Running Wine This chapter will describe all aspects of running Wine, like e.g. basic Wine invocation, command line parameters of various Wine support programs etc. Basic usage: applications and control panel applets Assuming you are using a fake Windows installation, you install applications into Wine in the same way you would in Windows: by running the installer. You can just accept the defaults for where to install, most installers will default to "C:\Program Files", which is fine. If the application installer requests it, you may find that Wine creates icons on your desktop and in your app menu. If that happens, you can start the app by clicking on them. The standard way to uninstall things is for the application to provide an uninstaller, usually registered with the "Add/Remove Programs" control panel applet. To access the Wine equivalent, run the uninstaller program (it is located in the programs/uninstaller/ directory in a Wine source directory) in a terminal: $ uninstaller Some programs install associated control panel applets, examples of this would be Internet Explorer and QuickTime. You can access the Wine control panel by running in a terminal: $ wine control which will open a window with the installed control panel applets in it, as in Windows. If the application doesn't install menu or desktop items, you'll need to run the app from the command line. Remembering where you installed to, something like: $ wine "c:\program files\appname\appname.exe" will probably do the trick. The path isn't case sensitive, but remember to include the double quotes. Some programs don't always use obvious naming for their directories and EXE files, so you might have to look inside the program files directory to see what was put where. How to run Wine You can simply invoke the wine command to get a small help message: Wine 20040405 Usage: wine PROGRAM [ARGUMENTS...] Run the specified program wine --help Display this help and exit wine --version Output version information and exit The first argument should be the name of the file you want wine to execute. If the executable is in the Path environment variable, you can simply give the executable file name. However, if the executable is not in Path, you must give the full path to the executable (in Windows format, not UNIX format!). For example, given a Path of the following: Path="c:\windows;c:\windows\system;e:\;e:\test;f:\" You could run the file c:\windows\system\foo.exe with: $ wine foo.exe However, you would have to run the file c:\myapps\foo.exe with this command: $ wine c:\\myapps\\foo.exe (note the backslash-escaped "\" !) For details on running text mode (CUI) executables, read the section below. Explorer-like graphical Wine environments If you prefer using a graphical interface to manage your files you might want to consider using Winefile. This Winelib application comes with Wine and can be found with the other Wine programs. It is a useful way to view your drive configuration and locate files, plus you can execute programs directly from Winefile. Please note, many functions are not yet implemented. Wine Command Line Options --help Shows a small command line help page. --version Shows the Wine version string. Useful to verify your installation. Environment variables WINEDEBUG=[channels] Wine isn't perfect, and many Windows applications still don't run without bugs under Wine (but then, a lot of programs don't run without bugs under native Windows either!). To make it easier for people to track down the causes behind each bug, Wine provides a number of debug channels that you can tap into. Each debug channel, when activated, will trigger logging messages to be displayed to the console where you invoked wine. From there you can redirect the messages to a file and examine it at your leisure. But be forewarned! Some debug channels can generate incredible volumes of log messages. Among the most prolific offenders are relay which spits out a log message every time a win32 function is called, win which tracks windows message passing, and of course all which is an alias for every single debug channel that exists. For a complex application, your debug logs can easily top 1 MB and higher. A relay trace can often generate more than 10 MB of log messages, depending on how long you run the application. (As described in the Debug section of configuring wine you can modify what the relay trace reports). Logging does slow down Wine quite a bit, so don't use WINEDEBUG unless you really do want log files. Within each debug channel, you can further specify a message class, to filter out the different severities of errors. The four message classes are: trace fixme warn err . To turn on a debug channel, use the form class+channel. To turn it off, use class-channel. To list more than one channel in the same WINEDEBUG option, separate them with commas. For example, to request warn class messages in the heap debug channel, you could invoke wine like this: $ WINEDEBUG=warn+heap wine program_name If you leave off the message class, wine will display messages from all four classes for that channel: $ WINEDEBUG=heap wine program_name If you wanted to see log messages for everything except the relay channel, you might do something like this: $ WINEDEBUG=+all,-relay wine program_name Here is a list of the debug channels and classes in Wine. More channels will be added to (or subtracted from) later versions. Debug Channels accel adpcm advapi animate aspi atom avicap avifile bidi bitblt bitmap cabinet capi caret cdrom cfgmgr32 class clipboard clipping combo comboex comm commctrl commdlg computername console crtdll crypt curses cursor d3d d3d_shader d3d_surface datetime dc ddeml ddraw ddraw_fps ddraw_geom ddraw_tex debugstr devenum dialog dinput dll dma dmband dmcompos dmfile dmfiledat dmime dmloader dmscript dmstyle dmsynth dmusic dosfs dosmem dplay dplayx dpnhpast driver dsound dsound3d edit enhmetafile environ event eventlog exec file fixup font fps g711 gdi global glu graphics header heap hook hotkey icmp icon imagehlp imagelist imm int int21 int31 io ipaddress iphlpapi jack joystick key keyboard listbox listview loaddll local mapi mci mcianim mciavi mcicda mcimidi mciwave mdi menu menubuilder message metafile midi mmaux mmio mmsys mmtime module monthcal mpeg3 mpr msacm msdmo msg mshtml msi msimg32 msisys msrle32 msvcrt msvideo mswsock nativefont netapi32 netbios nls nonclient ntdll odbc ole oledlg olerelay opengl pager palette pidl powermgnt print process profile progress propsheet psapi psdrv qcap quartz ras rebar reg region relay resource richedit rundll32 sblaster scroll seh selector server setupapi shdocvw shell shlctrl snmpapi snoop sound static statusbar storage stress string syscolor system tab tape tapi task text thread thunk tid timer toolbar toolhelp tooltips trackbar treeview ttydrv twain typelib uninstaller updown urlmon uxtheme ver virtual vxd wave wc_font win win32 wineboot winecfg wineconsole wine_d3d winevdm wing winhelp wininet winmm winsock winspool wintab wintab32 wnet x11drv x11settings xdnd xrandr xrender xvidmode
For more details about debug channels, check out the The Wine Developer's Guide.
wineserver Command Line Options wineserver usually gets started automatically by Wine whenever the first wine process gets started. However, wineserver has some useful command line options that you can add if you start it up manually, e.g. via a user login script or so. -d<n> Sets the debug level for debug output in the terminal that wineserver got started in at level <n>. In other words: everything greater than 0 will enable wineserver specific debugging output. -h Display wineserver command line options help message. -k[n] Kill the current wineserver, optionally with signal n. -p[n] This parameter makes wineserver persistent, optionally for n seconds. It will prevent wineserver from shutting down immediately. Usually, wineserver quits almost immediately after the last wine process using this wineserver terminated. However, since wineserver loads a lot of things on startup (such as the whole Windows registry data), its startup might be so slow that it's very useful to keep it from exiting after the end of all Wine sessions, by making it persistent. -w This parameter makes a newly started wineserver wait until the currently active wineserver instance terminates. Setting Windows/DOS environment variables Your program might require some environment variable to be set properly in order to run successfully. In this case you need to set this environment variable in the Linux shell, since Wine will pass on the entire shell environment variable settings to the Windows environment variable space. Example for the bash shell (other shells may have a different syntax !): export MYENVIRONMENTVAR=myenvironmentvarsetting This will make sure your Windows program can access the MYENVIRONMENTVAR environment variable once you start your program using Wine. If you want to have MYENVIRONMENTVAR set permanently, then you can place the setting into /etc/profile, or also ~/.bashrc in the case of bash. Note however that there are some exceptions to the rule: If you want to change the PATH, SYSTEM or TEMP variables, the of course you can't modify it that way, since this will alter the Unix environment settings. Instead, you should set them into the registry. To set them you should launch wine regedit and then go to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment key. Now you can create or modify the values of the variables you need "System" = "c:\\windows\\system" This sets up where the windows system files are. The Windows system directory should reside below the directory used for the Windows setting. Thus when using /usr/local/wine_c_windows as Windows path, the system directory would be /usr/local/wine_c/windows/system. It must be set with no trailing slash, and you must be sure that you have write access to it. "Temp" = "c:\\temp" This should be the directory you want your temp files stored in, /usr/local/wine_c/temp in our previous example. Again, no trailing slash, and write access!! "Path" = "c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system;c:\\blanco" Behaves like the PATH setting on UNIX boxes. When wine is run like wine sol.exe, if sol.exe resides in a directory specified in the Path setting, wine will run it (Of course, if sol.exe resides in the current directory, wine will run that one). Make sure it always has your windows directory and system directory (For this setup, it must have "c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system"). Text mode programs (CUI: Console User Interface) Text mode programs are program which output is only made out of text (surprise!). In Windows terminology, they are called CUI (Console User Interface) executables, by opposition to GUI (Graphical User Interface) executables. Win32 API provide a complete set of APIs to handle this situation, which goes from basic features like text printing, up to high level functionalities (like full screen editing, color support, cursor motion, mouse support), going through features like line editing or raw/cooked input stream support Given the wide scope of features above, and the current usage in Un*x world, Wine comes out with three different ways for running a console program (aka a CUI executable): bare streams wineconsole with user backend wineconsole with curses backend The names here are a bit obscure. "bare streams" means that no extra support of wine is provide to map between the unix console access and Windows console access. The two other ways require the use of a specific Wine program (wineconsole) which provide extended facilities. The following table describes what you can do (and cannot do) with those three ways. Basic differences in consoles Function Bare streams Wineconsole & user backend Wineconsole & curses backend How to run (assuming executable is called foo.exe) $ wine foo.exe $ wineconsole -- --backend=user foo.exe $ wineconsole foo.exe You can also use --backend=curses as an option Good support for line oriented CUI applications (which print information line after line) Yes Yes Yes Good support for full screen CUI applications (including but not limited to color support, mouse support...) No Yes Yes Can be run even if X11 is not running Yes No Yes Implementation Maps the standard Windows streams to the standard Unix streams (stdin/stdout/stderr) Wineconsole will create a new Window (hence requiring the USER32 DLL is available) where all information will be displayed Wineconsole will use existing unix console (from which the program is run) and with the help of the (n)curses library take control of all the terminal surface for interacting with the user Known limitations Will produce strange behavior if two (or more) Windows consoles are used on the same Un*x terminal.
Configuration of CUI executables When wineconsole is used, several configuration options are available. Wine (as Windows do) stores, on a per application basis, several options in the registry. This let a user, for example, define the default screen-buffer size he would like to have for a given application. As of today, only the USER backend allows you to edit those options (we don't recommend editing by hand the registry contents). This edition is fired when a user right click in the console (this popups a menu), where you can either choose from: Default: this will edit the settings shared by all applications which haven't been configured yet. So, when an application is first run (on your machine, under your account) in wineconsole, wineconsole will inherit this default settings for the application. Afterwards, the application will have its own settings, that you'll be able to modify at your will. Properties: this will edit the application's settings. When you're done, with the edition, you'll be prompted whether you want to: Keep these modified settings only for this session (next time you run the application, you will not see the modification you've just made). Use the settings for this session and save them as well, so that next you run your application, you'll use these new settings again. Here's the list of the items you can configure, and their meanings: Wineconsole configuration options Configuration option Meaning Cursor's size Defines the size of the cursor. Three options are available: small (33% of character height), medium (66%) and large (100%) Popup menu It's been said earlier that wineconsole configuration popup was triggered using a right click in the console's window. However, this can be an issue when the application you run inside wineconsole expects the right click events to be sent to it. By ticking control or shift you select additional modifiers on the right click for opening the popup. For example, ticking shift will send events to the application when you right click the window without shift being hold down, and open the window when you right-click while shift being hold down. Quick edit This tick box lets you decide whether left-click mouse events shall be interpreted as events to be sent to the underlying application (tick off) or as a selection of rectangular part of the screen to be later on copied onto the clipboard (tick on). History This lets you pick up how many commands you want the console to recall. You can also drive whether you want, when entering several times the same command - potentially intertwined with others - whether you want to store all of them (tick off) or only the last one (tick on). Police The Police property sheet allows you to pick the default font for the console (font file, size, background and foreground color). Screenbuffer & window size The console as you see it is made of two different parts. On one hand there's the screenbuffer which contains all the information your application puts on the screen, and the window which displays a given area of this screen buffer. Note that the window is always smaller or of the same size than the screen buffer. Having a strictly smaller window size will put on scrollbars on the window so that you can see the whole screenbuffer's content. Close on exit If it's ticked, then the wineconsole will exit when the application within terminates. Otherwise, it'll remain opened until the user manually closes it: this allows seeing the latest information of a program after it has terminated. Edition mode When the user enter commands, he or she can choose between several edition modes: Emacs: the same keybindings as under emacs are available. For example, Ctrl-A will bring the cursor to the beginning of the edition line. See your emacs manual for the details of the commands. Win32: this are the standard Windows console key-bindings (mainly using arrows).