/* * Implementation of the Microsoft Installer (msi.dll) * * Copyright 2005 Aric Stewart for CodeWeavers * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Actions dealing with files These are * * InstallFiles * DuplicateFiles * MoveFiles (TODO) * PatchFiles (TODO) * RemoveDuplicateFiles(TODO) * RemoveFiles(TODO) */ #include #include "windef.h" #include "winbase.h" #include "winerror.h" #include "wine/debug.h" #include "fdi.h" #include "msidefs.h" #include "msvcrt/fcntl.h" #include "msipriv.h" #include "winuser.h" #include "wine/unicode.h" #include "action.h" WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(msi); extern const WCHAR szInstallFiles[]; extern const WCHAR szDuplicateFiles[]; extern const WCHAR szMoveFiles[]; extern const WCHAR szPatchFiles[]; extern const WCHAR szRemoveDuplicateFiles[]; extern const WCHAR szRemoveFiles[]; static const WCHAR cszTempFolder[]= {'T','e','m','p','F','o','l','d','e','r',0}; inline static UINT create_component_directory ( MSIPACKAGE* package, INT component) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIFOLDER *folder; LPWSTR install_path; install_path = resolve_folder(package, package->components[component].Directory, FALSE, FALSE, &folder); if (!install_path) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; /* create the path */ if (folder->State == 0) { create_full_pathW(install_path); folder->State = 2; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, install_path); return rc; } /* * This is a helper function for handling embedded cabinet media */ static UINT writeout_cabinet_stream(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR stream_name, WCHAR* source) { UINT rc; USHORT* data; UINT size; DWORD write; HANDLE the_file; WCHAR tmp[MAX_PATH]; rc = read_raw_stream_data(package->db,stream_name,&data,&size); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return rc; write = MAX_PATH; if (MSI_GetPropertyW(package, cszTempFolder, tmp, &write)) GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH,tmp); GetTempFileNameW(tmp,stream_name,0,source); track_tempfile(package,strrchrW(source,'\\'), source); the_file = CreateFileW(source, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (the_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ERR("Unable to create file %s\n",debugstr_w(source)); rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; goto end; } WriteFile(the_file,data,size,&write,NULL); CloseHandle(the_file); TRACE("wrote %li bytes to %s\n",write,debugstr_w(source)); end: HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,data); return rc; } /* Support functions for FDI functions */ typedef struct { MSIPACKAGE* package; LPCSTR cab_path; LPCSTR file_name; } CabData; static void * cabinet_alloc(ULONG cb) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cb); } static void cabinet_free(void *pv) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv); } static INT_PTR cabinet_open(char *pszFile, int oflag, int pmode) { DWORD dwAccess = 0; DWORD dwShareMode = 0; DWORD dwCreateDisposition = OPEN_EXISTING; switch (oflag & _O_ACCMODE) { case _O_RDONLY: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; case _O_WRONLY: dwAccess = GENERIC_WRITE; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; case _O_RDWR: dwAccess = GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE; dwShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE; break; } if ((oflag & (_O_CREAT | _O_EXCL)) == (_O_CREAT | _O_EXCL)) dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_NEW; else if (oflag & _O_CREAT) dwCreateDisposition = CREATE_ALWAYS; return (INT_PTR)CreateFileA(pszFile, dwAccess, dwShareMode, NULL, dwCreateDisposition, 0, NULL); } static UINT cabinet_read(INT_PTR hf, void *pv, UINT cb) { DWORD dwRead; if (ReadFile((HANDLE)hf, pv, cb, &dwRead, NULL)) return dwRead; return 0; } static UINT cabinet_write(INT_PTR hf, void *pv, UINT cb) { DWORD dwWritten; if (WriteFile((HANDLE)hf, pv, cb, &dwWritten, NULL)) return dwWritten; return 0; } static int cabinet_close(INT_PTR hf) { return CloseHandle((HANDLE)hf) ? 0 : -1; } static long cabinet_seek(INT_PTR hf, long dist, int seektype) { /* flags are compatible and so are passed straight through */ return SetFilePointer((HANDLE)hf, dist, NULL, seektype); } static INT_PTR cabinet_notify(FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE fdint, PFDINOTIFICATION pfdin) { /* FIXME: try to do more processing in this function */ switch (fdint) { case fdintCOPY_FILE: { CabData *data = (CabData*) pfdin->pv; ULONG len = strlen(data->cab_path) + strlen(pfdin->psz1); char *file; LPWSTR trackname; LPWSTR trackpath; LPWSTR tracknametmp; static const WCHAR tmpprefix[] = {'C','A','B','T','M','P','_',0}; if (data->file_name && lstrcmpiA(data->file_name,pfdin->psz1)) return 0; file = cabinet_alloc((len+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(file, data->cab_path); strcat(file, pfdin->psz1); TRACE("file: %s\n", debugstr_a(file)); /* track this file so it can be deleted if not installed */ trackpath=strdupAtoW(file); tracknametmp=strdupAtoW(strrchr(file,'\\')+1); trackname = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,(strlenW(tracknametmp) + strlenW(tmpprefix)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); strcpyW(trackname,tmpprefix); strcatW(trackname,tracknametmp); track_tempfile(data->package, trackname, trackpath); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,trackpath); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,trackname); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,tracknametmp); return cabinet_open(file, _O_WRONLY | _O_CREAT, 0); } case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: { FILETIME ft; FILETIME ftLocal; if (!DosDateTimeToFileTime(pfdin->date, pfdin->time, &ft)) return -1; if (!LocalFileTimeToFileTime(&ft, &ftLocal)) return -1; if (!SetFileTime((HANDLE)pfdin->hf, &ftLocal, 0, &ftLocal)) return -1; cabinet_close(pfdin->hf); return 1; } default: return 0; } } /*********************************************************************** * extract_cabinet_file * * Extract files from a cab file. */ static BOOL extract_a_cabinet_file(MSIPACKAGE* package, const WCHAR* source, const WCHAR* path, const WCHAR* file) { HFDI hfdi; ERF erf; BOOL ret; char *cabinet; char *cab_path; char *file_name; CabData data; TRACE("Extracting %s (%s) to %s\n",debugstr_w(source), debugstr_w(file), debugstr_w(path)); hfdi = FDICreate(cabinet_alloc, cabinet_free, cabinet_open, cabinet_read, cabinet_write, cabinet_close, cabinet_seek, 0, &erf); if (!hfdi) { ERR("FDICreate failed\n"); return FALSE; } if (!(cabinet = strdupWtoA( source ))) { FDIDestroy(hfdi); return FALSE; } if (!(cab_path = strdupWtoA( path ))) { FDIDestroy(hfdi); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cabinet); return FALSE; } data.package = package; data.cab_path = cab_path; if (file) file_name = strdupWtoA(file); else file_name = NULL; data.file_name = file_name; ret = FDICopy(hfdi, cabinet, "", 0, cabinet_notify, NULL, &data); if (!ret) ERR("FDICopy failed\n"); FDIDestroy(hfdi); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cabinet); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, cab_path); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, file_name); return ret; } static UINT ready_media_for_file(MSIPACKAGE *package, WCHAR* path, MSIFILE* file) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; MSIRECORD * row = 0; static WCHAR source[MAX_PATH]; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ', 'F','R','O','M',' ', '`','M','e','d','i','a','`',' ','W','H','E','R','E',' ', '`','L','a','s','t','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',' ','>','=', ' ','%', 'i',' ','O','R','D','E','R',' ','B','Y',' ', '`','L','a','s','t','S','e','q','u','e','n','c','e','`',0}; LPCWSTR cab; DWORD sz; INT seq; static UINT last_sequence = 0; if (file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed) { TRACE("Uncompressed File, no media to ready.\n"); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } if (file->Sequence <= last_sequence) { TRACE("Media already ready (%u, %u)\n",file->Sequence,last_sequence); /*extract_a_cabinet_file(package, source,path,file->File); */ return ERROR_SUCCESS; } row = MSI_QueryGetRecord(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, file->Sequence); if (!row) return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; seq = MSI_RecordGetInteger(row,2); last_sequence = seq; cab = MSI_RecordGetString(row,4); if (cab) { TRACE("Source is CAB %s\n",debugstr_w(cab)); /* the stream does not contain the # character */ if (cab[0]=='#') { writeout_cabinet_stream(package,&cab[1],source); strcpyW(path,source); *(strrchrW(path,'\\')+1)=0; } else { sz = MAX_PATH; if (MSI_GetPropertyW(package, cszSourceDir, source, &sz)) { ERR("No Source dir defined \n"); rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } else { strcpyW(path,source); strcatW(source,cab); /* extract the cab file into a folder in the temp folder */ sz = MAX_PATH; if (MSI_GetPropertyW(package, cszTempFolder,path, &sz) != ERROR_SUCCESS) GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH,path); } } rc = !extract_a_cabinet_file(package, source,path,NULL); } else { sz = MAX_PATH; MSI_GetPropertyW(package,cszSourceDir,source,&sz); strcpyW(path,source); } msiobj_release(&row->hdr); return rc; } inline static UINT get_file_target(MSIPACKAGE *package, LPCWSTR file_key, LPWSTR* file_source) { DWORD index; if (!package) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; for (index = 0; index < package->loaded_files; index ++) { if (strcmpW(file_key,package->files[index].File)==0) { if (package->files[index].State >= 2) { *file_source = strdupW(package->files[index].TargetPath); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } return ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } UINT ACTION_InstallFiles(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD index; MSIRECORD * uirow; WCHAR uipath[MAX_PATH]; if (!package) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; /* increment progress bar each time action data is sent */ ui_progress(package,1,1,0,0); for (index = 0; index < package->loaded_files; index++) { WCHAR path_to_source[MAX_PATH]; MSIFILE *file; file = &package->files[index]; if (file->Temporary) continue; if (!ACTION_VerifyComponentForAction(package, file->ComponentIndex, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL)) { ui_progress(package,2,file->FileSize,0,0); TRACE("File %s is not scheduled for install\n", debugstr_w(file->File)); continue; } if ((file->State == 1) || (file->State == 2)) { LPWSTR p; MSICOMPONENT* comp = NULL; TRACE("Installing %s\n",debugstr_w(file->File)); rc = ready_media_for_file(package, path_to_source, file); /* * WARNING! * our file table could change here because a new temp file * may have been created */ file = &package->files[index]; if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Unable to ready media\n"); rc = ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED; break; } create_component_directory( package, file->ComponentIndex); /* recalculate file paths because things may have changed */ if (file->ComponentIndex >= 0) comp = &package->components[file->ComponentIndex]; p = resolve_folder(package, comp->Directory, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,file->TargetPath); file->TargetPath = build_directory_name(2, p, file->FileName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,p); if (file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed) { p = resolve_folder(package, comp->Directory, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); file->SourcePath = build_directory_name(2, p, file->ShortName); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,p); } else file->SourcePath = build_directory_name(2, path_to_source, file->File); TRACE("file paths %s to %s\n",debugstr_w(file->SourcePath), debugstr_w(file->TargetPath)); /* the UI chunk */ uirow=MSI_CreateRecord(9); MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,1,file->File); strcpyW(uipath,file->TargetPath); *(strrchrW(uipath,'\\')+1)=0; MSI_RecordSetStringW(uirow,9,uipath); MSI_RecordSetInteger(uirow,6,file->FileSize); ui_actiondata(package,szInstallFiles,uirow); msiobj_release( &uirow->hdr ); ui_progress(package,2,file->FileSize,0,0); if (file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed) rc = CopyFileW(file->SourcePath,file->TargetPath,FALSE); else rc = MoveFileW(file->SourcePath, file->TargetPath); if (!rc) { rc = GetLastError(); ERR("Unable to move/copy file (%s -> %s) (error %d)\n", debugstr_w(file->SourcePath), debugstr_w(file->TargetPath), rc); if (rc == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && file->State == 2) { if (!CopyFileW(file->SourcePath,file->TargetPath,FALSE)) ERR("Unable to copy file (%s -> %s) (error %ld)\n", debugstr_w(file->SourcePath), debugstr_w(file->TargetPath), GetLastError()); if (!(file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesNoncompressed)) DeleteFileW(file->SourcePath); rc = 0; } else if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { ERR("Source File Not Found! Continuing\n"); rc = 0; } else if (file->Attributes & msidbFileAttributesVital) { ERR("Ignoring Error and continuing (nonvital file)...\n"); rc = 0; } } else { file->State = 4; rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } return rc; } UINT ACTION_DuplicateFiles(MSIPACKAGE *package) { UINT rc; MSIQUERY * view; MSIRECORD * row = 0; static const WCHAR ExecSeqQuery[] = {'S','E','L','E','C','T',' ','*',' ','F','R','O','M',' ', '`','D','u','p','l','i','c','a','t','e','F','i','l','e','`',0}; if (!package) return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE; rc = MSI_DatabaseOpenViewW(package->db, ExecSeqQuery, &view); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS; rc = MSI_ViewExecute(view, 0); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MSI_ViewClose(view); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; } while (1) { WCHAR *file_source = NULL; WCHAR dest_name[0x100]; LPWSTR dest_path, dest; LPCWSTR file_key, component; INT component_index; DWORD sz; rc = MSI_ViewFetch(view,&row); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } component = MSI_RecordGetString(row,2); component_index = get_loaded_component(package,component); if (!ACTION_VerifyComponentForAction(package, component_index, INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL)) { TRACE("Skipping copy due to disabled component %s\n", debugstr_w(component)); /* the action taken was the same as the current install state */ package->components[component_index].Action = package->components[component_index].Installed; msiobj_release(&row->hdr); continue; } package->components[component_index].Action = INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL; file_key = MSI_RecordGetString(row,3); if (!file_key) { ERR("Unable to get file key\n"); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); break; } rc = get_file_target(package,file_key,&file_source); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR("Original file unknown %s\n",debugstr_w(file_key)); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,file_source); continue; } if (MSI_RecordIsNull(row,4)) { strcpyW(dest_name,strrchrW(file_source,'\\')+1); } else { sz=0x100; MSI_RecordGetStringW(row,4,dest_name,&sz); reduce_to_longfilename(dest_name); } if (MSI_RecordIsNull(row,5)) { LPWSTR p; dest_path = strdupW(file_source); p = strrchrW(dest_path,'\\'); if (p) *p=0; } else { LPCWSTR destkey; destkey = MSI_RecordGetString(row,5); dest_path = resolve_folder(package, destkey, FALSE,FALSE,NULL); if (!dest_path) { ERR("Unable to get destination folder\n"); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,file_source); break; } } dest = build_directory_name(2, dest_path, dest_name); TRACE("Duplicating file %s to %s\n",debugstr_w(file_source), debugstr_w(dest)); if (strcmpW(file_source,dest)) rc = !CopyFileW(file_source,dest,TRUE); else rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) ERR("Failed to copy file %s -> %s, last error %ld\n", debugstr_w(file_source), debugstr_w(dest_path), GetLastError()); FIXME("We should track these duplicate files as well\n"); msiobj_release(&row->hdr); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,dest_path); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,dest); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,file_source); } MSI_ViewClose(view); msiobj_release(&view->hdr); return rc; }