/* * Win32 5.1 Theme system * * Copyright (C) 2003 Kevin Koltzau * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "wingdi.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "winreg.h" #include "vfwmsgs.h" #include "uxtheme.h" #include "tmschema.h" #include "uxthemedll.h" #include "msstyles.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(uxtheme); /*********************************************************************** * Defines and global variables */ static const WCHAR szThemeManager[] = L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\ThemeManager"; DECLSPEC_HIDDEN ATOM atDialogThemeEnabled; static DWORD dwThemeAppProperties = STAP_ALLOW_NONCLIENT | STAP_ALLOW_CONTROLS; static ATOM atWindowTheme; static ATOM atSubAppName; static ATOM atSubIdList; static BOOL bThemeActive = FALSE; static WCHAR szCurrentTheme[MAX_PATH]; static WCHAR szCurrentColor[64]; static WCHAR szCurrentSize[64]; struct user_api_hook user_api = {0}; /***********************************************************************/ static BOOL CALLBACK UXTHEME_broadcast_msg_enumchild (HWND hWnd, LPARAM msg) { PostMessageW(hWnd, msg, 0, 0); return TRUE; } /* Broadcast a message to *all* windows, including children */ static BOOL CALLBACK UXTHEME_broadcast_msg (HWND hWnd, LPARAM msg) { if (hWnd == NULL) { EnumWindows (UXTHEME_broadcast_msg, msg); } else { PostMessageW(hWnd, msg, 0, 0); EnumChildWindows (hWnd, UXTHEME_broadcast_msg_enumchild, msg); } return TRUE; } /* At the end of the day this is a subset of what SHRegGetPath() does - copied * here to avoid linking against shlwapi. */ static DWORD query_reg_path (HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR lpszValue, LPVOID pvData) { DWORD dwRet, dwType, dwUnExpDataLen = MAX_PATH, dwExpDataLen; TRACE("(hkey=%p,%s,%p)\n", hKey, debugstr_w(lpszValue), pvData); dwRet = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, lpszValue, 0, &dwType, pvData, &dwUnExpDataLen); if (dwRet!=ERROR_SUCCESS && dwRet!=ERROR_MORE_DATA) return dwRet; if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD nBytesToAlloc; /* Expand type REG_EXPAND_SZ into REG_SZ */ LPWSTR szData; /* If the caller didn't supply a buffer or the buffer is too small we have * to allocate our own */ if (dwRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { WCHAR emptyW[] = L""; nBytesToAlloc = dwUnExpDataLen; szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc); RegQueryValueExW (hKey, lpszValue, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)szData, &nBytesToAlloc); dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(szData, emptyW, 1); dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen); LocalFree(szData); } else { nBytesToAlloc = (lstrlenW(pvData) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); szData = LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, nBytesToAlloc ); lstrcpyW(szData, pvData); dwExpDataLen = ExpandEnvironmentStringsW(szData, pvData, MAX_PATH ); if (dwExpDataLen > MAX_PATH) dwRet = ERROR_MORE_DATA; dwUnExpDataLen = max(nBytesToAlloc, dwExpDataLen); LocalFree(szData); } } RegCloseKey(hKey); return dwRet; } /*********************************************************************** * UXTHEME_LoadTheme * * Set the current active theme from the registry */ static void UXTHEME_LoadTheme(void) { HKEY hKey; DWORD buffsize; HRESULT hr; WCHAR tmp[10]; PTHEME_FILE pt; /* Get current theme configuration */ if(!RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szThemeManager, &hKey)) { TRACE("Loading theme config\n"); buffsize = ARRAY_SIZE(tmp); if (!RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ThemeActive", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)tmp, &buffsize)) { bThemeActive = (tmp[0] != '0'); } else { bThemeActive = FALSE; TRACE("Failed to get ThemeActive: %d\n", GetLastError()); } buffsize = ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentColor); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"ColorName", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szCurrentColor, &buffsize)) szCurrentColor[0] = '\0'; buffsize = ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentSize); if (RegQueryValueExW(hKey, L"SizeName", NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)szCurrentSize, &buffsize)) szCurrentSize[0] = '\0'; if (query_reg_path (hKey, L"DllName", szCurrentTheme)) szCurrentTheme[0] = '\0'; RegCloseKey(hKey); } else TRACE("Failed to open theme registry key\n"); if(bThemeActive) { /* Make sure the theme requested is actually valid */ hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(szCurrentTheme, szCurrentColor[0]?szCurrentColor:NULL, szCurrentSize[0]?szCurrentSize:NULL, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) { bThemeActive = FALSE; szCurrentTheme[0] = '\0'; szCurrentColor[0] = '\0'; szCurrentSize[0] = '\0'; } else { /* Make sure the global color & size match the theme */ lstrcpynW(szCurrentColor, pt->pszSelectedColor, ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentColor)); lstrcpynW(szCurrentSize, pt->pszSelectedSize, ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentSize)); MSSTYLES_SetActiveTheme(pt, FALSE); TRACE("Theme active: %s %s %s\n", debugstr_w(szCurrentTheme), debugstr_w(szCurrentColor), debugstr_w(szCurrentSize)); MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); } } if(!bThemeActive) { MSSTYLES_SetActiveTheme(NULL, FALSE); TRACE("Theming not active\n"); } } /***********************************************************************/ static const char * const SysColorsNames[] = { "Scrollbar", /* COLOR_SCROLLBAR */ "Background", /* COLOR_BACKGROUND */ "ActiveTitle", /* COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION */ "InactiveTitle", /* COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION */ "Menu", /* COLOR_MENU */ "Window", /* COLOR_WINDOW */ "WindowFrame", /* COLOR_WINDOWFRAME */ "MenuText", /* COLOR_MENUTEXT */ "WindowText", /* COLOR_WINDOWTEXT */ "TitleText", /* COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT */ "ActiveBorder", /* COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER */ "InactiveBorder", /* COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER */ "AppWorkSpace", /* COLOR_APPWORKSPACE */ "Hilight", /* COLOR_HIGHLIGHT */ "HilightText", /* COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT */ "ButtonFace", /* COLOR_BTNFACE */ "ButtonShadow", /* COLOR_BTNSHADOW */ "GrayText", /* COLOR_GRAYTEXT */ "ButtonText", /* COLOR_BTNTEXT */ "InactiveTitleText", /* COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT */ "ButtonHilight", /* COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT */ "ButtonDkShadow", /* COLOR_3DDKSHADOW */ "ButtonLight", /* COLOR_3DLIGHT */ "InfoText", /* COLOR_INFOTEXT */ "InfoWindow", /* COLOR_INFOBK */ "ButtonAlternateFace", /* COLOR_ALTERNATEBTNFACE */ "HotTrackingColor", /* COLOR_HOTLIGHT */ "GradientActiveTitle", /* COLOR_GRADIENTACTIVECAPTION */ "GradientInactiveTitle", /* COLOR_GRADIENTINACTIVECAPTION */ "MenuHilight", /* COLOR_MENUHILIGHT */ "MenuBar", /* COLOR_MENUBAR */ }; static const WCHAR strColorKey[] = L"Control Panel\\Colors"; static const struct BackupSysParam { int spiGet, spiSet; const WCHAR* keyName; } backupSysParams[] = { {SPI_GETFLATMENU, SPI_SETFLATMENU, L"FlatMenu"}, {SPI_GETGRADIENTCAPTIONS, SPI_SETGRADIENTCAPTIONS, L"GradientCaption"}, {-1, -1, 0} }; #define NUM_SYS_COLORS (COLOR_MENUBAR+1) static void save_sys_colors (HKEY baseKey) { char colorStr[13]; HKEY hKey; int i; if (RegCreateKeyExW( baseKey, strColorKey, 0, 0, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey, 0 ) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { for (i = 0; i < NUM_SYS_COLORS; i++) { COLORREF col = GetSysColor (i); sprintf (colorStr, "%d %d %d", GetRValue (col), GetGValue (col), GetBValue (col)); RegSetValueExA (hKey, SysColorsNames[i], 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)colorStr, strlen (colorStr)+1); } RegCloseKey (hKey); } } /* Before activating a theme, query current system colors, certain settings * and backup them in the registry, so they can be restored when the theme * is deactivated */ static void UXTHEME_BackupSystemMetrics(void) { HKEY hKey; const struct BackupSysParam* bsp = backupSysParams; if (RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szThemeManager, 0, 0, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, &hKey, 0) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; LOGFONTW iconTitleFont; /* back up colors */ save_sys_colors (hKey); /* back up "other" settings */ while (bsp->spiGet >= 0) { DWORD value; SystemParametersInfoW (bsp->spiGet, 0, &value, 0); RegSetValueExW (hKey, bsp->keyName, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE)&value, sizeof (value)); bsp++; } /* back up non-client metrics */ memset (&ncm, 0, sizeof (ncm)); ncm.cbSize = sizeof (ncm); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof (ncm), &ncm, 0); RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"NonClientMetrics", 0, REG_BINARY, (BYTE*)&ncm, sizeof (ncm)); memset (&iconTitleFont, 0, sizeof (iconTitleFont)); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof (iconTitleFont), &iconTitleFont, 0); RegSetValueExW (hKey, L"IconTitleFont", 0, REG_BINARY, (LPBYTE)&iconTitleFont, sizeof (iconTitleFont)); RegCloseKey (hKey); } } /* Read back old settings after a theme was deactivated */ static void UXTHEME_RestoreSystemMetrics(void) { HKEY hKey; const struct BackupSysParam* bsp = backupSysParams; if (RegOpenKeyExW (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szThemeManager, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { HKEY colorKey; /* read backed-up colors */ if (RegOpenKeyExW (hKey, strColorKey, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &colorKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int i; COLORREF sysCols[NUM_SYS_COLORS]; int sysColsIndices[NUM_SYS_COLORS]; int sysColCount = 0; for (i = 0; i < NUM_SYS_COLORS; i++) { DWORD type; char colorStr[13]; DWORD count = sizeof(colorStr); if (RegQueryValueExA (colorKey, SysColorsNames[i], 0, &type, (LPBYTE) colorStr, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { int r, g, b; if (sscanf (colorStr, "%d %d %d", &r, &g, &b) == 3) { sysColsIndices[sysColCount] = i; sysCols[sysColCount] = RGB(r, g, b); sysColCount++; } } } RegCloseKey (colorKey); SetSysColors (sysColCount, sysColsIndices, sysCols); } /* read backed-up other settings */ while (bsp->spiGet >= 0) { DWORD value; DWORD count = sizeof(value); DWORD type; if (RegQueryValueExW (hKey, bsp->keyName, 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SystemParametersInfoW (bsp->spiSet, 0, UlongToPtr(value), SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); } bsp++; } /* read backed-up non-client metrics */ { NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; LOGFONTW iconTitleFont; DWORD count = sizeof(ncm); DWORD type; if (RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"NonClientMetrics", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&ncm, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS, count, &ncm, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); } count = sizeof(iconTitleFont); if (RegQueryValueExW (hKey, L"IconTitleFont", 0, &type, (LPBYTE)&iconTitleFont, &count) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_SETICONTITLELOGFONT, count, &iconTitleFont, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); } } RegCloseKey (hKey); } } /* Make system settings persistent, so they're in effect even w/o uxtheme * loaded. * For efficiency reasons, only the last SystemParametersInfoW sets * SPIF_SENDWININICHANGE */ static void UXTHEME_SaveSystemMetrics(void) { const struct BackupSysParam* bsp = backupSysParams; NONCLIENTMETRICSW ncm; LOGFONTW iconTitleFont; save_sys_colors (HKEY_CURRENT_USER); while (bsp->spiGet >= 0) { DWORD value; SystemParametersInfoW (bsp->spiGet, 0, &value, 0); SystemParametersInfoW (bsp->spiSet, 0, UlongToPtr(value), SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); bsp++; } memset (&ncm, 0, sizeof (ncm)); ncm.cbSize = sizeof (ncm); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof (ncm), &ncm, 0); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof (ncm), &ncm, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); memset (&iconTitleFont, 0, sizeof (iconTitleFont)); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_GETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof (iconTitleFont), &iconTitleFont, 0); SystemParametersInfoW (SPI_SETICONTITLELOGFONT, sizeof (iconTitleFont), &iconTitleFont, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE | SPIF_SENDCHANGE); } /*********************************************************************** * UXTHEME_SetActiveTheme * * Change the current active theme */ static HRESULT UXTHEME_SetActiveTheme(PTHEME_FILE tf) { HKEY hKey; WCHAR tmp[2]; HRESULT hr; if(tf && !bThemeActive) UXTHEME_BackupSystemMetrics(); hr = MSSTYLES_SetActiveTheme(tf, TRUE); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; if(tf) { bThemeActive = TRUE; lstrcpynW(szCurrentTheme, tf->szThemeFile, ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentTheme)); lstrcpynW(szCurrentColor, tf->pszSelectedColor, ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentColor)); lstrcpynW(szCurrentSize, tf->pszSelectedSize, ARRAY_SIZE(szCurrentSize)); } else { UXTHEME_RestoreSystemMetrics(); bThemeActive = FALSE; szCurrentTheme[0] = '\0'; szCurrentColor[0] = '\0'; szCurrentSize[0] = '\0'; } TRACE("Writing theme config to registry\n"); if(!RegCreateKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szThemeManager, &hKey)) { tmp[0] = bThemeActive?'1':'0'; tmp[1] = '\0'; RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"ThemeActive", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)tmp, sizeof(WCHAR)*2); if(bThemeActive) { RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"ColorName", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)szCurrentColor, (lstrlenW(szCurrentColor)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"SizeName", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)szCurrentSize, (lstrlenW(szCurrentSize)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"DllName", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)szCurrentTheme, (lstrlenW(szCurrentTheme)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { RegDeleteValueW(hKey, L"ColorName"); RegDeleteValueW(hKey, L"SizeName"); RegDeleteValueW(hKey, L"DllName"); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } else TRACE("Failed to open theme registry key\n"); UXTHEME_SaveSystemMetrics (); return hr; } /*********************************************************************** * UXTHEME_InitSystem */ void UXTHEME_InitSystem(HINSTANCE hInst) { atWindowTheme = GlobalAddAtomW(L"ux_theme"); atSubAppName = GlobalAddAtomW(L"ux_subapp"); atSubIdList = GlobalAddAtomW(L"ux_subidlst"); atDialogThemeEnabled = GlobalAddAtomW(L"ux_dialogtheme"); UXTHEME_LoadTheme(); ThemeHooksInstall(); } void UXTHEME_UninitSystem(void) { ThemeHooksRemove(); MSSTYLES_SetActiveTheme(NULL, FALSE); GlobalDeleteAtom(atWindowTheme); GlobalDeleteAtom(atSubAppName); GlobalDeleteAtom(atSubIdList); GlobalDeleteAtom(atDialogThemeEnabled); } /*********************************************************************** * IsAppThemed (UXTHEME.@) */ BOOL WINAPI IsAppThemed(void) { return IsThemeActive(); } /*********************************************************************** * IsThemeActive (UXTHEME.@) */ BOOL WINAPI IsThemeActive(void) { TRACE("\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); return bThemeActive; } /************************************************************ * IsCompositionActive (UXTHEME.@) */ BOOL WINAPI IsCompositionActive(void) { FIXME(": stub\n"); SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * EnableTheming (UXTHEME.@) * * NOTES * This is a global and persistent change */ HRESULT WINAPI EnableTheming(BOOL fEnable) { HKEY hKey; WCHAR szEnabled[] = L"0"; TRACE("(%d)\n", fEnable); if(fEnable != bThemeActive) { if(fEnable) UXTHEME_BackupSystemMetrics(); else UXTHEME_RestoreSystemMetrics(); UXTHEME_SaveSystemMetrics (); bThemeActive = fEnable; if(bThemeActive) szEnabled[0] = '1'; if(!RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szThemeManager, &hKey)) { RegSetValueExW(hKey, L"ThemeActive", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szEnabled, sizeof(WCHAR)); RegCloseKey(hKey); } UXTHEME_broadcast_msg (NULL, WM_THEMECHANGED); } return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * UXTHEME_SetWindowProperty * * I'm using atoms as there may be large numbers of duplicated strings * and they do the work of keeping memory down as a cause of that quite nicely */ static HRESULT UXTHEME_SetWindowProperty(HWND hwnd, ATOM aProp, LPCWSTR pszValue) { ATOM oldValue = (ATOM)(size_t)RemovePropW(hwnd, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(aProp)); if(oldValue) DeleteAtom(oldValue); if(pszValue) { ATOM atValue = AddAtomW(pszValue); if(!atValue || !SetPropW(hwnd, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(aProp), (LPWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(atValue))) { HRESULT hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); if(atValue) DeleteAtom(atValue); return hr; } } return S_OK; } static LPWSTR UXTHEME_GetWindowProperty(HWND hwnd, ATOM aProp, LPWSTR pszBuffer, int dwLen) { ATOM atValue = (ATOM)(size_t)GetPropW(hwnd, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(aProp)); if(atValue) { if(GetAtomNameW(atValue, pszBuffer, dwLen)) return pszBuffer; TRACE("property defined, but unable to get value\n"); } return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * OpenThemeDataEx (UXTHEME.61) */ HTHEME WINAPI OpenThemeDataEx(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszClassList, DWORD flags) { WCHAR szAppBuff[256]; WCHAR szClassBuff[256]; LPCWSTR pszAppName; LPCWSTR pszUseClassList; HTHEME hTheme = NULL; TRACE("(%p,%s, %x)\n", hwnd, debugstr_w(pszClassList), flags); if(!pszClassList) { SetLastError(E_POINTER); return NULL; } if(flags) FIXME("unhandled flags: %x\n", flags); if(bThemeActive) { pszAppName = UXTHEME_GetWindowProperty(hwnd, atSubAppName, szAppBuff, ARRAY_SIZE(szAppBuff)); /* If SetWindowTheme was used on the window, that overrides the class list passed to this function */ pszUseClassList = UXTHEME_GetWindowProperty(hwnd, atSubIdList, szClassBuff, ARRAY_SIZE(szClassBuff)); if(!pszUseClassList) pszUseClassList = pszClassList; if (pszUseClassList) hTheme = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeClass(pszAppName, pszUseClassList); /* Fall back to default class if the specified subclass is not found */ if (!hTheme) hTheme = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeClass(NULL, pszUseClassList); } if(IsWindow(hwnd)) SetPropW(hwnd, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(atWindowTheme), hTheme); TRACE(" = %p\n", hTheme); SetLastError(hTheme ? ERROR_SUCCESS : E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED); return hTheme; } /*********************************************************************** * OpenThemeData (UXTHEME.@) */ HTHEME WINAPI OpenThemeData(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR classlist) { return OpenThemeDataEx(hwnd, classlist, 0); } /*********************************************************************** * GetWindowTheme (UXTHEME.@) * * Retrieve the last theme opened for a window. * * PARAMS * hwnd [I] window to retrieve the theme for * * RETURNS * The most recent theme. */ HTHEME WINAPI GetWindowTheme(HWND hwnd) { TRACE("(%p)\n", hwnd); if (!hwnd) { SetLastError(E_HANDLE); return NULL; } return GetPropW(hwnd, (LPCWSTR)MAKEINTATOM(atWindowTheme)); } /*********************************************************************** * SetWindowTheme (UXTHEME.@) * * Persistent through the life of the window, even after themes change */ HRESULT WINAPI SetWindowTheme(HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pszSubAppName, LPCWSTR pszSubIdList) { HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%p,%s,%s)\n", hwnd, debugstr_w(pszSubAppName), debugstr_w(pszSubIdList)); if (!hwnd) return E_HANDLE; hr = UXTHEME_SetWindowProperty(hwnd, atSubAppName, pszSubAppName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = UXTHEME_SetWindowProperty(hwnd, atSubIdList, pszSubIdList); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_THEMECHANGED, 0, 0); return hr; } /*********************************************************************** * SetWindowThemeAttribute (UXTHEME.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI SetWindowThemeAttribute(HWND hwnd, enum WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE type, PVOID attribute, DWORD size) { FIXME("(%p,%d,%p,%d): stub\n", hwnd, type, attribute, size); return E_NOTIMPL; } /*********************************************************************** * GetCurrentThemeName (UXTHEME.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI GetCurrentThemeName(LPWSTR pszThemeFileName, int dwMaxNameChars, LPWSTR pszColorBuff, int cchMaxColorChars, LPWSTR pszSizeBuff, int cchMaxSizeChars) { if(!bThemeActive) return E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED; if(pszThemeFileName) lstrcpynW(pszThemeFileName, szCurrentTheme, dwMaxNameChars); if(pszColorBuff) lstrcpynW(pszColorBuff, szCurrentColor, cchMaxColorChars); if(pszSizeBuff) lstrcpynW(pszSizeBuff, szCurrentSize, cchMaxSizeChars); return S_OK; } /*********************************************************************** * GetThemeAppProperties (UXTHEME.@) */ DWORD WINAPI GetThemeAppProperties(void) { return dwThemeAppProperties; } /*********************************************************************** * SetThemeAppProperties (UXTHEME.@) */ void WINAPI SetThemeAppProperties(DWORD dwFlags) { TRACE("(0x%08x)\n", dwFlags); dwThemeAppProperties = dwFlags; } /*********************************************************************** * CloseThemeData (UXTHEME.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI CloseThemeData(HTHEME hTheme) { TRACE("(%p)\n", hTheme); if(!hTheme || hTheme == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return E_HANDLE; return MSSTYLES_CloseThemeClass(hTheme); } /*********************************************************************** * HitTestThemeBackground (UXTHEME.@) */ HRESULT WINAPI HitTestThemeBackground(HTHEME hTheme, HDC hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, DWORD dwOptions, const RECT *pRect, HRGN hrgn, POINT ptTest, WORD *pwHitTestCode) { FIXME("%d %d 0x%08x: stub\n", iPartId, iStateId, dwOptions); if(!hTheme) return E_HANDLE; return E_NOTIMPL; } /*********************************************************************** * IsThemePartDefined (UXTHEME.@) */ BOOL WINAPI IsThemePartDefined(HTHEME hTheme, int iPartId, int iStateId) { TRACE("(%p,%d,%d)\n", hTheme, iPartId, iStateId); if(!hTheme) { SetLastError(E_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if(MSSTYLES_FindPartState(hTheme, iPartId, iStateId, NULL)) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * GetThemeDocumentationProperty (UXTHEME.@) * * Try and retrieve the documentation property from string resources * if that fails, get it from the [documentation] section of themes.ini */ HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeDocumentationProperty(LPCWSTR pszThemeName, LPCWSTR pszPropertyName, LPWSTR pszValueBuff, int cchMaxValChars) { static const WORD wDocToRes[] = { TMT_DISPLAYNAME,5000, TMT_TOOLTIP,5001, TMT_COMPANY,5002, TMT_AUTHOR,5003, TMT_COPYRIGHT,5004, TMT_URL,5005, TMT_VERSION,5006, TMT_DESCRIPTION,5007 }; PTHEME_FILE pt; HRESULT hr; unsigned int i; int iDocId; TRACE("(%s,%s,%p,%d)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeName), debugstr_w(pszPropertyName), pszValueBuff, cchMaxValChars); hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeName, NULL, NULL, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; /* Try to load from string resources */ hr = E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED; if(MSSTYLES_LookupProperty(pszPropertyName, NULL, &iDocId)) { for(i=0; ihTheme, wDocToRes[i+1], pszValueBuff, cchMaxValChars)) { hr = S_OK; break; } } } } /* If loading from string resource failed, try getting it from the theme.ini */ if(FAILED(hr)) { PUXINI_FILE uf = MSSTYLES_GetThemeIni(pt); if(UXINI_FindSection(uf, L"documentation")) { LPCWSTR lpValue; DWORD dwLen; if(UXINI_FindValue(uf, pszPropertyName, &lpValue, &dwLen)) { lstrcpynW(pszValueBuff, lpValue, min(dwLen+1,cchMaxValChars)); hr = S_OK; } } UXINI_CloseINI(uf); } MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); return hr; } /********************************************************************** * Undocumented functions */ /********************************************************************** * QueryThemeServices (UXTHEME.1) * * RETURNS * some kind of status flag */ DWORD WINAPI QueryThemeServices(void) { FIXME("stub\n"); return 3; /* This is what is returned under XP in most cases */ } /********************************************************************** * OpenThemeFile (UXTHEME.2) * * Opens a theme file, which can be used to change the current theme, etc * * PARAMS * pszThemeFileName Path to a msstyles theme file * pszColorName Color defined in the theme, eg. NormalColor * pszSizeName Size defined in the theme, eg. NormalSize * hThemeFile Handle to theme file * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code */ HRESULT WINAPI OpenThemeFile(LPCWSTR pszThemeFileName, LPCWSTR pszColorName, LPCWSTR pszSizeName, HTHEMEFILE *hThemeFile, DWORD unknown) { TRACE("(%s,%s,%s,%p,%d)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeFileName), debugstr_w(pszColorName), debugstr_w(pszSizeName), hThemeFile, unknown); return MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeFileName, pszColorName, pszSizeName, (PTHEME_FILE*)hThemeFile); } /********************************************************************** * CloseThemeFile (UXTHEME.3) * * Releases theme file handle returned by OpenThemeFile * * PARAMS * hThemeFile Handle to theme file * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code */ HRESULT WINAPI CloseThemeFile(HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile) { TRACE("(%p)\n", hThemeFile); MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(hThemeFile); return S_OK; } /********************************************************************** * ApplyTheme (UXTHEME.4) * * Set a theme file to be the currently active theme * * PARAMS * hThemeFile Handle to theme file * unknown See notes * hWnd Window requesting the theme change * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code * * NOTES * I'm not sure what the second parameter is (the datatype is likely wrong), other then this: * Under XP if I pass * char b[] = ""; * the theme is applied with the screen redrawing really badly (flickers) * char b[] = "\0"; where \0 can be one or more of any character, makes no difference * the theme is applied smoothly (screen does not flicker) * char *b = "\0" or NULL; where \0 can be zero or more of any character, makes no difference * the function fails returning invalid parameter... very strange */ HRESULT WINAPI ApplyTheme(HTHEMEFILE hThemeFile, char *unknown, HWND hWnd) { HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%p,%s,%p)\n", hThemeFile, unknown, hWnd); hr = UXTHEME_SetActiveTheme(hThemeFile); UXTHEME_broadcast_msg (NULL, WM_THEMECHANGED); return hr; } /********************************************************************** * GetThemeDefaults (UXTHEME.7) * * Get the default color & size for a theme * * PARAMS * pszThemeFileName Path to a msstyles theme file * pszColorName Buffer to receive the default color name * dwColorNameLen Length, in characters, of color name buffer * pszSizeName Buffer to receive the default size name * dwSizeNameLen Length, in characters, of size name buffer * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code */ HRESULT WINAPI GetThemeDefaults(LPCWSTR pszThemeFileName, LPWSTR pszColorName, DWORD dwColorNameLen, LPWSTR pszSizeName, DWORD dwSizeNameLen) { PTHEME_FILE pt; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%s,%p,%d,%p,%d)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeFileName), pszColorName, dwColorNameLen, pszSizeName, dwSizeNameLen); hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeFileName, NULL, NULL, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; lstrcpynW(pszColorName, pt->pszSelectedColor, dwColorNameLen); lstrcpynW(pszSizeName, pt->pszSelectedSize, dwSizeNameLen); MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); return S_OK; } /********************************************************************** * EnumThemes (UXTHEME.8) * * Enumerate available themes, calls specified EnumThemeProc for each * theme found. Passes lpData through to callback function. * * PARAMS * pszThemePath Path containing themes * callback Called for each theme found in path * lpData Passed through to callback * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code */ HRESULT WINAPI EnumThemes(LPCWSTR pszThemePath, EnumThemeProc callback, LPVOID lpData) { WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szName[60]; WCHAR szTip[60]; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATAW wfd; HRESULT hr; size_t pathLen; TRACE("(%s,%p,%p)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemePath), callback, lpData); if(!pszThemePath || !callback) return E_POINTER; lstrcpyW(szDir, pszThemePath); pathLen = lstrlenW (szDir); if ((pathLen > 0) && (pathLen < MAX_PATH-1) && (szDir[pathLen - 1] != '\\')) { szDir[pathLen] = '\\'; szDir[pathLen+1] = 0; } lstrcpyW(szPath, szDir); lstrcatW(szPath, L"*.*"); TRACE("searching %s\n", debugstr_w(szPath)); hFind = FindFirstFileW(szPath, &wfd); if(hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { if(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY && !(wfd.cFileName[0] == '.' && ((wfd.cFileName[1] == '.' && wfd.cFileName[2] == 0) || wfd.cFileName[1] == 0))) { wsprintfW(szPath, L"%s%s\\%s.msstyles", szDir, wfd.cFileName, wfd.cFileName); hr = GetThemeDocumentationProperty(szPath, L"displayname", szName, ARRAY_SIZE(szName)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = GetThemeDocumentationProperty(szPath, L"tooltip", szTip, ARRAY_SIZE(szTip)); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TRACE("callback(%s,%s,%s,%p)\n", debugstr_w(szPath), debugstr_w(szName), debugstr_w(szTip), lpData); if(!callback(NULL, szPath, szName, szTip, NULL, lpData)) { TRACE("callback ended enum\n"); break; } } } } while(FindNextFileW(hFind, &wfd)); FindClose(hFind); } return S_OK; } /********************************************************************** * EnumThemeColors (UXTHEME.9) * * Enumerate theme colors available with a particular size * * PARAMS * pszThemeFileName Path to a msstyles theme file * pszSizeName Theme size to enumerate available colors * If NULL the default theme size is used * dwColorNum Color index to retrieve, increment from 0 * pszColorNames Output color names * * RETURNS * S_OK on success * E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED when dwColorName does not refer to a color * or when pszSizeName does not refer to a valid size * * NOTES * XP fails with E_POINTER when pszColorNames points to a buffer smaller than * sizeof(THEMENAMES). * * Not very efficient that I'm opening & validating the theme every call, but * this is undocumented and almost never called.. * (and this is how windows works too) */ HRESULT WINAPI EnumThemeColors(LPWSTR pszThemeFileName, LPWSTR pszSizeName, DWORD dwColorNum, PTHEMENAMES pszColorNames) { PTHEME_FILE pt; HRESULT hr; LPWSTR tmp; UINT resourceId = dwColorNum + 1000; TRACE("(%s,%s,%d)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeFileName), debugstr_w(pszSizeName), dwColorNum); hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeFileName, NULL, pszSizeName, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; tmp = pt->pszAvailColors; while(dwColorNum && *tmp) { dwColorNum--; tmp += lstrlenW(tmp)+1; } if(!dwColorNum && *tmp) { TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(tmp)); lstrcpyW(pszColorNames->szName, tmp); LoadStringW(pt->hTheme, resourceId, pszColorNames->szDisplayName, ARRAY_SIZE(pszColorNames->szDisplayName)); LoadStringW(pt->hTheme, resourceId+1000, pszColorNames->szTooltip, ARRAY_SIZE(pszColorNames->szTooltip)); } else hr = E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED; MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); return hr; } /********************************************************************** * EnumThemeSizes (UXTHEME.10) * * Enumerate theme colors available with a particular size * * PARAMS * pszThemeFileName Path to a msstyles theme file * pszColorName Theme color to enumerate available sizes * If NULL the default theme color is used * dwSizeNum Size index to retrieve, increment from 0 * pszSizeNames Output size names * * RETURNS * S_OK on success * E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED when dwSizeName does not refer to a size * or when pszColorName does not refer to a valid color * * NOTES * XP fails with E_POINTER when pszSizeNames points to a buffer smaller than * sizeof(THEMENAMES). * * Not very efficient that I'm opening & validating the theme every call, but * this is undocumented and almost never called.. * (and this is how windows works too) */ HRESULT WINAPI EnumThemeSizes(LPWSTR pszThemeFileName, LPWSTR pszColorName, DWORD dwSizeNum, PTHEMENAMES pszSizeNames) { PTHEME_FILE pt; HRESULT hr; LPWSTR tmp; UINT resourceId = dwSizeNum + 3000; TRACE("(%s,%s,%d)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeFileName), debugstr_w(pszColorName), dwSizeNum); hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeFileName, pszColorName, NULL, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; tmp = pt->pszAvailSizes; while(dwSizeNum && *tmp) { dwSizeNum--; tmp += lstrlenW(tmp)+1; } if(!dwSizeNum && *tmp) { TRACE("%s\n", debugstr_w(tmp)); lstrcpyW(pszSizeNames->szName, tmp); LoadStringW(pt->hTheme, resourceId, pszSizeNames->szDisplayName, ARRAY_SIZE(pszSizeNames->szDisplayName)); LoadStringW(pt->hTheme, resourceId+1000, pszSizeNames->szTooltip, ARRAY_SIZE(pszSizeNames->szTooltip)); } else hr = E_PROP_ID_UNSUPPORTED; MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); return hr; } /********************************************************************** * ParseThemeIniFile (UXTHEME.11) * * Enumerate data in a theme INI file. * * PARAMS * pszIniFileName Path to a theme ini file * pszUnknown Cannot be NULL, L"" is valid * callback Called for each found entry * lpData Passed through to callback * * RETURNS * S_OK on success * 0x800706488 (Unknown property) when enumeration is canceled from callback * * NOTES * When pszUnknown is NULL the callback is never called, the value does not seem to serve * any other purpose */ HRESULT WINAPI ParseThemeIniFile(LPCWSTR pszIniFileName, LPWSTR pszUnknown, ParseThemeIniFileProc callback, LPVOID lpData) { FIXME("%s %s: stub\n", debugstr_w(pszIniFileName), debugstr_w(pszUnknown)); return E_NOTIMPL; } /********************************************************************** * CheckThemeSignature (UXTHEME.29) * * Validates the signature of a theme file * * PARAMS * pszIniFileName Path to a theme file * * RETURNS * Success: S_OK * Failure: HRESULT error-code */ HRESULT WINAPI CheckThemeSignature(LPCWSTR pszThemeFileName) { PTHEME_FILE pt; HRESULT hr; TRACE("(%s)\n", debugstr_w(pszThemeFileName)); hr = MSSTYLES_OpenThemeFile(pszThemeFileName, NULL, NULL, &pt); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; MSSTYLES_CloseThemeFile(pt); return S_OK; } BOOL WINAPI ThemeHooksInstall(void) { struct user_api_hook hooks; hooks.pDefDlgProc = UXTHEME_DefDlgProc; hooks.pScrollBarDraw = UXTHEME_ScrollBarDraw; hooks.pScrollBarWndProc = UXTHEME_ScrollbarWndProc; return RegisterUserApiHook(&hooks, &user_api); } BOOL WINAPI ThemeHooksRemove(void) { UnregisterUserApiHook(); return TRUE; }