/* * COMMDLG - File Open Dialogs Win95 look and feel * */ #include #include #include #include #include "winbase.h" #include "ldt.h" #include "heap.h" #include "commdlg.h" #include "dlgs.h" #include "cdlg.h" #include "debugtools.h" #include "cderr.h" #include "tweak.h" #include "winnls.h" #include "shellapi.h" #include "tchar.h" #include "filedlgbrowser.h" #include "wine/obj_contextmenu.h" DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(commdlg); /*********************************************************************** * Data structure and global variables */ typedef struct SFolder { int m_iImageIndex; /* Index of picture in image list */ HIMAGELIST hImgList; int m_iIndent; /* Indentation index */ LPITEMIDLIST pidlItem; /* absolute pidl of the item */ } SFOLDER,*LPSFOLDER; typedef struct tagLookInInfo { int iMaxIndentation; UINT uSelectedItem; } LookInInfos; /*********************************************************************** * Defines and global variables */ /* Draw item constant */ #define ICONWIDTH 18 #define YTEXTOFFSET 2 #define XTEXTOFFSET 3 /* AddItem flags*/ #define LISTEND -1 /* SearchItem methods */ #define SEARCH_PIDL 1 #define SEARCH_EXP 2 #define ITEM_NOTFOUND -1 /* Undefined windows message sent by CreateViewObject*/ #define WM_GETISHELLBROWSER WM_USER+7 /* NOTE * Those macros exist in windowsx.h. However, you can't really use them since * they rely on the UNICODE defines and can't be use inside Wine itself. */ /* Combo box macros */ #define CBAddString(hwnd,str) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_ADDSTRING,0,(LPARAM)str); #define CBInsertString(hwnd,str,pos) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_INSERTSTRING,(WPARAM)pos,(LPARAM)str); #define CBDeleteString(hwnd,pos) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_DELETESTRING,(WPARAM)pos,0); #define CBSetItemDataPtr(hwnd,iItemId,dataPtr) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_SETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItemId,(LPARAM)dataPtr); #define CBGetItemDataPtr(hwnd,iItemId) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_GETITEMDATA,(WPARAM)iItemId,0) #define CBGetLBText(hwnd,iItemId,str) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_GETLBTEXT,(WPARAM)iItemId,(LPARAM)str); #define CBGetCurSel(hwnd) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_GETCURSEL,0,0); #define CBSetCurSel(hwnd,pos) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_SETCURSEL,(WPARAM)pos,0); #define CBGetCount(hwnd) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_GETCOUNT,0,0); #define CBShowDropDown(hwnd,show) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_SHOWDROPDOWN,(WPARAM)show,0); #define CBSetItemHeight(hwnd,index,height) \ SendMessageA(hwnd,CB_SETITEMHEIGHT,(WPARAM)index,(LPARAM)height); const char *FileOpenDlgInfosStr = "FileOpenDlgInfos"; /* windows property description string */ const char *LookInInfosStr = "LookInInfos"; /* LOOKIN combo box property */ static const char defaultFilter[] = "*.*"; /*********************************************************************** * Prototypes */ /* Internal functions used by the dialog */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMInitDialog(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMCommand(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMGetIShellBrowser(HWND hwnd); BOOL FILEDLG95_OnOpen(HWND hwnd); static LRESULT FILEDLG95_InitUI(HWND hwnd); static void FILEDLG95_Clean(HWND hwnd); /* Functions used by the shell object */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_SHELL_Init(HWND hwnd); static BOOL FILEDLG95_SHELL_UpFolder(HWND hwnd); static BOOL FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpVerb); static void FILEDLG95_SHELL_Clean(HWND hwnd); /* Functions used by the filetype combo box */ static HRESULT FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Init(HWND hwnd); static BOOL FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wNotifyCode); static int FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_SearchExt(HWND hwnd,LPSTR lpstrExt); static void FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Clean(HWND hwnd); /* Functions used by the Look In combo box */ static HRESULT FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Init(HWND hwndCombo); static LRESULT FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDIStruct); static BOOL FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wNotifyCode); static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl, int iInsertId); static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem(HWND hwnd,WPARAM searchArg,int iSearchMethod); static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_InsertItemAfterParent(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl); static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_RemoveMostExpandedItem(HWND hwnd); int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SelectItem(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl); static void FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Clean(HWND hwnd); /* Miscellaneous tool functions */ HRESULT GetName(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST pidl,DWORD dwFlags,LPSTR lpstrFileName); HRESULT GetFileName(HWND hwnd, LPITEMIDLIST pidl, LPSTR lpstrFileName); IShellFolder* GetShellFolderFromPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs); LPITEMIDLIST GetParentPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidl); LPITEMIDLIST GetPidlFromName(IShellFolder *psf,LPCSTR lpcstrFileName); /* Shell memory allocation */ void *MemAlloc(UINT size); void MemFree(void *mem); BOOL WINAPI GetFileName95(FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos); HRESULT WINAPI FileOpenDlgProc95(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); HRESULT SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage(HWND hwndParentDlg, UINT uCode); HRESULT FILEDLG95_HandleCustomDialogMessages(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL FILEDLG95_OnOpenMultipleFiles(HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpstrFileList, UINT nFileCount, UINT sizeUsed); /*********************************************************************** * GetFileName95 * * Creates an Open common dialog box that lets the user select * the drive, directory, and the name of a file or set of files to open. * * IN : The FileOpenDlgInfos structure associated with the dialog * OUT : TRUE on success * FALSE on cancel, error, close or filename-does-not-fit-in-buffer. */ BOOL WINAPI GetFileName95(FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos) { LRESULT lRes; LPCVOID template; HRSRC hRes; HANDLE hDlgTmpl = 0; /* Create the dialog from a template */ if(!(hRes = FindResourceA(COMMDLG_hInstance32,MAKEINTRESOURCEA(NEWFILEOPENORD),RT_DIALOGA))) { COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE); return FALSE; } if (!(hDlgTmpl = LoadResource(COMMDLG_hInstance32, hRes )) || !(template = LockResource( hDlgTmpl ))) { COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE); return FALSE; } lRes = DialogBoxIndirectParamA(COMMDLG_hInstance32, (LPDLGTEMPLATEA) template, fodInfos->ofnInfos->hwndOwner, (DLGPROC) FileOpenDlgProc95, (LPARAM) fodInfos); /* Unable to create the dialog*/ if( lRes == -1) return FALSE; return lRes; } /*********************************************************************** * GetFileDialog95A * * Copy the OPENFILENAMEA structure in a FileOpenDlgInfos structure. * Call GetFileName95 with this structure and clean the memory. * * IN : The OPENFILENAMEA initialisation structure passed to * GetOpenFileNameA win api function (see filedlg.c) */ BOOL WINAPI GetFileDialog95A(LPOPENFILENAMEA ofn,UINT iDlgType) { BOOL ret; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCSTR lpstrFilter = NULL; LPSTR lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; LPCSTR lpstrInitialDir = NULL; DWORD dwFlags = 0; /* Initialise FileOpenDlgInfos structure*/ fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos*)MemAlloc(sizeof(FileOpenDlgInfos)); /* Pass in the original ofn */ fodInfos->ofnInfos = ofn; /* Save original hInstance value */ hInstance = ofn->hInstance; fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance = MapHModuleLS(ofn->hInstance); if (ofn->lpstrFilter) { LPSTR s,x; lpstrFilter = ofn->lpstrFilter; /* filter is a list... title\0ext\0......\0\0 */ s = (LPSTR)ofn->lpstrFilter; while (*s) s = s+strlen(s)+1; s++; x = (LPSTR)MemAlloc(s-ofn->lpstrFilter); memcpy(x,ofn->lpstrFilter,s-ofn->lpstrFilter); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)x; } if (ofn->lpstrCustomFilter) { LPSTR s,x; lpstrCustomFilter = ofn->lpstrCustomFilter; /* filter is a list... title\0ext\0......\0\0 */ s = (LPSTR)ofn->lpstrCustomFilter; while (*s) s = s+strlen(s)+1; s++; x = MemAlloc(s-ofn->lpstrCustomFilter); memcpy(x,ofn->lpstrCustomFilter,s-ofn->lpstrCustomFilter); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter = (LPSTR)x; } dwFlags = ofn->Flags; fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags = ofn->Flags|OFN_WINE; /* Replace the NULL lpstrInitialDir by the current folder */ lpstrInitialDir = ofn->lpstrInitialDir; if(!lpstrInitialDir) { fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrInitialDir = MemAlloc(MAX_PATH); GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH,(LPSTR)fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrInitialDir); } /* Initialise the dialog property */ fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp = 0; fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg = (HWND)NULL; switch(iDlgType) { case OPEN_DIALOG : ret = GetFileName95(fodInfos); break; case SAVE_DIALOG : fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp |= FODPROP_SAVEDLG; ret = GetFileName95(fodInfos); break; default : ret = 0; } if (lpstrInitialDir) { MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrInitialDir)); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrInitialDir = lpstrInitialDir; } if (lpstrFilter) { MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter)); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter = lpstrFilter; } if (lpstrCustomFilter) { MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter)); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter = lpstrCustomFilter; } ofn->Flags = dwFlags; ofn->hInstance = hInstance; MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos)); return ret; } /*********************************************************************** * GetFileDialog95W * * Copy the OPENFILENAMEW structure in a FileOpenDlgInfos structure. * Call GetFileName95 with this structure and clean the memory. * * IN : The OPENFILENAMEW initialisation structure passed to * GetOpenFileNameW win api function (see filedlg.c) * * FIXME: * some more strings are needing to be convertet AtoW */ BOOL WINAPI GetFileDialog95W(LPOPENFILENAMEW ofn,UINT iDlgType) { BOOL ret; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos; HINSTANCE hInstance; LPCSTR lpstrFilter = NULL; LPSTR lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; LPWSTR lpstrFile = NULL; DWORD dwFlags; /* Initialise FileOpenDlgInfos structure*/ fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos*)MemAlloc(sizeof(FileOpenDlgInfos)); /* Pass in the original ofn */ fodInfos->ofnInfos = (LPOPENFILENAMEA) ofn; /* Save hInstance */ hInstance = fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance; fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance = MapHModuleLS(ofn->hInstance); /* Save lpstrFilter */ if (ofn->lpstrFilter) { LPWSTR s; LPSTR x,y; int n; lpstrFilter = fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter; /* filter is a list... title\0ext\0......\0\0 */ s = (LPWSTR)ofn->lpstrFilter; while (*s) s = s+lstrlenW(s)+1; s++; n = s - ofn->lpstrFilter; /* already divides by 2. ptr magic */ x = y = (LPSTR)MemAlloc(n); s = (LPWSTR)ofn->lpstrFilter; while (*s) { lstrcpyWtoA(x,s); x+=lstrlenA(x)+1; s+=lstrlenW(s)+1; } *x=0; fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter = (LPSTR)y; } /* Save lpstrCustomFilter */ if (ofn->lpstrCustomFilter) { LPWSTR s; LPSTR x,y; int n; lpstrCustomFilter = fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter; /* filter is a list... title\0ext\0......\0\0 */ s = (LPWSTR)ofn->lpstrCustomFilter; while (*s) s = s+lstrlenW(s)+1; s++; n = s - ofn->lpstrCustomFilter; x = y = (LPSTR)MemAlloc(n); s = (LPWSTR)ofn->lpstrCustomFilter; while (*s) { lstrcpyWtoA(x,s); x+=lstrlenA(x)+1; s+=lstrlenW(s)+1; } *x=0; fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter = (LPSTR)y; } /* Save Flags */ dwFlags = fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags; fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags = ofn->Flags|OFN_WINE|OFN_UNICODE; /* Initialise the dialog property */ fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp = 0; /* allocate ansi filename buffer */ lpstrFile = ofn->lpstrFile; ofn->lpstrFile = MemAlloc(ofn->nMaxFile); switch(iDlgType) { case OPEN_DIALOG : ret = GetFileName95(fodInfos); break; case SAVE_DIALOG : fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp |= FODPROP_SAVEDLG; ret = GetFileName95(fodInfos); break; default : ret = 0; } /* Cleaning */ /* Restore Flags */ fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags = dwFlags; /* Restore lpstrFilter */ if (fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter) { MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter)); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter = lpstrFilter; } if (fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter) { MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter)); fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter = lpstrCustomFilter; } /* Restore hInstance */ fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance = hInstance; MemFree((LPVOID)(fodInfos)); /* filename */ lstrcpynAtoW(lpstrFile, (LPCSTR)ofn->lpstrFile, ofn->nMaxFile); MemFree(ofn->lpstrFile); ofn->lpstrFile = lpstrFile; return ret; } void ArrangeCtrlPositions( HWND hwndChildDlg, HWND hwndParentDlg) { HWND hwndChild,hwndStc32; RECT rectParent, rectChild, rectCtrl, rectStc32, rectTemp; POINT ptMoveCtl; POINT ptParentClient; ptMoveCtl.x = ptMoveCtl.y = 0; hwndStc32=GetDlgItem(hwndChildDlg,stc32); GetClientRect(hwndParentDlg,&rectParent); GetClientRect(hwndChildDlg,&rectChild); if(hwndStc32) { GetWindowRect(hwndStc32,&rectStc32); MapWindowPoints(0, hwndChildDlg,(LPPOINT)&rectStc32,2); CopyRect(&rectTemp,&rectStc32); SetRect(&rectStc32,rectStc32.left,rectStc32.top,rectStc32.left + (rectParent.right-rectParent.left),rectStc32.top+(rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top)); SetWindowPos(hwndStc32,0,rectStc32.left,rectStc32.top,rectStc32.right-rectStc32.left,rectStc32.bottom-rectStc32.top,SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); if(rectStc32.right < rectTemp.right) { ptParentClient.x = max((rectParent.right-rectParent.left),(rectChild.right-rectChild.left)); ptMoveCtl.x = 0; } else { ptMoveCtl.x = (rectStc32.right - rectTemp.right); ptParentClient.x = max((rectParent.right-rectParent.left),((rectChild.right-rectChild.left)+rectStc32.right-rectTemp.right)); } if(rectStc32.bottom < rectTemp.bottom) { ptParentClient.y = max((rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top),(rectChild.bottom-rectChild.top)); ptMoveCtl.y = 0; } else { ptMoveCtl.y = (rectStc32.bottom - rectTemp.bottom); ptParentClient.y = max((rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top),((rectChild.bottom-rectChild.top)+rectStc32.bottom-rectTemp.bottom)); } } else { if( (GetWindow(hwndChildDlg,GW_CHILD)) == (HWND) NULL) return; ptParentClient.x = rectParent.right-rectParent.left; ptParentClient.y = (rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top) + (rectChild.bottom-rectChild.top); ptMoveCtl.y = rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top; ptMoveCtl.x=0; } SetRect(&rectParent,rectParent.left,rectParent.top,rectParent.left+ptParentClient.x,rectParent.top+ptParentClient.y); AdjustWindowRectEx( &rectParent,GetWindowLongA(hwndParentDlg,GWL_STYLE),FALSE,GetWindowLongA(hwndParentDlg,GWL_EXSTYLE)); SetWindowPos(hwndChildDlg, 0, 0,0, ptParentClient.x,ptParentClient.y, SWP_NOZORDER ); SetWindowPos(hwndParentDlg, 0, rectParent.left,rectParent.top, (rectParent.right- rectParent.left), (rectParent.bottom-rectParent.top),SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); hwndChild = GetWindow(hwndChildDlg,GW_CHILD); if(hwndStc32) { GetWindowRect(hwndStc32,&rectStc32); MapWindowPoints( 0, hwndChildDlg,(LPPOINT)&rectStc32,2); } else SetRect(&rectStc32,0,0,0,0); if (hwndChild ) { do { if(hwndChild != hwndStc32) { if (GetWindowLongA( hwndChild, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_MAXIMIZE) continue; GetWindowRect(hwndChild,&rectCtrl); MapWindowPoints( 0, hwndParentDlg,(LPPOINT)&rectCtrl,2); /* Check the initial position of the controls relative to the initial position and size of stc32 (before it is expanded). */ if (rectCtrl.left > rectTemp.right && rectCtrl.top > rectTemp.bottom) { rectCtrl.left += ptMoveCtl.x; rectCtrl.top += ptMoveCtl.y; } else if (rectCtrl.left > rectTemp.right) rectCtrl.left += ptMoveCtl.x; else if (rectCtrl.top > rectTemp.bottom) rectCtrl.top += ptMoveCtl.y; SetWindowPos( hwndChild, 0, rectCtrl.left, rectCtrl.top, rectCtrl.right-rectCtrl.left,rectCtrl.bottom-rectCtrl.top, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER ); } } while ((hwndChild=GetWindow( hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT )) != (HWND)NULL); } hwndChild = GetWindow(hwndParentDlg,GW_CHILD); if(hwndStc32) { GetWindowRect(hwndStc32,&rectStc32); MapWindowPoints( 0, hwndChildDlg,(LPPOINT)&rectStc32,2); ptMoveCtl.x = rectStc32.left - 0; ptMoveCtl.y = rectStc32.top - 0; if (hwndChild ) { do { if(hwndChild != hwndChildDlg) { if (GetWindowLongA( hwndChild, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_MAXIMIZE) continue; GetWindowRect(hwndChild,&rectCtrl); MapWindowPoints( 0, hwndParentDlg,(LPPOINT)&rectCtrl,2); rectCtrl.left += ptMoveCtl.x; rectCtrl.top += ptMoveCtl.y; SetWindowPos( hwndChild, 0, rectCtrl.left, rectCtrl.top, rectCtrl.right-rectCtrl.left,rectCtrl.bottom-rectCtrl.top, SWP_NOSIZE |SWP_NOZORDER ); } } while ((hwndChild=GetWindow( hwndChild, GW_HWNDNEXT )) != (HWND)NULL); } } } HRESULT WINAPI FileOpenDlgProcUserTemplate(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(GetParent(hwnd),FileOpenDlgInfosStr); switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam; lParam = (LPARAM) fodInfos->ofnInfos; ArrangeCtrlPositions(hwnd,GetParent(hwnd)); if(fodInfos && (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK) && fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpfnHook) return CallWindowProcA((WNDPROC)fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpfnHook,hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); return 0; } } if(fodInfos && (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK) && fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpfnHook ) return CallWindowProcA((WNDPROC)fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpfnHook,hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); return DefWindowProcA(hwnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam); } HWND CreateTemplateDialog(FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos,HWND hwnd) { LPCVOID template; HRSRC hRes; HANDLE hDlgTmpl = 0; HWND hChildDlg = 0; if (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE || fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE) { if (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE) { if( !(template = LockResource( fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance))) { COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE); return (HWND)NULL; } } else { if (!(hRes = FindResourceA(MapHModuleSL(fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance), (fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpTemplateName), RT_DIALOGA))) { COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(CDERR_FINDRESFAILURE); return (HWND)NULL; } if (!(hDlgTmpl = LoadResource( MapHModuleSL(fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance), hRes )) || !(template = LockResource( hDlgTmpl ))) { COMDLG32_SetCommDlgExtendedError(CDERR_LOADRESFAILURE); return (HWND)NULL; } } hChildDlg= CreateDialogIndirectParamA(fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance,template,hwnd,(DLGPROC)FileOpenDlgProcUserTemplate,(LPARAM)fodInfos); if(hChildDlg) { ShowWindow(hChildDlg,SW_SHOW); return hChildDlg; } } else if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ENABLEHOOK && fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpfnHook) { RECT rectHwnd; DLGTEMPLATE tmplate; GetClientRect(hwnd,&rectHwnd); tmplate.style = WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS; tmplate.dwExtendedStyle = 0; tmplate.cdit = 0; tmplate.x = 0; tmplate.y = 0; tmplate.cx = rectHwnd.right-rectHwnd.left; tmplate.cy = rectHwnd.bottom-rectHwnd.top; return CreateDialogIndirectParamA(fodInfos->ofnInfos->hInstance,&tmplate,hwnd,(DLGPROC)FileOpenDlgProcUserTemplate,(LPARAM)fodInfos); } return (HWND)NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage * * Send CustomDialogNotification (CDN_FIRST -- CDN_LAST) message to the custom template dialog */ HRESULT SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage(HWND hwndParentDlg, UINT uCode) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwndParentDlg,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); if(!fodInfos) return 0; if(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg) { OFNOTIFYA ofnNotify; ofnNotify.hdr.hwndFrom=hwndParentDlg; ofnNotify.hdr.idFrom=0; ofnNotify.hdr.code = uCode; ofnNotify.lpOFN = fodInfos->ofnInfos; return SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg,WM_NOTIFY,0,(LPARAM)&ofnNotify); } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_HandleCustomDialogMessages * * Handle Custom Dialog Messages (CDM_FIRST -- CDM_LAST) messages */ HRESULT FILEDLG95_HandleCustomDialogMessages(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPSTR lpstrFileSpec; int reqSize; char lpstrPath[MAX_PATH]; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); if(!fodInfos) return -1; switch(uMsg) { case CDM_GETFILEPATH: GetDlgItemTextA(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME,lpstrPath, sizeof(lpstrPath)); lpstrFileSpec = (LPSTR)COMDLG32_PathFindFilenameA(lpstrPath); if (lpstrFileSpec==lpstrPath) { char lpstrCurrentDir[MAX_PATH]; /* Prepend the current path */ COMDLG32_SHGetPathFromIDListA(fodInfos->ShellInfos.pidlAbsCurrent,lpstrCurrentDir); if ((LPSTR)lParam!=NULL) wsnprintfA((LPSTR)lParam,(int)wParam,"%s\\%s",lpstrCurrentDir,lpstrPath); reqSize=strlen(lpstrCurrentDir)+1+strlen(lpstrPath)+1; } else { lstrcpynA((LPSTR)lParam,(LPSTR)lpstrPath,(int)wParam); reqSize=strlen(lpstrPath); } /* return the required buffer size */ return reqSize; case CDM_GETFOLDERPATH: COMDLG32_SHGetPathFromIDListA(fodInfos->ShellInfos.pidlAbsCurrent,lpstrPath); if ((LPSTR)lParam!=NULL) lstrcpynA((LPSTR)lParam,lpstrPath,(int)wParam); return strlen(lpstrPath); case CDM_GETSPEC: reqSize=GetDlgItemTextA(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME,lpstrPath, sizeof(lpstrPath)); lpstrFileSpec = (LPSTR)COMDLG32_PathFindFilenameA(lpstrPath); if ((LPSTR)lParam!=NULL) lstrcpynA((LPSTR)lParam, lpstrFileSpec, (int)wParam); return strlen(lpstrFileSpec); case CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT: if ( 0 != lParam ) SetDlgItemTextA( hwnd, (UINT) wParam, (LPSTR) lParam ); return TRUE; case CDM_HIDECONTROL: case CDM_SETDEFEXT: FIXME("CDM_HIDECONTROL,CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT,CDM_SETDEFEXT not implemented\n"); return -1; } return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * FileOpenDlgProc95 * * File open dialog procedure */ HRESULT WINAPI FileOpenDlgProc95(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch(uMsg) { case WM_INITDIALOG : /* Adds the FileOpenDlgInfos in the property list of the dialog so it will be easily accessible through a GetPropA(...) */ SetPropA(hwnd, FileOpenDlgInfosStr, (HANDLE) lParam); FILEDLG95_OnWMInitDialog(hwnd, wParam, lParam); ((FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam)->DlgInfos.hwndCustomDlg = CreateTemplateDialog((FileOpenDlgInfos *)lParam,hwnd); SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage(hwnd,CDN_INITDONE); return 0; case WM_COMMAND: return FILEDLG95_OnWMCommand(hwnd, wParam, lParam); case WM_DRAWITEM: { switch(((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam)->CtlID) { case IDC_LOOKIN: FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_DrawItem((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; case WM_GETISHELLBROWSER: return FILEDLG95_OnWMGetIShellBrowser(hwnd); case WM_DESTROY: RemovePropA(hwnd, FileOpenDlgInfosStr); return FALSE; case WM_NOTIFY: { LPNMHDR lpnmh = (LPNMHDR)lParam; UINT stringId = -1; /* set up the button tooltips strings */ if(TTN_GETDISPINFOA == lpnmh->code ) { LPNMTTDISPINFOA lpdi = (LPNMTTDISPINFOA)lParam; switch(lpnmh->idFrom ) { /* Up folder button */ case FCIDM_TB_UPFOLDER: stringId = IDS_UPFOLDER; break; /* New folder button */ case FCIDM_TB_NEWFOLDER: stringId = IDS_NEWFOLDER; break; /* List option button */ case FCIDM_TB_SMALLICON: stringId = IDS_LISTVIEW; break; /* Details option button */ case FCIDM_TB_REPORTVIEW: stringId = IDS_REPORTVIEW; break; } lpdi->hinst = COMMDLG_hInstance32; lpdi->lpszText = (LPSTR) stringId; } return FALSE; } default : if(uMsg >= CDM_FIRST && uMsg <= CDM_LAST) return FILEDLG95_HandleCustomDialogMessages(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); return FALSE; } } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_OnWMInitDialog * * WM_INITDIALOG message handler */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMInitDialog(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlItemId; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) lParam; TRACE("\n"); /* Make sure the common control DLL is loaded */ InitCommonControls(); /* Initialise shell objects */ FILEDLG95_SHELL_Init(hwnd); /* Initialise dialog UI */ FILEDLG95_InitUI(hwnd); /* Initialize the Look In combo box*/ FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Init(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB); /* Initialize the filter combo box */ FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Init(hwnd); /* Get the initial directory pidl */ if(!(pidlItemId = GetPidlFromName(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder,fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrInitialDir))) { char path[MAX_PATH]; GetCurrentDirectoryA(MAX_PATH,path); pidlItemId = GetPidlFromName(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder, path); } /* Browse to the initial directory */ IShellBrowser_BrowseObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser,pidlItemId,SBSP_RELATIVE); /* Free pidlItem memory */ COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlItemId); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_Clean * * Regroups all the cleaning functions of the filedlg */ void FILEDLG95_Clean(HWND hwnd) { FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Clean(hwnd); FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Clean(hwnd); FILEDLG95_SHELL_Clean(hwnd); } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_OnWMCommand * * WM_COMMAND message handler */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMCommand(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wNotifyCode = HIWORD(wParam); /* notification code */ WORD wID = LOWORD(wParam); /* item, control, or accelerator identifier */ FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); switch(wID) { /* OK button */ case IDOK: if(FILEDLG95_OnOpen(hwnd)) SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage(hwnd,CDN_FILEOK); break; /* Cancel button */ case IDCANCEL: FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd); EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break; /* Filetype combo box */ case IDC_FILETYPE: FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_OnCommand(hwnd,wNotifyCode); break; /* LookIn combo box */ case IDC_LOOKIN: FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_OnCommand(hwnd,wNotifyCode); break; /* --- toolbar --- */ /* Up folder button */ case FCIDM_TB_UPFOLDER: FILEDLG95_SHELL_UpFolder(hwnd); break; /* New folder button */ case FCIDM_TB_NEWFOLDER: FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand(hwnd,CMDSTR_NEWFOLDER); break; /* List option button */ case FCIDM_TB_SMALLICON: FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand(hwnd,CMDSTR_VIEWLIST); break; /* Details option button */ case FCIDM_TB_REPORTVIEW: FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand(hwnd,CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILS); break; case IDC_FILENAME: break; } /* Do not use the listview selection anymore */ fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp &= ~FODPROP_USEVIEW; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_OnWMGetIShellBrowser * * WM_GETISHELLBROWSER message handler */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_OnWMGetIShellBrowser(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); SetWindowLongA(hwnd,DWL_MSGRESULT,(LONG)fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser); return TRUE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_InitUI * */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_InitUI(HWND hwnd) { TBBUTTON tbb[] = {{VIEW_PARENTFOLDER, FCIDM_TB_UPFOLDER, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, {0, 0, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_SEP, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, {VIEW_NEWFOLDER, FCIDM_TB_NEWFOLDER, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, {0, 0, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_SEP, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, {VIEW_LIST, FCIDM_TB_SMALLICON, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, {VIEW_DETAILS, FCIDM_TB_REPORTVIEW, TBSTATE_ENABLED, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, {0, 0}, 0, 0 }, }; TBADDBITMAP tba = { HINST_COMMCTRL, IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR }; RECT rectTB; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("%p\n", fodInfos); /* Get the hwnd of the controls */ fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileName = GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME); fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB = GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_FILETYPE); fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB = GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_LOOKIN); /* construct the toolbar */ GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_TOOLBARSTATIC),&rectTB); MapWindowPoints( 0, hwnd,(LPPOINT)&rectTB,2); fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB = CreateWindowExA(0, TOOLBARCLASSNAMEA, (LPSTR) NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_GROUP | TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS | CCS_NODIVIDER | CCS_NORESIZE, 0, 0, 150, 26, hwnd, (HMENU) IDC_TOOLBAR, COMMDLG_hInstance32, NULL); SetWindowPos(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, 0, rectTB.left,rectTB.top, rectTB.right-rectTB.left, rectTB.bottom-rectTB.top, SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER ); SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE, (WPARAM) sizeof(TBBUTTON), 0); /* fixme: use TB_LOADIMAGES when implemented */ /* SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, TB_LOADIMAGES, (WPARAM) IDB_VIEW_SMALL_COLOR, HINST_COMMCTRL);*/ SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, TB_ADDBITMAP, (WPARAM) 12, (LPARAM) &tba); SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, TB_ADDBUTTONSA, (WPARAM) 6,(LPARAM) &tbb); SendMessageA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndTB, TB_AUTOSIZE, 0, 0); /* Set the window text with the text specified in the OPENFILENAME structure */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle) { SetWindowTextA(hwnd,fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle); } else if (fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp & FODPROP_SAVEDLG) { SetWindowTextA(hwnd,"Save"); } /* Initialise the file name edit control */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile) { SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME,fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile); } /* Must the open as read only check box be checked ?*/ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_READONLY) { SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd,IDC_OPENREADONLY,BM_SETCHECK,(WPARAM)TRUE,0); } /* Must the open as read only check box be hid ?*/ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_HIDEREADONLY) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_OPENREADONLY),SW_HIDE); } /* Must the help button be hid ?*/ if (!(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_SHOWHELP)) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwnd, pshHelp), SW_HIDE); } /* Resize the height, if open as read only checkbox ad help button are hidden */ if ( (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_HIDEREADONLY) && (!(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_SHOWHELP)) ) { RECT rectDlg, rectHelp, rectCancel; GetWindowRect(hwnd, &rectDlg); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, pshHelp), &rectHelp); GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDCANCEL), &rectCancel); /* subtract the height of the help button plus the space between the help button and the cancel button to the height of the dialog */ SetWindowPos(hwnd, 0, 0, 0, rectDlg.right-rectDlg.left, (rectDlg.bottom-rectDlg.top) - (rectHelp.bottom - rectCancel.bottom), SWP_NOACTIVATE|SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); } /* change Open to Save */ if (fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp & FODPROP_SAVEDLG) { SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd,IDOK,"Save"); } return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_OnOpenMultipleFiles * * Handles the opening of multiple files. * */ BOOL FILEDLG95_OnOpenMultipleFiles(HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpstrFileList, UINT nFileCount, UINT sizeUsed) { CHAR lpstrPathSpec[MAX_PATH] = ""; CHAR lpstrTempFileList[MAX_PATH] = ""; LPSTR lpstrFile; UINT sizePath; UINT nCount; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); lpstrFile = fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile; COMDLG32_SHGetPathFromIDListA( fodInfos->ShellInfos.pidlAbsCurrent, lpstrPathSpec ); sizePath = lstrlenA( lpstrPathSpec ); memset( lpstrFile, 0x0, fodInfos->ofnInfos->nMaxFile * sizeof(CHAR) ); if ( fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST || !(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_EXPLORER )) { LPSTR lpstrTemp = lpstrFileList; for ( nCount = 0; nCount < nFileCount; nCount++ ) { WIN32_FIND_DATAA findData; CHAR lpstrFindFile[MAX_PATH]; memset( lpstrFindFile, 0x0, MAX_PATH * sizeof(CHAR) ); lstrcpyA( lpstrFindFile, lpstrPathSpec ); lstrcatA( lpstrFindFile, "\\" ); lstrcatA( lpstrFindFile, lpstrTemp ); if ( FindFirstFileA( lpstrFindFile, &findData ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CHAR lpstrNotFound[100]; CHAR lpstrMsg[100]; CHAR tmp[400]; LoadStringA(COMMDLG_hInstance32, IDS_FILENOTFOUND, lpstrNotFound, 100); LoadStringA(COMMDLG_hInstance32, IDS_VERIFYFILE, lpstrMsg, 100); strcpy(tmp, lpstrFindFile); strcat(tmp, "\n"); strcat(tmp, lpstrNotFound); strcat(tmp, "\n"); strcat(tmp, lpstrMsg); MessageBoxA(hwnd, tmp, fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } if (!(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_EXPLORER )) { lstrcatA( lpstrTempFileList, findData.cAlternateFileName); if ( nCount + 1 < nFileCount) lstrcatA( lpstrTempFileList, " "); } lpstrTemp += strlen(lpstrFileList) + 1; } } if ( fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_EXPLORER ) { lstrcpyA( lpstrFile, lpstrPathSpec); memcpy( lpstrFile + sizePath + 1, lpstrFileList, sizeof(CHAR) * sizeUsed ); } else { memcpy( lpstrFile, lpstrTempFileList, sizeof(CHAR) * strlen(lpstrTempFileList)); } fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFileOffset = sizePath + 1; fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFileExtension = 0; /* clean and exit */ FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd); return EndDialog(hwnd,TRUE); } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_OnOpen * * Ok button WM_COMMAND message handler * * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. */ BOOL FILEDLG95_OnOpen(HWND hwnd) { CHAR lpstrSpecifiedByUser[MAX_PATH]; CHAR lpstrFileList[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR lpstrFile; UINT nStrCharCount = 0; UINT nFileCount = 0; UINT nFileIndex = 0; UINT sizeUsed = 0; UINT nStrLen = 0; FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); lpstrSpecifiedByUser[0]=0; TRACE("\n"); lpstrFile = fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile; GetDlgItemTextA(hwnd, IDC_FILENAME, lpstrSpecifiedByUser, MAX_PATH); nStrLen = strlen(lpstrSpecifiedByUser); while ( nStrCharCount <= nStrLen ) { if ( lpstrSpecifiedByUser[nStrCharCount]=='"' ) { nStrCharCount++; while ((lpstrSpecifiedByUser[nStrCharCount]!='"') && (nStrCharCount <= nStrLen)) { lpstrFileList[nFileIndex++] = lpstrSpecifiedByUser[nStrCharCount]; nStrCharCount++; sizeUsed++; } lpstrFileList[nFileIndex++] = '\0'; sizeUsed++; nFileCount++; } nStrCharCount++; } if(nFileCount > 0) return FILEDLG95_OnOpenMultipleFiles(hwnd, lpstrFileList, nFileCount, sizeUsed); if (nStrLen) { LPSHELLFOLDER psfDesktop; LPITEMIDLIST browsePidl; LPSTR lpstrFileSpec; LPSTR lpstrTemp; char lpstrPathSpec[MAX_PATH]; char lpstrCurrentDir[MAX_PATH]; char lpstrPathAndFile[MAX_PATH]; lpstrPathSpec[0] = '\0'; lpstrCurrentDir[0] = '\0'; lpstrPathAndFile[0] = '\0'; /* Separate the file spec from the path spec e.g.: lpstrSpecifiedByUser lpstrPathSpec lpstrFileSpec C:\TEXT1\TEXT2 C:\TEXT1 TEXT2 */ if (nFileCount == 0) { lpstrFileSpec = (LPSTR)COMDLG32_PathFindFilenameA(lpstrSpecifiedByUser); strcpy(lpstrPathSpec,lpstrSpecifiedByUser); COMDLG32_PathRemoveFileSpecA(lpstrPathSpec); } /* Get the index of the selected item in the filetype combo box */ fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex = (DWORD) CBGetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB); /* nFilterIndex is 1 based while combo GetCurSel return zero based index */ fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex++; /* Get the current directory name */ COMDLG32_SHGetPathFromIDListA(fodInfos->ShellInfos.pidlAbsCurrent, lpstrCurrentDir); /* Create an absolute path name */ if(lpstrSpecifiedByUser[1] != ':') { switch(lpstrSpecifiedByUser[0]) { /* Add drive spec \TEXT => C:\TEXT */ case '\\': { int lenPathSpec=strlen(lpstrPathSpec); int iCopy = (lenPathSpec!=0?2:3); memmove(lpstrPathSpec+iCopy,lpstrPathSpec,lenPathSpec); strncpy(lpstrPathSpec,lpstrCurrentDir,iCopy); } break; /* Go to parent ..\TEXT */ case '.': { int iSize; char lpstrTmp2[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR lpstrTmp = strrchr(lpstrCurrentDir,'\\'); iSize = lpstrTmp - lpstrCurrentDir; strncpy(lpstrTmp2,lpstrCurrentDir,iSize + 1); if(strlen(lpstrSpecifiedByUser) <= 3) *lpstrFileSpec='\0'; if(strcmp(lpstrPathSpec,"..")) strcat(lpstrTmp2,&lpstrPathSpec[3]); strcpy(lpstrPathSpec,lpstrTmp2); } break; default: { char lpstrTmp[MAX_PATH]; if(strcmp(&lpstrCurrentDir[strlen(lpstrCurrentDir)-1],"\\")) strcat(lpstrCurrentDir,"\\"); strcpy(lpstrTmp,lpstrCurrentDir); strcat(lpstrTmp,lpstrPathSpec); strcpy(lpstrPathSpec,lpstrTmp); } } /* end switch */ } if(strlen(lpstrPathSpec)) { /* Browse to the right directory */ COMDLG32_SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfDesktop); if((browsePidl = GetPidlFromName(psfDesktop,lpstrPathSpec))) { /* Browse to directory */ IShellBrowser_BrowseObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser, browsePidl, SBSP_ABSOLUTE); COMDLG32_SHFree(browsePidl); } else { /* Path does not exist */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST) { MessageBoxA(hwnd, "Path does not exist", fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } } strcat(lpstrPathAndFile,lpstrPathSpec); IShellFolder_Release(psfDesktop); } else { strcat(lpstrPathAndFile,lpstrCurrentDir); } /* Create the path and file string */ COMDLG32_PathAddBackslashA(lpstrPathAndFile); strcat(lpstrPathAndFile,lpstrFileSpec); /* Update the edit field */ SetDlgItemTextA(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME,lpstrFileSpec); SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd,IDC_FILENAME,EM_SETSEL,0,-1); /* Don't go further if we dont have a file spec */ if(!strlen(lpstrFileSpec) || !strcmp(lpstrFileSpec,lpstrPathSpec)) return FALSE; /* Time to check lpstrFileSpec */ /* search => contains * or ? */ /* browse => contains a directory name */ /* file => contains a file name */ /* Check if this is a search */ if(strchr(lpstrFileSpec,'*') || strchr(lpstrFileSpec,'?')) { int iPos; /* Set the current filter with the current selection */ if(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter) MemFree((LPVOID)fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter); fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter = MemAlloc((strlen(lpstrFileSpec)+1)*2); lstrcpyAtoW(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter, (LPSTR)strlwr((LPSTR)lpstrFileSpec)); IShellView_Refresh(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); if(-1 < (iPos = FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_SearchExt(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB, lpstrFileSpec))) CBSetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,iPos); return FALSE; } /* browse if the user specified a directory */ browsePidl = GetPidlFromName(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder, lpstrFileSpec); if (!browsePidl) /* not a directory check the specified file exists */ { int iExt; char lpstrFileSpecTemp[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR lpstrExt; LPSTR lpOrg; LPSTR lpBuf; iExt = CBGetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB); lpOrg = (LPSTR) CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB, iExt); if ((int)lpOrg == -1) lpOrg = NULL; /* we get -1 if the filetype LB is empty */ lpstrExt = lpOrg; /* add user specified extentions to the file one by one and check if the file exists */ while(lpOrg) { int i; if ((lpstrExt = strchr(lpOrg, ';'))) { i = lpstrExt - lpOrg; } else i = strlen(lpOrg); lpBuf = MemAlloc(i+1); strncpy(lpBuf, lpOrg, i); lpBuf[i] = 0; strcpy(lpstrFileSpecTemp, lpstrFileSpec); if (lpstrFileSpecTemp[strlen(lpstrFileSpecTemp)-1] == '.') { if (strchr(lpBuf, '.')) strcat(lpstrFileSpecTemp, (strchr(lpBuf, '.')) + 1); } else strcat(lpstrFileSpecTemp, strchr(lpBuf, '.')); browsePidl = GetPidlFromName(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder, lpstrFileSpecTemp); MemFree((void *)lpBuf); if (browsePidl) { strcpy(lpstrFileSpec,lpstrFileSpecTemp); break; } if (lpstrExt) lpOrg = lpstrExt+1; else lpOrg = NULL; } } if (browsePidl) { ULONG ulAttr = SFGAO_FOLDER | SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER; int nMsgBoxRet; char lpstrFileExist[MAX_PATH + 50]; IShellFolder_GetAttributesOf(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder, 1, &browsePidl, &ulAttr); /* Browse to directory if it is a folder */ if (ulAttr & SFGAO_FOLDER) { if(FAILED(IShellBrowser_BrowseObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser, browsePidl, SBSP_RELATIVE))) { if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST) { MessageBoxA(hwnd, "Path does not exist", fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); COMDLG32_SHFree(browsePidl); return FALSE; } } COMDLG32_SHFree(browsePidl); return FALSE; } /* The file does exist, so ask the user if we should overwrite it */ if((fodInfos->DlgInfos.dwDlgProp & FODPROP_SAVEDLG) && (fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT)) { strcpy(lpstrFileExist, lpstrFileSpec); strcat(lpstrFileExist, " already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?"); nMsgBoxRet = MessageBoxA(hwnd, lpstrFileExist, fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); if (nMsgBoxRet == IDNO) { COMDLG32_SHFree(browsePidl); return FALSE; } } COMDLG32_SHFree(browsePidl); } else { /* File does not exist in current directory */ /* The selected file does not exist */ /* Tell the user the selected does not exist */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST) { char lpstrNotFound[100]; char lpstrMsg[100]; char tmp[400]; LoadStringA(COMMDLG_hInstance32, IDS_FILENOTFOUND, lpstrNotFound, 100); LoadStringA(COMMDLG_hInstance32, IDS_VERIFYFILE, lpstrMsg, 100); strcpy(tmp,fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile); strcat(tmp,"\n"); strcat(tmp,lpstrNotFound); strcat(tmp,"\n"); strcat(tmp,lpstrMsg); MessageBoxA(hwnd, tmp, fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return FALSE; } /* Ask the user if he wants to create the file*/ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_CREATEPROMPT) { char tmp[100]; LoadStringA(COMMDLG_hInstance32,IDS_CREATEFILE,tmp,100); if(IDYES == MessageBoxA(hwnd,tmp,fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrTitle, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION)) { /* Create the file, clean and exit */ FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd); return EndDialog(hwnd,TRUE); } return FALSE; } } /* Open the selected file */ /* Check file extension */ if(!strrchr(lpstrPathAndFile,'.')) { /* if the file has no extension, append the selected extension of the filetype combo box */ int iExt; LPSTR lpstrExt; iExt = CBGetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB); lpstrTemp = (LPSTR) CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,iExt); if((LPSTR)-1 != lpstrTemp) { if((lpstrExt = strchr(lpstrTemp,';'))) { int i = lpstrExt - lpstrTemp; lpstrExt = MemAlloc(i); strncpy(lpstrExt,&lpstrTemp[1],i-1); } else { lpstrExt = MemAlloc(strlen(lpstrTemp)); strcpy(lpstrExt,&lpstrTemp[1]); } if(!strcmp(&lpstrExt[1],"*") && fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrDefExt) { MemFree(lpstrExt); lpstrExt = MemAlloc(strlen(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrDefExt)+2); strcat(lpstrExt,"."); strcat(lpstrExt,(LPSTR) fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrDefExt); } strcat(lpstrPathAndFile,lpstrExt); MemFree( lpstrExt ); } } /* Check that size size of the file does not exceed buffer size */ if(strlen(lpstrPathAndFile) > fodInfos->ofnInfos->nMaxFile) { /* set error FNERR_BUFFERTOSMALL */ FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd); return EndDialog(hwnd,FALSE); } strcpy(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile,lpstrPathAndFile); /* Set the lpstrFileTitle of the OPENFILENAME structure */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFileTitle) strncpy(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFileTitle, lpstrFileSpec, fodInfos->ofnInfos->nMaxFileTitle); /* Check if the file is to be opened as read only */ if(BST_CHECKED == SendDlgItemMessageA(hwnd, IDC_OPENREADONLY, BM_GETSTATE,0,0)) SetFileAttributesA(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); /* nFileExtension and nFileOffset of OPENFILENAME structure */ lpstrTemp = strrchr(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile,'\\'); fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFileOffset = lpstrTemp - fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile + 1; lpstrTemp = strrchr(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile,'.'); fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFileExtension = lpstrTemp - fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFile + 1; /* clean and exit */ FILEDLG95_Clean(hwnd); return EndDialog(hwnd,TRUE); } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_SHELL_Init * * Initialisation of the shell objects */ static HRESULT FILEDLG95_SHELL_Init(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); /* * Initialisation of the FileOpenDialogInfos structure */ /* Shell */ fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView = NULL; if(FAILED(COMDLG32_SHGetDesktopFolder(&fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder))) return E_FAIL; /*ShellInfos */ fodInfos->ShellInfos.hwndOwner = hwnd; fodInfos->ShellInfos.folderSettings.fFlags = 0; /* Disable multi-select if flag not set */ if (!(fodInfos->ofnInfos->Flags & OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT)) { fodInfos->ShellInfos.folderSettings.fFlags |= FWF_SINGLESEL; } fodInfos->ShellInfos.folderSettings.fFlags |= FWF_AUTOARRANGE | FWF_ALIGNLEFT; fodInfos->ShellInfos.folderSettings.ViewMode = FVM_LIST; GetWindowRect(GetDlgItem(hwnd,IDC_SHELLSTATIC),&fodInfos->ShellInfos.rectView); ScreenToClient(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&fodInfos->ShellInfos.rectView.left); ScreenToClient(hwnd,(LPPOINT)&fodInfos->ShellInfos.rectView.right); /* Construct the IShellBrowser interface */ fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser = IShellBrowserImpl_Construct(hwnd); return NOERROR; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand * * Change the folder option and refresh the view * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. */ static BOOL FILEDLG95_SHELL_ExecuteCommand(HWND hwnd, LPCSTR lpVerb) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); IContextMenu * pcm; TRACE("(0x%08x,%p)\n", hwnd, lpVerb); if(SUCCEEDED(IShellView_GetItemObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView, SVGIO_BACKGROUND, &IID_IContextMenu, (LPVOID*)&pcm))) { CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO ci; ZeroMemory(&ci, sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO)); ci.cbSize = sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO); ci.lpVerb = lpVerb; ci.hwnd = hwnd; IContextMenu_InvokeCommand(pcm, &ci); IContextMenu_Release(pcm); } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_SHELL_UpFolder * * Browse to the specified object * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. */ static BOOL FILEDLG95_SHELL_UpFolder(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); if(SUCCEEDED(IShellBrowser_BrowseObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser, NULL, SBSP_PARENT))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_SHELL_Clean * * Cleans the memory used by shell objects */ static void FILEDLG95_SHELL_Clean(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); /* clean Shell interfaces */ IShellView_DestroyViewWindow(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); IShellView_Release(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); IShellFolder_Release(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellFolder); IShellBrowser_Release(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser); } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Init * * Initialisation of the file type combo box */ static HRESULT FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_Init(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter) { int iStrIndex = 0; int iPos = 0; LPSTR lpstrFilter; LPSTR lpstrTmp; for(;;) { /* filter is a list... title\0ext\0......\0\0 * Set the combo item text to the title and the item data * to the ext */ char *lpstrExt = NULL; LPSTR lpstrExtTmp = NULL; /* Get the title */ lpstrTmp = (&((LPBYTE)fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter)[iStrIndex]); if(!strlen(lpstrTmp)) break; iStrIndex += strlen(lpstrTmp) +1; /* Get the extension */ lpstrExtTmp = (&((LPBYTE)fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrFilter)[iStrIndex]); if(!lpstrExtTmp) break; lpstrExt = (LPSTR) MemAlloc(strlen(lpstrExtTmp)+1); if(!lpstrExt) break; strcpy(lpstrExt,lpstrExtTmp); iStrIndex += strlen(lpstrExt) +1; /* Add the item at the end of the combo */ CBAddString(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,lpstrTmp); CBSetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,iPos++,lpstrExt); } /* Set the current filter to the one specified * in the initialisation structure */ /* set default filter index */ if(fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex == 0 && fodInfos->ofnInfos->lpstrCustomFilter == NULL) fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex = 1; /* First, check to make sure our index isn't out of bounds. */ if ( fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex > iPos ) fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex = iPos; /* Get the current index selection. */ CBSetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB, fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex-1); /* Get the corresponding text string from the combo box. */ lpstrFilter = (LPSTR) CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB, fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex-1); if(lpstrFilter) { fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter = MemAlloc((strlen(lpstrFilter)+1)*2); lstrcpyAtoW(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter,strlwr(lpstrFilter)); } } return NOERROR; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_OnCommand * * WM_COMMAND of the file type combo box * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. */ static BOOL FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wNotifyCode) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); switch(wNotifyCode) { case CBN_SELENDOK: { LPSTR lpstrFilter; /* Get the current item of the filetype combo box */ int iItem = CBGetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB); /* set the current filter index - indexed from 1 */ fodInfos->ofnInfos->nFilterIndex = iItem + 1; /* Set the current filter with the current selection */ if(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter) MemFree((LPVOID)fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter); lpstrFilter = (LPSTR) CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB, iItem); if((int)lpstrFilter != CB_ERR) { fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter = MemAlloc((strlen(lpstrFilter)+1)*2); lstrcpyAtoW(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter,(LPSTR)strlwr((LPSTR)lpstrFilter)); SendCustomDlgNotificationMessage(hwnd,CDN_TYPECHANGE); } /* Refresh the actual view to display the included items*/ IShellView_Refresh(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellView); } } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_SearchExt * * Search for pidl in the lookin combo box * returns the index of the found item */ static int FILEDLG95_FILETYPE_SearchExt(HWND hwnd,LPSTR lpstrExt) { int i = 0; int iCount = CBGetCount(hwnd); TRACE("\n"); for(;iDlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB); TRACE("\n"); /* Delete each string of the combo and their associated data */ for(iPos = iCount-1;iPos>=0;iPos--) { MemFree((LPVOID)(CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,iPos))); CBDeleteString(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndFileTypeCB,iPos); } /* Current filter */ if(fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter) MemFree((LPVOID)fodInfos->ShellInfos.lpstrCurrentFilter); } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Init * * Initialisation of the look in combo box */ static HRESULT FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Init(HWND hwndCombo) { IShellFolder *psfRoot, *psfDrives; IEnumIDList *lpeRoot, *lpeDrives; LPITEMIDLIST pidlDrives, pidlTmp, pidlTmp1, pidlAbsTmp; LookInInfos *liInfos = MemAlloc(sizeof(LookInInfos)); TRACE("\n"); liInfos->iMaxIndentation = 0; SetPropA(hwndCombo, LookInInfosStr, (HANDLE) liInfos); CBSetItemHeight(hwndCombo,0,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON)); /* Initialise data of Desktop folder */ COMDLG32_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0,CSIDL_DESKTOP,&pidlTmp); FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(hwndCombo, pidlTmp,LISTEND); COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlTmp); COMDLG32_SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0,CSIDL_DRIVES,&pidlDrives); COMDLG32_SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfRoot); if (psfRoot) { /* enumerate the contents of the desktop */ if(SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_EnumObjects(psfRoot, hwndCombo, SHCONTF_FOLDERS, &lpeRoot))) { while (S_OK == IEnumIDList_Next(lpeRoot, 1, &pidlTmp, NULL)) { FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(hwndCombo, pidlTmp,LISTEND); /* special handling for CSIDL_DRIVES */ if (COMDLG32_PIDL_ILIsEqual(pidlTmp, pidlDrives)) { if(SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_BindToObject(psfRoot, pidlTmp, NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&psfDrives))) { /* enumerate the drives */ if(SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_EnumObjects(psfDrives, hwndCombo,SHCONTF_FOLDERS, &lpeDrives))) { while (S_OK == IEnumIDList_Next(lpeDrives, 1, &pidlTmp1, NULL)) { pidlAbsTmp = COMDLG32_PIDL_ILCombine(pidlTmp, pidlTmp1); FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(hwndCombo, pidlAbsTmp,LISTEND); COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlAbsTmp); COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlTmp1); } IEnumIDList_Release(lpeDrives); } IShellFolder_Release(psfDrives); } } COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlTmp); } IEnumIDList_Release(lpeRoot); } } IShellFolder_Release(psfRoot); COMDLG32_SHFree(pidlDrives); return NOERROR; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_DrawItem * * WM_DRAWITEM message handler */ static LRESULT FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDIStruct) { COLORREF crWin = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW); COLORREF crHighLight = GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); COLORREF crText = GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); RECT rectText; RECT rectIcon; SHFILEINFOA sfi; HIMAGELIST ilItemImage; int iIndentation; LPSFOLDER tmpFolder; LookInInfos *liInfos = (LookInInfos *)GetPropA(pDIStruct->hwndItem,LookInInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); if(pDIStruct->itemID == -1) return 0; if(!(tmpFolder = (LPSFOLDER) CBGetItemDataPtr(pDIStruct->hwndItem, pDIStruct->itemID))) return 0; if(pDIStruct->itemID == liInfos->uSelectedItem) { ilItemImage = (HIMAGELIST) COMDLG32_SHGetFileInfoA ((LPCSTR) tmpFolder->pidlItem, 0, &sfi, sizeof (SHFILEINFOA), SHGFI_PIDL | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_OPENICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME ); } else { ilItemImage = (HIMAGELIST) COMDLG32_SHGetFileInfoA ((LPCSTR) tmpFolder->pidlItem, 0, &sfi, sizeof (SHFILEINFOA), SHGFI_PIDL | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME); } /* Is this item selected ?*/ if(pDIStruct->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) { SetTextColor(pDIStruct->hDC,(0x00FFFFFF & ~(crText))); SetBkColor(pDIStruct->hDC,crHighLight); FillRect(pDIStruct->hDC,&pDIStruct->rcItem,(HBRUSH)crHighLight); } else { SetTextColor(pDIStruct->hDC,crText); SetBkColor(pDIStruct->hDC,crWin); FillRect(pDIStruct->hDC,&pDIStruct->rcItem,(HBRUSH)crWin); } /* Do not indent item if drawing in the edit of the combo*/ if(pDIStruct->itemState & ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT) { iIndentation = 0; ilItemImage = (HIMAGELIST) COMDLG32_SHGetFileInfoA ((LPCSTR) tmpFolder->pidlItem, 0, &sfi, sizeof (SHFILEINFOA), SHGFI_PIDL | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_OPENICON | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME ); } else { iIndentation = tmpFolder->m_iIndent; } /* Draw text and icon */ /* Initialise the icon display area */ rectIcon.left = pDIStruct->rcItem.left + ICONWIDTH/2 * iIndentation; rectIcon.top = pDIStruct->rcItem.top; rectIcon.right = rectIcon.left + ICONWIDTH; rectIcon.bottom = pDIStruct->rcItem.bottom; /* Initialise the text display area */ rectText.left = rectIcon.right; rectText.top = pDIStruct->rcItem.top + YTEXTOFFSET; rectText.right = pDIStruct->rcItem.right + XTEXTOFFSET; rectText.bottom = pDIStruct->rcItem.bottom; /* Draw the icon from the image list */ COMDLG32_ImageList_Draw(ilItemImage, sfi.iIcon, pDIStruct->hDC, rectIcon.left, rectIcon.top, ILD_TRANSPARENT ); /* Draw the associated text */ if(sfi.szDisplayName) TextOutA(pDIStruct->hDC,rectText.left,rectText.top,sfi.szDisplayName,strlen(sfi.szDisplayName)); return NOERROR; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_OnCommand * * LookIn combo box WM_COMMAND message handler * If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. */ static BOOL FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, WORD wNotifyCode) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); TRACE("%p\n", fodInfos); switch(wNotifyCode) { case CBN_SELENDOK: { LPSFOLDER tmpFolder; int iItem; iItem = CBGetCurSel(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB); if(!(tmpFolder = (LPSFOLDER) CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB, iItem))) return FALSE; if(SUCCEEDED(IShellBrowser_BrowseObject(fodInfos->Shell.FOIShellBrowser, tmpFolder->pidlItem, SBSP_ABSOLUTE))) { return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem * * Adds an absolute pidl item to the lookin combo box * returns the index of the inserted item */ static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl, int iInsertId) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlNext; SHFILEINFOA sfi; SFOLDER *tmpFolder; LookInInfos *liInfos; TRACE("\n"); if(!pidl) return -1; if(!(liInfos = (LookInInfos *)GetPropA(hwnd,LookInInfosStr))) return -1; tmpFolder = MemAlloc(sizeof(SFOLDER)); tmpFolder->m_iIndent = 0; /* Calculate the indentation of the item in the lookin*/ pidlNext = pidl; while( (pidlNext=COMDLG32_PIDL_ILGetNext(pidlNext)) ) { tmpFolder->m_iIndent++; } tmpFolder->pidlItem = COMDLG32_PIDL_ILClone(pidl); if(tmpFolder->m_iIndent > liInfos->iMaxIndentation) liInfos->iMaxIndentation = tmpFolder->m_iIndent; COMDLG32_SHGetFileInfoA((LPSTR)pidl, 0, &sfi, sizeof(sfi), SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME | SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX | SHGFI_PIDL | SHGFI_SMALLICON | SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES); if((sfi.dwAttributes & SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR) || (sfi.dwAttributes & SFGAO_FILESYSTEM)) { int iItemID; /* Add the item at the end of the list */ if(iInsertId < 0) { iItemID = CBAddString(hwnd,sfi.szDisplayName); } /* Insert the item at the iInsertId position*/ else { iItemID = CBInsertString(hwnd,sfi.szDisplayName,iInsertId); } CBSetItemDataPtr(hwnd,iItemID,tmpFolder); return iItemID; } MemFree( tmpFolder ); return -1; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_InsertItemAfterParent * * Insert an item below its parent */ static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_InsertItemAfterParent(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent = GetParentPidl(pidl); int iParentPos; TRACE("\n"); iParentPos = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem(hwnd,(WPARAM)pidlParent,SEARCH_PIDL); if(iParentPos < 0) { iParentPos = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_InsertItemAfterParent(hwnd,pidlParent); } /* Free pidlParent memory */ COMDLG32_SHFree((LPVOID)pidlParent); return FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_AddItem(hwnd,pidl,iParentPos + 1); } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SelectItem * * Adds an absolute pidl item to the lookin combo box * returns the index of the inserted item */ int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SelectItem(HWND hwnd,LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { int iItemPos; LookInInfos *liInfos; TRACE("\n"); iItemPos = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem(hwnd,(WPARAM)pidl,SEARCH_PIDL); liInfos = (LookInInfos *)GetPropA(hwnd,LookInInfosStr); if(iItemPos < 0) { while(FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_RemoveMostExpandedItem(hwnd) > -1); iItemPos = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_InsertItemAfterParent(hwnd,pidl); } else { SFOLDER *tmpFolder = (LPSFOLDER) CBGetItemDataPtr(hwnd,iItemPos); while(liInfos->iMaxIndentation > tmpFolder->m_iIndent) { int iRemovedItem; if(-1 == (iRemovedItem = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_RemoveMostExpandedItem(hwnd))) break; if(iRemovedItem < iItemPos) iItemPos--; } } CBSetCurSel(hwnd,iItemPos); liInfos->uSelectedItem = iItemPos; return 0; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_RemoveMostExpandedItem * * Remove the item with an expansion level over iExpansionLevel */ static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_RemoveMostExpandedItem(HWND hwnd) { int iItemPos; LookInInfos *liInfos = (LookInInfos *)GetPropA(hwnd,LookInInfosStr); TRACE("\n"); if(liInfos->iMaxIndentation <= 2) return -1; if((iItemPos = FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem(hwnd,(WPARAM)liInfos->iMaxIndentation,SEARCH_EXP)) >=0) { SFOLDER *tmpFolder; tmpFolder = (LPSFOLDER) CBGetItemDataPtr(hwnd,iItemPos); CBDeleteString(hwnd,iItemPos); liInfos->iMaxIndentation--; return iItemPos; } return -1; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem * * Search for pidl in the lookin combo box * returns the index of the found item */ static int FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_SearchItem(HWND hwnd,WPARAM searchArg,int iSearchMethod) { int i = 0; int iCount = CBGetCount(hwnd); TRACE("\n"); for(;ipidlItem)) return i; if(iSearchMethod == SEARCH_EXP && tmpFolder->m_iIndent == (int)searchArg) return i; } return -1; } /*********************************************************************** * FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Clean * * Clean the memory used by the lookin combo box */ static void FILEDLG95_LOOKIN_Clean(HWND hwnd) { FileOpenDlgInfos *fodInfos = (FileOpenDlgInfos *) GetPropA(hwnd,FileOpenDlgInfosStr); int iPos; int iCount = CBGetCount(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB); TRACE("\n"); /* Delete each string of the combo and their associated data */ for(iPos = iCount-1;iPos>=0;iPos--) { MemFree((LPVOID)(CBGetItemDataPtr(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB,iPos))); CBDeleteString(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB,iPos); } /* LookInInfos structure */ RemovePropA(fodInfos->DlgInfos.hwndLookInCB,LookInInfosStr); } /* * TOOLS */ /*********************************************************************** * GetName * * Get the pidl's display name (relative to folder) and * put it in lpstrFileName. * * Return NOERROR on success, * E_FAIL otherwise */ HRESULT GetName(LPSHELLFOLDER lpsf, LPITEMIDLIST pidl,DWORD dwFlags,LPSTR lpstrFileName) { STRRET str; HRESULT hRes; TRACE("%p %p\n", lpsf, pidl); if(!lpsf) { HRESULT hRes; COMDLG32_SHGetDesktopFolder(&lpsf); hRes = GetName(lpsf,pidl,dwFlags,lpstrFileName); IShellFolder_Release(lpsf); return hRes; } /* Get the display name of the pidl relative to the folder */ if (SUCCEEDED(hRes = IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf(lpsf, pidl, dwFlags, &str))) { return StrRetToBufA(&str, pidl,lpstrFileName, MAX_PATH); } return E_FAIL; } /*********************************************************************** * GetShellFolderFromPidl * * pidlRel is the item pidl relative * Return the IShellFolder of the absolute pidl */ IShellFolder *GetShellFolderFromPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidlAbs) { IShellFolder *psf = NULL,*psfParent; TRACE("%p\n", pidlAbs); if(SUCCEEDED(COMDLG32_SHGetDesktopFolder(&psfParent))) { psf = psfParent; if(pidlAbs && pidlAbs->mkid.cb) { if(SUCCEEDED(IShellFolder_BindToObject(psfParent, pidlAbs, NULL, &IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&psf))) { IShellFolder_Release(psfParent); return psf; } } /* return the desktop */ return psfParent; } return NULL; } /*********************************************************************** * GetParentPidl * * Return the LPITEMIDLIST to the parent of the pidl in the list */ LPITEMIDLIST GetParentPidl(LPITEMIDLIST pidl) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlParent; TRACE("%p\n", pidl); pidlParent = COMDLG32_PIDL_ILClone(pidl); COMDLG32_PIDL_ILRemoveLastID(pidlParent); return pidlParent; } /*********************************************************************** * GetPidlFromName * * returns the pidl of the file name relative to folder * NULL if an error occured */ LPITEMIDLIST GetPidlFromName(IShellFolder *psf,LPCSTR lpcstrFileName) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl; ULONG ulEaten; wchar_t lpwstrDirName[MAX_PATH]; TRACE("sf=%p file=%s\n", psf, lpcstrFileName); if(!lpcstrFileName) return NULL; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpcstrFileName, -1, (LPWSTR)lpwstrDirName, MAX_PATH); IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName(psf, 0, NULL, (LPWSTR)lpwstrDirName, &ulEaten, &pidl, NULL); return pidl; } /*********************************************************************** * GetFileExtension * */ BOOL GetFileExtension(IShellFolder *psf,LPITEMIDLIST pidl,LPSTR lpstrFileExtension) { char FileName[MAX_PATH]; int result; char *pdest; int ch = '.'; if(SUCCEEDED(GetName(psf,pidl,SHGDN_NORMAL,FileName))) { if(!(pdest = strrchr( FileName, ch ))) return FALSE; result = pdest - FileName + 1; strcpy(lpstrFileExtension,&FileName[result]); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /* * Memory allocation methods */ void *MemAlloc(UINT size) { return HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,size); } void MemFree(void *mem) { if(mem) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,mem); } }