/* * Command line Registry implementation * * Copyright 1999 Sylvain St-Germain * * Note: Please consult the README file for more information. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /****************************************************************************** * Defines and consts */ #define IDENTICAL 0 #define COMMAND_COUNT 5 #define KEY_MAX_LEN 1024 #define STDIN_MAX_LEN 2048 /* Return values */ #define COMMAND_NOT_FOUND -1 #define SUCCESS 0 #define NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY 1 #define KEY_VALUE_ALREADY_SET 2 #define COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED 3 /* Generic global */ static BOOL bForce = FALSE; /* Is set to TRUE when -force is passed on the command line */ /* Globals used by the api setValue, queryValue */ static LPSTR currentKeyName = NULL; static HKEY currentKeyClass = NULL; static HKEY currentKeyHandle = NULL; static BOOL bTheKeyIsOpen = FALSE; /* Delimitors used to parse the "value"="data" pair for setValue*/ #define SET_VALUE_MAX_ARGS 2 /* Delimitors used to parse the "value" to query queryValue*/ #define QUERY_VALUE_MAX_ARGS 1 static const char *setValueDelim[SET_VALUE_MAX_ARGS] = {"=", ""}; static const char *queryValueDelim[QUERY_VALUE_MAX_ARGS] = {""}; /* Array used to extract the data type from a string in getDataType. */ typedef struct tagDataTypeMap { char mask[15]; DWORD dataType; } dataTypeMap; static const dataTypeMap typeMap[] = { {"hex:", REG_BINARY},/* could be REG_NONE (?) */ {"dword:", REG_DWORD}, {"hex(0):", REG_NONE}, {"hex(1):", REG_SZ}, {"hex(2):", REG_EXPAND_SZ}, {"hex(3):", REG_BINARY}, {"hex(4):", REG_DWORD}, {"hex(5):", REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN}, {"hex(6):", REG_LINK}, {"hex(7):", REG_MULTI_SZ}, {"hex(8):", REG_RESOURCE_LIST}, {"hex(9):", REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR}, {"hex(80000000):", REG_NONE}, {"hex(80000001):", REG_SZ}, {"hex(80000002):", REG_EXPAND_SZ}, {"hex(80000003):", REG_BINARY}, {"hex(80000004):", REG_DWORD}, {"hex(80000005):", REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN}, {"hex(80000006):", REG_LINK}, {"hex(80000007):", REG_MULTI_SZ}, {"hex(80000008):", REG_RESOURCE_LIST}, {"hex(80000009):", REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR}, {"hex(8000000a):", REG_BINARY}, /* REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST}, !Exist */ {"hex(8000000A):", REG_BINARY}, /* REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST}, !Exist */ }; const static int LAST_TYPE_MAP = sizeof(typeMap)/sizeof(dataTypeMap); /* * Forward declaration */ typedef void (*commandAPI)(LPSTR lpsLine); static void doSetValue(LPSTR lpsLine); static void doDeleteValue(LPSTR lpsLine); static void doCreateKey(LPSTR lpsLine); static void doDeleteKey(LPSTR lpsLine); static void doQueryValue(LPSTR lpsLine); /* * current suuported api */ static const char* commandNames[COMMAND_COUNT] = { "setValue", "deleteValue", "createKey", "deleteKey", "queryValue" }; /* * Pointers to processing entry points */ static const commandAPI commandAPIs[COMMAND_COUNT] = { doSetValue, doDeleteValue, doCreateKey, doDeleteKey, doQueryValue }; /* * This array controls the registry saving needs at the end of the process */ static const BOOL commandSaveRegistry[COMMAND_COUNT] = { TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE }; /* * Generic prototyes */ static HKEY getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue); static LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine); static HKEY getRegClass(LPSTR lpLine); static LPSTR getArg(LPSTR arg); static INT getCommand(LPSTR commandName); static DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf); static DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen); static LPSTR convertHexToHexCSV( BYTE *buf, ULONG len); static LPSTR convertHexToDWORDStr( BYTE *buf, ULONG len); static HRESULT openKey(LPSTR stdInput); static void closeKey(); /* * api setValue prototypes */ static void processSetValue(LPSTR cmdline); static HRESULT setValue(LPSTR *argv); /* * api queryValue prototypes */ static void processQueryValue(LPSTR cmdline); /* * Help Text displyed when invalid parameters are provided */ static char helpText[] = " NAME regapi - provide a command line interface to the wine registry. SYNOPSYS regapi commandName [-force] < file DESCRIPTION regapi allows editing the wine resgistry. It processes the given commandName for every line in the stdin data stream. Input data format may vary depending on the commandName see INPUT FILE FORMAT. OPTIONS commandName Instruct regapi about what action to perform on the data stream. Currently, only setValue and queryValue are supported and implemented. -force When provided the action will be performed anyway. This may have a different meaning depending on the context. For example, when providing -force to setValue, the value is set even if it was previously set to another value. < file STDIN chanel, provide a file name with line of the appropriate format. INPUT FILE FORMAT setValue The input file format required by the setValue command is similar to the one obtained from regedit.exe export option. The only difference is that multi line values are not supported, the value data must be on a single line. [KEY_CLASS\\Some\\Path\\For\\A\\Key] \"Value1\"=\"Data1\" \"Value2\"=\"Data2\" \"Valuen\"=\"Datan\" ... queryValue The input file format required by the queryValue command is similar to the one required by setValue. The only difference is that you only provide the value name. [KEY_CLASS\\Some\\Path\\For\\A\\Key] \"Value1\" \"Value2\" \"Valuen\" ... February 1999. "; /****************************************************************************** * This funtion returns the HKEY associated with the data type encoded in the * value. It modify the input parameter (key value) in order to skip this * "now useless" data type information. */ HKEY getDataType(LPSTR *lpValue) { INT counter = 0; DWORD dwReturn = REG_SZ; for (; counter < LAST_TYPE_MAP; counter++) { LONG len = strlen(typeMap[counter].mask); if ( strncmp( *lpValue, typeMap[counter].mask, len) == IDENTICAL) { /* * We found it, modify the value's pointer in order to skip the data * type identifier, set the return value and exit the loop. */ (*lpValue) += len; dwReturn = typeMap[counter].dataType; break; } } return dwReturn; } /****************************************************************************** * Extracts from a [HKEY\some\key\path] type of line the key name (what starts * after the first '\' and end before the ']' */ LPSTR getRegKeyName(LPSTR lpLine) { LPSTR keyNameBeg = NULL; LPSTR keyNameEnd = NULL; char lpLineCopy[KEY_MAX_LEN]; if (lpLine == NULL) return NULL; strcpy(lpLineCopy, lpLine); keyNameBeg = strstr(lpLineCopy, "\\"); /* The key name start by '\' */ keyNameBeg++; /* but is not part of the key name */ keyNameEnd = strstr(lpLineCopy, "]"); /* The key name end by ']' */ *keyNameEnd = NULL; /* Isolate the key name */ currentKeyName = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(keyNameBeg)+1); if (currentKeyName != NULL) strcpy(currentKeyName, keyNameBeg); return currentKeyName; } /****************************************************************************** * Extracts from a [HKEY/some/key/path] type of line the key class (what * starts after the '[' and end before the first '\' */ static HKEY getRegClass(LPSTR lpClass) { LPSTR classNameEnd; LPSTR classNameBeg; char lpClassCopy[KEY_MAX_LEN]; if (lpClass == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; strcpy(lpClassCopy, lpClass); classNameEnd = strstr(lpClassCopy, "\\"); /* The class name end by '\' */ *classNameEnd = NULL; /* Isolate the class name */ classNameBeg = &lpClassCopy[1]; /* Skip the '[' */ if (strcmp( classNameBeg, "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE") == IDENTICAL ) return HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; else if (strcmp( classNameBeg, "HKEY_USERS") == IDENTICAL ) return HKEY_USERS; else if (strcmp( classNameBeg, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT") == IDENTICAL ) return HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; else if (strcmp( classNameBeg, "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG") == IDENTICAL ) return HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; else if (strcmp( classNameBeg, "HKEY_CURRENT_USER") == IDENTICAL ) return HKEY_CURRENT_USER; else return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } /****************************************************************************** * Returns an allocated buffer with a cleaned copy (removed the surrounding * dbl quotes) of the passed value. */ static LPSTR getArg( LPSTR arg) { LPSTR tmp = NULL; ULONG len; if (arg == NULL) return NULL; /* * Get rid of surrounding quotes */ len = strlen(arg); if( arg[len-1] == '\"' ) arg[len-1] = NULL; if( arg[0] == '\"' ) arg++; tmp = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, strlen(arg)+1); strcpy(tmp, arg); return tmp; } /****************************************************************************** * Returns the index in the commands array of the command to process. */ static INT getCommand(LPSTR commandName) { INT count; for (count=0; count < COMMAND_COUNT; count++) if ( strcmp(commandName, commandNames[count]) == IDENTICAL) return count; return COMMAND_NOT_FOUND; } /****************************************************************************** * Converts a hex representation of a DWORD into a DWORD. */ static DWORD convertHexToDWord(char *str, BYTE *buf) { char *s = str; /* Pointer to current */ char *b = buf; /* Pointer to result */ ULONG strPos = 0; memset(buf, 0, 4); while (strPos < 4) /* 8 byte in a DWORD */ { char xbuf[3]; char wc; memcpy(xbuf,s,2); xbuf[2]='\0'; sscanf(xbuf,"%02x",(UINT*)&wc); *b++ =(unsigned char)wc; s+=2; strPos+=1; } return 4; /* always 4 byte for the word */ } /****************************************************************************** * Converts a hex buffer into a hex coma separated values */ static char* convertHexToHexCSV(BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen) { char* str; char* ptrStr; BYTE* ptrBuf; ULONG current = 0; str = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (bufLen+1)*2); memset(str, 0, (bufLen+1)*2); ptrStr = str; /* Pointer to result */ ptrBuf = buf; /* Pointer to current */ while (current < bufLen) { BYTE bCur = ptrBuf[current++]; char res[3]; sprintf(res, "%02x", (unsigned int)*&bCur); strcat(str, res); strcat(str, ","); } /* Get rid of the last coma */ str[strlen(str)-1] = NULL; return str; } /****************************************************************************** * Converts a hex buffer into a DWORD string */ static char* convertHexToDWORDStr(BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen) { char* str; char* ptrStr; BYTE* ptrBuf; ULONG current = 0; str = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (bufLen*2)+1); memset(str, 0, (bufLen*2)+1); ptrStr = str; /* Pointer to result */ ptrBuf = buf; /* Pointer to current */ while (current < bufLen) { BYTE bCur = ptrBuf[current++]; char res[3]; sprintf(res, "%02x", (unsigned int)*&bCur); strcat(str, res); } /* Get rid of the last coma */ return str; } /****************************************************************************** * Converts a hex coma separated values list into a hex list. */ static DWORD convertHexCSVToHex(char *str, BYTE *buf, ULONG bufLen) { char *s = str; /* Pointer to current */ char *b = buf; /* Pointer to result */ ULONG strLen = strlen(str); ULONG strPos = 0; DWORD byteCount = 0; memset(buf, 0, bufLen); /* * warn the user if we are here with a string longer than 2 bytes that does * not contains ",". It is more likely because the data is invalid. */ if ( ( strlen(str) > 2) && ( strstr(str, ",") == NULL) ) printf("regapi: WARNING converting CSV hex stream with no coma, " "input data seems invalid.\n"); while (strPos < strLen) { char xbuf[3]; char wc; memcpy(xbuf,s,2); xbuf[3]='\0'; sscanf(xbuf,"%02x",(UINT*)&wc); *b++ =(unsigned char)wc; s+=3; strPos+=3; byteCount++; } return byteCount; } /****************************************************************************** * Sets the value in argv[0] to the data in argv[1] for the currently * opened key. */ static HRESULT setValue(LPSTR *argv) { HRESULT hRes; DWORD dwSize = KEY_MAX_LEN; DWORD dwType = NULL; DWORD dwDataType; CHAR lpsCurrentValue[KEY_MAX_LEN]; LPSTR keyValue = argv[0]; LPSTR keyData = argv[1]; /* Make some checks */ if ( (keyValue == NULL) || (keyData == NULL) ) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* * Default registry values are encoded in the input stream as '@' but as * blank in the wine registry. */ if( (keyValue[0] == '@') && (strlen(keyValue) == 1) ) keyValue[0] = NULL; /* Get the data type stored into the value field */ dwDataType = getDataType(&keyData); memset(lpsCurrentValue, 0, KEY_MAX_LEN); hRes = RegQueryValueExA( currentKeyHandle, keyValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)lpsCurrentValue, &dwSize); if( ( strlen(lpsCurrentValue) == 0 ) || /* The value is not existing */ ( bForce )) /* -force option */ { LPBYTE lpbData; BYTE convert[KEY_MAX_LEN]; DWORD dwLen; if ( dwDataType == REG_SZ ) /* no convertion for string */ { dwLen = strlen(keyData); lpbData = keyData; } else if (dwDataType == REG_DWORD) /* Convert the dword types */ { dwLen = convertHexToDWord(keyData, convert); lpbData = convert; } else /* Convert the hexadecimal types */ { dwLen = convertHexCSVToHex(keyData, convert, KEY_MAX_LEN); lpbData = convert; } hRes = RegSetValueEx( currentKeyHandle, keyValue, 0, /* Reserved */ dwDataType, lpbData, dwLen); } else { /* return the current value data into argv[1] */ if (argv[1] != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, argv[1]); argv[1] = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize+1); if ( argv[1] != NULL ) strncpy(argv[1], lpsCurrentValue, dwSize); } return KEY_VALUE_ALREADY_SET; } return hRes; } /****************************************************************************** * Open the key */ static HRESULT openKey( LPSTR stdInput) { DWORD dwDisp; HRESULT hRes; /* Sanity checks */ if (stdInput == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Get the registry class */ currentKeyClass = getRegClass(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */ if (currentKeyClass == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* Get the key name */ currentKeyName = getRegKeyName(stdInput); /* Sets global variable */ if (currentKeyName == NULL) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; hRes = RegCreateKeyEx( currentKeyClass, /* Class */ currentKeyName, /* Sub Key */ 0, /* MUST BE 0 */ NULL, /* object type */ REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, /* option, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE ... */ KEY_ALL_ACCESS, /* access mask, KEY_ALL_ACCESS */ NULL, /* security attribute */ ¤tKeyHandle, /* result */ &dwDisp); /* disposition, REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY or REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY */ if (hRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) bTheKeyIsOpen = TRUE; return hRes; } /****************************************************************************** * This function is a wrapper arround the setValue function. It prepares the * land and clean the area once completed. */ static void processSetValue(LPSTR cmdline) { LPSTR argv[SET_VALUE_MAX_ARGS]; /* args storage */ LPSTR token = NULL; /* current token analized */ ULONG argCounter = 0; /* counter of args */ INT counter; HRESULT hRes = NULL; /* * Init storage and parse the line */ for (counter=0; counter