/* * Window painting functions * * Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008 Alexandre Julliard * Copyright 1996, 1997, 1999 Alex Korobka * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #if 0 #pragma makedep unix #endif #include #include #include "ntstatus.h" #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include "ntgdi_private.h" #include "ntuser_private.h" #include "wine/server.h" #include "wine/debug.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(win); struct dce { struct list entry; /* entry in global DCE list */ HDC hdc; HWND hwnd; HRGN clip_rgn; DWORD flags; LONG count; /* usage count; 0 or 1 for cache DCEs, always 1 for window DCEs, always >= 1 for class DCEs */ }; static struct list dce_list = LIST_INIT(dce_list); #define DCE_CACHE_SIZE 64 static struct list window_surfaces = LIST_INIT( window_surfaces ); static pthread_mutex_t surfaces_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /******************************************************************* * Dummy window surface for windows that shouldn't get painted. */ static void dummy_surface_lock( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } static void dummy_surface_unlock( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } static void *dummy_surface_get_bitmap_info( struct window_surface *window_surface, BITMAPINFO *info ) { static DWORD dummy_data; info->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( info->bmiHeader ); info->bmiHeader.biWidth = dummy_surface.rect.right; info->bmiHeader.biHeight = dummy_surface.rect.bottom; info->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; info->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; info->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; info->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = 0; info->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; info->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; info->bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0; return &dummy_data; } static RECT *dummy_surface_get_bounds( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { static RECT dummy_bounds; return &dummy_bounds; } static void dummy_surface_set_region( struct window_surface *window_surface, HRGN region ) { /* nothing to do */ } static void dummy_surface_flush( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } static void dummy_surface_destroy( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } static const struct window_surface_funcs dummy_surface_funcs = { dummy_surface_lock, dummy_surface_unlock, dummy_surface_get_bitmap_info, dummy_surface_get_bounds, dummy_surface_set_region, dummy_surface_flush, dummy_surface_destroy }; struct window_surface dummy_surface = { &dummy_surface_funcs, { NULL, NULL }, 1, { 0, 0, 1, 1 } }; /******************************************************************* * Off-screen window surface. */ struct offscreen_window_surface { struct window_surface header; pthread_mutex_t mutex; RECT bounds; char *bits; BITMAPINFO info; }; static const struct window_surface_funcs offscreen_window_surface_funcs; static struct offscreen_window_surface *impl_from_window_surface( struct window_surface *base ) { if (!base || base->funcs != &offscreen_window_surface_funcs) return NULL; return CONTAINING_RECORD( base, struct offscreen_window_surface, header ); } static void offscreen_window_surface_lock( struct window_surface *base ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); pthread_mutex_lock( &impl->mutex ); } static void offscreen_window_surface_unlock( struct window_surface *base ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &impl->mutex ); } static RECT *offscreen_window_surface_get_bounds( struct window_surface *base ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); return &impl->bounds; } static void *offscreen_window_surface_get_bitmap_info( struct window_surface *base, BITMAPINFO *info ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); info->bmiHeader = impl->info.bmiHeader; return impl->bits; } static void offscreen_window_surface_set_region( struct window_surface *base, HRGN region ) { } static void offscreen_window_surface_flush( struct window_surface *base ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); base->funcs->lock( base ); reset_bounds( &impl->bounds ); base->funcs->unlock( base ); } static void offscreen_window_surface_destroy( struct window_surface *base ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl = impl_from_window_surface( base ); free( impl ); } static const struct window_surface_funcs offscreen_window_surface_funcs = { offscreen_window_surface_lock, offscreen_window_surface_unlock, offscreen_window_surface_get_bitmap_info, offscreen_window_surface_get_bounds, offscreen_window_surface_set_region, offscreen_window_surface_flush, offscreen_window_surface_destroy }; void create_offscreen_window_surface( const RECT *visible_rect, struct window_surface **surface ) { struct offscreen_window_surface *impl; SIZE_T size; RECT surface_rect = *visible_rect; pthread_mutexattr_t attr; TRACE( "visible_rect %s, surface %p.\n", wine_dbgstr_rect( visible_rect ), surface ); offset_rect( &surface_rect, -surface_rect.left, -surface_rect.top ); surface_rect.right = (surface_rect.right + 0x1f) & ~0x1f; surface_rect.bottom = (surface_rect.bottom + 0x1f) & ~0x1f; /* check that old surface is an offscreen_window_surface, or release it */ if ((impl = impl_from_window_surface( *surface ))) { /* if the rect didn't change, keep the same surface */ if (EqualRect( &surface_rect, &impl->header.rect )) return; window_surface_release( &impl->header ); } else if (*surface) window_surface_release( *surface ); /* create a new window surface */ *surface = NULL; size = surface_rect.right * surface_rect.bottom * 4; if (!(impl = calloc(1, offsetof( struct offscreen_window_surface, info.bmiColors[0] ) + size))) return; impl->header.funcs = &offscreen_window_surface_funcs; impl->header.ref = 1; impl->header.rect = surface_rect; pthread_mutexattr_init( &attr ); pthread_mutexattr_settype( &attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE ); pthread_mutex_init( &impl->mutex, &attr ); pthread_mutexattr_destroy( &attr ); reset_bounds( &impl->bounds ); impl->bits = (char *)&impl->info.bmiColors[0]; impl->info.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof( impl->info ); impl->info.bmiHeader.biWidth = surface_rect.right; impl->info.bmiHeader.biHeight = surface_rect.bottom; impl->info.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; impl->info.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; impl->info.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; impl->info.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = size; TRACE( "created window surface %p\n", &impl->header ); *surface = &impl->header; } /* window surface used to implement the DIB.DRV driver */ struct dib_window_surface { struct window_surface header; RECT bounds; void *bits; UINT info_size; BITMAPINFO info; /* variable size, must be last */ }; static struct dib_window_surface *get_dib_surface( struct window_surface *surface ) { return (struct dib_window_surface *)surface; } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_lock */ static void dib_surface_lock( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_unlock */ static void dib_surface_unlock( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_get_bitmap_info */ static void *dib_surface_get_bitmap_info( struct window_surface *window_surface, BITMAPINFO *info ) { struct dib_window_surface *surface = get_dib_surface( window_surface ); memcpy( info, &surface->info, surface->info_size ); return surface->bits; } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_get_bounds */ static RECT *dib_surface_get_bounds( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { struct dib_window_surface *surface = get_dib_surface( window_surface ); return &surface->bounds; } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_set_region */ static void dib_surface_set_region( struct window_surface *window_surface, HRGN region ) { /* nothing to do */ } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_flush */ static void dib_surface_flush( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { /* nothing to do */ } /*********************************************************************** * dib_surface_destroy */ static void dib_surface_destroy( struct window_surface *window_surface ) { struct dib_window_surface *surface = get_dib_surface( window_surface ); TRACE( "freeing %p\n", surface ); free( surface ); } static const struct window_surface_funcs dib_surface_funcs = { dib_surface_lock, dib_surface_unlock, dib_surface_get_bitmap_info, dib_surface_get_bounds, dib_surface_set_region, dib_surface_flush, dib_surface_destroy }; BOOL create_dib_surface( HDC hdc, const BITMAPINFO *info ) { struct dib_window_surface *surface; int color = 0; HRGN region; RECT rect; if (info->bmiHeader.biBitCount <= 8) color = info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed ? info->bmiHeader.biClrUsed : (1 << info->bmiHeader.biBitCount); else if (info->bmiHeader.biCompression == BI_BITFIELDS) color = 3; surface = calloc( 1, offsetof( struct dib_window_surface, info.bmiColors[color] )); if (!surface) return FALSE; rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = info->bmiHeader.biWidth; rect.bottom = abs(info->bmiHeader.biHeight); surface->header.funcs = &dib_surface_funcs; surface->header.rect = rect; surface->header.ref = 1; surface->info_size = offsetof( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[color] ); surface->bits = (char *)info + surface->info_size; memcpy( &surface->info, info, surface->info_size ); TRACE( "created %p %ux%u for info %p bits %p\n", surface, rect.right, rect.bottom, info, surface->bits ); region = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( rect.left, rect.top, rect.right, rect.bottom ); set_visible_region( hdc, region, &rect, &rect, &surface->header ); TRACE( "using hdc %p surface %p\n", hdc, surface ); window_surface_release( &surface->header ); return TRUE; } /******************************************************************* * register_window_surface * * Register a window surface in the global list, possibly replacing another one. */ void register_window_surface( struct window_surface *old, struct window_surface *new ) { if (old == &dummy_surface) old = NULL; if (new == &dummy_surface) new = NULL; if (old == new) return; pthread_mutex_lock( &surfaces_lock ); if (old) list_remove( &old->entry ); if (new) list_add_tail( &window_surfaces, &new->entry ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &surfaces_lock ); } /******************************************************************* * flush_window_surfaces * * Flush pending output from all window surfaces. */ void flush_window_surfaces( BOOL idle ) { static DWORD last_idle; DWORD now; struct window_surface *surface; pthread_mutex_lock( &surfaces_lock ); now = NtGetTickCount(); if (idle) last_idle = now; /* if not idle, we only flush if there's evidence that the app never goes idle */ else if ((int)(now - last_idle) < 50) goto done; LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( surface, &window_surfaces, struct window_surface, entry ) surface->funcs->flush( surface ); done: pthread_mutex_unlock( &surfaces_lock ); } /*********************************************************************** * dump_rdw_flags */ static void dump_rdw_flags(UINT flags) { TRACE("flags:"); if (flags & RDW_INVALIDATE) TRACE(" RDW_INVALIDATE"); if (flags & RDW_INTERNALPAINT) TRACE(" RDW_INTERNALPAINT"); if (flags & RDW_ERASE) TRACE(" RDW_ERASE"); if (flags & RDW_VALIDATE) TRACE(" RDW_VALIDATE"); if (flags & RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT) TRACE(" RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT"); if (flags & RDW_NOERASE) TRACE(" RDW_NOERASE"); if (flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) TRACE(" RDW_NOCHILDREN"); if (flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) TRACE(" RDW_ALLCHILDREN"); if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) TRACE(" RDW_UPDATENOW"); if (flags & RDW_ERASENOW) TRACE(" RDW_ERASENOW"); if (flags & RDW_FRAME) TRACE(" RDW_FRAME"); if (flags & RDW_NOFRAME) TRACE(" RDW_NOFRAME"); #define RDW_FLAGS \ (RDW_INVALIDATE | \ RDW_INTERNALPAINT | \ RDW_ERASE | \ RDW_VALIDATE | \ RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT | \ RDW_NOERASE | \ RDW_NOCHILDREN | \ RDW_ALLCHILDREN | \ RDW_UPDATENOW | \ RDW_ERASENOW | \ RDW_FRAME | \ RDW_NOFRAME) if (flags & ~RDW_FLAGS) TRACE(" %04x", flags & ~RDW_FLAGS); TRACE("\n"); #undef RDW_FLAGS } /*********************************************************************** * update_visible_region * * Set the visible region and X11 drawable for the DC associated to * a given window. */ static void update_visible_region( struct dce *dce ) { struct window_surface *surface = NULL; NTSTATUS status; HRGN vis_rgn = 0; HWND top_win = 0; DWORD flags = dce->flags; DWORD paint_flags = 0; size_t size = 256; RECT win_rect, top_rect; WND *win; /* don't clip siblings if using parent clip region */ if (flags & DCX_PARENTCLIP) flags &= ~DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; /* fetch the visible region from the server */ do { RGNDATA *data = malloc( sizeof(*data) + size - 1 ); if (!data) return; SERVER_START_REQ( get_visible_region ) { req->window = wine_server_user_handle( dce->hwnd ); req->flags = flags; wine_server_set_reply( req, data->Buffer, size ); if (!(status = wine_server_call( req ))) { size_t reply_size = wine_server_reply_size( reply ); data->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(data->rdh); data->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; data->rdh.nCount = reply_size / sizeof(RECT); data->rdh.nRgnSize = reply_size; vis_rgn = NtGdiExtCreateRegion( NULL, data->rdh.dwSize + data->rdh.nRgnSize, data ); top_win = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->top_win ); win_rect.left = reply->win_rect.left; win_rect.top = reply->win_rect.top; win_rect.right = reply->win_rect.right; win_rect.bottom = reply->win_rect.bottom; top_rect.left = reply->top_rect.left; top_rect.top = reply->top_rect.top; top_rect.right = reply->top_rect.right; top_rect.bottom = reply->top_rect.bottom; paint_flags = reply->paint_flags; } else size = reply->total_size; } SERVER_END_REQ; free( data ); } while (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); if (status || !vis_rgn) return; user_driver->pGetDC( dce->hdc, dce->hwnd, top_win, &win_rect, &top_rect, flags ); if (dce->clip_rgn) NtGdiCombineRgn( vis_rgn, vis_rgn, dce->clip_rgn, (flags & DCX_INTERSECTRGN) ? RGN_AND : RGN_DIFF ); /* don't use a surface to paint the client area of OpenGL windows */ if (!(paint_flags & SET_WINPOS_PIXEL_FORMAT) || (flags & DCX_WINDOW)) { win = get_win_ptr( top_win ); if (win && win != WND_DESKTOP && win != WND_OTHER_PROCESS) { surface = win->surface; if (surface) window_surface_add_ref( surface ); release_win_ptr( win ); } } if (!surface) SetRectEmpty( &top_rect ); set_visible_region( dce->hdc, vis_rgn, &win_rect, &top_rect, surface ); if (surface) window_surface_release( surface ); } /*********************************************************************** * release_dce */ static void release_dce( struct dce *dce ) { if (!dce->hwnd) return; /* already released */ set_visible_region( dce->hdc, 0, &dummy_surface.rect, &dummy_surface.rect, &dummy_surface ); user_driver->pReleaseDC( dce->hwnd, dce->hdc ); if (dce->clip_rgn) NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( dce->clip_rgn ); dce->clip_rgn = 0; dce->hwnd = 0; dce->flags &= DCX_CACHE; } /*********************************************************************** * delete_clip_rgn */ static void delete_clip_rgn( struct dce *dce ) { if (!dce->clip_rgn) return; /* nothing to do */ dce->flags &= ~(DCX_EXCLUDERGN | DCX_INTERSECTRGN); NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( dce->clip_rgn ); dce->clip_rgn = 0; /* make it dirty so that the vis rgn gets recomputed next time */ set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_INVALIDATEVISRGN ); } /*********************************************************************** * delete_dce */ BOOL delete_dce( struct dce *dce ) { BOOL ret = TRUE; TRACE( "hdc = %p\n", dce->hdc ); user_lock(); if (!(dce->flags & DCX_CACHE)) { WARN("Application trying to delete an owned DC %p\n", dce->hdc); ret = FALSE; } else { list_remove( &dce->entry ); if (dce->clip_rgn) NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( dce->clip_rgn ); free( dce ); } user_unlock(); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * update_dc * * Make sure the DC vis region is up to date. * This function may need user lock so the GDI lock should _not_ * be held when calling it. */ void update_dc( DC *dc ) { if (!dc->dirty) return; dc->dirty = 0; if (dc->dce) { if (dc->dce->count) update_visible_region( dc->dce ); else /* non-fatal but shouldn't happen */ WARN("DC is not in use!\n"); } } /*********************************************************************** * alloc_dce * * Allocate a new DCE. */ static struct dce *alloc_dce(void) { struct dce *dce; if (!(dce = malloc( sizeof(*dce) ))) return NULL; if (!(dce->hdc = NtGdiOpenDCW( NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL ))) { free( dce ); return 0; } dce->hwnd = 0; dce->clip_rgn = 0; dce->flags = 0; dce->count = 1; set_dc_dce( dce->hdc, dce ); return dce; } /*********************************************************************** * get_window_dce */ static struct dce *get_window_dce( HWND hwnd ) { struct dce *dce; WND *win = get_win_ptr( hwnd ); if (!win || win == WND_OTHER_PROCESS || win == WND_DESKTOP) return NULL; dce = win->dce; if (!dce && (dce = get_class_dce( win->class ))) { win->dce = dce; dce->count++; } release_win_ptr( win ); if (!dce) /* try to allocate one */ { struct dce *dce_to_free = NULL; LONG class_style = get_class_long( hwnd, GCL_STYLE, FALSE ); if (class_style & CS_CLASSDC) { if (!(dce = alloc_dce())) return NULL; win = get_win_ptr( hwnd ); if (win && win != WND_OTHER_PROCESS && win != WND_DESKTOP) { if (win->dce) /* another thread beat us to it */ { dce_to_free = dce; dce = win->dce; } else if ((win->dce = set_class_dce( win->class, dce )) != dce) { dce_to_free = dce; dce = win->dce; dce->count++; } else { dce->count++; list_add_tail( &dce_list, &dce->entry ); } release_win_ptr( win ); } else dce_to_free = dce; } else if (class_style & CS_OWNDC) { if (!(dce = alloc_dce())) return NULL; win = get_win_ptr( hwnd ); if (win && win != WND_OTHER_PROCESS && win != WND_DESKTOP) { if (win->dwStyle & WS_CLIPCHILDREN) dce->flags |= DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; if (win->dwStyle & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) dce->flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; if (win->dce) /* another thread beat us to it */ { dce_to_free = dce; dce = win->dce; } else { win->dce = dce; dce->hwnd = hwnd; list_add_tail( &dce_list, &dce->entry ); } release_win_ptr( win ); } else dce_to_free = dce; } if (dce_to_free) { set_dc_dce( dce_to_free->hdc, NULL ); NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( dce_to_free->hdc ); free( dce_to_free ); if (dce_to_free == dce) dce = NULL; } } return dce; } /*********************************************************************** * free_dce * * Free a class or window DCE. */ void free_dce( struct dce *dce, HWND hwnd ) { struct dce *dce_to_free = NULL; user_lock(); if (dce) { if (!--dce->count) { release_dce( dce ); list_remove( &dce->entry ); dce_to_free = dce; } else if (dce->hwnd == hwnd) { release_dce( dce ); } } /* now check for cache DCEs */ if (hwnd) { LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( dce, &dce_list, struct dce, entry ) { if (dce->hwnd != hwnd) continue; if (!(dce->flags & DCX_CACHE)) break; release_dce( dce ); if (dce->count) { WARN( "GetDC() without ReleaseDC() for window %p\n", hwnd ); dce->count = 0; set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_DISABLEDC ); } } } user_unlock(); if (dce_to_free) { set_dc_dce( dce_to_free->hdc, NULL ); NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( dce_to_free->hdc ); free( dce_to_free ); } } /*********************************************************************** * make_dc_dirty * * Mark the associated DC as dirty to force a refresh of the visible region */ static void make_dc_dirty( struct dce *dce ) { if (!dce->count) { /* Don't bother with visible regions of unused DCEs */ TRACE("purged %p hwnd %p\n", dce->hdc, dce->hwnd); release_dce( dce ); } else { /* Set dirty bits in the hDC and DCE structs */ TRACE("fixed up %p hwnd %p\n", dce->hdc, dce->hwnd); set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_INVALIDATEVISRGN ); } } /*********************************************************************** * invalidate_dce * * It is called from SetWindowPos() - we have to * mark as dirty all busy DCEs for windows that have pWnd->parent as * an ancestor and whose client rect intersects with specified update * rectangle. In addition, pWnd->parent DCEs may need to be updated if * DCX_CLIPCHILDREN flag is set. */ void invalidate_dce( WND *win, const RECT *extra_rect ) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context; RECT window_rect; struct dce *dce; if (!win->parent) return; context = set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( get_window_dpi_awareness_context( win->obj.handle )); get_window_rect( win->obj.handle, &window_rect, get_thread_dpi() ); TRACE("%p parent %p %s (%s)\n", win->obj.handle, win->parent, wine_dbgstr_rect(&window_rect), wine_dbgstr_rect(extra_rect) ); /* walk all DCEs and fixup non-empty entries */ LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( dce, &dce_list, struct dce, entry ) { if (!dce->hwnd) continue; TRACE( "%p: hwnd %p dcx %08x %s %s\n", dce->hdc, dce->hwnd, dce->flags, (dce->flags & DCX_CACHE) ? "Cache" : "Owned", dce->count ? "InUse" : "" ); if ((dce->hwnd == win->parent) && !(dce->flags & DCX_CLIPCHILDREN)) continue; /* child window positions don't bother us */ /* if DCE window is a child of hwnd, it has to be invalidated */ if (dce->hwnd == win->obj.handle || is_child( win->obj.handle, dce->hwnd )) { make_dc_dirty( dce ); continue; } /* otherwise check if the window rectangle intersects this DCE window */ if (win->parent == dce->hwnd || is_child( win->parent, dce->hwnd )) { RECT dce_rect, tmp; get_window_rect( dce->hwnd, &dce_rect, get_thread_dpi() ); if (intersect_rect( &tmp, &dce_rect, &window_rect ) || (extra_rect && intersect_rect( &tmp, &dce_rect, extra_rect ))) make_dc_dirty( dce ); } } set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( context ); } /*********************************************************************** * release_dc */ static INT release_dc( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, BOOL end_paint ) { struct dce *dce; BOOL ret = FALSE; TRACE( "%p %p\n", hwnd, hdc ); user_lock(); dce = get_dc_dce( hdc ); if (dce && dce->count && dce->hwnd) { if (!(dce->flags & DCX_NORESETATTRS)) set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_RESETDC ); if (end_paint || (dce->flags & DCX_CACHE)) delete_clip_rgn( dce ); if (dce->flags & DCX_CACHE) { dce->count = 0; set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_DISABLEDC ); } ret = TRUE; } user_unlock(); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserGetDCEx (win32u.@) */ HDC WINAPI NtUserGetDCEx( HWND hwnd, HRGN clip_rgn, DWORD flags ) { const DWORD clip_flags = DCX_PARENTCLIP | DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | DCX_WINDOW; const DWORD user_flags = clip_flags | DCX_NORESETATTRS; /* flags that can be set by user */ BOOL update_vis_rgn = TRUE; struct dce *dce; HWND parent; LONG window_style = get_window_long( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if (!hwnd) hwnd = get_desktop_window(); else hwnd = get_full_window_handle( hwnd ); TRACE( "hwnd %p, clip_rgn %p, flags %08x\n", hwnd, clip_rgn, flags ); if (!is_window(hwnd)) return 0; /* fixup flags */ if (flags & (DCX_WINDOW | DCX_PARENTCLIP)) flags |= DCX_CACHE; if (flags & DCX_USESTYLE) { flags &= ~(DCX_CLIPCHILDREN | DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_PARENTCLIP); if (window_style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; if (!(flags & DCX_WINDOW)) { if (get_class_long( hwnd, GCL_STYLE, FALSE ) & CS_PARENTDC) flags |= DCX_PARENTCLIP; if (window_style & WS_CLIPCHILDREN && !(window_style & WS_MINIMIZE)) flags |= DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; } } if (flags & DCX_WINDOW) flags &= ~DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; parent = NtUserGetAncestor( hwnd, GA_PARENT ); if (!parent || (parent == get_desktop_window())) flags = (flags & ~DCX_PARENTCLIP) | DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; /* it seems parent clip is ignored when clipping siblings or children */ if (flags & (DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS | DCX_CLIPCHILDREN)) flags &= ~DCX_PARENTCLIP; if( flags & DCX_PARENTCLIP ) { LONG parent_style = get_window_long( parent, GWL_STYLE ); if( (window_style & WS_VISIBLE) && (parent_style & WS_VISIBLE) ) { flags &= ~DCX_CLIPCHILDREN; if (parent_style & WS_CLIPSIBLINGS) flags |= DCX_CLIPSIBLINGS; } } /* find a suitable DCE */ if ((flags & DCX_CACHE) || !(dce = get_window_dce( hwnd ))) { struct dce *dceEmpty = NULL, *dceUnused = NULL, *found = NULL; unsigned int count = 0; /* Strategy: First, we attempt to find a non-empty but unused DCE with * compatible flags. Next, we look for an empty entry. If the cache is * full we have to purge one of the unused entries. */ user_lock(); LIST_FOR_EACH_ENTRY( dce, &dce_list, struct dce, entry ) { if (!(dce->flags & DCX_CACHE)) break; count++; if (dce->count) continue; dceUnused = dce; if (!dce->hwnd) dceEmpty = dce; else if ((dce->hwnd == hwnd) && !((dce->flags ^ flags) & clip_flags)) { TRACE( "found valid %p hwnd %p, flags %08x\n", dce->hdc, hwnd, dce->flags ); found = dce; update_vis_rgn = FALSE; break; } } if (!found) found = dceEmpty; if (!found && count >= DCE_CACHE_SIZE) found = dceUnused; dce = found; if (dce) { dce->count = 1; set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_ENABLEDC ); } user_unlock(); /* if there's no dce empty or unused, allocate a new one */ if (!dce) { if (!(dce = alloc_dce())) return 0; dce->flags = DCX_CACHE; user_lock(); list_add_head( &dce_list, &dce->entry ); user_unlock(); } } else { flags |= DCX_NORESETATTRS; if (dce->hwnd != hwnd) { /* we should free dce->clip_rgn here, but Windows apparently doesn't */ dce->flags &= ~(DCX_EXCLUDERGN | DCX_INTERSECTRGN); dce->clip_rgn = 0; } else update_vis_rgn = FALSE; /* updated automatically, via DCHook() */ } if (flags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_EXCLUDERGN)) { /* if the extra clip region has changed, get rid of the old one */ if (dce->clip_rgn != clip_rgn || ((flags ^ dce->flags) & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_EXCLUDERGN))) delete_clip_rgn( dce ); dce->clip_rgn = clip_rgn; if (!dce->clip_rgn) dce->clip_rgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); dce->flags |= flags & (DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_EXCLUDERGN); update_vis_rgn = TRUE; } if (get_window_long( hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE ) & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL) NtGdiSetLayout( dce->hdc, -1, LAYOUT_RTL ); dce->hwnd = hwnd; dce->flags = (dce->flags & ~user_flags) | (flags & user_flags); /* cross-process invalidation is not supported yet, so always update the vis rgn */ if (!is_current_process_window( hwnd )) update_vis_rgn = TRUE; if (set_dce_flags( dce->hdc, DCHF_VALIDATEVISRGN )) update_vis_rgn = TRUE; /* DC was dirty */ if (update_vis_rgn) update_visible_region( dce ); TRACE( "(%p,%p,0x%x): returning %p%s\n", hwnd, clip_rgn, flags, dce->hdc, update_vis_rgn ? " (updated)" : "" ); return dce->hdc; } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserReleaseDC (win32u.@) */ INT WINAPI NtUserReleaseDC( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc ) { return release_dc( hwnd, hdc, FALSE ); } /********************************************************************** * NtUserWindowFromDC (win32u.@) */ HWND WINAPI NtUserWindowFromDC( HDC hdc ) { struct dce *dce; HWND hwnd = 0; user_lock(); dce = get_dc_dce( hdc ); if (dce) hwnd = dce->hwnd; user_unlock(); return hwnd; } /*********************************************************************** * get_update_region * * Return update region (in screen coordinates) for a window. */ static HRGN get_update_region( HWND hwnd, UINT *flags, HWND *child ) { HRGN hrgn = 0; NTSTATUS status; RGNDATA *data; size_t size = 256; do { if (!(data = malloc( sizeof(*data) + size - 1 ))) { SetLastError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); return 0; } SERVER_START_REQ( get_update_region ) { req->window = wine_server_user_handle( hwnd ); req->from_child = wine_server_user_handle( child ? *child : 0 ); req->flags = *flags; wine_server_set_reply( req, data->Buffer, size ); if (!(status = wine_server_call( req ))) { size_t reply_size = wine_server_reply_size( reply ); data->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(data->rdh); data->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; data->rdh.nCount = reply_size / sizeof(RECT); data->rdh.nRgnSize = reply_size; hrgn = NtGdiExtCreateRegion( NULL, data->rdh.dwSize + data->rdh.nRgnSize, data ); if (child) *child = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->child ); *flags = reply->flags; } else size = reply->total_size; } SERVER_END_REQ; free( data ); } while (status == STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW); if (status) SetLastError( RtlNtStatusToDosError(status) ); return hrgn; } /*********************************************************************** * redraw_window_rects * * Redraw part of a window. */ static BOOL redraw_window_rects( HWND hwnd, UINT flags, const RECT *rects, UINT count ) { BOOL ret; if (!(flags & (RDW_INVALIDATE|RDW_VALIDATE|RDW_INTERNALPAINT|RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT))) return TRUE; /* nothing to do */ SERVER_START_REQ( redraw_window ) { req->window = wine_server_user_handle( hwnd ); req->flags = flags; wine_server_add_data( req, rects, count * sizeof(RECT) ); ret = !wine_server_call_err( req ); } SERVER_END_REQ; return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * get_update_flags * * Get only the update flags, not the update region. */ static BOOL get_update_flags( HWND hwnd, HWND *child, UINT *flags ) { BOOL ret; SERVER_START_REQ( get_update_region ) { req->window = wine_server_user_handle( hwnd ); req->from_child = wine_server_user_handle( child ? *child : 0 ); req->flags = *flags | UPDATE_NOREGION; if ((ret = !wine_server_call_err( req ))) { if (child) *child = wine_server_ptr_handle( reply->child ); *flags = reply->flags; } } SERVER_END_REQ; return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * send_ncpaint * * Send a WM_NCPAINT message if needed, and return the resulting update region (in screen coords). * Helper for erase_now and BeginPaint. */ static HRGN send_ncpaint( HWND hwnd, HWND *child, UINT *flags ) { HRGN whole_rgn = get_update_region( hwnd, flags, child ); HRGN client_rgn = 0; DWORD style; if (child) hwnd = *child; if (hwnd == get_desktop_window()) return whole_rgn; if (whole_rgn) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context; RECT client, window, update; INT type; context = set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( get_window_dpi_awareness_context( hwnd )); /* check if update rgn overlaps with nonclient area */ type = NtGdiGetRgnBox( whole_rgn, &update ); get_window_rects( hwnd, COORDS_SCREEN, &window, &client, get_thread_dpi() ); if ((*flags & UPDATE_NONCLIENT) || update.left < client.left || update.top < client.top || update.right > client.right || update.bottom > client.bottom) { client_rgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( client.left, client.top, client.right, client.bottom ); NtGdiCombineRgn( client_rgn, client_rgn, whole_rgn, RGN_AND ); /* check if update rgn contains complete nonclient area */ if (type == SIMPLEREGION && EqualRect( &window, &update )) { NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( whole_rgn ); whole_rgn = (HRGN)1; } } else { client_rgn = whole_rgn; whole_rgn = 0; } if (whole_rgn) /* NOTE: WM_NCPAINT allows wParam to be 1 */ { if ((*flags & UPDATE_NONCLIENT) && user_callbacks) { /* Mark standard scroll bars as not painted before sending WM_NCPAINT */ style = get_window_long( hwnd, GWL_STYLE ); if (style & WS_HSCROLL) user_callbacks->set_standard_scroll_painted( hwnd, SB_HORZ, FALSE ); if (style & WS_VSCROLL) user_callbacks->set_standard_scroll_painted( hwnd, SB_VERT, FALSE ); send_message( hwnd, WM_NCPAINT, (WPARAM)whole_rgn, 0 ); } if (whole_rgn > (HRGN)1) NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( whole_rgn ); } set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( context ); } return client_rgn; } /*********************************************************************** * send_erase * * Send a WM_ERASEBKGND message if needed, and optionally return the DC for painting. * If a DC is requested, the region is selected into it. In all cases the region is deleted. * Helper for erase_now and BeginPaint. */ static BOOL send_erase( HWND hwnd, UINT flags, HRGN client_rgn, RECT *clip_rect, HDC *hdc_ret ) { BOOL need_erase = (flags & UPDATE_DELAYED_ERASE) != 0; HDC hdc = 0; RECT dummy; if (!clip_rect) clip_rect = &dummy; if (hdc_ret || (flags & UPDATE_ERASE)) { UINT dcx_flags = DCX_INTERSECTRGN | DCX_USESTYLE; if (is_iconic(hwnd)) dcx_flags |= DCX_WINDOW; if ((hdc = NtUserGetDCEx( hwnd, client_rgn, dcx_flags ))) { INT type = NtGdiGetAppClipBox( hdc, clip_rect ); if (flags & UPDATE_ERASE) { /* don't erase if the clip box is empty */ if (type != NULLREGION) need_erase = !send_message( hwnd, WM_ERASEBKGND, (WPARAM)hdc, 0 ); } if (!hdc_ret) release_dc( hwnd, hdc, TRUE ); } if (hdc_ret) *hdc_ret = hdc; } if (!hdc) NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( client_rgn ); return need_erase; } /*********************************************************************** * copy_bits_from_surface * * Copy bits from a window surface; helper for move_window_bits and move_window_bits_parent. */ static void copy_bits_from_surface( HWND hwnd, struct window_surface *surface, const RECT *dst, const RECT *src ) { char buffer[FIELD_OFFSET( BITMAPINFO, bmiColors[256] )]; BITMAPINFO *info = (BITMAPINFO *)buffer; void *bits; UINT flags = UPDATE_NOCHILDREN | UPDATE_CLIPCHILDREN; HRGN rgn = get_update_region( hwnd, &flags, NULL ); HDC hdc = NtUserGetDCEx( hwnd, rgn, DCX_CACHE | DCX_WINDOW | DCX_EXCLUDERGN ); bits = surface->funcs->get_info( surface, info ); surface->funcs->lock( surface ); NtGdiSetDIBitsToDeviceInternal( hdc, dst->left, dst->top, dst->right - dst->left, dst->bottom - dst->top, src->left - surface->rect.left, surface->rect.bottom - src->bottom, 0, surface->rect.bottom - surface->rect.top, bits, info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, 0, 0, FALSE, NULL ); surface->funcs->unlock( surface ); NtUserReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc ); } /*********************************************************************** * move_window_bits * * Move the window bits when a window is resized or its surface recreated. */ void move_window_bits( HWND hwnd, struct window_surface *old_surface, struct window_surface *new_surface, const RECT *visible_rect, const RECT *old_visible_rect, const RECT *window_rect, const RECT *valid_rects ) { RECT dst = valid_rects[0]; RECT src = valid_rects[1]; if (new_surface != old_surface || src.left - old_visible_rect->left != dst.left - visible_rect->left || src.top - old_visible_rect->top != dst.top - visible_rect->top) { TRACE( "copying %s -> %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect( &src ), wine_dbgstr_rect( &dst )); OffsetRect( &src, -old_visible_rect->left, -old_visible_rect->top ); OffsetRect( &dst, -window_rect->left, -window_rect->top ); copy_bits_from_surface( hwnd, old_surface, &dst, &src ); } } /*********************************************************************** * move_window_bits_parent * * Move the window bits in the parent surface when a child is moved. */ void move_window_bits_parent( HWND hwnd, HWND parent, const RECT *window_rect, const RECT *valid_rects ) { struct window_surface *surface; RECT dst = valid_rects[0]; RECT src = valid_rects[1]; WND *win; if (src.left == dst.left && src.top == dst.top) return; if (!(win = get_win_ptr( parent ))) return; if (win == WND_DESKTOP || win == WND_OTHER_PROCESS) return; if (!(surface = win->surface)) { release_win_ptr( win ); return; } TRACE( "copying %s -> %s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect( &src ), wine_dbgstr_rect( &dst )); map_window_points( NtUserGetAncestor( hwnd, GA_PARENT ), parent, (POINT *)&src, 2, get_thread_dpi() ); offset_rect( &src, win->client_rect.left - win->visible_rect.left, win->client_rect.top - win->visible_rect.top ); offset_rect( &dst, -window_rect->left, -window_rect->top ); window_surface_add_ref( surface ); release_win_ptr( win ); copy_bits_from_surface( hwnd, surface, &dst, &src ); window_surface_release( surface ); } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserBeginPaint (win32u.@) */ HDC WINAPI NtUserBeginPaint( HWND hwnd, PAINTSTRUCT *ps ) { HRGN hrgn; HDC hdc; BOOL erase; RECT rect; UINT flags = UPDATE_NONCLIENT | UPDATE_ERASE | UPDATE_PAINT | UPDATE_INTERNALPAINT | UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; if (user_callbacks) user_callbacks->pHideCaret( hwnd ); if (!(hrgn = send_ncpaint( hwnd, NULL, &flags ))) return 0; erase = send_erase( hwnd, flags, hrgn, &rect, &hdc ); TRACE( "hdc = %p box = (%s), fErase = %d\n", hdc, wine_dbgstr_rect(&rect), erase ); if (!ps) { release_dc( hwnd, hdc, TRUE ); return 0; } ps->fErase = erase; ps->rcPaint = rect; ps->hdc = hdc; return hdc; } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserEndPaint (win32u.@) */ BOOL WINAPI NtUserEndPaint( HWND hwnd, const PAINTSTRUCT *ps ) { if (user_callbacks) user_callbacks->pShowCaret( hwnd ); flush_window_surfaces( FALSE ); if (!ps) return FALSE; release_dc( hwnd, ps->hdc, TRUE ); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * erase_now * * Implementation of RDW_ERASENOW behavior. */ void erase_now( HWND hwnd, UINT rdw_flags ) { HWND child = 0; HRGN hrgn; BOOL need_erase = FALSE; /* loop while we find a child to repaint */ for (;;) { UINT flags = UPDATE_NONCLIENT | UPDATE_ERASE; if (rdw_flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) flags |= UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; else if (rdw_flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) flags |= UPDATE_ALLCHILDREN; if (need_erase) flags |= UPDATE_DELAYED_ERASE; if (!(hrgn = send_ncpaint( hwnd, &child, &flags ))) break; need_erase = send_erase( child, flags, hrgn, NULL, NULL ); if (!flags) break; /* nothing more to do */ if ((rdw_flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) && !need_erase) break; } } /*********************************************************************** * update_now * * Implementation of RDW_UPDATENOW behavior. */ static void update_now( HWND hwnd, UINT rdw_flags ) { HWND child = 0; /* desktop window never gets WM_PAINT, only WM_ERASEBKGND */ if (hwnd == get_desktop_window()) erase_now( hwnd, rdw_flags | RDW_NOCHILDREN ); /* loop while we find a child to repaint */ for (;;) { UINT flags = UPDATE_PAINT | UPDATE_INTERNALPAINT; if (rdw_flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) flags |= UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; else if (rdw_flags & RDW_ALLCHILDREN) flags |= UPDATE_ALLCHILDREN; if (!get_update_flags( hwnd, &child, &flags )) break; if (!flags) break; /* nothing more to do */ send_message( child, WM_PAINT, 0, 0 ); if (rdw_flags & RDW_NOCHILDREN) break; } } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserRedrawWindow (win32u.@) */ BOOL WINAPI NtUserRedrawWindow( HWND hwnd, const RECT *rect, HRGN hrgn, UINT flags ) { static const RECT empty; BOOL ret; if (TRACE_ON(win)) { if (hrgn) { RECT r; NtGdiGetRgnBox( hrgn, &r ); TRACE( "%p region %p box %s ", hwnd, hrgn, wine_dbgstr_rect(&r) ); } else if (rect) TRACE( "%p rect %s ", hwnd, wine_dbgstr_rect(rect) ); else TRACE( "%p whole window ", hwnd ); dump_rdw_flags(flags); } /* process pending expose events before painting */ if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) user_driver->pMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx( 0, NULL, 0, QS_PAINT, 0 ); if (rect && !hrgn) { if (IsRectEmpty( rect )) rect = ∅ ret = redraw_window_rects( hwnd, flags, rect, 1 ); } else if (!hrgn) { ret = redraw_window_rects( hwnd, flags, NULL, 0 ); } else /* need to build a list of the region rectangles */ { DWORD size; RGNDATA *data; if (!(size = NtGdiGetRegionData( hrgn, 0, NULL ))) return FALSE; if (!(data = malloc( size ))) return FALSE; NtGdiGetRegionData( hrgn, size, data ); if (!data->rdh.nCount) /* empty region -> use a single all-zero rectangle */ ret = redraw_window_rects( hwnd, flags, &empty, 1 ); else ret = redraw_window_rects( hwnd, flags, (const RECT *)data->Buffer, data->rdh.nCount ); free( data ); } if (!hwnd) hwnd = get_desktop_window(); if (flags & RDW_UPDATENOW) update_now( hwnd, flags ); else if (flags & RDW_ERASENOW) erase_now( hwnd, flags ); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserGetUpdateRgn (win32u.@) */ INT WINAPI NtUserGetUpdateRgn( HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL erase ) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context; INT retval = ERROR; UINT flags = UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; HRGN update_rgn; context = set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( get_window_dpi_awareness_context( hwnd )); if (erase) flags |= UPDATE_NONCLIENT | UPDATE_ERASE; if ((update_rgn = send_ncpaint( hwnd, NULL, &flags ))) { retval = NtGdiCombineRgn( hrgn, update_rgn, 0, RGN_COPY ); if (send_erase( hwnd, flags, update_rgn, NULL, NULL )) { flags = UPDATE_DELAYED_ERASE; get_update_flags( hwnd, NULL, &flags ); } /* map region to client coordinates */ map_window_region( 0, hwnd, hrgn ); } set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( context ); return retval; } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserGetUpdateRect (win32u.@) */ BOOL WINAPI NtUserGetUpdateRect( HWND hwnd, RECT *rect, BOOL erase ) { UINT flags = UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; HRGN update_rgn; BOOL need_erase; if (erase) flags |= UPDATE_NONCLIENT | UPDATE_ERASE; if (!(update_rgn = send_ncpaint( hwnd, NULL, &flags ))) return FALSE; if (rect && NtGdiGetRgnBox( update_rgn, rect ) != NULLREGION) { HDC hdc = NtUserGetDCEx( hwnd, 0, DCX_USESTYLE ); DWORD layout = NtGdiSetLayout( hdc, -1, 0 ); /* map_window_points mirrors already */ UINT win_dpi = get_dpi_for_window( hwnd ); map_window_points( 0, hwnd, (POINT *)rect, 2, win_dpi ); *rect = map_dpi_rect( *rect, win_dpi, get_thread_dpi() ); NtGdiTransformPoints( hdc, (POINT *)rect, (POINT *)rect, 2, NtGdiDPtoLP ); NtGdiSetLayout( hdc, -1, layout ); NtUserReleaseDC( hwnd, hdc ); } need_erase = send_erase( hwnd, flags, update_rgn, NULL, NULL ); /* check if we still have an update region */ flags = UPDATE_PAINT | UPDATE_NOCHILDREN; if (need_erase) flags |= UPDATE_DELAYED_ERASE; return get_update_flags( hwnd, NULL, &flags ) && (flags & UPDATE_PAINT); } /*********************************************************************** * NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn (win32u.@) */ INT WINAPI NtUserExcludeUpdateRgn( HDC hdc, HWND hwnd ) { HRGN update_rgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); INT ret = NtUserGetUpdateRgn( hwnd, update_rgn, FALSE ); if (ret != ERROR) { DPI_AWARENESS_CONTEXT context; POINT pt; context = set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( get_window_dpi_awareness_context( hwnd )); NtGdiGetDCPoint( hdc, NtGdiGetDCOrg, &pt ); map_window_points( 0, hwnd, &pt, 1, get_thread_dpi() ); NtGdiOffsetRgn( update_rgn, -pt.x, -pt.y ); ret = NtGdiExtSelectClipRgn( hdc, update_rgn, RGN_DIFF ); set_thread_dpi_awareness_context( context ); } NtGdiDeleteObjectApp( update_rgn ); return ret; }