBF_YES_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(YES); if (flags & TDCBF_NO_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(NO); if (flags & TDCBF_RETRY_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(RETRY); if (flags & TDCBF_CANCEL_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(CANCEL); if (flags & TDCBF_CLOSE_BUTTON) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(CLOSE); if (!count) TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON(OK); #undef TASKDIALOG_INIT_COMMON_BUTTON dialog_info->button_count = count; } static void taskdialog_label_layout(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, HWND hwnd, INT start_x, LONG dialog_width, LONG *dialog_height) { LONG x, y, max_width; SIZE size; if (!hwnd) return; x = start_x + dialog_info->m.h_spacing; y = *dialog_height + dialog_info->m.v_spacing; max_width = dialog_width - x - dialog_info->m.h_spacing; taskdialog_get_label_size(dialog_info, hwnd, max_width, &size); SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, x, y, size.cx, size.cy, SWP_NOZORDER); *dialog_height = y + size.cy; } static void taskdialog_layout(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; static BOOL first_time = TRUE; RECT ref_rect; LONG screen_width, dialog_width, dialog_height = 0; LONG h_spacing, v_spacing; struct button_layout_info *button_layout_infos; LONG button_min_width, button_height; LONG *line_widths, line_count, align; LONG x, y; SIZE size; INT i; screen_width = taskdialog_get_reference_rect(dialog_info->taskconfig, &ref_rect); dialog_width = max(taskconfig->cxWidth, DIALOG_MIN_WIDTH); taskdialog_du_to_px(dialog_info, &dialog_width, 0); dialog_width = min(dialog_width, screen_width); h_spacing = dialog_info->m.h_spacing; v_spacing = dialog_info->m.v_spacing; /* Main instruction */ taskdialog_label_layout(dialog_info, dialog_info->main_instruction, 0, dialog_width, &dialog_height); /* Content */ taskdialog_label_layout(dialog_info, dialog_info->content, 0, dialog_width, &dialog_height); /* Common and custom buttons */ button_layout_infos = Alloc(dialog_info->button_count * sizeof(*button_layout_infos)); line_widths = Alloc(dialog_info->button_count * sizeof(*line_widths)); button_min_width = DIALOG_BUTTON_WIDTH; button_height = DIALOG_BUTTON_HEIGHT; taskdialog_du_to_px(dialog_info, &button_min_width, &button_height); for (i = 0; i < dialog_info->button_count; i++) { taskdialog_get_label_size(dialog_info, dialog_info->buttons[i], dialog_width - h_spacing * 2, &size); button_layout_infos[i].width = max(size.cx, button_min_width); } /* Separate buttons into lines */ x = h_spacing; for (i = 0, line_count = 0; i < dialog_info->button_count; i++) { if (x + button_layout_infos[i].width + h_spacing >= dialog_width) { x = h_spacing; line_count++; } button_layout_infos[i].line = line_count; x += button_layout_infos[i].width + h_spacing; line_widths[line_count] += button_layout_infos[i].width + h_spacing; } line_count++; /* Try to balance lines so they are about the same size */ for (i = 1; i < line_count - 1; i++) { int diff_now = abs(line_widths[i] - line_widths[i - 1]); unsigned int j, last_button = 0; int diff_changed; for (j = 0; j < dialog_info->button_count; j++) if (button_layout_infos[j].line == i - 1) last_button = j; /* Difference in length of both lines if we wrapped the last button from the last line into this one */ diff_changed = abs(2 * button_layout_infos[last_button].width + line_widths[i] - line_widths[i - 1]); if (diff_changed < diff_now) { button_layout_infos[last_button].line = i; line_widths[i] += button_layout_infos[last_button].width; line_widths[i - 1] -= button_layout_infos[last_button].width; } } /* Calculate left alignment so all lines are as far right as possible. */ align = dialog_width - h_spacing; for (i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { int new_alignment = dialog_width - line_widths[i]; if (new_alignment < align) align = new_alignment; } /* Now that we got them all positioned, move all buttons */ x = align; size.cy = button_height; for (i = 0; i < dialog_info->button_count; i++) { /* New line */ if (i > 0 && button_layout_infos[i].line != button_layout_infos[i - 1].line) { x = align; dialog_height += size.cy + v_spacing; } y = dialog_height + v_spacing; size.cx = button_layout_infos[i].width; SetWindowPos(dialog_info->buttons[i], 0, x, y, size.cx, size.cy, SWP_NOZORDER); x += button_layout_infos[i].width + h_spacing; } /* Add height for last row button and spacing */ dialog_height += size.cy + v_spacing; Free(button_layout_infos); Free(line_widths); /* Add height for spacing, title height and frame height */ dialog_height += v_spacing; dialog_height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); dialog_height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME); if (first_time) { x = (ref_rect.left + ref_rect.right + dialog_width) / 2; y = (ref_rect.top + ref_rect.bottom + dialog_height) / 2; SetWindowPos(dialog_info->hwnd, 0, x, y, dialog_width, dialog_height, SWP_NOZORDER); first_time = FALSE; } else SetWindowPos(dialog_info->hwnd, 0, 0, 0, dialog_width, dialog_height, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); } static void taskdialog_init(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info, HWND hwnd) { const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig = dialog_info->taskconfig; NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; HDC hdc; INT id; ncm.cbSize = sizeof(ncm); SystemParametersInfoW(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, ncm.cbSize, &ncm, 0); memset(dialog_info, 0, sizeof(*dialog_info)); dialog_info->taskconfig = taskconfig; dialog_info->hwnd = hwnd; dialog_info->font = CreateFontIndirectW(&ncm.lfMessageFont); hdc = GetDC(dialog_info->hwnd); SelectObject(hdc, dialog_info->font); dialog_info->m.x_baseunit = GdiGetCharDimensions(hdc, NULL, &dialog_info->m.y_baseunit); ReleaseDC(dialog_info->hwnd, hdc); dialog_info->m.h_spacing = DIALOG_SPACING; dialog_info->m.v_spacing = DIALOG_SPACING; taskdialog_du_to_px(dialog_info, &dialog_info->m.h_spacing, &dialog_info->m.v_spacing); if (taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER) { SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER, DIALOG_TIMER_MS, NULL); dialog_info->last_timer_tick = GetTickCount(); } taskdialog_add_main_instruction(dialog_info); taskdialog_add_content(dialog_info); taskdialog_add_buttons(dialog_info); /* Set default button */ if (!dialog_info->default_button) dialog_info->default_button = dialog_info->buttons[0]; SendMessageW(dialog_info->hwnd, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)dialog_info->default_button, TRUE); id = GetWindowLongW(dialog_info->default_button, GWLP_ID); SendMessageW(dialog_info->hwnd, DM_SETDEFID, id, 0); taskdialog_layout(dialog_info); } static void taskdialog_destroy(struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info) { if (dialog_info->taskconfig->dwFlags & TDF_CALLBACK_TIMER) KillTimer(dialog_info->hwnd, ID_TIMER); if (dialog_info->font) DeleteObject(dialog_info->font); if (dialog_info->main_instruction_font) DeleteObject(dialog_info->main_instruction_font); if (dialog_info->buttons) Free(dialog_info->buttons); } static INT_PTR CALLBACK taskdialog_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static const WCHAR taskdialog_info_propnameW[] = {'T','a','s','k','D','i','a','l','o','g','I','n','f','o',0}; struct taskdialog_info *dialog_info; TRACE("hwnd=%p msg=0x%04x wparam=%lx lparam=%lx\n", hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); if (msg != WM_INITDIALOG) dialog_info = GetPropW(hwnd, taskdialog_info_propnameW); switch (msg) { case TDM_CLICK_BUTTON: taskdialog_on_button_click(dialog_info, LOWORD(wParam)); break; case WM_INITDIALOG: dialog_info = (struct taskdialog_info *)lParam; taskdialog_init(dialog_info, hwnd); SetPropW(hwnd, taskdialog_info_propnameW, dialog_info); taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_DIALOG_CONSTRUCTED, 0, 0); taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_CREATED, 0, 0); return FALSE; case WM_COMMAND: if (HIWORD(wParam) == BN_CLICKED) { taskdialog_on_button_click(dialog_info, LOWORD(wParam)); break; } return FALSE; case WM_HELP: taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_HELP, 0, 0); break; case WM_TIMER: if (ID_TIMER == wParam) { DWORD elapsed = GetTickCount() - dialog_info->last_timer_tick; if (taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_TIMER, elapsed, 0) == S_FALSE) dialog_info->last_timer_tick = GetTickCount(); } break; case WM_DESTROY: taskdialog_notify(dialog_info, TDN_DESTROYED, 0, 0); RemovePropW(hwnd, taskdialog_info_propnameW); taskdialog_destroy(dialog_info); break; default: return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * TaskDialogIndirect [COMCTL32.@] */ HRESULT WINAPI TaskDialogIndirect(const TASKDIALOGCONFIG *taskconfig, int *button, int *radio_button, BOOL *verification_flag_checked) { struct taskdialog_info dialog_info; DLGTEMPLATE *template; INT ret; TRACE("%p, %p, %p, %p\n", taskconfig, button, radio_button, verification_flag_checked); if (!taskconfig || taskconfig->cbSize != sizeof(TASKDIALOGCONFIG)) return E_INVALIDARG; dialog_info.taskconfig = taskconfig; template = create_taskdialog_template(taskconfig); ret = (short)DialogBoxIndirectParamW(taskconfig->hInstance, template, taskconfig->hwndParent, taskdialog_proc, (LPARAM)&dialog_info); Free(template); if (button) *button = ret; if (radio_button) *radio_button = taskconfig->nDefaultButton; if (verification_flag_checked) *verification_flag_checked = TRUE; return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * TaskDialog [COMCTL32.@] */ HRESULT WINAPI TaskDialog(HWND owner, HINSTANCE hinst, const WCHAR *title, const WCHAR *main_instruction, const WCHAR *content, TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS common_buttons, const WCHAR *icon, int *button) { TASKDIALOGCONFIG taskconfig; TRACE("%p, %p, %s, %s, %s, %#x, %s, %p\n", owner, hinst, debugstr_w(title), debugstr_w(main_instruction), debugstr_w(content), common_buttons, debugstr_w(icon), button); memset(&taskconfig, 0, sizeof(taskconfig)); taskconfig.cbSize = sizeof(taskconfig); taskconfig.hwndParent = owner; taskconfig.hInstance = hinst; taskconfig.dwCommonButtons = common_buttons; taskconfig.pszWindowTitle = title; taskconfig.u.pszMainIcon = icon; taskconfig.pszMainInstruction = main_instruction; taskconfig.pszContent = content; return TaskDialogIndirect(&taskconfig, button, NULL, NULL); }