.\" -*- nroff -*- .TH WINE.CONF 5 "December 5, 2000" "Version 20001202" "Wine Configuration File" .SH NAME wine.conf \- Wine configuration file .SH DESCRIPTION .B wine expects a configuration file ( .I @sysconfdir@/wine.conf ), which should conform to the following rules. Common locations are /usr/local/etc/wine.conf or (in some distributions) /etc/wine.conf. The actual directory where that file resides may be specified during the execution of the .B configure script with the --sysconfdir option. Alternatively, you may have a file named .I config in this format in your ~/.wine directory or in the directory named in the .B WINEPREFIX environment variable. A sample configuration file is available as .I documentation/samples/config in the Wine source distribution. .SH CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT All entries are grouped in sections; a section begins with the line .br .I [section name] .br and continues until the next section starts. Individual entries consist of lines of the form .br .I """entry""=""value""" .br The entry and value can be any text strings, included in double quotes; it can also contain references to environment variables surrounded by .I ${}. Inside the double quotes, special characters, backslashes and quotes must be escaped with backslashes. Supported section names and entries are listed below. .PP .B [Drive X] .br This section is used to specify the root directory and type of each .B DOS drive, since most Windows applications require a DOS/MS-Windows based disk drive & directory scheme. There is one such section for every drive you want to configure. .PP .I format: """Path""=""""" .br default: none .br If you mounted your dos partition as .I /dos and installed Microsoft Windows in C:\\WINDOWS then you should specify .I """Path""=""/dos""" in the .I [Drive C] section. .PP .I format: """Type""=""""" .br default: "hd" .br Used to specify the drive type this drive appears as in Windows or DOS programs; supported types are "floppy", "hd", "cdrom" and "network". .PP .I format: """Label""=""